August 03 2013

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In today’s morning Satsang, Paramahamsa Nithyananda gifts us with MahaDeva’s sacred process for completion from the Shiva Sutras. Completion happens when we sit and look at our past, in an unclutched way, reliving and then dis-identifying ourselves with the inadequate cognitions we carry. When we analyze where the past happened seeing it in an unclutched way, the past form dissolves and loses power over our present characteristics. Reliving the incompletions cause a meltdown of that past, inadequate form. Then we are free to live with just the present form only; we are transformed, becoming us!


Paramahamsa Nithyananda, MahaDeva, sacred, completion, Shiva Sutras, past, unclutched, power, present, free, live, transformed


Nithyanandeshwara Samaarambhaam Nithyanandeshwari Madhyamaam |
Asmath Aachaarya Paryanthaam Vandhey Guru Paramparaam ||

I welcome all of you with my love and blessings. I welcome all the devotees, disciples, samajis, satsanghis sitting with us around the world at this moment through Nithyananda TV, Sadhna TV, Lotus News Channel, Eshwar TV, and two-way video-conference having Nayana Deeksha.

Today, very exciting subject for Nithya Satsangh: “MAHADEVA’S DEFINITION OF COMPLETION”.

A few days before, I was just contemplating, how come Mahadeva who has explained all the philosophies did not explain the completion process. How come he did not define the completion process. I was having the idea, basically, the completion process is from the Vedic tradition, the Upanishads, and Sankhya, Sankhya which is rooted in the Upanishads. Because, the whole completion process is more like mathematics. Mathematics of the Macrocosm is Sankhya. Science of the Sacred is Vedanta. Art of the Ultimate is Tantra. So, I was thinking that, basically, the completion science, because of its nature of mathematics is from Sankhya which is rooted in this Vedaswara Chandogya Upanishads. Of course, Isavasya Upanishads.

So, I was contemplating, how come Mahadeva did not directly…….because in those sixty-four tantras, Mahadeva has given everything possible to Devi. It is an amazing compilation, Vijnanan Bhairava Tantras, Spandakarika, and the Shiva Sutras, amazing compilation! Whoever has done that book is Mahadeva, I can be sure, because nobody other than the person who has reached the space of Sarvajna, Mahadeva, can do that work! The effect shows the cause! The effect shows the power of the cause! I can be sure, it is from Mahadeva, or a person who is in the space of Mahadeva! Both are one and the same! So, I was thinking, how come Mahadeva did not explain this completion process?

I was just sitting in the room as usual in my usual posture of going into Samadhi is – I will stretch the legs and put the body on the wall for back support. Suddenly I saw in the golden letters, that the twenty-second verse of Vijnana Bhairava Tantra which has been beautifully translated and commented by Swami Lakshman Joo and Paul Reps. Paul Reps is a person who wrote the book “Zen Flesh, Zen Bones”, more than writing I can say compiled “Zen Flesh, Zen Bones”. Osho commented on it. So I acknowledge the great contribution of Swami Lakshman Joo, Paul Reps, and Osho, for keeping and expanding this knowledge, and ultimately bow down to Mahadeva and I complete with Mahadeva for thinking “How come Mahadeva did not define the completion process” But anyhow I can say he himself has reminded saying that – “Hey I have clearly explained on this Completion process”. So, the moment I saw that verse, I got up and ran to get the books and referred. Exactly the sutra defines completion, which is beyond any definition given in the Upanishads. Please understand, Mahadeva has gone far beyond in defining completion than from the Upanishadic or the Sankhya tradition. And I also have a good news for you guys. Just in a few more days I am going to speak on the Sankhya philosophy as my offering to Kapila and the Mahanirvani Peetha – the Kapilas Sarvajna Peetha. Soon, you will start listening about the Sankhya Karikas and the Sankhya Sutras in the morning satsanghs. So, anyhow, Mahadeva has gone far beyond in defining the whole process of completion in a very beautiful way, in this twenty-second technique in Vijnana Bhairava Tantra, which is part of Shiva Sutras. Shiva Sutras is a compilation of sixty-four books like GuruGeetha, Kularnava, Mahanirvana, Vijnana Bhairava, Spandakarika, etc. All these put together is called “Shiva Sutras” which was delivered to Devi by Mahadeva. Mahadeva directly transmitted this science to Devi. It is the twenty-second verse; I will give you the translation, and we will start the science of completion by Mahadeva. We will learn.

Hindi Translation - <08:03 – 08:43>

The Sutra, twenty-second verse:

“Look at your past, disidentified; let attention be at a place where you are seeing some past happening; and even your form having lost its present characteristics is transformed.”

Listen! Now I have to do a clear alchemy process. You need to come to the space of listening. Just by listening you can be transformed! Just for alchemy process, you have to prepare one Herb – Herb A, second - ingredient B, third - ingredient C, then you have to add them one by one at certain degree temperature. So I am preparing different understandings, then I will collect and combine all of them and give you the ultimate understanding. Listen! First, Please Listen!

Every moment, how you are in the time and the space is recorded in you in your inner space. That is individual memory. And all individual memories put together is Cosmic Archives.

Listen! For example, today, today August 3rd. Now 8 o’clock, 17 minutes, 6 seconds, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11….so each moment, each moment of time how I am, what I am, gets continuously recorded, recorded, recorded, recorded, recorded. It goes on….! This is life! Now, if there are some moments where my experience of me with the life is inadequate, incomplete, then I try to carry me to the next moments to complete me. That is incompletion.

Listen! For example, this moment if you shout at me and I don’t have the courage to shout back at you or respond to you as I want and be complete with it for various reasons – I may not be feeling courageous, or I may not be feeling energetic – for various reasons – or I should I have the strength to forgive you – if I don’t complete by responding to you or forgiving you, this remains in me as an incompletion, and I carry that to the next, next, next, moments also, waiting for an opportunity to complete it. So, the files brought from the past which are not yet complete is incompletion.

Please listen! Time has moved, but the impact of time is not moved. River is flowing, water has moved, but the marks water made on the stones on the banks of the river has not changed. That is there permanently. Time has moved, space has moved, but the impact of that time and space in the past, the inadequate cognition, incompletion is being carried, carried, carried.

The garbage which got into your luggage, garbage which got into your luggage unknowingly, is incompletion. Listen! The garbage which got into your luggage unknowingly, is incompletion

Now for incompletion to happen, what all is required? Time, Space and your Inadequate Cognition. This is where incompletion gets cooked. At a particular time, your inadequate cognition gets recorded on the space, imprinted in your inner space, and that gets carried.

Please listen! Now, the time, with your inadequate cognition, gets printed in the space, and that inadequate, incomplete experience gets constantly carried to next, next, next moments, continuously; is “incompletion”.

One more sacred secret you need to know. That incompletion will have impact on your present moment, the past incompletion will have impact on your present moment, only with bringing back that same memory. For example, at the age of six, you have been beaten by your brother and you felt powerless. It has become a deep incompletion and root-pattern. Now, whenever you are impacted by that incompletion, whenever you suffer with that powerlessness, whenever you are impacted by that incompletion, whenever you carry that inadequate cognition, whenever you suffer that incompletion, for micro seconds, may be one-trillionth of a second, that form, that childhood form in which the incompletion is created, has to come to your memory. You will be again remembering that form. Out of that form, that incompletion will start functioning. Listen! Listen! It is like a photograph of that moment compressed and saved in your hard-disk and replayed again.

If you suffer with an incompletion created at the age of six, you will remember how you looked, you will remember the form of you at the age of six. It will be there in your memory. Till one-trillionth of a second, you will remember. Just one-trillionth of a second! And your memory of that form forms the basic ground on which the incompletion grows and affects your present moment.

Mahadeva is giving a technique to dissolve that six-year-old form from your inner space. Listen! That is what he means by “look at your past disidentified”. If you miss this one line, you will miss the whole thing. I am repeating. If you had incompletion at the age of six and you are still carrying that incompletion and suffering, if you are still carrying that incompletion and suffering, then when that past incompletion is affecting your present decision, present flow of consciousness, you will remember at least for one-trillionth of a second the form you had at the time you had the incompletion, the same six-year-old child, frightened, terrorized, pale, that face, that form. Your inner experience of you at that moment of incompletion you will remember. From that memory, the incompletion will start growing.

So, understand, each moment your form, how you look, gets printed on the space. Space is the film, Time is the material in which your form is continuously captured. Now, Mahadeva is telling, go back to that same time and same form, relive it, but remembering to dis-identify. So, what will happen? That childhood form you are carrying, which is the sovereign you are carrying from your past, that form will suddenly disappear.

Please understand, when you relive, this is what exactly happens. You go back to the six-year-old or bring back the six-year-old, that incompletion, to the present moment and start living. Your brother is chasing you, beating you. You are hiding in a corner, frightened, terrified, terrorized, crying, not even able to cry, frightened, gasping for breath. When you relive, completely dis-identified, consciously unclutched, that form of that child, the incomplete child, terrorized child, melts away! When the form melts away, the effect of that incompletion on your inner space melts away! That is what Bhagawan means, Mahadeva means “Look at your past, dis-identified; let attention be at a place where you are seeing some past happening; and even your form having lost its present characteristics is transformed.”

The form loses its characteristics! Listen! This is the definition of completion. If you follow this definition, your doubt whether I am complete or not will be clarified. If you look back at the same incident, you should not be able to remember the form you had at the moment of that incompletion. Then you are complete! So, look at your past unclutched. Let attention be at a place where you are seeing some past happening Unclutched even your form at that moment having lost its present characteristics.

Please listen! Incompletion is the most complicated phenomena, bringing the past childhood incomplete form to this present body and living that in this body. It is like in the young age you had a small glass, 200 ml of milk you drank. Now, one liter milk you drink. You try to bring that 200 ml milk itself and try to drink now also. If you try to have the same thing you had as a child, you will have malnutrition problem! The same inadequate cognition of that form you bring it to this form and try to live it and continuously suffer with inadequacy. Inadequacy is the curse of life! Inadequacy is the curse of life! Listen! Listen to this great truth!

Mahadeva is precisely describing this process of completion:

Sit. Look at your past Unclutched, Dis-identified. Let attention be at a place where you are seeing the past happening. And you will see it in such a way, the unclutched form of that time, the name of that time, the inadequate cognition of that time loses its power over the present characteristics. It loses its influence over the present. And, I tell you, if you just live with your present form, you will be complete! But, along with this present form, all your past forms are also getting loaded. It is like one person only can walk through that door; but one plus three-hundred half-men are trying to go through that door. You are not alone. Your six age incompletion, you seven age incompletion, your eight age incompletion, your nine age incompletion, your three age incompletion, your four age incompletion, all those fellows are hanging on to you, and you have to walk like a person on whom three-hundred children are sitting. You can’t walk through the door because three-hundred kids are sitting on your back. How a man cannot walk through a door with three-hundred kids sitting on his back, same way, in this moment, you will not be complete in your life if you are carrying all the past incompletions on your shoulders. Complete all of them. Drop them one by one, all the kids. You become you. When you become you, you are transformed. You are no more incomplete, inadequate cognition. You are no more incomplete, inadequate human-being. You are complete.

Please understand, every night sit with yourself. Go back. Allow yourself to relive. Let attention be at a place where you are seeing some past happening. And see the past happening unclutched. Why that happened? Why your brother has beaten you? Your brother has beaten you. Why this happened in your life? It has happened in your life. With that clarity if you relive, if you allow the reliving, the past happening, you will see the forms in which the incompletions happened in you, will start melting away, withering away. Then you will simply live completion. You are complete!

More than this, no one can give a precise definition of completion. This is the most precise definition of completion! Most precise definition of completion by Mahadeva!

Every day, you will see those three-hundred kids you are carrying, three-hundred incompletions you are carrying, some ten of them will melt, twenty will melt, thirty will melt, forty will melt. All that forms when it melts down, melts down, melts down, suddenly, one day, you are there all by yourself, Kevalam, Alone! Without any incompletions! Sitting by yourself! All the inadequate cognitions of you melts away. When the inadequate cognitions of you melts away, the abundance you experience is Lakshmi! The root cause of all the poverty is you try to live with the same inadequate cognition even after growing up. The toy car is enough when you are a five-year-old child. But when you are twenty-five, you need a real car. But even after you become twenty-five if you having that child car and playing around with it, ‘I am going in the car! I am going in the car!’, what will happen? That is what exactly you are doing! It is time, get into the real car. Drop your toy cars. Puppy love, puppy cars, puppy cognitions, your Barbie dolls, puppy love and puppy cognitions, everything should be discarded. Everything should be discarded. Unfortunately, society teaches you to discard your Barbie doll and puppy love, but not the puppy cognitions, the inadequate cognitions, the incompletions you created at that age. Discard all of that. Allow the completion happen in you.

Look at your past, dis-identified; let attention be at a place where you are seeing some past happening; and even your form, having lost its present characteristics, is transformed!

Look at your past, dis-identified; let attention be at a place where you are seeing some past happening; and even your form, having lost its present characteristics, is transformed!

Please understand, any weight you feel now is nothing but the old incompletions sitting on you like a child. Melt each of those incompletions. It is like you carry loads and loads of ice on you, and suffer with dehydration and no water! Melt the ice. One, your load will reduce. Second, you will have water. Whenever your incompletions melts down, you are in the space of completion, you have more space of completion, you have more space for completion.

Look at your past, dis-identified; let your attention be at a place where you are seeing some past happening, unclutched; and even your form, having lost its present characteristics, is transformed. How you feel, how you see your childhood incompletion form, incomplete form, that will melt down. That will lose its power over you. You will be transformed.

I tell you, this is the best definition of completion. I can say, anybody who wants to learn the science of completion should learn only from this satsangh. This is “The” completion process!

No one, no one can orate more than Mahadeva. No one can articulate more than Mahadeva. No one can present more than Mahadeva. No one can define more than Mahadeva. No one can describe more than Mahadeva. No one can spell it out more than Mahadeva.

It is “The” definition of completion by Mahadeva.

Sit. I am giving you the precise instruction from Mahadeva’s definitions. Sit and decide that you are going to complete with some of these past incompletion, and let your attention be on the whole incompletion being relived with a clear understanding of unclutching, dis-identified. Why that happened? Because it is happened! With that understanding. Why that happened? Because that happened! Why you reacted the way you reacted? Because you reacted the way you reacted! Why the action? Because the action! Why the reaction? Because the reaction! Any past incident has no valid, adequate reason to the present conscious cognition. Any past reason cannot be adequate for the present cognition. Any past incident has no reason or cause for why it happened the way it happened. It just happened the way it happened! It didn’t happen the way it didn’t happen! That’s all! With this clarity, relive, relive, relive. You will see the form you are able to remember in which the incompletion happened will melt down, will lose its power over you. That is the definition that completion has happened, the incompletions have melted down! Go on, go on, go on! Other than the form you are having at this moment, you should not be able to remember any form of the past. Then you become formless!

Line happens as a line only if it has conflict with something else that exists. Now, this movement (Swamiji moves his hand as if drawing a line in the air, in the empty space) will not create a line; but if I do the same thing on a board, that movement will become a line, because there is a base, some other form on which this form exists. If there is only one form without a second form, even the one form does not exist. So, this form will exists only if there is some other incomplete form supporting it. With all the incomplete form is taken out, even this form becomes formless. That is Advaitha! That is the space of non-duality!

Listen! This movement does not become a straight line if it is done in the air. But the same movement done on a board becomes a straight line, because there is already another form (the board) on which this form (the line) can stand. Same way, this form in you will exist if already there is an incomplete form supporting its existence. If you remove all the incomplete forms, this form is not supported. It will just melt down. If the board is removed, the line cannot stand. If all your incomplete forms are removed, this form also becomes formless.

So, when a formlessness walks into a form, that is called “grace”! When a formlessness walks into a form, that is called “incarnation”! It is the science of completion, the mathematics of completion, it is the art of completion, it is the history of completion, it is the methodology of completion, it is the theology of completion, it is the mystery of completion, it is the mastery over completion!

Listen! If the minus has to be nullified, the plus has to be added. The whole science of completion is mathematics. If minus two has to become complete, plus two has to be added. If the inadequate cognition has to become complete, you have to flood it with adequate cognition. If the unconscious inadequate cognition has to become complete, you have to flood it with conscious adequate cognition.

So Mahadeva has described the science of completion, art of completion, theology of completion, mathematics of completion and mystery of completion, for all of us to become master over completion!

The essence of today’s satsang:

Completion! Look at your past, dis-identified, unclutched; let attention be at a place where you are seeing some past happening; and even your form, having lost its present characteristics, is transformed!

I will give you the essence in Hindi.


I bless you all! Let you all radiate with Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility and Enriching, with eternal bliss, Nithyananda! Thank you!

Let you all achieve, experience, live, express, radiate, share and explode in Eternal Bliss! Nithyananda!