September 24 2017

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Celebration, the Indigenous Lifestyle of Hinduism


In this discourse (24 September 2017), Paramahamsa Nithyananda lauds the indigenous lifestyle of Hinduism. He describes how villages are unmonitored but managed by the strength of their own integrity, by Dharma.
This celebrative lifestyle of Hinduism is centered on Dharma, Artha, Kama and Moksha.
The principle of Moksha is celebrated by the lifestyle of Dharma which shares, generates and shares the wealth which is in turn celebrated and enjoyed by the Kama.

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(0:09) nithyānandeśvara sadāshiva samārambhām nithyānandeśvari adīshakti madhyamām | asmat āchārya paryantām vande guru paramparām ||


I welcome all of you with My love and respects. I welcome everyone sitting with us all over the world, through Nithyananda TV, 2-way Video Conferencing, having Nayana Deeksha.


On this auspicious Navaratri, 4th day celebration… today, Devi Adi Shakti is gracing all of us on Rajarajeshwari Alankara with Lakshmi and Saraswati, fanning her, serving her, in all her glory, Ankusha Pasha, Pancha Pana, in Sarva Alankara and Vishnu is gracing as Sri Krishna, as part of the Venkateshwara Srivari Brahmotsava, on Shesha Vahana….Swarna Shesha Vahana, golden Shesha Vahana. He is gracing us in Krishna Alankara as Krishna. Let’s receive their blessings and then enter into satsang.


(Aarti performed to the Deities)


With Navratri starts festive season in Hindu tradition. Funnily it doesn’t end; it comes back to Navratri. That’s the beauty of Sanatana Hindu Dharma. It’s full of colorful festivals… celebrations. Actually if you are a just practicing Hindu, eating all the naivedyams, specially prepared for those celebrations, you will be in complete health. Understand, fortunately, India was never visualized by those kind of visionaries. It’s by Rishis… everything indigenous. Understand… every 100 mile, why mile? Kilometer. Every 100 kilometer will have its own cooking style, its own dressing style, its own fabric; forget about dressing style, its own fabric!! Such colorful, rich, indigenous, self-sustaining system. Understand, each Mandala, each Taluk was self-sustaining. Those days there was no transportation, but everyone had everything, how? I tell you, one of the biggest sickness humanity has been forced to suffer - is chronic capitalism. This chronic capitalist thinking, is what makes these brands… and anything other than the brands are destroyed in the bud itself. Every 50 kilometer has its food style. Every 100 kilometer has its own cloth style. Every 200 kilometer will have its own fabric. We were so indigenous, so colorful, rich, finally independent. I tell you, each house was visualized as a independent unit. They will just have few fruits, vegetables, herbs tree, which is not only self-sustaining for their food habits, even for their medical needs. It used to be self-sustaining even for their medical needs, including the emergency needs like poisoning, food poisoning or some poisonous animal’s bites, all that. We were such powerful indigenous tradition.


Actually, just few days before, 2 of my Aadheenavasis, I sent with My mother to My home town, Thiruvannamalai, native place, telling them, “Just go and study how my uncles do business.” My pre-monastic family, mother’s side and father’s side, both of them are in rice business; its rice merchandise; how they procure from the local farmers and how dharmic they are in their deals. I tell you, I have seen My grandfather doing business. Around 500 farmers were his customers, means, who supply rice for him and all other agricultural products and take money from him after it is sold. He was running a wholesale go-down. And I tell you, never I have seen a single farmer having any distrust, incompletion, complain about any money transaction and no money transaction is ever noted down or recorded. It’s all just in memory. No promissory notes, no legal documents, not even noting down in the paper and pen and in the notebook. There used to be Arunachaleshwara and Annamalai’s photo, behind him. He will take the money and show it to them and put it in his Gulla and tell them… the word, the integrity to the word, that’s it. I was his favorite and I’ll get lot of time to sit around him and absorb… the way he does the business. And all the agricultural products are tax exempted in this country, so you don’t need to file any tax return or any tax related issues. Tax exempt is separate, no tax is different; but the way they conduct the business, the way the integrity and the trust… and the way they keep the things simple. Just by integrity, things are simplified and my grandfather can see the size of the gunny bag and tell the weight. It is just getting involved with things. I sent 2 Aadheenavasis, “Just go and study, how they run the business.” Now much has changed. Even then, that flavor is there - How the indigenous cultures functions, how the indigenous people function. Whether the way they grow or the way they move… the way they transport itself is such a celebration! Literally the whole family will get into that bullock cart. That is like a vacation, family vacation… from their place where they grow and to that main selling market, it will be something like a 40 kilometers, 30 kilometers. It will take 2 days in that bullock cart. How 3-4 bullock carts together, all the family will get into the bullock carts and with all their cooking vessel. On the way how they stop and cook and eat and sleep in one bullock cart and how they take care of the bullocks, animals, as part of their life. While they pack food, first thing they make sure they pack enough food for the bullocks, animals. And how the animals are part of the family. The whole culture, the indigenous lifestyle and how they go to…. I have seen those routes in which they come, all the temples on the way will never be poor, because these guys have the habit - all the temples on the way, they will give one, one share, to those temples. That way the village is kept out of poverty. What will the temples do? The temples collect all that, it is like a no tax but as offering. The temples, they collect this offerings and they feed the local poor villagers, poor people and maintain that road. The temples are responsible for maintaining the roads. So instead of paying the toll, which is sucked by the multinational, chronic capitalistic corporate structure, the food is shared, in turn the road is maintained.


I was shocked the way the whole….. Please understand. Religion is so beautifully embedded, no farmer will go without donating to a local temple and no local temple will miss their responsibility of maintaining that stretch of their road. It is like a perfectly, unmonitored, but superbly managed system. Understand. Being monitored is different, being managed is different. Unmonitored but superbly managed, independent structure. Unmonitored but managed - is what I call Dharma. Understand. ‘Unmonitored but managed’ is Dharma. Nobody is monitoring Sun and the Moon. They are all managed by their Integrity. By the strength of their own Integrity, they are all managed - unmonitored but managed. This is My vision for My Sangha. Unmonitored, independently managed by their own Integrity, by their own Integrity. That is Dharma. Understand. This celebrative lifestyle of Hinduism is centered on this ‘dharmaartha kama moksha’. The principle of ‘moksha’ is celebrated by the lifestyle of Dharma, which shares… generates and shares the ‘artha’ - wealth, which is in turn celebrated and enjoyed by the ‘kama’. Understand. Unmonitored by…..unmonitored but maintained by its own integrity, that Dharma, does not create stress on citizens. It is not law which needs enforcement department. It’s Dharma, which just needs ‘Enlightenment Department’. Oh Bharat, unfortunately you followed the British and still following the British and destroyed your Enlightenment Department, that is why you need enforcement department. Get back, get back to your Enlightenment Department. Indigenous mechanism of managing, understand, the indigenous mechanism of managing, is temple based lifestyle. Temple based lifestyle, where literally no enforcement is required. No enforcement is required.


Dharma - unmonitored but managed. Artha - generated to be shared. Generated to be shared is Artha. Understand. Whatever we considered as wealth, can never be held. Holdings is not possible in Indian wealth. Whatever can be held, was never considered as wealth… so that the chronic capitalism is kept out of our lifestyle. All things needed for living was kept out of that holding… or hoarding. The title “wealth” was given only to perishable. Understand. “Dhana Dhaanya” … perishable, were given the title of ‘Dhana’- wealth! So you can’t hold, you can’t hoard! Generate only to share. Create only to share. Almost 90% of the transactions, was held within the perishable goods. So the regular life became too easy. Regular life person was not affected by the greed of chronic capitalistic mental setup. Understand. Chronic capitalism is not restricted to a person - it is a thought current. Even if you kill one person, somebody else will occupy that seat. Wall street is going to be alive, as long as that thought current exists. Las Vegas is going to be alive as long as that gambling thought currents exists. Even if one person dies, somebody else is going to replace. Playing with the probability, gives certain kick to human beings. That is what is expressed in Las Vegas; that kick of playing with the probability. We transformed that into a prayer of playing with the probability with the Divine. Our….the best playing with probability is Tirupati. The worst - Las Vegas. Playing with probability…..playing with the probability of the prayer, playing with the probability of the luck. The Las Vegas kick, breaks your nervous system. The Tirupati kick, heals your nervous system. Actually, if you see the same thought current, in it’s most raw crude form is Las Vegas, most refine scientifically constructed form is Tirupati. All the money gathers in Las Vegas, goes for - who knows what? But all the money gathers in Tirupati - goes for public service, social service, charity. Thought current transformed - generated to share.


Kama. Sharing… generates the life - is Kama. Understand. Unmonitored but managed is Dharma. Generated to share is Artha. By sharing generating is Kama. By the time you go through all this 3, you will understand the underlying Oneness of life - that evolution is Moksha. Dharma Artha Kama Moksha. Understand. You would have been listening to many of the disciples giving Sakshi Pramana - how they manifest wealth, to be more straight currency, “money”. Understand. Anything you manifest to share, to celebrate, that is what I call as Wealth. Manifesting to celebrate is the wealth. Manifesting to share is the wealth. Hindus need to understand… our ancestors had the best, most stable, highly responsible, social thought current, understand, and social construct. You have been told by all the anti-Hindu and anti-Indian, anti-nationalist forces - “Hinduism is responsible for our poverty.” No!! They swindle you and tell you, “You are responsible for your poverty.” No! Not practicing Hindu thought currents is responsible for our poverty. Not practicing our “dharmaartha kama moksha” system, was responsible for our poverty. Understand.


Eh! Till these fellows invaded us, we were the richest country in the world. Otherwise why will they invade us? If we are so poor, so ignorant, why did you invade us? Why will that stupid Ghazni Muhammad, will come to Somnath 17 times… if we were not rich?! Every time he came, he got enough gold, required to have at least 10 more army, which he lost in one war. That is the reason, he was coming again and again. The only mistake we have done, we were not brutal. We treated human beings even in the war, we had a dharma; that was the only mistake. We attacked with equal weapons. If I am on the elephant, if you are not on the elephant, I won’t touch you. If I am on the horse, if you are not on the horse, I will not attack you. If I am with the weapon and if you are not with the weapon, I will not attack you. We were dharmic even in the war. That is the only mistake we have done. Nothing else. We were not brutal in our war strategies. We never know guerrilla war. Even our gorillas, monkeys, Hanuman Sena, Rama Sena, did only Dharmic war. Even our gorillas did dharmic war, never missed dharma. So, we do not know guerrilla war. We do not know adharmic structure. That was the only mistake. Otherwise I tell you, our ancestors were such amazing visionaries. I tell you, Eh! Still we are the only living civilization for more than 8000 years. If Manu comes back for a visit - how we believe Mahabali comes back for every Onam, to see Kerela - I tell you, he will not find any difference, other than few LED TV screens and the kids playing with laptops, he will not find any difference. If Manu comes back and walks through our villages, he will not have cultural shock. Few 1000 years, we survived. That shows the social construct structure. I tell you, it is just because of our celebrating lifestyle. We never had one day religious gathering per week. No! We never had that. But, always the thought current was circulated in all our locality, just by celebrations, rituals and traditions.


The modern day Hindu organizations should understand the ‘dharma artha kama moksha’ of the Hindu tradition. Only then you will be promoting and protecting Hinduism. Otherwise you will only be a reaction for the anti-Hindu forces. As a reaction, you don’t have existence. Understand. Reactions has life but not existence. They live as long as the action exists, but they don’t have a independent existence. But, if you understand, the principles of ‘dharma artha kama moksha’, you have EXISTENCE to promote Sanatana Hindu Dharma. We should react, when there is act… but reaction alone cannot be the life and purpose of Hindu organizations. It should be understanding, living, promoting, the thought currents of ‘dharma artha kama moksha’. Indigenous thought currents should be strengthened, by the social, media and law. Law, media and social moral structures, all should support the indigenous administrative systems, self-managing systems, the thought currents of ‘dharma artha kama moksha’.


I tell you… everything, our structure, the worship of the Kula Devata…. worship of the Kula Devata, is the place where we chose brides and bride-grooms. That is the matrimonial website for us. Everything, the indigenous traditions and its strength, the Sanatana Hindu Dharma and its powerful social construct, is strongly intertwined with these celebrations and festivals. All these celebrations and festivals are also very strongly intertwined with the science of manifestation. During each of this season, the whole Cosmology, the logic of the Cosmos, supports…. you manifesting Shaktis, manifesting powers. The Logy of the Cosmos…. even if you go to an ordinary farmer, villager, he will talk about life, death, beyond life, Maya, Jagat, Jiva, Ishwara, 10 times more than any Harvard University philosophy professors or doctorates. Go to Indian village then you will understand. A normal ordinary Indian village farmer, will speak more philosophy than Harvard University philosophy professors, because the Puranas…...Puranas are our lifestyle. Every village will have a Draupadi temple, where they will read the Mahabharata every summer. The whole village will know the whole story. I heard Mahabharata and Ramayana, when I was 3. These great truths imbibed, inculcated, incorporated…… with these celebration lifestyle and I wanted this lifestyle to be absorbed, kept alive, enjoyed, shared and spread.


The first act of engaging with public by our Sangha, should be celebration like Kumbha Mela; festivals and celebrations like Navaratri, Shivaratri, Kirtans, Processions. Nididhyasana means constructing a thought current and manifesting it as reality, as real as the Oneness. Vedic tradition, does not have meditation. “Shunya dhyana’’ Oh God! Purna, Purnatva is not non-existence, it is all-existence. And the Shunya and Purna are not one and the same in experience. The Purnatva described by Upanishads, Shunyatva described by Buddha, completely differ. And Shunyatva described by Buddha, is not ultimate goal. People enjoy life negative things. As I was telling yesterday - a frustrated human beings wants ‘cessation’. Now I am telling, Nirodhah does not mean ‘cessation’. “Yogah chitta vritti nirodhah” means, yoga is transforming the chitta vrittis into Oneness, not cessation. Understand. Cessation means destroying, non-existing, getting rid. Nirodhah means getting back. Getting back is not getting rid. Nirodhah is not cessation; Max Muellerian blunder of translating ‘nirodhah’ into cessation. Getting rid is different - getting back is different. ‘Yogah chitta vritti nirodhah’, not nirodhah. [swamiji makes hand gestures indicating getting back, not getting rid] Nirodhah not nirodhah. [swamiji makes hand gestures indicating getting back not getting rid] ‘Yogah chitta vritti nirodhah’ - getting back, not getting rid.


In yesterday spiritual alchemy sessions, I was talking how people enjoy life negative things. That is why Shunyatva is becoming very popular. Shunyatva is devil worship. Purnatva is worship of Sadāshiva. How can all-existence and no-existence be one and the same? Then loving all and loving nobody, is one and the same?! Then the extreme indrawn depression and the ultimate Samadhi is one and the same?! So Shushupti and Turiyatita is one and the same?! Let me be very clear – Pratyahara is not withdrawing… giving different Ahara. Dharana is not withdrawing, flowing in a focused direction. Dhyana is not emptying yourself, but by constructing the right thought currents, which leads you, to the space of Oneness. I give this as rule, command, to the Nithyananda Sangha – our first interaction, with the public, society, humanity, should be festivals, celebrations and caring and sharing of this great Sanatana Hindu Dharma, the spiritual tradition. Understand. It should be Navaratri, Shivratri, Ganesh Chaturthi, Guru Purnima, what not, it should be processions, kirtans, singing, dancing… not your ‘metasion’ [Swamiji making fun of meditation]. How you do ‘metasion’, I know. First your two eyes look into your Third Eye, then all 3 eyes look into your tummy ☺ because you are doing body scanning. ☺ You look innnnn…. I know the ‘metasion’. I have seen all cultural people doing ‘metasion’. Easterners went east, westerners went west.


Celebrations, festivals, are such wonderful way of keeping the traditions alive and getting the benefits of the great Sanatana Hindu Dharma and its traditions. Let this be on record, let the history tell, “Nithyananda might have started teaching meditation but he became matured and moved out of meditation.” He moved out of the Max Muellerian Buddhistic interpretations and translations of the Hindu tradition and got back to His original grounding, the Gupta Kailasa Sampradaya, from which He comes, to reveal that to the world, for which He landed on the Planet Earth. Understand. I am from the Gupta Kailasa Sampradaya, the Kailasa kept as a secret, ‘raja vidya raja guhya’ and I have come to reveal that to the world and share it with the world. It is enough, it has been kept as ‘gupta’, now it need to be shared with the world. The time has come. Celebrate - Celebrate – Celebrate. That is the way, you will enjoy the Sanatana Hindu Dharma and share it with the world, keeping it alive.


I bless you all. Let’s all radiate with Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility, Enriching, Causing, Living Shuddhadvaita Saivam, Sadāshivoham, the Eternal Bliss - Nithyananda.

Thank you. Be Blissful.



When Five Eyes Meet, The Sixth Eye Opens || Experience Spiritual Alchemy || Webinar || 24 Sept 2017


Name Of The Convention: Experience Spiritual Alchemy Session on: When Five Eyes Meet, The Sixth Eye Opens Date: 24 September 2017 Venue: Adi Kailasa, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India Title: When Five Eyes Meet, The Sixth Eye Opens

In this video Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism HDH #Nithyananda Paramashivam answered the questions from online delegates, prior to the initiation process. Swamiji shared that the universe is not universe, it is multiverses, reality is not parallel, it is multiple. Reality exist in 14 planes, within the category of 11 dimensions. Swamiji also shared that it was His priority to create a system to bring many of His devotees to Kailaasa and back, by making devotees' physical bodies run on the fuel of integrity. The experience of awakened state and alive state provides grounding and trust that one is not going to die forever. This grounding is the fundamental right of every human being.

The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam His Divine Holiness Nithyananda Paramashivam (HDH) is the reviver of #KAILASA - the ancient enlightened civilization and the great cosmic borderless Hindu nation. Revered as the incarnation of Paramashiva - the primordial Hindu Divinity, HDH has a following of 2 billion Hindus worldwide with de facto spiritual embassies in over 150 countries. He has worked untiringly for over 26 years for the revival of Kailasa, for global peace and to give super conscious breakthrough to humanity. He has survived the worst persecution of multiple assassination attempts on person and on character by anti-Hindu elements. He is collecting, organising, preserving, time capsuling, decoding, spreading and reviving 20 Million source books of Hinduism and the 64 sacred arts & sciences like Ayurveda, music, dance, sculpting, astrology, vastu and much more. Close to 20,000 hours of HDH’s timeless talks have been recorded till date (Sep 2020), which are a treasure trove of powerful cognitions to solve individual and global problems of any kind.

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Making Sadashivatva as Your Reality || Experience Spiritual Alchemy || Webinar || 24 Sept 2017


Name Of The Convention: Experience Spiritual Alchemy Day 2 Session on: Making Sadashivatva As Your Reality Date: 24 September 2017 Venue: Adi Kailasa, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India Title: Making Sadashivatva As Your Reality

In this video Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism HDH #Nithyananda Paramashivam answered the questions from online delegates, prior to the initiation process. Swamiji shared that the universe is not universe, it is multiverses, reality is not parallel, it is multiple. Reality exist in 14 planes, within the category of 11 dimensions. Swamiji also shared that it was His priority to create a system to bring many of His devotees to Kailaasa and back, by making devotees' physical bodies run on the fuel of integrity. The experience of awakened state and alive state provides grounding and trust that one is not going to die forever. This grounding is the fundamental right of every human being.

The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam His Divine Holiness Nithyananda Paramashivam (HDH) is the reviver of #KAILASA - the ancient enlightened civilization and the great cosmic borderless Hindu nation. Revered as the incarnation of Paramashiva - the primordial Hindu Divinity, HDH has a following of 2 billion Hindus worldwide with de facto spiritual embassies in over 150 countries. He has worked untiringly for over 26 years for the revival of Kailasa, for global peace and to give super conscious breakthrough to humanity. He has survived the worst persecution of multiple assassination attempts on person and on character by anti-Hindu elements. He is collecting, organising, preserving, time capsuling, decoding, spreading and reviving 20 Million source books of Hinduism and the 64 sacred arts & sciences like Ayurveda, music, dance, sculpting, astrology, vastu and much more. Close to 20,000 hours of HDH’s timeless talks have been recorded till date (Sep 2020), which are a treasure trove of powerful cognitions to solve individual and global problems of any kind.

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'Nithyananda Times, 24 September 2017'