September 07 2017

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Catch Silent Blind Spots Using Subtle Lessons of The Master


Essence of Nithya Satsang with Paramahamsa Nithyananda

"Length is the logical thought currents you enjoy. Breadth is the emotions, fantasies hopes and wishes you cherish. Depth is the source from which you manifest your reality.

What you carry in your depth matters. Whatever your depth cognizes gets endorsed by your existence..

Your cognitions form your integrity. There is no different gods and demons other than their cognition.

Only if you catch the subtle understandings given by guru your cognition will be consolidated.

Catch the silent blind spots using subtle lessons of the master. That is the first lesson for Mahasadashivoham."

Aushadha Preparation Process with Paramahamsa Nithyananda

Paramahamsa Nithyananda conducted the fourth Aushadha process to prepare a spiritual alchemy product that by simply applying on the head awakens the expression of the all 64 Ashtakarma Shaktis or superpowers revealed by #Sadashiva.

Paramahamsa Nithyananda described today's process as the technique of air bending, or bending the Prana - life energy.

Experience the science of #Aushadha for yourself, this weekend. Live 2-day workshop led by His Holiness Paramahamsa Nithyananda


In this discourse (7 September, 2017) Paramahamsa Nithyananda explains the first lesson from the manual for Mahasadashivoham as revealed by Mahasadashiva.

What we carry in our depth matters. Whatever our depth cognizes, gets endorsed by our existence. Only if we catch the subtle understandings given by the Guru, our cognition will be consolidated.

The first lesson for Mahasadashivoham is: Catch the silent blind spots using subtle lessons of the master.

Video Audio


(0:06) nithyānandeśvara sadāshiva samārambhām nithyānandeśvari adīshakti madhyamām | asmat āchārya paryantām vande guru paramparām ||

(1:11) I welcome you all with My love and respects. I welcome every one of you, sitting with us through Nithyananda TV, Facebook Live, YouTube Live, Twitter Live and 2-way Video Conferencing having Nayana Deeksha, with My love and respects. (1:44) From today, I’ll share with you everyday, the manual MahaSadāshiva is revealing, for MahaSadāshivoham. Understand. The manual is just getting opened, even inside Me. Even inside My system, it is opening – means, it’s been revealed continuously. Making Aushadha, understandings, clarity, knowledge, method of doing things, method of making things happen, including - why the Causing should be done, how the Causing is done, everything… why somebody is able to make some things, why somebody is missing some things… whatever MahaSadāshiva is revealing, I’ll come and share it here, in morning Satsangs. (3:35) First revelation - “Understanding about Depth.” Understand, Length is the logic thought currents you enjoy, you cherish. Breadth is the emotions, fantasies, hopes, visions, you cherish and enjoy. The ideas, the visions, the desires, you have about life, ‘what you want’ - you enjoy those things. Depth… is the Source from which you manifest your reality. Depth is the Source from which you manifest your reality. Understand, I’ll give you example which I regularly use - like a projector light. Any slide you keep in front of the projector light, it will become reality. The projector light, the source of the light, is your Depth. Listen very carefully. It is from your Depth, you manifest your reality. Whether you have a happy life… or sad life, you have a fulfilled life… or a depressed life, you have overflowing ecstasy… or sad cognitions, whatever you carry in your Depth, you manifest only that. Understand. So what you carry in your Depth… matters. It’s really important. It is very important. What you carry in your Depth… matters. (6:50)

I’ll give you some examples. If your Depth cognizes the science of Vigraha Puja - the Murti Puja, Deity worship, only then it’ll become reality for you. If the Depth cognizes, whatever your depth cognizes, continuously manifests, gets endorsed by your existence. Listen. If your depth cognizes, the Vigraha Puja - Deity worship, you will experience Deity worship. Your life will endorse that truth. If you cognize conflicting cognitions, your whole life will be a mess. Understand. Your cognitions form your Integrity. Your cognitions…..your cognitions form your Integrity. What kind of a cognitions you develop is very important. That forms the fundamentals. That forms the basis of your Integrity.

This lesson about Depth, even I was wondering why this opened up as a first Satya… as MahaSadāshivoham lesson. Listen. With more and more experiences, intra-analyzing - “what is right, what is wrong, why things are happening like this, things are not happening like this.” With all this, your depth gets consolidated. Understand. Why!? “Why something is going right? Why something doesn’t go right? Why somebody is rich? Why somebody is poor? Why somebody is powerful? Why somebody is weak?” Many perceptions…. questions themself come from certain perceptions. Sometimes consoling answers, sometimes convincing answers, sometimes complicated answers - they also come from perceptions, but finally all these put together only, your Depth gets consolidated.

Understand. If your Depth gets consolidated, by more and more contributing concepts, if you feel, “Aye, if I contribute more, I’ll be rich”, “If I share more, I’ll be rich”, “If I share more, I’ll be more powerful, I’ll be more fulfilling.”, if this kinds of cognitions grow in you, you are a Deva.


Listen. Listen carefully. Listen, I am teaching too important things… too important, which is needed for the whole Cosmos. If you are every day believing more and more, that by contributing you are going to become more healthy, happy, richer, stronger, powerful - you are Deva. Every day, more and more if you start believing, “No, by cunningness, by cheating, by exploiting, by lying, by manipulating, by blackmailing or by different strategies, I will become more and more healthy, happy, overflowing, fulfilling”, if you believe that, you are a Demon. Understand. There is no difference between Gods and Demons, other than their cognition – Depth. And your life energy, Prana, is like air filled into the balloon. Whatever shape is the balloon’s shape - that will become reality if the air is filled in the balloon. If it is round, it will become round. If it is the shape of Mickey Mouse, it will become Mickey Mouse. Whatever.

Same way, more and more Prana in you, life energy in you, more and more your cognitions will become reality. Sadāshiva does not want more and more demons, so if you have that cognition - ‘by manipulation, by cunningness, by cheating, by distracting, you can become more healthy, more blissful, more fulfilling, more powerful’ - you are not going to be empowered. Understand. Even if you try to suck the energy, prana, it’ll not stand inside you, it’ll not stay inside you. It is very important - the cognitions you have about you, about life, about everything.


A normal Being in the Bhu, the space of Bhu, which we are all enjoying, which you and Me know, we both are now talking in the space of Bhu. Bhu has three aspects - Bhuva and Suvah. Listen. In this dimension, we carry 21 cognitions as us. You cannot carry more than 21, you cannot carry less than 21. It’ll only be 21 fundamental unit cognitions. In that 21, equivalently, if you carry conflicting like a 10 - 11, that is when you act like a bipolar, you act like a split personality. The cognitions you carry as you, gets consolidated with every contemplation. Every time when life hits at you, whether with a great positive success or a great negative failure, your cognitions go through a powerful change. When your cognitions go through a powerful change, what kind of atmosphere you are in, who are your friends advising you, what is the atmosphere you are in, what is the vatavarana you are in MATTERS! If your vatavarana teaches you, if your atmosphere teaches you, “Aye, you are going through the difficulties because of your cunningness and manipulating non integrating strategy, not because of your inability to be more cunning.” Sometimes you think, “If I would have been more cunning, I would have been….I would not have been in the mess”! Then you are a demon… dangerous for Planet Earth... need to get destroyed earliest. Listen. If you feel, “No, I think I should be more integrated, then I will not have difficulties, I will be more powerful, more joyful, more experienced, more ecstatic”, then you are a God, you need to be given more prana, you need to given more energy, you need to expand, you need to grow! Your cognition…..


Bhu is the Neutral Space. Bhuva is Action. Suvah is Astitva. I’ll explain, listen, more carefully. Your neutral space, is the source material for you. Your neutral space, relieves you from all stress you accumulate in your day to day life. All the conflicts, confusions, complications, you accumulate in your day to day life, haunting questions you accumulate in your day to day life, all of that gets healed in your neutral space. Your neutral space is Guru Pada. The Guru Gita describes, the Guru Pada is the neutral space, where you rest and all complications are healed.

Listen. In your action, in your self-remembrance… every day you remember about yourself and you perform certain actions. In your actions, due to your actions and due to your self remembrance, what kind of a cognitions gets strengthened every day… look into that. That is very important. That is too important. First, get consolidated by your Satguru, your own Guru and afterwards if you read any book, you will not be disturbed, you will not be misguided, you will not miss it. Getting consolidated about your life’s ideas and theories, concepts…..


I still remember in one incident, one more incident I want to tell you. In the young age, usually the mother’s brothers, the uncles, take the responsibility of making the boy swim in the home well, teaching swimming. It’s a village hobby during the vacation, and of course I grew up with large number of cousins. If you see all My young age photograph, childhood photographs, it will always be a large group. Because two reason - Photography is rare than the number of kids living there. In the modern day, number of kids is rare and photography is regular. In those days photography is very rare, number of kids is large. So everyone will try to put their neck for photograph. In those days, once or twice a year only we get photographed. Now only, once an hour you get photographed or you just photograph. It is not even nowadays once a day, it’s all once an hour.

So My uncles were trying to teach swimming for all the kids, the village farm house; My grandfather’s favorite village farm house, which My grandmother owned and they waited and donated it to us, which is there as a... our Ashram - Arunachala Dhyanapeetam Nithyananda...where My father’s Samadhi is there, that is the same property, same well. So all the uncles, they sit around and they drop one by one each kid and help that kid to swim. They will actually tie that bottle gourd shell, on the stomach with a thread, and also they will tie a rope in the hip and hold that, so the child doesn’t get drowned. It’s a village way of safety mechanism. And, they were trying to throw every kid. When they were trying to put Me, I said, “No, I am a Sannyasi. I am not supposed to swim.” In Shastras, there’s an instruction - that Sannyasi is not supposed to swim or light fire for cooking. Some of those….and we do not know why they created. In those days….in those days all the risky things Sannyasis were asked to avoid, because Sannyasis are very rare species.


They were teasing Me that because I am afraid to swim, I am using this as an instruction. I looked in - I saw My cognition was so clear! There was no powerlessness. There was no fear. But I didn’t want to learn swimming, just I wanted to respect that rule. Of course, there was a discussion there. One of My uncle, whom I really respect very well because he is a great swimmer and he protects everyone, he takes care of everyone. In those days, what you know about taking care? - Means, if he can climb the coconut tree and cut coconut and give, he can pluck mangoes and feed you. These are all the….these are all the ideas with which we decide - who is caring, who is loving.

Still so many of you do that stupidity. Still you fellows think people who are nice to you are good people…. and destroy your life. Destruction is too costly now. You are too old to destroy yourself. People who are very sweet to you, you think… who are nice to you, you think, are good people. They will destroy you and you are not going to be recovered. The cancer is incurable. No surgery can help. Still you guys do that stupidity.

There was a discussion and that uncle who I used to respect… he was debating about marriage and Sannyas and advising Me, “You should not think, you are a Sannyasi now itself. You should see life and get married”, and all that. Fortunately, before him, I was already consolidated by Yogananda Puri. Understand. Because he has already consolidated My cognition, My Depth, no question of even argument. Understand. Anything about which you don’t even argue, is your Depth. Even if there is a scope for argument, it is only your Length or Breadth, not Depth. I was fortunate enough, I was already consolidated in My Depth by Yogananda Puri. Not even argument, I saw very clearly - there was no fear of water. It was only I decided not to, because I read somewhere in one book, in Shastra that, “Sannyasis should not swim.”


Sameway, in village we have a habit. At the age of 9-10 itself, they will tie - which boy is for which girl, because it is all going to be inside family. See this...this….elite community, does not allow the wealth to go out. They retain the wealth inside the family, by getting all the marriages done inside the family. So by the time, a boy is 11-12, a girl even 7-8, sometimes even immediately after birth they will tie, “This boy is for that girl and that boy is for this girl.” Sometimes even parents will very seriously decide. It means you don’t have any say about your marriage. And so in some family discussion, festival; every family will have this two Aunty, from the time immemorial, the jadila kudila Aunties, who has no other way, no other work, other than this talk. And running around with the kundali matching….kundali matching. This two dirty old ladies, will incarnate literally in every family. So like this, two old Aunties, they were sitting and doing this connection….. the family matchmaking. The moment discussion came to My name….actually they were all sitting and chewing the betel leaf with the betel nut and that lime, all that. The moment discussion came to My name, they were trying to do matchmaking with My father’s sister’s daughter. I looked at them and said, “I decided I am a Sannyasi, so don’t talk about My name, go to next.” They finished for My elder brother, so they were trying My name. I said, “No, go to next.” These two old Aunties, I don’t know why even one is not lean and… always both will be fat! No, see even in your families, look back, all….both will be fat. And they were nicely chewing the betel leaf and they were trying to push Me and said, “summa eruda, vekkapadathada” - Don’t feel shy, we will talk.” I just stood up and said…..My kundalini got awakened. Means I told, “If you don’t stop talking now, tomorrow when you chew the betel leaf, I’ll put the Aralivithai - that’s a local village poison - “I’ll grind that and keep it for your betel leaf and betel nut and instead of betel leaf - “betel nut and lime.” When I said that, both of them were shaken. So they two have decided, “See, see, see, this fellow, what He is talking, why to unnecessary discuss about Him? Leave Him, let Him do what He wants.” As if I….My life will be collapsed, if they don’t discuss about Me and fix the girl for Me and all that, as if they are giving up on Me, saying,” Let’s go to the next boy.”


Anyhow… when they were discussing, I saw very clearly, neither idea of fear nor the idea of greed or the idea of shyness, nothing was invoked in Me, during both the discussion. My Depth was clear about what I am going to be! Understand. Even if the shyness is invoked by a discussion, there is a silent confusion in cognition. There are some confusion, they are so silent, even you don’t listen to them. Even you miss listening to them, but they are sitting inside you. Gurus will give you a slight warning. If you CATCH that, you will save yourself. I tell you. This silent confusions, even which you are missing, Gurus will not vocally, directly, tell you, because it may be hurting.


I tell you once this happened. Arunagiri Yogeshwara was supposed to given Me an initiation. He told Me, that it’s a ritualistic initiation, so prepare formally. Means I’ll have to get one fruit and one betel leaf and one…..fruit means banana, one banana, one betel leaf, betel nut and in those days the dakshina will be that 4 ānās. Four ānās is a, I think 25 paise; you have to keep some coin… for that 4 ānā. And, you’ll have to get one towel, means a piece of cloth. These were supposed to be offered as dakshina. So He told Me, “Prepare everything and come with all that.” He was supposed to give a very ritualistic initiation.

One beautiful thing, that one thing with Arunagiri Yogeshwara I have seen, even though He transmits all the experiences, everything, left and right, He will never miss performing something which need to be done ritually, to educate Me, to teach Me a lesson, so I will do the same for all of you. He will never avoid ritual. You see, He will make Me experience the whole Satya of Sannyasa, that does not mean He will not perform the ritual. He will end, after that He will perform the ritual also and give formally… the consolidation. So one day, He told Me that, “Prepare everything and come.” The whole thing will cost maybe less than 1 rupee. Because that towel, already I had one towel, means that Anga Vastram. Only the other few things I need to buy, which is less than a rupee. Including that 4 ānā, I am supposed to give as dakshina, whole thing will cost only less than a…..whole thing will be one rupee.


I went to My grandfather. He is the funder usually, for all My rituals and all the expenses. I went to him and… I still remember that… the steel table and that side he was sitting in the chair and usually kids when they go and sit on….that is My bar...that jumping bar, in that I will put My hand down and try to jump 3-4 times, “Tāttā, Tāttā….”, to get his attention. And he will say, “Enna da, samiyar paiya vantaya!”- Means “What Swami, You have come.” And then I said that, “Like this I am going to have some puja and initiation. I want one rupee.” He will not usually handle the cash. So he will look at…..cashier will be just sitting next to him. He will look at him and they had….in the eyes itself they have a signal - how much to give and all that. And by now I already studied the signal. If he just shows through the eye, only what I asked will be given. If he shows with a little smile also then, little more than what I asked will be given. All that signal now I studied. And if you stand on the table and jump few more times and Nacharichufy. In the tamil it is…. Nacharichufy means nagging, little nagging, “Tāttā, Unnum konjam Tāttā. Tāttā, Unnum konjam thatha!” Means, if you stand and nag – Nacharichufy, you will get one more coin or two more coin.

And He told Me that, “By the time….before sunset come.” Before the sun sets, I am supposed to go to Arunagiri Yogeshwara, so He has to do some the rituals and give. I know now sun is going to set, I need to run, but I was standing there Nacharichufying, thinking that if I stand for few more minutes, I’ll get few more coins. I can buy something with that, when I am going back to temple. And as usual when I stood there and Nacharichufy, nag, he smiled at that cashier. That fellow, “Ayyo Baba!!” I have not seen a person like this. He will count such a way, almost that he will tear that note or almost half of the weight of that coin will go away, the way he rubs!! His name was Shanmugam - My grandfather’s partner. And he will count, “Entha da samiyar paiya!”

Finally he will put that coin. So because I was standing and nagging, I got few more coins. I think 2-3 coins he gave. 

I took it and ran. By the time….almost sun set has happened. By the time I ran to Him, with all the things, almost sunset has happened. And, listen now… now is the real thing. Whenever I go to Arunagiri Yogeshwara, first thing a wide broad smile and He will stretch his legs for Me to touch His feet. That’s the way, He will welcome Me, receive Me. “Vaada!” He will stretch His leg, with a wide smile. That is the way He will always receive and I’ll run and touch His feet. That day, He did not stretch His feet. Smile was not….I will not say There was no smile, but I know it was a limited expression and He did not stretch His legs. That’s it!! I know, underline slight but very strong message for Me. Fortunately, I had such deep Guru bhakti Sadāshiva gave, even the light warnings from Guru, made Me wake up from My blind spots and catch His feet, change My cognition. I should say, that’s the biggest right thing, which is much more important than the initiation from Guru, which lifted Me and made Me experience Oneness with Him.


It is your ability to see the slight warnings He gives and catch, change the cognition, saves you in life. Because many times, He doesn’t want to interfere with your freedom, with your Will, with what you want to do in your life. It is the slight messages. It’s a light underlines. Listen carefully. These underlines, light warnings, very subtle messages, if you can catch that and change your Depth, you are saved.

He did not stretch His leg. That is enough to shake Me. I ran and just held His feet and said, “Sami mannichidunga lataairuchu. Thappu pannitaene.” Means, “Forgive Me, got delayed. I made a mistake.” He said in Tamil very beautifully, “Intha sevaiya vida, athiga panam venumgara asaiyinalae, thevai illamal athiga neratha ezakara parappa” He told Me, I am greedy for money. “Panathasaiyada!” It just shook Me. YES!! Because for initiation, I’ll try to repeat the whole conversation. See for initiation, I need only one rupee. I don’t need to be standing there and nagging My grandfather, for few more coins. Something which I thought I can buy, which can be a comfort and after all easy coming money, it’s only few more minutes…. that casualness. It was a slap shock, I just woke up. Oh God! Just these few coins! And I am a guy, who never touches money. Only like this, this initiation or any of this Arunagiri Yogeshwara’s work, I touch money. This coin… and I remember, I collapsed completely inside. Fortunately, decided to choose the Guru - Arunagiri Yogeshwara - and dropped that remaining coins, which was in My hand at His feet. Over! Never ever even the casual greed - Over! Not even - “because it is coming effortlessly, why not?” NO!! I should not even use the word ‘greed’. Even the casualness – “If it is there, we can buy something”, even that cannot keep Me away from My Guru. It was too small incident. But too big cognitive shift in Me. Over! Over!


There are some messages which you cannot directly tell. If you directly tell, it will look like a, “Oh, am I wrong? Is it wrong?” You will get into defense. Then you cannot be taught. The cognitive shift will not happen. I can only underline. Even a casual desire for little money, should not keep you away from Guru. I can only underline. I cannot directly give you, if I give this statement directly to you, you may get into defense. Then transformation becomes painful, difficult. Sometimes things need to be very subtly told, you need to catch it. You need to catch it. Only if you catch the subtle messages given by Guru, your cognition will be consolidated. You cognition will be consolidated. I am just waiting, seeing whether for whom I am giving this subtle message, are they catching it or playfully missing it.

There are some who cannot be recovered, they are doomed. When I say the name, you are doomed. You can’t be recovered. You are going to be drowning, so as an evidence I am leaving this name. You are not going to save yourself. Only when you are not going to save yourself, I tell your name. If you are going to save yourself, I don’t tell your name. I only send the message and see whether you are going to catch it or going to be playing, missing it. If I tell your name, be very clear, don’t take this as good sign. If I tell your name, don’t think, “Oh, Swamiji told My name directly and advised.” Praising is different. Sometimes I tell your name and praise. That is different. During the advice, if I tell your name, be very clear, I am leaving the evidence for the future to tell, even after Swamiji told, she did not - he did not - listen! If I don’t tell your name, only leave the message, I have a hope you will catch the subtle message and consolidate, catch the blind spot even you are missing, which is inside you and change your cognition. If I am telling your name, it means very clear, you are too arrogant. You are not going to change. I am telling your name, so that the future, you will be the wrong example, for the future to learn lesson from you.


Cognitions matter! Cognitions matter! Cognitions matter! Do you know the funny thing, next what happened… when I collapsed at His feet, dropping the coins? I know at His feet, My whole cognition changed. I was completely new. He lifted Me up and held My face casually and turned. I saw the sun is back! Sun was back! No sunset! He smiled and said, “Getting sun back is much easy for Me, than teaching you with this subtle message. This was more difficult.” The moment you become defensive with Guru, it is spiritual suicide. You are done, nothing can be done after that. Sometimes if Guru tells directly, you get into defensive with Guru. Over! Bye! See you later, when you are ready! Understand. He said, “Making the sun set or getting it back, is in My Will, but you deciding to cognize My side or other side, is Your Will. So I need to play here more subtly than there.”


There was never greed before this incident, after this incident, but there was a casual, “If it is there, okay we can do something.” That silent blind spot. Even you don’t want to believe that blind spot exists in you. If it is loud, even you feel, “Hah! no, no, no, no, no.” Catch the silent blind spots and change your cognitions, using the subtle messages from Master. That….that is the first lesson to evolve the cognition - Depth, for MahaSadāshivoham. I know for few, whom I am sending this subtle message are catching it. Hope, they will have cognitive shift and catch the Master, catch the Guru. Because some messages cannot be told directly, they need to be only given subtly. If something is told directly, you will get into defense, which makes more complication.


Totally you carry only 21 cognitions in the Depth. All the 21 cognitions does not have a blind spot is the Enlightened Cognition. I call it - Pure Mirror. Any crack in any of that cognition, is a one crack in the mirror. Whenever the light reflects on that crack, you go crank! I tell you, how the cognitions function - see if you don’t even have ephemeral freedom, how are you going to have eternal freedom. I say – Ephemeral freedom does not matter for Eternal Freedom. All matters is Eternal Freedom. Ephemeral freedom is non existent illusion.

This Depth cognition…..this depth cognitions comes as ‘waking up’. You just wake up, “Oh God, yes! How did I miss? How am I missing? How I am taking life for granted?” Actually, I felt, I took Arunagiri Yogeshwara for granted, for that moment. He is sitting and for the sake of these few coins, I am wasting few minutes not being in His presence. That was a slap on My soul. I felt My soul was hit!!! “How can this be?” Only when He picked Me up, with both the hands and He will handle Me very lovingly with the….very physical and holding My neck, turning My neck literally….he did not even say verbally, “turn and see that side.” No! He just turned My neck… to show and I saw - sun has not yet set. Sun is back! I don’t want to say, “Not yet set” He was back actually. Because I am very sure - sun was set when I entered the temple again, with all the things needed. He was back!


One more thing I want to tell you, the method of verifying really this incident happened. In the modern day, many of the organizations like NASA, records all the happenings. If we go back and verify - on this particular day, this gadbad, surely would have been recorded. By pulling out the data, we can precisely fix the date and time, when this incident happened. Because now, they are even tracing back that Vaisakha Purnima, the third eye of Sadāshiva, manifesting - third eye of MahaSadāshiva manifesting Maha Subramanya, on exactly, precisely, on that Visakha, there was a huge big bang on the Cosmos. Now they are recording, it means they are collecting the informations, co-relating. We will be able to get some data and co-relate with what I am saying.

Much more than what happened outside, what happened inside matters. I realized, even a casual missing is too costly. Reasons do not matter - missing matters. Reasons can be as logical as possible, as right as possible, as moralistic as possible, as perfect as possible, as responsible as possible - but missing - is missing - is missing!! Reasons do not matter. That is the cognition - I got. Only when He picked up physically and turned My head physically and showed that sun is not yet set, I relaxed, “Oh God!” Not that because sun did not set, but because He is back with Me, physically handling Me and I have not lost Him. That mood… that He did not stretch the leg is now complete. That mood is completed. Now I am back - He is back. I have My Arunagiri Yogeshwara back and He has Me back. Understand. That relationship matters!! Anything else will follow! That relationship matters! How Guru holds you - Not giving surprise to Guru. How you hold Him - How He holds you. If you don’t give surprise to Him, He will not give surprise to you. If you hold Him the way He holds you - that is what I call Guru Bhakti - relationship with Guru! You holding Him the way He holds you.


So listen to this lesson about Depth, your cognitions. Your cognitions matter. The good news I have for you is - you can consciously sit and work and develop the right cognition. It hardly takes 2-3 months of repetitive remembrance and will persistence. Nothing else. I tell you – Man is not bound by the circumstances. He is only bound by his Will Persistence, nothing else. Your decision to persist or not, only keeps you in bondage or freedom - never the circumstances. Your decision to persist!! The problem is when you become defensive with the Guru that is when I say, “Nothing can be done to you.” When I say...when I mention your name, nothing can be done to you; because you become defensive with Guru. You are fighting with Me. Fool!! With whom are you fighting? Fighting with Me, is you cutting your own hand. You use….you take a sword in your right hand, cut your left leg, cut your right leg, cut your left hand and then hold the sword in your teeth and hit your right hand and cut the right hand also - who?!!! Who is going to be affected by it? And then finally you tell the….your friend or somebody, “Please, you hold this sword and cut my neck. Or you hold the sword, you may not cut, I myself will run and cut and come and hit this sword and cut my neck.” With whom are you fighting? Fighting with Me is fighting with You. Suicide - spiritual suicide! When you become defensive with Guru that is what I call - Spiritual Suicide. Fool! Understand. I am playing for you. I am your side person. I am not opposite side person. People have biggest problem - “How can He not trust me?” Fool! You are not an individual. You are bunch of blind spots. How do you want Me to trust the blind spots, which even you don’t know how it expresses and how it exists. I am supposed to clean it, by pointing it to you.


Work with your Depth. Decide to cognize everything life positive - Guru positive - powerful cognitions - powerful manifestations. Iron out everything to be powerful. Be more and more empowered by Guru. Be more and more empowered by life. Understand one thing. It is purely by Integrity - life is achieved. It is purely by integrity, life is achieved; nor by cunningness or by clever strategies. It is purely by integrity, life is achieved. With this, I bless you all. Today’s... essence of today’s Satsang - “Cognitions matter!”


With this, I bless you all. Let’s all radiate with Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility, Enriching, Causing, Living Shuddhadvaita Saivam, Sadāshivoham, the Eternal Bliss - Nithyananda.

Thank you. Be Blissful.


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In the young age, usually the mother’s brothers - the uncles, take the responsibility of making the boys swim in the home well, teaching swimming. It’s a village hobby during the vacation. And of course, I grew up with a large number of cousins. If you see all my young age photograph, childhood photographs, it’ll always be a large group! Because two reason, photography is rare than the number of kids living there. In the modern day, number of kids is rare and photography is regular. In those days photography is very rare, number of kids is large so everyone will try to put their neck for photograph. In those days once or twice a year only we even get photographed. Now only once an hour you get photographed or you just photograph. It is not even nowadays, once a day! It’s all once an hour.


So my uncles were trying to teach swimming for all the kids. The village farmhouse, my grandfather’s favourite village farmhouse, which my grandmother owned, and they waited and donated it to us which is there as a our ashram - Arunachala Dhyanapeetam, Nithyan ... where fa … my father’s samadhi is there; that is the same property, same well. So all the uncles, they sit around, and they drop one by one each kid, and help that kid to swim. They will actually tie that a bottle guard shell on the stomach with the thread, and also they’ll tie a rope in the hip and hold that, so the child doesn’t get drowned. It’s a village … way of safety mechanism. And, they were trying to throw every kid. When they were trying to put me, I said, “No, I am a sannyasi. I am not supposed to swim.” In shastras, there is an instruction that sannyasi is not suppose to swim or light fire for cooking. Some of those ... and we do not know why they created; in those days, in those days all the risky things sannyasis were asked to avoid because sannyasis are really rare species.


They were teasing me that because I am afraid to swim, I am using this as instruction. I looked in I saw my cognition was so clear, there was no powerlessness, there was no fear. But I didn’t want to learn swimming, just I wanted to respect that rule. Of course, there was a discussion there. One of my uncle whom I really respect very well because he is a great swimmer and he protects everyone, he takes care of everyone. In those days what you know about taking care, means if he can climb the coconut tree and cut coconut and give. He can pluck mangoes and feed you. These are all the, these are all the ideas with which we decide who is caring, who is loving. There was a discussion and that uncle who I used to respect, … he was debating about marriage and sannyas and advising me, “You should not think you are a sannyasi now itself, you should see life and get married and all that.”


Fortunately, before him I was already consolidated by Yogananda Puri, understand. Because he has already consolidated my cognition, my depth - no question of even argument. Understand, anything about which you don’t even argue is your depth! Even if there is a scope for argument, it is only your length or breadth, not depth! I was fortunate enough, I was already consolidated in my depth by Yogananda Puri. Not even argument! I saw very clearly there was no fear of water. It was only I decided not to, because I read somewhere in one book, in shastra that sannyasi should not swim. 06:19



Aushadha Process

Aushadha Process

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