Bharadvaja asana

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Bharadvaja asana: Asana

Asana Type



Āpta Pramāṇa - आप्त प्रमाण

Apta Pramana Source

Yoga-rahasya of Srinatha-muni-VI.8,10


"bharadväja äsana idäné garbhiëénäà yogäbhyäso yathä laghu | sukhaprasavaläbhäya procyate präktane pathi ॥

  • for extended verse see end of chapter"


Now, practicing the Yogasanas for pregnant slightly(at ease/without straining much) for smooth delivery will be told as earlier way. Danda, Padma, Bharadwaja, Veera, Vajra, sama these are to be practiced with Deep Exhalation.


1.Sit on the right heel.

2.Place the left foot over the right thigh.

3.Catch the left foot with the left arm around the back.

4.Slide right hand fingers under the left knee.

5.Turn the head to the right and breathe deeply."

Atma Pramana Benefits

Practicing the Yogasanas for pregnant slightly(at ease/without straining much) for smooth delivery will be told as earlier way.

Simple sketch

Bharadvajasana ii (YRah VI.8,10).png