January 12 2019

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Principle of Samrajya Lakshmi Pitika || Expounded on Foundation Book of Kailasa || Aakash Bhairava Tantra for Gurukul syllabus ||


The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism, Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam, His Divine Holiness, Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam, expounded on the Cosmic Principles of Samrajya Lakshmi Pitika, during the everyday live public talk - Nithyananda Satsang. In this talk entitled Foundation Book Of Kailaasa - The Only Hindu Nation, His Divine Holiness (HDH) expounded on how a Hindu nation, an Enlightened civilization, should exist as per Paramashiva. He explained how city planning should be done, how wars are waged, how the forts should be built, the roles of royalty, the Constitution, daily routines and pujas, the set up of Institutions for relief work, daily exercise and all other aspects of society which are prescribed in the Akasha Bhairava Tantra, the foundation for all the work of KAILASA.

Similarly, His Divine Holiness explained that the Akasha Bhairava Tantra will be the syllabus for the Gurukuls and will be uploaded on this day to the Internet. The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism concluded Satsang by inviting parents from all over the world to enroll their child in online and brick and mortar classes on Samrajya Lakshmi Pitika sharing that they would be the Spiritual Ambassadors to KAILASA and are also invited to learn this book.

Video - The Foundation Book of Kailaasa - Samrajya Lakshmi Pitika


00:11 >>>video missing first part of chant<<< nandeśvara paramashiva samārambhām nithyānandeśvari parashakti madhyamām | asmat āchārya paryantām vande guru paramparām ||

I welcome you all with my love and respects and blessings.

Today I want to introduce direct words of Paramashiva given to Parashakti on the enlightened civilization - how an enlightened civilization, Hindu Nation should exist. Paramashiva has elaborately with hundred and thirty nine chapters - detailed accounts, manual for emperors and welfare of the nation in Akasha Bhairava Tantra. The book is called Sri Samrajya Lakshmi Pithika (साम्राज्यलक्ष्मीपीठिका, Sāmrājyalakṣmīpīṭhikā). It’s a elaborate description of Paramashiva by Paramashiva to Parvati, Parashakti - how an enlightened civilization should exist, how the fort for the leader should be, how a prince, princesses should be, how the Constitution, what should be the Constitution. And, how the whole flow should functioned, the qualities, skills, lifestyle of the ministers, different sections of the society. Oh God! If you see that details - unimaginable daily routine, self, culture of the head of the state and for the whole welfare of the hill kingdom, whole kingdom; workings of each department of the nation and the state and how to run successful administration of the nation.

02:53 I tell you, still enlightened civilization Kailaasa exists inside the Kailaasa Hill. Please understand, the Kailaasa Hill in Tibet, Arunachala Hill in Tibet, Arunachala Hill in Tiruvannamalai - Tamil Nadu, Thiruparankundram Hill in Madurai, all these are not as you think a structure. Inside the enlightened civilization still continues to exist. Tons of references by the great Aptas exist as recently as Ramana Maharshi. Ramana Maharshi says inside Arunachala Hill, the Arunagiri Yogishwara is sitting, and, running the whole enlightened civilization. He says he himself has gone in many time and experienced, stayed with them, lived with them and came out. Of course, I have my own experience - Atma Pramana with Shastra Pramana, Apta Pramana and Atma Pramana. My own Atma Pramana, I give you the guarantee - enlightened civilization still exists. Kailaasa in Tibet, Tiruvannamalai in Tamil Nadu, Thiruparankundram in Madurai are all connected through this enlightened civilization, and, that enlightened civilization manifest as the Hindu Nation for the human beings who are living on the planet earth.

04:52 So this Samrajya Lakshmi Pithika from Akasha Bhairava Tantra is enlightened civilization mapping itself on Hindu Nation - how to create for the human beings an enlightened civilization, understand. Inside Kailaasa, Arunachala, Thiruparankundram, some more places: Paramashiva, Rishis, Munis, Kailayavasis, Siddha, Rishi, Muni, Kinnara, Kimpuru, Gandharva, Gandhara, Yaksha, Rakshasa, Sura, Asura, all of them - how they lived an enlightened civilization with Oneness with Paramashiva; that principle of Oneness is mapped into an understanding in this Sri Samrajya Lakshmi Pithika of Akasha Bhairava Tantra by Paramashiva to create Hindu Nation, understand. The elaborate instruction how a fort should be built. From there, the designs, the whole thing, the deity representing the power and glory of the state - Samrajya Lakshmi, description of Her temple and the divine routine and puja, everything so elaborately, so beautifully described.

06:38 So from today, in our gurukul this book will be a one of the important subject. Because our gurukul is created to create enlightened kings and queens, enlightened prince and princesses. It’s not just created to have just to have an enlightened beings. No. Enlightened kings. The aim of my gurukul is enlightened prince, princesses to revive this enlightened civilization and Hindu Rashtra, Hindu Nation. So we have many aadheenvasis, kailayavasis in Adi Kailash who knows Sanskrit. Start teaching this from today. From today, Samrajya Lakshmi Pithika from Akasha Bhairava Tantra becomes a syllabus for our whole gurukul. Gurukul was not created just with the purpose of creating enlightened beings or enlightened sannyasis or enlightened Peethadhipati. It is created for the enlightened Peethadheeshwars. Means enlightened sannyasi kings and queens. So my kids should learn this Tantra, Akasha Bhairava Tantra - Samrajya Lakshmi Pithika.

08:19 The book is already translated in French. But I don’t think it is translated in English or Tamil, any other languages. But it’s already translated in French. But, we have enough people who know Sanskrit in Adi Kailash. We have many Sanskrit post graduates. You can start teaching from today this book, worship. Even relief work, how overcoming calamity should be, how invasion should be handled, how war should be waged, everything, city planning, construction of the state. Everything so beautifully, and, celebration. How the Aishvaryas (ऐश्वर्य, Aiśvarya) should be, how warriors should be selected, how commanders should be selected, how ministers and administers should, should be selected - whole thing. How the institutions for charity should be established, how temple should be established, how daily prayers should be established. Oh God! What an elaborate description, how He runs the enlightened civilization inside Kailaasa, Arunachala, Thiruparankundram. He has described beautifully in this Akasha Bhairava Tantra. So this will be our foundation work. This will be the foundation for the revival of the Kailaasa, the enlightened civilization.

10:00 So naturally it will be the greatest nation guiding, and setting a trend for all the nations on the planet earth to follow, and enjoy, get enlightened. So beautiful, such elaborate details. And how the kings coronation should be done. How the Raja Bhavana, Nirvana Lakshana and the throne - Raja Simhasana Rohana, and the deities which are supposed to be in the hall, in the coronation ceremony, Simhasana Nirvana Pratistha Vidhi, Simhasana Rohana, everything so beautifully … And, how the head of the nation should be giving darshan to the citizens after the coronation, to that detail. I think it is time the gurukul, my prince and princesses start learning this science - how the seventy two groups of retinue eh follows and sixty four arts that the kings and ministers administers, elites of the king’s government should be adopting, and science of manifesting wealth, everything, everything. And, it’s so beautifully described. And, so this book forms foundation, fundamental for the Kailaasa - reviving the enlightened civilization, the Hindu Nation.

11:55 So this book also should be printed in palm leaf, kept in all our temples, embassies as the foundation Constitution of the Kailaasa directly taught by Paramashiva to Parvati, revealed by Paramashiva to Parvati. So this book forms the foundation, fundamental Constitution work, and then we will be adding some more like Manu Smriti. Even Paramashiva himself has revealed some more Dharmasutras and smritis - all that will be added. This book will form the foundation of the Constitution of the Kailaasa, Cosmic Constitution. And, elaborately the festivals which need to be celebrated each month. How the charity should be done and charitable institution should be established. It is just how the physical exercise should be done. How the dance should be done. Oh God! It’s, it is just a, the vision document of Paramashiva - how He is running the Kailaasa, the enlightened civilization is unimaginable.

13:12 Let’s listen to Him and live as per His vision. Let’s make His vision reality. It is, it’s so beautiful and He describes about that Tuladhanam, Tulabharam, Shodasa Mahadana, Dasha Parvadana, Merudana, Jnaneshvarya Karavidya Vishesha Dana and pilgrimage, what all, Raja Tirtha Yatra Sankalpa, Tirtha Yatra Phala Svarupa, everything. How an army should go with the chariots, elephant, cops, calvary, charioteers, Sarathi Lakshana and appa! Such elaborate description. So, we are uploading this book today in the internet. You can all download and learn you know Sanskrit. Soon we will upload the English translation. The gurukul should start this as a class today. From today, the class on Sri Samrajya Lakshmi Pithika, the book from Akasha Bhairava Tantra starts in our gurukuls, and it can be made even online classes. So all over the world, all the gurukuls, universities - who want to become my prince and princesses can start learning.

14:51 So you can also enrol, if you want to become my prince and princesses. And any parents if you want your children to be prince and princess of Kailaasa, you can send an email to [email protected]. We will train your child. So, [email protected]. We will open the prince-princess training classes on campus and online - both. If any parents want on campus training, you are welcome, but one parent should be there with the child with a full legal custody, and be there in Adi Kailash for on campus training. And, all the kids in the Adi Kailash are going to be future prince and princesses.

15:58 So, this Agama should be immediately printed by all temples, either in palm leaf or in paper, and kept in puja from today. From today, all temples start worshipping this Agama in a printed form and bound form. The whole verses, all the verses will be uploaded immediately. So from Kailash website please download. Kailash digital nation, sorry, we can’t use the word website, it is too small word. From Kailash digital nation you can download and print it, and, keep it in all temples for worship. Everyday it should be worshipped, remembered as the Constitution of the revival of enlightened civilization - Kailaasa. So, classes will start from today in Adi Kailaasa, and online also the classes will be available. Everyday the classes will be happening. Because, training the prince and princesses is too important job for reviving the Kailaasa, enlightened civilization.

17:32 Anybody who is below twenty one can enrol for this class online. Anybody below twenty one can join on campus class to be prince and princesses. The moment you join the class, you will be given the title “prince on training,” “the undertraining prince,” “undertraining princess” for Kailaasa, the revival of enlightened civilization. This book becomes the foundation even for the people who want to become spiritual ambassadors of Kailaasa should learn this book, should read this book. If you want to be spiritual ambassador of Kailaasa, please send an email, you will get the copy of this book - e-copy, digital copy. You should start reading, understanding the principles. So let’s get ready to revive the Kailaasa, enlightened civilization as visualised, envisioned by Paramashiva, as revealed by Paramashiva to Parashakti, and, let’s do the work!

I bless you all. Let’s all radiate with Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility, Enriching, Causing, Living Shuddhadvaita Saivam, Paramashivoham, The Eternal Bliss, Nithyananda. Thank you. Be blissful. 19:04

Link to Audio

The Foundation Book Of Kailaasa - Samrajya Lakshmi Pitika


I welcome you all with love respect and blessings

I want to introduce direct words of paramashiva to adi shakti on the enlightened civilization, how an enlightened Civilization Hindu nation should exist, paramashiva has over eight hundred and thirty nine chapters detailedaccounts, Manual for emperors and welfare of the nation in AKASHA BHAIRAWA TANTRA the book is called SRI SAMRAJYA LAXMI PETIKA It is a elaborate description of paramashiva to parvati parasakthi how an enlightened civilization should exist, how fourth Should be a leader, how Prince princesses should be, how the constitution be, what should be the constitution, and how the whole flow should function on the qualities skill lifestyle of minister is different sections of the society.

Oh God if You see the details unimaginable daily routine self culture of head of the state and for The whole Welfare of the hill kingdom whole Kingdom workings of each department of the nation under state and how to run successful administration of the nation.

I tell you still enlightened civilization Kailasha exist inside the Kailasha Hill. Please understand The Kailasha hill in Tibet arunachala hill in Tibet, ARUNACHALA hill in tiruvannamalai TAMILNADU THIRUPARANGUNDRAM hill in madurai all these are not as you think structure, inside the enlightened civilization still continues to exist, tons of references by the Great aptas as recently as ramana maharishi Ramana Maharshi says inside the arunachala hill the ARUNAGIRI YOGESHWARA is sitting and running the whole enlightened civilization. he says he himself has gone in and has experience, stayed with them, lived with them and then came out.

Of course I have my own experience with RAMANA ,With Sastra pramana, apta pramana and atma pramana my own atma pramana I give you guarantee enlightened civilizations still exist, kailash in Tibet, tiruvannamalai in Tamil Nadu, THIRUPARANGUNDRAM in Madurai are all connected through this enlightened civilization and that enlightened civilization manifest has the Hindu nation for the human beings who are you living on the planet Earth so this Samrajya Laxmi pitika from akasa Bhairava tantra is enlightened civilization mapping itself on hindu Nation How to create for the human beings- an enlightened civilization

5:24 Understand inside Kailash arunachala THIRUPARANGUNDRAM some more places, parama Shiva , Rishis, Munis, kailashvasis, siddha-rishi-munis, kinnara, kimburada,kandhara, yaksha , rakshas, sura-asurah, all of them how they lived an enlightened civilization with Oneness with paramashiva that principle of Oneness is is mapped into the understanding in this Sri Samrajya Lakshmi Pitika of akash Bhairav tantra by paramashiva to create Hindu Nation. Understand the elaborate instruction how a court should be built, from there the designs, the whole thing the deiti representing the power and the glory of the state samrajya Lakshmi description of her temple and divine routine and the Puja everything so elaborately so beautifully described. so from today in our gurukul this book will be one of the important subject, because our Gurukul is created to create enlightenment Kings and Queens enlightened prince and princess it's not just created to have just an enlightened beings NO!

Enlightened Kings the aim of my Gurukul is the enlightened Prince Princesses to revive this enlightened Civilization and hindu rashtra hindu Nation. So we have many aandheenavasis Kailashavasi's in Adi Kailash who know Sanskrit start teaching this from today. From today Samrajya lakshmi Pitika from Akash Bhairav tantra becomes the syllabus for our whole Gurukul , Gurukul was not created just with the purpose of creating the enlightened being are enlightened Sanyasi, peetadipathi, it is created for enlightened peetadeeshwars means enlightened Sanyasi kings and Queens

so my kids should learn this tantra Aakasha Bhairava tantra Samrajya Lakshmi peetika the book is already translated in French but I don't think it is translated in English or tamil any other languages but it's already translated in French but We have enough people who knows Sanskrit in adi kailash we have many sanskrit post graduates and start eating from today this book worship, even relief work how overcoming calamity should be, how war should be waged, everything, city planning construction of the state everything so beautifully and celebrations how ashta aishwarya's should be how various should be selected how commander should be selected, how ministers and administer should be selected, whole thing how the Institutions for charity should be established how temple should be established how daily prayers to be established

Oh God what elaborated description, how he runs the enlightened civilization inside Kailasha arunachal THIRUPARANGUNDRAM described beautifully indies Akash Bhairav tantra So this will be our Foundation work this will be the foundation for the revival of the Kailash the enlightened civilization so naturally it will be there great destination guiding sitting a trend for all the nation on planet Earth to follow and enjoy get enlightened so beautiful such elaborate detail and how the kings coronation should be done.

how the Raj Bhavana nirman lakhchana the thrown Raja singhasana And the deities that are supposed to be in the hall the coronation ceremony sinhasana Nirman Pratishthan vidhhi everything so beautifully and How the head of the nation should be giving darshans to the citizens after the coronation that detail I think it is time the Gurukul my prince and princess start learning just signs how the 72 groups of retinue follows 64 arts that the king and the ministers administer elites of the kings government should be adept in and science of manifesting wealth everything Everything it's so beautifully described so this books forms foundation fundamental for the kailash reviving the enlightened civilization The Hindu Nation so this book should also be printed in the palm leaf kept in all our temples embassies as the foundation constitution of the kailash are directly taught by paramashiva to Parvati revealed by paramashiva to parvati This book forms the foundation fundamental constitution and then we'll be adding some more like Manu Smiriti even param Shiva himself has revealed some more dharmasutras and smriti's all that will be added. This book will form the foundation of to constitution of the Kailash cosmic constitution and elaborate festivals which need to be celebrated each month how the charity should be done and the charitable institution should be established it is just how the physical exercise should be done how the dance should be done

Oh God it's just the vision document of the paramashiva how is running the Kailash the enlightened civilization is unimaginable Let's listen to him and live as his vision let's make his vision reality

It is so beautiful and he describes about tuladhananm tulabharam sodasha mahadhana dasha paravat dhana meru dhana visesha jnaeshwarya karavidya visesha dhana and pilgrimage what all rajya Tirth Yatra Sankalp tirthayatra pazha swarupa Everything how an army should go with chariots elephants cop travelary charioteers saradhi lakshana

such elaborated description So we are uploading this book today in the internet you all can download

and learn sanskrit soon will upload the English translation The Gurukul should start this as a class today from today the class on shree samrajya Rajalakshmi peetika the book from Akasha Bhairav tantra starts in our gurukuls and it can be made online classes

So all over the world all the gurukul universities who want to become my prince and princess can start learning so you can also enroll If you want to become my prince and princess and any parents if you want your children to be prince and princess of kailash you can send an email to contact Kailashaa.org we will train your child So contact at kailaasa.org we will open the prince/princesses training classes on campus and online both If any parents want on campus training you are welcome but one parents should be there with child with full legal custody and be there in adi Kailash for on campus training and all the kids in the adi Kailash are going to be future prince and princess

So this aagama should be immediately printed by all temples either in Palm leaf or in paper and kept in Puja from today from today all temples that start worshipping this aagama in a printed form and bound form The whole versus all the verses will be uploaded in all the verses So from Kailash website please download kailash digital Nation sorry we can't use the word website it is two small word small words from Kailash digital Nation. you can download and print it and keep it in all the temples for worship

Every day should be worship and remember as the constitution after revival of enlightened civilization kailasha So Classes will start from today In Adi Kailasha and online also the classes will be available everyday the classes will be happening because training the prince and princess is too important job for reviving the Kailasha enlightened civilization.

Anybody who is below 21 can enroll for this class online, anybody below 21 can join on campus class to be prince and princess the moment you join the class you will be given the title prince on training the under training prince under training princess what Kailash the the revival of enlightened Civilization.

This book becomes the foundation even for the people who want to become spiritual ambassador’s of kailasha should learn this book should read this book. If you want to be spiritually ambassador of Kailash please send an email you will get copy of this book. Digital copy you should start reading understanding the principles so let's get ready to revive kailash enlightened civilization as visualized by paramashivaiah as revealed by paramashivaiah to parasakthi and Let's do the work

I bless you all

Let's all radiate with the integrity authenticity responsibility enriching causing living suddhatvaita Saivam Paramashivoham the eternal bliss Nithyananda

Thank you, Be blissful.


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Original Satsang ( 12 Jan 2019 ) : The Foundation Book of Kailaasa - Samrajya Lakshmi Pitika

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