April 16 2013

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In today’s morning satsang, Paramahamsa Nithyananda expands on how these four tattvas strengthen the Kundalini in each of us. Our thoughts and words are directly connected to Kundalini shakti, and all our experiences are fueled by it. The belief that Kundalini awakening can only happen after prolonged and specialized practice actually obstructs the process. When we embrace integrity in our thinking shakti is awakened spontaneously, immediately, opening us to bliss and liveliness. Raising the Kundalini automatically raises us to a greater level of authenticity, from which we take expanded responsibility for enriching our environment.

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Paramahamsa Nithyananda, thought, Kundalini shakti, experience, fuel, belief, Kundalini awakening, process, embrace, integrity, bliss, authenticity, responsibility, enrich, environment.


Kundalini Awakening is Your Decision

Nithyanandeshwara Samaarambhaam Nithyanandeshwari Madhyamaam |
Asmath Aachaarya Paryanthaam Vandhey Guru Paramparaam ||

Today I will expand on how these four tattwas can be lived continuously, how the Kundalini awakening in these four principles can be strengthened.

Please listen! Your Kundalini Shakthi is not disconnected from your thoughts and actions. Only one thought can trigger your Kundalini and awaken it or make it shrink and coil back. Only one lust thought – already your body is ready. Understand, only one lust thought – and already your body is ready!

Your thought and your actions and your brain, your words, all these is directly connected to the bio-energy. Your bio-energy is directly connected to it. So, don’t think the moment I utter the word “Kundalini” it is there somewhere, and at somebody some point, some method, some technique, some day it may be awakened, but it may not be awakened now; now it has nothing to do with my day-to-day life. No! You are seeing me because of your Kundalini energy. You are perceiving the breeze on your skin, through your skin, because of Kundalini energy. You are listening to this sound because of Kundalini energy. You are processing this sound because of Kundalini energy.

Listen! So, when you alter the way you think, respond, speak, now your Kundalini can be awakened, your Kundalini energy can be altered, you can awaken your Kundalini energy before the end of this satsang. You can experience Kundalini awakening before the end of this satsang!

Listen! Even if you sit and listen intensely, Kundalini can be awakened now! Even now if you sit and listen sincerely, intensely, Kundalini can be awakened now! Every thought you create, maintain, cognize has a direct effect on your bio-energy. If you cognize and encourage a natural lustful thought, immediately it will have its own effect on the body and mind. If you cognize and react to a spiritual thought, immediately the body and mind will have its own effect on it. If you cognize and react to the thought of Integrity and Authenticity, immediately your bio-energy, your Kundalini energy will have effect on it, will have impact on it. Please listen!

For example, the constant tiredness and fatigue you carry, please understand, when you start practicing Authenticity, the first wall you face – either you can make the wall as stopping stone or stepping stone – the first wall you are going to face is tiredness and laziness. Tiredness, laziness and boredom, that is what will be the first enemy for your Authenticity. When you are trying to expand your experience about you and others’ experience about you, tiredness, boredom, fatigue will be the first thing stopping you.

Listen! I will give you one example. In the office, if you are not authentic, you can leave office by evening 5 o’clock; but if you want to practice Authenticity, you may have to do a little more work to make everything authentic. It may take one more hour. When you decide to be authentic, what is going to stop you first? The Boredom! ‘After 5 o’clock I can’t sit in office! It is too much! I am too tired! I am bored of these same sick fellows! I am bored, tired! I feel lazy!’

Listen! Even once if you decide, ‘No! I am going to be authentic! I will break this laziness, tiredness, boredom pattern!’, even one decision you make in the line of authenticity, your Kundalini opens up, your Kundalini is awakened!

The moment I utter the word “Kundalini”, all of us think we have to do something very secretly sitting inside some dark cave, some mantra or meditation some practices, you have to go to a place remote Himalayas, to some Guru, and you learn some mantra which he will whisper in your ears, which you may understand half and may not understand half, and you may have to collect different skull, herb, and sit on that and start chanting in the amavasya (new moon day) midnight, only then Kundalini will be awakened! No! No! Your Kundalini can be awakened through your office, through your office work!

Every single decision you make based on Authenticity, your Kundalini is awakened! Every single, every single decision you take based on Authenticity to break your laziness, tiredness, boredom – see, the moment you decide to break and make the decision, see in your muscle-memory and bio-memory, so much energy will be flooded! You will feel a certain joy and you will feel, ‘Yes, I am going to do it!’ That joy is “Ananda” of Sat-Chit-Ananda! That energy is “Chit” of Sat-Chit-Ananda! That courage is “Sat” of Sat-Chit-Ananda! Understand, Sat-Chit-Ananda is not somewhere you will experience after you are almost about to die or after death! No! In your everyday decisions, Sat-Chit-Ananda can be experienced! To make Sat-Chit-Ananda as “Nithya” Ananda, Nithyananda has happened!

(11:27 to 14:24 hindi)

Listen! This is the basic truth you need to understand. Listen! Unless you start awakening your Kundalini NOW, everyday, in your day-to-day life, the possibility does not exist. The possibility does not exist! Either it is NOW or NEVER! Because, when you start believing it will happen after some time, after some time, after some time, that belief itself becomes like lacquer coating on you, you never will be able to touch the time “present”, the moment “now”, experience the zone “now”.

Please listen! Person who is thinking about the future, his eyes will not be seeing the present, even if his eyes are open! There will not be connection between his eyes and he. How many of you cognize what I am saying? Same way, exactly the same way, if you start believing Kundalini awakening can happen only after some time, it can happen after some time, please understand that belief itself will become a obstruction between you and the Kundalini awakening. That is one of the worst dangers! You need to break that negative belief with Integrity, with the right commitments. If you have committed with you, again and again, that ‘Kundalini and all that will not awaken for me! It may happen only after 20 years, 30 years of practice! It is not for me! It is all maybe for sannyasis, seekers, evolved souls, not for me! It will take years t will do this this this this’, if you have all these beliefs, that itself becomes a negative commitment you gave to you. Because of the very negative commitment, it does not happen in you!

In the young age I used to have a strong feeling that these miracles, powers will come only if you meditate without moving from a place for 12 years! No I had this strong belief ‘I have to sit for 12 years without moving! And My hair has to grow and enter the ground like a banyan tree root! Only even when I want to get up I can’t get up because my hair has entered the ground like a rooted! Only then I will have siddhis!’ This commitment has become negative commitment to me , I delayed achieving the ashta maha siddhis. May be, I was not expressing the ashta maha siddhis. It was already there right from birth, expressing ashta maha siddhis delay has happened because of my own negative commitments.

min 20 to 30

You also see in your life, to be a leader, to be a siddha, to be a mahapurusha, to be a jnani, you may be giving a lot of negative commitments to you, you might have given lot of negative commitments to you: ‘How can I have Vaak Siddhi? Swamiji can have! How can I have? I will have may be after 20 years when I am old, or next janma!’ Even these thoughts become negative commitment in you! How many of you are getting it? How many of you feel, ‘Oh, God! I have so many negative commitments given to me!’? Raise your hand! (People raise their hands.) Sit and complete with all of that. You have to restore your Integrity, completing with all these negative commitments. Only then Kundalini awakening will start happening now. And it is possible NOW!

Hindi – Min 21:20.0 to 22:24.2

You have to awaken NOW!  You CAN awaken NOW! 

Hindi – Min 22:33.9 to 22:49.5

Your every action can awaken your Kundalini. Your every action can become part of Kundalini. Please listen! Understand completely! Even now, your decision to sit straight and listen with Authenticity can awaken your Kundalini! Or your decision to just fall asleep can shrink your Kundalini!

Hindi – Min 24:16.9 to 24:49.5

Listen! Listen! Every time you bring an authentic decision, your Kundalini is awakened. Every time your Kundalini is awakened, you are raising yourself to the next level of Authenticity. You can see in your everyday life, every day in your office, in your relationships, if your spouse is shouting at you, wife or husband is screaming, shouting at you, screaming at you, you decide, ‘I will raise my Authenticity level! Now I will not shout back or react! I will respond with Integrity and Responsibility!’ Even one decision awakens your Kundalini! Awakens your Kundalini!

Hindi – Min 27:18.8 to 27:35.6

Every single moment, when you wake up in the early morning, the awareness you bring to you awakens your Kundalini or can put your Kundalini to sleep. When you listen, the awareness you bring to your ears can awaken your Kundalini or can put your Kundalini to sleep. When you read, the awareness you bring to your reading, your eyes can awaken your Kundalini or can put your Kundalini to sleep. When you think, the Integrity you bring to your thinking can awaken your Kundalini or can put your Kundalini to sleep.

It is unfortunate sometimes you give up on you. You say, ‘No, I cannot raise myself to the next level!’ When you give up on you, you are dead! Dead! Giving up on you is the worst thing that can happen to you, especially due to the patterns, laziness! When you decide to give up on you, you are “Patita”, “Fallen”, “Dead One”! If you live these principles, even if you leave the body, you continue to radiate, inspire millions, you continue to exist! If not, even while you are alive, you are dead!

Hindi – Min 30:03.3 to 31:32.5

(31:39) Listen! Whether you practice Authenticity or Integrity, the moment you start practicing, the moment you start practicing, Kundalini is awakened! Your Kundalini is awakened! Listen! The moment you start practicing, your Kundalini is awakened! It is so unfortunate, it is so unfortunate, you have the wrong beliefs about Kundalini awakening. Should complete with all of that. Start awakening your Kundalini NOW!

(33:36) Hindi

(33:53) Whenever you allow your inauthenticity, you shrink the Kundalini. Every time when you become authentic, your Kundalini gets awakened. Every time when you become authentic, your Kundalini gets awakened.

(34:50) Hindi

(35:35) Thousands of people come and ask me, ‘Swamiji, I was suffering for years with this disease, that pain. The moment you put your hand, it disappeared! How, how can it be?’

Just few days before, one of my ashramite was suffering with whole body pain. All I did, all I did just send this kerchief. In 10 minutes, she became alright!

People ask me, ‘How, how it is possible?’

Listen! When you practice Integrity and Authenticity, your Kundalini energy is so alive and awakened, it radiates and fills anything you touch!

Sometime people ask, ‘Then why you are suffering with cough?’

No I tell you, there is a truth. I took up the wrong pattern of Ramana Maharshi and Ramakrishna of not healing their own body. But now I decided I am going to drop even that pattern. I am going to heal the body, because the body is required to enrich others. You will see now how the body will be healed! Simply it will be healed! Just yesterday, I was cognizing, what is going on? Why? Because it has become too much! This cough has become too much. Doesn’t allow me to sleep and! I was thinking, oh god what is going on? As a playful way I allowed alright stay one or two days you also in the body and have the darshan and prasadam and go. And this fellow is not leaving! Then I looked in. I saw this is the idea. Because of them, I was also just living casually. Now I decided to break that pattern. I declare body is healed! That’s it! You will see now, it will be healed!

You should know your life is your life. You are the owner; you are responsible! You are the experiencer! You are everything! You are the organizer, you are the conductor, you are the owner, you are everything for your life! Take the responsibility for your life and bring Authenticity to your life. That’s all is the essence of my today’s satsang.

Photos From The Day:

Padha Puja Swamji and Meenakshi http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/IMG_5752.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/IMG_5756_0.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/IMG_5759.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/IMG_5764_0.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/IMG_5765.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/IMG_5766.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/IMG_5770_0.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/IMG_5790%20%282%29.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/IMG_5802.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/IMG_5807.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/IMG_5812.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/IMG_5822_0.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/IMG_5826.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/IMG_5841_0.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/IMG_5844.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/IMG_5845.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/IMG_5848.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/IMG_5853.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/IMG_5877_0.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/IMG_5884.JPG