August 17 2020

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Have You Started Thinking? Then, Hinduism Is For You!

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oṃ nithyānandeśvara paramaśiva samārambhām nithyānandeśvari parāśakti madhyamām | asmat āchārya paryantām vande guru paramparām ||

I welcome all of you with my love and respects. I welcome all the living and practicing Hindus from all over the world. I welcome all the Sarvajnapeetha Karthas, Yajamans, Manifestors, Sarvaparityagis, Sri Mahants, Mahants, Kotharis, Thanedars, visitors, viewers, Kayakalpa Yoga participants, Kailasa’s eGurukul students, Kailasa’s NHU students, Kailasa’s Ministers, Ambassadors, Diplomats, Consulates Gen … Consulate Generals, and all the supporters, Paramashiva Ganas, Paramashivoham Season 10 participants. I welcome all of you with my love and respects.

First, let’s offer our worship and ourself to Paramashiva Ganapti on this auspicious Ganesha Chaturthi Brahmotsavam. Then enter into satsang.

[Devotional offering and arti being performed in Adi Kailasa]

Paramashiva’s message directly from Kailasa. Your conscious intention is the principal manifestation, … primary expression, core concept called “you!” Understand. If you are a concept, core of you is conscious intention. You need to know the good news is, your unconscious mood swings does not matter. That is why knowledge, Jñāna, about what is right conscious intention is given so much of importance in Hindu tradition. That is why in Hinduism, the ultimate is called Veda, not Divya. Listen. The ved … word “Veda” means knowing, knowledge. Divya means sacred. Veda, knowledge is sacred.

We never tried to make sacred as knowledge. No! We make knowledge as sacred. That is why I am saying, most beautiful … liberal … religion is Hinduism. I am telling you, … for anyone who has started thinking, analyzing - Hinduism is the religion for them. The other day, some of my disciples who are working for the Kailasa Project, they asked me, “Who are our clients? Who are our customer base? To whom we should focus our … reach out Swamiji?” I said, “Anybody who has started thinking. Hinduism is for them. They are for Hinduism.”

Because, … whether you talk about the Cosmos, its principles, or planets, the principles in which planets exist, the being of the planets, doings of the planets; please understand, as your modern science teaches … planets are not like some dead mechanism, just going round, round, round. It is all living energies. That is why, Sūrya Siddhānta can clearly, precisely calculate and tell you whether the past astronomical … incidents, miracles, mysteries happened, or the future which is going to happen, or even simple clerical predictions of the routine happenings like Amāvásyā, Pūrṇimā, eclipse; even those things, the precision with which they can calculate. It’s extraordinary, because, Sūrya Siddhānta recognizes each of these planets as living forces.

Please understand, … everyone who abused me when I spoke about the Einstein's theory, trolled me … for what I was trying to explain for Einstein’s theory: now listen. Anything which science defines as matter, is not completely matter. The continuity, the frequency of the continuity is more prevalent in that than the frequency of intensity. For example: this table. In this table, the frequency of the continuity is more prominent than the frequency of the intensity. That is why this table seems to exist for more longer in this shape. So we start believing this is a matter. Matter is not absolute matter. It is combination; in a way I can use the word “permutation-combination” of certain frequency of intensity - energy; certain frequency of continuity - matter. All energies, whether gravitation force, or electromagnetic force, or weak nuclear force, or strong nuclear force; only these four forces are known to modern day science. But, Vedic tradition knows more than eleven forces including consciousness - Cit.

So now listen, all these four forces are not just pure energies. There is a level of matter involved even in the energies, understand. In that energies, the proportion of the intensity is more, than the proportion of the continuity vibration; the continuity component ... is less, intensity component is more. Those experiences and expressions of the Universe - you call it as force. Where the vibration, frequency of the … continuity is more than the frequency of the intensity - you call them as matter. Understand, first of all try to understand what I try to explain as matter and energy.

In Hindu tradition, not only in Hindu tradition, in reality both of them are centred on Cit, consciousness, the Citta Pasa Svatantram. When the consciousness starts manifesting itself with the more percentage of continuity - you call them, call that as a matter; with more percentage of intensity - you call that as energy. Listen. The truth I wanted to share with you all: source of the matter and energy is consciousness. So Hindu tradition, very clearly explains whether planets or you, both are centred in consciousness, Chidambara Paraveli, in the pure conscious milky way is the source of you or the planets.

See, … modern day psychology, Vedic psychology; modern day medicine, Vedic medicine; modern day physiology, Vedic physiology; modern day cosmology, Vedic cosmology. That difference between this, is only one thing. In Vedic tradition: everything is conscious centred. You are not bio mechanism in Ayurveda. You are bio organism. In modern day medicine: you are bio mechanism. They don’t involve the component of consciousness whether to diagnose you or cure you or treat you or attend to your illness or support you in any form. End to end conscious component is not accepted as the active part of their whole profession end to end. In Ayurveda: end to end consciousness plays a major role.

I tell you, in Tiruvannamalai we had a, Ayurvedic doctor. His name is Narayana Swami Thatha. I should say that he is the master of Siddha and … Ayurvedic science, both. Actually in a way end of the day, it’s all from same knowledge source. Fools are those who say Ayurveda and Siddha are different. I tell you, in India, that many indigenous medical traditions, medicinal traditions, pharmaceutical traditions evolved for last few thousand years.

He is Narayana Swami Thatha. He is my Guru in … introducing … the science of Aushadha as per Hindu tradition. Understand, … I had the great opportunity to be under the feet of many Gurus. Studying Shaivism under … the great Vidwan Pandurangar; the enlightenment science and Siddha tradition at the feet of Isakki Swamigal.

One, one beautiful thing I wanted to put it on record here before I move to the next subject. I want this to be on record. Listen. All my Gurus: … Annamalai Swamigal who is disciple of Ramana Maharshi, and, Isakki Swamigal. Isakki Swamigal had a direct initiation from Seshadri Swamigal, the predecessor to Ramana Maharshi. And of course, he had a very deep connection, involvement, deep devotion, reverence to Bhagavan Ramana Maharshi also. And his Isakki Swamigal’s disciple - Kuppammal, who taught me the whole Shakta tradition, Vedanta tradition. And Yogi Yogananda Puri who literally transformed my body into yogic body. And gave me the whole knowledge and science of Yoga. All of them and the great Visiri Swamigal - Ramsuratkumar, all of them had such amazing reverence for each other.

See, it is not that they all just coexisted, they all were rooted in their sampradayas, and high reverence for each others, understand. Yogananda Puri will never compromise on authenticity of Yoga, and his complete being centred on Yoga, the belief system Yoga itself can give you enlightenment. He will never compromise on that. But, he had amazing respect, reverence for Annamalai Swamigal who is absolute Vedanti, and amazing reverence for Ramsuratkumar who is an extreme pure embodiment of devotion, Bhakti. And … the great enlightened being Isakki Swami are the embodiment of Shakta tradition. Kuppammal - Vibhudananda Puri, all of them had amazing reverence for each other.

And I have always seen … Panduranganar is a great Shaivite.

Shiva Poojai thavaraatha siddhantha,... boshanam, tharabham Enna vennaa sollalaam.

[Translation: He who never misses a Shiva Puja - a Siddhanta, a Boshanam, a Tharabham; we can say anything.]

Such great person had amazing reverence, respect to all the other great beings. Whether Malai Uchi Mouna Swami; Uchi Malai Mouna Swami is the one who lived without food and without speaking.

See, the kind of the reverence all of them had about each other, gave me amazing energies, strength, possibility to imbibe all the traditions! I am … the tree strengthened by all their sincere hard work and honesty to their tradition. I, I really want to put this on record. I want to tell all the Hindus, I want to sincerely recommend, request: please follow your sampradaya intensely, you will never have anger, violence, wrong attitude towards other Hindu sampradayas because … all the Hindu sampradayas are ultimately enlightenment, Moksha-based.

They claimed exclusivity only for you not to get diverted, distracted, wasting your time, energy. Never the exclusivity claimed is on the goal! See, all our kandana mandana, the Shaivite saying, “Shaivism is the ultimate.” Shakta saying, “Shaktism the ultimate.” And Vaishnavite saying, “Vaishnavism is the ultimate.” All this kandana mandana was more not to let you get diverted and waste time, but not the exclusivity on the goal itself! That is why I insist … all Hindus follow your sampradayas intensely.

All my Gurus, such juicy people. I have seen Panduranganar; see Panduranganar lived in a place called Kizhnathur in Tiruvannamalai. It is little away from main temple. Now the Tiruvannamalai has grown up to Kizhnathur and even bey … beyond Kizhnathur. In those days the Kizhnathur used to be like a village outside Tiruvannamalai. Because after the Tiruvannamalai, there will be lot of agriculture field … forming and then you will reach Kizhnathur those days. Every day he will come by walk, or in some two-wheeler, some of his disciples, his students will pick him up and bring him to temple.

I have seen whenever Thondaimandala Aadheenam, Guru Mahasannidhanam comes to Tiruvannamalai and camps in Tiruvannamalai, he will never, 230th Guru Mahasannidhanam was ruling that time. So, he will never miss bringing flowers and bilva for his puja. Same way whenever Tiruchi Swami, Tiruchi Swami is from the Shakta Sampradaya, Vedanta Shakta Sampradaya, whenever he comes and stays, he will usually stay in Esanya Madam, in Tiruvannamalai. Later on, he had built his own branch Pavala Kundru Madam, till then he used to stay in Esanya Madam or Oya Madam in the house, the mutt opposite to the house in which I was born and brought up.

I have seen whether for Thondaimandala Sannidhanam or for Tiruchi Swami, the absolute sincerity with which Panduranganar will bring flowers and bilva leaf. Same way Kuppammal, how sheen … sincerely she will try to collect some flowers, fruits and have darshan of Kundrakudi Adigalar, whoever, or Kripananda Variyar. An amazing … friendliness and understanding existed among all of them, created a very conducive ambience for me to imbibe, internalize all these traditions.

Let me come to the truth I was revealing. Whether modern day psychology, or Vedic psychology; modern day physiology, Vedic physiology; modern day medicine, Vedic medicine; modern day cosmology, Vedic cosmology: the only difference is Vedic tradition approaches everything as conscious centred. We say, the planet Saturn is not dead mechanism, or, just combination of few forces. We are very clear, He is living independent intelligence called Shanishvara. Listen. Even now, … I clearly connected with Him. After receiving His blessings, I am talking. Shanishvara is a living conscious independent intelligence.

Brihaspati, Guru, … is conscious independent intelligence who is the master of Jupiter planet. The western cosmology or astronomy … considers Jupiter as a planet. Maybe with the little abilities, capabilities, kind of a logically analysable, understandable combination of matter and forces together. But in reality, Guru, Lord of Jupiter is independent intelligence. He can respond to your prayers. He can manifest what do you want in your life.

Hinduism: even for physical diagnosis, uses astrology. You go to a real Ayurvedic doctor; you see, all Ayurvedic doctors who are rooted in original tradition whether Ayurvedic doctor or Siddha doctor; the traditional, authentic, scripturally educated, empowered, entrained Siddha doctors or Ayurvedic doctors: they will, they will basically know the Jyotisham because Jyotisha is anga - part, of Ayurveda science.

Siddhya vaithiyathil saram paarthalum, Aayuvedhathil jothisham paarthalum, Marithuvathin adippadayaana sathiyangalul ondru.

[Translation: In Siddha tradition, observing the breathing; in Ayurveda, observing horoscope and Nadi are one of the fundamental truths/principles of medical sciences.]

See, in Siddha tradition, there is something called saram paarthal. Means, when you go to the doctor, what was the breathing pattern of the doctor and breathing pattern of you? It’s a science. And, what was the pattern of the planets? I should say Grahas because the word “planet” is a mokka. “Graha” is the living word. For a living being, you cannot use the word “it.” For a living being, you can you, you only can use the word with the reverence of life added to it. Planets are living beings!

यदुपचितमन्यजन्मनि शुभाशुभं तस्य कर्मणः पक्तिम्। व्यञ्जयति शास्त्रमेतत् तमसि द्रव्याणि दीप इव।।

yadupacitamanyajanmani śubhāśubhaṃ tasya karmaṇaḥ paktim। vyañjayati śāstrametat tamasi dravyāṇi dīpa iva।।

Laghu Jatakam, sloka 3rd, 3.

This branch of science - the Hora Shastra, reveals the good and bad results earned as fruits of karmas done in past lives, like a glowing lamp reveals the objects placed in darkness. Since this shastra throws light - jyotish, upon the karma in store for an individual to experience in his life, this shastra is called Jyotish Shastra. All religious rituals of Hindus are guided by the lamp called Jyotish Shastra. All physical disease diagnosis, is also guided by the Jyotish Shastra.

In Hindu tradition if you go to a doctor - Ayurvedic doctor, Siddha doctor: he will first see, consult your horoscope, and study your nadi and saram, only then will start the treatment. Jyotish Shastra also known as Vedic astrology is the oldest of all sciences. Its history is traced back to the Vedas, those Rishis by their expansion of their consciousness which is the real jyotish that lights up everything, were able to download, understand, reveal the science of Jyotish Shastra, Sūrya Siddhānta.

Understand, … if you start cognizing the element of consciousness in you, … you will start respecting your Svatantratva - ability to will and manifest; and you will start recognizing the same ability to will and manifest in planets, plants. Plants to planets! Then you will start developing reverence for life everywhere. Living with the tremendous love, reverence for life everywhere is, only described by Isavasyopanishad as:

ईशावास्यमिदग्ं सर्वं

īśāvāsyamidagṃ sarvaṃ 

If you think you are just a matter, you will look at the whole world just as a matter. If you realize you are consciousness, then you will understand the whole thing which exists has consciousness.

ईशावास्यमिदग्ं सर्वं यत्किञ्च जगत्यां जगत् । तेन त्यक्तेन भुञ्जीथा मा गृधः कस्यस्विद्धनम् ॥१॥

कुर्वन्नेवेह कर्माणि जिजिविशेच्छतग्ं समाः । एवं त्वयि नन्यथेतो’स्ति न कर्म लिप्यते ...

īśāvāsyamidagṃ sarvaṃ yatkiñca jagatyāṃ jagat । tena tyaktena bhuñjīthā mā gṛdhaḥ kasyasviddhanam ॥1॥

kurvanneveha karmāṇi jijiviśecchatagṃ samāḥ । evaṃ tvayi nanyatheto’sti na karma lipyate ...

Listen. First Upanishad declares whatever exists is consciousness. Then they say, by not stealing, by renouncing - enjoy, means … listen carefully. Everyone’s intention and … the wealth they possessed is married.

Listen carefully. Listen. In Hindu tradition, the yajña - the sacred action you do to manifest the highest states, whether in wealth or health or to have a child; anything you want to manifest, you can manifest through yajña. That sacred action - kriyā, is considered to be the male - Yajñapuruṣa. And dāna given, wealth given with yajña; that wealth, dāna is considered female - Strī. When this male and female joined together, the phala, result - child is born. So, the sacred kriyā and the dāna allotted, both are married together. This always stayed together. The intention and the wealth dedicated to it, both are married. The economical chastity is too important for the result, phala - child to be born. Listen. This is one of the most important economic principle of Kailasa. Intention is married to the wealth forever!

Inji vaanga kudutha panathil sukku vaangaathey.

The money given to buy ginger, don’t use it for dry ginger.

That is economic chastity of Kailasa. That economic chastity evolves from this principle: the sacred action, … it’s err basically sacred intention. Intention of the yajña: … listen, if a yajña is a Puruṣa, Yajñapuruṣa; if the yajña is considered as Yajñapuruṣa - saṅkalpa, intention is the potency of Yajñapuruṣa. So the potency of Yajñapuruṣa - intention, and the dāna given for that yajña, both are married. The chastity, exclusivity and chastity between these two is important for the result, phala - child to be born. Phala, result is the child which is to be born between the Yajñapuruṣa and dāna, Strī. Dāna is considered as Ājñā, Strī. Yajña is considered as the Puruṣa. Saṅkalpa of the yajña, Satya Saṅkalpa of the yajña is the potency of Puruṣa. Only if there is a chastity between the dāna given and the intention - the phala, child is born, result is manifested. This is one of the most important economic principle of Kailasa.

Economic strategy of Kailasa - economic chastity: a money allotted to a temple should be used only for temple; cannot be used for any other purposes or any other secular activities or any other religious activity. Listen. If a money is allotted to temple - that money cannot be taken and used for … running a monastery. No. If a money is allotted, that means the donor intends this dāna for a monastery, you can’t use that money for running a temple. If the dāna is intended for conducting certain celebrations, utsavas, rituals, in temple - it cannot be used for any other utsavas, rituals, or any other unintended purposes. Intention and dāna is married eternally in Hinduism.

So all Hindu wealth should be handled only with the Hindu economy policies; not with secular or any other religious, other religions’ economy policies. The secular economic policies has no right to enter into Hindu wealth, or the handling of the Hindu wealth!

Engeyo povuthey sari ingeye niruthipom. Angutu inguthu ponaa adippaanga. Valikumla Ingeye niruthipom… umm.

[Translation: It's going somewhere. Okay, let's stop here. If I go there or here, they'll beat me... it will pain right? Let's stop here… umm.]

At least in Kailasa, let us follow this principle of economic chastity.

Porulaathaara karpu. Sela karpu suthanthiram. Selvam karpoda vaazhvatharku alikkappadum suthanthiram. Selvam karpodu vaazhvatharku alikkappadum urimai.

Wealth intended for certain purpose should be used only for that purpose.

Let me come back to the point I was trying to explain today. Satya Saṅkalpa, Puruṣa … Satya Saṅkalpa is the potency of Yajñapuruṣa. Understand. Your whole life is yajña. Your Satya Saṅkalpa matters. The time you spend in planet earth is dāna you give. Your body is the greatest weapon you carry. The time you spend in moving your body, using your body, is the dāna you do. Your time, your treasure, your talent: all these … can manifest something extraordinary which you never even imagine, if conscious intention is added, and if you cognize the possibility and powers of conscious intention!

I tell you, I give you this one example. At sometime if the, if my stomach is doing a strike, … all I’ll do is, “Eh, I am Paramashiva. This stomach is jaṭharāgni of Paramashiva, Paramashiva agni. Let me just sit unclutch, … add the Mahāśabda - Shiva, Shiva, Shiva, Shiva, Shiva, Shiva, to this fire of Paramashiva agni.” That’s it. In few minutes, I’ll see that tamma tamma takatta patta … some sound inside, the whole thing will settle down. Body will be completely fresh, alive, healed, active. The whole system internal organ is healed. Understand, … even if you discover the power of conscious intention in small things like healing your headache, stomach pain, ability to sit in padmāsana for a long time; even in these small actions if you discover the power of your intention - you will have so much confidence on your conscious capabilities, possibilities and powers. That is all I am trying to inspire you today in this satsang.

So whatever I said: the economic policies, all that is secondary. This is the primary focus. See whenever I give satsangs, I put many things on record, like today I put an important thing on record, the kind of a very beautiful relationship, coexistence, friendliness which was there between my various Gurus, helped me to assimilate all those sampradayas! This means, I expect and request very cordial, loving, friendly coexistence in our Kailash also between the Vedanta teacher and Yoga teacher, the teacher who teaches Sanskrit; the teacher who teaches integrity, authenticity; the teacher who teaches power manifestation. Between all of you, the sweet powerful coexistence is needed for a child to grow conflict free and assimilate everything!

If there is a conflict between Ma Advait and Ma Pranapriya, or the teachers who teach Yoga, or Pujacharya - that directly impacts, destroys the child! The coexistence all of them, all my Gurus had, gave me tremendous respect, … confidence, energy, intensity, positive experience about the knowledge they are carrying and those personalities. That is too important for a child to grow and receive all the best things. The kind of the influence each of them had on me, if they'd tried to turn me against even subtly against one Guru - I would have lost that sampradaya.

It is like a … this single parent, divorced parents. When the children come to them for the weekend custody, how they slowly poison them. The mother poisons about the father and father poisons about the mother. How much the child will suffer … because of these two poisons and poisonings. You will not know how much the child will suffer, because of two poisoning. Mother poisoning about father and father side family. Father poisoning about mother and mother side family. The child really broken. Not only heart broken, even mentally broken.

I had the great fortune of amazing sweet coexistence of many of my Gurus and Acharyas. That gave me a great space for me to assimilate everything, enjoy everything; make myself rich in all the tradition. And not for pride or arrogance or ego, I am telling you. I am telling you the simple truth. Actually I am glory of my Gurus. I am just the statement expressing my Gurus’ glories. Me sitting, I am forty two now. Last twenty six years we have photos and videos of me sitting whole day in padmāsana, and taking classes, and jumping, whirling! This is glory of my Yoga Guru - Yogananda Puri, who prepared my body, and, I am going to live at least two hundred years just to glorify my Yoga Guru. His sincere hard work, ... just to glory him, I am going to be using this body for two hundred years happily, healthily.

Many of them are, many people are passing that comments in social media, “Ah what?! He is having some gold and massage, or gold leaf layered on his skin, body pala pala shining!” Eh, I am giving you the secret - three. Detox your internal organs with Haritaki, … Triphala, Castor oil, Neem juice, Arugampul [Bermuda grass/Durva grass] juice . Listen. All these … you, I am not even saying you should take all these every day. Even if you take once in two days. Have few items one day. One day you can have Triphala and Castor oil. Second day you can have Haritaki powder and Athimadhuram [Liquorice]. Third day you can have Neem juice and Arugampul juice. I don’t know the English word for Arugampul. The grass used for Ganapati Puja, making juice out of it. One day you can have pure Ghee and Basmati rice. One day you can have very good Kanchipuram Idli. That's a great medicine, I tell you. Kanchipuram Idli with the right quantity of Milagu [pepper]. All that is supposed to be added … is the best medicine.

In Hindu tradition: the food itself is taken such a way, it becomes medicine. Tasty medicine is food in Hindu tradition. Even Neem juice, … I have seen how my Gurus will make me take Neem juice, they’ll make the Sesame seed balls - Sesame seed and Jaggery, and they will make me just gulp the Neem juice and take this Sesame seed ball. And, I’ll be nicely enjoying this Sesame seed ball; only the Sesame seed and Jaggery, that taste will be in the tongue. I won’t even remember I took Neem juice; I’ll be actually waiting to take Neem juice because I will get the Sesame balls as bonus. Taste medicine is diet in Hinduism, … in Vedic tradition. Do all these detoxing, then you will see you are also pala pala, jilu jilu. Amuku dumuku ammal dummal.

I tell you, … each of my Gurus, they poured their life on me. The clarity with which I can grasp all the great spiritual principles and explain. That is because of my ability to unclutch which the pure gift from Annamalai Swamigal. It is just simple gift from him. My ability to operate in Sahaja Samādhi, … space of Paramashiva - gift from Isakki Swamigal. All my Gurus glory is only my life. My ability to be in Ajapa Japa state: I can actually keep the japamālā whole night, even if you think I am sleeping, the mala will be rolling in my hand continuously. That is the gift given to me by Yogi Ramsuratkumar. He is the Ajapa Japa Puruṣa. [He’s] actually the embodiment of Ajapa Japa. He gave me the gift of Ajapa Japa.

I tell you, … I put all these on record. And today also I put a very important point … called economic chastity - how the intention is married to the dāna. Dāna Kanyā, Yajñapuruṣa: how both of them are married, and how the Satya Saṅkalpa is the potency of Yajñapuruṣa. All these I put it on record. Actually that is the reason, I made a clear law in Kailasa.

The Reserve Bank of Kailasa, and there is going to be one more unit called Federal Reserve of Kailasa. And there is the World Trade Cen … Hindu World Trade Centre. All these units, everything will be administered only by the Sannyāsīs who took the oath in from of the fire doing Viraja Homa. They, absolutely they will live Aparigraha - non-possessiveness, Asteya - non-stealing, Ahiṃsā - non-violence, Satya - truth, Brahmacharya - living like God. Only the Sannyāsīs who took these vows in front of fire in Viraja Homa, they will be the Reserve Bank Directors and Governors in Kailasa. These vows for Sannyāsīs is not just spiritual and social, it’ll be legal. If they miss in these vows, they cannot be Directors of Reserve Bank of Kailasa anymore.

The first priority is going to be the Balasanths. Kids who joined my Gurukul as minors and grew up in Gurukul, become adults and stayed with the sangha throughout … and took Sannyās. They will be the first class citizens of Kailasa. They will be called as Crown Princess and Prince; Crown Prince, Crown Princess. The next class will be kids who joined in Gurukul as minor, grew up, trained, evolved, but in between due to their teenage or some reason, they missed some of the vows of Sannyās. But, decided to do prāyaścitta and came back to their integrity. That class, … those Sannyāsīs, they will be the second, next level. The third will be adults who joined the sangha, when they came the sangha, they were adults. So they get, had training and took these vows and successful Sannyās. They will be the third tier.

So I am clearly categorizing who are going to be the Directors of Reserve Bank of Kailasa; who are authorized to be the Directors, and members of Federal Reserve of Kailasa. The other units like Hindu World Trade Centre, … who are going to be administering … the wealth donated to Kailasa, because, intention and the dāna, … integrity to the intention and the dāna need to maintain - that is economic chastity. And, in all these policies and processes, each country in which we are operating, those country’s laws is the first priority. Without violating those laws, following those laws: we need to keep the economic chastity and integrity - the intention of the donor. That is the way, the whole Kailasa organizations externally in many countries, and internally in Mahakailasa is getting structured.

I am just giving the Hindu principles and vision. The six international companies. Auditing: experienced companies; there are two companies which are working for us has a hundred years expertise in international auditing. So, we have taken all their services for legally structuring … these whole Reserve Bank of Kailasa and Federal Reserve of Kailasa and Treasury of Kailasa. Understand, … any nation, the important constituent of the nation is Treasury. So, here the Hindu Treasury comes with the Hindu principles of economy, especially this economic chastity.

All these principles I share with these companies whom we hired their services, and they are structuring, working with various governments; in some countries a non-profit organization; in some countries for profit organization; in some countries, the organization, entity can be partially profit, partially for profit, partially non-profit. So based on each country’s laws, these entities and bodies are formed … keeping that country’s laws, rules, regulations as the first priority; and the Hindu vision, … Hindu economic policy as the next priority, but without compromising on the economic chastity. I also made a rule: the government running, governing expenses cannot cross more than one percent of any donation received or money generate[d].

The whole government, governance of Kailasa has to run within less than one percent of the whole economy, the whole GDP of Kailasa. Only then the Sannyāsīs will retain their brahminical … lifestyle. Understand, in Kailasa - varṇa: Brāhmaṇa, Kṣatriya, Vaiśya, Śūdra, does not come by birth - jāti. No! It comes by the quality of your lifestyle. Base on how you exist, how you choose to exist - base on that, you are given the title whether you are a Brāhmaṇa or Vaiśya or Kṣatriya or Śūdra; not by birth, but by quality. And, the Sannyāsīs who are administering for the Governors, who are Directors of the Reserve Bank of Kailasa, or Federal Reserve of Kailasa, is expected to have absolute Aparigraha and Asteya lifestyle; living with minimal things, the minimalist, minimalistic lifestyle and non-stealing lifestyle. A elaborate three hundred page economic policies and strategies are already evolved ... which I will be revealing in a detailed way in Ganesh Chaturthi. Alright!

So with this, … the essence of today’s satsang is, your conscious intention is you, the principal dimension of your core principle. So, strengthen your conscious intention towards the right goal of life.

With this, I bless you all. Let’s all radiate with Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility, Enriching, Causing, Living Shuddhadvaita Saivam, the State, Space, Powers, Being, Superconsciousness, and Kailasa [of] Paramashiva, Paramashivoham, Om Nithyananda Paramashivoham, The Eternal Bliss, Nithyananda. Thank you. Be blissful.

Photos From The Day:
