March 13 2005

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Buddham Dhammam Charanam Gachami


Buddham charanam gachami. Dhammam charanam gachami. Sangam charanam gachami.

I surrender to Buddha, I surrender to Dhamma - the preachings of Buddha and I surrender to the Sangam or insituition created by Buddha. The first is easy to do. There is no other go. People tell me that the moment they see me, they get a certain faith and belief. This is very easily done. This is not a democracy wherein you vote and decide on whether I am enlightened or not. I declare that I am enlightened, that's all. You are not doing me any favour by surrendering to me, you are doing yourself a favour.

The second surrender talks about the preachings. My saying - Be Blissful, is my teaching. It is my dhamma. You have to live it. Now, here starts the problem! You all sometimes feel that whatever I say is not practical. Be very clear, whatever I say is practical, there is nothing impractical in what I say.

The third is surendering to the Master's instituition - that is Dhyanapeetam. This is the most difficult. I am now not leaving you, but going to live in each of my disciples. I am going to dissolve in them. Buddha produced 10,000 Masters when he lived. This he did without cellphones, television, radio, internet or microphone - just by walking and preaching. He became enlightened at the age of 40 and in forty years created this many Masters. Imagine then, how many Masters we can create? Atleast 2 lakh. This will be the only way of doing justice. We are not walking like Buddha, we are flying! Vivekananda says that Ramakrishna's body is his Sangam. Masters are not their body. They are concepts or Energy. I give very minimum comforts to my body. If you ask the people who serve me, they will tell you. They keep telling me to take better care of myself. I give more importance to my mission. I get Energy because of my movement, not because of the food that I eat.

After I created Acharyas, I feel I will live till I am 123 years old! During the initial days of the ashram in Erode, I used to tell people that I will live only till I am 42. Then later in Bangalore, I used to tell them that I will live for longer. Now, I say that I will live till I am 123! My body does not come under any of the biological rules. All these rules are outdated when applied on me! My body has a different setup. Enlightened people never take bodies to fulfil karma because they dont have any karma. They take birth out of sheer compassion; to kindle the spirit of the people. The longevity of a Master is determined by the intensity and speed of His mission, which is the very purpose of His Birth. This body can never decay. It is continuosuly being rejuvenated. When compared to the first disciples of other Masters, I can say that no other batch of first disciples has taken shape like mine!

I live more in my words or movement than in my body. Intead of trying to be around me all the time, if you try to work towards enlightenment, I will come behind you! I will fall in love with you! Fall intensely for Enlightenment. Dont think that if you build the Ananda Sabha I will fall for you. Ananda Sabha is a laboratory, thats all. What you really need to do is turn your Ananda Gandam into Ananda Sabha! Shiva first went to Poosalanayanar temple***, not to the temple built by the King. Try to become the scentist; dont be caught up in building the laboratory. What should happen is, when you are building the laboratory, the interest to become the Scientist should automatically develop. You should feel that you want to become Enlightened! Grab my words! There are enough people in this world to tell you about the experiences and visions that they have had with me. More than me, my presence is powerful. Turn my words into your life and spend your life in spreading my words. Take the effort for doing this. If you do this, I will live more in you than in me. But for me to live in you, you should keep your Being clean! People ask me how I heal others. The more you heal, the more I live in you; the percentage of me in you increases. People who do a little healing are probably giving their home verandah for me to be in. Some other people give the verandah and probably one more room. People who are in Ananda Ganda all the time give me their whole house to occupy, or in other words, their whole Being to be in.

People who have been with me for 2 1/2 years cry even today when I leave the country. Why is this so? It only means that there has been no significant growth in them! Its a shame! Hey junior devotees, if the senior devotees come to you and brag about their long assocication with me, tell them that it is a shame. It is not important for you to be with me. It is important that I be with you. Physically, when you are around me and listening to me, you are with me. When you tell others these words, I am with you. When I heal you, you are with me. When you heal others, I am with you. It is like this - in the case of a monkey, the young one clings to its mother. There is every possibility that it might let go and fall. With a cat, the mother clings on to its child; the child is safe. Take on the responsibility for the mission. I will live in your heart. Carry it out intensely. I will do your work when you do my work. People tell met that their business prospers when they do my work. This is because, when you do my work, I teach you things that you can automatically apply in your business to make it prosper. Your awareness will increase when you do my work. You will be filled with Ananda Shakthi.

If you feel my Energy in my dhammam and sangam, you will never miss me.Only 33% of my Energy is in my body. The remaining 66% is in my Dhammam and Sangam. The healing centres that you run are the houses where I live. The toungues of my Acharyas are the places where I stay. Wherever you talk about Swamiji, my presence will be there. You will be able to talk spontaneously. Feel devotion to me. Dissolve in me. I will live in you. A disciple asked his Master if enlightened people talk. The Master said that they don't. He then asked if they keep mum. The Master said no. The disciple was confused. The Master said, "They neither talk nor keep quiet. They sing!" He explained that the very presence of the Master creates music and does the needful. His silence is music. Like this, your very presence when you talk to people about the ASP and NSP will radiate Energy. It will inspire people. As you spread, the joy in you will overflow. Joy when shared will multiple while sorrow when shared will divide. In all the places you can, in all the ways you can, spread the mission. When I can get enlightened, why can't you? Before I come back, you all should have totally taken atleast 500 ASPs. All the Acharyas, volunteers and organisers will be filled with my Energy. Ananda attracts fortune. When I tell you 500 ASP, it sounds heavy to you. Let me tell you, it is like the sweet - Mysore Pak that feels heavy when you lift it but simply melts once you place it in your mouth and finally proves to be the source of renewed Energy in you! This Nithyananda Shakthi will be in you forever! My love and blessings to you to be in and with Nithyananda! Be Blissful!