February 03 2011

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Title: Samyama, Patanjali Yoga Sutras 110

Samyama: Patanjali Yoga Sutras 110 Nithyananda Morning Satsang 03 Feb 2011


Living Incarnation and Avatar Paramahamsa Nithyananda spoke on the powerful technology known as Samyama. Samyama is the technology through which the extraordinary experiences in your consciousness are expressed through your body to the world. Your consciousness is all-knowing, all-pervading, preparing your body and mind to radiate some of those great powers and expressing those powers, that technology is Samyama.

Samyama is the applied science of pure yoga science. Materializing, Teleporting, Levitation, etc. are part of the Hindu Vedic tradition. It is the applied science component used to inspire people towards learning pure science. It is the technology through which concentration, contemplation meditator and meditated become one. This is the technology through which you express extraordinary powers and express it to the world is Samyama. Isn't it time for you to experience and express all the extraordinary powers and inspire people towards pure science?

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Thursday, February 03, 2011 Prayer. Welcome. Today’s subject is Q & A Q: For yogis who are doing 108 surya namaskars every day, is it ok to follow it up immd with eNkriya. If there is no time, what to do? Do both if you have. If no time, do eNkriya that is enough. Q: every day when I sit for meditation and your discourse, I feel bliss through the day & night. But when I go to school I feel bored. What to do? Should I take an off for few months from school? Please go to school properly. Taking 3 month off you can do during vacation. Now do school properly now. Q: Atlanta center is making a home Garbha mandir & building a temple. They are asking for blessings My blessings! Q: new center is opening in Malaysia today… Blessings! Today’s subject Is samyama – a very powerful word. Unfortunately misrepresented and abused by orthodoxical brahmincal translations. The word needs a clear definition. Samyama – technology through which the extraordinary experiences and powers which are in your consciousness is expressed through the body & mind to the world is samyama. Your consciousness is all powerful, all knowing, all pervading. But preparing your body & mind to radiate and express some of those great experiences and expressions, some of those great all pervading, all knowing experiences and expressing those powers through your body & mind that technology is what I call samyamaha! Samyama is the applied science of pure yoga science. See in science there is 2 part – one – pure science like theory of gravity, relativity. Then there is applied science means using those theories in practical life. So till now whatever you learnt – dhaarna, dhyana, Samadhi all this is pure science. Samyama is applied science. Applied science bring value to pure science. Fools who are stuck with pure science and don’t want applied science are only called intellectual pervert idiots. Understand, person who knows only pure science means the theories, who never learnt the applied science will always be beggar in consciousness. Applied science is the core of Hinduism. From time immemorial Krishna materialized all kinds of precious stones to a fruit seller. Krishna healed Ubja for her back bone problem. So don’t go to Krishna? Krishna not only teleported & healed, he just accepted some puffed rice from his poor friend and wealth was showering. Then don’t go to Krishna? Materializing, teleporting, healing & giving boons is vedic tradition. It is applied science! Levitation is the age old vedic tradition. This applied science. Levitation is from vedic tradition – Maharshi Mahesh Yogi. Pure science can be kept alive only if applied science is used in the world. why do you bother about theory of gravity or relativity learnt if you cannot use it in your day to day life? Applied science is the direct utility of pure science. All the juicy parts of our religion is this applied science. Samyama is the technology, the science where all these great extraordinary powers from your consciousness is experienced and expressed to the world through your body & mind! Samyama is the essence of Hindu tradition, it is the core of Hindu tradition. Vivekananda say for 12 years if you have practiced strict Brahmacharya and Yoga, your medha naadi will be opened. I am telling all my devotees, brahmacharis and sanyasis experience & express all extraordinary powers and inspire more people for the pure science! Ramakrishna says Siddhis are filthy – true – I am not saying No. but he himself expressed 1000s of siddhis, he healed 1000s of people. Hundreds of references are there where he materialized, healed, gave boons. He made two colors of flowers to come from same branch. Hindu yogis are always recognized, respected and revered for the extraordinary samyama powers they expressed. Let us enter into the sutra - 110TH sutra in PYS, 3rd chapter, 4th verse - Trayam ekatra samyamaha! Vivekananda: when this 3 practice in regard to one object it is samyama Prabhavananda: when this 3 concentration, meditation & absorption are brought to ..upon one object it is called samyama Satchitananda: Osho: the 3 taken together – dharana, dhyana & Samadhi constitutes samyama I will translate samyama as technology through which concentration, contemplation & experiencing the pure exp where the concentrate… The technology through which you experience extraordinary powers and express it is called samyama. Blessings!