February 24 2011

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Patience & Passion - Needed for Enlightenment? Nithyananda Bliss Byte


Paramahamsa Nithyananda answers the question is patience and passion needed for enlightenment in this short clip taken from morning Satsang delivered in Bidadi, Bengaluru, India.

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What is Kundalini Shakti? Nithyananda Bliss Byte


In this bliss byte, living avatar Paramahamsa Nithyananda describes what Kundalini Shakti is.

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Why we need a Guru? Nithyananda Bliss Byte


In this bliss byte, living avatar Paramahamsa Nithyananda elaborately describes why we need a Guru?

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Cosmic Sound Technique: Patanjali Yoga Sutras 12


Today Living Incarnation and Avatar Paramahamsa Nithyananda explained another amazing Patanjali Sutra, how every sound is a mantra. "Every sound can lead you to enlightenment, every moment the possibility to enlightenment is open." "Patanjali is a great master, he picks up the tasty roots, not only will his techniques give you enlightenment; it will give you extraordinary powers. The science which I bring to the world will be alive just because of the powers it will give to people. Any technique should give immediate result also and long term enlightenment, but at least few powers immediately. Understand, you should not get caught with the powers. Have deep devotion to your Guru or God, thank and go to the next level."

"I want all our swamis, acharyas, satsangis to radiate extraordinary powers, have extraordinary spiritual powers. You are a rich man's kid. First learn the technique of life. Actually, when you are under pressure, when the question of survival comes in your life, you need to become a leader. The technique of talking to people, enrolling them for your ideas, convincing them, only then the extraordinary leadership powers come, the knack of living, only then you can think of Samadhi. Only when you become a leader, the higher states of awareness open in you."

He explained the technique for this sutra as follows: "Sit and feel that your inner space is the screen on which the sounds come and hit and make the meaning. Your inner space is a conscious ear drum, sound comes and hits, not only is meaning made, you can witness both, sound and meaning. Don't hear just in your ear drum, hear through the Ananda Gandha. You can send and receive information, understand the meanings of the birds, animals, rocks, when you go deeper, you can listen to the eternal cosmic sound, meaning of the cosmos and the space where it's happening in your inner space."

"Take up this samyama, it will heal your eyes and ears. The power of sound, playing with sound will heal seeing, hearing and talking problems. You will know another person's mood, understand the languages of nature and ultimately enlightenment itself.

"When the eternal sound of the cosmos is experienced, you can only be enlightened. This sound will directly lead to physical healing of hearing, seeing, talking problems, give you extraordinary Siddhis, and ultimately eNlightenment itself by experiencing the cosmic sound, nadha brahma."

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Patanjali Yoga Sutras - 123 Cosmic Sound Technique

DATE: February 24th 2011

LOCATION: Anandeshwar Temple, in front of the main sanctum, Bidadi ashram START TIME: DURATION: 44:33 Sadashiva samarambam shankaraacharya madhyamaam Asmadaacharya paryanthaam vande guru paramparaam. 0:36 Today’s subject ‘Every Sound is Mantra’. Understand every sound can lead you to enlightenment; means every moment the possibility for enlightenment is open. 123rd Patanjali’s yoga sutra in the 3rd chapter, 17th verse; It is a powerful samyama Patanjali is leading us. Shabdartha pratyayanam itaretara adyasat shankara tat pratibaga samyamat sarvabhoota rutagnanam. God! 1:56 Swami Vivekananda translates this sutra as through samyama on word, meaning and knowledge which are ordinarily confused, comes the knowledge of all animal sounds. Swami Prabhavananda translates this sutra as by taking samyama on the sound of a word, ones perception of its meaning and ones reaction to it, three things which are ordinarily confused, one obtains understanding of all sounds uttered by living beings. Swami Sachidananda translates as a word, its meaning and the idea behind it are normally confused because of super imposition upon one another. By samyama on the word, sound produced by any being, knowledge of its meaning is obtained. 3:25 Let me enter into the sutra. I will give my own experience. The technical term in this sutra is three words sabda artha pratyayanam pratyayaanam sabda artha pratyayaanam. Sound; what is meant by sound and consciousness which experiences the sound and what is meant by the sound, the buddhi. Understand sound, the purpose, what is meant by the sound and the space, intelligence, where both are happening; for example I use the word cow. That is sound. What is meant by the word, the animal, is artha, means the purpose. Where the word cow creates the meaning of the cow picture in your mind, in your inner space; the moment I utter the word cow immediately in your inner space that four leg, two horn, one tail, that animal is there. The space where that is happening is buddhi. pratyayanam. 5:11 Please understand sabdha artha pratyayaanam; sound, the purpose or the meaning of the sound and space where the idea of the sound suddenly happens, buddhi. This three gets overlapped in life. Please understand this three gets overlapped in the life. Because it gets overlapped whole life is a confusion. Now start doing samyama on this three. When you do samyama on this three the first thing will happen is you will understand all this three are separate. You will experience the gap between this three; first thing. 6:21 Second, any sound you will know the meaning…. For example now few minutes before, I don’t know whether you observed or not, a dog barked outside. The sound came. Actually the sound is when you hear the sound ‘oh dog barks’; that’s all. You do not know the meaning. I know the meaning; the dog has a liver problem. If you catch the dog and check you will find it has a liver problem and digestion problem. If you tell the house keeping people to catch the dog and check the dog it will have a liver problem and digestion problem. We can prove it. 7:07 Understand when you do samyama on the sound you know the meaning of it. Then the all the three are separate; the sound, meaning, the space where both are happening or connection is happening; when there is a gap between this three means clarity between this three; suddenly you know the deeper meanings and happening behind the sound. You will know the meaning of sounds created by animals, sounds created by the trees, sounds created by the stones. If you want to know the language of birds, want to know the language of animals, want to know the language of trees, want to know the language of nature, want to understand; do samyama on the sound. This will give you extraordinary powers. That is the first thing. 8:23 Second thing this samyama will give you the meaning of the cosmic sound ‘OM’ and make you enlightened. Understand Patanjali is a great Master. He picks up very tasty routes. Not only the routes lead you to enlightenment, even on the way you will have some beautiful extraordinary powers which continuously encourages you. Patanjali knows the human psychology. He is not a dry guy. He is not a dry man. When somebody is nailing you on the cross saying ‘Oh God! Oh Father! forgive them they not know what they are doing’. Come on! just look and burn them. This can be used ‘Father they not know what they are doing forgive them’ to train disciples once in a while but not a life technology. 9:48 I tell you, the science which I am bringing to the world is going to be alive just because so many extraordinary powers it is going to give to people. No I am seeing. See I am seeing, you see I am seeing, the initially I was struggling for almost eight years to make our boys and girls, our brahmacharis and brahmacharinis to do the yoga. Now I added a little bit of weight lifting which shows the muscles immediately in 5-6 days; the immediate effect. And I am seeing the whole group is there, because straight result is there; immediate effect, the change in the body. Same way any technique should give immediate result, also it should give long term enlightenment, but at least few extraordinary powers immediately. Only then you will have the inspiration to practice the science. Otherwise why will you be sitting and closing your eyes hmmmm doing something for 12 years. At the end you may, may not receive the cheque. No! 11:26 The science I am bringing is going to be like directly awakening the extraordinary powers. I do not want dull, dead, dumb, dirty, third rate donkey vedantins. I know this so called vedantins they talk tall. ‘No, no, no extraordinary siddhis should not be used, powers should not be expressed’. Foolish fellows! End of their life they have only one thing; huge belly and filled with depression; that’s it. I have seen, I have seen. Huge belly filled with depression nothing else. Impractical ideas! Here is Swami Vivekananda who says practice this techniques just for 40 days 50 days you will have some extraordinary powers and these powers will give you intense inspiration, passion to continue the practice, interest to continue the practice. 13:03 I am seeing the moment I started awakening the kundalini and initiating people into levitation the intensity of the people practicing has exploded and everybody is waiting when will they start levitating, when will they start levitating. And everybody is there properly for satsang, everybody is there properly meditating. See its only one small power. Levitation is not enlightenment actually. But not only it leads to enlightenment it gives you the excitement to practice every day. 13:45 I sincerely request with all my humbleness, Ramakrishna mission and Chinmaya mission, all these Hindu missionaries, come on take up few practices which gives little powers and experiences to people which gives an excitement to continue their practice. Otherwise I know these great missions so sincere, such a huge infra structure, just only one misunderstanding: any technique which gives extraordinary powers and experiences should not be used. No. It is not. That should not be the case. Understand you should not get caught with that power itself. That is different. 14:38 Just for that dumping the whole science is such a big wastage. Understand it’s like just because you may have split in the end of the hair completely shaving the head. Arey, come on when you have a split in the end of the hair, cut it! Cut that part! Just because somebody may steal the money or you may feel like, if you have money one day you will buy cigarette and smoke, never have money at all, starve and die. That’s not a solution. Come on! The right solution is when you get those extraordinary powers have a deep devotion to your Guru or your God or leader and surrender it. Say that I have this extraordinary power I am very happy that it is exciting and inspiring me for continuing the practice, but I am not interested in using it. Let me go to the next. That should be the right attitude. Instead no, no, don’t do this pranayam don’t do meditation technique, don’t do samyama. You may get some extraordinary powers. You may get diverted from the spiritual path. Finally what happens?

16:02 I have seen all these missionaries, their Swamis, extraordinary depression and can’t even go to doctor because of the shyness; fall into the depression by 45 and feeling their whole life is waste; miserable! I tell you, when a person takes up a spiritual decision in his life, from that moment his life is sacred. It can’t be wasted; it’s too costly. It is too costly. I really request... come on take up the teachings of your own Masters. Siddhis are dirty when it is misused. Money is dirty when it is misused. Money itself is not dirty. Siddhis them self are not dirty. The fear of misusing should not make you poor. Just like fear of misusing the money they decided to be poor. No. Same way fear of misusing the powers they decided to be poor in siddhis. 17:29 Poverty in wealth and poverty in siddhis are equalent and it is life negative. I wanted all my swamis, brahmacharis, acharyas, ananda samajis, satsangis; I am introducing a new word satsangis who are attending the satsanga everyday continuously and doing all the home work, part of the mystery school, I am calling them satsangis. I want all our satsangis to radiate extraordinary powers. Understand, have extraordinary spiritual powers. You are a rich man’s kid. When suddenly you experience some powers like, suddenly you know what the opposite person is going to talk, suddenly you know who is going to knock you room. Suddenly you know what decision is going to come out of this conversation. Don’t brush them aside. Don’t put them aside. Don’t say they are coincidence. No. Dig out. 19:06 At that moment, for example you are feeling suddenly this is the statement going to come out in this conversation. When you feel when it really happens feel at that moment how your throat was, how your breathing was, how your skin was feeling; bring yourself back to that same again. One of my brahmachari asked me “Swamiji I wanted to always be in Samadhi”. How it will happen, by intense being alive. Samadhi can never come by being in the lower states of awareness. It can come only for a leader. I told him first be a leader in the outer world. 20:01 Somebody goes to Ramanuja and asks I want to experience the parabhakti the great devotion for Ranganatha. Ramanuja asked have you fallen in love with somebody in your life; with a girl or with some relation; father, mother or a friend or a girl or with somebody. He said no no no no no. I am a naishtika brahmachari and I am a great sadhu. I never fell in love with anybody. I am not attached to anybody. I want to be attached only to Ranganatha; parabhakti. Ramanuja said get lost. Go and learn how to fall in love with somebody whom you can see with physical eyes first. Then you can fall in love with experience, the extraordinary energy, God, whom you can’t see with the physical eyes. Now you are seeing people with physical eyes, you are not able to fall in love with those people, feel connected with those people. How will you feel connected with some energy which you can’t see with physical eyes? Get lost! Go and learn that first and come back. I will teach you parabhakti.

21:21 Same way first become a leader, learn the technology of life. Actually when you are pressured, when the question of survival comes in your life, you have to now become a leader and learn the tricks of the world, techniques of the world, techniques of talking to people, enrolling people. Enrolling means not for just a program; enrolling them for your ideas. Convincing them, relating with them; only then suddenly some extraordinary leadership qualities comes up. You know the knack of living. The extra, the non mechanical parts of the brain awakens. Only then you can even think of Samadhi. 22:22 Only when you become leader, the higher states of awareness starts opening up in you. If somebody wants Samadhi experience I can give a simple technique. Start a temple from zero and go on talking to people, inspire people and create the temple and do Kumbhabhishekam. On that day I promise I will give you Samadhi. I promise. Start a temple from scratch; build it. Bring it to life and because by that time all your laziness will be broken left and right and you became fully aware. All the suffering you will face all the oppositions you will face; especially if you build my temple the amount of opposition you will face, suffering you will face; you will cross enlightenment by the time you complete. 23:51 Samadhi is not for lazy bums. Samadhi is for the people whose all 21 logic can be activated and alive at a time. It is the internal passion. These guys think God is like a snake. How when a snake charmer blows some bom bom bom bom bomm and then the snake will dance; so they can blow their nose for few minute and the God will dance in front of them. It is the altered state of awareness. Come-on! It’s a tremendous life being alive. Learn multitasking. Learn first to be a leader; eeshwaratva. I am translating Anandeshwara as bliss leader. Eeshwaratva means leader. First start expressing these extraordinary powers of a leader. 25:28

I have seen, I have studied the history of all major religious organisations and the spiritual organisations. As long as they were producing leaders the spiritual strength was also alive. See in those days Vivekananda will suddenly call a brahmachari and give him kaavi, sanyas, and tell him go to that country or that place; start the mission. Nothing will be given except his bus fare or the train fare. Those days train fare. I don’t think even train fare; maybe some travelling expense; that’s all. Nothing else will be given. The guy who goes and starts becomes enlightened by the time he completes the project. As long as these kinds of leaders were getting created the spiritual strength was there in those organisations. Can go out... not only that even while you are having some other work, only body is working; engage all other parts of your brain in multi tasking. First become a leader then the altered states of awareness will start and enlightenment can happen. 

27:06 Samyama is powerful path for enlightenment. You need some extraordinary powers, inspiring, exciting things in your life for you to continue to practice. I am seeing very clearly even in our organisation whoever when I said go and start, start a mission in place, when they go and sit and start doing hard, intelligent work and becoming leader I am seeing they are radiating energy and experience; radiating things; raising them self to Samadhi. 28:31 Understand you are surrendering to your demon. After the middle age you will have only a big belly filled with depression; nothing more. Become a leader. Anybody who has become a leader before 30, giving enlightenment is nothing. It’s just a like how I can give a small fruit to them, just like that the enlightenment can be given. Because the already all nervous systems are alive, awake, open, ready. I just need to pour myself in it; that’s it. These life negative ideas should be broken first; the ideas that siddhis should not experienced. NO. I tell you experience siddhis. 29:36 Now I am giving you the exact technique. Actually this samyama if you practice it will directly heal all the disease related to your eyes and hearing. Please understand in medical science ear, nose, throat is connected. But actually in yogic science ears and eyes are connected. As per the science of the nadi, ears and eyes are directly linked. Ear, eye and the power of speaking; this three are directly linked. Not ENT, EES speaking power. Hearing, seeing, speaking all three powers are directly related to ajna chakra third eye. That is why I am telling you when you learn speaking and enrolling people for certain ideas you will have developed hearing and your eyesight will be clear. This samyama directly will help you to clear the problems related to your hearing, eyesight and ability to speak. If you have the stammering during speaking or stage fear, please understand in the whole world the stage fear is…. people are having….. more number of people are having stage fear than the death fear. If you ask what is the worst fear, it is not death fear it is stage fear. All the three problems can be solved, healed with this samyama. 31:49 Sapta artha pratyayana, itareta adhyasaat shankara tat pratibaga samyamat sarvabhoota rutagnanam. I’ll give you the exact samyama. Sit and feel your inner space is the screen on which the sounds come and hit and make the meaning. Understand your inner space is a conscious ear drum. In the ear drum you know the sound comes and hits and the meaning is made. But your inner space is, sound comes and hits, not only meaning is made, you can witness both the sound and the meaning. Understand, don't hear just in your ear drums, hear through your ananda gandha. Now when a sound comes….. see now when a sound hits you, what you do….. it hits your ear drum and meaning is made and actions are taken. Don’t do that. Sit, have restful awareness to, for the sound to hit your ananda gandha. Make any meaning or response to any sound in your ananda gandha.

33:33 For example now when you sit you are hearing the fan's sound. You are hearing this small, small, tuk, tuk, tuk sound from the roof. Make all this meaning in your ananda gandha. When you sit like that, you will start hearing some bird sound. You will have meaning for that bird sound happening in you. Not only that, if your spouse, even if he or she is breathing, from that breathing sound you know what mood she is in, what mood he is in. Sometime you will see, you will send a strong letter or you may not send a letter you may just ask my secretary I wanted to meet Swamiji. I will say no, now I am not interested in meeting; because now I know you are not interest in listening to me. You are interested only in fighting with me. I will just avoid meeting. But sometime you will not even be asking to talk to me. When I walk I will ask ehh what is going on, anything to tell me. Means you are interested in listening to me. Just by the breathing sound you know what mood the other person is in. It is an extraordinary siddhi. 35:01 And by the sound you know whether there is going to be a flood or not in the river. The river sound will give you the message. Not only that you can ask the river ‘What is the temperature up from where you are coming? How is the ocean mood? Is there going to be any tsunami?’ You can receive and send message from both corners of the river. You can just ask him ‘is that guy taking bath in you?’ Just you can ask Ganges in Hardwar and get information about Calcutta. Understand sending and receiving message through nature was our telecommunication system. I tell you, when I am in this body, I will establish this as a fool proof science like modern day communication systems. You will see it is possible; just the technique and the practice, nothing else. You can send receive informations understand the meanings of the birds, animals, rocks. When you go deeper you can just listen the eternal cosmic sound and meaning of the sound, the cosmos and the space where it is happening is your inner space. It means you are enlightened. 36:57 Understand first step try to listen sounds from your ananda gandha. See your ananda gandha is a conscious ear drum where a sound comes and hits meaning is made, but you are watching both. The buddhi, where the sound is hitting and meaning is happening is a third entity. Be aware of all this three; that’s all. Whenever you find time and if you are interested in this samyama take up this samyama. Please understand, every day I will go on be talking about one, one samyama. If you are interested in healing the eyes if you have problem with the eyes; ears eyes or talking take up this samyama. It will completely heal you; not only heal you, give you extraordinary powers. 38:12 I have seen Raghupathi Yogi playing with this samyama. He will just create one small sound. All the snakes in that area will get into the mood of that intercourse and start dragging their body towards him. Because he knows when a snake, the snakes wanted to have physical relationship, a kind of a subtle sound they create. He will create that sound and all the snakes will be hypnotised and they will be around him. He will just take them and take the venom. He used to make medicines out of the snake venom and they will all be lying down like a babies for him to pick up one by one and take the venom. I have seen. In a stone, it’s called kalavam where he will take that venom and rub it and add medicines and he will make siddha medicines; the power of sound, playing with sound. 39:56 So first level, this samyama will heal all your hearing, seeing, talking problem; the physical level. Second, it will give you extra ordinary siddhis like a finding out other persons mood just by the sound of breath or making the meaning, understanding the animals languages, understanding the languages of nature; ultimately enlightenment itself. Because when you sit and listen to the sound of the eternal cosmos, that ommmmm, when that sound hits your inner space be aware; the meaning it makes, cosmos is the meaning it makes. These both can be grasped experienced only by an enlightened inner space. When you grasp the two you are enlightened; that’s it. 41:08 Understand this samyama will directly lead to physical healing of hearing, seeing and talking problems. Give you the extraordinary siddhis of understanding the language of animals and nature; third; ultimately enlightenment itself by experiencing the cosmic sound, nada brahma. Shirasana and sarvangasana will help this samyama and mahamantra means the intense humming will help this samyama. Mahamantra technique will help this samyama. And sambhavi mudra can help this samyama. Please understand, so I can give as a technique this samyama. First do shirasana and sarvangasana then do seven minutes of intense humming then 21 times of sambhavi maha mudra then sit and do this samyama as long as you can. You will experience the maximum benefit of this samyama and experience extraordinary siddhis. 42:50 I bless you all who are sitting with us at this moment 613 places, in 225 cities, in 28 countries. Let all of you achieve, experience, live, express, radiate and share the eternal bliss, NIthyananda. Thank you.



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Sarvadarshan - batch_IMG_0684.JPG Sarvadarshan - batch_IMG_0686.JPG Sarvadarshan - batch_IMG_0687.JPG Sarvadarshan - batch_IMG_0690.JPG Sarvadarshan - batch_IMG_0692.JPG Sarvadarshan - batch_IMG_0693.JPG Sarvadarshan - batch_IMG_0696.JPG Sarvadarshan - batch_IMG_0697.JPG Sarvadarshan - batch_IMG_0704.JPG Sarvadarshan - batch_IMG_0705.JPG Sarvadarshan - batch_IMG_0706.JPG Sarvadarshan - batch_IMG_0707.JPG Sarvadarshan - batch_IMG_0710.JPG Sarvadarshan - batch_IMG_0713.JPG Sarvadarshan - batch_IMG_0716.JPG Sarvadarshan - batch_IMG_0722.JPG Sarvadarshan - batch_IMG_0723.JPG Sarvadarshan - batch_IMG_0725.JPG Sarvadarshan - batch_IMG_0729.JPG Sarvadarshan - batch_IMG_0730.JPG Sarvadarshan - batch_IMG_0731.JPG