February 20 2011

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Awaken Third Eye & Kundalini Shakti through eN Kriya (guided meditation)


Awaken Third Eye & Kundalini Shakti through eN Kriya, guided meditation (Nithyananda Satsang 20 Feb 2011)

Living Incarnation and Avatar Paramahamsa Nithyananda began the eN-Kriya initiation with some important truths about the Third eye, Ajna chakra, and how eN-Kriya initiation directly awakens it.

"The brow center is the cosmic browsing center. You can access, download, use, send any info to and from cosmos. The cosmic archives are directly available, you can access it. You have the possibility of experiencing it."

He wasn't being philosophical, he was explaining "something much more tangible than what you think as tangible; more reality than what you think as reality. Understand, the nonmechanical parts of the brain in your system are responsible for the extraordinary experiences and powers. It can send and receive messages to anybody, anywhere in the universe. It can attract the right people towards you and send the wrong people away from you!"

The 5 life breathings happening in you, are directly connected to the 3rd eye. Your body can be compared to an instrument -- your Muladhara (chakra) is a bowl filled with mercury, where the mercury can be equated to the reproductive energy which can create life. Your spine is like 3 tubes, hollow tube -- 3 nadis -- idagala, pingala, sushumna. The root of the spine is on the mercury bowl which is reproductive energy. The top of the tube is the 3rd eye -- the ajna chakra. Through the 2 tubes if you can send intense energy, air pressure, the mercury can directly be sent to the 3rd eye. The tubes are your spine, mercury bowl is your root center, filled with energy to fill a life. When you send prana intensely through the side tubes, because of the pressure, the mercury goes through the middle tube and reaches the top -- then the Ajna chakra gets activated. That is what I am doing in eN-Kriya.

By intensely infusing life-breath, the Ajna chakra opens and extraordinary leadership quality opens. eN-Kriya directly awakens your inner potential energy. It is the essence of the whole levitation process from the whole 48 day LEP process. Do the eN-Kriya at least for 21 days. I can guarantee that your mitochondria cell energy will improve at least 500%. The mitochondria can be roughly equated to the Kundalini Shakti.

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eN Kriya

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Too much of energy, time and intelligence are being put only in the dimension of acquiring wealth and acquiring relationships and acquiring comforts. One forgets the tremendous extraordinary capacities which are stored one's system, which need to be awakened and expressed. eN Kriya directly awakens the inner potential energy.

Video Audio


Sadashiva samarambam shankaraacharya madhyamaam Asmadaacharya paryanthaam vande guru paramparaam. 0:36 I welcome you all with my love and respects. I welcome all of you sitting with us at this moment in 730 places, in 225 cities, in 93 states, in 33 countries and I am able to see 25 cities. I think you are also able to see; almost all continents where human beings are living are sitting with us. I am able to see Brazil, Redondo Beach, Malaysia, New Jersey, Mexico, Vancouver Canada, Ohio, Phoenix, Los Angeles, Houston, Toronto and continuously many other cities are being rotated. I welcome all of you. I can see in every satsang centre the large number of devotees, disciples gathered. Let us create the intense eN effect on the universe, on the globe, on the planet earth. People from China and Russia are also sitting with us. I can see; all over the Middle East and in India; Hyderabad, Madurai, Chennai, Mumbai; in four cities people are sitting with us. I welcome you all for this eN kriya initiation. 3:37 Let us enter into the satsang. Today I will explain some of the important truths about the third eye and how eN kriya initiation directly awakens your third eye. Please understand all over the world all mystery schools, all mystical traditions; all spiritual lineages have worked intensely on third eye. The brow centre is cosmic browsing centre. Please understand how from in a browsing centre you can upload or download any information you want, the brow centre is a cosmic browsing centre. You can access, download, use, send any information to and from cosmos. The cosmic archives is directly available. You have access to it. You have possibility of experiencing it. 5:31 I am not promoting some theories. Please understand I am talking something which is tangible. I can say much more tangible than what you think as tangible, reality than what you think as reality. In yesterday’s satsang I was telling the 21 different logic, independent logic functioning in your system 21 different independent logic functioning in your brain. When you try to be idiotically consistent with one logic and go on denying, depressing, suppressing other parts and other logics, you suppress and do not allow the non mechanical parts of the brain to be awakened. Understand the non mechanical parts of the brain in your system is responsible for extraordinary experiences and powers. It can send and receive messages to anybody anywhere in the universe. It can attract right people towards you and send wrong people away from you and it did. 8:10 Somebody went and read the ancient nadi text about my biography. Just yesterday they came and reported. The guy who went to read, he himself is a poet who knows the ancient Tamil in which the leafs are written. So he did not take the help of the person who reads. He doesn’t want mediator. He went to the original place where the leaves are preserved and that Tamil is at least 500 year old Tamil. In the modern day nobody can write that language. Neither nobody can compose lyrics or write in this language; at least 300 years before that language is dead. But this poet can read. He also can’t compose, he can read. He went and studied it seems. He brought and yesterday just presented. That nadi says, they took my biography and in that it says till the age of 32 he will express the energy of a sadguru, an enlightened master and after the 33 means after the completion of the 32 in 33 onwards he will express the intense energy of an incarnation. 9:55 Now I understand why a big cleaning has happened. The wrong people, if they are sitting, they will not let the right things to happen. So it is good we are rid of wrong people and right people have started gathering around us. Right things have started happening. You need a strong base for the right things to happen. Now we have a strong base which cannot be shaken by any abusal. And we can really do our mission what needs to be done. 11:01 Just yesterday I received a email from the lady who wrote about my jewels and the cloth and the throne few days before. I think she is a seeker. Her email id says koaskysillyyogi. And she says “Dear Swamiji, thank you for answering my question and enlightening me about the Indian and Vedic culture. I am glad you had so much fun doing it. I think she is a seeker not poker. So I bless you. Great! So now we are gathering right seekers around us from all over the world. That is the reason I have started the deep mystical work. 12:31 Third eye is the cosmic browsing centre through which you can send and receive cosmic information’s about the past present and future. Not only that, third eye is responsible for leadership qualities eeshitva. In the eight siddhis which Patanjali describes an important siddhi is eeshitva or eeshwaratva; means the ability to be a leader, capacity to be a leader, an extraordinary capacity to lead is also one siddhi. The third eye, ajna chakra, can awaken that siddhi in you. The five life breathing happening in you is directly connected to the third eye. 14:08 Please understand I will give you an example. Your body can be compared to an instrument. You see your muladhara is like a bowl filled with mercury. The mercury can be equated to reproduction energy; the energy which can give birth to a life, which is in your root centre, everybody’s. Whether you are a male or a female your root centre has an energy to create life. Your spine is like a three tube, three nadis, hollow tube, idagala pingala sushumna; three tube. The root of the spine is on the mercury bowl which is reproductive energy. The top of the tube is third eye, the ajna chakra. Through this two tubes if you intensely send the air energy with high pressure the mercury will get in through the third tube to the top. 15:37 Please understand three tubes are inserted in a mercury bowl, the tubes are your spine, the mercury bowl is your root centre filled with energy to create life. When you send intensely the prana, life breath through side two tubes with high pressure what will happen? Because of that pressure the mercury will get in through the centre tube and reach the top. When the mercury reaches the top the ajna chakra opens. That is what exactly I am doing through the eN kriya. Through both the nostrils, idagala and pingala, I am intensely infusing life breath inside. In that pressure through the centre nadi the kundalini shakti, the life energy reaches the crown centre and it blossoms, the ajna chakra opens. The extraordinary leadership qualities expresses. 17:11 Every press, every journalist, who interviews me, the first question is ‘how did you create such a huge organisation in eight years?’’. I said come on organisation is a by-product of the leadership quality I am radiating. I tell you, power of ajna chakra, eeshitva, leadership quality eeshwaratva; it can express in every one of you. The eeshitva eeshwaratva can express in every one of you. All you need to do is send that reproductive energy to the crown centre. 18:11 Yesterday I was telling a story, one day God called Adam and said “I have a good news for you and bad news for you.” Adam said “please tell me the good news first.” Man! Woman would have asked please tell me the bad news first. He asked “tell me the good news first.” He said “I am going to give you brain which can think, plan and work, function and a reproductive organ which can give you lot of pleasure.” Adam asked “Great! After this, what can be the bad news?” God said “Only one will work at a time!!”

19:08 So understand if you want the brain to be activated, send the energy up, awaken the kundalini shakti and raise it to the crown centre. eN Kriya is a powerful method to awaken the kundalini energy, clear the prana, apana, vyana, udana, samana; means the five life breath energies happening in your body. Unfortunately human beings are putting too much of energy, time, intelligence only in the dimension of acquiring wealth and acquiring relationships and acquiring comforts. You forget the tremendous extraordinary capacities stored in your system which need to be awakened and expressed; the extraordinary powers and energies. 20:43 Understand I am not showing these extraordinary powers to tell my glory about…. my glory to the world like materialising vibhooti, teleporting vibhooti or giving boons or giving kundalini awakening. I am not doing it for my glory. I am telling you, you can also do. I am here to show and prove to your glory. I don’t need to prove my glory. If I have to prove my glory I can just materialise in my hand. That is not what I want. I wanted you to understand this is a great science you can also do it. You can also have it. It is a science. That is the reason I am making it happen in your place so that you can visibly see. 22:00 Now in this march 2nd and 23rd, 2nd to 23rd, in the 21 days we are going to prove scientifically the teleporting. In the controlled condition by the scientists and spiritual researchers we are going to prove how the teleporting is possible by the kundalini energy and spiritual awakening. This Inner awakening I have challenged the scientific community I will be proving strongly all the participants 100% I will awaken at least four strands of DNA. Please understand a normal human being will have already two strands awakened. Four more means at least six. Anybody who leaves the program after completing, anybody who completes the Inner Awakening this time is going to have at least six strands of DNA awakened; means great health, extraordinary mental wellness, amazing intellect to create strategy planning’s and extraordinary love and fulfilled personality which inspires everybody and amazing leadership quality eeshitva eeshwaratva. I welcome all of you to come and experience Inner Awakening. 24:33 First time scientifically the power of kundalini awakening is being recorded from the authentic ancient fool proof time tested spiritual system of the world Vedic tradition. I welcome all of you to come and be part of this extraordinary historic moment. This April Inner awakening we will be doing…. not only you will be experiencing extraordinary experiences like levitation, you will be experiencing even extraordinary powers and you will have a big scientifically proof show of miracles in controlled conditions. Actually the doctors are planning they will add some unique chemical into the vibhooti which will be teleported. And even I will not know the chemical. They will give the vibhooti to me. From here it will be teleported to different countries. It will appear in my padukas all over the world. That vibhooti will be collected; chemically this vibhooti and that vibhooti will be analysed and matched that it has been sent from here to there. 26:31 Not only I wanted to scientifically prove I wanted to make this as a clear technique. I wanted to make this as a reproducible not that only I can do. When you work on your pranas, your energies and awaken the kundalini you can also do because I have not come to show this science as my magic my powers. I have come to show this science as your powers. Understand it’s like suddenly in some tsunami if all the TVs disappear, only if one television somebody has, then he can show see I have a box which can sing which can show scenes. That is like miracle. But if he creates a TV producing industry and makes it and distributes it to all the world makes everybody experience that, he is a scientist. I am here as a spiritual scientist to awaken your kundalini shakti; the extraordinary spiritual energy. 28:10 eN kriya directly awakens your inner potential energy. eN kriya is essence of the whole evitation process. All of you may be aware that I conducted 48 day program on levitation helping people to levitate, awaken their kundalini. In the whole program what I taught, the essence, the essence is eN kriya. So do this eN kriya at least 21 days. I can guarantee your mitochondria cell energy will improve at least 500%. The mitochondria cell energy can be roughly equated as kudalini shakti; the kundalini shakti’s biological rough equalent. The kundalini shakti is much more than mitochondria cell energy. It is not just mitochondria cell energy. But mitochondria cell energy can be roughly equated to the kundalini shakti. 29:45 Now I initiate all of you into eN kriya, a powerful kundalini awakening process, for you to experience the extraordinary spiritual experiences and powers to awaken your ajna chakra; third eye the browsing centre of cosmos. I initiate all of you who are sitting with us at this moment in 822 places, in 254 cities, in 106 states, in 38 countries. Can you project the screen showing all the countries? I will give the instruction for the eN kriya. Please understand do not do it now. Listen to the instruction first then you can do it. 31:32 This eN kriya is the process for balancing the five life breath movement happening; five life breath means inhaling, holding, spreading, exhaling and cleaning. Cleaning is called apana that’s what you call gas emission. All five need to be purified and balanced; inhaling, holding, exhaling, spreading all over the body and cleaning. Unfortunately socially the cleaning process is not accepted. So you go on suppress and create disease inside. Understand cleaning has to happen when it is necessary; when there is a garbage inside. Garbage should not gather that is true. That does not mean even if it gathers you will not clean it. 32:50 I have a story. A family took their elderly frail mother to a nursing home and left her hoping she would be well cared for. The next morning the nurses bathed her, fed her and set her in a chair near a window overlooking a lovely flower garden. She seemed ok but after a while she slowly started to tilt sideways in her chair. Two attentive nurses immediately rushed up to catch her and straighten her up. Again she seemed to be ok. But after a while she slowly started to tilt over her other side. Again the nurses rushed back and once more brought her back upright. This went on all morning. Later the family arrived to see how the old woman was adjusting to her new home. They asked, “So ma how is it here? Are they treating you all right?” She replied, “It is pretty nice except they won’t let me pass vents”. If you missed it, if you missed the joke at least don’t miss the laughter. 34:39 All the five life breath needs to be balanced. eN kriya is the technique to balance all the five life breath. I will give the instruction, step by step, then I will guide you. Now listen to the instruction attentively then you can do it when I guide you. It is seven step; the whole technique is seven step. First three step is preparation, fourth step is main kriya and the last three steps are awakening the kundalini intensely and balancing your body; settling with kundalini. 35:42 So let me start now. The first step is, please sit in padmasana or vajrasana. I will give the instruction now. First step is closing your…. It is called nadi shodhana; closing your right nostril with right thumb, inhaling as deeply as possible through left nostril and closing your left nostril with your middle finger and ring finger, exhaling through the right and inhaling through the right and exhaling through the left. Please understand just inhaling and exhaling. It’s called one cycle. Do this at least 11 times. This is the first step. Second step bastrika; pull your lower abdomen in and up. Don’t shake the whole body; just the lower abdomen in and up. If it is too heavy nothing can be done. Even if you shake the whole body you cannot shake the lower abdomen….. in and up; 21 times do bastrika. Third important thing, third step is, inhale as slowly as possible, hold as long as possible, exhale as slowly as possible, hold the lungs empty as long as possible. This one cycle is called one samana kriya. Do this 21 times, 21 samana kriya. This is third step. All these three steps are preparatory steps. 38:38 The fourth is main kriya. In this you should put your thumb in the ears, the index finger and middle finger on the eyes, ring finger on the nose, little finger on the lip. It is called sambhavi mudra. Close all the five senses; block the nostrils. Stop the energy going outwards. Sent the energy intensely in; redirect. This technique is powerful technique for instant enlightenment. You can get enlightened in one eN kriya and go out as enlightened beings. Hold as long as you can. Your mind will say no, no, I can’t hold any more. I will fall. I will... getting fainted. When you really feel you can’t hold anymore don’t bother. Even if you faint, automatically your hands will relax. You will breathe. You will not die. Only if you have serious heart conditions or high blood pressure any other serious illness, don’t do. People with normal health can do as much as you can. When you are able to, again block; when you are feeling balanced again block the nostrils. Do this same thing 21 times. 21 times through sambhavi mudra sending the energy inside; directing it. This is the main kriya fourth part. 40:58 The fifth part is intense humming for seven minutes. The sixth part is shakti dharana. Stand on your knees and raise the hands towards the sky, connect with the Master try to face that direction of Bidadi banyan tree. Wherever you are around the world please find out the direction. All of you from around the world find the direction towards the Bidadi banyan tree and raise your hands towards the sky and feel connected with the Master. Feel his presence, intense energy landing on you. When you feel full, just surrender to the earth, empty yourself, pour yourself with the mood namaha. Then again stand up, receive intensely and pour to the earth. Please understand do this at least seven times; filling yourself with energy. 42:40 And the last step sit feeling connected with the Master. Send a strong compassionate, loving, healing, energy and vibrations to the whole world. Bless the whole world. Last step is the time I work intensely on you; awakening the kundalini. That’s the time for you to relax and experience the awakening. 43:16 I am so happy that from around the world at this moment in 843 locations, in 261 cities, in 108 states, 38 countries, people are sitting with us. We will enter into the eN kriya. I wanted to invite all of you on March 2nd for a important initiation of eN meditation. From March 2nd to March 23rd, morning I will be doing satsang on Yoga sutras, evening I will do satsang on Brahma sutras and you will be creating intense eN effect all over the world and I will declare now itself, I will reduce the crime rate, which is a man made calamity, wars and crime rate, crime deaths and war deaths and natural calamities at least 40% less in that one month. We will prove it scientifically. The natural calamities it will be less than at least it will be reduced 40%. The man made calamities like war, crime deaths and all that will be reduced at least 40% in that 21 days all over the world. 45:23 Feel intensely connected with the Master, sit in padmasana and samana mudra, hands locked, sit in padmasana and samana mudra. 45:48 Om shanti shanti shantihi. I bless you all. I invite all of you to come and experience Inner Awakening this year April 13th. This Inner Awakening is going to be unique and strongly experience based. I welcome you all for the important eN meditation initiation on March 2nd. Blessings to all the devotees around the world; I can see the joy in the devotees. My blessings to all of you, I am with you all. You will all, let you all achieve, experience, live, express, radiate and share the eternal bliss, Nithyananda. Thank you.

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Nithyananda-Satsang - watermark_IMG_7849.JPG Nithyananda-Satsang - watermark_IMG_7851.JPG Nithyananda-Satsang - watermark_IMG_7890.JPG Nithyananda-Satsang - watermark_IMG_7893.JPG Nithyananda-Satsang - watermark_IMG_7895.JPG Nithyananda-Satsang - watermark_IMG_7897.JPG Nithyananda-Satsang - watermark_IMG_7899.JPG Nithyananda-Satsang - watermark_IMG_7900.JPG Nithyananda-Satsang - watermark_IMG_7901.JPG Nithyananda-Satsang - watermark_IMG_7909.JPG Nithyananda-Satsang - watermark_IMG_7918.JPG Nithyananda-Satsang - watermark_IMG_7919.JPG Nithyananda-Satsang - watermark_IMG_7920.JPG Nithyananda-Satsang - watermark_IMG_7921.JPG Nithyananda-Satsang - watermark_IMG_7927.JPG Nithyananda-Satsang - watermark_IMG_7930.JPG Nithyananda-Satsang - watermark_IMG_7937.JPG Nithyananda-Satsang - watermark_IMG_7953.JPG Nithyananda-Satsang - watermark_IMG_7959.JPG Nithyananda-Satsang - watermark_IMG_7961.JPG Nithyananda-Satsang - watermark_IMG_7966.JPG Nithyananda-Satsang - watermark_IMG_7969.JPG Nithyananda-Satsang - watermark_IMG_7970.JPG Nithyananda-Satsang - watermark_IMG_7978.JPG Nithyananda-Satsang - watermark_IMG_7985.JPG Nithyananda-Satsang - watermark_IMG_7989.JPG Nithyananda-Satsang - watermark_IMG_8000.JPG Nithyananda-Satsang - watermark_IMG_8001.JPG Nithyananda-Satsang - watermark_IMG_8005.JPG Nithyananda-Satsang - watermark_IMG_8006.JPG Nithyananda-Satsang - watermark_IMG_8007.JPG Nithyananda-Satsang - watermark_IMG_8008.JPG Nithyananda-Satsang - watermark_IMG_8009.JPG Nithyananda-Satsang - watermark_IMG_8010.JPG Nithyananda-Satsang - watermark_IMG_8011.JPG Nithyananda-Satsang - watermark_IMG_8012.JPG Nithyananda-Satsang - watermark_IMG_8013.JPG Nithyananda-Satsang - watermark_IMG_8014.JPG Nithyananda-Satsang - watermark_IMG_8018.JPG Nithyananda-Satsang - watermark_IMG_8022.JPG Nithyananda-Satsang - watermark_IMG_8023.JPG Nithyananda-Satsang - watermark_IMG_8034.JPG Nithyananda-Satsang - watermark_IMG_8035.JPG Nithyananda-Satsang - watermark_IMG_8036.JPG Nithyananda-Satsang - watermark_IMG_8038.JPG Nithyananda-Satsang - watermark_IMG_8040.JPG Nithyananda-Satsang - watermark_IMG_8046.JPG Nithyananda-Satsang - watermark_IMG_8064.JPG Nithyananda-Satsang - watermark_IMG_8082.JPG Nithyananda-Satsang - watermark_IMG_8083.JPG


Sarvadarshan - watermark_IMG_8085.JPG Sarvadarshan - watermark_IMG_8086.JPG Sarvadarshan - watermark_IMG_8087.JPG Sarvadarshan - watermark_IMG_8088.JPG Sarvadarshan - watermark_IMG_8089.JPG Sarvadarshan - watermark_IMG_8100.JPG


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