December 09 2010

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Ashtanga Yoga: Patanjali Yoga Sutras 78 - Nithyananda Morning Satsang 9 Dec 2010


Living Enlightened Master and Rare Avatar, Paramahamsa Nithyananda continues to revive the Patanjali Yoga Sutras from the very consciousness of Patanjali himself. Today, he revealed the secrets on the 78th Sutra from chapter 2, 27th verse --

"Tasya Saptadha Pranta Bhoomih Prajna" which translates as "Knowledge is attained in seven supreme steps"

Introducing the very popular "Ashtanga Yoga" for the first time in this sutra, Patanjali, the father and founder of Yoga, the largest and the most practiced religion on the planet followed by at least 1/4th of humanity, spoke on the king of all knowledge -- enlightenment.

Patanjali delivers the ultimate secrets of enlightenment. One of them is that the cosmos showers many truths about enlightenment. There are many paths available all over the place. But the interesting question is - if so many truths and paths are available, then why is it we do not get enlightened?

Nithyananda elaborated on this and said, "Whenever you catch a seed or truth about enlightenment, you take it to a logical conclusion". For example, compassion leads to enlightenment. This is the truth. But we take compassion to the level of losing wealth but not to losing body and life. Or you may feel what is wrong if I leave the body and live compassion. You will go to extreme restful awareness.

He explains how we catch a few truths, how we miss some. We catch the different truths at different levels -- intellectually, physically and experientially. He says he makes at least 50% of the truths stay at an experiential level during the Inner Awakening program.

He also gave the secret to catch as many threads. He says the secret is to catch the threads where you are successful. He gives the example of climbing a fort. "There is a huge fort you need to climb and get inside. Only one iron chain is hanging. Don't look at the steep stone. Oh! There is 200 square feet stone which I cannot put my leg and climb. No. Look at one chain hanging, you can catch that and jump. You may have heard 100 truths, but only 10 you can intellectually conclude and the only one you can have physical conclusion. That is enough! One chain is enough to climb the fort. The secret is all that your mind is able to "click with" and reach its intellectual conclusions, keep them as your strength and work more & more to make it your physical reality. The secret is not continuously looking at the ideas you failed or stuck but continuously looking at ideas that have become physical reality. Hold them that is the secret for enlightenment for you."

He concluded the morning satsang saying he will reveal deeper truth on enlightenment in the subsequent sessions.

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Ashtanga Yoga: Patanjali Yoga Sutras 78 - Nithyananda Morning Satsang 9 Dec 2010


Thursday, December 9, 2010 Prayer. Welcome. Today’s subject for morning satsang is The Ultimate Secret To Enlightenment! I am really going to reveal! 2nd chapter – 27th verse – 78th sutra overall Tasya saptadaa praanta bhoomi pragna Vivek – knowledge is attained in 7 supreme steps Prabhavananda – the experiencer gains this knowledge in 7 stages advancing towards the highest Satchit – one’s wisdom in the final stage is 7 fold. One experiences the end of desire to know anything more, to stay away from anything, to do anything, sorrow, fear and dilusion – when all this 7 ends. Let me give my experience – Ultimate secret to enlightenment – I Want to give you first the secret. Then step by step the deeper trughts of this sutra. The 1st secret you need to know about enlightenment the cosmos is such that it showers so many truths about enlightenment. For example compassion leads to enlightenment. You will take that idea to the logical conclusion. Your mind may object to this after a point – either no I cannot be compassionate beyond this. Or it may say ok let me die. Your mind will like this – whenever any truth is given Pl understand, don’t think only my program is giving you truth about enlightenment. No. veda is apourushya – knowledge for enlightenment is not based on one person. it is avlbl all over the world. These are saarvabhoumya vraatas – aparigraha, asteya, ahimsa, satya, bramhacharya – living like god and non covertiousness. Means these are the paths or vows avlbl in the air all over the world. Every human being catches the truths of these 5. By the time he realizes he has the truths. The moment you start talking your mother says tell the truth. The moment you are matured and trying to jump you are told live with centredness. Then why are we not getting enlightenment if it is all over the place? Understand, whenever you catch a seed , a truth towards enlightenment, you try to take it to logical conclusion – oh compassion to level of losing wealth I can go but not my body and life. Or you may feel what is wrong if I leave the body and live compassion. You will go to extreme restful awareness. Like this at least for 20 ideas you may have had extreme restful awareness. And 10 ideas you may be stuck. For example ahimsa you may have been stuck but in asteya you went to extreme logical conclusion. And in witnessing also you have gone there but you may have been stuck with unclutching. So in some techniques and truths you may have taken yourself to the extreme logical conclusion and some ideas you may have been stuck in half. Some of the ideas you may have taken to its extreme. This is like one idea I can say – Valmiki, sitting and meditation – he decided to unclutch to the extreme till he became enlightenment. He visualized this first. Then physically he did it. You know to sit for 3 hours how difficult it is. But this guy his visualization about the truth has become so strong in his muscle memory, he just sits and an ant hill grows around him! So he became enlightenment and came out of ant hill (ant hill in Sanskrit is vaalmika) he was called vaalmiki. If you catch 100 truths, in 20-30 you may be stuck. For example truth – oh I can be truthful to certain extent till my name or wealth is lost but not to extent that I lose my life. But when it comes to some other idea ex witnessing, you decided you will do it till end of your life means intellectually you have seen the restful awareness.. if you have 100 such truths, in that 100 when you start really working, when you start making it physical, in that 100, maybe only 20 or 30 will become physical. When you planned you thought I can witness till then end. But when you actually started doing it, you may not do more than 30 or 40. And you are stuck. Understand, some ideas intellectually itself you are stuck. Some ideas intellectually is fine but physically you are stuck. Next level even physically you are able to take to its experiential conclusion. In this program all I am trying to do is at least 50% of ideas you got I am taking them to their physical experiential conclusion. So in 100 – 30% should reach at least intellectual restful awareness conclusion, 50% should reach physical experiential conclusion. Leave the 20% for the joy of insecurity. Joy of insecurity adds juice to your life. That is why for ashramites I have 1000s of things. Of course ashram is a live thing. No second day in the ashram is the same way. I can say for every individual who stays in the ashram, no second day in same way. Because I am such a living mechanism, naturally around me anything will be a living organism. Dhyanapeetam is not an organization, it is a living organism. And nobody else is required to create a crisis! Master is the ultimate crisis maker and manager. His very inhaling is crisis management and exhaling si crisis making! He is just embodiment. He is kaala and kaala kaala. So much of rejuvenation. That is why I tell you life around me is so packed! So much of incidents. If you just live for 10 days, you feel you know me forever and ever. It is a very powerful understanding . let me come to the secret – whatever ideas you are intellectually itself it is not able to take it to its logical conclusion, should not bring your courage and confidence down for ideas that can take it to its logical intellectual and physical conclusion. It is like you tell I cannot practice asteya how can I practice ahimsa? No. understand, the secret is catch the threads where you are successful. There is a huge fort you need to climb and get inside. only one iron chain is hanging. Don’t look at the steep stone. Oh! There is 200 square feet stone which I cannot put my leg and climb. NO. Look at one chain hanging, you can catch that and jump. You may have heard 100 truths, but only 10 you can intellectually conclude and only one you can have physical conclusion. That is enough! One chain is enough to climb the fort. The secret is all the mind is able to click with and reach its intellectual conclusions, keep them as your strength and work more & more to make it your physical reality. The secret is not continuously looking at the ideas you failed or stuck but continuously looking at ideas which have become physical reality. Hold them that is the secret for enlightenment for you. People ask me am I emotional type, intellectual type, being type – this is how to find out – see there are some ideas intellectually clicks, does not click, there are some which physically click. I know there are some of you for whom physically sitting at my feet for 21 feet is a feat! Hold them that is the secret for enlightenment for you. People ask me am I emotional type, intellectual type, being type – this is how to find out – see there are some ideas intellectually clicks, does not click, there are some which physically click. I know there are some of you for whom physically sitting at my feet for 21 feet is a feat! You may have had conflict like if I go I may lose my job – but intellectually you came to a logical conclusion – I don’t care, I will go. You may have had family resistance for you to go. But u decided. You have taken it to the logical conclusion. But physically also you did it. You are here! I want you to know why usually people clap you know, if a speaker is speaking exactly what you feel – oh god! I can never say it, he said it! 3 categories - Intellectually stuck, intellectually cleared, physically cleared. There are some truths even physically you made it into reality. Secret is looking into those few and celebrating them will create tremendous shift to all the other intellectually cleared and stuck ideas. The secret is shifting your vision. If you have come and sat at the master’s feet. That one chain you are hanging is enough. You don’t need to look at the huge wall that you cannot climb. Just hold tat one chain and start climbing. That’s all! If you look at the huge wall, you will be tired. Your mind is such a cunning fellow – I tried to stop smoking and did it only twice. How can I stop thinking then? NO. I tell you maybe there you failed, but in thinking you will win. There is no scale! NO. sometime your mind foolishly thinks, I will removed all these stones one by one and only then I will be in the fort. You don’t need to. You may think one by one all engrams have to be removed and only then I will be enlightenment. NO. just hold the chain and get in. the secret is the ideas in which you are intellectually stuck – leave them. Hold on to ideas in which you are intellectually clear. For some physically you have achieved conclusion. Catch that. For example, as an ashramite you have physically made it to be around me. Catch that one thing. I am worthy, I made this happen. When you shift your vision to that, all other things which are mid way or not yet started, will start losing its power over you. So understand, it is a most difficult shift but a very important shift. Just like a man standing outside a fort wall. He is stuck and confused. I think first I will have to remove one by one every stone so let me go and gather lot of workers. Will he be able to do. NO. or if he thinks this huge wall. I will have 200 people and climb them and jump. Waste. Look at the chain which is hanging, just hold and jump. Chain is hanging in your neck. Hold that and jump. Your body is the fort wall and you don’t need to think, oh every engram I have to work. Don’t start doing that, don’t start plucking your hair, it is like trying to remove stone from the fort wall, just hold the chain hanging in your neck, you will cross the fort wall. The secret is turning your attention to the truths you made into physical reality! Then naturally that will penetrate into other truths. Tasya saptadaa praanta bhoomi pragna When this knowledge is attained, when the experience gains this knowledge in 7 stages advancing towards the highest. In further satsangs I will explain these stages step by step. I have a story for you – A man went in for a brain transplant operation and was offered a choice for 2 brains – either architect’s brain for 10k pounds or politicians brain for 100k pounds. Oh does this mean the politicians brain is more powerful? Surgeon says no it has never been used and is fresh and another important thing is it is difficult to get because very few even have it! Sometime the obvious reality itself cannot tell you the complete truth. Same way obvious reality is that huge wall in front of you. That itself cannot tell you you can never jump. Understand, the chain is hanging just hold and jump. Blessings!


Balance Your Samana For Kundalini Awakening || IA || 09 Dec 2010


Title - Guided Meditation of Balancing Samana for Levitation Name of Convention: Inner Awakening Venue: Adi Kailasa, Bengaluru, India Date: 09 Dec 2010

In this video Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism HDH #Nithyananda Paramashivam is guiding us into experiencing a space of thoughtlessness by the ancient practice of using Shambhavi Mudra to balance our Samana to experience Levitation. He guides us into how to do the pranayama and visualization for the levitation to happen.

The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam His Divine Holiness Nithyananda Paramashivam (HDH) is the reviver of #KAILASA - the ancient enlightened civilization and the great cosmic borderless Hindu nation. Revered as the incarnation of Paramashiva - the primordial Hindu Divinity, HDH has a following of 2 billion Hindus worldwide with de facto spiritual embassies in over 150 countries. He has worked untiringly for over 26 years for the revival of Kailasa, for global peace and to give super conscious breakthrough to humanity. He has survived the worst persecution of multiple assassination attempts on person and on character by anti-Hindu elements. He is collecting, organising, preserving, time capsuling, decoding, spreading and reviving 20 Million source books of Hinduism and the 64 sacred arts & sciences like Ayurveda, music, dance, sculpting, astrology, vastu and much more. Close to 20,000 hours of HDH’s timeless talks have been recorded till date (Sep 2020), which are a treasure trove of powerful cognitions to solve individual and global problems of any kind.

Link to Video: