June 05 2020

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How The Ecosystem Was Critical For HDH's 3rd Eye Awakening (And Why We Need Kailasa Nation)






Glimpses from Jnanasambandar Puja offered at the Nithyanandeshwara Paramashiva Devalayam with The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism HDH Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam 5 June 2020


Glimpses from Pada Puja offered to The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism HDH Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam on the occasion of 31st Nithyananda Poornima Celebrations 5 June 2020


Glimpses from Nithyananda Pournami Puja offered at Pavazha Kundru, Tiruvannamalai - the sacred rock upon which The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism HDH Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam sat and had His enlightenment experience at the tender age of 11. Pavazha Kundru is the same sacred space where Devi attained enlightenment. 5 June 2020

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Understand. I'll explain, I’ll reveal precisely, what happened 31 years ago on this same Baisakhi month, Bisaki Nakshetra; as per Enlish Calendar, 20th May, 1989. So today, 31 years completing and 32nd year starting.

Listen, this Baikashi, Bisakham has multiple importance in Hindu tradition and for Kailasa. 1. Subramanya was given, Sarva-Jnanotara Agama by Paramshiva on this very day – Baikashi Month, Bisakha Nakshetram. And on this very day, on this very day, Baikashi Month, Bisakha Nakshetram, Poornima Titthi, Buddha became Enlightened: Buddha was born, enlighetened and left the body, Maha-Nirvana, all three happened on this same day Baikashi Month, Poornima Tithi. Jnana Sambandar, Guru puja mahotsava happens on this very, three days, from Bisaka Nakshetra to mula Nakshetra. Baikasi mulam is the day, he had Videha mukti, means Sayujya; Shiva-Sayujyam; Paramshiva Sayujyam. So these 3 days are celebrated for Trirung Jnana Sambandar and my Enlightenment day.

Listen carefully! Precisely, if I have to put it in words, what happened on the day 20th may 1989: See every time I explain, I open the layer by layer, deeper and deeper aspects of what has happened on that very day and reveal the deeper and deeper truths. Now I will precisely tell you. Paramashiva, started manifesting as Parameshwara on this very day, through this being and through this body. Understand. Paramashiva, started manifesting as Parameshwara through this body and through this being on this very day. Understand, I will reveal more detail, few incidents before, few incidents happened after, so you can understand exactly what has happened. I will tell you; today is not only the anniversary of my Enlightened day, today is also the day of first initiation.

Understand, the moment Paramashiva started manifesting as Parameshwara, first I did is, calling my classmate and gave him power demo. So today is the first power demonstration day. Second: initiation! Today is the first initiation day! Third. I gave him energy darshan and hugged, literally. So today is the first energy Darshan day. Fourth. I explained this whole science of power manifestation and everything to him. So maybe you can say, today is the first Satsang started. Today is the first Satsang day. Literally, I have started all my work – Satsang, Initiation, Power Demonstration, Energy Darshan. Literally, I have started the enriching activity of Kailasa on this very day. Today is the anniversary of not only my Enlightenment, it’s the anniversary of energy Darshan – first Energy Darshan, first initiation, first Satsang, first Power Manifestation demonstration.

Understand, 31 years of sincere Enriching, has made, by the grace of Paramashiva and protection of Kalabhairava, Kailasa has become reality. Understand. The 31 years completed and 32nd year – starting. What... What a day!

I have sharing from my classmate and my first disciple literally who received the initiation, he has shared his personal experience, you can listen to that after the Satsang. Let me first, what other I have to say then you can listen to the video – his sharing. We have video recorded his sharing. It’s available. I will share this to you all. Listen. What has happened today is Paramashiva, manifesting as a Parameshwara through this being and through this body. That is what I am trying to convey in multiple words. Like 360 degree I was able to see I was able to feel that I am everything the whole cosmos everything.

It’s like a pure Paramashiva state, started manifesting as the state, space, powers, being, superconsciousness and kailasa of Paramashiva – through this being and through this body intensely. Intensely!

Paramashiva started manifesting as Parameshwara. Understand. I will explain few things which happened before this Enlightenment experience.

You will understand exactly. The reason why this happened in me. See, it all started, Annamalai Swamigal telling, we are not the body, we are beyond the body. This started; teaching, the Ramana Maharishi teaching; and I ran to home and wanted to check how can we be beyond the body and beyond the pain and suffering. I took the shaver; in those days, how my father used to – where they slide blade and shave. I took the razor and literally, cut my thigh. Of course, it was bleeding. My mother saw and immediately rushed me to the hospital. Hospital means just opposite house. Across the road. Family doctor. His name is Doctor Karunanidhi.

He was more like a family. Literally, he is a family. And almost 13 stitches he had to make to stop the bleeding, he did all the medically what’s needed to be done and he told in front of my parents that this is not accidental cut, he has purposely done it because so deep, so long. Accidently, it cannot cut. Ask him why he did it. So they started investigating. Why I did it? The doctor even had a doubt whether it was suicide attempt. Hehehe. Then, I explained the whole thing to my mother and father and to the doctor: Annamalai Swamigal told that we don’t have pain. And I just wanted to test whether I had pain or not. So I cut myself to see whether I have pain and suffering or not.

Listen, listen to this word: neither my mother nor my father was angry with Annamalai Swamigal. They did not have single ill feeling to my Guru Annamalai swamigal.

First thing my mother said – for my mother, I am literally a life, not only now, even in those days. My father and mother both of them know, purpose of their life is to give birth to me and protect me and make me flower. Once my father saw I have already flowered in my mission then he just relaxed and left the body. Understand they know, their life purpose is me flowering.

So they were so protective of me but the moment they heard the whole story my mother said: (something in Tamil). That’s my mother’s first response. My father (said something in Tamil). Means: my mother is telling, if Annamalai Swamigal said, there will be nothing wrong, we will ask him, what he said and what you understood. We'll just find out and attend to that. We will try to understand what Annamalai Swamigal said. My father says let us first do this first aid, medically what needs to be attended and then I will take you to the anomalies Annamalai Swamigal and get clarity.

The doctor who attended to me who is literally the part of my family because, his house drinking water he gets from my house. My house well use to be the common well for the people of the family and neighbors. And very good, loving person. Very caring person. Never took money from my family for the any medical care. Even for other villagers he will charge maximum 10 rupee – Maximum! Understand, the doctor his response (something in Tamil). (Smiles) I tell you, the ecosystem!!!

Understand if this same thing happens today, first, they would have filed POCSO complaint on Annamalai Swamigal. “Abetment of suicide! Annamalai Swamigal Misguided!” Immediately, the media mafia in Tiruvannamalai: “Annamalai Swamigal misguided small boy, made him to cut his thigh, abetment of suicide, case, FIR is filed, any moment he may get arrested! POCSO FIR is registered! The protection of children from any dangers. The POCSO.”

Understand, the great ecosystem Arunachala gave me. Not only my father or mother did not have any ill feeling – see! I don’t have any question about my Pati, I will never question Pati, I will only question Pasu and Pasa. I will only question me and my a delusion never question Pati, my guru I will never do that. That is different. Even my mother or father! Forget about filing a case on Annamalai Swamigal, they won't even entertain cherish the ill feeling.

Actually, my mother must be listening to this Satsang, if she listens, she will laugh because never ever they would have any idea of filing a case on any of my Guru. Hehehe. Forget about cases, even the ill feeling! And not only ill feeling, they are not even indirectly saying: okay! “From now onwards don’t go to that Swami, whatever he says you are not able to understand. Let us not disturb him. Let us not go there.” Not even that!

My father is saying let's finish this bandange, and then I'll take you to the Swami ji. And let us ask Swami Ji, the more details of what he was telling you and what he was teaching you. And my mother is consoling me: if that swamiji has said something then there is not something wrong. We only would have misunderstood. Let us ask that swami ji more details. On What that swamijii was trying to teach you.

God! I can roll on the ground of Tiruvannamalai and touch every person who lives in Tiruvannamalai, his feet dust on my head. Literally that feeling I have now. The gratitude I have now for that ecosystem. Oh God.

Hey! I tell you it is the ecosystem that reduced me. If I had even one poison around me they would have stopped me going to Annamalai Swamigal.

Actually after this cut, I started going to him more regularly. Every day! Neither my father nor my mother or the doctor put any ill feelings about my guru to me nor they even try to slow me down, put me away from my guru. My father is telling (something in Tamil): he's just waiting for the doctor to finish the bandage and then doctor is telling I also didn't see that Swamiji for the many days I also want to meet and have the Darshan of the Swamiji.

Understand, when we went to an Annamalai Swamigal, my mother was having tears but not even one small ill feelings towards my Guru. It was all about I didn't understand fully. I misunderstood something and did this mess up. What mother what a mother, and what a father, and what the doctor and what an ecosystem!

I tell you, every Shiva-acharya in Thiruvannamalai is my Guru. I will be so happy to have their feet dust on my head. Every person living in Thiruvannamalai is Paramashiva for me because the old ganged up and had such an amazing ecosystem.

I tell you, within two days, the whole street, actually that whole street is whole full of my relatives. My family has a habit, they will marry inside, inside, inside, inside. So every person will be related to me, at least 5 or 6 ways. My father side, he will be cousin, my mother side, some relation. Some way! It is such tightly family. I can give you an example.

My mother had 5 siblings. My mother and her sister and three sons, all 5 got married in same next-next streets. My father’s mother and mother’s father are brother sisters. Like that, all only inside family they will marry and all of them live a large giant family.

So understand, whole my street, knows that Annamalai Swamigal gave me some spiritual instruction and I went and cut myself. Not only one person had one ill feeling for Annamalai Swamigal. Forget about having any bad words Annamalai Swamigal.

Not even ill feeling! not single fellow thought and coming to tell me: “why do you go to that swami, because of him you have cut your thigh and you have so much pain and 13 stitches. What would have happened if you didn’t cut the thigh, if you just cut the neck?” All the negative build up, Stupidity! Not even one, one person trying to have one thought against Annamalai Swamigal, my guru, or trying to even stop me, not going to my guru.

I tell you, I tell you, how much the ecosystem is important for person to become enlightened; for enlightenment to flower. How much ecosystem is important, understand from this.

Even if one ill feeling, in that doctor, or in my mother or in my father, or my family towards the Guru or even slowing me down going to my Guru. What would have happened? I don’t know what would have happened. I can't imagine the other side. But I tell you, because all of them, were in such amazing space... it’s not that people don’t care about me.

For many people, I am their favorite. I was literally like how Bala-Krishna was treated by Brindaban baasi, same way that Thiruvannamalai village. There were only few streets those days. That, my community celebrated me. Even now celebrating, that is different.

I tell you, all of them love me so much. But not a single fellow. Neither they had this thought, nor they told me. Or tried to stop me indirectly.

My father could have said, no no no, first you attend, you take the treatment and get well and later on we will have to see, when we should see that Swami Ji, we will see, later on, now nothing hurry: he didn’t tell! He said, first let us finish the bandage, immediately, I will take you to that Swami Ji.

What an ecosystem! I tell you, everything, all the good things, happening through this being and body, the first credit goes to Paramashiva; Paramashiva’s grace, Kalabhairava’s Protection; immediate next is that ecosystem. It is not just one person or two person the ecosystem.

Imagine if this had happened today, 32 years now -- Understand what you lost in last 32 years – tomorrow there will be: first of all, the doctor has to inform the police. He has to inform because it is medico legal. He is legally bound to inform the police station. And police is bound to do the investigation. And Annamalai Swamigal is the Hindu Sadhu, police will be simply forced to file an FIR under POCSO act and arrest him by the media.

The Dravish anti Hindu media terrorist would have forced the police to file POCSO and arrest Annamalai Swamigal; never ever I would have been able to see my Guru Annamalai Swamigal forever in my life. Even if I prove in the court, I cut myself on my own, even if he is released from the police, jail, I would not be allowed to see him again. What all mess up would have been happened, I can’t even imagine.

Understand, what is lost in last 32 years. Let us rebuild the ecosystem, Paramashiva provided to me as Thiruvannamalai , Arunachala, Sarvajnapeetam. That is the real gratitude we can pay; I can pay to the Arunachala.

Understand, why we need to build Kailasa. Today, if this had happened, Annamalai Swamigal would be in jail. And I would have never... I don’t want to utter any word from my mouth. What would have happened to my future, nobody knows? Whether, I would have been allowed to go to any other Guru, I don’t know. What would have happened to this Kailasa, Enlightenment Ecosystem, I don’t know.

That is why I am telling you, I am the last lamp. Let us revive the Kailasa, Enlightenment Ecosystem, where the beings can flower to Enlightenment.

There was no media to immediately spark, writing scandals about Annamalai Swamigal in those days. Fortunately. No POCSO. Neither anybody had ill feeling towards my Guru Annamalai Swamigal, nor they thought of even stopping me, going to my Guru. Immediately, after that bandage, I was taken to Annamalai Swamigal.

Annamalai Swamigal, I bowed down and said, Swami Swami (something in Tamil): I cut my thigh, there is a pain, you said, there will be no pain, and we are beyond the body and mind, can you explain more detail?

He is Paramshanta Sworoopa. He is not a person to react. So he just... a light smile on his face, and then he started explaining with a lot of care. He started looking at the doctor, Karunanidhi doctor. And doctor said, its all under control and he will be treated and he will be alright. (Something in Tamil). I cut very deeply and long. It was 13 stitches. He has to make to stop the bleeding. Intense guy. See, anything I do, intensity is my brand. Sraddha is my brand. Authenticity is my brand from the very beginning.

I tell you, what 20th May, 1989 in Thiruvannamalai, … I can’t disrespect, Arunachala, Thiruvannamalai, I only wanted you guys to understand, why we needed to revive the Kailasa, the Enlightenment ecosystem.

Government would have filed the POCSO, put that Annamalai Swamigal in jail but I would have never achieved what I need to achieve, if that has happened – because government cannot give Enlightenment to me. Only my Guru can give. Fortunately, I had that ecosystem. Not only none of my relatives, family members had ill feeling to Annamalai Swamigal, they didn’t stop me going to my Guru.

Then, next the most important thing is Kuppamal, my Godmother, my Guru, Gurumata, she is not only my Guru, she is literally, my Grandmother; means, my mother’s, mother’s close friend. Both of them were only the... very close friends and both of them are initiated into Sri-Vidya Sampradaya by Isakki Swamigal. Both of them were great Yoginis. They were running a team in the name of Abidagujam; parashakti’s name in Thiruvannamalai is Abidagujambal.

Kuppamal, president of that team and my grandmother is the vice president so they were very intimate. Literally, the same family and Kuppamal... (something in Tamil): That’s all. Means, you are actually encouraging me to experiment whatever my Gurus are teaching. One of the most beautiful thing, I had many Gurus, none of them are possesive of me. Everyone was trying to support me, enrich me, make me flower.

Kuppamal will call every specialist, expert in different field. Like, Kuppamal’s relative is Narayana Swami tata who is adept in the power manifestation science and Mantra Sastra. Herbal Aushada science. She will call him regularly and make sure, I learn everything from him. She had many of that contact – the great Enlightened beings, Siddas, Adepts. She will get all of them and make sure I receive all the knowledge and I am enriched. Never possessive!

She always owned me and made me successful never possessed me or controlled me. She will only protect me from Anti-Spiritual elements coming near me but as far as Spiritual science she will get me every best thing and provide for me.

And she will make sure I meet, whoever I need to meet: whether, Ram Surat Kumar, Annamalai Swamigal, she had her own Schedule, internal mechanism kind of a thing; support system. It was literally, like a University – Spiritual University. Arunachala is living Spiritual University. She will make sure, I learn the Saiva-Siddanta from Pandu-Ranganar, my Shaiva Siddanta Acharya.

There was one elderly woman, Kanakambal, she is the disciple of Ramana Maharishi, she wrote commentary on all Ramana Maharishi’s work. So Kuppamal will make sure, I learn all the lessons from Kanakambal and Annamalai Swamigal. Sadhu Om.

I tell you, that whole ecosystem. Oh god! Police would have put Annamalai Swamigal into jail, me into some medical hospital, mental hospital for treating me psychologically because they would have diagnosed me, some – whatever, so many things, ADHD, jung-jing. They would create even one more. Cutting thigh phobia. Cutting thigh disorder. Hehehe.

And what they would have done I don’t know. Whether they would put me under sedatives, or put anti-depressant drugs into me and they would even put me into foster home and took me away from my parents for not getting angry on Annamalai Swamigal and not stopping me going to Annamalai Swamigal. So they would have even taken away from my parents and put me in the foster home. (something in Tamil).

I tell you, Just to give the gratitude to the whole ecosystem, the Kailasa which was there in Thiruvannamalai -- I cannot say – It is there in Thiruvannamalai. Just to give the gratitude, to the ecosystem to revive Kailasa. Even now it is there, inside the Arunachala, till the Rishis, Munis, theyare all sitting in the ecosystem are still alive. Maybe human beings have moved little away. But that doesn’t mean ecosystem will … Ecosystem is there! And it has to be manifested. Let’s talk only about that. 

Let’s talk only about what’s need to be done. I tell you, Enlightenment ecosystem of Thiruvannamalai, the Kailasa in Thiruvannamalai, made Paramashiva manifest as Parameshwara, the state, space, being, powers, super consciousness, Kailasa of Paramashiva, through this being and body. Kailasa in Thiruvannamalai was once: let us revive Kailasa to give our gratitude to the Enlightenment ecosystem.

That is my message on Nithyananda Poornima to the whole world. That is my message. With this, I have more releases and offerings from Kailasa, gift from kailasa and we also have Thulabharam now, please stay tuned.

With this I bless you all. Let’s all radiate with Integrity, Authenticity, Enriching, Causing, Living Suddatvaita Shaivam. Living and radiating the state, space, powers, being and super consciousness and Kailasa of Paramashiva. Paramashivoham. Om Nithyananda Paramashivoham. The Eternal Bliss. Nithyananda. Thank you. Be blissful.


Nithya Satsang with HDH Nithyananda Paramashivam


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Most Powerful Third Eye Awakening - and How You Can Open Your Third Eye!


Nithyananda Poornima is the day His Divine Holiness Bhagavan Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam had His profound '360 degree' experience in Tiruvannamalai in the lap of Arunachala hill. This is considered His first enlightenment experience where He became established in the Oneness experience that He initiates disciples into today.

On this auspicious Nithyananda Poornima Day, the 31st anniversary of His Enlightenment day, KAILASA and Nithyananda Sangha is celebrating this most special day in our history which is also coinciding with the 3rd day of Thirugnanasambandar Puja. We present a glimpse of HDH Nithyananda's enlightenment experience as He has shared with us through the years, also having reproduced dimensions of His enlightenment in disciples all over the world - which has manifested as as Third Eye Awakening, Kundalini Awakening and the manifestation of extraordinary Shaktis of Paramashiva.

Let us all celebrate this day, and receive His grace and initiation so we can experience that same enlightenment and Oneness.

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