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Day 7 of Paramashivoham Level 2 Season III with HDH Nithyananda Paramashivam; Chithrai Brahmotsavam Day 1


Today was Day 7 of Paramashivoham Level 2 Program Season III. Paramashivoham is an alchemy process directly from Paramashiva to manifest the Being of Paramashiva. Participants as well as the public at large were blessed with HDH Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam continuing to share his powerful insights in public discourse: Stop The Hindu Holocaust! Volume 7

Day 3 Chithrai Brahmotsavam celebrations conducted at Adikailaasa, Bidadi, Bengaluru Aadheenam.


Stop The Hindu Holocaust! Volume 7


Stop The Hindu Holocaust! Volume 7

Number of Lives Enreached and Enriched



(0:14) nithyānandeśvara paramashiva samārambhām nithyānandeśvari parashakti madhyamām | asmat āchārya paryantām vande guru paramparām ||

(0:41) I welcome all the living and practicing Hindus all over the world. I welcome all the Sarvajna Peetha kartas, yajamans, manifestors, SriMahants, Mahat\nts, Kotharis, Thanedar, Kayakalpa Yoga participants, Kailasa eGurukul students and Kaialsa’s NHU students and thousands of Paramashivoham participants who have logged in from all over the world, all those watching us live on Kailasa TV, Kailasa’s NTV, Kailasa’s Hinduism Now TV, Kaialsa’s eNlighten app, Kailasa’s Nayana Deeksha and other social media platforms, youtube live, FB live and twitter. I welcome all of you with My loves and respects.

Today, third day of Chithirai Brahmotsavam, celebration happening all over the world, Sri Nithyanandeshwari Paraksahkit Meenakshi is gracing is sarvalankara seated on Kamadhenu vahanam with amlana mala, Sundareshwara is gracing on Swarna Rishabha vahana. And now let us offer our worship at their lotus feet. worship ritual at Adi Kailasa

(9:02) Paramashiva’s message directly from Kailasa, listen. Every cosmic principle, when it is cognised in you and you start living, you are grounded on Cosmos. Add this as the new word, new vocabulary. How you call ‘grounded’ when you want to praise somebody - “oh, he’s a grounded person”. Ordinarily when somebody is grounded on how the society moves, the understandings about the human mind and life, you call him, you praise him ‘grounded’. I wanted to coin this new word ‘grounded on Cosmos’. If someone understands how the Cosmos moves, the whole cosmic logic, and established in that, I want to call that person – grounded on Cosmos, grounded in Cosmos. Just today we were discussing. Afew days before a big snake appeared in Tiruvannamalai ashram and Ma Bhaktika got into panic and in that cranky panicness she started messaging, sending messages, “Oh Swamiji there is a big snake, I don’t know what to do”. I said, “Come on, first of all, Tiruvannamalai ashram is a huge property, more than three acre land, and it is hill, just next to reserve forest; actually our border is reserve forest. Tiruvannamalai ashram, our ashram land, and border is a reserve forest. So we are the first private owned property. And poor snake will not know it is a reserve forest, border is ending and private property is beginning and I should not enter into private property. He may not have seen our patta and all the legal documents and he cannot read also, patta and all the legal documents, so he would have just walked in. I said, “It’s a three acre property. Just move out from where he is. He will go out in half an hour or one hour”. They immediately messaged back. “No, no, no.. He is raising the hood and threatening all of us”. Then I said, “You guys must have done some stupidity. Tell me the details”. They said, “Oh, few days before one small snake came and we killed it”. Ah, that is where the whole problem starts. What’s the need to kill? See... if there are kids, you can’t vacate them immediately from that place, the kids’ life is in danger. Only then you are allowed to kill even a snake. Understand, even a animal which is directly dangerous to your life can be killed only if there are kids and that their lives are in danger. If you are a adult and you can save yourself from that animal you should only think of saving yourself or driving them out, no killing. And I tell you, this palghar lynching, sadhu’s lynching video, we could not even see that video. When I saw that video this is what I told all My Kailasavasis, “Eh, listen, this bloody, cheap demons who are killing the sadhu's in Palghar; they may be great, successful in grabbing the land. Actually the whole conversion is nothing but the tactics of grabbing more land and just grabbing nations. Whether it is militant missionaries or missionary militants, it’s all about grabbing land. It’s a political strategy and cunning agendas, strategies and agendas, there’s nothing to do with cosmic principles or enlightenment or spiritual truths. Using religion to grab land, nations is the worst thing. Anyhow, when I was seeing that video, I told our guys, “Eh even a snake, killing a snake, we think so many times so many things”. Once my Kailasavasis from Tiruvannamalai, they told me that they killed a small snake. I said, “Now complete with this snake for killing that small baby snake. He has come to ask for justice”. And immediately, on My Trishul I had the Naga Devatha, Nagaraja, I apologised to him, I completed with him and prayed, “Please make sure that Kailasavasis are safe. And I’ll also make sure that no snake is killed unless some kid’s life is in danger. This casual killing I will not allow. The moment I connected and completed with Nagaraja, just few seconds, only few seconds, that snake which came in Tiruvannamalai ashram threatening everyone for hours, disappeared, it just moved to the roof and disappeared. I told our guys, “We Hindus can never think of killing some human being so brutally ganging up; see, this ganging up and killing means all the two hundred fellows are demons then, they are so demonic. All the two hundred are convinced that this murder is right. Innocent sadhu, they don’t even know him, who he is. They only know him, that he is wearing a kavi, saffron robe, he’s a Hindu sanyasi. He is a mahant of a very respected Hindu order, Akhada parishad. Akhada Parishad is the largest apex body of Hinduism. And he belongs to that apex body. He is the mahant, sitting mahant, seventy year old sanyasi and his assistant is a balasant. He took sanyas when he was twelve. Kalpavriksh Giri Maharaj is a seventy year old mahant, Susheel Giri Maharaj took sanyas when he was twelve, balasant. They belong to a very respected, a classy elite sampradaya. Even otherwise nobody has a right to kill a sadhu who is wearing saffron, no weapon; he doesn’t have any weapon on him. This bunch of dash-dash-dash, you fill all the worst bad words you know. This bunch of dash-dash fellows, demons are able to gang up and kill. The worst kind of killing. It’s not that in one corner they strategically made, the accident kind of a thing happened or they strategized and put one bomb. In that way we can say alright only one person is involved, one person is only demon, but here all the two hundred or whoever, how many number is involved, so many demons living in one village, means the whole village is demonised. And they are convinced about not only killing enemy, killing whom they think as enemy who does not even have a weapon, from whom they don’t have any direct danger. And now lot more details are emerging out. These demons may have that land and this demons are very powerful and their ecosystem, you see no media is talking about it. The great liberal gang in India, award wapsi gang, none of them react because it is their ecosystem. How much of air time spent on Me to dump so much poisonous hate speech on Me. Not even minuscule part, one thousandth air time or print media space is used to tell the world the lynching, mob lynching by the terrorist gangs, missionary militants, of this innocent sadhu’s. The unholy nexus of all these anti-Hindu gangs has happened in India. Missionary militants, militant missionaries, the naxals, all the different gangs who has roots all over the world who are anti-hindus, all of them have ganged up. See, outside India they all fight with each other. Internationally naxals fight with militant missionaries and militant missionaries fight with missionary militants, they fight with each other, but inside India, deadly combination, all of them have ganged up together on Hindus. That is why I say Hindus are minority in India. Don’t be in a delusion. If you think Hindus are majority in India you are in delusion.

(22:18) How everyone including Karna ganged up on Abhimanyu in Mahabharata; Karna’s supposed to be so-called dharmic warrior, even he ganged up, all ganged up and killed Abhimanyu. Same way everyone is ganging up against Hinduism in India. If Hindus are thinking they are majority in India you are fool, whoever is thinking you are majority in India, you are fool. And the so-called neo-Hindus who are supposed to be very dharmaic, I’ll say they are as dangerous to Hindus as this naxal gangs. The anti-brahmin, anti-guru neo-Hindus are as dangerous as the naxal gang for Hinduism. Even a animal which can be dangerous to your life we don’t kill; we have so much restriction and strategies to protect our self; only when there is a kid’s life is in danger that he cannot be vacated from there, he cannot be saved from that place, that animal may take his life, only then you can even kill that animal. That also after trying enough - that to drive out, to bring a peaceful resolution that situation you have to try everything, not otherwise. I was telling the whole - the contrast to my sanyasis, see... those demons may own that land for whatever life they will live, but cosmically they are orphans. After they die what will happen they will be orphans in the Cosmos because the way they died they were very loyal and integrated to land but not to the Cosmos, but we Hindus we don’t even kill an animal which can take away our life. We may, may not have land but I tell you we have Cosmos, we are grounded on Cosmos. Oh Hindus I want to tell you guys, let your first priority be integrated to cosmic principles, hell with this planet Earth. With this first priority, being in tune with the cosmic logic and cosmic principles, being in tune with the cosmic principles, integrated to cosmic principles. As long as you can live, live in the planet Earth, otherwise leave the planet Earth, understand. The definition of Hindu is “person who is integrated to cosmic logic” and only beings who are integrated to cosmic logic can protect planet Earth from destruction. As long as we people integrated to the cosmic logic live on the planet Earth, it will be alive, humanity will be alive. So don’t, I’m categorically telling you, don’t compromise on cosmic logic and cosmic principles. Be absolutely integrated to cosmic logic and cosmic principles. With that integrity, let us live as long as possible on this planet Earth. And I am telling you, corona is destroying the old world order; it is we Hindus who are living the cosmic principles need to raise now and create the new world order and maintain it. The planet Earth need to align itself to cosmic principles now. Understand, non-violence, the ultimate cosmic principle, “Ahimsa Paramo Dharmaha” - blissful co-existence. When this cosmic principles are cognized in our heart... the life-positive energies and principles we live and radiate are the juice of humanity, salt of planet Earth, spice of existence, sweetness of life.

(30:08) Yesterday and today’s satsang I am giving you one example principles. Yesterday I said that even if you cognize in your brain that reincarnation theory - the principle, I should not use the word theory, the principle of reincarnation - how you are born, grow up and leave the body, who takes one more body, who gets enlightened and gets liberated fully, what kind of a person takes what kind of a body, it’s a beautiful clear... understand, invisible but tangible clear definitive science. Do not be fool in this modern days, in this scientific age whatever I can’t say, I won’t believe. Don’t be superstitious. You don’t see the wifi connection, you can only feel it. The internet connection can’t be seen, it can be experienced, same way you can’t say, “Oh because I can’t see wifi connection i don’t believe it exists”. Don’t be superstitious, don’t be brainwashed by anti-Hindu mafia, anti-Hindu media mafia. Listen, anyone who studies the reincarnation principle, his brain - not just the way it is functioning, even the physical hardware expands and upgrades itself to the next level; because when you are grounded on this cosmic principle of reincarnation theory, nothing creates panic attack in you. Fear becomes irrelevant, I tell you. Just like how you plan for your food after three days or three months or three years, you don’t get panic about life. Same way, you will not be panicked about death or anything in your life. I’m telling you, when you don’t cognize the reincarnation principle of Cosmos, even not having tomorrow’s meal, you will be panicked. Ah, I don’t have toilet paper for three - after three weeks, you will be in panic... and you will have panic attack, depression, you need psychiatric drugs. I tell you... why Hindus are so successful wherever they go and settle all over the world, because fundamentally, even little bit they learnt from their parents and grandparents about Hinduism, is strengthening their whole guts and system. I tell you, every cosmic principle manifests so much of strength and powerfulness in you. You can’t be psychologically broken; you can’t be consciously put in poverty. See the amount of hate speech anti-Hindu mafia aired on Me, fourteen thousand hours, fourteen thousand hours of poison, hate speech dumped on Me. But I tell you, I don’t care about bloody - this beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, peep, peep, peep, peep, peep, peep, peep, fill all the words you want. Because I know My identity... I am so grounded in super consciousness. The way my brain cognizes the information from outside, intranalizes and responds - the whole system is an enlightened organism. The amount of poison, hate speech they dump, the hala-hala poison, like, poison they dumped on Me, this time I did not even store it in My neck, I just spit it back, thoo. I did not even allow it to get mingled with My Saraswati, the tongue, Saraswati, the tongue in which Saraswati is living. I pushed it back directly to them. The amount of hate speech, I tell you, the conscious stamina of Hindus, because of the cosmic principles they are able to cognize and I also wanted to tell you one more thing, the so called neo-Hindus who are not able to cognize this cosmic principles don’t have this strength. I can see very clearly, they are falling into so called depression, psychiatric problems, no stamina, the same problem all the common men face... all over the world. Cognizing cosmic principles, you become a different class all together, different kind of a being all together, different kind of a metal all together. This anti-guru neo-Hindus who can’t cognize this cosmic principles and align their actions, strategies, plans to the cosmic principles, they suffer as much as anti-Hindu gang, I tell you. Intensely living the cosmic principles makes you grounded on Cosmos.

(39:54) We may, may not have land on planet Earth, yes we Hindus lost all the fifty-six nations we had; we are orphans today no doubt, we don’t have a single nation to call as our own and there is not a single nation or the state which has Hinduism as official religion other than Kailasa and Kailasa don’t have a border, it is a borderless nation. All this may be true, but when you are establish, cognizing the cosmic principles, you are grounded on Cosmos; you are, you are at home forever. Not just this eighty years, ninety years, hundred years of one birth... I tell you... not knowing the cosmic truths like reincarnation principle or the cosmic beings like Ganapati, Paramashiva, not knowing all of them... is the worst way of existence. If I have to choose between having the whole planet Earth under my control and knowing and living the cosmic principles, I will choose only the cosmic principles - knowing and living the cosmic principles. I’ll tell Paramashiva clearly,”Knowing and living the cosmic principles and cosmic beings is my first priority. Along with that if you give Me whatever land you can give, give Me that, that’s all I want”. Because knowing and living the cosmic principles, I know I am grounded on Cosmos. Eh, I can take any number of body anytime, anywhere, and appear anywhere and do what I want and teach. Whatever I am supposed to do for all my work, I have enough powers, freedom, and I can make you guys have this experience. These are all true; I tell you these are all really really true... I will not play with your life. I want to tell you one discussion happened... in Houston, our devotees, two of my disciples Radha and Krishna, Mahadevaswarupa and his wife. They have done Sarva Parithyaga, they said, “We are giving our life and everything to Swamiji and we are becoming part of Kailasa, we are surrendering everything to Kailasa”. Michigan I think not Houston, Michigan, Radha and Krishna and Mahadevaswarupa and his wife. When the information was brought to Me the first thing I said, “Now... this is important responsibility for Me that I have to make them successful in Kailasa”. So the first thing I started planning is... not to grab what they are offering. First thing I started planning, how I can make them successful, aligned in tune with the cosmic principles. The first thing I told, the patterns with which they are stuck and with which they need to break to align with the cosmic principle. And then I said, “Tell them to collect all the scriptures available, Hindu scriptures available and organize. They are going to be the jnanadatas of Kailasa”. Janadata means like annadata, the incharge of kitchen who cooks food and feeds everyone, is called annadata in Hindu tradition; same way the in charge of the library - who collects all the knowledge and preserves and shares - is called Jnanadata; library is called Jnana Bhandara - Jnana Bhandara in Hindu tradition. I told first, I want them to become jnanadatas; collect all the knowledge available all over the world... Hinduism on Hinduism and start organising the Shrutis, Smritis, Puranas, Agama, Tantra, Vedanta, Siddhanta... first collect from the digital world and physical world and organize - organize means please understand, to do research in digital world is easy, but to sit and study and get the basic intranalizing, you need a physical copy. You need your eyes to fall on the letters and read and internalize. Using computers and reading will be heavy on your eyes; that is why I tell you still for spiritual studying, I feel books are essential parts - essential part. We can’t deny the physical hard copy’s role in spiritual training. Even though there are digitized version, gadgets, kindle, everything is there; even though all of it is there, all those serves different purpose, but physical copy is needed for spiritual training. That is why I insist, even if you get ten crore Hinduism related digital books, first print all of them, bind, make hard copy and make hard copy library. This is the instruction for all the SJPs and Kailasa's all over the world: a physical hard copy library is needed for basic training. I told Mahadevaswarupa and his wife, “Start this work first because I need to make sure I am making both of you successful”. I told clearly only after making them successful, I will touch, liquidate what they are offering as Sarvaparityaga - not before that... because when somebody does Sarva Parithyaga, now I am responsible for making them successful, making them fit into the Kailash culture, the cosmic principles. Without making them successful, I cannot take that - their resources. Their resources will be kept as a plan B for them if they are not successful with this cosmic country, the cosmic culture.

(49:08) Understand... in every level, whether it is accepting donations or accepting human beings, accepting land, I am absolutely clear: Kailasa will be aligned to the cosmic principles. I want all the Kailasa's all over the world, rededicate yourself once more to the cosmic principles, realign yourself once more to the cosmic principles. I’m seeing Mahadevaswarupa and his wife, blessings for both of you guys, my blessings, you guys will be successful; you guys will be successful in becoming part of the Kailasa and Kailasa’s cosmic culture. Even Sarasmurugai and Pushpamurugai... and Sri Chidambarananda and Ma Premaya - when all of them declared Sarvaparityaga, the first thing I thought, “Let Me first become responsible for making them successful”. First, they should become successful with the Kailasa culture; then I’ll align how their property should be centralized and become part of Kailasa... because I am very clear, I am not interested in this hit and run relationship. I am interested in stable, committed not just long term, long lives after lives relationship. Not just long term one life, long term life after life relationship. There is a beautiful verse in one Tamil song – how many births I may take, I want a boon from you that I should be your son, a son is praying to his mother that how many janmas I may take, I should be your son, give me that boon. There is one more beautiful verse by a saint, he says, “Iranvaya vendum pirandalum unamaravami vendum – I don’t want birth, even if I take birth, I should never forget you – to Paramashiva” so our relationship should be like that. I’ll feel I’m a successful guru when a disciple asks: I should be liberated and I should be in Kailasa with you. If I have to take birth I should come only by remembering you to live your words and live your command – Guruvaak. A disciple asks only this as a prayer then I will feel that I’m a successful Guru for him. That is what is the - not just long term, one life relationship, long term life after life relationship, all life relationship. Guru-disciple relationship, all time relationship, it is not - it’s neither hit and run relationship nor long term one life relationship, no. It’s life after life relationship. I’m responsible for making you experience the culture of the Cosmos, the cosmic principle. Yes, by living this cosmic principles, I lost the land, no doubt... but even if I am eliminated - I will not be eliminated, don’t worry. Paramashiva is protecting Me, Kalabhairava is protecting Me directly. Even if this body is eliminated it will not take more than one second for Me to assume another one body as I want, appear anywhere and do what I need to do. I’m cosmically grounded, I’m grounded in Cosmos, so don’t worry. Even this body Paramashiva is protecting and Kalabhairava is directly protecting this body, so it cannot be eliminated, it won’t be eliminated, don’t worry. I am telling you just for the sake of you to understand. I might have lost the land but I’m grounded in Cosmos and... only as long we have life on planet Earth - we are living on planet Earth - humanity will survive. Understand, the people who are living the cosmic principles without compromising are the juice of planet Earth, essence of planet Earth, sweetness of planet Earth, spice of planet Earth. As long as they are alive, they are let to live, planet Earth will be alive, humanity will be alive... and humanity has started realizing it. Human beings have started realizing it; corona is teaching them, corona is teaching them.

(56:42) Eh, just go back, I’m telling you all my disciples do this today as a home work: all the... poison dumped on Me as a troll videos, see, troll videos are the way - trolling Nithyananda is the way, so much hate speech is done, sarcasm is poured, abusal is done, and the common man is brainwashed not to believe what I say. This troll videos done by the anti-Hindu gang - they trolled Me when I declared I will make vegetarianism as a lifestyle on the planet Earth. They trolled Me when I declared just be alive for three years, I’ll bring enlightenment to you. All those troll videos, statements pickup and I declared that sunrise was delayed on that certain day, go and Google, first find the facts - what was the time sunrise was supposed to happen in Bidadi as per Google that day and what time exactly happened on that day. First, find out both the facts and then decide what I said is true or not. What was the time sunrise supposed to happen, what was the time Sun was seen in Bidadi that day; just see both the timings, then talk. Get all those troll videos and see everything is becoming true, proven, getting proved. Whatever videos were made popular by the trolls, pull out those original videos and see my statement, original - my statement. In the troll sometimes they morph and alter and do all their cheap stuff. Get the original video of my statements, you will see everything is becoming reality, including I’ve already developed the software to make animals speak. They may say, “Ah, then demonstrate, prove it to us”. Why should I prove you bloody da da da da da? Why should I prove it to you, it’s now trillion dollar worth software. Why should I show it to you and prove it to you? I will share it with whom I need to share and get that money and build Kailasa. Why should I share it with you? The software need to be proved only to the deals, decision maker, top guys. You are after all a bloody media corrupt consumer, brainwashed by consumeristic cult and mass media cult, why should I reveal this to you? I’ll reveal it and prove it to the deal makers who are decision makers. Get those trillions and serve the world by making this Kailasa into reality. I told E is not equal to MC squared, there is something more to that equation. I am not disrespectful to Albert Einstein, he is a great person. He has taken the humanity to one level, now the humanity needs to move to the next level, the breakthrough need to happen to the next level. These guys have trolled Me left and right, now modern science is coming to accept what I am saying, what I was saying all along. Albert Einstein is a great person who has taken the humanity to the next level, now we need to go to the next, next level - that’s what I was conveying and I am conveying. See, all the troll videos pick them up, everything; every statement I made is becoming true. Oh troll donkeys, your whole life you will die just by trolling. I’ll go on contribute what I need to contribute to the world. Consumer, a mediocre, middle class, brainwashed by the consumeristic cult and mass media cult consumer. You cheap fellow does not need to know the formula of the product, neither you are capable of knowing, that is why I am not revealing it to you. I’ll reveal it to the decision makers who are supposed to seal the deal and get that trillion dollars and build Kailasa and share, serve the whole world. Why should you troll beep beep beep beep peep peep peep peep should know the formula? I want to tell my disciples and devotees that the software, the spiritual software for making animals talk and understand human language, see they understand the human language naturally, responding back, communicating back in human - the language of the human beings is ready, is successful. I have - now the modern day science is clearly accepting the Albert Einstein’s mass-energy equation inadequate. I’ll give you the reference project. (not heard)... Einstein is wrong, but it is inadequate. Just see, I’ll project the link, all of you can study... but this mass media cult mafia was trying to troll Me when I said this. See the link and study for yourself... I tell you, do not get brainwashed by the mass media cult mafias and consumeristic cult mafias. Both are anti-Hindu, anti-Cosmos. Align yourself to cosmic principles, that’s the best way to exist.

(1:05:25) This Paramashivoham program is to introduce the cosmic principles and cosmic beings, make them as part of your life. I tell you... one or two times have Ganapathi darshan, Venkateshwara Bhava Samadhi darshan, Devi Bhava Samadhi darshan - by third time, fourth time you will see, every prayer you are asking those beings Ganapati or Venkateshwara or Subramanya or Parashakti, simply those prayers become reality and the relationship between you and that cosmic beings built. See, during the Bhava Samadhi darshan, literally those cosmic beings manifest through this body, just like how they manifest in Archavatara deity, they manifest in Nijavatara, Pratyakshavatara and give Pratyaksha darshan... and give you all the boons you ask, bless you, make you experience... everything. Enjoy Paramashivoham which is introducing and making you cognize the cosmic principles and cosmic beings - the state of Paramashiva, space of Paramashiva, powers of Paramashiva, being of Paramashiva. See, already all of you are established in feeling connection with Me, all my, I’m talking to all my disciples and devotees like a - when I see you even in the two way, I am happy, even when you see Me even in the two way you are happy, that’s all is the feeling connection. See when you see Me, you are happy, when I see you I am happy means we both are established in cosmic wifi network. That’s what I call cosmic wifi network, cosmic feeling connection. Wherever you are, I am with you, wherever I am you are with Me. For example, when I uttered Mahadevswarupa’s name, I saw how he was bowing down, he and his wife, and how Prassana and Srikanth smiles widely and how Saras Murgai melts in shyness and deep love when she sees Me... and how Mytrik Patel gets into a romance of: oh Swamiji is living in my apartment and he is now with me. I can go on describe each one. I can’t leave a single name, actually Peter also, Peter Bloomberg from Los Angeles - the way he will melt down... Peter Bloomfeild the way he will melt down. And I have seen some of the devotees, I won’t name them, they will melt down so much and drooling all over, sitting in their house, even they will feel little shy and look around whether anybody is watching them. The way their whole body language melts down, even they feel little, eh, is anybody watching me. I tell you, when this happens you are connected to Me, I am connected to you... and, because already our relationship is established, when Paramashiva manifests through this being, literally you enjoy the same intimacy you have with Paramashiva. So you don’t have to spend separate time, energy to build your relationship with Paramashiva. In this one relationship, Ganapati manifests... and how you react to Me I react to you, same way you react to Ganapathi, Ganapati reacts to you. It’s like one channel established, and all Gods appear because all Gods are in oneness. In that - that is the importance of the Bhava Samadhi darshan. Once you connect with Guru, you are connected to all gods, that is why we worship “sarva deva devi swarupaya sadgurave”, we worship Guru as a sarva deva devi swarupa because once you have, see once we have feeling connection, how you respond to Me I respond to you. When Ganapati Bhava Samadhi darshan happens, same way Ganapati responds to you and you respond to Ganapati - how the same relationship you will manifest now with Ganapati, the same relationship now you will manifest with Subramanya. When Paramashiva manifests, you will experience the same relationship. He will respond to you exactly as I am responding, you will respond to Him exactly as you are responding to Me. You will respond to Him and you respond to Me, and He will respond to you as I respond to you. In one relationship, all relationships are complete. That is why you should never miss Bhava Samadhi darshans. I have decided I am going to open Bhava Samadhi darshans to all initiated disciples, even if you have done Inner Awakening level one. All Bhava Samadhi darshans will be available to you... free of cost. I am establishing our own server, the large infrastructure setup now; anyone who has done even Inner Awakening level one or Shuddathvaitam - any program and had initiation once, I’ll make Bhava Samadhi darshan available for you because this is the greatest service I can do to you - bringing cosmic beings to your home, God in your bedroom to bless you, God in your room, in your home to bless you.

(1:14:38) Malarndaguru uravaale uire malarnd ulemalarnd ukarindirkum. Tushi, Shobhi all of them. I can give a long list, Sona... sixty ella uiremalarnd appadiyea sixteen airinde... uire malarnd ulemalarnd anda malarchile jnanapairmalarnd vidgiradh. I tell you, once you have a relationship with Guru, each Bhava Samadhi darshan is a spiritual treat. Enjoy... spiritual feast... enjoy. Don’t miss it; never miss a Bhava Samadhi darshan. Essence of today’s satsang, never miss a Bhava Samadhi darshan. Let us all work to stop the Hindu holocaust and make the Kailasa happen.

(1:16:48) With this I bless you all, I bless you all. Let’s all Radiate with Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility, Enriching, Causing, Living Shuddhadvaita Shaivam, Living and radiating the State, Space, Powers, Being, Superconsciousness and Kailasa of Paramashiva, Paramashivoham Om Nithyananda Paramashivoham, the eternal bliss, Nithyananda. Thank you, Be Blissful. (1:17:28)


Sakshi Pramana: Devotee sharing testimonial about Blissful Experiences during Temple Worship, Rituals and Service



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Chithrai Brahmotsavam at Adi Kailaasa, Bidadi, Bengaluru Aadheenam

Day-03 Chithrai-Brahmotsavam-Celebration - 25April2020_Chithirai Brahmotsavam Day 3 celebrations IMGL0247.JPG Day-03 Chithrai-Brahmotsavam-Celebration - 25April2020_Chithirai Brahmotsavam Day 3 celebrations IMGL0256.JPG Day-03 Chithrai-Brahmotsavam-Celebration - 25April2020_Chithirai Brahmotsavam Day 3 celebrations IMGL0262.JPG Day-03 Chithrai-Brahmotsavam-Celebration - 25April2020_Chithirai Brahmotsavam Day 3 celebrations IMGL0266.JPG Day-03 Chithrai-Brahmotsavam-Celebration - 25April2020_Chithirai Brahmotsavam Day 3 celebrations IMGL0280.JPG Day-03 Chithrai-Brahmotsavam-Celebration - 25April2020_Chithirai Brahmotsavam Day 3 celebrations IMGL0281.JPG Day-03 Chithrai-Brahmotsavam-Celebration - 25April2020_Chithirai Brahmotsavam Day 3 celebrations IMGL0283.JPG Day-03 Chithrai-Brahmotsavam-Celebration - 25April2020_Chithirai Brahmotsavam Day 3 celebrations IMGL0285.JPG Day-03 Chithrai-Brahmotsavam-Celebration - 25April2020_Chithirai Brahmotsavam Day 3 celebrations IMGL0288.JPG Day-03 Chithrai-Brahmotsavam-Celebration - 25April2020_Chithirai Brahmotsavam Day 3 celebrations IMGL0289.JPG Day-03 Chithrai-Brahmotsavam-Celebration - 25April2020_Chithirai Brahmotsavam Day 3 celebrations IMGL0290.JPG Day-03 Chithrai-Brahmotsavam-Celebration - 25April2020_Chithirai Brahmotsavam Day 3 celebrations IMGL0291.JPG Day-03 Chithrai-Brahmotsavam-Celebration - 25April2020_Chithirai Brahmotsavam Day 3 celebrations IMGL0293.JPG Day-03 Chithrai-Brahmotsavam-Celebration - 25April2020_Chithirai Brahmotsavam Day 3 celebrations IMGL0323.JPG