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Raising Human Consciousness - Kalpataru Initiation into Mahasadashivoham Day 1


Today is Day 1 of Kalpataru Initiation into Mahasadashivoham.

In Today's program, The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduims HDH Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam explains about MahaSadashivoham, Pushing humanity to the consciousness of Sadashiva - Mahasadashiva, the Ultimate.

In Today's Live satsang, Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism HDH Bhagvan Nithayananda Paramashivam explains that Hardwork is the methodology to evolve Smart work. It is the law of life that only when we do hard work, our cognition will evolve to do smart work. We need to get into the ground and get dirty, only then our depth will cognise something and we will be able to make others do it.

Essence of Nithya Satsang

"Unless we do by ourself physically, we will not be able to cognise in our depth and we will never be able to make others do. When you are doing hard work, your brain evolves a methodology to do it easily. That's called smart work. You have to learn smart work while doing hard work, that's a law of life. Smart work cannot be picked up from others' work. Only when you do hard work, the cognitions will evolve to do smart work." ~ Paramahamsa Nithyananda

Glimpses from Kalpataru - Initiation into Mahasadashivoham

His Holiness Paramahamsa Nithyananda also revealed and introduced the latest new Spiritual Alchemy product, the Guru Prana Murti. This alchemy product, not only is energized but also stores His Holiness' Prana - breathing life energy.


===Hard Work is the Methodology to Evolve Smart Work===

Video Audio


Hard Work is the Methodology to Evolve Smart Work

00:07 nithyānandeśvara sadāshiva samārambhām nithyānandeśvari ādishakti madhyamām | asmat āchārya paryantām vande guru paramparām ||

I welcome you all with my love and respects. I welcome all the devotees, disciples, samajis, satsangis, Sri Mahants, Mahants, Thanedar, Kothari, visitors, viewers, everyone sitting with us all over the world ... through Nithyananda TV and two-way video conferencing having Nayana Deeksha. Cities sitting with us a huge list. So I welcome all of you with my love and respects.

01:40 Today ... getting ready for Mahasadashivoham initiation. The festival air, the festival space has already started. With Ganesha starts the festival season. Ganesha has brought the festival spirit and season. And, the whole energy is different now, getting ready for Mahasadashivoham.

02:53 All I wanted to tell you all, understand this simple truth. Unless we do by ourself physically, we will not be able to cognize in our depth, and we will never be able to make others do. Listen carefully. Whether it is medicine, engineering, law, accounts, teaching, doing puja, alankar, goshala, administration, politics - unless you do, you will not be able to cognize that in your depth including construction, understand. These are unfailing formulas. Unless you do, you will not gather energy to transmit the knowledge, to transmit the understanding, to transmit the clarity. If you don’t transmit the clarity, you will not be able to make others move. It is law of life, whether you are going to drive a vehicle, drive a team, or inspire a group, or going to sit and meditate. Only if you have done, you will be able to cognize in your depth and you will be able to start moving. If you have not done, you will not be able to move others.

05:27 All failures is when you have not done and you are trying to move others. When you have not done and you are trying to move others, it’ll only result in conflicts, because you will be too superficial. You will be too superficial. I have seen, if somebody has not lived a sannyas life and if they start initiating people into sannyas, … there is so much of conflict disciples go through and nobody is able to attend or solve their problems, because, you need to be wet, you need to get into the ground. Get wet or get dirty in the ground, only then your depth will cognize what it is. And then, if you initiate you will know where you need to train, where they need to take responsibility, fundamentals will be clear. Fundamentals will be clear, understand.

07:01 Whether you are going to do construction, or you are going to do social media work, or you are going to do goshala, or you are going to do cooking, or you are going to do accounting, anything, anything. Unless you do it, you enter into the scene, you do it on your own and cognize it in your depth - you will not be able to make others do. Understand this fundamental principle. I am seeing in our sangha, whatever I have done it personally, only that I am able to make others do. Whatever I have done it personally, whether puja or publication or doing alankara or construction, because I did it personally, because I am in the scene, I can cognize the depth, I am able to make others do, understand. Wherever I did not do personally, I have to sit and do it, have that cognition only then I will be able to do it, I am able to make others do it.

09:06 When you are doing hard work, your brain evolves a method to do it very easily that is called smart work. Smart work can never be taught, it has to be picked up by you while doing hard work. It’s the law of life. Smart work cannot be picked up from others directly, only when you do hard work, the cognitions will evolved to do smart work. That is the only way you will learn smart work. Not otherwise.

10:03 Let’s start the celebration of Mahasadashivoham! Yes, with this, let’s get ready for the celebration. And today get ready for the next level initiation.

So I bless you all. Let’s all radiate with Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility, Enriching, Causing, Living Shuddhadvaita Saivam, Sadashivoham, The Eternal Bliss, Nithyananda. Thank you. Be blissful. 11:22


Raising Human Consiousness - Kalpataru Initiation into Mahasadashivoham Day1


In this video Swamiji talks about the purpose of Mahasadashivoham: To push humanity into the next level of consciousness. Swamiji introduces us to the various aspects of the state, space, and powers of Mahasadashiva and causes the same to manifest in us: traveling to different planes, manifesting extraordinary powers, living in complete completion, and more


Raising Human Consiousness - Kalpataru Initiation into Mahasadashivoham Day1

Video Audio

Raising Human Consciousness - Kalpataru Initiation into Mahasadashivoham Day1

00:11 om nithyānandeśvara sadāshiva samārambhām nithyānandeśvari ādishakti madhyamām | asmat āchārya paryantām vande guru paramparām ||

I welcome you all with my love and respects. I welcome everyone sitting with us in Bengaluru Aadheenam and all over the world through 2 way video conferencing in hundreds of centres. This is the largest ever 2 way video conferencing programme we have conducted (claps). I welcome everyone sitting with us all over the world through 2 way video conferencing literally in every time zone, all major countries.

01:47 It is time for humanity to enter into the next level of consciousness. Listen. Mahasadashivoham is not just a programme. It is pushing humanity to the next level of consciousness. It is not programme. It is pushing humanity to the next level of consciousness. Pushing humanity to the consciousness of Sadashiva. Mahasadashiva, the Ultimate. I do not want to give long theories. I just wanted to give you very brief introduction… and then enter into the process. It is time humanity enters into the next level of consciousness. Thanks to the body, mind, consciousness evolution. You all went through patiently. Listen carefully, you all started as amoeba cell. From amoeba to fish: physical growth. From fish to monkey: physical and psychological growth. Monkey to man: physical, psychological and conscious growth. Now it is time to move from man to Sadashiva. Divine superman, divine superhuman. Fromman to Sadashiva. Understand.

04:05 Thanks to all your patience, you all have grown. Waited. The purpose for putting up, waiting, going through whatever you went through is to have conscious breakthrough. Understand. Everything you do in your business. The purpose is to see end of the year, the profit. Everything you do for your relationship, the purpose is end of the day, to see the fulfilment. Everything you put up, tolerated, waited. From amoeba to human being. You had gone through enough. Don’t think only after the birth you had gone through… much. You need to remember every birth you are married (laughs). So don’t think only in this birth, you have gone through too much. No. You have gone through enough. You tolerated… just for having this moment breakthrough, the conscious breakthrough. This is the result. This is the reason you were waiting. Understand, what Vedanta calls ‘Pratyagatma Chaitanya Jagratham’. The individual conscious awakening. The awakened individual consciousness.

06:15 The Chaitanya which had Jagratha… is now supposed to have the next breakthrough, entering into superconsciousness. Understand, this Mahasadashivoham is pushing the whole humanity into next level of consciousness, creating human beings who will radiate next level of consciousness. First the state of Sadashiva: unclutched state, the nirvikalpa samadhi, complete completion. What do you call as the space of fulfilment, Purnatva. Please understand, it is not Shunya. It is Purna. Do not believe these ‘universalist’ theories, Shunya and Purna is one and the same. No! No! When you understand the goal is ‘Purna’, the way you behave, react, live, celebrate is different. When you cognize the goal is ‘Shunya’, the way you think, behave, react, respond, cognize is different.

08:07 Universalists are good social reformers, very bad spiritual guides. Understand, good social reforming does not mean they can lead you to enlightenment. Leading humanity to enlightenment is completely different game than working for a Nobel Prize. There is a vast difference. Be very clear. If you are interested in somebody’s Nobel Laureate, go and listen to whoever you want. If you are interested in enlightenment and Sadashivattva, sit here. Understand, even a single word cannot be replaced, and the original vedantic, agamic, verses, cannot be translated, understand. Cannot be translated at all into English. They can only be mapped in English. I am using a new word. None of my books are translated. Mapped. Mapping is different. Translating is different. None of my satsangs, none of my books are translated into English. Understand? I am thinking in Sanskrit. I am not translating it in English and talking to you. I am mapping it in English and talking to you. There is a big difference.

10:19 The word Sadashiva cannot be translated as God. God is only Generator, Operator, Destroyer. Sadashiva is Generator, Operator, Destroyer, Deluder and Liberator. Srishti, Sthiti, Vinasa, Sam...Tirobhava, Anugraha. Every word internalised as I am mapping it in English. Not translating. So goal is Purna, Purnatva, completion. Not Shunya. And Shunya and Purna are not one and the same. Shunya and Purna are not one and the same. The state of Sadashiva, nirvikalpa samadhi, unclutched space, pure consciousness. Space of Sadashiva… the software with which he operates… he himself uses the word Agama. The software with which he operates the world, the universe, he calls it as Agama. Understand. The state from which… he operates into space… is Agama. State, space and manifestation.

12:32 Everything he manifests… is powers, shakti. This whole Mahasadashivoham programme, is to give you the experience… experience of state, space and manifestation of powers. Listen carefully. State, space and manifestation of powers. Introducing the 25 states of consciousness: the way the self function, jiva, functions. Like waking state, dream state, deep sleep state. You go through 25 states. Ability to have access to that 25 states makes you rich, understand. If you are a living Hindu, practicing Hindu, the whole lifestyle is designed to have access to all the 25 states of consciousness. Most of us… I don’t want to hurt you, that is why I am not using the word ‘most of you,’ but it means most of you only. Sorry. Most of you are actually ‘Western materialists’. Whether you are from East or West does not matter. Your lifestyle does not have access to more than 3 states of consciousness.

14:50 Deep sleep… once in a while. Dream… 90% of the time. Waking state... the remaining 5, 6%, that’s all.

Understand. Access to different states of consciousness makes you rich, even deep sleep. Every state of consciousness has its own richness to add to the self, Jiva. Jiva becomes more and more richer by having access to multiple states of consciousness. More states of consciousness access, better fuels available for you to reach the different dimensions of the Universe. Listen, if you can get into only sleep and dream, you have the fuel only to go to Patala. Means the demonic worlds. If you can access to Turiya, awakened states and Turiyatita, alive states, you get the fuel to travel to Kailaasa, understand. With kerosene you cannot reach Mars. For Mars, you need a different… fuel.

16:47 Same way, to reach the higher planes, you need a different fuel, different consciousness need to be infused into your system. So the whole programme, Mahasadashivoham is to give you access to different states of consciousness. What the Jiva can have access, individual self can access. Making the individual self rich by giving access to different states of consciousness And giving you the experience and access to different dimensions of the Universe, planes of the Universe. Please understand. The thought currents you cherish about the number of lives, number of planes matters. During your whole life if you think you have only one life, and this is the only plane… that is the worst punishment given to you. The biggest conspiracy done against humanity is not just cancer. Cancer is not a disease, it’s a business. Diabetes is not a disease, it’s a business. Biggest scam on the planet Earth is not 2G or 3G. Money… concept of money is the biggest scam.

18:53 Biggest violence is not Hitler killing millions, Mussolini killing millions, and all that. Your non-vegetarian food. Your food is the biggest violence. Understand, biggest conspiracy against humanity… all the conspiracy theories, understand, none of your conspiracies are bigger than what I am declaring. Teaching human beings there is only one life and one plane is the biggest conspiracy. If you don’t know... what is school or cinema theatre… even if a school or cinema theatre exists in the road you travel everyday, you will never cognize it. How many of you have had this kind of experience in your life... which you don’t know, you don’t cognize, understand. When you leave your body, the route in which you are going to travel, if you are not already introduced about multiple lives and multiple planes, and if you have not cherished that thought current while you are in the body, you are in the danger of not recognizing any of this and getting stuck in your one body.

20:23 Understand. Listen carefully. If you read Ramayana... you will read a story of Ahalya… where Indra takes the form of the Ahalya’s husband. And… gets into physical relationship with the Ahalya… and the real husband comes back and curses Ahalya to become stone. Surely we will all be shocked. Why should the woman who is cheated, should have curse. Understand, I am not justifying. In the modern day, not knowing about the multiple planes is not crime, because it is not a regular education. But in those days, knowing about multiple planes and multiple types of beings was our lifestyle... she can’t afford to be ignorant about it. And… listen… whoever does not have awareness to know the multiple planes behaves very casually. They will be stuck inside their body like a stone for ages, till an incarnation comes and liberates. That is precisely the reality, not curse.

22:28 If you do not know… the existence of multiple planes, you will be stuck in your body like a stone for ages. It is reality, not curse. The story has very deep meaning, and very deep secret. Listen. If you have been taught about multiple planes and multiple lives, bless yourself. You are rich. I am not saying if you believe… I am not expecting you to believe. Your belief is too superficial. Even if you don’t believe, if you have been taught and you are confused about it, that’s enough. That is enough. See…. if you have been taught, there is something called school where kids go and study… and you don’t believe ‘why will kids go and study? No, no, no, there is nothing called school. Alright, anyhow they told me, I’ll think about it.’ Even this much if you know, on the way if the school comes, you will try to enter in and explore what is going on. That is enough.

24:13 People ask me, ‘Swamiji, do you mean to say only Hindus are going to reach heaven?’ Arrey, I don’t make that kind of that monopolising statements. We do not monopolise, and we do not have this tradition of monopolising. All I am trying to tell you is, if you are not introduced and comfortable to a concept, to a idea, you are not going to recognise it when it comes in front of you. I am not saying the doors of the Swarga will not be open for non-Hindus, I am only saying, only Hindus will enter into it. I am not saying doors will not be open, I am only saying you need to be a Hindu to recognise the door.

25:30 Your understandings about the planes… about the number of lives matters and I commit with you all, on this Mahasadashivoham, I’ll give you experience of multiple planes of the Universe. Understand. It is my responsibility I have happened to do this work. It is time… the truths of Sanatana Hindu Dharma comes out of book and it is no more a museum, it is music. You would have seen movies, museums coming alive. You will see the real Hindu museum coming alive in Mahasadashivoham. You would have seen museums coming alive. Imagine really Hindu museums are going to come alive. It’s going to be really real. Just imagine the thousand pillar hall of Meenakshi temple coming to life and all the Gods and Goddesses walking out of the pillar and... (laughs)

28:08 Alright, alright, alright, more than this it may be… it may really look like storytelling, let me... lead you to initiation. No its time. All of them have to come alive… and give you darshan. Tell humanity, larger than what you know about life exists. Just the fellows who found the sea route are trying to claim they have discovered the country. Hey, Columbus did not discover countries! He discovered sea route for countries! Even the fellows who discovered sea routes are claiming they had discovered the countries. But I am not going to claim anything. I am only saying… the route exists… I am operating it, restarting it after long time. Yesterday the first request started really successfully with Mahaganapati’s grace. Giving access, experience to you about these multiple planes of existence, is important. It’ll help you to enrich this life, and plan for your next lives without a cultural shock, understand. Integrity is not useless moral, it is a currency ye… you earn for Kailaasa. All these are not some make up. All these will not give you cultural shock when you have this transition into Kailaasa.

30:46 Whether it is a food style, dress style or the thinking style of Agama, it’s a practice of Kailaasa brought to you, so you will not have a cultural shock. You will have a smooth transition, understand. I am not too otherworldly. I am preparing all of you, where longer time you are going to spend, where the deeper frequency you are going to experience. Introducing, giving access experientially to the multiple planes of existence… is not otherworldly lifestyle. I tell you… for example if you have access to the planets, there are some planets full of diamonds. If you start that transportation, the life here will become more rich, that’s all. Same way, there are other planes where full of powers available. The higher consciousness is available. So when you have access, it is just like earning in foreign currency, US curr… dollar and converting it in local currency. That higher consciousness can be converted into multiple powers here. Understand. Access to multiple planes strengthens and enriches your life here.

33:12 I am not otherworldly. Please understand. I am not otherworldly. I am actually introducing other worlds and teaching you the science of benefitting from the sources available in the other world and enriching even this world. Humanity has suffered too much. It is time, humanity looks back… and… rediscovers, reinvents, rejuvenates itself from the vision document of Sadashiva - Agama. Agama is the vision document of Sadashiva. Some of the stupid so-called historians are trying to analyse ‘Hey, in Agama… the silk saree is mentioned. In Agama… the metallurgic techniques are mentioned, then it must have been written few hundred years before, after the silk saree and metallurgy was invented.’ There are many things written in Agamas still not invented, understand.

35:07 It is vision document. It is vision document, from the Agama the metallurgy evolved. From the Agama the silk weaving evolved. It is not document recorded after all this happened. It’s a vision document revealed. So let’s be very clear. Having access to multiple planes of consciousness enriches and strengthens your existence here. Not just powers or powerful cognitions. Understand. Powers and powerful cognitions are like whatever I brought I am giving you. Having access to multiple planes of Universe is you directly going and bringing what do you want. Powers and powerful cognitions are like gifts and jewels I brought from Middle-East and distributing. Giving access to higher planes of consciousness is airlifting you and leaving you there in that mall and telling you, ‘you take, take whatever you want. Come for the next flight. It’s all duty free. Not under any government. From Kailaasa to here, no duty, no tax.’ Understand, giving access to multiple planes and consciousness, multiple planes of the Universe… may look like too big claim… maybe if you have an initiation and taste a glimpse… you will understand.

37:47 Yesterday many people were writing to me in the Facebook, ‘Swamiji, I really feel I saw Ganapati. With closed eyes I saw, when I opened the eyes, I saw the same vision. Is it really vision?’ If you want to test, remember that same space, and pray to him to remove some obstacles. You will see immediately it’ll happens, then you know it’s a real vision. That’s all. That’s all. People who can test for taste are wise, others are otherwise. Test to taste. Leave the stupid fellows who are still struggling and worrying with, about… whether this scandal is true? his photo is true? That video is true? Leave them. Let’s go to Kailash. Let them die with the Samsaya Rakshasa, understand, the worst rakshasa is Samsaya Rakshasa. The rakshasa of doubt. A devotee cries to Guru - ‘Anything is okay, but not Samsaya on you’.

39:56 Best thing can come to a human being is an incarnation as Guru. Worst thing that can come to him is ‘Samsaya Rakshasa’. Best thing is Guru, worst thing is Guru Samsaya.

Samsaya Rakshasa naasama hastram, Yaami Gurum sharanam bhavavaidyam

People ask me when we travel to multiple dimensions, will it be physical or like a dream. It will be ten times intense than physical. You will see literally you are being pulled out, your depth pulled out of physical. And experiences it much more intensely than physical, then settles into physical which is dream like. More than Dream, Waking looks strong. More than Waking, Turiya will look strong. More than Turiya, Turiyatita will look strong. You will be at least experiencing hundred times intense than the physical… when you experience multiple dimensions. So you will treat this dimension like a dream. You will treat this dimension like a dream. Whole Mahasadashivoham is to introduce multiple states of consciousness - Jiva, multiple dimensions of Universe - Jagat, multiple aspects of Sadashiva - Ishvara.

42:11 When you have access to multiple… states of consciousness, multiple dimensions of Universe, you will just manifest multiple aspects of Sadashiva and multiple powers of Sadashiva. ‘It may look like too much power is going to be brought to Planet Earth, will there be chaos?’ No. When Sadashiva ordains, he sustains. He knows, he knows the order. He knows to maintain the order of the Cosmos. Only powerlessness leads to chaos. More powers and more consciousness leads to more order. Macrocosm is micromanaged. Macrocosm is micromanaged. It’ll surely… bring only more order. It’ll only surely bring more alignment, more tuning. I know... what I am speaking looks like too much. But it is my responsibility to prove what I am claiming, because you guys did not experience all these for last few thousand years. So let me initiate. Let me open the doors, let me give you the glimpse. That is the only thing… I should do. Now, I’ll initiate all of you, give you the access to the space of Kailaasa.

44:56 You can verify whether it is a real experience or imagination by two… one, when you have that experience, try to open your eyes and see. You will see the same scene with closed eyes and with open eyes. That is one. Second, offer your prayer to remove all the obstacles to Mahasadashivoham to be here. Everything will be cleared. You will be here for Mahasadashivoham. These two. Today, initiation into experiencing the space of Kailaasa. Yesterday was Ganesha darshan, today none other than Mahasadashiva (drum roll). He is ready. He is ready. Let me explain the science. Now… actually he is celebrating. He really is… celebrating.

46:22 Listen. Many times I told, I’m repeating. I do not use this same body in Kailaasa. I do not use this same mind in different planes of consciousness. But my breathing is same from here to Kailaasa. So I am going to tie all your breathing… to my breathing. That is the way I am going to raise your frequency to the frequency of Kailaasa. Why this aushadha? Aushadha means the herbs. Today you may have betel leaf, bilva leaf, neem leaf, tulsi leaf and arugampul, the grass. All these and haritaki. Have all these little. All these items… are qualified to make the prana of your system very pure and subtle. Listen, if you have toxins inside, from outside you will take more air, less prana. If you toxins inside, you will have more thoughts in your consciousness, you will take more air and less prana when you breathe. Inside if the toxins are less, you will have less thoughts in your consciousness, inner space. You will take more prana and less air. Clear? This aushadha is to make your prana intake more. Betel leaf is a very powerful digestive prana sucker. It sucks the digestive prana into your body. That is why betel leaf is supposed to be taken after every meal. Understand.

48:51 Medicine is not aushadha. Medicine means, a chemical goes into your system, does some action, reaction and heals the body. Gives some effect and side effect. Aushadha means, the definition of aushadha: instigates the body, and takes many things from the Cosmos… and raises itself to the higher consciousness. If you take betel leaf… betel leaf itself is not a complete medicine. Of course betel leaf has some qualities. It supports your digestion, but the way it instigates your system and you suck the digestive prana, that is the real benefit. The way your lungs will react and absorb the digestive prana, that is the real effect. So listen carefully, these leaves… betel leaf, neem leaf… if you’re afraid of this bitter taste, you don’t have to take the neem leaf, because the other leaves are capable enough to help you to raise the… prana level. Betel leaf, bilva leaf, tulsi leaf, arugampul - bermuda grass, haritaki. Have little, little of all of them. How much you are comfortable to keep in your mouth. Just bite, and take the juice, that is enough. You don’t have to chew and swallow. Just bite, by taking the juice inside, allow the juice to go inside. Just take the juice inside. You will see suddenly the… drastically the number of thought comes down. The prana level in your body goes up… and you are very comfortably able to travel with me, understand.

51:44 If you have too much of luggage, you can only go... in U-haul, or goods train. If you have less, you can go in comfortably car or ac bus. If you want to go in flight, you have to carry only hand carry, only hand luggage. If you have to go in the jet, not even that is allowed. So if you have to go it... go to Kailaas… Kailaasa... no thought luggage inside inner space. It has to be free.

I bless you all. Let you all experience Kailaasa, and… all your obstacles will be removed. Everything will support all of you to be here for Mahasadashivoham experience in December. The new alchemy product getting ready for Mahasadashivoham. Along with the spiritual alchemy products, I’ve installed my own prana in this. So it will be called ‘Guru Prana Murti’. (Drum roll). This is only the… first level trial version. The same murti is getting ready in silver, silver and gold are supposed to be the metals which can breathe prana. So it is getting ready in silver… during Mahasadashivoham. Hope before that it will be ready and you will all be receiving it. So this is the trial version ready. It’ll reach you all as soon as possible. Blessings. Be blissful. 54:20



Kalpataru - Initiation Into Mahasadashivoham Darshan to Experience of multiple planes of the Universe.

Sakshi Pramana

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