January 26 2011

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Title: Uncover Your Inner Light, Patanjali Yoga Sutras 103

Uncover Your Inner Light Patanjali Yoga Sutras 103 Nithyananda Satsang 26 Jan 201


Today living incarnation (avatar) Paramahamsa Nithyananda dove into the Patanjali Sutra on Ashtanga Yoga which gives solutions for one of the major problems all seekers face in the life: uncovering your inner light.

The last sutra dealt with the science of absorbing Prana or life energy without any unnecessary load on your system. If you can absorb the highest frequency in your body without thoughts being awakened, that is what Patanjali calls Pranayama.

When you absorb the Pranic energy directly from the cosmos all mood swings will disappear. The only way is to tear your body and mind and offer it to fulfill the truth - Thyaga - Renunciation. This is the only path to achieve the eternity. There is no short cut. Only utter renunciation, honesty and integrity that will remove your mood swings and uncover the inner light.

He went on to warn devotees about the danger of not being true to your path. "Again and again, I see the hypocrisy in some people even if you awaken the Kundalini. People cheat, have a hypocritical mental set up, even if the Kundalini is awakened, the energy does not stay in the system. Most of us in the name of practicality do not stay true to the spiritual truths that have clicked in us."

Not being honest to the truths which have clicked in you - is the covering of the light. Sit and take a look in. Your whole life will boil down to a few truths. Again and again be honest to those truths. You will see that the inner covering is removed. Uncovering the light is the fruit of Pranayama. "If you are not honest to the truths and ideas that have clicked in you, then depression is the only result. Nithyananda is not just a space of life, but a way of life."

Yogic body means - squeezing the body and taking the tamas out of it. When you do yoga or weight lifting the pain that happens in you is due to tamas. The amount of pain is directly related to tamas in your body. Pain is your silent cooperation in your body to tamas.

There is another way also - find out those truths and be honest to them by continuously working. Then you will have the same result. The whole day, work with sincerity; take responsibility for the commitment you took up. It's a direct responsibility to absorb from the cosmos, for taking Prana in without thinking The idea of productivity is not inserted into your life for any other reason. People who do not take responsibility fall into depression.

So decide to surrender to the honest truths and the master and not to the demons and devils you carry inside you. The dangerous part is surrendering to your demons and claiming that you have surrendered to master.

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00:27 >>>audio missing<<< samārambhām śaṅkarācārya madhyamām | asmat āchārya paryantām vande guru paramparām ||

I welcome you all with my love and respects.

01:21 Today's subject for satsang, uncover your inner light. Today Patanjali is answering, and giving solution for one of the major problems all seekers and human beings face in the life.

It is 103rd sutra of Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras in the 2nd chapter, 52nd verse:

ततः क्षीयते प्रकाशावरणम् ॥५२॥ tataḥ kṣīyate prakāśāvaraṇam ||52|| Swami Vivekananda translates this sutra as, by that the covering of the light of the chitta is attenuated. Swami Prabhavananda translates as, as the result of this the covering of the inner light is removed. Swami Satchidananda translates as, its result the veil over the inner light is destroyed. I’ll try to… give my translation.

ततः क्षीयते प्रकाशावरणम् ॥५२॥ tataḥ kṣīyate prakāśāvaraṇam ||52||

03:27 This sutra is the continuation of yesterday’s sutra. Patanajali says in the last sutra, the science of absorbing the prana, the life energy, directly without any means or vehicles unnecessary load on your system. If you can absorb the highest frequency inside your body without any thought, without thoughts being awakened - that is what Patanjali calls as prāṇāyāmaḥ (प्राणायामः). Please understand, the whole purpose pranayama is breath without thinking. Whenever there is a thinking, breathing is not complete, breathing does not take energy inside. It takes only air, which is not really necessary to be inside your body. It is the energy which is basic requirement, the prana is the basic requirement. Because prana is mixed in the air, we take the air also. If there are more thoughts, you will take more air, less prana. If there are less thoughts, you will take, take less air, more prana. Please understand, it’s like a vicious circle. If you take more prana, naturally less thoughts will be there. If you have less thoughts, you will take more prana. Or the other way, if you take less prana there will be more thoughts. If you have more thoughts, you will take less prana. This vicious circle continuously... changing the consciousness of your being.

05:56 Please understand... if you achieve any stability or state of consciousness through yoga, it is stable but it takes lot of time. If you achieve any stability or any higher experience through pranayama, it is instant. Same way, stabilizing it takes a lot of time. The right combination is Yoga Vedanta - yoga, pranayama and vedantic mental set up. Having a strong foundation of ethics and understanding about life. Please understand, when the Kundalini energy is awakened in you by the Master’s presence or pranayama or some technique, if your mental set up is based on the eternal truths; for example, what you think as life. If you think life is only the time you are going to live in this body, immediately the energy awakened in you will be drained. If you have understanding, “Eh, life is eternal. My identity with this body and mind will be constantly changing.” Just this simple understanding about life, the energy awakened will stay in you permanently. Please understand, this is what I called yogic body and vedic mind and eN-Life. I am changing it now. Vedic part, yogic body, vedic mind, eN-Life.

08:12 Having a mind, which has deeper understandings about life. Life, death, fear, desire - all these major concepts with which you designed your life; you make the strategy planning for your life. Again and again I have seen, the hypocritic people, people who cheat, even if you awaken their Kundalini, it doesn’t stand in their system. I have seen. People asked me, “Tsk, just blowing you can awaken the Kundalini. Why don’t you do?” Somehow that hypocritic mental set up, the mental set up with which people try to only cheat, not try to be centered inside their inner space true to that truth. Please understand, I wanted to address an important, very important problem today, through this sutra. Most of us in the name of practicality miss being true to the spiritual truths which you yourself click. See there are so many hundreds of truths really clicks with your, with you in your heart. But somehow in the name of practicality, some foolishness or ignorance, you don’t stand true to it.

10:20 Just last few days, I was reviewing the life of brahmacharis and brahmacharinis. I was sitting and going through what all they are doing, how they are growing, what is happening in their spiritual life. Not being responsible to the truth they themself believe. You see for example, there are few truths - enlightenment is the ultimate goal of life, you need to continuously do spiritual practice and internalize spiritual truths. If these truths does not even click with you, no problem. Then naturally you live a so-called normal life - up and dip. Morning up, evening dip, night up, day dip, up and dip - you will live that life, no problem. It is like a regular rut. But the moment these great truths clicks with you, especially when you commit to be truthful to those great truths, and entered into infrastructure which is created for that - naturally now you take a different responsibility altogether. Your life is no more yours. You are dedicating that to some higher purpose. Now, the truths which has clicked with you, if you are not honest, true to it - naturally any experience awakened in you will be drained in few seconds. Doesn't take more than few seconds.

12:27 I have seen. I always tell this as a greatest danger seekers face. When you enter into a sangha, you stop being honest to the truths, and justifying it just because somebody else also lives like that. Not being responsible for the truths which clicks with you or the life which you have assumed, which you have taken it upon yourself. See if you have taken some life upon yourself, suddenly you become responsible for that. A person who takes the life of a doctor becomes suddenly responsible for that patient. Person who takes the life of a seeker becomes responsible to be completely honest, truthful to the truth which clicks inside him. Yogic body means, intensely working and aligning your body to the highest peak of health. Vedic mind means intensely adding the deeper and deeper truths of life, and establishing those truths as the basic pillar for planning your strategy about life. eN-Life means living those strategy in the life with responsibility. If you don’t have eN-Life, you can be very sure you don’t have yogic body and vedic mind.

15:01 One of the biggest problem seekers and ordinary people face is the low mood because of arrogance. Unable, not even unable, doesn’t want to look into the problem. When you don’t want to look into the problem, you enter into a kind of an arrogance which says, “Okay, what is there? Any after effect, I’ll face it.” But when it comes only you will understand, you will not be able to face it. The mind which says it’ll face, will just escape and disappear, dump you and disappear when you really have the problem. I have seen people, they think mentally, “Eh, tsk this problem comes, I’ll face it. If this problem comes aahh... it’s okay I’ll face it. What is there?” Even one inch of that problem comes, they will not be there. The mind which said, “We will face it,” will not be there. Arrogance leads to hypocrisy. Hypocrisy leads to cheating. Cheating leads to cheating yourself. Nothing else.

16:43 Surrendering to your satan - devil. Surrendering to your own demonic tendencies. Don’t think demon means it will come with the two big tor… horns and big face, big moustache, and will come and press your chest. No. Morning when you want to get up and go to the akhada, the mood which you feel, “Ooh, today I can escape and Swamiji is not there. I can cheat. If they ask, I can say I am sick.” That is demon. The mind, the ideas which does not lets you to be honest to what you yourself believe or what has clicked with you for what you have taken the responsibility is demon. That’s a straight thing leads to low mood and depression. Yogic body means, squeezing the body, and taking the tamas out of it. When you do an intense yoga or do weight lifting, bend your body, that pain which happens in your system is because of that tamas, understand. Not because of body. The amount of pain is directly related to the tamas you carry. Decide to squeeze the body, you will suddenly see the pain will not be there. Pain is just your decision and silent cooperation to your tamas. Nothing else.

18:57 So by the time you bend your body three times, four times, “Oh, I think, tsk I have done too much. Who is watching? Who is seeing? It’s okay.” Same way, by the time you sit in the office and do some five minutes, ten minutes something here and there, “Let’s go and lie down in the room. Who is going to watch in this huge crowd?” Nobody’s going to watch. But who is going to fall into the ditch of depression? You. Nobody else. Not being honest to the truths which click with you, is what I call covering of the inner light. See, if the truth has never clicked with you - no problem. If you never even believed once that enlightenment is the ultimate possibility in the life, that should be the goal, and I am beyond body and mind - no problem. Then get out of this place and this place is not for you, and this satsang is not for you, this spirituality is not for you. Then you run around what do you want to be doing. I have seen people doing that. Let them live as they want. No problem. At least you will not have a sangha sabha. You will not have one more sin of Guru droha.

20:49 When you take up these great truths as a responsibility of your life, understand, then suddenly your very necessity to exist changes. If you are a doctor in the society, your necessity to exist is curing some patients. If you are true to that necessity, that’s enough. If you are an engineer, you ness… your necessity to exist is just build some buildings, infrastructure. So if you do that, that’s enough. Done. If you are a lawyer, your necessity to exist is defend the Constitution; protect the people who are victimized by the police. So your necessity to exist, if that is fulfilled - done. No problem. But your necessity to exist, if that is not honoured, the inner light is covered. Life lived with the inner light covered is depression. Usually whenever people come to me with some disease, either I heal or I tell them to take up any other therapies required. Whatever I can heal, I tell them I’ll heal it, don’t worry. If I feel maybe they need some therapies from outside, I tell them go and have that out, therapy also.

22:57 See, not having clicked with the higher truths is not sin. But having clicked with the higher truths, but not being honest to those truths is the worst sin. Especially taking up a life, for example, you are an ordinary person, somebody comes to you and says he’s having heart attack. If you don’t do anything to him, if you don’t protect him, save him from the heart attack - you are not a sinner because you don’t know! You’ve not taken the responsibility of a doctor. But if the same guy goes to the doctor, and if doctor does not try his best to save his life, it’s a sin. It is against the oath which he has taken - the Hypocrisy Oath. Just because with the responsibility you have taken, you are bound to live that truth honestly to the extreme possibility. Just because of that truth has clicked and you have taken the life to honour the truth which has clicked with you, now it is your responsibility to be honest to those truths.

24:44 Not being honest to the truths based on which you took the life, is what I call covering of the inner light. That is what I call demon. Sit and look in. Let everything boil down to few truths. Actually your whole life - why you are running, why you are functioning will boil down to few truths. So again and again be honest to those few truths. You will see the inner covering is removed. The inner covering being removed is the fruit of pranayama. Means, absorbing the pranic energy directly from the Cosmos without breathing. Absorbing the pranic energy from the Cosmos will lead to the cover, uncovering of the inner light. Means, the mood swing will disappear. As long as you have the mood swing, you are not being honest to the very understandings on which you built the life. You build the decisions of your life. The only way is tear your moc… body and mind and offer it, to fulfill those truths.

26:53 It is tyaga. Renunciation the only way. One and only way, Upanishads declare very clearly:

ट्यागे नैके अमृतत्व मानसुहु tyāge naike amṛtatva mānasuhu

They don’t say, “tyaga is one path to achieve the eternity.” No. They say, “tyāge naike,” the only path to achieve the eternity. There is no… shortcut. The shortest cut is straight line. The shortest diff... distance between two points is a straight line. Shortest cut is straightforward path. Nothing else.

ट्यागे नैके अमृतत्व मानसुहु tyāge naike amṛtatva mānasuhu

It is only the utter renunciation, honesty and integrity that can remove the mood swings and uncover the inner light.

28:28 Prāṇāyāmaḥ (प्राणायामः): breathing without thinking. The honest breathing without thinking. Please understand the word “honest breathing” means, life movement happening in you with the honesty to the truths you believe. You will not have any thoughts. Please understand, thoughts are nothing but you trying to justify the life movements happening in you which is not honest and true to the truths you believe or click, clicked with you as life. Please understand, any great truth which has clicked with you has a basic strategy for life, has a basic idea to run the life. If you are honest to it, you don’t need to have thoughts. Look into yourself. If you are having thoughts to function, live your day to day life - you are deviating from the honest thoughts or the foundation on will which you are building the life. For example, if you pick up the basic truths which clicked in your life on which you are building the foundations of your life, and living being true to that foundation - you don’t need thoughts to run your day to day life. No.

30:42 You don’t require thoughts to run your day to day life including your job. Even if you are handling publication department where you need to write, you can just write without thinking. Whole day I am just speaking without thinking. But everyday something new comes out. It’s not that you are wondering, I am also wondering. Just because I built my very life on the honest truths which I believe, and I am being completely honest to those truths. That is what I call living as per the Cosmic law. Living as per the Cosmic law means living with the honest truths on which you put your foundation. If you feel, “Oh God. There is no truth I honestly believe or click.” Then you are a Chandala. Better try to click first with some truth or… there is no or. Just try to work, dig out and click with some higher truths.

32:24 If you compromise with those truths which has clicked with you for the sake of luxury and wealth - you are Vaishya. If you compromise with those honest truths for the sake of power, and name and fame - you are Kshatriya. If you compromise those great, great honest truths... for no proper result or no proper reason, just foolish ignorance - you are fourth Varna. If you don’t compromise with that honest truth, and live being established in it, and there is no inner darkness, no depression - you are a Brahmana. If you are at least trying honestly to be truthful to those great truths, you are a seeker. But any moment you give up - you are patita, fallen one.

33:57 The honest truths which clicked with you, on which you built your foundation, for which you took the responsibility of life, be established on it without hypocrisy - you will see thoughtless breathing will be happening in you. The direct absorption of prana will be happening in you. You can do it in two ways. Either create vedic mind so that pranayama happens in you or create yogic body - pranayama will happen in you. As I said, bend your body, squeeze the body, and get the depression, get the laziness out of it. Put the extreme physical practices like intense Surya Namaskars on your body. Of course, don’t destroy it, don’t have anger towards it; with the feeling of training it, making it better. Then naturally you will not abuse it. Create yogic body, you will have that eternal nitya strategy in your inner space for ananda life. If your strategy is based on the eternal truths - nitya, you will have ananda in the life. Then again you will have the eN-Life because you will absorb the prana without breathing.

35:57 If you are not honest to the understanding, clicked with you, whole day the sincerity. Sincerity in your work, what you are doing, responsibility, feeling responsibility in the commitment which you took up, it’s a direct technique to absorb prana from the Cosmos - breathing without thinking. Taking prana in without breathing. If you have both the yogic body and vedic mind, you’ll see very clearly... eN-Life is happening. Yogic body, vedic mind, eN-Living. Uncovering the inner light is achieved by the pranayama. The Patanjali’s word:

ततः क्षीयते प्रकाशावरणम् ॥५२॥ tataḥ kṣīyate prakāśāvaraṇam ||52||

Thereafter, the veil covering of the inner light disappears. Covering of the inner light, when it disappears, it is visibly seen even on your skin. Please understand, even on your skin it is visibly seen as aura. It is very visibly seen.

38:24 It may be very… mystical, but I tell you, even a single honest eternal truth - eN-Sutra, clicks with you in your inner space and you solved at least two-three of your inner problems with that truth, with that Shastra Sastra, immediately within those few minutes your auric energy expands. Every time you bring yourself to the center and make yourself responsible, solve your inner space problems - the veil on the inner light is removed. What Patanjali calls as kṣīyate - removed.

ततः क्षीयते प्रकाशावरणम् ॥५२॥ tataḥ kṣīyate prakāśāvaraṇam ||52||

The veil which covers the inner truth is removed. There’s a beautiful ver… verse. A great saint from Tamil Nadu in his scared sentiments called Thiruvasagam Missings:


The exact translation of that word - by melting the body, shining that inner light. What exactly Patanjali wants to tell - uncovering the inner light by melting the body. Create yogic body, you will have vedic mind. And naturally eN-Living.

40:32 Be honest and sincere to what you are doing. The idea of productivity is not inserted into your system for any other purpose. For you to stand up again and again and again, and verify the truths on which you are building your foundation in life. I have seen very clearly in my life, the people who never think or bothered to be productive and responsible to the sangha, they’ve always lived in depression. They live in depression and abuse the sangha. Nothing else. That’s why I always say that I am afraid of people who don’t take responsibility. So decide to surrender to the honest truths and the Master, not to your own demon and devil which you carry inside. And the most dangerous part is you surrender to your own demon and devil, and claim you surrender to the Master. God! Absorbing prana into the system without breathing, uncovers the veil of inner light and makes your inner light shine.

I bless you all to achieve, experience, live, express, radiate and share the eternal bliss, Nithyananda. Thank you. 42:55

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