February 09 2006

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Spirituality Then and Now



ll Sadāshiva samārambām Shankaracharya madhyamām Asmadācharya paryanthām vande guru paramparām. ll


You need to understand deeply. Shiva is not selling fantasies. God saved, at least in His time spirituality was not buyer’s market. In His time it was not buyer’s market so He doesn’t have to sell. There is no need for Him to promote anything. It was seller’s market and moreover easily not available. It was not available easily. In those days it was not buyer’s market, it was seller’s market. Gurus decide, choose the disciples, not the disciples choose the Guru. All calamities in the Planet Earth happened when disciples have started choosing the Guru. Already he’s in the darkness, how can he choose right Guru? He can’t. So, naturally he’ll choose a person, he’ll choose which attracts his ideas. The bigger organization attracts more people.


In Sanatana Dharma, in Hinduism, they don’t have any organization. All Hindu temples are just worship altars. They are not organizations. Please understand. All Hindu temples in India are only worship altars. Anybody can come, worship and go. In North India, you straightaway go and touch the Deities. If you have been to North India you can understand, you straightaway go and touch the Deities. You go and you pour your water, or milk or flower you worship and you go, that’s all. They are only worship altars, not organization. They are not organizations, that’s an important thing. Because, Hinduism did not believe in conversion. They did not believe in preaching. It was seller’s market, not buyer’s market.


The truths, all these truths are so pure because they do not have to convince anybody. It is not written out of the Consciousness which is caught in fear or greed. It has raised, it has aroused out of the Consciousness which is free from fear or greed. I can say the one and only truth, which they express is - go beyond the fear and greed. Even indirectly, they do not have the concept of conversion. Still now, Hinduism doesn’t have ritual to get convert. Many of My disciples, western disciples they come and ask Me, “Swamiji should I convert to Hinduism?” I say, “No.” We don’t believe in conversion. We don’t believe in conversion. What is the need for conversion?


All this is a inner science. You see, just because you start working on some science do you need to convert your religion? No. It’s an inner science. It’s a technology, if you feel like working with this technology, work with it, that’s all. There is no need for conversion, because we don’t believe in political numbers. We don’t believe in political numbers, we don’t believe in conversion. It is pure inner science. Whoever wants to work with it, they can work with it, that’s all. We don’t even have a ritual to convert. Even if you want to be converted, there is no ritual. There is no standard ritual to convert somebody. No. Throughout Hinduism, we don’t have; even when kids have taken birth, they are only given a mantra, they are not given any beliefs.


Officially, the mantra which they are taught, it is called Gayatri. That mantra means a very simple thing. That mantra means, ‘Let me meditate on the energy, which guides me towards the intelligence to experience the truth. Let that energy help me to meditate on it’, that’s all. No belief is taught. No teaspoon feeding of any belief. Simply you have to search, only you are given a torch. With the torch, you have to start searching. These techniques are offered by the Masters who do not have to sell themselves or their techniques. That is why they are so pure, so beautiful and straightaway effective. Straightaway effective. He doesn’t have to convince anybody. He shares it only with the people who are in tune with him.
