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Nithya Satsang with HDH Nithyananda Paramashivam

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oṃ nithyānandeśvara paramaśiva samārambhām nithyānandeśvari parāśakti madhyamām | asmat āchārya paryantām vande guru paramparām ||

I welcome you all with my love and respects. I welcome all the living and practicing Hindus from all over the world. I welcome all the Sarvajnapeetha Karthas, Yajamans, Manifestors, Sarvaparityagis, Sri Mahants, Mahants, Kotharis, Thanedars, visitors, viewers, Kayakalpa Yoga participants, Kailasa’s eGurukul students, Kailasa’s NHU students, Paramashiva Ganas, Paramashivoham Season 9 participants. I welcome all of you with my love and blessings.

Paramashiva’s ... direct and very important message. Recognizing my identity as Paramashiva, me as manifestation of Paramashiva, ... especially ... the exclusive relationship you have over me, the exclusivity ... is the right you gain the moment you recognize my identity, understand. Exclusivity ... and intensity: exclusivity and intensity in the relationship is ... the right you gain the moment you recognize, the moment you cognize my identity as Paramashiva. Understand. Listen to this very intensely: keep two mirror, sit in such a way one mirror you will, your face will reflect. In another mirror this world, naturally the world only will reflect. Maybe you can sit next to the window, keeping the mirror showing the sky. Listen. In reality ... both mirrors are mirroring two different dimension, face of you.

How much you feel you are your body, how much that is true, more than that “you are Cosmos” is true. You are part of this Cosmos, you are verily, if I have to make more proper statement: you are ... verily the core and source of this Cosmos, consciousness. It’s just like Paramashiva has twenty five faces, you experiencing your body as you is one face of you. You experiencing your mind, emotions as you is one face of you. You experiencing your deep sleep state is one face of you. You knowing this whole Cosmos is you is one face of you. Understand, if you recognize my identity as Paramashiva, you will recognize your identity as Paramashiva. If you recognize your identity as Paramashiva, one of the face of you is Paramashiva - you will simply recognize I am Paramashiva. In these two, any one happens - you won the game. Life is all about that, that’s all. Life is too simple. It’s all about living after recognizing your identity as Paramashiva, or my identity as Paramashiva, that’s it.

I tell you, ... when I recognized Arunagiri Yogishwara, my Guru’s identity as Paramashiva, I said, “Śivāya Namaḥ.” When I recognized my identity as Paramashiva, I just said, “Śivoham.” Understand, living either as Śivāya Namaḥ or Śivoham, ... both are okay but this is life. Life is too simple.

Beautifully Gītā says, 4th chapter, 9th śloka:

जन्म कर्म च मे दिव्यमेवं यो वेत्ति तत्त्वत: | त्यक्त्वा देहं पुनर्जन्म नैति मामेति सोऽर्जुन || ९ ||

janma karma cha me divyam evaṁ yo vetti tattvataḥ tyaktvā dehaṁ punar janma naiti mām eti so ’rjuna

O Arjuna, the one who knows the divinity of my happening, and divinity of my actions in it’s true nature will not take one more birth after leaving the body, and will get into me - the Supreme Consciousness.

मनुष्याणां सहस्रेषु कश्चिद्यतति सिद्धये । यततामपि सिद्धानां कश्चिन्मां वेत्ति तत्त्वतः ।। ७.३ ।।

manuṣyāṇāṁ sahasreṣu kaścid yatati siddhaye yatatām api siddhānāṁ kaścin māṁ vetti tattvataḥ

This is 7th chapter, 3rd śloka, Bhagavad Gītā: among thousands of men, rare one endeavours for perfection; even of the perfected ones who are diligent, one per chance recognizes who I am.

Recognizing the identity of an incarnation ... is ... the fulfillment, completion of life, that’s it.

भक्त्या मामभिजानाति यावान्यश्चास्मि तत्त्वतः । ततो मां तत्त्वतो ज्ञात्वा विशते तदनन्तरम् ॥ १८.५५॥

bhaktyā māmabhijānāti yāvānyaścāsmi tattvataḥ tato māṃ tattvato jñātvā viśate tadanantaram

Bhagavad Gītā’s 18th chapter, 55th śloka: by devotion he knows me in reality what and who I am. Then having known me in reality, he forthwith enters into the Supreme.

I want all of you to read Bhagavad Gītā Decoded. See, I have given the best translation, word by word translation also. Read that book. Make study groups ... based on that book - Bhagavad Gītā Decoded. Do study groups based on that book. All the Kailasavasis, Brahmacharis, Sannyasis should memorize the whole verse and my translation. Chanting the verse and then chanting my translation, English translation.

जन्म कर्म च मे दिव्यमेवं यो वेत्ति तत्त्वत: | त्यक्त्वा देहं पुनर्जन्म नैति मामेति सोऽर्जुन || ९ ||

janma karma cha me divyam evaṁ yo vetti tattvataḥ tyaktvā dehaṁ punar janma naiti mām eti so ’rjuna

O Arjuna, the one who knows the divinity of my happening, and the divinity of my actions in it’s true nature will not take one more birth after leaving the body, and will get into me - the Supreme Consciousness.

Like this sit and chant in the same tone, tune, so you can memorize and it can just get into your system. It can become your thought current. We can start having the complete Bhagavad Gītā Jñāna Yajñás everywhere. Means like every day you chant one chapter. It takes not more than twenty minutes. In eighteen days, you will finish. Maybe the longer chapters like a Moksha Sanyasa Yoga, or the second chapter, Sāṅkhya Yoga will take forty minutes, that’s all. Bhagavad Gītā is absolutely qualified to be considered as introduction book to Hinduism. It’s an amazing introduction to Hinduism. Surely whole Hinduism cannot be contained in one book. But, it’s an amazing introduction to Hinduism.

See ... when Rāma, the great incarnation happened, whatever was there - the whole knowledge, He consolidated and put it in the form of Muktikopaniṣad - hundred and eight Upaniṣads. Hundred and eight chapter, I should say hundred and eight chapter - ... Muktikopaniṣad. Actually, just like Bhagavad Gītā is eighteen chapter, Muktikopaniṣad has hundred and eight chapter, ... and Rama has compiled the whole hundred and eight and presented it. All over the sangha, people should start chanting these hundred and eight Upaniṣads. This is your responsibility. Start these hundred and eight Upaniṣad chanting groups from LA. This hundred and eight Upaniṣad chanting ... should happen all over the world.

Whatever was there at that time, Śrī Rāmacandra Prabhu compiled the whole thing, and presented as Muktikopaniṣad to Hanuman. That hundred and eight chapters, He describes very clearly in that Muktikopaniṣad. And Muktikopaniṣad is the condensed version of the whole hundred and eight Upaniṣads, kind of a essence, formula. So understand, then comes Kṛṣṇa, next incarnation. Whatever available at that time, He compiled the whole thing and presents as Bhagavad Gītā. Then, then comes Vyāsa, ... whatever was available at that time, He compiles beautifully and gives the essence as Brahma Sūtras, Vyāsa’s Sūtras; it’s called Vyāsa Sūtras.

I’ll say these three incarnations’ compilation is called Prasthānatraya: Brahma Sūtra, Bhagavad Gītā, Vyāsa Sūtra. See, Brahma Sūtra is only called Vyāsa Sūtra. So first Upaniṣads, hundred and eight Upaniṣads by Rāmacandra Prabhu, compiled by Rāmacandra Prabhu. Bhagavad Gītā: compiled by Śrī Kṛṣṇa. See, Kṛṣṇa himself says very clearly, “gītāsu upaniśatsu yoga vidyāyām brahmaśāstre śrī kriśnārjuna samvāde,” means, He himself is only compiling. So be very clear, everything available at the time of Kṛṣṇa, He compiles. That is Bhagavad Gītā. Then, ... everything available at that time of Vyāsa, He compiles. That is Vyāsa Sūtras, Brahma Sūtras. We call it Brahma Sūtra, Vyāsa Sūtra, Vedānta Sūtra. All these three put together is core of Hindu scriptures.

Today Raksha Bandhan, blessings to all my sisters. There is a long list of pasamalar gang. Blessings, love to all the pasamalars, umm. Maybe these pasamalars can take up this scripture, umm.

Vyāsa Sūtras are originally supposed to be seven hundred. At least two-three versions ... claimed the original number of verses are seven hundred but five fifty five are only available. So, ... but whatever was available is available for us. Let’s chant. This chanting of these three scriptures will help you to recognize my identity.

जन्म कर्म च मे दिव्यमेवं यो वेत्ति तत्त्वत: | त्यक्त्वा देहं पुनर्जन्म नैति मामेति सोऽर्जुन || ९ ||

janma karma cha me divyam evaṁ yo vetti tattvataḥ tyaktvā dehaṁ punar janma naiti mām eti so ’rjuna

Understand, recognizing my identity as Paramashiva, is literally Living Enlightenment, conclusion, completion, of your fulfillment. You achieve fulfillment, you start living fulfillment, enlightenment the moment you recognize my identity, understand. When you recognize my identity, you recognize your Īśvaratva. The Īśvaratva starts oozing out of you when you recognize the Īśvaratva oozing out of me.

We should work intensely to release human beings from conscious slavery. Understand, all over the world, ... we only abolished physical slavery. Still we human beings have not abolished conscious slavery. Understand, if you are not told the truth “you are consciousness,” if you are brainwashed that still you are a ordinary human body, human mind, then people are kept under the conscious slavery. We Kailashians are responsible for abolishing conscious slavery. Let’s reach out to every individual and make them understand “you are consciousness,” and start manifesting the multiple dimensions of consciousness. Oneness with the Cosmos is one of the dimension of the consciousness.

Understand, I am fresh out of samādhi, like fresh boiled potato. Whenever I get into this extreme samādhi, body becomes very fragile inside and outside; understand it’s like it is cooked potato, boiled potato. I am happy about it. I am not feeling ... boiled honey soaked potato. Potato boiled and honey soaked ... becomes very soft and fragile. So during those moments, ... I tell the things as it is. I don’t have a ... fear or resistance, “Oh, what will happen ... if the listeners don’t understand, or the atheists, atheist terrorists, anti-Hindu terrorist gangsters, mafia if they are listening to all this - what will happen, how will they twist?” I don’t care all that. I just tell the truth as it is.

I wanted all of you to know, ... the moment you recognize my identity as Paramashiva, you will start manifesting your identity as Paramashiva. You will start realizing the exclusive relationship we both have. I tell you then Guru has happened in your life. Done, job is done. Podaa podaa soli mutinjathu po po [Translation: போடா போடா சோலி முடிஞ்சுது போ போ - Go go what needs to happen has happened go go]. After that life is just enjoying, celebrating your Īśvaratva. The moment you recognize my Paramashivatva, I enter in you, and your Paramashivatva starts manifesting. After that life is just enjoying Īśvaratva, over.

Actually for me to retain the freedom to spell out all the revelations of Paramashiva, that’s one of the main reason why I made this Kailasa. See, ... I have so much more to reveal, I am, I am going to be revealing so much the conscious truths. These anti-Hindu terrorists and racists, ... don’t think they just put some memes and troll me. No! They are very powerful poisons; it’s like a, actually they do hate speech, spread poison, spread lies and cyberbully. And ... try to damage this body like a, means practically trying to kill me. See, when I am in this highest samādhi - system, body becomes so fragile, even if you do something which is considered as legal, you can damage this body. Means, you can eliminate, kill. I do not want that ... chance for them, that is the reason I kept myself safe, because multiple times they tried to assassinate, kill, eliminate.

See, for example: during this time, when the system is in such fragile state and intense samādhi, even if you give ... edible silver layered sweet - over. See, in India there is something called edible silver, edible gold. Edible silver layered sweets or edible silver layered, ... gold layered sweets - it’s available in India. It’s not illegal. But, ... my body at this samādhi state can’t handle that, can’t digest, can’t handle. It’s too fragile. At the most it can handle only liquids and very little ... maybe vegetarian, pure vegetarian; that as I said, that puttu - Kanchipuram Idli.

These criminals who were trying to assassinate me, they started learning all these tricks ... and getting all this information. And, trying to assassinate me through the actions which cannot be considered as illegal, but, they will be able to achieve their goal; that is all, all those technical ways they have started trying. Only then I understood. Oh God! Because you see, if somebody gives the edible silver layered sweet, edible gold layered sweet and made me eat, that cannot be considered as crime even if they are ... even if, it is found out that they gave this, and, eliminated me. It cannot be considered illegal. Of course, Kalabhairava is ... more careful, and, He decided to protect me. He is protecting me.

I wanted all of you to know, what all the; see, brutal ways they tried, people who tried to assassinate me, that big gang. I’ll tell you, their in, in course of, in the right time I’ll tell you, I’ll reveal even the names, everything. As of now I cannot reveal because anything is under the investigation of a authentic legitimate agency, I cannot reveal the informations publicly. Only that agency can reveal and that agency is going to reveal very soon. It’s an international ... legitimate body which is authorized to do this work. I won't, don’t want to tell the name of the body. They will release the whole investigation report and they will do the whatever legally required prosecution and everything. They will do it, and, umm.

This gang which was trying to assassinate me, ... first they tried brutal methodologies. That did not work out, because, somehow Kalabhairava was always protecting me. Then they started ... planning very intelligent ways. These sweets with the silver foil, edible silver foil: in India it is there, it’s called, it’s a very famous sweets in India. I wanted to tell all my disciples, please do not consume any ... even if they claimed it is edible silver, or edible gold ... which is used in many sweets in India; these Kaju Katli, Burfi, in all that they use. Don’t! Do not use, do not eat. Because my body is very, very, very conscious; I know what happens when it goes inside, and, that is why I am telling.

It may not kill you guys immediately, but for my body which is so fragile especially in this samādhi, it can even kill. Of course, ... I am protected by Kalabhairava, so, don’t worry. But the people who tried to eliminate me, they started gathering this kind of intelligence and started planting assassination attempts through this kind of methods. That is when I had to withdraw myself to protect myself, and keep this body healthy to serve you all.

Anyhow, let me come back to the, what I was telling that during this time ... when intense samādhi is radiating, I tell you the truth as it is without getting intimidated by ... the criminals who are trying to eliminate me. I tell the truths, ... because, I feel responsible to eliminate conscious slavery. Abolishing conscious slavery, is my responsibility. And I tell you, this Pralaya, this Pralaya which is happening right now, this pandemic is going to abolish conscious slavery. See, two thing I want to tell you: the intense energy manifesting through this body. The good news is, oh God! I know everyone of you who recognizes my identity as Paramashiva is going to become enlightened, and going to have, become a superconscious mutant - just walking around, manifesting powers, playing with powers, energy, superconsciousness. You are all going to become superconscious mutants! That’s a good news.

I have one concern, even I did not expect so much energy need to be released, manifested through this body to handle, and nullify this collective negativity. Only when I am seeing the amount of energy manifesting through this body, [inaudible] oh God! Then this Pralaya is, this Pralaya happening ... is only the tip of the iceberg anything you read in the news. Anything you read in the news and imagine is only larger than any of us can imagine its impact. Because, so much positive energy is getting released through this body, to nullify this collective negativity and this whole pandemic, this Pralaya.

But the good news is, anyone recognizes my identity is going to just walk around as superconscious mutants. I tell you, ... the best lifestyle is conscious communities, Kailasas. See, you don’t have to give up the comfort of your home, and your personal space, privacy of your home. But create conscious communities, eKailasas, like have your own home but gather once in a while for ... doing yoga together, puja together in zoom! You don’t even need to gather physically - in Zoom, online, eKailasas. Just gather ... and do yoga, do vākyārtha sadas, do puja together, ... do power manifestation. [inaudible] more people from conscious slavery. Abolish conscious slavery!

Be active as much as possible from the comfort, personal private space of your own home. Because I saw, when you all gather physically and try to make spiritual communities, each one of your egos are so strong, you can’t work with each other and you start abusing me. And finally the ... sin of Guru droha lands on you. It’s like ... such delusory way of destroying your possibility and enlightenment. That’s why I decided, come on wherever you are, without giving up the personal space, comfort of your ... home, without giving up the luxury ... start evolving ... as conscious Kailasa.

I tell you, ... physically when you gather as Kailasa, ... each one of you have so much of arrogance and delusion, ... fight with each other; actually you guys become hypomania. You start seeing things which is really not there. You start seeing everyone is conspiring against you. And you call somebody, some gang as administrators, administration and all the time start shooting arrows, everything you get in your hand towards them. Anything they say, you imagine things which is not there. Literally you become hypomania.

I have seen everyone, almost everyone ... who left the aadheenam physically, their, they become hypomanias. Their arrogance and ego became so much, they start seeing things which is really not there. Only then I decided - alright, wherever you are, ... what you think as your personal security or personal comfort, personal luxury, from that space start evolving ... through eKailasa. Just gather once in a while to do puja, to do yoga, to share powerful cognitions and enjoy life, enjoy the satsang, enjoy the spiritual benefits. Whatever I have brought to the world, enjoy that ... and evolve. I am telling all the truths as it is.

Essence of Vedas and Agamas is these three book: Upaniṣads, Bhagavad Gītā, Brahma Sūtras. Upaniṣads compilation by Rāma. Bhagavad Gītā by Kṛṣṇa. Brahma Sūtras by Vyāsa. These three ... are the greatest teachers of Hindu tradition, ... greatest compilers of Hindu tradition. Whatever Paramashiva has given to Rāma, He compiled it as hundred and eight Upaniṣads. Whatever Paramashiva has given to Kṛṣṇa, He compiled it as Bhagavad Gītā. Whatever Paramashiva has given to Vyāsa, He compiled it as Vyāsa Sūtras. Essence of all these scriptures is recognizing the identity of an incarnation.

See, when Rāma came, only Saptaṛṣis recognize His identity. When Kṛṣṇa came, maximum twenty one people only recognize His identity. So whoever recognizes my identity as Paramashiva are blessed. And, you immediately recognize, start recognizing your identity as Paramashiva.

मनुष्याणां सहस्रेषु कश्चिद्यतति सिद्धये । यततामपि सिद्धानां कश्चिन्मां वेत्ति तत्त्वतः ।। ७.३ ।।

manuṣyāṇāṁ sahasreṣu kaścid yatati siddhaye yatatām api siddhānāṁ kaścin māṁ vetti tattvataḥ

Among the thousands of men, a rare one endeavours for perfection. Even of the most perfected ones who are diligent, one per chance recognizes who I am.

Recognize my identity deeper and deeper and deeper as Paramashiva, you will recognize your identity deeper and deeper and deeper as Paramashiva, and you will experience the exclusive relationship we both have. That's all is the essence of enlightenment, Kailasa of Paramashiva. I tell you, ... Paramashiva, actually even if, that is enough. The Stargate, portal for Kailasa: listen. Sit unclutched, Nirvikalpa Samādhi. You consciously decide to unclutch as much as you can. I’ll do the rest of the job. You consciously unclutching is just putting the seat belt. Put your seat belt, relax. I’ll fly you ... to Kailasa ... absolutely safely.

See, ... Paramashiva sits in Nirvikalpa Samādhi in Kailasa. Paramdhama sits in Badri, Badrikashram. In India, there is a place called Badrinath Temple, Badrikashram. Paramdhama, Vishnu sits in samādhi, Nirvikalpa Samādhi in Badrikashram. Brahmā sits in Nirvikalpa Samādhi in Pushkar. All of them sit in absolute Nirvikalpa Samādhi and bless devotees.

Now, you just unclutch as much as you can. That’s all. I’ll connect with you, lift you to Nirvikalpa Samādhi, and give you the experience of Kailasa. Understand, in Śivāya Nāma: you establish your relationship with the Shiva as ... surrendering, like a duality, Dvaita. In Śivoham: you establish your identity, your relationship with Shiva in Advaita, Oneness, “I am Shiva.” Now, you don’t even need to establish your identity or surrendering or Oneness, Dvaita or Advaita. Only He is there, so just Shiva, Shiva, Shiva, Shiva, Shiva.

If you consciously decide to recognize my identity as Paramashiva, that’s enough. That is enough, that gives me the right ... and that gives me actually the responsibility; now I am bound to raise you to Nirvikalpa Samādhi, and, give you the experience, and, enlighten you, and, take you to Kailasa, give you the ultimate - the state, space, powers, being, superconsciousness and Kailasa of Paramashiva. Now I am bound by ... the very nature of the Cosmos, Cosmic Law. I have to enlighten you now. Understand, the moment even you consciously decide, “I am deciding to recognize Swamiji’s identity as Paramashiva,” then now as per Cosmic Law, I am bound, I am responsible to raise you, enlighten you and manifest the state of Paramashiva in you, the space of Paramashiva in you, the powers of Paramashiva in you, ... the being of Paramashiva in you, the superconsciousness of Paramashiva in you, and Kailasa of Paramashiva in you.

Let’s start. Just sit with the decision, conscious decision to recognize my identity as Paramashiva, and reverberate Shiva, Shiva, Shiva, Shiva, Shiva, Shiva, Shiva, Shiva, Shiva, Shiva, Shiva, Shiva, Shiva, Shiva, Shiva, Shiva, Shiva, Shiva, Shiva, Shiva, Shiva, Shiva, Shiva, Shiva, Shiva, Shiva, Shiva, Shiva, Shiva, Shiva, Shiva, Shiva, Shiva, ... Shiva, Shiva, Shiva, Shiva, Shiva, Shiva, Shiva, Shiva, Shiva, Shiva, Shiva ...


Om Is Sound of The Expanding Universe And Shiva Is Sound Of The Acceleration - Livestream

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