November 16 2007

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Dharma is Still Alive


From the works of Living Enlightened Master Paramahamsa Nithyananda. In this clip taken from the discourses titled, "The Power of no Judging & Detach Naturally", Swamiji tells us that by following Dharma, you will be protected in the most precious inner world. Dharma is so powerful that it even stands in the inner world to protect you. People who follow Dharma never fall into depression. In this Sutra, Mahadeva is telling us to be Dharmic in all our relationships. He goes on to tells us just as the laws of the country are designed to be logical and to protect citizens in the outer life, Dharma is the cosmic constitution which is constantly protecting us in the inner world.

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Gradual Spiritual Growth vs Sudden Enlightenment


From the works of Living Enlightened Master Paramahamsa Nithyananda. In this clip taken from the discourses titled, "The Power of no Judging & Detach Naturally", Swamiji answers question from a long time seeker about what he/she needs to do to experience the ultimate. Swamiji tells the questioner the urge for enlightenment should become urgent. He tells the long time "professional seeker" that the experiences one has during seeking can fool people. He tells us that traditions that give a gradual path will not give the ultimate opening. These gradual techniques appeal to normal mind. Traditions such as Vignana Bhairava Tantra gives techniques for sudden enlightenment. However they are very difficult to start and may seem illogical at times. Swamiji also goes on to tell us that the problem with professional seekers is they have lost respect for master's words and all they do is to constantly judge masters. He tells us that the final opening needs complete openness and commitment between master and disciple.

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History versus Purana


From the works of Living Enlightened Master Paramahamsa Nithyananda. In this clip taken from the discourses titled, "The Power of no Judging & Detach Naturally", Swamiji clearly describes the differences between history and Puranas. History is based on depiction in three dimensions -- Length, breath and depth whereas Puranas describe an additional two dimension, the dimensions of space and time also. This is why historians cannot understand puranas. Puranas are the visual representation of what has happened beyond length, breath and depth. This is why historians always question every aspect of puranas. In his characteristic ways, Swamiji teaches us that History = Fact (mainly distorted), Puranas = Fact + Truth.

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Inner Explorations of Vedic Tradition


From the works of Living Enlightened Master Paramahamsa Nithyananda. In this clip taken from the discourses titled, "The Power of no Judging & Detach Naturally", Swamiji teaches us deep truths about the vedic tradition. He tells us that in Vedic tradition we do not teach any set of rules or dogma. In this tradition children are first initiated into Gayathri where they are told to meditate on superconciousness. The student is given a torch in the form of meditation and encouraged to explore on his own. He goes on to teach us that only the tradition or religion discovered by us will expand our being and give us joy. Swamiji goes on to expound on Mahadeva's sutra and tells us that when Shiva is telling us to drop even the Masters' form, it means we should drop everything and then only drop the Master. Often peopleuse this sutra conveniently to drop the master as and when they can or when the master starts his spiritual surgery on the disciple.

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Keep our Inner Space Simple in action and in Inaction


From the works of Living Enlightened Master Paramahamsa Nithyananda. In this clip taken from the discourses titled, "The Power of no Judging & Detach Naturally", Swamiji tells us that Mahadeva is teaching us to keep our inner space simple and pure. He tells us to carry this simplicity in our day to day relationships. When we vacate all teachings we will remove all our ideas about the other person also. Even when we are facing what may appear to be difficult situation in the society, keeping our silence in action will greatly elevate us and help us deal with the situation effectively.

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Q and A on Enlightened Beings


From the works of Living Enlightened Master Paramahamsa Nithyananda. In this clip taken from the discourses titled, "The Power of no Judging & Detach Naturally", Swamiji answers questions about enlightened beings. He tells us that anything that comes out of an enlightened being is auspicious. He expounds on this truth through a beautiful example from the Zen traditions. Swamiji goes on to answer another question whether enlightened beings have pain & suffering. During his answer he goes on to describe that for a living master the word, "divine" carries a strong meaning and experience, just as the word, "I" means to a non-enlightened being.

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Technique and Meditation - Keep Everything out from Your In


From the works of Living Enlightened Master Paramahamsa Nithyananda. In this clip taken from the discourses titled, "The Power of no Judging & Detach Naturally", Swamiji sheds yet another perspective on this sutra. He tells us that the idea of bondage and liberation needs to disappear from our inner space. If we keep everything our there cannot be any movement in the inner space. Swamiji then takes us through a beautiful meditation to experience this powerful sutra.

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You Are Not Needed to Run Your Life


From the works of Enlightened Master Paramahamsa Nithyananda. In this talk Nithyananda explains how our life runs on its own without any Interference from us. We have an automatic intelligence which can run our life, maintain it and expand it, without us even knowing about it.

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