November 23 2019

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Shiva Deeksha - Initiation Into Understanding You Are Paramashiva


Session 1 of Atmalinga process workshop - day 1 - November 23rd 2019

Ongoing Nithyananda Program in Trinidad Tobago.

Link to Video:


00:16 om nithyānandeśvara paramashiva samārambhām nithyānandeśvari parashakti madhyamām | asmat āchārya paryantām vande guru paramparām ||

I welcome all the devotees, disciples, visitors, viewers, Sarvajnapeetha Yajamans, Karthas, Sri Mahants, Mahants, Kotharis, Thanedar, Kayakalpa Yoga participants, Nithyananda Yogam participants, Nithyananda Hindu University students, Kailaasa Hindu University students, Nithyananda eGurukul students and Atma Linga Mandala Process participants who are here for receiving Vishesha Deeksha, Samaya Deeksha and to attend the Atma Linga Mandala Process all over the world, in more than hundred and seventy campuses, in hundred countries, literally all continents and time zones. I welcome all of you with my love and respects. Everyone who is sitting in all the campuses and live on Nithyananda TV, two-way video conferencing having Nayana Deeksha, Nlighten App and … Hinduism Now TV, Twitter, through every way; I welcome everyone of you with my love and respects.

03:06 Let me enter into … Siva Deeksha. Understand, I’ll give you just few important understandings. Just internalize these few important understandings. Our … inner software: you call it mind, you call it intelligence, you call it … any name you used. In Sanskrit we used the word “mana, chitta (चित्त, citta), buddhi, ahankara.” All these words put together, I call it as inner software. Please understand, … the inner software you carry, functions based on certain patterns and cognitions and understandings. That inner software can be binding you, torturing you, harrassing you, abusing you more and more, if it functions based on wrong content, wrong cognitions, powerless cognitions, abusive cognitions. If that inner software functions based on powerful cognitions, right cognitions, intelligent cognitions - it can liberate you, understand.

05:36 The inner software you are carrying, if that software functions on the right programming, powerful cognitions - it can liberate you and make you manifest powers and make you enlightened. If that inner software functions based on wrong cognitions, powerless cognitions, powerless content understandings, ideas about you, about world, about God; about you, about world, about God; Jiva - you, self, Jagat - world, Ishvara - God; the about all these three - the cognitions you have, the cognitions, the conclusions you have about life - these all forms the core content for … inner space. If your inner space functions out of powerless thought currents, ideas, cognitions - it can suffocate you, it can torture you, it can destroy you, it can make you powerless, it can do anything. If your inner space starts functioning with the powerful cognitions, right cognitions, right understandings about self, world and God, not only you can become enlightened, you can start manifesting powers, understand.

08:10 Siva Deeksha is all about shifting the way you function from powerless cognitions to powerful cognitions, that's all. Siva Deeksha is the way to shift you from functioning from powerless cognitions space to powerful cognitions space. Listen carefully. Understand life. Listen carefully and understand life. I will repeat. First, … your inner space is like a software which decides how your life will be. That’s the first understanding. Second, if that inner space is filled with powerless cognitions, powerless, suffocating, wrong ideas about yourself, about your world, about God; it can be more and more suffocating, making you, your life difficult. And, if you can start building the content of your inner space powerful, start functioning from powerful cognitions, truths, understandings about you, world and life - you can become enlightened, manifest powers and all possibilities. Now listen carefully. The good news I have is, your inner space can be beautifully reprogrammed. It can be reprogrammed with powerful cognitions. It can be reprogrammed for enlightenment. It can be reprogrammed to manifest the state, space, powers of Ultimate, Paramashiva.

10:55 The great news I have is, it is too easy. Understand, it is actually too easy. It is just shift in direction, nothing else. There is no effort. Shift in direction. Shift in the direction you think, you perceive, you understand. Shiva Deeksha is all about giving you that shift. Shiva Linga is all about reminding you constantly … that shift and start making you living, manifesting that shift, enjoying, entertaining that shift inside you. Listen carefully. Atma Linga is to remind ... your Atma is Linga. To give you that experience that your Atma is Linga. Linga means the pure form of Paramashiva. The formless form of Paramashiva is Linga, Shiva Linga. Listen carefully. Now … I will give you these few basic understandings. I want all the participants all over the world, I think it is one of the largest program, online program. Huge, at least … five digit number. I want all of you to know two things. One, this whole program whatever I am talking will be uploaded - please watch. And earlier many Shiva Deekshas I have conducted, please watch some of those videos for deeper understandings. Because … deeper understanding enlightens you, awakens your Kundalini Shakti, awakens your consciousness.

13:57 Now … listen to these few great truths. First, … Paramashiva … does the five actions. Creation: manifestation, Srishti (सृष्टि, Sṛṣṭi), Srishti. Sustenance: maintenance, Sthiti (स्थिति) in Sanskrit. Samhara (संहार, Saṃhāra) means rejuvenation, destruction. Tirobhava (तिरोभाव, Tirobhāva) means pulling out of delusion. Anugraha (अनुग्रह) means liberation, enlightening. I’ll repeat. Srishti: creation, manifestation. Sthiti: maintenance, sustenance. Samhara: rejuvenation. Tirobhava: pulling out of delusion. Anugraha: liberating, enlightening. So understand few things. Listen carefully. Paramshiva does these five action - creation, maintenance, rejuvenation, pulling out of delusion and liberation. Not only He sits in the Cosmos and does these five action, He sits in you also and does these five action constantly in your life. Listen. The first powerful cognition: Paramshiva does all these five action. And same Paramashiva, not only He is sitting in the Cosmos and doing these five action, He is sitting inside you and doing these five action.

17:13 The core content of your inner space, is Paramashivoham. You are Paramashiva. Listen carefully. This truth “you are Paramshiva” is the ultimate truth. Your day to day life, facts may not immediately match that truth. But … if you just sit and start digesting this truth, you will see the day to day facts and the ultimate truth - both matches. When you realize day to day facts, ultimate truth matches, it is called enlightenment. When you realized, wake up, “Ha! Yes! The day to day facts and the ultimate truth is matching.” That is called enlightenment. Listen carefully. The ultimate truth I am telling you now - you are Paramashiva. And … your day to day facts immediately don’t match, “No, no, no, no, no, no, no, there are too many conflicts, confusions. How can I be Paramashiva?” But if you sit and understand. Understand, if you bring love in your life - love, a deep love for everything happening, you will realize two things. Everything is auspicious, Paramashiva, Sadashiva. Sada means everything. Shiva means auspicious. Understand.

19:34 Whatever me and the sangha is going through in this moment, I am uttering this truth; not only this is truth, this is fact! Nothing falls apart, everything falls in place. Nothing falls apart, everything falls in place. Understand this great truth. Have tremendous sympathy, love, compassion for life. It is the atmosphere, ecosystem of love, compassion, sympathy; that is the atmosphere where these higher realities are realized, manifested. The day to day fact and the highest truth - both match. Highest truth only manifest as day to day fact. And you will start realizing that, and you also know how to manifest that day to day life as you want, aligned to the highest fact, highest truth. When you start internalizing this truth I am initiating all of you into, … waiting to get hurt or waiting to feel blessed. Are we interested in waiting to get hurt by life for every small thing, or waiting to feel blessed for every small thing happening around us, that’s it.

21:52 I tell you, … whatever I am going through, sangha is going through - during all these, I can tell you very clearly, Paramashiva is real. Paramashiva, Parashakti, Kalabhairava are protecting me and the sangha. Please understand, I can give you the same assurance, commitment, protection through this initiation. As much as you can, start living this powerful cognitions. Don’t worry, you are not expected to be hundred percent perfect. You are only expected to be total as much as you can. Be total as much as you can. No need to be perfect. No need to worry about perfection. Start with your totality, more and more strength will start happening, understand. You have fourteen inch biceps and you see somebody having twenty four inch biceps and you feel, “Ooh, tsk! When will I build twenty four inch biceps and triceps? Impossible, forget about it.” No, that life doesn’t work in that way. From fourteen, you build fifteen. That fifteen bring so much strength so your weight lifting ability becomes double. That becomes sixteen. That becomes, that increases your weight lift, lifting ability to triple. Then that bring seventeen and that every inch muscle getting added adds strength and your ability to lift and then you build. Finally you achieve what needs to be achieved.

24:12 Every time you win using a powerful cognition, powerful truth in your life, you gain confidence on Paramashiva. That confidence makes you, gives you the ability to build more powerful cognitions. More powerful cognitions brings more confidence on life and enlightenment, Paramashiva, Kalabhairava and that gives more confidence and more powerful cognitions. That brings more enlightenment, more power manifestation, understand. Somebody goes to God and asked, “God, bless me, everyone should praise me. Give me the boon everyone should praise me and accept me.” God said, “Eh, even I am not accepted by everyone. How are you asking that? Even I am not praised and accepted by everyone. Don’t ask for that.” Life will ever be one side people praising you for your contribution. The other side people will be abusing you, attacking you, just because they are feeling deeply anger, violent inside for various reasons. You need to know, are you going to hurt yourself because they are vomiting their pains on you. Are you going to hurt yourself, waiting to get hurt by them? No! Or are you going to be very clear and go on contributing to the world what you need to do! Understand, life is for people who decide to go on contributing and do what they need to do. That’s it.

26:41 I am not just talking this truth, I am living this truth, I am demonstrating. Whatever now I am talking, I am living this truth and demonstrating. There cannot be more testing times. But this is the time to stand tall and show the power of the truth, the power of Paramashiva. All of you understand, listen to this great truth whether you immediately cognize or not, understand or not, realize or not - you are Paramashiva. Because all these five actions - creation, maintenance, destruction, pulling out of delusion and liberation; all these five actions is constantly happening inside you. Unless Paramashiva is inside you, all these five actions cannot be happening continuously inside you. All these actions continuously happening inside you proves you are Paramashiva. Paramashiva is inside you. Start cognizing, start internalizing, start realizing, start absorbing this great truth in your life and start implementing, understand. Start living, start implementing this great truth. Truth is the only solution for life.

29:38 I wanted you to know, at any situation in the life, truth is the most powerful strategy for life. The truth is you are Paramashiva whether you understand or not. Nothing falls apart, everything falls in place. Understand, I am telling you. With all these so much attack, … I am surviving, … thriving. Not just surviving, thriving is just because Paramashiva is protecting me, Kalabahirava is protecting me. Not because I am legal savvy, I am intelligent or brilliant. I am a hardly, I am a high school dropout, I am not even a graduate. I am not a graduate, high school dropout. I am not graduate. I am from a small village but from Arunachala, from Paramashiva. Understand I tell you, if I am surviving and thriving, it is just because Paramashiva is protecting me, Kalabhairava is protecting me. I want the world to know, Paramashiva is protecting me, Kalabhairava is protecting me. I am neither legal savvy nor arrogant or intelligent enough to save myself from all these attacks. I just know I will live integrated to Paramashiva, to my commitment to Him. And, He’s protecting me, Kalabhairava is protecting me.

32:12 I really want to tell you all, please listen, please listen. Listen. I absolutely love you guys. All of you who are here for initiation and mandala process, I absolutely love you guys. I am revealing the most sacred truth. Understand. I know Kalabhairava is protecting me. I am going to live for a long time. But even if this is the last initiation I am going to give, I don’t worry, I don’t have any problem. I wanted to be integrated to Paramashiva and reveal the truth as it is to all of you. Listen carefully. You are really Paramashiva. Paramashiva is really, really, really the source material of you, the core content of you. Start internalizing, start chewing this idea, “How can, how can this be the truth my core content, source material is Paramashiva? In fact, there is so many incompletion, hurting, pain, contradiction. Eehh … too much!” But I tell you, please start understanding, beyond all these, that deepest core, your cells can be produced, sustained, rejuvenated, pull out of delusion and liberated; this whole thing can happen inside you only if Paramashiva is residing in you.

34:43 So if you are alive Paramashiva is residing in you. Really He is residing in you. Just to tell this truth to all of you, Paramashiva is keeping me alive, understand. The number of assassination attempts, I should have been dead. I don’t know how many hundreds of times long before. But, neither I am dead nor hurt. Not only … alive, surviving - thriving! It is only just because I need to tell you this one truth - you are Paramashiva. Start functioning from this core cognition, you will see the shift start happening in your thought current, thinking process. Shift starts happening in your cognition of you, world and God. I tell you, … from 2002, the recorded assassination attempts with evidence ... and lawfare how many times. So much of hate speech, atrocity material. Somebody was telling me, “Swamiji, there is so much of debate about you in all channels.” Please understand, debate is a decent word. If both side equal number of people, equally informed people, equally intelligent people sit and discuss some subject - it is called debate. Only for one side if ten people are sitting and abusing, screaming, dumping all the lies, all the negativity, all the abuses, everything, then it is called hate speech, not debate. It is hate speech, not debate, understand.

38:05 So much of hate speech, atrocity materials getting generated. And then lawfare. When you generate an atmosphere of extreme negativity, the kind that a, in US everywhere I see board - “Everyone hates Raymond.” All these shows how they say, “Everyone hates ...,” all that kind of boards. Same way, trying to make that atmosphere, “Everyone hates, everyone hates Nithyananda.” When you create this kind of atmosphere using the widespread media campaign which is too easy in India. Because Indian media is the worst corrupt media in the world. When you try to create that kind of a … atmosphere using the media which is too easy. Then, it is too easy to pressurize the police, state mechanism, everything and then the lawfare starts. File false cases, faltu FIRs. I have seen so many faltu FIRs. Without even having a victim, filing a rape case and then arresting me, keeping me in prison for fifty two or fifty three days I forgot. And, going on calling in the Facebook, in the social media, in the media, in the news channel, in the newspaper, “Please, please come, come. Please, please come, come. Please, please come, come.”

40:08 That one officer, I don’t know whether Charan Reddy or Guruprasad decided to arrest me. That one officer destroyed the whole credibility of the Karnataka CID. Because, you arrest someone in rape charge, no victim and you begged, “Oh, we have accused. We want victim. Please, please come. We will give you free, we will give you travel allowance. We will keep your name secret and we will do what you want. Please, please come. Please some of you come.” The whole credibility of the Karnataka CID is destroyed by that one decision. The faltu information report is not first information report. And then in 2012 again, I think that time two or three cases they filed, some faltu FIRs only. I, I don’t remember. And then again arresting me, having a big show! In front of media producing me and all that big, big drama show. I think, I don’t know whether the local ASP made the decision that time or who made the decision, I don’t know. Again, not only court quashed all those FIRs, it came heavily on the government for misusing government mechani … government machinery. We have orders, court orders.

41:50 And again! And I have seen so many faltu FIRs. I have this cloth, the tiger skin colour printed cloth, this is being told as tiger skin. (Swamiji laughing away) Understand, I have seen all kinds of assassination attempts, lawfare, character assassination attempts - what you can understand, what you can’t understand, what you can imagine, what you can’t imagine. I feel there are still some responsible journalists who are ethics in India. I don’t want to generalize the whole Indian media. There are many responsible ethic the journalists, professional journalists who have ethics. I request all of them, please study the whole material, study the legal content. I wanted to tell you all, I neither did anything illegal nor did anything immoral. I am not anti-social. I am not anti-national. I am not against any nation, any society. I am not interested in politics. I have actually moved out of the world long before! Long before I have moved out of the world.

43:52 I am only doing my spiritual work, this initiation, this spiritual initiation. I have nothing to gain from the world. I have not done anything wrong to the world. I am only interested in continuing my spiritual work. So I request ... the sincere professional journalists who respect the ethics of the journalism, please do little research - both side material. Just listen to what Nithyananditha and Tattvapriya need to say. Here I am no way involved in any of this situation. It is family problem. I already told very clearly Tattva, Tattvapriya and Nithyananditha please go and sort it out. I told very clearly and moved out of the whole thing. I am no way involved. But maybe only if you get Nithyananda’s name, you get eyeballs. That’s the reason my name is being dragged and pulled and abused and attacked. And media itself is telling long before he has moved out of the human society. Actually, the number of people I see physically in my life, is less than the number I can count with my fingers. I don’t even see human beings. I only see the computers and the screens in which devotees are sitting to receive the initiation.

45:53 With all these attacks - character assassination, with all these attacks, if I am surviving and thriving, it is just because of only one thing - Paramashiva, Kalabhairava is protecting me. Let this one statement, “Kāśikāpurādhinātha Kālabhairava” is protecting me and the sangha be written in every chapter after the each persecution attempt. I also wanted to sincerely thank Meena Das Narayanan and Payal Rohatgi. Both of you, thank you for your support. Thank you for standing with the truth … even during this worst times. Thank you for sticking your neck out, knowing so many are going to attack you if you stick your neck out for me. You both are sticking your neck out for me. I have nothing else to say. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. And especially Ma Payal Rohatgi, I have not even met you once. I have not even seen you. I just give my gratitude to you for standing with the truth and putting your confidence on me. I tell you, … I’ll prove you supporting me is right. Just to prove all the people who are supporting me are right, I’ll prove I am right.

48:48 Understand, all these attack … not ee … not only they did not, they were not able to do anything to me. They were not able to do my inner powerful space. Only my inner powerful space has changed all these attacks constantly cleared, cleared, cleared, cleared, cleared all of it, and I am proving the truth - Paramashiva is real. Kalabhairava is real. If I am still alive … me being alive makes these two statements loud and clear. Paramashiva is real. Kalabhairava is protecting me.

काशिकापुराधिनाथ कालभैरवं भजे kāśikāpurādhinātha kālabhairavaṃ bhaje

Kāśikāpurādhinātha Kālabhairava is protecting me and sangha.

50:40 Understand, I give you all the commitment and I am authorized to give you all the commitment. Paramashiva is real and He is the core content, source material, source of your being, consciousness. And when you start practicing and living, He himself protects you, makes you manifest all the powers, solves all your problems, makes you live the best life. In the middle of the war if some truth is told and if that works out, that truth proves its capacity, its ability, it is called time tested, foolproof. Same way Bhagavad Gita, that is the greatness of Bhagavad Gita. It was told in the middle of the war and it has proved its powerfulness by winning the war. Listen. Same way I am telling you this truth. It’s not that I am telling only now. When there was attacked on me in 2002 or 3, I told the same truth. I won the game. I won the war. Then when there was attack on me in 2010, I told the same truth and I won the war. And even there is a video records where I am declaring, “I am Kalabhairava and I am Mahakali. Anybody, come on make fun of this statement. Let me play with it.”

52:46 And whoever make fun of that statements, see their, see what happened to them. Now because we have seven or nine, eight years nah ... documented evidences. Just go and see that video and after that whoever made fun of that video, just see them. And see now what happened to all of them. Just see the facts. Now I am not even talking anything to hurt your ego. I am just saying I am protected by Kalabhairava! I am protected by Kāśikāpurādhinātha Kālabhairava! That’s all. Everytime when there is a war, I declare clearly the power of the truth. And every time I win the war. Now I am telling you, again this time I am going to have the last laugh. And I am already having the last laugh! Be very clear, Paramashiva is protecting me. Kalabhairava is protecting me. Kāśikāpurādhinātha Kālabhairava is protecting me … and sangha.

54:47 Understand, … listen carefully. If you want to fill rice or something in a vessel and fill maximum, how you use a small stick or spoon to press, press, press, press and then put more and more and more and press and, maximum how you do that tight packing. Same way, crisis is the time to pack yourself with the intense powerful cognitions. Every time when the crisis comes, it’s like a chik, chik, chik, chik with the spoon. So fill more and more powerful cognitions and truths and tightly pack yourself with powerful cognitions. Crisis comes only to train us. All crisis comes only to train us. Look at this in this angle. Of course, just because we are dealing everything with the spiritual eyes, it’s not that people who are attacking, abusing, that they are not criminals. They are criminals! They are trying their best and we have to take all the facts and whatever is being done to us to the international community. We need to tell the world. That is different. First you need to understand inside - how to deal with the whole thing, how to see life, how to manifest life. I am giving you internal strategy for the best life. The ultimate life.

58:18 Essence of what I wanted to convey in this first session of initiation is, remember you are Paramashiva. And … based on this truth inside you start digesting, building life, powerful cognitions, intelligence, involvement. Start doing all these. I’ll teach you in further sessions. I only want to give an introduction to initiation.

59:25 Please sit straight. Inhale and exhale as deeply as possible, and as slowly as possible. I want to start the initiation. Yes, now ... please all of you open your eyes. Sit facing me. Now I am going to give you the initiation - Mantra Deeksha. Listen carefully. In Hindu tradition, always the Gayatri Mantra was given as the first mantra. So I am going to give you formally these three mantras - Gayatri Mantra, then Siva Deeksha, Samaya Deeksha, Siva Deeksha Mantra, then Mahavakya. I’ll explain step by step how to use, what to do, everything. Now first listen to the mantras, and repeat along with me.

ॐ भूर् भुवः सुवः तत् सवितुर् वरेण्यं भर्गो देवस्य धीमहि धियो यो नः प्रछोदयात्

oṃ bhūr bhuvaḥ suvaḥ tat savitur vareṇyaṃ bhargo devasya dhīmahi dhiyo yo naḥ prachodayāt

Repeat again.

ॐ भूर् भुवः सुवः तत् सवितुर् वरेण्यं भर्गो देवस्य धीमहि धियो यो नः प्रछोदयात्

oṃ bhūr bhuvaḥ suvaḥ tat savitur vareṇyaṃ bhargo devasya dhīmahi dhiyo yo naḥ prachodayāt

Listen. Repeat along with me once more. We will be uploading all these mantras. You can download from there and start chanting. Now repeat along with me.

ॐ भूर् भुवः सुवः तत् सवितुर् वरेण्यं भर्गो देवस्य धीमहि धियो यो नः प्रछोदयात्

oṃ bhūr bhuvaḥ suvaḥ tat savitur vareṇyaṃ bhargo devasya dhīmahi dhiyo yo naḥ prachodayāt

ॐ भूर् भुवः सुवः तत् सवितुर् वरेण्यं भर्गो देवस्य धीमहि धियो यो नः प्रछोदयात्

oṃ bhūr bhuvaḥ suvaḥ tat savitur vareṇyaṃ bhargo devasya dhīmahi dhiyo yo naḥ prachodayāt

01:04:12 Now … next mantra. It is Samaya Deeksha, Siva Deeksha Mantra. This is the most important mantra. Listen, this starts connecting you directly with Kailaasa. It’s like a passcode for Kailaasa, password for Kailaasa.

ॐ हां हौं शिवाय नमः oṃ hāṃ hauṃ śivāya namaḥ

Repeat along with me.

ॐ हां हौं शिवाय नमः oṃ hāṃ hauṃ śivāya namaḥ

ॐ हां हौं शिवाय नमः oṃ hāṃ hauṃ śivāya namaḥ

ॐ हां हौं शिवाय नमः oṃ hāṃ hauṃ śivāya namaḥ

ॐ हां हौं शिवाय नमः oṃ hāṃ hauṃ śivāya namaḥ

ॐ हां हौं शिवाय नमः oṃ hāṃ hauṃ śivāya namaḥ

ॐ हां हौं शिवाय नमः oṃ hāṃ hauṃ śivāya namaḥ

01:06:11 Now ... listen to Mahavakya. First Gayatri Mantra. Then Samaya Deeksha, Siva Deeksha Mantra. Then Mahavakya.

Om Nithyananda Paramashivoham, Om Nithyananda Paramashivoham, Om Nithyananda Paramashivoham.

Yes, now … we will gather back for mandala process. Mantra Deeksha is done successfully. Purnahuti (पूर्णाहुति, pūrṇāhuti) need to be done in Adi Kailaasa, Bidadi Ashram, Bengaluru Aadheenam. Once the purnahuti is done, we will start the mandala process. So … get ready for the mandala process.

With this initiation, I bless you all. Let’s all radiate with Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility, Enriching, Causing, Living Shuddhadvaita Saivam, Paramashivoham, The Eternal Bliss, Nithyananda. Thank you. Be blissful. 01:07:54

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Description: Shiva Deeksha Initiation Into Understanding You Are Paramashiva – Satsang Delivered by HDH Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam, on 23/Nov/2019

Number of People Participated

32776 participants today.

Number of Temples Participated

16 temples from all around the world participated.



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