December 05 2018

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Science Of Super Consciousness Coming To The West


05 December 2018 Nithya Satsang

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Science of Superconsciousness



||nithyānandeśvara paramashiva samārambhām nithyānandeśvari parāshakti madhyamām | asmat ācārya paryantām vande guru paramparām ||

I welcome you all with My love and respects. I welcome all the Devotees, Disciples, Samajis, Satsangis, Shri Mahants, Mahants, Thanedar, Kothari, Visitors, Viewers, everyone sitting with us all over the world. I welcome all of you with My love and respects.


Today, I have something very exciting to share with you all. Science of Super Consciousness, Paramashiva Vijnana is coming to the West and to the whole world. Listen. Literally Paramashiva is coming to the West and to the whole world to share Paramashiva Vijnana. Let Me describe precisely what I mean. When I was announcing about the persecution - Me and the Sangha going through for last 10 years, the kind of the support poured from all over the world; 1400 personal emails sharing time, treasure, talent or all three... land, using their good offices and getting supports, literally from every corner of the world... and still it is pouring!! Still it is pouring! I know, it is time for Paramashiva Vijnana, to reach the whole Universe; the science of Super Consciousness to reach the whole world. 1000s of acres land being donated, in various corners of the Planet Earth; literally every continent now we have property. Almost from all major recognized countries of United Nations, we have support pouring in. “Swamiji, establish the library in our country”, “Establish the Gurukul in our country”. I have decided - Paramashiva’s grace, with the blessings of Paramashiva, Paramashiva’s grace, He will appear everywhere. We will have 500 libraries, 500 Gurukuls all over the world; because the number of properties coming, the wealth being showered, people are just….even the people who say they don’t have wealth, they are saying, “I know how to get a grant. I am getting you 10 million dollar”. From everywhere so much support is happening. And it is time we take this Super Conscious science, Paramashiva Vijnana, to the whole world.


Just yesterday, I announced through the Adheenavasis, we are going to make a University in Los Angeles. We have identified a property... we are working on it... which can accommodate around few hundred people. We have also identified a whole city coming for sale in Nevada. The whole town is for sale in Nevada. We have identified few properties, where one property will be dedicated completely to men’s monastery. One will be dedicated completely to women’s monastery, nunnery. One will be dedicated to the householders, Grihasthas to stay. We have identified some of these can all take a look at few of the properties we are working - soon will become Kailasa, Paschima Kailasa, will become a place for this science to be taught to the whole world. [Video showing the properties played]


I wanted to tell you all, already 2 devotees have taken the responsibility to donate the properties I have shown you. They are going to work on those properties and raise the funds, whatever, whatever they need to be doing. They have taken the responsibility. All I wanted to tell you is, it is time we are integrated, authentic, responsible and enriching - Paramashiva Vijnana. This great science of Super Consciousness, Paramashiva Vijnana, Paramashiva has decided to take the whole thing to the whole world; Naturally His grace, His blessings, His decision wins. Understand. Now Kailasa comes to your place. Be very clear, most authentic, integrated, power manifestation science, this Super Consciousness science, is going to be brought to you. And as per the Hindu tradition, I am going to keep the University and Gurukul completely free of charge. I am going to maintain the economic policies of Paramashiva. Whenever we offer the spiritual knowledge and experience - it is free. Paramashiva gives a very clear economic policy – Brahmana has to share with the whole world whatever he has and live by begging, donations offered. So our whole Jnana Pada wing... means, the wing of the Kailasa, which is teaching and sharing spiritual knowledge and experience, that wing will function on this as a policy. We will share everything we have with the world and live with the donations received. And the same way - Vaishya, who gives his time, can raise money doing business. Selling the right things needed for society. Moral business, life positive moral business, is allowed for Vaishya. Kshatriya is allowed to administer without putting people in fear. Shudra is allowed to have money, earn for the work he delivers.

We are going to follow the same economic policies of Paramashiva. We are going to bring, we are going to revive spiritual legitimacy. We are going to revive and bring spiritual legitimacy, religious legitimacy, social legitimacy, cultural legitimacy, economic legitimacy, scientific legitimacy, moral legitimacy and ultimately political legitimacy - to Sanatana Hindu Dharma.


Understand. I am very clear, the doors are opening, Paramashiva is gracing; unimaginable doors are opening... from all corners. Time, treasure, talent, money, people are showering everything - unimaginable way. I really wanted to tell you all we are succeeding. We are successful in the mission we have taken up... Paramashiva’s grace. Whoever wants to have a Super Conscious breakthrough, now I am bringing the Kailasa to the country where you are, I am bringing the Kailasa to wherever you are, to your country; wherever you are enjoy this power manifestation science, science of enlightenment.

I am also opening the Living Enlightenment Graduation Program, free of cost to everyone. Science of manifesting Paramashiva’s state, space, powers, Being and Super Consciousness. All of you can enrol for this program online and start now itself. When the Campuses are ready, you are free and welcome to come and be in the Campus and have the education, experientially done. Understand. It is going to be experiential, not just knowledge. The power manifestation...Hinduism is basically enlightenment lifestyle. Please understand. It is not like a one day you get enlightened. You get enlightened in one second, no doubt, and then you live that lifestyle. That is Hinduism. All of you can experience this Super Conscious breakthrough now from wherever you are. I am opening the doors. I am opening the possibility for all of you to enrol, become full time Adheenavasi in your own country - including United States, Canada, Mexico, Australia, Portugal, almost every country. We are receiving property literally from every country - New Zealand, France, every country. You can start sending your application to become a full time Adheenavasi - Germany, Hungary, every country. You can start sending your application to become full time Adheenavasi, full time volunteer. You can start the online courses, especially the under-graduation Bachelors Degree in Living Enlightenment. You can start the lifestyle of Paramashiva - Living Enlightenment immediately. We have received properties till now from Austria, Hungary, Germany, France, New Zealand, Malaysia, USA, Canada and in US multiple places, Singapore. In US alone almost 25 places and it is still pouring! It is not yet over! Still pouring!


So from all over the world applications are welcome. I am opening the doors of Kailasa. You can fill the application for full time Adheenavasi, you can fill the application to become a Sannyasi, you can fill the application to become a Sannyasini, you can fill the application to become full time volunteer, you can fill the application to be grant writer and raising the funds as a Brahmanas. We live by begging!! So we share spiritual knowledge and ask people to donate, contribute. We live by begging! So you can become the grant writer and raise funds for these various projects. You can become Acharya in our University. You can study the higher courses and you can teach the initial level courses. You can be doing PhD and you can do … you can teach Bachelors Degree. For Bachelors Degree, you can be a teacher and you can be a student of PhD. All possibilities are open - all doors are opening.

We have a separate campus for men, separate campus for women, separate campus for householders with kids. And we are open for LGBT community also to become part of our sangha. LGBT community also is welcome to become part of our sangha, our community. Understand. Anybody who declares their integrity, authenticity, responsibility, enriching to Paramashiva, Sanatana Hindu Dharma, are welcome. We have lots of things to do. We need to build 500 libraries, 500 Gurukuls, where this knowledge, Sanatana Hindu Dharma, is protected, preserved and practiced, radiated, manifested, taught to the whole world. We have lots of exciting work to do; lots and lots and lots of exciting work to do. You can all send the email to ….whatever way you want to be participating. Fill the form at TINYURL.COM/APPLYGHU - GHU means Global Hindu University.


Start applying... whether you want to want to become full time Aadheenavasi or you want to become full time volunteer, you want to do part-time volunteering, you want to become a student in enlighten...Living Enlightenment Bachelors Degree. You want to become a teacher for Living Enlightenment Bachelors Degree, you want to become student of PhD; we are offering everything... you want to become grant writer and raise funds for the projects. You want to study from wherever you are and want to volunteer for all the digital websites - those projects or you want to do all these, everything, you can choose and you can have everything. You are free to do whatever you want. I am opening all the doors. You can all start enrolling, start registering. I tell you, it’s a real excitement to take Paramashiva’s mission to the whole world and help the humanity with a Super Conscious breakthrough, standing up for the Cosmic Constitution of Kailasa, reaching out to the whole world and standing up for Cosmic Constitution of Kailasa. I wanted to give you few minutes for you all to apply in this TINYURL.COM/APPLYGHU and Jnanatma has few more things to share with you all. She will share then we will continue the satsang.


Ma Jnanatma sharing


So welcoming all of you to be part of this great Super Conscious breakthrough spreading Enlightenment, the state, space, powers, Being and Consciousness of Paramashiva. And you are welcome to be a part of it in whichever way you want. I will recommend 33:47 doing/do be part in every way. That’s the best thing can happen to your Consciousness, your soul.

So with this, I bless you all, let’s all radiate with Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility, Enriching, Causing, Living Shuddhadvaita Saivam, Paramashivoham, the Eternal Bliss - Nithyananda.

Thank you. Be Blissful.



This Day HDh Baghavan Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam announces: "Today, I have something very exciting to share with you all. Science of Super Consciousness, Paramashiva Vijnana is coming to the West and to the whole world. Listen. Literally Paramashiva is coming to the West and to the whole world to share Paramashiva Vijnana. Let Me describe precisely what I mean."

Photos From The Day:

Uttamotama Seva

Sakshi Pramana:

Sharing from Power Manifestation

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