Rectum Cleansing by Enema

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Paramahamsa Nithyananda gives a deeper definition for the term “clean stomach”. He refers to our hormonal space, to the status of our hormonal equilibrium. When we experience the internal chemical balance, again and again, we create the alchemical shift to a physical state which embraces divine consciousness. This cleansing of our bio-memories – establishing a “clean stomach” – raises us into the zone of enlightenment.

In Master’s own words By keeping your stomach clean you will become enlightened. You don’t need any other practice. You do not need big pranayamas, kumbhakas, puja, yoga, work, karma yoga. Power, the power of solution feels smaller than the power of the problem just because of your stomach. Your body’s sickness, it has nothing to do with your mind, I tell you. You might have practiced controlling anger and lust for 35 years. If your stomach is upset, a little bit of food which does not suit your stomach is enough, all your 35 year practice is in the air. You will be screaming.

Whole thing boils down to your body’s hormonal situation, your body’s chemical space, balancing your body’s chemicals. I tell you, just keep the stomach clean.”

Enema is a fool-proof way to keep your stomach clean and cool. An Enema is a great way to stimulate a bowel movement, and clean the intestines to the lowest excretion tract.

Our stomach region is directly connected to our worries. It stores our thoughts, and root-patterns that limit us from experiencing the real jewels of our creative, potential energy. Enema, by clearing these residual matters helps us to experience health to the optimum. It keeps the navel center healthy, and worry-free, and cools the digestive system, the fire energy, ‘jataragni’ that is responsible for digesting food. When in imbalance, we experience indigestion, ulcers, allergies, to even chronic diseases.

When we take plain water enema, it removes all the facial matter completely. All the physical, mental, emotional disturbances are caused by toxins absorbed from these residual facial matters that are not removed by natural means. The energy flow in the body happens without any blockage. This also helps you to come out of many chronic diseases and skin allergies. Enema Materials required Complete enema set, water (normal room temperature) – 1200 ml Instructions Fill the enema container with clean water. With steady pressure, gently insert enema tip into rectum with a slight side-to-side movement, with tip pointing toward navel. Insertion may be easier if person receiving enema bears down, as if having a bowel movement. This helps relax the muscles around the anus. Do not force the enema tip into rectum as this can cause injury. You may even oil the enema tip for smooth insertion. It is not necessary to empty the enema container completely, as it contains more liquid than needed. Remove enema tip from rectum and wait until urge to evacuate is strong. When to Do? Daily Early Morning. Repeat, when you need to clean the stomach. R1.jpg R2.jpg R3.jpg