May 20 2012

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Bhagavad Gita (Song of God) is a timeless treatise on the essence of living enlightenment. The Gita was imparted by the enlightened Hindu incarnation Sri Krishna to the warrior-prince Arjuna over 5000 years ago. Amazingly, the spiritual wisdom and life solutions offered in the Gita are so universal and current that it is even today used as a personal transformation guide In today’s talk on Bhagavad Gita, Chapter 4 Verse 30, Paramahamsa Nithyananda (Swamiji) emphasizes the clarity of Sri Krishna’s teaching. Krishna does not leave any space for misinterpretation in his description of prana samyama, the practice of self-remembrance. If we do not achieve recollection of the self by offering all of our actions to the prana, we cannot even reap the rewards of ordinary life, never mind advancing spiritually! This practice is so fundamental to living a fruitful existence that without it we cannot even call ourselves alive. Once we establish ourselves in self-remembrance, everything awakens within us and life becomes juicy and vibrant.


Paramahamsa Nithyananda, emphasize, clarity, Krishna, teaching, practice, self, achieve, offer, action, reward, life, mind, spiritual, existence, establish, awaken, juicy, vibrant.


20th May 2012: Establish yourself in self-remembrance

Yesterday officially we inaugurated our center in Sri Lanka Matta Kallapa, Nithyananda Dhyanapeetam is formed officially in Sri Lanka in Matta kallappa. I have donated from Dhyanapeetam one crore rupee and in Ceylon money 2.5 Crore. It will soon be transferred legally to Sri Lankan Institution. I have already allotted, now it will be transferred. All our social service activities in Sri Lanka, mainly for the people who were affected by the war will start in full fledged way.

See, Tibetans are also persecuted but they lost their land. Tibetans lost their land but they survived by keeping their culture, spiritual tradition alive! Now, Sri Lankan Tamils also should do the same thing. You might have lost in the political war but don’t lose in the cultural war. Keep your culture alive, keep your tradition alive, keep your spiritual strength alive. Through that you can come back always! You can always come back.

See now Dalai Lama is having a big coming back. I hope and expect and bless Let Tibetans get their land back. Same way I assure O people of Sri Lankan Tamil, I assure - Keep your culture, spiritual tradition alive. You will get your land back.

And today, I have one more wonderful news for all you guys – 57 big organizations, not small, Big organizations are gathering today together in Madurai to have Madurai Adheenam Protection Committee. Please understand, 52 big organizations. Actually in that – one organization has 4300 organizations under them. So, totally around 4350 organizations are supporting us. Today they are all gathering to give a press meet.

And I’ve also one more good news for you guys – 400 people have taken up yesterday - the praana samyama. The praana samyama is now being practiced from day before yesterday by 400 people across the world and once you all complete the 21 days, I’ll initiate you all in hunger-free and thirst-free samyama and now I have been very successful in making your system function without losing energy or any basic things and without having food. I’m very successful in initiating people. We’ll be able to do it.

Let’s enter into today’s satsang, In Bagavad Geeta 4th chapter Jnana Karma Sanyasa Yoga 31st verse.

“Yagya-Shishtaa-Mruta-Bhujo Yaanthi Brahma Sanaatanam

Naayam Lokostya-yagnyasaya kutonyak-kurusattama”

Yagya-Shishtaa-Mruta-Bhujaha Yaanthi Brahma Sanaatanam, Naayam Lokosti yagnyasaya kutah anyaha kurusattama

The new translation “The one who experiences the state of imperishableness that remains after sacrifice moves to the state of external expansion but for the one that does not sacrifice even this ordinary life is not there. What to say about other worlds, other states of being, O best among Kurus.”

If you understand this one verse, you will iunderstand the impact of praana samyama on your life. Bhagwan is continuously addressssing about praana samyama in this verse also. He says “having tasted the nectar of the results of such sacrifices” – Please understand, here the word “sacrifice” means offering all your actions into praana – means being established into praana, the self-remembrance, even while you are functioning in all actions, even while you are doing all actions.

Bhagwan is continuing actually last 3 verses are on the same subject Praana samyama. He is telling you about the benefits and now he is telling - If you are not established in praana, self-remembrance, even this world you won’t get., what about the other worlds – forget about it. He is very clear. He is making it very clear categorically. Please understand – Sri Krishna have a very logical and systematic, strategic brain! He is not Bhole Baba, like Shiva. If you read whole Shiva Sutras, not a single instruction is categorical! He says, if you want meditate on the heart center. If not meditate on the agnya centre. If not – sit observing your breath. If you read the whole Shiva Sutras, it is all about options. Bhole babas always give you options. If not, do this. If not, do that. If you don’t even want to do that, all right do whatever you want. I will support you. But Krishna is not Bhole baba. He is clear! In the first sutra, he defines the process. In the next verse he says about the benefits. In the third verse “If you are not going to do this, what are you going to become”. Means categorical. He says about the plus, minus and the process. He is very clear. Bhagavad Geeta is very apt for common mass because he is very clear. Categorical.

Please understand, Bhagwan is very clear in this verse. He says if you are not going to establish yourself in self-remembrance, praana, you won’t achieve even this world. Then forget about other worlds, Higher worlds! Even this ordinary human world is not for you. He emphasizes on self-remembrance. Ordinary human beings want categorical instructions. In this Bagawan is very categorical. He says One who experiences this state of imperishableness by sacrificing all the actions into Praana, moves to the state of eternal explosion – Enlightenment. But for the one who does not establish himself in Praana, even this ordinary life, ordinary world is not there, what to say about the other worlds – impossible! So Bhagawan is very clear, categorically in this verse saying – Establish yourself. Establish yourself in a powerful Praana Samyama – Self Remembrance. You don’t even need to comment on this verse. It is very clearly. It says if you Establish yourself in Praana you explode into eternal explosion of enlightenment. If not even this world you won’t get it – forget about other worlds. That’s all! Nothing else. Over.

So even today I initiate all of you in to Praana Samyama, Please take up Praana Samyama. Now all of you just sit for few minutes. Let you all feel the presence of Meenakshi Sundareshwara.

Spot Notes: Sunday, May 20th 2012


Nithyananda Nagara Bidadi, LA Aruna, Seatt, New York Varan, London, Wash, New zeal, at, Houston, charllotte, dallas, Vancover Puri, toront, penang, tiru, sing, san jose, Hyderabad Bhagyanagaram, New York Varanasi, Ohio centre, phoenix Kanchipuram, Mattakallappu Illangai, Dacota dunes, studio city California, Dacota dunes, Austin. I welcome all of you with my love and blessings!

Yesterday officially we inaugurated our centre in Srilanka mattakallappu! Nithyananda Dhyanapeetam is formed officially in Srilanka Mattakallppu. I have donated from Dhyanapeetam one crore rupees and in Cylone money value 2.5 crores and it will soon be transferred legally to Srilankan institution. I have already allotted. Soon it will be transferred. All our social activities in Srilanka mainly for people affected by war will start in full-fledged way. See Tibetans were also persecuted. But they lost the land but they survived by keeping the culture, spiritual tradition alive. Now Srilankan Tamils also should do the same thing. You might have lost in the war don’t lose your cultural war. Keep your culture alive. Keep your tradition alive. Keep your spiritual strength alive. Through that you can come back alive. You can come back in a big way. See now Dalai Lama is coming back in a big way. I hope and expect & bless let Tibetans get their land back. Same way I assure, oh people of Srilanka I assure keep your culture, spiritual tradition alive, you will get your land back!

Gayathri Rao from German town, USA, Anand Singh New York. My blessings. I accepted both of your paada pujas. I will talk to you during Dial the Avatar. Anand Singh birthday blessings. You will have a happy, blissful, long life. You will be wit me, I will be with you. Blessings! Hyderabad Bhagyanagara blessings for your medical camp. Great!

And today I have one more wonderful news for all you guys - 57 big organizations big, not small, 57 big organizations are gathering today together in Madhurai to have Madhurai Aadeenam protection committee! Atlanta Ujjayini I accepted your glass tower as a gift for me. Blessings J

Please understand 52 big organizations. Actually in that one organization has 4,300 organizations under them! So totally around 4350 organizations are supporting us. Today they are all gathering here to have a press meet.

And yesterday I had a shocking information. See in Tamilnadu, oldest Aadeenam is Madhurai Aadeenam. Next to Madhurai Aadeenam there is one more Aadeenam that Tondaimandala Aadeenam. The present Aadeenakartar is my relative. My pre-monastic relative. This 13 Aadeenams in that 13 many are letter pad Aadeenams. Not even Aadeenams. When they passed a resolution against me, they added Tondaimandala Aadeenam name also. Yesterday I spoke to Swamiji – Tondaimandala Aadeenam’s Guru Maha Sannidhanam. He is 232nd. He said no, I did not sign in the resolution! And it is so unfortunate these aadeenams have entered into the illegal act of forging. Can you imagine? Because they released a memorandum with his name included. Yesterday Swamiji confirms and he is coming here for the Kanakabhishekam. He says I will give the press statement directly. Even now you tell the press. He has authorized me yesterday through the phone – you please tell the press tomorrow Tondaimandala Aadeenam did not sign. They have forced him to sign and he has refused to sign. He said – no, I will not sign. You guys are doing without getting into the truth. So yesterday he told me – you please tell the media publicly. Tondaimandala Aadeenam has not signed. In Tondaimandala Aadeenam’s name they forged the signature and released the statement. We have one more case to file. That’s it. That’s it! How dare they do it. They forged the signature of the oldest Aadeenam! Please understand this Aadeenam was revived by Tiru Jnaana Sambandar, that Aadeenam was initiated by Tirunaavakarasa Swamigal – Appar, another one great saint from Tamilnadu. The Tondaimandalam aadeenam is the next oldest aadeenam in Tamilnadu. Madhurai has 293rd I am 293rd. Tondaimandalam has 232. The present Swamiji is 232 Guru Maha Sannidhanam. That is also one of the oldest mutts. And I have invited Swamiji. Swamiji has agreed to come. He will be here for the Kanakabhishekam on June 5th. He was very happy to talk to me. He is conveying his full support! And he condemns the illegal act of signing in his name and releasing a statement in his name when he very clearly said he will not sign. It seems they forced him to sign. He said no. I don’t accept the ideas you guys said. I will not sign. He made it very clear. But in the statement you can see in the press Tondaimandalam’s name is added.

I have also on e more good news for you guys. 400 people have taken up yesterday the Praana samyama. The praana samyama is being practiced from day before yesterday by 400 people across the world. And once you all complete the 21 days I will initiate you all in hunger free and thirst free samyama. And now I am very successful in making your system function without losing energy or any basic things and without having food. I am very successful in initiating people. We will be able to do it.

Let us enter into today’s Satsang. In Bhagavad Gita, 4th chapter Jnaana Karma Sanyaasa Yoga, 31st verse -

“yajna-sistamrita-bhujo yanti brahma sanatanam |

nayam loko ’sty ayajnasya kuto ’nyah kuru-sattama ||”

The new translation – “One who experiences the state of imperishableness that remains after sacrifice moved to the state of eternal expansion. But for the one who does not sacrifice, even this ordinary life is not there what to say about other worlds, states of beings, oh best among Kurus!”

If you understand this one verse, you will understand the impact of praana samyama in your life. Bhagavan is continuously addressing about praana samyama in this verse also. He says having tasted the nectar of the results of such sacrifices. Please understand here the word sacrifice means offering all your actions into praana means being established in praana – the self remembrance even while you are functioning in all actions. Even while you are doing all actions. Bhagavan is continuing. Actually last three verses are on this same subject praana samyama. He is telling you about the benefits. And now he is telling if you are not established in praana – self remembrance, even this world you won’t get. What about the other worlds. Forget about it! He is very clear,

“yajna-sistamrita-bhujo yanti brahma sanatanam |

nayam loko ’sty ayajnasya kuto ’nyah kuru-sattama ||”

He is making it very clear categorically. Please understand Sri Krishna has a very logical and systematic strategic brain. He is not Bhole baba like Shiva. If you read whole Shiva Sutras not a single instruction is categorical. He says if you want meditate on the heart centre, if not meditate on the Ajna centre. If not, sit observing your breath. If you read the whole Shiva sutras, it all about options. Bhole babas always give you options – if not do this, if not do that. If you don’t even want to do what I am saying, alright do what you want. I will support you. But Krishna is not bhole baba. He is clear. In the first sutra he defines the process. In the next verse he says about the benefits. In the third verse he is telling if you are not going to do this, what are you going to become? Means categorical. He says about the plus, minus and the process. He is very clear. That is why for common mass, Bhagavad Gita is very apt for common mass because he is very clear categorically.

So Bhagavan is very clear in this verse he says if you are not going to establish yourself in self-remembrance – praana, you won’t achieve even this world. Then forget about other worlds. Higher worlds. Even this ordinary human world is not for you. He emphasizes on self-remembrance. Ordinary human beings want categorical instructions. In this Bhagavan is very categorical. He says one who experiences this state of imperishableness by sacrificing all the actions into praana, moves to the state of eternal explosion – enlightenment. But for the one who does not establish himself in praana, even this ordinary life, ordinary world is not there. What to say about the other worlds? Impossible. So Bhagavan is very clear categorically in this verse saying establish yourself. Establish yourself in a powerful praana samyama – self remembrance. This verse is so clear you don’t even need to comment on this verse. It very clearly says if you establish yourself into praana you will explode into eternal enlightenment. If not, even this world you won’t get it, forget about other worlds. That’s all! Nothing else over J

So I will stop with this move to the next part of the morning Satsang Dial The Avatar. I do want to request all the devotees start the praana samyama, even today if you want to start please begin the praana samyama. If you want to know about the praana samyama, go to our Youtube discourse day before yesterday I explained in a very detailed way about praana samyama, how to establish yourself in self-remembrance the praana for achieving enlightenment.

Even today I initiate you into praana samyama. Please take up praana samyama.

Now sit for few mintues. Let you all feel presence of Meenakshi and Sundareshwara. Let this powerful praana samyama awaken your Kundalini Shakti. Let you all experience the highest consciousness all the extraordinary experiences and energies.

Let you all experience Meenakshi Sundareshwara’s presence, let you are experience the praana samyama – established in the higher self, self-remembrance.

Today’s minutes to be entered in website is 70 minutes.

I bless you all who are sitting with us at this moment around the world in 1030 places through Nithyananda TV, in 27 places through 2 way Video conferencing having Nayana Deeksha, in 261 cities, 31 countries around the world! Let you all achieve, experience, live, express, radiate and share and explode the eternal bliss, Nithyananda. Thank you!

Photos From The Day: