March 16 2014

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In today’s morning Satsang in Haridwar, Paramahamsa Nithyananda shares an important truth – life is only worth living when we can make it as we want. We may think that it is impossible but that is only our SDHD (self-doubt, self-hatred, self-denial) talking because it is possible to have life how we want. Paramahamsa Nithyananda teaches the science of causing our own reality in the 21 day Inner Awakening program, where we can totally complete with our past and rewrite our future – making it just the way we want!


Paramahamsa Nithyananda, truth, life, living, self-doubt, self-hatred, self-denial, science, reality, Inner Awakening, complete, past, future.


welcome all the devotees, disciples, Samajis, Satsanghis sitting with us all over the world through Nithyananda TV, Lotus TV, Janashree TV, Eshwar TV, and two-way video-conferencing for Global Kalpataru Program in so many centres, ashrams, branches.

Cities sitting with us in two-way video-conferencing: Johorbahru-Malaysia, Guru’s Gate-California, New York-Varanasi, Sun Prairie-Wisconsin, Jenkintown-Pennsylvania, Wellington-New Zealand, San Diego-Tiruvalavai, Paris-Home Temple, Dubai-Vaidyanatham, Mulund-Mumbai, London-Kashi, Hyderabad-Gupta Kashi, Jorpati-Nepal, New Jersey-Omkareshwar, Warrington-UK, San Jose-Madurai, Houston-Kalahasti, Seattle-Chidambaram, Dhyanapeetam-Hosur, Washington DC-Sripuram, Vancouver-Bhubaneshwar, Toronto-Canada, Madurai Dhyanapeetam, Ohio-Prayag, Nithyananda Nagaramu-Hyderabad, Mattakalappu-Ilangai, Guadeloupe-Rameshwaram, Bala Sannyas Training Centre-Bidadi, Annanagar-Chennai, Bangalore-Hebbal Centre, New Zealand-Adi Arunachalam, Atlanta-Ujjaini, Auckland-New Zealand, Devon-UK, Oman-Sivagangai, Slovakia, Melbourne-Australia, Killinocchi-Ilangai.....................

I welcome all of you with my love and blessings.

Today, the Global Kalpataru Program. Especially, Guru’s Gate-California and New York-Varanasi, these two centres are going to receive direct Kalpataru Darshan. Means, physically they will get to talk to me. And all over the world, all the centres and ashrams are going to have Kalpataru Darshan today.

My blessings for the Nithya Dhyan Yoga happening in Annanagar-Chennai, and Inner Awakening Introduction happening in Vaniyambadi!

First, let me explain the Science of Kalpataru. Please listen!

Human life is worth living only when you can make it as you wanted. Please listen! There are some natural principles. How many philosophies may oppose these principles, how many religions may oppose these principles, how many gurus may try to suppress these principles – listen – these principles never get destroyed. This is one of the types of principles: Human life is alive only when you can make what you want. The fulfilment in life happens only when you make your life as you want. Either you try to complete it from the direction of causing what you want, or altering what you want. You can achieve Completion, fulfilment by altering what you want. And you can achieve Completion, fulfilment by achieving what you want.

Materialists are mad fools when they say only by achieving what you want you can reach Completion. Both of them are only one small part of life. Trying to change what you want or constantly trying to achieve what you want, neither these two can reach Completion, fulfilment. Bringing intelligence into what you want and bringing power to cause reality – please listen – bringing intelligence into what you want and bringing the space to cause what you want as reality, when you bring intelligence into what you want, awareness into what you want, that goes through a certain natural transformation what you want. Then create the space to cause that as reality. That is Completion of life. Both put together only is what I call the Science of Kalpataru: bringing intelligence in what you want, and creating a space for what you want as reality – listen – creating a space for what you want as reality.

In the whole life, whatever you want to cause as your reality, whatever way you want to rewrite your future, these two principles are very important. Whether you want to achieve health, whether you want to achieve wealth, whether you want to achieve enlightenment, or you want to achieve the Complete Completion, or you want to create whatever you want in your life, the science is these two steps:

· Bringing intelligence into your thinking, and

· Creating a strong energy space to cause what you want as reality.

Listen! Listen! In Kalpataru Darshan, I am giving you a glimpse of this science, helping you to complete with ONE desire, all the incompletions to be completed, and creating a space to cause that ONE desire into reality. In Inner Awakening, I am doing the same thing in EVERY FIELD of your life! In Kalpataru Darshan, I can say, you get the introduction. In Inner Awakening, it becomes life! But seeing Kalpataru Darshan, never think or under-judge Inner Awakening. Seeing in the bottle ocean water, you cannot imagine about ocean. Even though you can technically define, ‘Like this, lot of water put together is ocean.’, it can technically be defined, but it can never be imagined or visualized or experienced.

So, listen! Understand! Please listen! In Inner Awakening you get the whole science of how to make what you want as reality continuously. In Inner Awakening you literally rewrite your future! Means, literally, physically you are made to write what you want, and that is made as reality! Don’t live something written accidentally. Understand, when you are born, you wrote about your future not with a lot of intelligence; just with some known, few known information. But, now, so much of intelligence is available, knowledge is available, method is available from the Vedic Tradition. So, learn, learn and rewrite your future.

See, whenever something great happens, something great is introduced, naturally human mind says, ‘No, no, no. It seems too good to be true!’, because you strongly believe great things can never happen to you, good things can never happen to you. That is one of the biggest patterns with which you are suffering. That is why you can never open your eyes and see the great possibilities approaching you. You have such a strong Self-Doubt, Self-Hatred, Self-Denial, if some great things are opened up in front of you, you think, ‘No, no, no, no, is too good to be true!’ Please listen, all great things before experiencing look like “too good to be true”. Nobody ever believed before flying happened in Mumbai that human-beings can fly in such large numbers. Please understand, flying was not discovered by the Wright Brothers as it is taught in the West. One-hundred-and-ten years before the Wright Brothers, in Mumbai a Vedic Pandit, a Shastri (scholar) organized an aircraft, put it together based on the Vedic Tradition, the knowledge in the Vedas, and it was successfully was successfully flying! Unfortunately, at that time, we were slaves....and that Pandit and that aircraft both mysteriously got kidnapped! Anyhow! But there is a clear record and demonstration by this Pandit in front of those days’ kings. ! Till the Pandit proved that flying was possible, it was looking like “too good to be true”. Same way, till I make you do it, rewriting your future looks like “too good to be true”, because you are habituated for struggling, you are made to believe life is a struggle.

Please understand, you are struggling in your life in ten fronts: you want to drop smoking, you want to reduce your weight, you want to have good relations with your spouse, you want to spend time with your son, you want to take care of your mom, you want to take up two jobs to make ends meet. By the time you quit smoking, you start spending time with your son; by the time you start spending time with your son, your review in your career/job has gone down; by the time you rebuild your relationship with your wife, already you started junk food habit; by the time you are out of the junk food habit, you are there sitting with cigarette in your hand! Constantly you are fighting in multiple fronts. Even if you win in one, don’t think it is victory. Whether you lose, you lose; or you win, you lose! Please understand, whether you win or lose, you lose, because the struggling pattern itself is a failure!

Just go to the source of why you made life the way it is occurring now. Nobody else made it. When it comes to responsibility, I am an agnostic. Be very clear, when it comes to responsibility, I am agnostic; I even go to the extreme of saying “No God”! If He is there, don’t disturb Him! The mess is too much! Let Him rest. Please listen! No one else made it. It is YOU! YOU! So, first look in: Why this mess is occurring to you as life? Why life is occurring to you as such a mess or hell? Who scripted it? Who wrote it and why? Look in. Provide listening to you to get answers to these great questions. And once you know YOU wrote it the way it is, and WHY you wrote it the way it is, you need to know these two things EXPERENTIALLY: YOU wrote it; second, WHY you wrote it.

When you understand you wrote it, the bad news is, you are responsible; the good news is, you can rewrite it! Understand, when you know you wrote it, the bad news is, you are responsible, because you always try to enjoy by putting the responsibility on others. Everybody is very happy, comfortable, feeling convenient, almost cosy, happy to go on saying, ‘God made it’! Then you don’t need to do anything about it! It is almost like talking about the weather. Everyday people talk about weather, because they know they don’t need to do anything about it. Just sit....sip your tea and talk about the weather; because you know you don’t need to do anything about it. Don’t talk about your life in the same mood the way you talk about the weather. Whether weather can be changed or not, your life can be changed! Please listen! Whether weather can be changed or not, your life can be changed!

First, you need to understand that YOU wrote it. Second, WHY you wrote it this way. In the Inner Awakening, EXPERENTIALLY you will understand YOU wrote it, YOU are responsible, and you will also understand WHY you wrote it the way you wrote. When you know you wrote it and why you wrote it, now simply you know HOW to rewrite it. That’s all! In Level-1 of Inner Awakening, I make you understand that YOU wrote it, with the process of Completion with yourself. In Level-2, with the process of Completion with others, you are EXPERENTIALLY made to understand WHY you wrote it the way you wrote it. In Level-3, you are experientially made to understand HOW to rewrite it, and you rewrite it. That’s all! Who, Why, How, these three big questions! Who, Why, How – Who wrote it? Why it is written in such a way? How to rewrite it?

Somebody is sending me a question from the Global Kalpataru Program, a Global Kalpataru participant:

Q. ‘I am wanting to be in Inner Awakening for the past two years, but still I am not able to make it. If I wrote it, then naturally I would have written to come to Inner Awakening; but that is not the case. Please clarify.’

Please understand, first of all, you have not EXPERENTIALLY understood that YOU wrote it. Now you may say, because you heard it from me, ‘If I wrote it, then naturally I will be able to re-write.’ First thing, still you have not experientially understood that you wrote your life. And you also need to understand why you wrote it. Only then you will be able to rewrite.

Without knowing why you wrote you cannot rewrite. Because all the vested interest share-holders partners of your life have to be pacified and taken into consideration when you rewrite. You cannot just tell them to get out of your life because you decide to re-write. All the energies, influences in your life, you need to take them into consideration. And you need to know why you wrote the way you wrote – listen – why you wrote the way you wrote. Then, naturally, you will be able to rewrite.

The question is a very beautiful question that you are asking: ‘I have been wanting to be in Inner Awakening for the past two years. Still I have not been able to make it.’

Please understand, this must be a pattern in your life in every field, whether it is your health, or wealth, your job, your business, your relationships, everywhere. When you say, ‘I am wanting to be in Inner Awakening for the past two years. Still I have not been able to make it...’, it means “postponing” is one of the major patterns with which you are struggling and you wrote your life with that. Now you need to experientially understand that you wrote it by doing the Completion process with yourself. And by doing completion with others, you need to understand why you wrote it. And, please listen, only when you understand that you wrote it, and why you wrote it, the moment the experience happens in you, you will simply be able to rewrite. You will simply be able to rewrite!

Understand, look into your life. Whether it is your health, your financial position, your job, your career, your relationships, the amount of fulfilment you are feeling, or the Completion you are experiencing, everything, everything, you need to know YOU wrote it. And you need to look in and find out WHY you wrote it the way you wrote it. Then, naturally, simply you will be able to rewrite it! Simply you will be able to rewrite it!

Please understand, this whole Kalpataru Process is giving you a glimpse of realizing one desire. Inner Awakening is experience of realizing everything you want to cause as reality in your life and in others’ life. Please understand, in the Kalpataru Darshan, you receive one fruit. In the Inner Awakening, you receive the fruit garden for you to enjoy and share with others. I can say, you receive the source! You receive the source! You receive the source!

Inner Awakening is all about awakening yourself to the power of your inner-space where the life is occurring to you as you wrote, experientially making you understand you wrote it, and why you wrote it the way you wrote it, and helping you, experientially making you rewrite it.

With this, I will lead you into the process of Kalpataru to give you the glimpse of inner-space, the power of your inner-space.

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