April 16 2017

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In this video, filmed on 16 April, 2017, Nithyananda gives a once in many lifetimes invitation to become an Adheenavasi (full time residents) of Nithyananda Peetham, Bengaluru Adheenam. Sadashiva Himself is opening the gates to Kailash; YOU can be one of the blessed beings who lives with Him. http://tiny.cc/signup4sdashivatva Watch, share and like the video's and Subscribe to our channel to be notified of the next upload. click http://bit.ly/20j90wr to subscribe. Website and Social Media: http://www.nithyananda.org http://www.nithyananda.tv http://www.innerawakening.org https://twitter.com/SriNithyananda https://www.facebook.com/ParamahamsaNithyananda


Sri Nithyananda Swami, Paramahamsa Nithyananda, Nithyananda, Shaktipata, initiation, power, depth, god, life, cognition, source, liberate, thought current, core, Being, Hara Center, perceive, rutu, vasant ritu, energy, cognitive shift, culture, self-doubt, relationship, joy, ecstasy, boredom, tiredness, delusion, truth, soul, consciousness, possibility, enlightenment, power manifestation, Sadāshivatva, Sadāshiva, life negative, non involvement, shiva pooja, vishesha deeksha, liberal, vedanta, neo-vedanta, bilva leaf, prasada, sandal, guru, dhyana sloka, arunagiri Yogeshwara, AdiGuru, Parama Guru, meditate, shivaratri, struggle, mayamma, avadhoota, enlightened beings, samadhi, kanyakumari, darshan, divya sharira, parivrajaka yatra, devi bhagavati, devi, para shakti, adi shakti, tapas, extension, kailasha, maya matrix, shuddhadvaitam, nithyanandoham, shivoham, state, enlightenment pill, guru mandala.



aum nithyānandeśvara samārambhām nithyānandeśvari madhyamām | asmat āchārya paryantām vande guru paramparām ||

I welcome all of you, with My love and respects. I welcome all the Devotees, Disciples, Sadāshivoham Graduates, everyone sitting with us all over the world, through so many Aadheenams, Centers, Ashrams.


I am attempting a next level of Shaktipata. Next week, you are all going to have, the Initiation into the powers of Depth, through two-way Video Conferencing. Through two-way Video Conferencing, I am going to transmit powers first time. I think I am ready, I just need to prepare all of you. I know for sure, we will be victorious. We will win the game, I know for sure. Before that, I wanted to share few truths.



Please listen, very intensely.

Your Depth, what you perceive as You, which is the source of your experience of your world, your experience of your God, your experience of your Life, which is called Depth.

Listen carefully.

All your Cognitions put together, which is the source of your experience of your world, your experience of your God, your experience of your life. If you feel life is good, liberating or if you feel life is bad, suffocating, whatever, whatever. Your Cognitions, your Depth, is the reason and that is the source to give you the experience of life you have, for uou. That Depth, that Cognitions...listen. That Depth, that Cognitions, are bundle of cherished thought currents and memories. Let me repeat once more. Your Depth, your core, your being, your ‘hara’ center, which is the source of your life - how you perceive your life. Your Cognitions - you may perceive life is beautiful, good, liberating or you may perceive life is bad, cheating exploiting or you may perceive, life is good when I am good, life is bad when I am bad, whatever, whatever.


Whatever perceptions you may have, whatever experiences you may have….Listen very carefully. The Depth, which is source of your perceptions about life and the same way that is….that also acts like a magnet to attract various situations, persons, places, objects, in your life. It is not a dead ideas, it’s a living magnet. It acts like a living magnet. That magnet attracts certain persons in your life, certain situations in your life, certain places in your life, things, many things. It attracts.

Listen carefully, very important.

That Depth is made of your cherished thought currents and memories. The good news is, if you change your taste of what you cherish, the thought currents and memories, you can change your Depth, that’s a good news. The greatest news is always truth is sweet and tasty. Listen. Good news is, if you change what you cherish, the thought currents and memories, the Cognition changes. Cognition change happens in any common man with every Ritu. Ritu means season. Now Vasant Ritu has started.


This each Ritu, has a different flow in your energy. Within one Ritu, you can change your cognition. Listen to the next truth. If you start cherishing different thought currents, different memories, the cognitive shift will happen, cognitions can be changed, a better culture can be brought in your life, is a good news. The great news is truth is always is tasty and sweety. Listen. Truth is always sweet and very tasty. Anywhere you see something which not sweet or tasty, try to find out the depth of the truth in it, not creating self-doubt about it. Listen carefully. Whenever….listen intensely. Whenever there is something, which is not sweet or tasty, try to analyze how much of truth is in that and lies are in that, not focusing on the self-doubt, “ I think somewhere I am wrong.” Listen carefully. There are some places where you need to look in whether I am wrong or not - that is different, but here understand, I am sharing the science of cognitive shift with you. Just last few days, I was having session with our Gurukul kids. I was teaching about life and relationships. Understand.


Relationships are the most beautiful, sweetest thing in the life. When Sadāshiva declared, “Let Me become many and enjoy Myself”, it means He Himself has decided to enjoy, the joy of relationships, the ecstasy of relationships. Whenever you have a problem, difficulties, bitterness, boredom, tiredness, in the relationship - find out something other than the truth - ‘Delusion’ has entered the relationship. Relationship itself is not failure. The delusions entered into the relationships makes it tired, bored, sickening, suffocating. I was coining and using a new word called Sexless Intimacy, where you explore the soul of the other person. When you explore the body of the other persons, how long you will be exploring the same curves. You will be tired and bored. Husband and wife are the most intimate enemies. Tired and bored, sickening, but tied together. In Indian tradition, literally with 3 knots. If it ends just with the exploring of the body, it will be most tiring, sickening, boring relationship. And then you will start looking around to explore various bodies, different bodies. Sometimes you may not even stop with the other gender. No, that is where all the perversion starts. Not even other gender, you will not even….you may not even stop with human beings.



The problem here is, you do not explore the souls. The intimacy need to be extended, to explore the other person’s Being, the Soul, the Consciousness, the thought currents, memories, the effect thought currents and memories creates in the other person and in you, if the exploring starts little deeper, deeper than the skin, deeper than the color of the skin. The Indians are obsessed with the color of the skin. Oh!.....I think this is the country, which is most cheated with this fairness products. And whole…..all the fairness products is dubuk, understand. You need to know that. D U B U K alright have double K - D U B U K K . Anyhow, if exploring goes little deeper than the skin to the level of thought currents, memories, taste, interest, then deeper than that, conscious journey together towards the higher possibilities, enlightenment, power manifestations, Sadāshivatva, then the taste and depth of the whole relationship goes to the next level. Understand. When you are sick, tired, bored, in relationships, try to look where the delusions has entered. Exploring just the curves of the body alone is not relationship, if you stop there I should call that as delusion. I should call that as non-involvement. I should call that as life negative. Whatever I am sharing now, I am preparing you all for Power Manifestation. Manifesting Sadāshivatva. I don’t care…..some fools call Me - Sadāshiva, some fools call Me…..and dash, dash, words.


Sometimes without Depth, even if you call Me as Sadāshiva, you are a fool because you are cheating you and you are trying to cheat Me and you think you have mastered, you can cheat Me, you are a fool. I have seen people, “Oh Sadāshiva, I surrender to you.” “Alright, stay back and attend Sadāshivatva.” “ No, no, no, I have urgent work.” “Next.” Listen. Depthless words also are stupidity, because it gives you false courage - you can cheat Me. No! You can cheat you, not Me.

If you think you can cheat Me, that’s the worst cheating you are doing to you. Listen. Depthless actions are you cheating you. Depthless actions are you cheating you and when you bring depth in your actions, simple morning Shiva Puja is enough, you will be in Shaktipata whole day and night. 7 minutes is too much time. If you are doing Shiva Puja and whole day Shaktipata is not happening, something is seriously wrong with your Depth. Look into the Depth.


Where? Where is it missing? And if you are not even doing Shiva Puja, forget about it. I am not talking to you and you are here as accident, quickly go out as early as possible. I am not interested in talking to you. Listen. No, I am making it very clear. I am working with very serious people and I wanted to tell you guys - I do expect you to have Vishesha Deeksha and do Shiva Puja every morning at least 7 minutes. It doesn’t take more than 7 minutes and I am also very clear - I am not at all interested in stupid, liberalistic, religious ideas, “God is everywhere, if you just remember him that is enough.”

This liberalistic religious ideas…..has it liberated even a single fellow?

Liberalistic liberal ideas, imported and inserted into Hindu tradition, by Max Muller, and that chunk of perversion is called Vedanta - Neo Vedanta. The modern day Neo-Vedanta is nothing but….I don’t use the word, “ BS,” because that is very sacred in Hindu tradition. Third rate liberalistic religious views and ideas, downloaded and very cunningly implanted into the Hindu tradition, through the methodology of so-called “translation,” by the Max Mueller, is chunk of Neo-Vedanta, modern Vedanta.


I told them, our...My library people, “ Don’t even keep Neo-Vedanta books in My library because they smell too bad.” Even the books smelled too bad. It is Neo-Vedantic ideas, “ God is everywhere, just remember Him and He is peace. He doesn’t need the water you are pouring or the bilva leaf you are putting or the prasada you are offering.” Bloody, who said He needs? You need!! You need to eat that bilva leaf, you need to eat that prasada, you need to eat that sandal, you need to drink that puja water, which has….which is mixture of all this great things, for your brain to be stable. Even I am not saying, “ He needs,” but I am saying,” You have to do the Puja.” Understand. There are thousands of stupid act you are doing in your life, thinking - you will get pleasure or some result, are you getting or what? All in those places you do not have a great liberalistic life views. Your logic does not analyze, “Is it useful act? Am I wasting time? Or am I using my time properly?” But when it comes to 7 minute Puja, almost your 24 hours of logic rushes and starts doing acid wash, “ Oh! 7 minutes!! If I wasted my life and I don’t even know, when what will happen. Will he really appear? Does he just receive the Puja?” I tell you….actually I am not even interested in convincing you about Puja, I am only interested in bringing Depth to your Puja, because My scale of working has become now different. I am shifting. Forget about the fellows who are not even convinced about Puja, then you go to many liberal Gurus. There are lot of liberal Gurus. Google in the internet and go there and….free Me. So I am very happy.


Let me come to the people who are initiated disciples. After all, the LSP is the time I spend with initiated disciples. This is the talk I am giving for the Initiated, who are already interested, who are committing, who are entering. Please listen. Let me talk to you. Bring Depth in you Puja, for next one week. I’ll make you experience powers of Depth, by next week. It’s My commitment. Just for the sake of bringing Depth, do Puja at least 2 or 3 times this one week. It is for you to become more and more aware and to bring Depth into it, means remember when I say bring Depth, what I mean - for example - you pick up the flower, and try to meditate on Sadāshiva with a Dhyana Sloka, Arunagiri Yogeshwara, with a Dhyana Sloka. Understand. Arunagiri Yogeshwara is not Adiguru for you, He is Parama Guru for you. Understand. Sadāshiva is not Adiguru for you - Guru for you. When you keep the flower and meditate, literally bring Him to your inner space. Spend few seconds, few minutes, remembering what is described in the Dhyana Sloka. Not liberal Puja. What is liberal Puja, you know? - “Aye! What is going on there? Pick up the phone call.” Boys do liberal Puja. Legends do Shiva Puja.


Don’t do this February 14th Puja. What is February 14? Trying to throw rose in every possible corner. That is what is February 14 Puja. Try to throw rose in every possible corner, let’s see what hits whom. Boys celebrate February 14th. Legends celebrate Shivaratri. Bring Depth to your Shiva Puja. See, bring Depth to your actions and thought currents in every level is required. I want to start with your Puja. If you are not even initiated into Shiva Puja, now I am giving you all initiation. Whoever wants to take, I am giving. You are all initiated, start today. This one week, I am asking you to do 2-3 times. Do once in the morning. Do once in the noon. Do once in the night. Do 2-3 times. That will be certain Depth in you and I commit with you, I’ll make you manifest powers of Depth by next week, next Sunday. Next Sunday, I’ll make you manifest powers of Depth. I’ll repeat once more - What is Depth? Depth is your cognitions, bundle of cognitions, which is responsible for how you perceive your life. Good - bad, right - wrong, whatever, whatever. How you perceive your God, “ Oh good God, bad fellow, not at all caring about me, tortures me. No, no, no, He test but doesn’t give up,” various cognitions. You may have source of that cognitions, is Depth. Good news is the thought currents and memories you cherish, can change your Depth. Great news is you don’t need to struggle to cherish the highest truth and change your Depth because truth is very tasty and sweet.


I gave the example. If the relationships are felt as torturous and suffocating by you, understand and try to look in where the delusion has come in between in your relationships. Why, it is boring, tiring, torturing, suffocating? Look in! Look in! I am suddenly remembering a beautiful incident happened with Mayamma. Mayamma is one of the...a great Avadhuta. Avadhuta means the ecstatic Enlightened Beings. She is one of the great Avadhuta, lived in the modern times. Her samadhi is in Salem. She lived in Kanyakumari.

Once I had her darshan, not physically, in Divya Sharira she appeared. I wanted to narrate that incident, so you will understand. During My ParivrajakaYatra, I went to Kanyakumari, had darshan of Devi Bhagavati, ParaShakti, AdiShakti, doing tapas towards Sadāshiva. A most sweet and intimate expression of Devi. So after darshan I came out and I heard about this Mayamma earlier itself so, I wanted to go and see the place where she used to be roaming around. On the beach only she used to be roaming around. I had an idea, “If I came during the time she was in the body, how nice it will be and how beautiful I would have had darshan of her.” Suddenly, I could see the whole shift in the cognition, I actually not that I saw her, I was moved to that time zone. Listen. Listen, listen carefully. You are here in the present and having darshan is different. Just move to the time zone and seeing actually how she was when she was, is different. I experienced the Depth of Mayamma. That very space, in which she was roaming around. She was a great Avadhuta. Avadhuta….Avadhutas don’t wear clothes. They don’t wear anything because they feel body itself is a cloth. I still remember, what is cognitive shift? Because at that moment, the whole thought current, understanding, idea, everything shifted to what she is. Her space.

Listen. Darshans come and go. Cognitions comes but never goes. The cognitive shifts comes but never goes. It never went away from Me. I can go to that space any time I want or I should say extension of Me is always in that space continuously.


Things done in Depth level, whether cleaning up of your relationships, cleaning up of your health, cleaning up of your wealth patterns, cleaning up of your completion, incompletion, anything done in that level does not go away. Stays forever. Stays forever. I tell you, a non-committed person, even thousand years if you guys live together, it’s only called boyfriend - girlfriend. Same way, a person who is not committing to Initiation, even if you stay in this same hall thousand years, you are only a visitor. Neither disciple nor devotee. Because commitment changes your cognition. Understand. Commitment changes your cognitions. People who die with the pride of their skin colors, are the most cheated human beings. They may think they cheated others. It is not true. They are the most cheated. People who die with the pride of their wealth, are the most cheated because all that is not going to be useful after death. People who die with the depth of understanding - what is Depth, are the best beings who used human body and life. In every level, Depth changes your existence. Depth changes your existence. Furnitures, you can get best if you do window shopping and then buy, but not Gurus and Enlightenment.

When you are window shopping, suddenly one window will open and just ‘shop’ you – He is your Guru. After that you can’t shop anymore. Essence of what I want to convey through today’s LSP session - Bring Depth in you. I can push you to the next level of manifesting powers and Sadāshivatva. This one week, do at least 3 times Shiva Puja, 2 or 3 times. If you can do even 4-5 times nothing wrong. It’s not over dosage. Relax! And all the things which you’ll do bad if you do over dosage, you’ll do that. But when it comes to Shiva Pija, “Is it not going to be over dosage…..?”

Nothing is over dosage. Even if you can 4-5 times, nothing wrong.

Bring Depth to your Puja – means do real Puja not just………So add Depth to your Puja, this one-week, next LSP, you are all going to be initiated into the Powers of Depth.

Understand. Powers of Depth, powers of Depth does not mean just you will move coconut. You will crack and seal not just coconut, even your spouse head. You can crack the head of your spouse and put an idea you want and seal it back. How cool it is!! And the funny thing is, he or she is going to act out those ideas. So I have great news for you guys. Come back next week. Now I know many will do Shiva Puja. One week Shiva Puja is okay to avoid regular puja.

A newly married girl goes to mother and cries, “Yesterday night, there was a bitter fight between me and my husband.” Mother consoles,” It’s okay that is usual in the family. Husband and wife fight. That is part of the life.” “Oh, that is okay, but what to do with the dead body, tell me that.” So that is called Shava Puja. Better do one week Shiva Puja to avoid Shava Puja. Bring Depth to your Puja. I’ll see you next week, to initiate all of you into the Powers of Depth and of course last but not least, My invitation to all of you for Sadāshivatva.

Doors of Kailasa is opening for people to jump out of the Maya Matrix and Kailasa is calling, Sadāshiva calls you. Sadāshivatva is calling you. So….and I tell you one secret, always My first programs are best programs. Whether it is Inner Awakening or Shuddhadvaitam or Shivoham or Nithyanandoham or Sadāshivoham or now Sadāshivatva. So, if you are blessed one to taste the first programs, you know what it is and don’t miss this one more first program, first opening to Kailasa and ‘the’ program for the Beings who wants the space in the Kailasa. I am not selling real estate of Kailasha, I am selling real state of Kailasa.

Understand. I am not selling real estate, understand, I am selling real state. So that’s it for now, get ready for Depth initiation and please bring your Enlightenment Pill and Guru Mandala, everything. Next, Guru Mandala and Enlightenment Pill, both for the next week LSP session.


So with this, I bless you all, let’s all radiate with Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility, Enriching, Causing, Living Shuddhadvaitam Saivam, Sadāshivoham, the Eternal Bliss - Nithyananda.

Thank you.

Be Blissful.


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