March 06 2004

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The Big Bang Darkness Meditation || Part 1 || NSC || 06 March 2004


Name Of The Convention - Nithyananda Spurana Convention Session on - The Big Bang Darkness Meditation Part 1 Venue - Oklahoma, USA Date - 06 March 2004

This video is an excerpt from the Nithyananda Spurana Convention conducted on 06 March 2004 in Oklahoma, USA. Here HDH #Nithyananda Paramashivam guides delegates through a special meditation process, to work on darkness dimension and experience the Big Bang of the blackhole in our Ananda Gandha Chakra from the macrocosm to the microcosm which brings tremendous healing in the inner space.

The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam His Divine Holiness Nithyananda Paramashivam (HDH) is the reviver of #KAILASA - the ancient enlightened civilization and the great cosmic borderless Hindu nation. Revered as the incarnation of Paramashiva - the primordial Hindu Divinity, HDH has a following of 2 billion Hindus worldwide with de facto spiritual embassies in over 150 countries. He has worked untiringly for over 26 years for the revival of Kailasa, for global peace and to give super conscious breakthrough to humanity. He has survived the worst persecution of multiple assassination attempts on person and on character by anti-Hindu elements. He is collecting, organising, preserving, time capsuling, decoding, spreading and reviving 20 Million source books of Hinduism and the 64 sacred arts & sciences like Ayurveda, music, dance, sculpting, astrology, vastu and much more. Close to 20,000 hours of HDH’s timeless talks have been recorded till date (Sep 2020), which are a treasure trove of powerful cognitions to solve individual and global problems of any kind.

Video - The Big Bang Darkness Meditation || Part 1 || NSC



Etheric body, etheric layer is a black hole. The outer three layers are physical. Inner three layers are spiritual. This is the bridge. Some, actually, generally 90% of the people once they leave the physical body they can’t come back but rare case, till the etheric body they can come back. That is what you were asking, “Many people who are dead, they come back. How is it? How is it possible?” They all express the same experience of this blackhole. This blackhole only I call it as Ananda Gandha Chakra, Ananda Gandha Chakra. Have you heard of the blackhole theory? The whole universe just merges in one dot and that dot also become nothing!


Somebody asked Me, “How...where is Ananda Gandha Chakra?” I always tell them, “There is a balloon. In the balloon….your body is like a balloon”. Can you get a balloon? If you have it, then we can show. Where all your energy centres merge and meet, that only is Ananda Gandha Chakra. If you resist this blackhole, this can be taken as a depression. If you accept and go inside, the same will become a rejuvenation energy, the rejuvenating place. Understand, this blackhole is such, automatically you have a inborn tendency like Srishti and Pralaya. Srishti means creation. Pralaya means destruction. Srishti is a Big Bang. Pralaya is a blackhole. Everything merges in one point.


In your being also, everyday you undergo Srishti and Pralaya- the upper and lower graphic. Upper graphic is Srishti- your enthusiasm and excitement to work. Pralaya means to relax, to settle down. Understand? Sometimes you are excited, enthusiastic, want to jump, do everything, shake the whole world. Let us do revolution. Sometimes you just want to rest, relax, don’t want to do anything. But what you think: the laziness or the relaxation is always condemned by the society. A guilt is created in you about relaxation and laziness. Immediately you start resisting the Pralaya. You start resisting the Pralaya or shrinking, but unless you allow the Pralaya to happen, again Srishti cannot happen. You missed the subject. If you resist the Pralaya...Pralaya means destruction, you will be resisting the Srishti also, creation also.


So if you know how to go into that relaxation mood, how to move, how to cooperate that mood of relaxing, the mood of shrinking, then you will know how to expand. If you cooperate with the mood of shrinking, then the same shrinking will become a rejuvenation force like a sleep. In sleep you are rejuvenated and come out. If you do not……(Swamiji holds a balloon and draws six horizontal lines on it and a circle at the top). See, understand, if your body is this balloon, little fat, no problem. Here is Mooladhara. Here is Swadhisthana. Then Manipuraka, Anahata, Vishuddhi, Ajna and Sahasrara. Imagine, this is your body. This is your body where the seven chakras are there. Where is Ananda Gandha Chakra? (Swamiji bursts the balloon) It is here. Where the whole balloon went and merged, Ananda Gandha Chakra is here. The blackhole is here. The etheric layer is here. The whole thing merges.


Can you say now where is blackhole in this universe? Where is etheric layer in this universe? In your body? No. He is showing here, here. No. Nowhere. It just merges there. You cannot say anywhere. In the healers initiation, the etheric layer will be….the Ananda Gandha Chakra will be opened. We work on the Ananda Gandha Chakra only. It will be initiated. Then people feel the continuous energy flow in them. With that energy only they heal. This is spiritual; that is material. The blackhole is drilled. Of course, only Enlightened person can drill the Ananda Gandha Chakra.


Participant: Swamiji is it the same as the dark energy the scientists are talking about? Swamiji: Hmm, in cosmos, in macrocosm, microcosm. Microcosm and macrocosm is one and the same. Pindanda and Brahmanda is one and the same. Brahmanda is macrocosm; Pindanda is the microcosm. Pindanda is the miniature of Brahmanda. That’s all. That is why physics and science...physics and spirituality, they relate with each other so much. Today doctor brought and gave Me one book... Of course, I will explain to you all about the basic philosophy which is explained in that book and how the spirituality co-relates with it. When he is here, tomorrow I think he may be here. I will explain so that every point by point I will relate with him. I will tell him, make him tell and I will tell how the spirituality relates.


If you resist this blackhole, if you resist the shrinking mood, you name it as a depression. You always have a hatred towards relaxation and resting because of social conditioning. So you call it as a depression. Once you name it as depression, you start resisting with it. You can never come out of depression by fighting with it. You can come out of depression only by cooperating with it. Because that is your part and parcel. Can you win your shadow? If you fight with your shadow what will happen? That’s all. If you fight with your depression, that is what will happen. You reach a low mood. If you allow the depth to happen, the height will happen to you. Peak and the valley. Height of the peak and depth of the valley is proportionate to each other. If you allow the valley to happen to you, you will have the peak to happen to you.


There is a beautiful tantric word called peak or the valley orgasm. If you allow the valley to happen to you, only then you will allow the peak also to happen to you. How much you resist the valley, that much you will resist the peak. So if you know how to move with the blackhole, this etheric layer, whenever your body wants rest, your mind wants rest, you will immediately understand, “Yes, etheric layer is now working. Let me not resist. Let me not name it as depression. Let me allow this to rest. Let me allow this to work.” Meditating...yes?


Participant: Swamiji, does the seven chakras somehow correlate with….? Swamiji: No, no, no, no, no. No, no, no. In the first three layers, in the one layer itself all the seven chakras are over. So it’s totally different. It is much, much, much, far higher and superior things. Meditating on the darkness….not only meditating, becoming darkness. You see, darkness is the original nature of the whole universe. So when you disappear into the darkness, then you will simply be able to fall into the dark hole, blackhole and you will be able to come out of it also... The same blackhole if you resist, it will become a depression. If you cooperate, it will become a rejuvenating power. You will go in and get rejuvenated, come out. If you resist, not entering into it or not letting the blackhole to happen to you, then you will call it as a depression. Then you will call it as some disease. You will will start going for the psycho-analyst, which is never going to end.



The Big Bag Darkness Meditation || Part 2 || NSC || 06 March 2004


Name Of The Convention - Nithyananda Spurana Program Session on - The Big Bang Darkness Meditation Part 2 Venue - Oklahoma, USA Date - 06 March 2004

This video is an excerpt from the Nithyananda Spurana Convention conducted on 06 March 2004 in Oklahoma, USA. Here HDH #Nithyananda Paramashivam guides delegates through a special meditation process, to work on darkness dimension and experience the Big Bang of the blackhole in our Ananda Gandha Chakra from the macrocosm to the microcosm which brings tremendous healing in the inner space.

The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam His Divine Holiness Nithyananda Paramashivam (HDH) is the reviver of #KAILASA - the ancient enlightened civilization and the great cosmic borderless Hindu nation. Revered as the incarnation of Paramashiva - the primordial Hindu Divinity, HDH has a following of 2 billion Hindus worldwide with de facto spiritual embassies in over 150 countries. He has worked untiringly for over 26 years for the revival of Kailasa, for global peace and to give super conscious breakthrough to humanity. He has survived the worst persecution of multiple assassination attempts on person and on character by anti-Hindu elements. He is collecting, organising, preserving, time capsuling, decoding, spreading and reviving 20 Million source books of Hinduism and the 64 sacred arts & sciences like Ayurveda, music, dance, sculpting, astrology, vastu and much more. Close to 20,000 hours of HDH’s timeless talks have been recorded till date (Sep 2020), which are a treasure trove of powerful cognitions to solve individual and global problems of any kind.

Video - The Big Bang Darkness Meditation || Part 2 || NSC



Let us work on the Black Hole, on the darkness. Let Me explain. It is a direct meditation technique. Let Me explain... I will be guiding you into a meditation. You will sit inside a dark cave and meditate. In meditation, you will be sitting inside the dark cave and meditating. You will be meditating as if you are meditating inside the dark cave. You understand? Hmm? You will be meditating as if you are sitting inside a dark cave and meditating. You understand? So darkness covered by darkness. Tamasena tamasavrutaaha: Darkness covered by darkness. There is a beautiful technical term, a Sanskrit term which explains Dark hole in sanskrit. In Vedas, dark hole is, about dark hole there is a mention ‘Tamasena tamasavrutaaha. Antena tamasavrutaaha:’ The darkness was covered by darkness. That is what they call it Black hole.


So, let you totally be covered by darkness. Let you totally disappear into the darkness. Your breathing, movement, everything, let it totally disappear into the darkness. Once if you know how to relax with this darkness, you will not be afraid of death. You will not be afraid of sleep. You will have a deep sleep. Now unconsciously you are afraid of sleep. That is why you continuously get dreams. Let us work on this Black hole, on this darkness. Any doubt? It is actually way to the next layers. Now if we work deeply, tomorrow it will be easy for you to go layer by layer. Please tie the ribbons.


Devotee: Can You explain the technique? Swamiji: I will be guiding you. I am explaining in a short form. You will imagine yourself sitting in a cave, dark cave meditating and total darkness. Darkness covered by darkness and you will be totally merged, immersed in the darkness. I will give you the instruction. You need to exhale your thoughts. How to exhale your thoughts? This is a beautiful technique. Not only now, whenever you want to exhale your thoughts, you can practice. Just chant Ooo. Ooo. Let Me show you. Just exhale your, all the air through mouth chanting Ooo. Let Me show you.(Swamiji chants Ooo) Whole air should totally come out through your mouth with the Ookara, with Ooo. Then automatically body will inhale. Don’t bother about the inhaling. Again start exhaling. Do it sincerely with full speed, with full sound. Deep sound and full speed, exhale everything. That will do. That will exhale all your thoughts. Close your eyes.... Start chanting the Oookara. Oooo... Exhale through mouth as deeply as possible. Exhale through mouth as deeply as possible.

(4:36) to (8:24) meditation in progress


Start imagining you are entering into a deep forest in the dark night walking alone. Come near a tall mountain. Slowly you find a cave, dark cave with a small entrance. Clearly visualise you are entering into the cave. You are closing the cave with a big rock. You are totally alone. You are sitting to meditate. Sit inside the cave which is totally dark, pitch dark. Darkness covered by darkness. Meditate on total darkness covered by darkness. Inside the dark cave you are sitting and meditating on darkness covered by darkness, total dark. Breathe darkness in, hold darkness in, breathe out the darkness out. Let you be totally filled with darkness, dark colour. Your body, mind, whole being is filled with darkness. Just darkness. Total darkness.

(11:26) to (13:27) Meditation in progress


Darkness covered by darkness. Meditate. You are meditating inside a dark cave on darkness. Breathe darkness in, hold darkness in, breathe out darkness out. Feel as if you are in the mother’s womb, in your mother’s womb. Your original state, your original state is darkness covered by darkness.

(14:19) to (18:33) Meditation in progress


Meditate deeply on darkness covered by darkness. Visualise yourself sitting inside a dark cave and meditating on darkness covered by darkness. Relax into this darkness. Disappear into this darkness.

(19:09) to (19:49) Meditation in progress


Om Shanti shanti shantihi. Slowly, very slowly come back. Open your eyes.



The Seven Etheric Layers || Part 1 || NSC || 06 Mar 2004

Link to Video:



For every ASP, first session will be on rules and regulation. In NSP, on no rules and no regulations. These two days, you are going to come out of your conditionings, seven layers of conditionings. We are going to work on seven layers of your being, seven etheric layers. Of course, intellectually you will not learn anything. There will be no discourses, only techniques, only techniques. ASP is more like a, for any newcomer it is like introduction but NSP is for more committed crowd, people who really want to go deep into their life, into their being, into their living energy-the energy which makes you alive. It is totally techniques... and techniques which is more sincere, techniques I don’t want to use the word seriousness. It is not serious, more deeper but more funny. You will not learn anything. You will unlearn lot of things. That is the main thing of this NSP, the Nithyananda Spurana.


There are one or two more things which I want to tell you. Nithyananda Spurana is not the higher course of ASP. It is totally different. You cannot compare or expect anything from that course to this course. It will be totally a different experience. It does not even need your cooperation. It doesn’t need your presence. It needs more the master’s presence. In ASP, you need to do lot of things. Here if you allow the things to happen, that is more than enough! You need to relax more. You need to let go more. You need to open up more. The techniques are more like opening your layers, opening your beings.


As you all think, don’t think you have one being. You have so many layers of being. ASP can be called as a meditation program. This can be called as a ego operation. It will be more like a direct experience. That is the reason I made the ASP as a compulsory to do the NSP. If you have not done ASP, there are few I think who have not done ASP. Please put your whole effort. If others are putting 100% effort, you please put 120%. Only then you will be able to have the experience. 120% effort not to put effort, because that is the difficulty. We always put efforts. The difficulty is to relax. Here you are going to open up, put your 120% effort to open up or relax.


It’s more like a ego surgery as I told you. It’s more like a attending everyone’s problem. In the ASP, you all will be meditating. I will be sitting and giving instruction but here, every person’s, including the postures, the way to sit, I will be coming round and guiding. So everyone will have a chance to interact. In ASP, ASP you can very easily escape because the crowd is more and some two-three can do. (Swamiji listens to a devotee’s remarks) Ha yes, yes, not some, many. You can always escape. It’s like a ...there is a small story:


Once a king wanted to make a milk lake: lake filled with milk. He told, he informed the whole city, “All of you should bring one potful of milk and pour it in this lake.” Next day, he saw the whole lake is filled with water. Actually everybody thought, ‘All others are going to pour milk. If I pour water, what is there? Nobody is going to know. Nobody is going to know.’ Same way, everybody thought and same way, everybody poured. Next day morning if you see the ocean...if you see the lake, lake is filled with water. In ASP, you can do that. It is very easy but here, you need the no other way. Everyone will be directly attended because the whole day, we are going to practice only the meditation techniques. No discourse. Discourse means, ten minutes you can listen and ten minutes you can dose off and meditation also, ten minutes you can do, ten minutes you can dose off.


It’s easy to escape and with NSP, it is impossible! It is more like a...everyone will be participating and one more thing, ASP all techniques are one and the same. Any group, already I have done 52 ASP in last one year. Hardly 2-3 weekends which I was free. All over the world, 52 ASPs are already done in one year and 70 mass meditation camps. In some of the mass meditation, even thirty thousand people have attended, has happened. ASP everywhere the same technique but Nithyananda Spurana has got three levels of techniques, three set. So according to the group involvement, either you will be graded as A or B or C. So it is up to you to decide what benefit you will have from Me.


Devotee: Is A better than the C? Swamiji: (laughs) Yes, surely. I will explain few things about the mystery work... You see, the inner growth is just like a chemistry. The inner growth or your Enlightenment is just like a chemistry. If you add A+B and keep it in certain temperature, the component C will happen. The same way, if you add the exact meditation technique and add your sincerity and keep it in the presence of the Master, that is the temperature, the component C Enlightenment will happen or the spiritual growth, the ultimate flowering can happen. It is just clear alchemy process. Like a chemical process, it is called alchemy process. It is just alchemy process. The whole group, the whole group will become one. Whole group will become one energy. That whole, the collective energy will be pushed inside the spiritual presence or the spiritual energy.


Somebody commented, “If ASP is 1%, NSP is 100%” because it is more like a, whole boat will be pushed inside the ocean. Whole boat will be pushed inside the ocean. So I request all of you to put your effort to relax. All of you are requested to put your effort totally, collectively and you see, for onlooker, I have a program always-ASP. If you want to be an onlooker or if you want to test Me, if you want to know about Me, ASP is always there. You can come but here, I do not want any onlookers. I wanted a serious, committed seekers. I am tired and bored of onlookers. I tell you, with what feeling I tell these words, you don’t understand. I am tired of onlookers. So much we will be working from our side but from that side, the other side, you will see, the whole thing will look like a casual joke for the people. So I am tired of onlookers and people who want to just… the casual visitors.


At least for Nithyananda Spurana, I don’t want any casual visitors. I want a total committed seekers. That’s what I say, NSP is money back guarantee! Either you have’s a solid thing. You must, everyone must have experience. I wanted to design a program, that is what...Nithyananda Spurana is a brain child of My desire to create a program where cross section of the humanity can have the experience. Anybody who enters inside should have the experience. Of course, ASP is also designed that way only but it is to give a glimpse. Glimpse is not enough. Glimpse is not enough. I wanted you to penetrate the deeper layers of your being. I wanted you to have solid experience. Not only you will not forget, the experience should not forget you! Not that you will not forget that experience, the experience should not forget you. I wanted such a solid experience to happen in everyone of you, in each and everyone of you, a total transformation. The whole course is designed just for the total transformation.


We are going to work on each major layers. If you see, we have more than twenty one layers in our being but the major seven layers only we are going to work but those major seven layers itself will penetrate other minor three layers. We are going to work on desire, guilt, depression, fear and every major things, very not only practically, esoterically. The methods, it is not even actually technique because they are so esoteric, so deep, it is not even a technique. The techniques which we are going to use in this program are not designed or given by any other religions. It is totally taken from one set of school through which I became Enlightened. It is more like My personal experience which is the techniques or methods which I am giving to you all, it is taken from one tantric school, one tantric thought. From that thought, through which I Myself became Enlightened. So it is more like a alchemy process or the alchemy work.


I wanted everyone of you to be committed totally to have this experience, to have this glimpse of divine, glimpse of the inner energy. Before that, few things you need to understand. Here we are going to work on the desires, work on the guilt, work on the pains. So many times, you may have some desire, some guilt, some pain for which you are not able to find solution and now, the best chance or the best way to get the solution is from Master. Master is here. Don’t miss the chance. Open it up. What is that which obstructs us to open? The fear of privacy. ‘If I open up now, so many are there. Next day when they come to temple, they look at me and laugh. They will talk behind the back!’


In India, after the food, they will chew the paan. Chewing paan, betel leaf, betel leaf, betel leaf. If you simply chew the paan, it will not be tasty. Along with the paan, if you chew others’ head also, the news “Who has ran away with whom? Who is having affair with whom? Do you know, the opposite house I heard they are not taking any dowry. Is there any problem with that boy?” If you don’t take dowry, there is some problem with the boy! From morning till night, it’s a habit to chew others’ head or to speak about others : collecting information and spreading information. If you want to spread any news in India, don’t do anything. Catch one woman and tell and take a promise that don’t tell others. Take a promise please don’t tell others and she will tell to others and she will also take a promise please don’t tell others. Then she will go on spreading.


Of course, we should be ashamed but not only we are not ashamed, even after Me telling this much time, you will see in the gap time, people will be sitting and talking. I assure you. The gap time, you all will be sitting and talking about somebody else. I can be sure. It is such a, it’s habit like itching habit. If you itch, it is very blissful... That is the worst habit. Now, I wanted everyone of you to take the oath whatever information you listen from others, because everyone is here to open and get their wounds healed. Is there anybody who has come without any wounds? Then you can sit here. This is the seat for you. If you have really come to heal yourself, to open your being, get some solutions, find some way to escape from your old being, to transform your old being, then you are welcome.


Everyone of us are here to open up and get the best or maximum from the Master. So why not all of us have a clear oath? Whatever you hear from others...first of all try to avoid hearing. If at all if you hear, please take a oath you will not talk about it, think about it, spread about it after going outside. You will not look at that person low or high based on these informations. Do you understand what I say? Unless you take this commitment, you take this oath, each one will have the fear to open up. Each one will have the fear about others. You are afraid of she and she is afraid of you. Finally who is going to miss? The whole group is going to miss.


Once you open up, last time... asked beautiful questions which is very basic necessity for life but the group is such, I told very clearly. I think I very clearly told, “The group is such I cannot answer all these questions.” Of course, I am very happy she is very honest, straight to ask the questions. There are so many questions which is eating our head inside, which is eating our head. Not only eating our head, eating our whole being, eating our whole being. Not only questions, guilts, worries. You do not even know because you are automatic suppression mechanism. The in-built suppression mechanism puts everything inside and locks. There is a big, pandora box. If you open, not only dinosaurs, I don’t know what all will come out. There are so many things which you have put inside and continuously suffering. You put everything inside and you sat on it. It’s like sitting on a volcano. Don’t think you are sitting on a carpet. You are sitting on a volcano actually!



The Seven Etheric Layers || Part 2 || NSC || 06 Mar 2004


Name of the Convention : Nithyananda Spurana Session on: The Seven Etheric Layers Part 2 Venue: Oklahoma City, OK, USA Date : 06 March 2004

In this video, The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism, Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam, His Divine Holiness, #Nithyananda Paramashivam (HDH) talks about the village where He was born and raised. He also narrates His experiences in the Himalayas as a teenager. HDH explains how guilt is an energy clot, like blood clot, and can lead to any kind of diseases.

Come learn from The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism how to come out of pain, fear and guilt.

The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam His Divine Holiness Nithyananda Paramashivam (HDH) is the reviver of #KAILASA - the ancient enlightened civilization and the great cosmic borderless Hindu nation. Revered as the incarnation of Paramashiva - the primordial Hindu Divinity, HDH has a following of 2 billion Hindus worldwide with de facto spiritual embassies in over 150 countries. He has worked untiringly for over 26 years for the revival of Kailasa, for global peace and to give super conscious breakthrough to humanity. He has survived the worst persecution of multiple assassination attempts on person and on character by anti-Hindu elements. He is collecting, organizing, preserving, time capsuling, decoding, spreading and reviving 20 Million source books of Hinduism and the 64 sacred arts & sciences like Ayurveda, music, dance, sculpting, astrology, vastu and much more. Close to 20,000 hours of HDH’s timeless talks have been recorded till date (Sep 2020), which are a treasure trove of powerful cognitions to solve individual and global problems of any kind.

Link to Video:



I think by this time, you all know basically about My life, a small introduction. I am born in a very small village, not even a town. The total population of that village population when I am born is thirty thousand. Of course in India, thirty thousand means it is nothing. Hardly few streets, few streets. Only three buses used to enter the village. Three bus means only three automobiles, no car. The whole village doesn’t know anything about car. Nobody has, nobody had own car. Only three common buses will enter the village. First bus means I have to go to school. Second bus means middle gap, afternoon lunch. Third bus comes, school is over. That is our routine. That much only I know because the bus sound will be heard all over the village. The horn can be heard throughout the village. Only that much, that is the total size of the village.


That is the village I am born and first of all, I have not studied anything. If at all I have studied, according to the law or the education system, SSLC they say, 10th. After 10th, the three year diploma. This much only I studied. Then by that time, before finishing the diploma itself, I ran away twice to Himalayas and somehow, this way, that way, I finished the course and as soon as I finished, before My results came... in India if you write exam, after three months only results will come. Immediately after writing the exams, I ran away, escaped to Himalayas and throughout My life, I stayed in the hillocks wandering all over the India, staying in various esoteric groups, monasteries where I saw different, different, different kinds of Masters.


I have seen a man who has not taken any food or water for one year. I have seen a man who used to cover his whole head inside the mud for three days. I have seen a man who will use that ganja, ganja means you know? He will have a small pipe. Inside that he will put many copper coins and put the ganja and after smoking if he empties up, all will be gold coin and he will sell it and again purchase ganja. I Myself have seen these type of persons. I have stayed with them. I have seen a man who will stand and talk to you but if you put your hand, your hand will go inside his body. Mahavatar Babaji. He will stand and talk to you. You will see him as you see Me but if you put your hands, your hands will directly penetrate his body. It will just go and come back. With various kinds of people, various kinds of yogis, various kinds of tantrics, it took years of tapas to become Enlightened.


Of course, after the Enlightenment, nine months I was in that same ecstasy. I never spoke or moved anything. Then 2003, last year January 1st, the Dhyanapeetam Ashram is inaugurated. When the Dhyanapeetam was inaugurated, that’s what yesterday I was telling in the temple. First time I requested. When the Dhyanapeetam was inaugurated, I said they all, some of our close devotees told, “Swamiji, please request all the devotees to help the Ashram. I said, “What? Help the ashram? It is a divine mission.” I said, “It is not that I am requesting, the very starting of the Dhyanapeetam, hereby I declare that Dhyanapeetam will be done, not that request all of you that Dhyanapeetam should happen, here that I declare that Dhyanapeetam will be done. That is the way it is declared. Of course, not out of ego but I know that it is a divine mission. There is no need for any outside help. It will just happen. That’s what I was telling you yesterday in the temple. First time I requested to make the temple as reality to put the effort... Dhyanapeetam is inaugurated. This is My second visit.


We will all take a clear oath. Not only you will take oath, trust that others are trusting you. Not only you will trust others, you will trust others trust you. So, only if you totally open up, if you put your effort to open up, the surgery can be easy. How much you open up, that much the knife will go inside. One more thing, if you make this whole scene, if you sit here without fully involving or without putting your effort, not only you will not benefit, you will be a dead weight on the whole group. Please understand, not only you will not be benefitted, you will be dead weight on the whole group. Imagine a building with four pillars. If one pillar is broken, not only that building will not support the...the pillar will not support the building, it will be dead weight on the building. It will pull the building down. So you will be a dead weight on the group because the whole group is going to be just pushed inside the meditation, pushed inside the energy. So I wanted everyone should have the experience and the techniques are also such, unless you enter into experience, the next technique will not be practiced.


A small story: Once a Moorg, Moorg you know, our character. He started singing in a public program. He sang a beautiful, famous song. After the song is over, the whole crowd shouted, “Once more, once more.” He again sang. Second time also “Once more, once more.” Again he sang. Third time also they shouted, “Once more, once more.” No other way. Crowd is asking, he sang. It went on ten times. Then he got some doubt. Asked, “Why are you asking again and again. If you let me, then only I can go for next song.” Somebody from the crowd got up and said, “Unless you sing it properly, we are not going to leave you. We are not going to let you to enter into the next song.”


So unless you do the meditation properly, you will not be let to enter into the next meditation. In ASP, it is option; in NSP it is compulsion. Unless you have the experience, unless you go deep into it, we will not move to the next meditation. So it is like a commitment to the whole group. Put your whole effort. If you have done ASP, put 100% effort; if you have not done, put 120% effort. It is more for the committed seekers, committed seekers. If you have...that is why I always tell the people of curiosity and doubt, ASP is more than enough but this is for the people who want to have the experience.


There are two types of crowd always: common mass and committed seekers. ASP is for common mass. Anybody can get in. Anybody can ask and anybody can...whether they can, if they do it or not, it is their responsibility. ASP is like a buyers market; NSP is sellers market. So understand, ASP is the buyers market. Anybody can get in. Anything whether you do it or not, nobody is going to bother. It’s like a initial glimpse but here I wanted everyone should be totally involved in everything with full effort, letter and spirit. Please follow the both-letter and spirit. First thing we will do is, all of you please take a oath whatever we speak or we share, everyone will be sharing their life, everyone will be sharing their personal life, everyone will be opening their guilt or the desire or the fear.


Last time, we had beautiful moments. So many persons coming out of their guilts because there are so many guilts. Just because you do not know the reason, you see, guilt is a energy clot, energy clot. Have you heard of blood clot? Just like a blood clot. If the blood clot is there, not only the blood cannot move, unnecessarily some portion of your nerve, your circulation will be blocked. Blood clot is more or less like a disease and if it is allowed without attended, it can grow into any disease. Guilt is also just like a blood clot. It is a energy clot. Your very growth, your very life can be blocked just by one or two guilts, just by one or two guilts unless you work on it, unless the surgery is done on it. It will not be possible to move in the further life. So it is like a chance for everyone of you to work on your guilt, on your fear, on your desires, on your pain, even on your joys. We are going to work on everything. So unless you have a total relaxed feeling with everyone, you will not be able to open up. You will not be able to speak out. You will not be able to tell your problems.


Many people tell Me, “Why should I tell, Swamiji? You know everything.” Telling is not for Me knowing. I know but you will not know what is your problem. Most of the time, I encourage the people to tell not for Me knowing, you do not know your problem. Please be very clear. Now when we work layer by layer only you will understand how many problems and how many sickness is inside you but you do not even know because we have beautifully decorated all the our wounds with a beautiful silken robe and golden jewelry and put little scent, start doing arati. That is what we are doing. Totally covered with silk robe and gold jewelry, little bit of scent also. Best scent and then doing arati, worshipping it. Most of our wounds we have covered. Not only covered, we have sealed it and inside, pus and not only pus formation, even worms are there. Only when you open up, look into yourself, you will be able to understand how many things are inside, how much you need to clear it out.


That is what I say, it is more like a ego surgery and you yourself do not know how much is inside. Unless you feel totally comfortable, relaxed with everybody, you will not be able to open it or you will not be able to verbalize it. Unless you verbalize. You see, without you verbalizing also, I know but you will not know. Unless you know, transformation is not going to happen. Just by Me knowing, transformation is not going to happen. By you knowing only transformation is going to happen. So let you take a sincere, honest commitment or the oath not to go out and speak or not to go out and spread the information which you receive about others and never to exploit or never to look down somebody just because of these information.


Please close your eyes. Understand, you are an individual taking the oath... Collect your mind. Take a solid oath... ‘Whatever news or information I receive, see, listen, hear, I will not use them in any way to spoil their name or I won’t look down them honestly. Yes, you can open your eyes. In ASP we worked on seven chakras. Here we are going to work on seven layers. It is like a seven overcoat. That is why you are not able to relate with reality directly.



The Seven Etheric Layers || Part 3 || NSC || 06 Mar 2004


Name of the Convention : Nithyananda Spurana Session on: The Seven Etheric Layers Part 3 Venue: Oklahoma City, OK, USA Date : 06 March 2004

In this video, The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism, Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam, His Divine Holiness, #Nithyananda Paramashivam (HDH) talks about the village where He was born and raised. He also narrates His experiences in the Himalayas as a teenager. HDH explains how guilt is an energy clot, like blood clot, and can lead to any kind of diseases.

Come learn from The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism how to come out of pain, fear and guilt.

The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam His Divine Holiness Nithyananda Paramashivam (HDH) is the reviver of #KAILASA - the ancient enlightened civilization and the great cosmic borderless Hindu nation. Revered as the incarnation of Paramashiva - the primordial Hindu Divinity, HDH has a following of 2 billion Hindus worldwide with de facto spiritual embassies in over 150 countries. He has worked untiringly for over 26 years for the revival of Kailasa, for global peace and to give super conscious breakthrough to humanity. He has survived the worst persecution of multiple assassination attempts on person and on character by anti-Hindu elements. He is collecting, organizing, preserving, time capsuling, decoding, spreading and reviving 20 Million source books of Hinduism and the 64 sacred arts & sciences like Ayurveda, music, dance, sculpting, astrology, vastu and much more. Close to 20,000 hours of HDH’s timeless talks have been recorded till date (Sep 2020), which are a treasure trove of powerful cognitions to solve individual and global problems of any kind.

Link to Video:



Devotee: What is Spurana? Spurana? Swamiji: Flowering, flowering, fountain. Ananda Spurana means bliss flowering. Nithyananda Spurana means eternal bliss flowering. If you feel uncomfortable, you can sit on the chair, no problem. Feel comfortable. That is the main thing. Don’t think by sitting below you will get more energy. Comfortable is the...comfort is the best thing... We will start... Why I designed this course, how this program started I will tell you. I actually saw one person’s death, he leaving his body, after Enlightenment. After Enlightenment I saw...all of you can listen, then you can write.


I saw a person dying... The compassion or the feeling which I had at that time is the seed which has made Me to create this whole program, because the pain which the person who is dying undergoes is unimaginable. Let Me explain the death as it happens, as it happens. I tell you, this is from My solid experience. If you believe Me at all, if you trust Me at all the words which I uttered, words which I said, till now you have heard many times, many things from Me. If that has helped you in your life, any of you feel really that something has helped me in my life, then you understand these words. Of course, I don’t have a video clipping, proof or a certificate to prove what I say but these are ultimate truths which I experience. Not only I experienced, from many other persons who are experiencing, I am collecting from everybody and presenting it to you.


When a person dies, he suffers a tremendous pain. Imagine if half inch if you are cut by a small blade, how much of pain you feel. Six feet you will be just teared from your body. There is a sloka, one thousand scorpions if they bite you at one time, what will be the pain? That will be the pain at the time of leaving the body. When I left My body in last janma, I did not have any pain. Just like a sword being removed from the...sword being removed from the sheath, I came out. My memory of death and the happening of other person’s death is so totally different, so totally different, I felt why such big difference? In ASP, so many people come and tell Me the experience of that death meditation, death experience meditation... Alright, if you do that death meditation... If you have done ASP, then you will understand the experience of what I say. Otherwise, just at least put your effort to grasp it by words. What I am trying to express by words, put your effort to grasp.


I saw the difference between My death and their death: why so much of pain, why so much is happening. Actually, as long as you are in the first body, the physical body, the whole world looks like a four colour movie. Everything looks in a four colour way but the spirituality, meditation-all these things looks in a very dull, double colour, only black and white. We don’t feel they are too important. We don’t feel the necessity of the inner world. We don’t feel the necessity of spirituality because the whole thing looks in a very dull way. That is why, so many ….and in the same city, if actor from Bollywood if he lands, you know the crowd. You know the….whatever may be the entry fee, you know the crowd but now, Swami from Bangalore lands and you know the crowd. Why? It is not that they are doing some mistake. That is the way mind works. This looks in a four colour way; spirituality looks in a two colour, black and white way but when you leave this first body, actually you leave body by body. You leave layer by layer.


When you leave the first body, the whole physical world will start looking in a two colour, black and white and the spiritual field will start looking in a four colour. The whole emphasis will change. The whole view itself will change. Please be very clear. I am not preaching any morality. I am telling from My experience. Why My death was so smooth and these people’s death is so difficult and you know, everybody enters into coma, enters into deep agony and pain at the time of leaving the body. Deep agony and deep pain into the time of leaving the body. Whatever wealth, whatever outworld comforts you may have, only till the layer of physical body. When you cross the first layer, actually your energy leaves you layer by layer. It takes around twenty one hours totally to get disconnected from your body to the soul. Totally three kshana only death happens. Death happens in three kshana. In three kshana you leave the physical body. That is the maximum time. Three kshana only you take.


Kshana does not mean second. Please understand one more thing. Kshana means, it does not mean second. Kshana means the gap between one thought and the other thought. If you are a meditator, your kshana can be ten hours. If you already know how to live without the thoughts, how to exist without thoughts, your gap between one thought and the other thought can be ten hour or twenty hours. If you understand this one thing, you will be able to understand the time concept, vedic time concept: the time concept of mystics and time concept of scientists. If you sit with your close friend, you do not even know how time flies. If you sit with your enemy, every moment feels like eternity. That is why hell is always called as eternity. It is not that chronologically it is eternal. Just for one life sin, how can you be punished eternally? It is not chronological eternity. It is psychological eternity. It is psychological eternity.


If the thoughts are too much, crowded, if the traffic is too much, kshana can be even much, much lesser than a second. If the traffic is very free, if the traffic is like a LA, kshana can be much much lesser than a second. If traffic is like Oklahoma, kshana can be more than a second. Kshana does not mean a second. It depends on the traffic of your mind: the distance or the time gap between one thought and the other thought. If you know how to handle your mind, you can exist just without thoughts. Then your one kshana means it can be even one year. That is why in the Hinduism, there is a concept. For devatas, our one year is one day. Our one year is one day for devas. Have you heard of it? Our one year is one day for them. This is the idea. Kshana. Kshana is different and second is different.


When you leave the body, it takes only three kshana to leave physical body but to leave the, all the layers, it take hours and not only that, you undergo a severe agony and the pain because so much is blocked in every layer. It is like your whole life you will see in fast forward. Whole life you will see in fast forward like a slide by slide tak, tak, tak, tak, tak. All the major things of your life will fall like a slide. Just like a slide it will fall. As long as you are associated yourself with the physical body, the world looks like a four colour image. You never worked on the other six layer bodies. You never worked on the other six layer bodies because all other six layer body matters, the spiritual body matters looks like a two colour-black and white and this looks like a four colour. Not only four colour, not even 2D, not even 3D, now 4D has come!


In Universal studio, they showed the 4d Shrek. Shrek 4D. Not only 3D, they sprinkled some water and the chair moves. The whole experience is given-4D. The outer world looks like a 4D but all other six layers looks like a two colour- black and white. That is why we never bother about these six layers. We never put our effort into these six layers. We never work on these six layers. I tell you, it is from My honest experience. I have no other word to inspire you more to work on these six layers. If you work on these six layers, I have no, I have nothing to gain. Please don’t think I have My own investments. The intellectual mind thinks, ‘To preach all these things, Swami may be having His own investments, His own interested ideas.’ But here I am giving you the open truths.


There is a verse in the Tantra. Before starting the tantra, it says, ‘Don’t give this knowledge to a person who is not ready to receive. If you give, not only he will not understand, you will also be mistaken.’ I do not know how to check whether somebody is ready or not. I am opening it up. If you really understand, try to understand because there are few things which has not yet become facts we were sharing. There are so many things have become facts but there are so many things which has not become fact. He was telling Me beautifully that Lamas, the amount of food which they eat and the amount of energy which they produce is logically not at all relating with each other. They eat so little but they produce so much of energy. Logically it is not connected. These are all truths but not yet become facts. So what I tell you also is truth but yet to become fact. Of course, sooner or later it will become fact.


As long as you are associated to the physical body, the whole world looks like a 4D, four colour and other layers look like a black and white. Why, even in your dream, if you just fall in the dream, the whole world is dark, dull. Only the dream scenes are alive. You respond, react, to the dream scenes. Just like that, when you move from layer to layer, the whole scene, the whole thing totally changes. In the other layers, when you cross the first body, from second body onwards, the spiritual moments, the moments of meditation, the moments of spiritual experience, they become four colour and the outer world things become two colour. Outer world things become ordinary, dull, dead. Then only you undergo a severe pain because you never worked on these layers. You do not even know what is there in those layers.


It’s like a one football is there. Twenty persons are standing in a room and all the twenty are kicking from this side to that side, that side to this side, this side to that side. What is the state of that football? The same thing happens to you when you cross the second layer. When you cross the second layer, the same thing happens. One side, your strong desires are kicking you. The other side, your strong guilt is kicking you. Third side, your strong pain is kicking you. Fourth side, your so-called joy is pulling you down. The same thing which happens to the football which is being continuously kicked by twenty-thirty people inside a room happens to your being when you cross the second layer, third layer.


I felt so deeply, I simply melted down when I saw the scene. Next scene I saw, when I melted, of course whenever I melt, I feel My energy spreading. The compassion is healing energy and whenever I heal somebody, I just give My love and compassion. Compassion is the solid energy. Love is the solid energy. When I felt compassionate and loving, I saw that being getting healed, energy being flooded towards every layer of that person and being getting healed... After that only, I decided if a man can work on these seven layers when he is alive, how big or how great this opportunity is or how grand this thing is, how great help it will be. This is the greatest gift any human being can have!



The Seven Etheric Layers || Part 4 || NSC || 06 March 2004


Name of Convention: Nithyananda Spurana Session on: The Seven Etheric Layers Part 4 Venue: Oklahoma City, OK, USA Date : 06 March 2004

In this video, The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism, Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam, His Divine Holiness, Nithyananda Paramashivam (HDH) talks about how when death happens in the presence of the Master, the agonizing process of exiting the seven layers of the body becomes smooth and painless. So, what is keeping us away from the Master? It is the worldly attraction, which at the time of death loses power over us.

The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam His Divine Holiness Nithyananda Paramashivam (HDH) is the reviver of KAILASA - the ancient enlightened civilization and the great cosmic borderless Hindu nation. Revered as the incarnation of Paramashiva - the primordial Hindu Divinity, HDH has a following of 2 billion Hindus worldwide with de facto spiritual embassies in over 150 countries. He has worked untiringly for over 26 years for the revival of Kailasa, for global peace and to give super conscious breakthrough to humanity. He has survived the worst persecution of multiple assassination attempts on person and on character by anti-Hindu elements. He is collecting, organizing, preserving, time capsuling, decoding, spreading and reviving 20 Million source books of Hinduism and the 64 sacred arts & sciences like Ayurveda, music, dance, sculpting, astrology, vastu and much more. Close to 20,000 hours of HDH’s timeless talks have been recorded till date (Sep 2020), which are a treasure trove of powerful cognitions to solve individual and global problems of any kind.

Link to Video:



If a man can work on these seven layers when he is alive, how big or how great this opportunity is! This is the greatest gift any human being can have. Of course, you may not understand the value. You may not understand the value of your decision of being here on working on this layer as today itself but at the time of leaving the body, I know for sure, everyone will feel tremendous gratitude because you will be just walking. You will not be kicked. You will be just walking because the whole scene will come in front of you like a fast forward tak, tak, tak, tak, tak, every slide of your major decisions, major life, major moments and every slide will try to pull you and push you. It will be a terrible pain in ordinary sense but once….ha yes?


Devotee: What will happen to those who die in accidents? Swamiji: Ha yes, for them also. Physical body they leave in three kshana but leaving whole layer it takes long time. Leaving physical body they do it in three kshana, over! Whether you die by committing suicide or murder or regular death or accident, three kshana you leave the physical body. Then only the whole movie starts. Yes…


Devotee: Is it only better to be around Master... Swamij: Yes, that is the greatest gift a man can have. That is the greatest gift a man can have. If you see our ashram project, there is a project Muktidham. We are creating a project. In the last phase of time, not only the elderly people, even the people who are declared they have a cancer which can never be healed. Doctors have declared hardly he will be alive only two-three months more. Even that type of people we want to help. If they can leave the body at the presence of the Master, physical pain itself is so much reduced by the presence of a Master. So much of healing happens physical level itself. Then how much of healing happens in the deeper layers? In deeper layers, little energy is enough and in the deeper layers, presence of the Master is deep. Why? Now which stops you to have My presence?


Your attraction towards the outer world. That only pulls you back or keeps you down. At that time you will not have any attraction because everything is valueless. All your Benz, all your bungalow, all your car, you cannot even sign the will. Nothing will be valid and the whole thing will look in black and white. Then automatically you will see the attachment to the Master or attachment to the Guru will be so deep, you will simply melt into that energy. Of course, we are already doing a project to stay inside the energy field in last phase.


Once...the two kinds of patients: people who have become old, elderly people and the second thing, people who are declared by doctors as they will live for one month, two month, few months. For them also it will be the greatest service and this is the greatest benefit a man can have. Of course, this we cannot give it to everybody but working on the layer when you are alive itself can be given to everybody. If you work on this layer, you can walk royally. That is why it is called Rajavidya Rajaguhya Yogam. The ninth chapter of the Gita speaks on this subject Rajavidya Rajaguhya Yogam. The royal path. That is one more chapter fifteenth chapter: Urdhva moolam adah shakham Ashwatham prahuravyayam


Anyhow, I will tell all these things in a much more simpler way. Whenever I utter Sanskrit slokas, people will get frightened, ‘O, we don’t understand. We do not know.’ Don’t think that way. I will give it in a very simple way. Whatever we may have, our power, position, intellect or intelligence or the wealth, everything loses its value when you cross the first layer. So automatically your whole being gets attracted towards the Master. That is what happens at the time of leaving the body. Anyhow, now itself if you work on these seven layers, you will have the royal way. You know how to just walk through the seven layers. The greatest art which you should learn, not even art of living, art of dying. If you have learnt art of dying, only then you can learn art of living.


Unless you learn art of dying, your life is waste. Unless you learn art of dying you cannot learn art of living also because dying and living is a two sides of the same coin. Unless you learn the art of dying, you cannot learn art of living because every moment you are dying. You emphasize only on the moments of living. You don’t understand the arts of, in the moments of dying. Every moment you are dying. Because you resist dying, you resist living also. Your fear to die creates a fear to live, once you know how to let go. If you know how to leave, only then you can know how to live because living and leaving is one and the same. This is the incident which created an inspiration to Me or compassion to Me, feeling to Me to create the whole program. In this program, we are going to work deeply on every layer, to flood awareness, energy into every layer.


It’s like a, you fight your enemy in your own place. For crocodile it has got strength in the water. For elephant it has got strength in the land. If elephant fights inside the water, crocodile will win. If crocodile fights in the land, elephant will win. After death if you fight, there is every chance layers will win you because it is their land. Now itself if you open up and do the surgery and work on it, you will win because it is your land. You are in physical layer where you are solid, rooted. You understand the thing? If elephant fights standing on the land, elephant will win. If a crocodile fights inside the water, crocodile will win. Now let us fight or let us work on the seven layers standing in conscious layer which is our compound, which is our layer, which is our place. That is the reason I wanted the whole program to be given to the humanity. Based on this only, I created the techniques.


There are more esoteric techniques which has no explanation, which has no explanation. Intellectually it cannot be explained but when you do it, it gives such a tremendous result because anything great starts beyond logic, beyond logic. Somebody asked Me, “Swamiji, why don’t you prove God?” I told him, “If the day God is proved, the God will become cheaper and logic will become greater.” Proving God means what? Logically proving. Then logic will become bigger than God. God is great because he is not proved. Still he has not come under the net of logic. So I tell you, anything great starts only after the logic, beyond logic. It can never become logic. There are so many techniques you can never understand but you can tremendously experience. ASP is for the people who work on the logic. NSP is the people who wants to have the mystical experience. It is more for experience. Put your effort totally to have experience. That’s all.


Now let you all...of course, all of you know each other but just go round. There may be something, somebody new. Just share your name, you are from where and get comfortable with each other so that it will be easy for us to work. It will be easy for us to go further. Yes?


Devotee: Swamiji, Some people have their after death experience. When they die, they leave their body and while they are disassociated, they come back to the body again. What prevents them from leaving and…


Swamiji: Actually the third...the etheric layer is called blackhole. We will be working on the etheric layer. At that time please ask this question. I will explain to you. That is what the healers….at the time of healers initiation, I will be telling Ananda Gandha Chakra. So what I say about Ananda gandha, exactly is explained as a blackhole just the few months ago, they have discovered, the proofs have come about the blackhole. At the time of working on the etheric body, I will explain to you how you can come back. There are many, hundreds of people who have come back, come back and everybody says the same experience of blackhole. Everybody says the same experience. How that happens I will explain at that time, hmm? Because unless you work layer by layer, you will not be able to understand. Yes?


Devotee: XXXX not clear Swamiji: Teaching? You can always tell these things to other people. Only what you listen from others, so many will be telling their problems. Only those things you should not go and tell others. What I speak you can go and tell others always. There is no restriction about that but what others speak...hmm, yes?


Devotee: When we say that somebody died peacefully in the sleep also all these pain they have suffered? Swamiji: If they have already worked on these seven layers when they are alive, then naturally they will die peacefully. Devotee: No, when we generally speak somebody dies…


Swamiji: Everybody. There is nobody who dies peacefully. Man who is meditated, who lived a...who worked on the seven layers, only he can leave the body peacefully. Nobody else but in olden days, working on the seven bodies was very regular routine but now only everything is lost. Yes, please go round and introduce yourself to each other and come back. Devotee: Not clear XXXX


Swamiji: In the conscious level only you say that why should we resist but in the unconscious level, you always want to hangover. ‘At least two days I will see my grandsons and go away. I will do this and go away. I will do that and go away.’ The unconscious desires to stuck to the body only resists you. Of course, if you really understand all the layers, then you will not resist but as on now, we do resist. That is the truth.


Devotee: Swamiji, I read somewhere that you start dying even before you are physically born. Swamiji: Yes, before even you are physically born... Devotee: You start dying. Swamiji: That is the truth but all these things are only intellectual knowledge for us. Let us have an experiential knowledge on all these things. For that only the course. Only then you will be able to have the experience.
