June 11 2014

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Completion process for self drive


In today's (11th June, 2014) Morning Satsang, Paramahamsa Nithyananda expanded on Self Drive. He pointed out how intensely self driven children are and how even when they sleep they sleep without tiredness or powerlessness. He explained that misuse or abuse of the body before age 21 stops the self drive. Then he led us through a powerful process of looking in and completing with whatever patterns are stopping the self drive in us. Tags-Paramahamsa Nithyananda, Self Drive, children, sleep without tiredness or powerlessness, misuse or abuse of the body beforeage 21, powerful process,looking in, completion patterns, stopping.

Link to Video:

Video Audio


TRANSCRIPTS:- Today I wanted to expand on "SELF-DRIVE".

Understand, yesterday I ran a special meditation for all the Kotharis, Mahants and Shrimahants, and a special Completion session. Today I wanted all the devotees all over the world to have the benefit of this Completion process.

First thing, find out what stopped your self-drive. Please understand, by your nature, when you are born, you are born with your high peak possibility self-drive. See the kids; with no purpose they are driven! Just they jump here and there, and whole day they are active, alive! Even when they are sleeping, they are not powerless or tired. They don't sleep out of powerlessness or tiredness. They don't sleep out of powerlessness or tiredness. Even while they are sleeping, they are not tired or powerless. So, understand, you are born with high self-drive. Where has it gone? Look in, what all started curbing, stopping your self-drive, what all has started reducing your self-drive, what all has started cutting down your self-drive. It can be as simple as your elder sister taking more marks in the school, or as complicated as some sexual abuse. It can vary from anything to anything, but there is a reason why your self-drive has been curtailed.

Please understand, just like a dam stops the river flow, patterns stop the self-drive. As I said, it can be as simple as your brother or sister has taken more marks, to as difficult as, as complicated as sexual abuse. All of you need to know, whether YOU use your body or you abuse others body before the age of twenty-one, it will stop your self-drive, it will become patterns and patterns and patterns. Twenty-one may seem to be too long that you have to wait, wait, wait, but unless your mind is also prepared to handle body, body being used before twenty-one, or abused..... If you yourself use your body for your own pleasure, that is what I call "using your body". If somebody else uses your body for their pleasure, it is "abusal". Don't allow before twenty-one, use or abuse. Patterns built in the young age may be the reason for the self-drive being stopped.

Now, today, let us all spend some time to dig out what all are the patterns which stopped your enthusiasm, excitement, self-drive. From the time you remember you, from the time you know you, what are all the incidents, what are all the happenings which stopped your self-drive, look in. I will guide you into this process today step-by-step.

So, now, first step, take a paper and pen, listen to yourself, what all are the patterns, reasons, causes you think your self-drive has been reduced. Anything which happened from your birth till the last moment, which stops your self-drive, reason for reduction in your self-drive, the pattern which stops your self-drive, pen down, start penning down. I will give you a few minutes time, start penning down.

(After a few minutes...........)

Try to find all the root incidents, incidents from which these patterns got developed or strengthened. Sometimes, the pattern may not get developed from the incident, but gets strengthened. Your decision not to be self-driving, if it is strengthened by some incident, pen down this incident. Like, you have done something; it has not been recognized; it has been thrown into the dustbin; even those incidents pen down.

(After a few minutes...........)

Now sit straight. Start completing with all these patterns. You can either use the mirror or your inner-space. Relive and relieve. Relive and relieve. Come to the clear decision, 'Self-drive will be my lifestyle! Self-drive from the right context will be my lifestyle!' Start!

Paramashivoham: 22-day Ultimate Spiritual Journey with the Avatar HDH Nithyananda Paramashivam Learn more: https://paramashivoham.nithyananda.org

Photos Of The Day:









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