August 19 2013

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Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism HDH Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam


In today’s satsang, Paramahamsa Nithyananda reveals how our inner transformation can spontaneously transform our outer reality as we want. Incompletion, worry and addictions are signs of disrespecting Life. When we disrespect Life, Life gives the same experience to us. Completion is nothing but respecting Life in all its dimensions! Only after we learn the science of completion, life begins in us.

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Video Audio


Nithyanandeshwara Samaarambhaam Nithyanandeshwari Madhyamaam |
Asmath Aachaarya Paryanthaam Vandhey Guru Paramparaam ||

I welcome all of you with my love and respects.

Today, Mahadeva and Devi, both of them are gracing us in the form of Leela of Annapoorni. Mahadeva himself receives food (Bhiksha) from Annapoorni. Devi Annapoorni is offering Annadhaan (food) to Mahadeva. You can see Mahadeva and Devi gracing us in the form of Annapoorni and bhikshadana.

We will enter into Nithya Satsang.

All of you should know that Annapoorna Temple in Varanasi belongs to Mahanirvani Akhada. And all the major Shiva Kshetras where Mahadeva did his Leelas, like where he saved the universe by drinking the poison, Neelakanta, that temple is run by Mahanirvani Akhada, and where Veerabhadra destroys Daksha, and Sati leaves the body – because the physical component (of Sati) was from Daksha – the Daksha Mandir, that temple is also with Mahanirvani Akhada.

We will move to today’s Nithya Satsang.

Today’s subject for the Nithya Satsang: “COMPLETION AND ENRICHING”.

Today’s session for Inner Awakening (subject for Inner Awakening or syllabus for Inner Awakening also) is “COMPLETION”. There will be a powerful process called “Samskara Dahana Kriya”, - burning the patterns and root-patterns with its roots and mud in which the root is rooted. We are not only going to burn the root and the seed, but even the mud on which the root is rooted, so that once for all, the incompletions of pain and suffering, are released.

See, this process not only helps you to heal all the pain you carry inside, but also the impact of the pain which you carry inside, outside. Because, constantly we carry the wrong pattern about the world like, ‘Life is out there only to exploit me, cheat me, abuse me.’ It is a very wrong pattern. That is why we are suffering and continuously attract suffering. With this “Samskara Dahana Kriya”, we will burn that pattern and create the right reality about life and others, right image about life and others. So, with this process, completion with yourself starts. You are initiated into the complete completion with yourself.

Please come to the space of listening.

“Hindi translation”

I will expand on and explain these few principles. I want all of you to settle down with no physical movements. Come to the space of listening, because even if you miss one word in the punch line of the joke, you will miss the whole life, the whole joke you will miss, you will miss the whole joke and the whole laughter! Please understand, even if you miss one word in the punch line of the joke, you will miss the whole joke. Same way, all my Satsangs are the punch line of your life! All my Satsangs are the punch line of your life!

A car was involved in an accident in a street. As expected, a large crowd gathered – must be in India!

A newspaper reporter, anxious to get his story, could not get near the car. Being a clever sort, he started shouting loudly, ‘Let me through! Let me through! I am the son of the victim! I am the son of the victim!’

The crowd made way for him. Lying in front of the car was……a DONKEY!!!’

See, if you miss even one word in the punch line, you will miss the whole joke. Same way, if you miss even one line in the satsangh, you will miss the whole satsangh, because the whole satsangh is the punch line. Please understand!

I will give you the technique to divide my satsangs into –

· Which is essential, the important part; and

· Which is not that important, which can be left, like a clothing of the essence.

Whenever you are in the space of listening, whatever I utter is the essence of the satsang.

Whenever you are not in the space of listening, whatever I am uttering is just managing the time to bring you back to the space of listening.

So, please understand, I wanted all of you to settle down in the space of listening, because I wanted to expand very deeply on the power of Completion. How? Please understand, in this one line I am going to do a lot of work, because this one line, this one field, was still not taught to human-beings with enough of confidence, evidences, without doubt, with clarity. This bridge needs to be strengthened. There is a bridge, it needs to be strengthened. The field is how the inner transformation directly leads to the transformation of the outer events, how when the inner transformation happens, immediately the outer world responds to you, the whole outer world situation changes. Till now, it was considered only as a miracle. I tell you, all miracles are “science yet-to-be discovered!” Please understand, this is the definition of miracle: All miracle is “science yet-to-be discovered!” If you do not know the methodology, TV is a miracle! If you don’t know the methodology, if you are kept in mystery, even me appearing in front of your TV screen inside your house or the center, or in the temple, you are sitting I don’t know how many thousands of miles away, thousands of kilometers away, not even all over the country, but all over the world.

Any program, religion, ideology, concept which becomes popular in USA will be the most powerful program. Any program, concept, theory, ideology which becomes popular in India, will be the most followed program because of the sheer numbers! Understand, do you know, what is the world’s largest happening? Indian Elections! The Indian Elections are the world’s largest happening, because there is no country which has this amount of population lives in democracy involves the public people and their sentiments into electing the Government. So, anything, any ideology which becomes popular, any show which becomes popular in USA becomes the most powerful program. Like Opera’s show! Any program which becomes popular in India becomes the most watched because of the sheer number of the population. So, I know, millions of you are sitting all over the world and watching. If you don’t know the procedure or science, if it is kept as a mystery, even this is a miracle! ‘See, morning 8 o’clock, the moment I switch on the TV, suddenly my Guru appears on the TV, and talks exactly what I want and whatever problems I have, he gives solution. And exactly he is talking to me!’ Everyone in the hall, in the family, or in the Raja Sabha or in our temple or in our center fields, feels exactly he is speaking to us!’

Please understand, anything, any science yet-to-be discovered, is considered as miracle or mystery. Same way, this science of how the inner transformation affects the outer incidents, outer happenings, is listen, how the inner transformation affects the outer happenings, how the inner happenings transform the outer happenings also for your good, auspiciously, as you wanted, this field is yet-to-become a science. Still, this field is only as the mystery, considered only as a miracle or mystery. I am going to work in this field to make everyone understand that it is a science, a simple, pure science. See, once you know how it works… Morning you wake up at 8 o’clock, switch on the TV, and I appear, and you listen to me, it is no more a mystery or miracle, because you know how it happens. Same way, you will be able to handle, you should be able to handle, better let the humanity learn to handle, how the inner transformation creates the outer reality as we wanted. It is deterministic; every time you will be able to do it.

Please understand, an Incarnation is a person who brings deterministic experience of every mystical, miraculous, mysterious fields of the consciousness. The mysterious, miraculous, mystical, this conscious field, whoever leads you one step further in that field, is an Incarnation.

We do have a bridge in this field. Not that I am the first guy who is building in this field. We have a bridge made out of rope and wood. I just wanted to make it as concrete. I just wanted to make this as a solid, powerful, concrete bridge. That is the reason I am continuing to talk on how the inner completion, inner transformation, directly, clearly can lead you to change your outer world happenings as you want, the outer world reality as you want, the realities of the outer world as you really want to express.

Completion brings a deep respect for your life within you. Please listen! Don’t ever think you have respect for your life, you have concern for your life. Any addiction you carry, whether it is alcohol, smoking, or even addiction to worrying, shows clearly you don’t have respect for your life. Don’t take your respect for your life as guaranteed or granted. Because you don’t have respect for your life, life reacts the same way to you.

I have a story:

A shy guy goes into a bar, sees a beautiful woman sitting at the bar.

After an hour, gathering up his courage – this guy must be an NRI (Non-Resident Indian) newly went to West from India, an Indian village – after gathering up his courage, he finally goes over to her and asks tentatively , ‘Do you mind if I chatted with you for a while?’

She responds by yelling at the top of her lungs, ‘What? What do you mean? No, I won’t sleep with you tonight!’

This guy was shocked. Everyone in the bar is now staring at them. Naturally, the guy is hopelessly and completely embarrassed. As he just slinks back to his table. He sits quietly, putting his head down.

After a few minutes, the woman walks over to him and apologizes. She smiles at him and says, ‘I am sorry if I embarrassed you. See, I am a journalist and I have got an assignment to study how people responds to embarrassing situations. So I was studying how you respond.’

Suddenly, this guy raises his head and shouts at the top of his lungs, ‘What? What? What do you mean? You need two-hundred dollars?’


Understand, when you yell at life, life yells at you. When you try to embarrass life, life embarrasses you. When you don’t respect life, life will not respect you. And do not imagine continuously you respect life. If you are spending your time in worrying, you don’t have respect for life! If you are spending your time in incompletion, you embarrass life! Understand, you embarrass life! If you spend your time in incompletions, worrying, not looking at the life, you embarrass life! Please understand, if you embarrass the man, naturally he will be waiting to embarrass you.

“Hindi translation”

I tell you, with all my Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility and Enriching, I tell you, if I establish this science as an understanding which is in our day-to-day household lifestyle – just like how you know if you switch on, the fan will run, if you switch on, the light will be on, how this idea is available in every household – if I make this truth, how the inner transformation directly causes the reality as you want, I will feel I have done a great service to planet Earth, and I have contributed to Hinduism. Please understand, this is exactly the contribution of Hinduism. This is the unique contribution of Hinduism. I am doing it and I commit with Veda Matha, I will do it. If this one truth is established, if this one thing is established, I tell you, no one can question, abuse all our Puranas, legendary figures; the Puranas will not be called as mythological stories, it will be called as history of India, history of Bharat. I will make our Puranas as history. This is my commitment.

Actually, that is the reason I am waiting still without writing my autobiography. Please understand, always the literatures which bridge this inner transformation and outer reality, they are considered as mythological stories by so-called logical, scientific minds. I will first establish very powerfully to the so-called scientific, logical minds, the power of how the inner transformation directly transforms your outer reality as you want. How you create your outer reality as you want through the inner transformation, I will establish this science. Then I will write my autobiography, because my autobiography is filled with material of Puranas, but I don’t want people to think it is mythology. By making my autobiography scientific, scientifically validated and accepted by the western logical, scientific, rational minds, I will make the western logical, rational, scientific minds understand and realize the whole Puranas, all the Puranas of Hinduism is history, not mythological stories; it is not high stories, it is histories, His stories! Puranas are always translated as mythological stories or high stories. I tell you, it is not high stories, it is His stories!

“Hindi translation”

Listen! Understand, only when the completion starts, only when the incompletions melt down, you reject incompletions from your cognition, even respect for your life starts. You may have any number of reasons. This lady journalist, woman journalist, she might have any number of reasons to make this man feel embarrassed, but your reasons are not going to be heard, the man is going to make you embarrass back, the man is going to give you back! If you say, if you exaggerate, if you embarrass him, he is not going to keep quiet. Same way, if you embarrass life, if you embarrass the happening, please be very clear, the happening, life will respond. When you respect life, when you understand life, when you respond to life out of completion, life will respond to you out of completion. Only after completion, life starts in you, please understand. Only after completion, life starts in you. Only after completion, you even relate with your own life.

I have seen so many people. Please understand, when people come to me to receive energy darshan and initiation, I can see the amount of self-denial they are carrying inside them, because they have no respect for their life, they try to fill it by the car, house, money. See, I am not against car, house, money. No! I am not against all that. But I am against you thinking that is going to fill the incompletion, make you complete, the incompletion which you created by not having respect for your life. It is like you take a tooth-brush and give it to an elephant. ‘Please brush your teeth. You are smelling!’ Is your tooth-brush going to be enough? I am not saying tooth-brush will not work. It will work for whom? For you! Your tooth brush will work for you. You can’t give a tooth-brush to an elephant and say, ‘Please brush your teeth and come!’ That is what you are trying to do if you think your house, the bank balance, car can complete the incompletions you are carrying, because you have disrespect to life.

Understand, bring respect to life through completion. Completing all the incompletions you carry inside you.

The essence of today’s satsang:

Bring respect to life by bringing completion in your life, removing all incompletions from your life.

“Hindi Translation”


Completion Technique Redefined!


In this excerpt from the Inner Awakening Program conducted on 19 August 2013 by Paramahamsa Nithyananda we learn about the completion technique, its source in the scriptures and the steps to follow to attain the state of completion.

Link to Video:

Video Audio


Paramahamsa Nithyananda, incompletion, completion, worry, addiction, reality, transform

Photos Of The Day:













Photos Of The Day:








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