February 09 2006

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Spirituality Then and Now



ll Sadāshiva samārambām Shankaracharya madhyamām Asmadācharya paryanthām vande guru paramparām. ll


You need to understand deeply. Shiva is not selling fantasies. God saved, at least in His time spirituality was not buyer’s market. In His time it was not buyer’s market so He doesn’t have to sell. There is no need for Him to promote anything. It was seller’s market and moreover easily not available. It was not available easily. In those days it was not buyer’s market, it was seller’s market. Gurus decide, choose the disciples, not the disciples choose the Guru. All calamities in the Planet Earth happened when disciples have started choosing the Guru. Already he’s in the darkness, how can he choose right Guru? He can’t. So, naturally he’ll choose a person, he’ll choose which attracts his ideas. The bigger organization attracts more people.


In Sanatana Dharma, in Hinduism, they don’t have any organization. All Hindu temples are just worship altars. They are not organizations. Please understand. All Hindu temples in India are only worship altars. Anybody can come, worship and go. In North India, you straightaway go and touch the Deities. If you have been to North India you can understand, you straightaway go and touch the Deities. You go and you pour your water, or milk or flower you worship and you go, that’s all. They are only worship altars, not organization. They are not organizations, that’s an important thing. Because, Hinduism did not believe in conversion. They did not believe in preaching. It was seller’s market, not buyer’s market.


The truths, all these truths are so pure because they do not have to convince anybody. It is not written out of the Consciousness which is caught in fear or greed. It has raised, it has aroused out of the Consciousness which is free from fear or greed. I can say the one and only truth, which they express is - go beyond the fear and greed. Even indirectly, they do not have the concept of conversion. Still now, Hinduism doesn’t have ritual to get convert. Many of My disciples, western disciples they come and ask Me, “Swamiji should I convert to Hinduism?” I say, “No.” We don’t believe in conversion. We don’t believe in conversion. What is the need for conversion?


All this is a inner science. You see, just because you start working on some science do you need to convert your religion? No. It’s an inner science. It’s a technology, if you feel like working with this technology, work with it, that’s all. There is no need for conversion, because we don’t believe in political numbers. We don’t believe in political numbers, we don’t believe in conversion. It is pure inner science. Whoever wants to work with it, they can work with it, that’s all. We don’t even have a ritual to convert. Even if you want to be converted, there is no ritual. There is no standard ritual to convert somebody. No. Throughout Hinduism, we don’t have; even when kids have taken birth, they are only given a mantra, they are not given any beliefs.


Officially, the mantra which they are taught, it is called Gayatri. That mantra means a very simple thing. That mantra means, ‘Let me meditate on the energy, which guides me towards the intelligence to experience the truth. Let that energy help me to meditate on it’, that’s all. No belief is taught. No teaspoon feeding of any belief. Simply you have to search, only you are given a torch. With the torch, you have to start searching. These techniques are offered by the Masters who do not have to sell themselves or their techniques. That is why they are so pure, so beautiful and straightaway effective. Straightaway effective. He doesn’t have to convince anybody. He shares it only with the people who are in tune with him.



The more we use the body the more productive we will be


(00:03) ll Sadāshiva samārambām Shankaracharya madhyamām Asmadācharya paryanthām vande guru paramparām. ll


The other day I was taken to a industry by one of our devotee. He showed Me how they fix some components and he showed Me those movements how they fix, each person is taught how they should fix and the same way of movement. Means they are trying to create or increase the productivity by reducing the hand and body movement. I was shocked. I said, “Oh God, you are working in a wrong line.” Actually the truth is the more you are free to move your body, the more you are messing up, the more you’ll be creative and productive.


Fuzzy logic is the logic for production. When you are organized, when you have a clear diagram and move your hand only three times and move the hand these many inches right, these many inches left. When you have a system you may be running a good industry, but you’ll not be having living people. See, with robot or with machines, you can design all the movements, you can reduce so that the wear and tear will be less. So that the movement can be less, when the movement is less naturally the wear and tear will be less. The logic to work with the machineries are totally different from the logic to work with the human body. The human body is such, the more you put to use, the more it starts expanding the energy. Be very clear, when you start believing the more I use the body, it’ll become tired, you start expressing the same tiredness. But the truth is not such. The truth is the more you use your body, you handle your body, the more it starts expressing the energy.


I’ve seen in Indian villages, people living hundred years easily, very casually, hundred years, they don’t wear specs, they don’t have the spare tooths, they don’t have their tooth set. There are so many things they don’t have. I’ve seen in Indian villages how people live with minimum things for years. Very casually they live and I’ve seen in Tibetan villages, people living hundred and forty, hundred and fifty years, easily. Just because they know the truth, the more you use the body properly, more it expresses the energy. The more it is used, the more it expresses the energy. But unfortunately, in the so called developed countries, man is put along with the machineries. You are just a utility for people. So you are just replaced. You’re…. even the idea, man is called one more machine.


If I employ one man how many machines I can reduce. If I put one machine, how many men I can remove from the job? That is the way you are calculated, that is the place given to you. So all the hand movements, body movements, everything is taught, you are made to believe you are also like a machine, if you use yourself too much, you’ll have wear and tear. You will also have the same problems, by and by you started believing this and you start behaving like a machineries. You forget, you have life. You forget, there is a different source of energy for you. But as long as you are driven just by fear or greed, you’ll behave like a machines only. The more you use, the more wear and tear. If you can touch the source of the prana, if you can touch the third source of energy which is not fear or greed then you will understand, the more you use your body, the more you become alive. But for that you should understand how to move your body without fear or greed, without fear or greed.


As and now, our body moves only with fear, only with greed. Try to do something without planning logically about fear or greed. ‘Bhaya’ and ‘Kama’, how to move the body without fear, without greed. Then you will understand this technique. Then you will understand what Shiva means by the word - Let your body sway rhythmically, let it swing rhythmically. He says, “In a moving vehicle, by rhythmically swaying, experience….” The amazing thing, little difficult to believe; he says, “Just by that you can experience the inner peace.”



Do not plan everything in your life


(00:03) ll Sadāshiva samārambām Shankaracharya madhyamām Asmadācharya paryanthām vande guru paramparām. ll


All your phobias, inside flight or inside the closed area, it’s all, it’s nothing but your resistance to that space.Your resistance to the space, nothing else. Height phobia, there are so many phobias, I’m shocked, first time I’m hearing about all the phobias here only. I never heard about all these phobias in a primitive villages. Primitive villages don’t have any phobias. They don’t have any phobias. I was shocked to hear about this phobia. First of all the word phobia, I came to know first only when I started travelling in these so called developed countries. I never heard about phobia. What is there? Phobia means nothing but holding on to your body tightly. And you do not want your body to move into a space which you have not already experienced. You wanted everything to be clear. The project plan, where you are going, what will be happening next, what will be the third step, what will be the fourth step, what is the next and what will be the end. If some place even if one puzzle is not fulfilled, even if the one puzzle is not clear, you are not comfortable in that space. You wanted everything clear before entering. You are not ready to allow God's hand in your life.


You wanted everything to be clear. According to your intellect, I always tell people, ‘Do not plan completely, give little bit of space for God. Let Him also plan little bit for you. Let Him also plan.’ If you plan too much perfectly according to your intellect you may not commit any mistake but you will commit blunders…. The whole, the intelligence of the cosmos is surely little more than our intelligence. So once in a while not planning completely logically or allowing ourselves to be little liquid or entering into a space where there is little risk or the spontaneity is good, it keeps you alive, it keeps you alive. It keeps the spirit and the energy in you active. If you are living with a clear planned system, be very clear you are already dead. Because you have no opportunity do.. to do anything new. I’ve seen people who live in the forest, who live in the hills, who live in the natural places, the life or the energy which radiates around them is amazing, shocking. Nine years I lived wandering all over India. I tell you, people always ask Me, “Oh, Swamiji it is such a difficult life, how did You do? It’s a great difficulty.” They think I’ve done a big.. great achievement, but I tell you that was the great joy. It was not an achievement, it was joy. You don’t know, only when you live that life, you’ll understand the freedom and the energy of that life.


They come and tell Me, stand in front of Me telling, thinking that I’ve done a great sacrifice, or a great thing by living that wandering life. They come and tell Me, “How did you live Swamiji, such a difficult life, travelling, walking from village to village, was it not difficult? You have achieved a great thing, it’s amazing.” I tell them according to Me, “Only you are the great person, because I com .. see for you, you can’t imagine living like Me, travelling from village to village and begging in the houses and sleeping in into the tree …under the trees and living.” I tell them just how you can’t imagine My life, I can’t imagine your life, living in the same house, going to the same office, same car, same house. And I can’t even think, getting up early morning and seeing the same people, same faces! It is unimaginable for Me. How My life is unimaginable for you, your life is unimaginable for Me. It is not a big tapas, or it is not a big suffering which I lived. That was the amazing freedom, amazing energy. One more ...one more thing, tremendous risk constantly you have to be alive. Understand, surviving is totally different from being alive.


Now, people who live in a very secured way, they may be surviving. It’s nothing more than … more than the graveyard with a key, that’s all. See if you are just surviving, you are living in a graveyard with a key. Just because you have a key, don’t think our houses are not graveyards. Our houses have got one benefit, the graveyard with key, that’s all. Only when you live a intense life you are alive. Where you need to be constantly expressing all your energies. I always tell people only when you are cornered, you express completely yourself. You completely express the energy which you have in your life. Which you have in your being. Only then you start expressing the next level energy what we call prana. In sanskrit we call that as prana, means life force. We do not touch the life force at all. We live just with muladhara and swadhisthana.


Muladhara chakra, root chakra is greed, desire, sex. The Swadhisthana, the next chakra is fear, that’s all. We live only in these two layer, fear or greed, that’s all. We never come up to the third level, the Manipuraka chakra is the chakra the prana life force. Navel is the chakra with which you are connected to the Cosmos. Navel is the chakra from which you are connected to your Mother. You, your body and your mother’s body is connected only through navel. That is the chakra through which you receive energy, prana. You received prana from your Mother only through the navel chakra. Only before birth you use your navel chakra, after that you have never touched it. That’s the source of our prana… prana but we never touched it. We used only the chakra which is lower than the prana, lower than the prana. Only the fear and greed are used, never the prana itself, because there is no need for you to be alive. If you just survive that’s enough. All you have to do is inhale and exhale till doctors declare you medically dead. Practically nothing more needs to be done. That’s why I tell people, luxury and comfort kills your life. It takes away life from you. Everything is clear, you get up from the bed, you walk slowly four, five step and in this country, attached latrine, bathroom also. And straightaway enter, take bath and everything is neat, arranged, come out, wear the dress, come out, sit in the car, go to the office, everything is clear. You don’t need to be alive, you don’t need to be alive at all. Sometime you can look into your life, you don’t even have to remember that you got up from the bed, you can do the whole thing just mechanically and come back and lie.. fall in the same bed. You don’t even have to remember you got up from the bed two, three hours ago. You can just do the whole thing in a mechanical way.


You can see in your life, you don’t even use the whole house. See your life, just get up from the bed, walk in the same way to the bathroom and the same way you’ll come because here you are trained for the left right also. The … for anything you have to take the way, you have to take the way, so you know this left, that right. Your body also starts working only in the same way. If at all we paint your feet and allow you to walk on your house, you’ll walk only on the one track. You’ll discover you are walking only on the one track your whole house carpet will never become paint. It will never become dirty, because you walk only on the one track. You’ve become so frozen, you’ve become so dead. You can see in your life, unconsciously, you sit only in one sofa. You’ll go and sit only in that sofa and straightway you’ll go to the kitchen and handle only those few vessels and you’ll handle only those few almirahs. You’ll handle only that..your bed and come out maybe in the weekend if you want to clean maybe you’ll go and touch the other things. We do not live. And the same way you’ll park the car, the same distance it will be. If you go back and measure and calculate everything, even the distance between your garage and the car, will be the same because you live with a routine. There is no need for you to be alive. You just live with the memory, that is why even if you live for years you do not feel fulfilled.


The other day, one journalist asked Me, ‘Swamiji, how it feels to be the youngest Swami of India?’ I’m the youngest Swami or the Spiritual leader who leads a movement in India. There are many follower Swamis, means the follower or disciple of somebody, that way there are many Swamis who are younger than Me, but who's the leader, who leads the movement, I’m the youngest Swami in India at least as far as we know. She asked Me, “How do you feel that, Swamiji’. I told, “Youngest, the very idea, I’m young is lost in Me because My life is packed with so many incidents, so much of life, so many things, I lost the idea that I am young. I already feel, I’m feeling fulfilled. I’ve lived much more than what I can. I feel I’m here for a too long time.” That’s the truth. I feel so much of fulfillment, I feel I’m here for too long.. the Planet Earth.


If you are living, if you are alive, you’ll feel so fulfilled, you’ll feel you are here for too long time. If you are feeling you’ve not achieved, or if you are feeling the unfulfillment, if you are feeling life is not enough, be very clear you are living just with memories. You are not alive. You are not alive, that is why you don’t feel you are living. You don’t feel the fulfillment. You might have lived years, I always tell people, “Do not try add years to your life, add life to your years.” Bring life to your years, not years to your life. If your body is running based on the fuel of fear and greed, you’ll be running with the past memories, recorded system. Naturally, you will not tend to move your body more. One more thing, whenever you move your body with fear and greed, you feel so much of irritated. The movement means you start feeling the irritation. Any movement, unconsciously, you associated all movements with irritation, with irritation.


One of our devotee, he used to travel the hills. Whenever I see him, I feel so much of love, respect for him. Even without Enlightenment, he radiates so much of energy and life. Amazing, he’s not an Enlightened person but the energy which he radiates is amazing. Because he lived continuously in a…with lot of risk. He has to be alive to survive. Just surviving is not enough. He is not….has not lived with a routine. I always tell people, once in a while try to be alive. Do something which does not give you money, name and fame or which does not give you any fear. Neither fear nor greed, something, you’ll catch the knack of how to move the body, how to flow with the body through prana.
