February 17 2018

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Power Manifestation- a Science and powerful Cognition from Space of Mahasadashiva || Upanishads || HInduism , Upanishads and Sampradaya ||


The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism, Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam, His Divine Holiness, Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam, expounded on the Cosmic Principle, Power Manifestation Is A Science, during the everyday live public talk - Nithyananda Satsang. His Divine Holiness (HDH) revealed to always seek the truth by going to the source, which is Upanishads. His Divine Holiness further shared that by reading the first twelve Upanishads, you will be equipped with the knowledge to get the right information and absorb the truth. He expanded further on Hinduism, Upanishads and Sampradaya. He further revealed that Power Manifestation is a Science, a Powerful Cognition released from the Space Of Mahasadashiva.


Name Of The Convention: Nithya Satsang Session on: Reviving The Original Spirit of Hindus Part 1 Date: 17 February 2018 Venue: Adi Kailasa, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India

In this video Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism HDH #Nithyananda Paramashivam revealed that Hinduism has a systematic methodology of analyzing and discovering whether something is truth or not. He encouraged His disciples and devotees to always seek the truth, by going to the source, which is Upanishads. He revealed that by reading the first twelve Upanishads, you will be equip with the knowledge to acid wash information and absorb the truth in any system of information. He also emphasized that Sampradaya is the only solid foundation for permanent living.

The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam His Divine Holiness Nithyananda Paramashivam (HDH) is the reviver of #KAILASA - the ancient enlightened civilization and the great cosmic borderless Hindu nation. Revered as the incarnation of Paramashiva - the primordial Hindu Divinity, HDH has a following of 2 billion Hindus worldwide with de facto spiritual embassies in over 150 countries. He has worked untiringly for over 26 years for the revival of Kailasa, for global peace and to give super conscious breakthrough to humanity. He has survived the worst persecution of multiple assassination attempts on person and on character by anti-Hindu elements. He is collecting, organising, preserving, time capsuling, decoding, spreading and reviving 20 Million source books of Hinduism and the 64 sacred arts & sciences like Ayurveda, music, dance, sculpting, astrology, vastu and much more. Close to 20,000 hours of HDH’s timeless talks have been recorded till date (Sep 2020), which are a treasure trove of powerful cognitions to solve individual and global problems of any kind.

Link to Video:



Aarti displayed to Swamiji.


nithyānandeśvara sadāshiva samārambhām nithyānandeśvari adīshakti madhyamām | asmat āchārya paryantām vande guru paramparām ||


I welcome you all with My love and respects. I welcome all the devotees, disciples, samajis, satsangis, Sri Mahants, Mahants, thanedars, kotharis, visitors, viewers sitting with us all over the world through Nithyananda TV and two-way video conferencing having Nayana Deeksha.


I will continue to expand on the power of Maha Sadashiva and science of power manifestation. Understand, whatever I Am sharing with the world is not some silly magic. Some guru who wears jeans and goes around, no I Am not interested in telling anybody’s name. No, their introduction video was straightaway abusing Me. That’s the reason I Am responding. They are claiming, “Oh our guru does not claim himself as an Incarnation or Paramahamsa. How can You claim”?... Stupid, if you claim you have to answer so many questions and you need to be responsible for it and you need to demonstrate.


It is not a silly drama or a silly game. If you claim something you need to substantiate, you need to take responsibility for it. And you need to deliver what you are supposed to deliver. Yes, there are so many people in the planet earth they don’t claim. What is the pride about it? They are not so, they don’t claim, over…. And these fellows are directly attacking Me. That's the reason I have to answer them. And Oh, he does not claim any extraordinary power, you don’t have; so you can’t claim. That’s all…. Ada aku maku, saku maku. ‘He doesn't claim himself as Paramahamsa’…. Claim and see. First of all you need to know the word Paramahamsa and the meaning of the word Paramahamsa and for that you need to read scriptures. And your pride is you don’t touch scriptures and you don’t want to read sanskrit.


I Am very clear, I Am living representative of Maha Sadashiva as per Hinduism…. Did I interfere in any of your saku, maku, aku, buku? I Am just keeping quiet and doing My work. Because I feel responsible for the larger vision of Hinduism. I tolerate all your stupidity…. And I want to tell them and their disciples …..Let’s stop this silly fight here. You do your job I do My job. You live your life, I live My life. So, we both have a common enemies. Let’s deal with them first. And not waste the time doing all this silly fight. Come on, let’s have a matured fight with a common enemy. Alright.. h’m.


I just wanted all of you to know power manifestation is not some silly magic or silly game. It’s the powerful cognitions, which are released from the space of Maha Sadashiva. Understand. Our Banyan tree is Maha Sadashiva. All the branches are his hands, each leaf is his face, head, each hanging root is powerful cognition. His amshas, His manifestations like a Kalabhairava, Veerabhathra, Prathiyankara, Sarabeswara. Each powerful cognitions manifests powers. Understand…. These so called gurus, who can’t crack the code of these power manifestation science, go on abusing this science.


Understand. We are Hindus. The first verse of the first upanishad puts everything equivalent to God - Isha vasyam idagum sarvam. But we don’t read the scriptures, we just steal the words from here and there. Isha vasyam idagum sarvam…. See. You not claiming yourself as Incarnation is not pride, if you don’t have the capacity or integrity to claim yourself as an Incarnation, don’t do teaching work. Do Poultry, do construction, do acting, do bike race, no, do anything else. If you want to teach to the world, have the guts and integrity to claim as per the truth. Not bogus claim as per the truth. Claiming your spiritual status and taking responsibility for your claim. That is the way Hindu Gurus are evolved.


First thing in Hindu tradition we put everything equivalent to God. Second, everything has integrity. You don’t claim, okay, we all know. Then why are you trying to make pride out of not claiming. That is like, “Oh I’m humble, humble, please, please, please, please accept I’m humble. Put my cut out fifty feet tall with folded hands, HUMBLE. I am very humble, see how I’m standing with folded hands. Put my cut out hundred feet tall; this humble posture.” Eh, nowadays people know very clearly they can just see through. It’s not 1977…. You can go on lying, I tell you, Understand. People have become intelligent. People have become intelligent.



Reviving The Original Spirit of Hindus || Part 2 || NS || 17 Feb 2018


Name Of The Convention: Nithya Satsang Session on: Reviving The Original Spirit of Hindus Part 2 Date: 17 February 2018 Venue: Adi Kailasa, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India

In this video Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism HDH #Nithyananda Paramashivam revealed that Hinduism has a systematic methodology of analyzing and discovering whether something is truth or not. He encouraged His disciples and devotees to always seek the truth, by going to the source, which is Upanishads. He revealed that by reading the first twelve Upanishads, you will be equip with the knowledge to acid wash information and absorb the truth in any system of information. He also emphasized that Sampradaya is the only solid foundation for permanent living.

The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam His Divine Holiness Nithyananda Paramashivam (HDH) is the reviver of #KAILASA - the ancient enlightened civilization and the great cosmic borderless Hindu nation. Revered as the incarnation of Paramashiva - the primordial Hindu Divinity, HDH has a following of 2 billion Hindus worldwide with de facto spiritual embassies in over 150 countries. He has worked untiringly for over 26 years for the revival of Kailasa, for global peace and to give super conscious breakthrough to humanity. He has survived the worst persecution of multiple assassination attempts on person and on character by anti-Hindu elements. He is collecting, organising, preserving, time capsuling, decoding, spreading and reviving 20 Million source books of Hinduism and the 64 sacred arts & sciences like Ayurveda, music, dance, sculpting, astrology, vastu and much more. Close to 20,000 hours of HDH’s timeless talks have been recorded till date (Sep 2020), which are a treasure trove of powerful cognitions to solve individual and global problems of any kind.

Link to Video:



Understand. I am not teaching any silly magic. I am teaching the spiritual science. By manifesting powerful cognitions you manifest powers. By the grace of Sadashiva, he has graced Me with the science of initiating any Being. These are all the very clear statements I am making with all My integrity. It's not any, some peculiar claim; it’s a declaration, not claim. And I am ready to stand the scrutiny of My declaration. Alright. You don’t claim, no problem; then stop teaching, stop confusing people. Stop harassing people in the name of teachings and destroying their spiritual welfare. Actually to claim you need guts; you need to take the responsibility. Because you don’t want to take the responsibility, just dragging people and dumping them into the river or ocean and saying you are responsible for your own. Then why did you show some stupid path.


Because they know only some here and there half, half, little bit, little bit and they themself don’t know the side effect and after effect of it. So, anything goes wrong, you can always say, ‘No, you are responsible, I don’t claim anything big. Then why do you put your photograph big, big everywhere? Why do you call people to your programs and abuse them? That is why I am telling you, don’t even bend your body unless you are given the original yoga sutra or the original shastra pramana. Who knows why he is asking you to bend. No. Really. 😃 How much ever you scream, how much ever you complain, how much ever you shout, everyone knows the whole new system I have introduced shastra pramana, apta pramana, atma pramana, sakshi pramana, will make all you fellows irreverent.


I am not trying to establish excellence, I am establishing a scale. Understand. I am not at all trying to claim, ‘I am not the best yoga method, please come, come, come to My shop.’ No. No. I am not trying to claim, ‘Nithyananda yoga is the best yoga among all the yoga brands available in the market. Please come to my shop.’ No. I am establishing a methodology in which Hindus have taught yoga to the whole world from the time immemorial. I am just reviving. Understand. That is why I wanted all My disciples to read at least these twelve upanishads. If you read these twelve upanishads, esha, kena, kata, mundaka, manduka, aitreya, taitreya, maha narayana. Just these first twelve upanishads if you guys read, all the units and scales and apps you will understand; the units of the cosmos, scales of the cosmos, apps of the cosmos. You will understand these three. Nobody can cheat you after that. Nobody can disturb your life.


Actually, like so-called legal drugs are the largest killer on the planet earth. Please understand, the so-called legal drugs kill largest number of people on the planet earth than the diseases. Chemo kills more number of people than the cancer. These are all not empty statements; these are all supported by the statistics. Same way these so called gurus confuse and put more people in depression and destroy than the materialism putting people into depression and destroying. These so called gurus put more people in ignorance and delusion than the materialistic lifestyle and people. Vivekananda straight like a to the point shoots; He says, ‘Go to the source which is upanishads, drink from the source which is upanishads.’ The strength which comes to you after that nobody can exploit you. Nobody can cheat you. Then you will know to acid wash and absorb the truth. [Above para repeated again]


Actually if you read just first twelve upanishads you will understand Hinduism has a systematic methodology of analyzing and discovering whether something is truth or not. This shastra pramana, apta pramana atma pramana sakshi pramana, all these scales are not invented by Me. It is all thoroughly discussed, described in elaborate detail in our upanishads. The units of what I am teaching and scales with which I am asking you to measure whether something is truth or not and the apps I am providing you, all of them are directly from vedas and agamas.


Understand. I am not even asking you to read the whole vedas and agamas; it is impossible. It’s almost impossible. But that is our speciality. Nobody can claim ‘I have read all the sacred scriptures of Hinduism.’ 😃 Ehh!! ha, ha. It is not one book. Even if you put all the titles of all the Hindu sacred scriptures, it will be more than ten book. See, all other religion sacred books, get them, how many pages and words they have? Count. Only the titles of the Hindu sacred scriptures will be more than that book size. That is our pride. So, nobody can read the whole thing. I am only asking you to read the source or the core part upanishads. Upanishads are hundred and eight, at least first twelve which all the great acharyas wrote Bashya. Shankara, Ramanuja, Madhva, Bamathy, Srikanta Shivacharya, all the great masters who wrote bashya. All the great Masters who wrote bashya, they wrote bashya for minimum these twelve upanishads.


At least that twelve if you guys read, you will understand units of the cosmos, scale of the cosmos, apps of the cosmos. Then nobody will be able to cheat you. Understand. Whether you want to do yoga or you want to have an astrological counseling or you want to have understanding about vastu; you want to have an understanding about gemology, numerology, black magic, eval pilli soonyam, bhomo, white magic, anything! Do not go to a person who does not give you the original shastra pramana and apta pramana even if he claims he has atma pramana. Understand.


His atma pramana may be useful for him not for you. Only if his atma pramana stands the acid test and scrutiny and acid wash of shastra pramana and apta pramana, it can be shared to the world, and it can become sakshi pramana for you. If at all we need to compare us; there is no comparison that’s different. We should not try to compare in ‘humbleness’, ‘not claiming’ ‘ooh I am nobody’. No. Come on. Let’s have vakyartha sadas on whatever you are claiming and teaching, is it backed up by the shastra pramana, apta pramana atma pramana and sakshi pramana? And whatever I am claiming and teaching, is it backed up in shastra pramana, apta pramana atma pramana and sakshi pramana? Eh this is the platform where we need to compare and debate, do vakyartha sadas. Whom are you cheating? Whom are you cheating? ‘Oh, he doesn’t claim anything.’ Okay don’t claim, don’t teach that's all.


You think I don’t have two, three people to put video in My name? “Oh Swamiji doesn’t claim, we only claim.” I am claiming. I am claiming ‘I am living embodiment, living representative; Length, breadth, depth, time , space filled by Maha Sadashiva. So, I am living representative of Maha Sadashiva.’ And I am claiming ‘All the sciences he revealed to the world through the agamas and vedas I am going to revive again and share it with the world, and revive them and make it into a practical, useful life science.’ I am claiming. And I am standing responsible for My claim. And I will do the job. Slowly, slowly, slowly who made you utter the word agama? And I challenge you, I will make you utter the word shastra pramana, apta pramana, atma pramana, sakshi pramana in next one year. And I challenge all the fellows who are teaching yoga, now itself I am claiming ‘I am the first one who launched this methodology of chanting the original verse and making the people do the yoga.’ Nobody has done it. We don’t have the record. Nobody has done it.


And I am telling you, in next one year this will be the methodology. If you want to stay relevant in the field you have to catch up with Me. I am not training students. I am not even training gurus. I am revealing the system which produces gurus. I am telling you, let it be on record. Today anyhow I have uttered whatever I need to utter. Today is February 17th and it’s very clear, in one year I will show in your organization you will chant the original verses and make people do yoga and you will try to show as if you are doing this from ages. Let it be on record as on now you are not doing it. And in a year you will start doing it, but act as if you are doing this same ‘from last fifty years’. No, slowly sneaking in saying ‘temple building science called agama’ - ah! 😄 And I am challenging, within next 2 year you will start practicing Bhaga shastra. Array I am telling you, when you sincerely follow somebody secretly and doesn’t want anybody to know you are following that person, just accuse him to show, “Hmm, I don't like; I don’t like. I don’t like. Send the link to me. I will see privately and then tell you.”



Reviving The Original Spirit of Hindus || Part 3 || NS || 17 Feb 2018


Name Of The Convention: Nithya Satsang Session on: Reviving The Original Spirit of Hindus Part 3 Date: 17 February 2018 Venue: Adi Kailasa, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India

In this video Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism HDH #Nithyananda Paramashivam revealed that Hinduism has a systematic methodology of analyzing and discovering whether something is truth or not. He encouraged His disciples and devotees to always seek the truth, by going to the source, which is Upanishads. He revealed that by reading the first twelve Upanishads, you will be equip with the knowledge to acid wash information and absorb the truth in any system of information. He also emphasized that Sampradaya is the only solid foundation for permanent living.

The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam His Divine Holiness Nithyananda Paramashivam (HDH) is the reviver of #KAILASA - the ancient enlightened civilization and the great cosmic borderless Hindu nation. Revered as the incarnation of Paramashiva - the primordial Hindu Divinity, HDH has a following of 2 billion Hindus worldwide with de facto spiritual embassies in over 150 countries. He has worked untiringly for over 26 years for the revival of Kailasa, for global peace and to give super conscious breakthrough to humanity. He has survived the worst persecution of multiple assassination attempts on person and on character by anti-Hindu elements. He is collecting, organising, preserving, time capsuling, decoding, spreading and reviving 20 Million source books of Hinduism and the 64 sacred arts & sciences like Ayurveda, music, dance, sculpting, astrology, vastu and much more. Close to 20,000 hours of HDH’s timeless talks have been recorded till date (Sep 2020), which are a treasure trove of powerful cognitions to solve individual and global problems of any kind.

Link to Video:



And of course, I am very clear, I am not the guru who will steal something from shastras and copyright it, patent it, and secretly teach only after you pay. Whatever I have done the research, discovery, analysis, organizing, the permutation combination the whole thing, everything is up and available in the internet; free for anybody to download and practice and enjoy. Understand. These fellows should know your interest is different, My interest is different. Don’t try to do some stupid comparison. The real challenge should be, whatever I am saying, I am claiming and teaching, ‘is that substantiated by Shastra pramansa, apta pramana, atma pramana and sakshi pramana?’ You also do that. I will also do that. Alright, you claim that you are not, you don’t belong to Hinduism. Then at least give reference from all religion shastra you accept, you take it. I don’t need that, I need only Hindu shastras, from that itself I can give all the shastra pramana, apta pramana, atma pramana and sakshi pramana.


So, you are claiming all religions are one and the same and whatever. So you take all the scriptures and at least from all that give me shastra pramana, apta pramana, atma pramana and sakshi pramana. Give. Let’s have debate on that. That’s all. Let’s have some matured conversation. Understand. I want all of you to know, only if you read fundamental twelve upanishads: Esha, Kena, Kata, Prashna, Mundaka, Mandukya, Aitreya, Taitreya, Narayana, just twelve upanishads. If you read these twelve upanishads, you will become so clear, about the fundamentals of Hinduism and Sanatana dharma and spirituality. Nobody can cheat you after that. Nobody can cheat you.


You will know who is Guru. You will know what is enlightenment. You will know what is the unit of measuring spiritual growth, what is the scale to discover spirituality, spiritual growth, guru all these things and what is the apps of the cosmos. You will become so clear about all these. Nobody will be able to exploit you. Nobody can exploit you. That is why this so-called gurus don’t allow you to read scriptures. Let Me challenge, I am giving you open challenge. In My organization not only I am letting all My people to read scriptures, I am encouraging them to read scriptures. You do that, let Me see how many are staying with you? No, you do that let Me see how many stay with you? Not letting people read scriptures is equivalent to spiritually imprisoning them. Understand. Spiritually imprisoning them.


And I also make these twelve upanishad reading as a compulsory in all our temples and aadheenams and gurukuls and universities and everywhere. This fundamental twelve upanishads everyone should read. And I tell you, all of you should develop that spirit of trying to find the original shastra, the original sutra for everything. That should be the spirit of original Hindus; real seeker.

[Blue highlighted text is a Repeated part] Understand. I want all of you to know, only if you read fundamental twelve upanishads: Esha, Kena, Kata, Prashna, Mundaka, Mandukya, Aitreya, Taitreya, Narayana, just twelve upanishads. If you read these twelve upanishads, you will become so clear, about the fundamentals of Hinduism and Sanatana dharma and spirituality. Nobody can cheat you after that. Nobody can cheat you. You will know who is Guru. You will know what is enlightenment. You will know what is the unit of measuring spiritual growth, what is the scale to discover spirituality, spiritual growth, guru all these things and what is the apps of the cosmos. You will become so clear about all these. Nobody will be able to exploit you. Nobody can exploit you. That is why this so-called gurus don’t allow you to read scriptures. Let Me challenge, I am giving you open challenge. In My organization not only I am letting all My people to read scriptures, I am encouraging them to read scriptures. You do that, let Me see how many are staying with you? No, you do that let Me see how many stay with you? Not letting people read scriptures is equivalent to spiritually imprisoning them. Understand. Spiritually imprisoning them. And I also make these twelve upanishad reading as a compulsory in all our temples and aadheenams and gurukuls and universities and everywhere. This fundamental twelve upanishads everyone should read. And I tell you, all of you should develop that spirit of trying to find the original shastra, the original sutra for everything. That should be the spirit of original Hindus; real seeker.


And I want to tell those few so-called disciples who made that video and put it. Understand. I am talking directly to you, not to your Guru. Those disciples who abused Me thinking that you are raising your Guru by putting Me down. Understand after I die My disciples are not orphans. Their identity is very clear because I feel responsible for their future. After your Guru dies you don’t have identity. You need to know you will be identity-less orphan. Sangha exists by the solid spiritual identity, not by the wealth and building you built. I feel responsible for the future of My disciples. They all will boldly say I am a Hindu sanyasi, belongs to Sanatana Hindu dharma, Vedagama sampradaya.


Whether I leave My hair open or shave My head I can give you the shastra pramana; why I am doing what I am doing. Whether I brush the teeth this way or this way, what kind of thought currents I am entertaining in Me, what kind of a lifestyle I am entertaining in Me, everything I can give shastra pramana, apta pramana and atma pramana and sakshi pramana. But you fellows who made abusive video on Me, thinking you are raising your Guru, by putting Me down you will be an orphan. You will not have any identity. If two people logically ask you questions suddenly you will collapse into depression, and you don’t know what you are doing is right or wrong. These so-called charismatic people who can act and impress, millions have come, millions have gone, but only Sanatana Hindu dharma stays.


My disciples are blessed. When they are alive they have a charismatic Guru, when I am gone they have a stable sampradaya. Charismatic Guru is like a big hot air balloon advertisement. Stable sampradhaya is like a stone built temple. Hot air balloons are okay for advertisement, but not for permanent living. Just, hot air balloon does not make things needed for permanent living. That will help you to attract attention. That’s it. Stable sampradaya. These fellows who made the video you need to know, go and see many of the big, big charismatic gurus organizations, after they left the body what has happened or what is happening.


Understand. No organizations at least in India has flourished which did not align themself to a clear defined Hindu sampradaya. Today we are celebrating Sri Ramakrishna’s birthday. His sampradaya is flourishing because even when he was alive clearly he aligned himself to the Hindu tradition. Mahanirvani akhada, Puri sampradaya, Thotapuri is his sanyas guru everything is clearly defined. So, even after he left the body, it’s thriving, flourishing. Go and see the organizations where it stood only on the guru’s head and guru’s name and guru’s brand.


No organization survived more than hundred years in India, unless they have a clear, solid sampradaya. Only the organizations which stood on sampradaya survived more than one century. So, these guys who made the abusive video, you guys are kids. I have enough kids to respond to you. Out of My concern for you, I am directly answering you. You don’t know the stupidity into which you are getting in. Your grandkids will not be able to celebrate your identity. My disciple’s great grandkids will celebrate their identity. Sampradaya is the solid foundation. Charisma can only be the kalasha; not the foundation; because it comes and goes. Only sampradaya can be foundation.


And I am also taking this time to tell all the departments, and all the part of the sangha - more and more read these twelve upanishads and Kamika agama; align yourself more and more to it. One aadheenavasi went and digged the hole in nairuthi of the kitchen. I said he is going to have a problem, and he had a problem. Once it got closed, the problem also got solved. 😃 I said don’t do this. No. If you yourself read little shastra, you will not do all this mess up. You will not get into all this mess up. I think little shastra and constantly searching and aligning our whole day to day activities… You see, continuously I am guiding, but there are some places, corners you hide in some blind spot. And you do some stupid on your own. Even those blind spots should be eliminated by constantly aligning to shastras. No corporate structure, only Kamika agama structure.


So, with this, the essence of today’s satsang, I run out your life with shastra pramana, apta pramana, atma pramana and sakshi pramana. With this… I highly recommend, you share the essence of satsang on facebook, and tag it to Me and join Nithyananda satsang, sign up to be a member of Nithyananda sangha, so we can help you, support you, guide you to manifest the state, space and powers of Maha Sadashiva continuously. And we can support you. Let's enrich and cause humanity for super conscious breakthrough. With this I bless you all. Let's all radiate with integrity, authenticity, responsibility, enriching, causing living shuddhadvaita shaivam, Maha Sadashivoham the eternal bliss, Nithyananda. Thank you. Be blissful.



Nithya Satsang

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