ADIKAILASA on 12/25/2021

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ADIKAILASA on 12/25/2021

Presentations of the temple

Event Details
Participants Count 50
Event Type Both
Was Food Served in Event? Yes
Count of Meals Served 35
Volunteers Count 0
Event Duration 110 Minutes

On the seventh day of Nithyanandotsavam - the celebration of the 45th Jayanthi, i.e. the 45th anniversary of the happening of THE Avatar, the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism, Jagadguru Mahasannidhanam, His Divine Holiness, Bhagavaan Nithyananda Paramashivam - the nijaavataaraa, the 1008th incarnation of Paramashiva who has descended to give superconscious breakthrough to humanity. Nithyanandotsavam is being celebrated all over KAILASA - the first nation for all Hindus.

Today, the Utsava Vigraha of the SPH Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam is gracing us in the Alankaram of Bhagavan Arunachaleshwara, Paramashiva, along with His Consort Bhagavati Apeeta Kuchamba, Devi Parashakti herself, the way they grace in the Arunachaleshwara Temple in Tiruvannamalai. Together, they are gracing us today here in Nithyanandeshwara Paramashiva Devalayam, at Adi Kailasa Sarvajnapeetham, in a wooden chariot, ratham, and blessing all the devotees. Today morning we celebrated the grand Rathotsavam - the Chariot Festival, with the disciples and devotees pulling the chariot, on which Paramashiva and Devi Parashakthi are gracefully seated.

The ancient and sacred Kathopanishad has compared the human body with the ratha. In this analogy, the human body is a chariot which is carrying God in the form of the soul and he is the only traveler in this vehicle and is pulled by senses as its horses and the discrimination is the person who is riding the chariot. A Sanskrit verse beautifully says: “Rathotsavam Keshavam Drishtwa Punarjanma Na Vidhate” It means, if any one sees God while riding on a ratha, they will be freed permanently from all the bonds and they will never again come into the cycle of birth and death.

Shiva Deeksha

The essence of Sanatana Hindu Dharma is Guru-Disciple relationship, the guru-shishya parampara, through which the science of enlightenment is kept alive across generations. The enlightenment science is transmitted from guru to shishya through the spiritual umbilical cord between the two, and just like a mother nourishes her baby physically through the physical umbilical cord, the guru nurtures the disciple’s consciousness through the spiritual umbilical cord between them. Deeksha, or initiation is the method or ritual that establishes this connection or spiritual umbilical cord between guru and disciple. Let us now get ready for the most sacred Shiva Deeksha initiation ceremony, that the SPH Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam gives to His disciples according to the Agamic tradition of Shaiva Siddhantha Sampradaya of Sanatana Hindu Dharma, Shiva Deeksha establishes the spiritual connection between the Guru and the Disciple and makes the disciple authorized to do Guru Puja and Paramashiva Puja.

Pictures from the day

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