October 13 2013

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In today’s morning Satsang, Paramahamsa Nithyananda discusses how all of His programs are alive with energy, continuously flowing like Saraswati. This December’s Inner Awakening Bali Yatra will focus on the deeper aspects for creating our image as we want and to experience, express, and enjoy the power in our lives. By understanding and aligning our inner and outer image, how others view us, and how we view the world, we will achieve our peak possibility – enlightenment!


Paramahamsa Nithyananda, alive, energy, Saraswati, December, Inner Awakening, Bali, Yatra, creating, power, lives, image, world, enlightenment.


Nithyanandeshwara Samaarambhaam Nithyanandeshwari Madhyamaam |
Asmadaachaarya Paryanthaam Vande Guru Paramparaam ||

I welcome you all with my love and respects!

I welcome all the devotees, disciples, samajis, satsanghis, I welcome all of you with my love and blessings!

Today, Navarathri ninth day Celebrations. Devi is gracing us as Maha Saraswathi – embodiment of Enlightenment with Saraswathi and Lakshmi serving Her. Let’s bow down to Devi as Maha Saraswathi!

As you all may be aware, today’s satsangh is especially about Inner Awakening level- 4 in Bali Dec 2013. Inner Awakening Yatra; Inner journey!

So, we’ll start with a small video on Bali.

SMALL MOVIE ON BALI is being shown………..

What we are going to work on.

See, Saraswathi will be alive by ever-flowing intelligence, knowledge, life. Lakshmi will be alive by the frozen ideas. Please listen! Why diamond is valuable? Because, from the last few thousand years, people have been crazy about diamond. Why gold is valuable? Because for quite a long time, people have been crazy about gold. Based on the past ideas, Lakshmi, the concept of Wealth. But Saraswathi is based on the flowing life, flowing energy! So, all our programs are the effects of flowing Saraswathi, being alive. Continuously she expresses Herself higher and higher in more and more powerful intelligence, the powerful way.

I will introduce a simple truths; then I will move to Level-4, what we are going to be doing in Level-4.

Listen! “Inner Image”, the idea you have about you, inside you. Most of us have a confused idea. We don’t even have a clear idea about us – what we are and what we want or anything. Anyhow, the inner image, the idea we have about us.

Second, “Outer Image” - the idea we project about us to others.

In Sanskrit, Inner Image is Mamakaara - Outer Image is Ahankaara.

And, “Others’ Image” - what others expect from us. In Sanskrit we call it Anyakaara.

“Life Image” - is what idea we carry about life and others – Swa-Anyakaara.

Just understand these four English words; that is more than enough:

• Inner Image - the idea you carry about you;

• Outer Image – the idea you project about you to others;

• Others’ Image – the idea others expect from you;

• Life Image – the idea you have about life.

Now, I am going to give you some of the equations.

If the Outer Image is pulled towards Inner Image, it is called “Peace”. If Inner Image is pulled towards Outer Image that is called “Success”.

Listen! If Outer Image is pulled towards Inner Image, that is called “Peace”. If you keep Inner Image as a base and align your Outer to the Inner, you will be peaceful, renouncing, giving up.

But if you pull your Inner to the Outer, that is called “Success”. Keeping Outer as the standard, pulling the Inner to this standard, to this scale, you will be successful. That is called “Success”.

Listen carefully!

If your Inner is pulled towards Others’ Image, that is called “Love”. When your Inner Image stands up to fulfill Others’ Image, that is “Love”.

And when your Inner Image stands up to the Life’s Image, please listen, if your Inner Image stands up to Life Image, that is “Destruction”; listen! Because Inner Image is always lower than Life. If the Inner Image tries to make the Life Image you carry as reality, it will be “Destruction”.

If the Others’ Image is pulled towards Inner Image, it is “Selfishness”.

If Inner Image aligns itself to Others’ Image, it is “Love”.

I am giving you the powerful sutras, principles for life with which you can understand in every situation what you are trying to do. The greatest confusions can be destroyed only by the greater truths. Simple confusions can be destroyed by simple truths! Greater confusions can be destroyed only by greater truths! Many times you go on manipulating even yourself in the name of spirituality without having clarity.

If your Inner Image aligns itself to Life Image, it is “Destruction”. And the Life Image you carry, please listen, the Life Image you carry, if your Inner Image tries to align with it, it creates accidents. Means, what is the Life Image you carry? Usually you carry a very low idea about life and others. When you try to make that into reality, you attract constantly accidents in your life. You understand “accident” as just going in a vehicle and hitting and falling. Don’t reduce the word “accident” to just that. Even a broken relationship is an accident! Disturbed understandings are accidents! Life-negative ideas are accidents! Depression is an accident!

So, listen, how these four completely play with all your emotions, whether you make or break your life, is dependent on how you handle these four. Handling - a clear knowledge about these four is a basic requirement.

Please listen!

If your Inner Image aligns with Life Image, that is “Destruction”. If your Life Image is purified by the Outer Image, it is called “Miracles”. Whatever you show in the outer world is always larger than you are. If this base enters into the Life’s Image, it causes miracles!


Please listen, if Inner Image aligns to Life Image, it causes accidents. If the Outer Image aligns to the Life Image, it causes miracles, because Outer Image is always larger than life. Outside you go on projecting you are a big guy. If your Outer Image is aligned with what you consider as life, you will constantly be seeing miracles in your life. If all the four reaches their peak possibility, it is Enlightenment.

If Inner moves towards Outer, it is “Success”. If Outer moves towards Inner, it is “Peace”. If Inner moves towards Others, it is “Love”. If Others moves towards Inner, it is “Selfishness”. If Inner moves towards Life it is “Accidents”. If Outer moves towards Life, it is “Miracles”. If all move towards their peak, it is “Enlightenment”. Understand, the science of all these four image will be the introduction to the IA Level 4. Science of all these four images is introduction to the IA level 4, where experientially you are able to move all the four in the direction you want, especially to the peak possibility of you. Listen, moving all these four to their peak possibility is “Enlightenment”. You will be having the first introductory sessions, classes, intranalyzing and experientially Kriyas, initiation on aligning all these four to their peak possibility.

In the IA Level-3, we are attending to certain level, how the understanding about these images can raise our lifestyle, quality of life. Of course, time constraint; the whole problem is just time constraint.

And but with this 23 days, different places, different sessions, understandings about these images. I tell you one thing, just like when you play chess, how you can move the coins and win the game, exactly same way can play with these images and move them as you want and win the Game of Life. Because, your images are just your understanding, they are matter; they are not unhandleable; you can handle them as you want; you can move them as you want, you can do whatever you want.

You will learn the process for experiencing and expressing the power of words.

First day itself, you will have Vaak Siddhi initiation and second day you will be having Manana Deeksha, means the initiation for “right thinking”. All twenty-three days you are going to be having twenty-three different initiations. Not just energy darshan, you will be having twenty-three different initiations. You will learn the process for expressing Power of Thinking, you will learn the processes for expressing the Power of Feeling, you will learn the methodology to express the Power of Living, you will have special initiation for Unclutching and above all, you will be having session specially working on your Completion. Completion with your parasite patterns. Please understand lust and greed are parasite patterns. We will be having completion process and Shambhavi maha mudra initiation.

Originally the Shambhavi Maha Mudra the word is from Tantric tradition. Nowadays many Gurus are misusing and abusing this word. This initiation is given to Devi by Mahadeva. You will have various different initiations. Mainly we will be working on moving all these four to its peak possibility. And I also sincerely request, recommend all the people who are going to be participating in this program, start watching Satsang at least twenty days before. December 1st the program is going to start by November 10th start watching Satsang every day because I am going to be giving you preparation Kriyas, so that I don’t need to waste my time when we all gather, just in preparation , I can directly take you guys to the next level. What will be the impact of this program on your life? Please listen. To answer this question, in every programme I am trying to reproduce my experience in you. I can say in this program we are going to the next level, completely a different level of reproducing this highest experiences in you. To tell you honestly the words look too small, see when you attend Inner Awakening then you know how the words are too small to introduce a programme, introduce this programme. Even one right sacred secret, one understanding, changes the whole way of how you think and how you feel about you and life. Here 23 days of continuous rain of diamonds. It is like a Inner Awakening level 1, level 2, level 3 are few diamonds handed over to you. Level one may be a bagful of diamonds are given to you, level 2 may be a car full of diamonds, level 3 enough supply is given to you, delivered to you in your house can you , level 4 is a rain of diamonds!

Not only you can enrich yourself you will have everything to enrich others. I can say I am grooming you as a Guru. What I was trying to do in the December Inner Awakening last year, altogether in a different level we are taking it. I can say every time a program goes to the next level the unique thing you can expect is the efficient way, the better way that we are able to convey and transmit this experience to you, is the unique point. Because you come with more receptivity and your ability to receive and digest, drastically increases and especially receive and transmit this experience to others in your life that becomes great exciting experience for you. In every level I gave you the introduction about, based on this image - inner image, outer image, others image and life’s image. Based on this I gave a simple introduction what we will be working on the image. So in every level the same way we will be raising our whole experience to a different level in inner awakening level 4.

I will continue to expand and explain the process tomorrow also. You may watch many of the pujas, homas in the Bali, personally performed by me. After a long time, I will be occupying the seat of the pujari and occupying the seat of the Tantra Dhaarak. Tantra Dhaarak is a person who chants mantras and guides the rituals. I’ll be using the Power of Sound to awaken your DNA layer you receive; the experience you receive will naturally be totally different.

As I said again and again, the words are too small, too little; I can only say don’t miss it, be there!

Let you all achieve, experience, live, express, radiate, share and explode in eternal bliss, Nithyananda.