April 09 2011

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The Science of Creating Wealth || Part 1 || Initiation into Powerful Cognition || 9 April 2011


Name Of The Convention: Initiation into Powerful Cognition
Session on: Wealth Consciousness
Title: The Science of Creating Wealth Part 1
Venue : Adi Kailasa, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
Date : 09 April 2011

In this video, The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism is step by step diligently leading the delegates of the Enlightened Wealth convention into a powerful process to break free from restricting engrams and expand their creativity to consistently manifest wealth as they want. Come experience the compassion and dedication of the Master, and witness a breakthrough.

The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism, Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam, His Divine Holiness #Nithyananda Paramashivam (HDH) is the reviver of #KAILASA - the ancient enlightened civilization and the great cosmic borderless Hindu nation. Revered as the incarnation of Paramashiva - the primordial Hindu Divinity, HDH has a following of 2 billion Hindus worldwide with de facto spiritual embassies in over 150 countries. He has worked untiringly for over 26 years for the revival of Kailasa, for global peace and to give super conscious breakthrough to humanity. He has survived the worst persecution of multiple assassination attempts on person and on character by anti-Hindu elements. He is collecting, organising, preserving, time capsuling, decoding, spreading and reviving 20 Million source books of Hinduism and the 64 sacred arts & sciences like Ayurveda, music, dance, sculpting, astrology, vastu and much more. Close to 20,000 hours of HDH’s timeless talks have been recorded till date (Sep 2020), which are a treasure trove of powerful cognitions to solve individual and global problems of any kind.

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The click you need to know is, this idea of connecting food and money and idea of feeling this much is enough for me is poverty mental set up. Please understand, Indians highly suffer with this poverty mental setup. I wanted all of you to know, don't settle with the idea this much is enough. No. Create left and right and if you don't want to possess, share it with the world but don't build a set up that this is enough. This is enough curtails your expression, your creativity. I wanted all of you to know, when you start feeling this is enough, when you have a line, it is not that you are a big, great guy, no. You are great when you don't say enough when you create. While you create no question of enough. While you celebrate you can have enough. Understand, when you possess you can have enough. You can say, “This much let me possess, that is enough. Others, other things, let it go to society in various other ways.” When you are creating, if you have enough, you have sickness. So I wanted all of you to know, no question of enough while you create. Then what will happen? Your creativity will stop. You will not flower. You will not reach the ultimate. You will not have the fulfillment. You will not be exploding. So during creation, no enough. Only while you possess, you have freedom for enough. Anybody else? Please come. So now you need to break the mental setup of enough.


Participant: Good evening to all. Actually I came from Tamilnadu village. I have started my… after 10th fail, I have started working and I am having a very strong idea that even now I am staying in Chennai. I am doing business but still I am struggling. I am having very strong idea my religious people will never grow. That is a basic idea which I am having and second thing is that mental setup I am having it. Still I am having lot of money which I cannot utilize properly. So that setup I am having. Swamiji: See, he has one black engram, one wrong engram that my community people will never grow. These are some of the engrams put in the mind in the Indian villages that certain community never creates wealth, certain community always creates wealth. He says, even though he has created so much wealth, still that feeling, my community never grows is there. I think now you know the problem. Break it, that's all.


Here there is some messages from different cities. Why don't you guys also directly talk? New Jersey, come on, I will read out her message: All my life from when I was two, my mom always told me I was born to give, not to receive. How do I deal with this? You need to know, you can give only if you have. You need to create. And there is one more message from Redondo beach: Money causes people to fight against one another. We must compete for wealth.


Oh! this is the complete wrong idea. Please understand, you don't need to... you see, only to grab wealth, you need to compete but to create wealth you don't need to compete. While you are creating wealth, all people who create wealth complement each other. Please understand, there are two ways to have wealth. One, creating. Another one, grabbing. Only while you grab, you compete with each other. While you create, you compliment each other. Creation of wealth is totally different from grabbing the wealth or robbing the wealth. Only while you are robbing or grabbing, you need to compete. Here I am asking you to create, not to compete.


Now we will do a next process. Maybe that will make more understanding to all of you guys. Now find out your partner, next person to you. Sit as pairs. Please sit as pairs. Sit as pairs. Just turn, sit as pairs. Even in all the other cities, please sit as pairs. Find out one partner, one friend for you with whom you can talk now, with whom you can share…. Start sharing, start talking actually whatever you wrote now. Start talking, start sharing. See, you will understand only while you talk and share, the other person will be able to point all the wrong engrams you have created and when he shares, you will be able to point all the wrong engrams he is carrying. Alright, first the right side batch, start talking, start sharing. The right side batch means this side, this group. Start sharing what you wrote. Then I will get the essence from you guys. Start sharing the money engrams you created. Start discussing clearly.

(06:53) to (07:50)

Music. Process in progress.


You see, I wanted first the right side team to talk. You share your problems. The other person can give clarity. Then after that the left side team should start. See, don't start talking about your problem when you are listening the other persons. When you are listening other persons, listen completely. Only help him to find out his wrong engrams, wrong mental setup. Then you can tell your story. Don't start immediately. (Swamiji talks in tamil) Before even the other person completes you don't start, “Listen to my sad story first.” No, first listen to their story. Then you can start your story. So this side, for example, if you are sitting as two, My right side, this side will talk first. Listen sincerely. Listen sincerely and try to help the person, other person. Understand, share Enlightenment. Enlighten the other person first. You will have Enlightenment.

(09:00) to (09:40)

Music, Process in progress.


Talk in detail whatever you wrote. Express in very detailed way. Explain and express properly. Better to get somebody who knows your mother tongue. You should make others also rich. Only then the real Acharya you will be. Make others rich. In that, have little bit for you. Couples, don't sit together. Of course in India no problem. Men and women are separate. In other countries, you don't sit with your husband or wife. Otherwise you will carry that continuously in your headache. The enWealth program will continue even in the house.

(10::24) to (11:20)

Music. Process in progress


While you talk properly and express, you will understand the wrong engrams you are carrying. Unless you talk it out, you can't catch it.

(11:38) to (11:53)

Music. Process in progress


You should know we are now conducting the program in 29 cities in 10 countries.... Sorry, 11 countries in five continents. Without India and Bangalore, 28 cities. So naturally with Bangalore, 29 cities. With India, 11 countries. Thank you. Let us gather for next session.



The Science of Creating Wealth || Part 2 || Initiation into Powerful Cognitions || 9 Apr 2011


Name Of The Convention: Enlightened Wealth
Title: The Science of Creating Wealth Part 2
Session on: Question and Answer
Venue : Adi Kailasa, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
Date : 09 April 2011

In this video, The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism is step by step diligently leading the delegates of the Enlightened Wealth convention into a powerful process to break free from restricting engrams and expand their creativity to consistently manifest wealth as they want. Come experience the compassion and dedication of the Master, and witness a breakthrough.

The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism, Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam, His Divine Holiness #Nithyananda Paramashivam (HDH) is the reviver of #KAILASA - the ancient enlightened civilization and the great cosmic borderless Hindu nation. Revered as the incarnation of Paramashiva - the primordial Hindu Divinity, HDH has a following of 2 billion Hindus worldwide with de facto spiritual embassies in over 150 countries. He has worked untiringly for over 26 years for the revival of Kailasa, for global peace and to give super conscious breakthrough to humanity. He has survived the worst persecution of multiple assassination attempts on person and on character by anti-Hindu elements. He is collecting, organising, preserving, time capsuling, decoding, spreading and reviving 20 Million source books of Hinduism and the 64 sacred arts & sciences like Ayurveda, music, dance, sculpting, astrology, vastu and much more. Close to 20,000 hours of HDH’s timeless talks have been recorded till date (Sep 2020), which are a treasure trove of powerful cognitions to solve individual and global problems of any kind.

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Video Audio



This is what is unconscious mind. You see, it always expects only in one place but God appears when you don't expect and where you don't expect. No, usually also Enlightenment happens when you don't expect and where you don't expect. Many of them, many people get enlightened in the bathroom. That is the last place anybody will expect to get enlightened. Everybody thinks they will get enlightened in the pooja room but very rarely people get enlightened in pooja room. More people get enlightened in bathroom because they are more free there. No, I am not saying spend whole day in the bathroom, the possibility for Enlightenment. No, but you are more free. Unless you are free you can't relax and you see, even the cleaning of the system happens when you are free. If you are holding on constantly, then constipation.


Alright, come on. I will explore now different questions, especially mainly your sharings. Here is somebody's question. He says, “I heard that wearing rudraksha gives you only sustenance and does not allow you to create, accumulate and celebrate wealth and money. Is it true?” No, I wanted to tell you few things. See, in Hinduism we have all types of mental setup in Hindu religion. Hinduism is practically like a group of religions. It is not one religion, it is group of some maybe two hundred religions. Each Sampradaya is an independently intelligent enough to fulfill human beings spiritually, socially and economically and create a complete group, a complete fulfillment. So, in this way two hundred traditions put together is Hindu religion. I can say Hindu religion is totality of two hundred religions. In all these different parts of Hindu religion, the best mental setup for wealth is Shaivites. Please understand, I have gone through all different mental setups. You may think, “No no, no. Vishnu is wealth. What do you mean by Shaivites? When you are ready to lose, when you are free from insecurity you create left and right.


You see, the idea of destruction gives you a kind of a freedom. Please understand, idea of destruction frees you from the idea of security. When you are free from the idea of security, when the insecurity becomes security for you, when you are free from the mental setup of the security, you create left and right. See all over the India. All huge temples are Shiva temples. You see, wealthy temple is… Tirupati is wealthy temple, no doubt. That is because of too many other different reasons. Otherwise if you see the totality…. see, Tirupati is like a …totally the Vishnu temples are very less in number. So the accumulation comes out like a more but if you see total, total wealth, shaivites are more wealthy. Even the mental setup of a shaivite is for lot of taking risks, lot of risk taking, these things happens for the shaivite mental setup. So I can tell you, this rudraksha and the mental setup related to Shaivism makes you create more wealth, create more wealth and more money.


Come on, we will start one by one. Now I wanted you guys to share the important understanding you show to others but you yourself did not have till you shared with the other or till your partner shared with you. See, now many of you would have had some strong clicks when your partner was sharing with you or you were sharing with your partner. So, I wanted few of you guys to come out and share the whole situation so that I can address almost all possible problems related to money. I am going to make this whole program interactive because in the night time if it is not interactive it will be mono acting, mono active. So I don't want to be doing mono active program. I am going to make it interactive. Then I will start answering all your questions.


Come on, here there is a message Redondo Beach: In order to have wealth, someone else must go without. Idea of living simply so others can simply live. You need to catch this truth. Please understand, there is no need for somebody to lose wealth for you to have. Only if you are robbing from others, somebody need to lose but wealth does not need to be robbed. We can create. Let us create more and more. See, in Vedic tradition, we have two things called Sanga Nidhi, Padma Nidhi. Padma Nidhi means flowered wealth means which you create. Sangha Nidhi means conquered but conquered from nature. Conch, you see, how a conch is conquered from the ocean and it becomes your wealth. You conquered it from nature. Conquering it from nature and flowering it, making it happen by your creativity, nothing wrong. If you are going to create and going to conquer from nature, then you don't need to feel somebody else should become poor, no. When you create wealth somebody else does not need to become poor, go without wealth. Only when you are robbing, cheating, stealing from others, they have to go without wealth. We are not doing that. I am not teaching you how to rob. No relax. I am not promoting you the science of demons. I am promoting you the science of creating wealth. So when you create, someone else does not need to go without it. Understand what I am saying? So creation does not.... creation is not competition, it is complementing to others.


Next message: I seem to create a lot of money but it does not stay. Seems to lose it in bad investments or get spent. Can I attend this issue tomorrow because tomorrow I am going to work on celebrating. Today I wanted to work on destroying the wrong mental setup, cleaning wrong mental setup. Then creating right mental setup. Then celebrating wealth. First I wanted to teach you about the creation of right mental setup to create wealth. Then right mental set up for celebrating. So come on, you guys can come and sharing. Please understand, you can now share any click happened to you which you did not have earlier, happened because your partner sharing with you or you sharing with your partner. That kind of clicks, come and present now.


Q: Nityanandam, the first thing I wrote on my notepad is, first of all, the money is not there. Whatever little is there, is created in a manner which makes you lose grace and in spite of that, in spite of losing grace whatever little is created, one person, the person who has created the money tries to establish his or her own supremacy over the people around him and makes other people feel low and eventually one person feels good, one person feels bad and the entire experience is that, first it is hell to create it and then it is useless. Overall it is futile. Swamiji: Overall? Q: Overall it is futile to create money. Swamiji: So this is what you wrote? Q: Yeah. Swamiji: And when you wrote, when you shared with others, this is what you understood? Q: Actually one very powerful click happened yesterday. I was creating money for my Inner Awakening. There I realized that since I had grown up with my grandparents, I never owned up father’s money. I wanted to ask my father for money for Inner Awakening. So I just could not press the button there because one thing that very powerfully happened for me was that his money is just not money I can ever ask for. It is not mine at all. Then all of this filtered down. I had been working on money earlier also. This is the crux I got when I sat down here today.


Swamiji: So the creating money is futile? Q: Yes. Swamiji: I think, don't you need to learn an important fact just because you see, your story, the mental setup explains just because somebody who has money goes round, bosses over, establishes their supremacy on others, it is not money is responsible for it. It is a wrong mental setup of that person is responsible. You understand? Please understand, if that guy, even if he doesn't have money, if he is little beautiful, he is going to establish his supremacy on others based on the beauty. Then? It is the mental setup of that person. If he is not having money, if he wants to establish his supremacy if he doesn't have money, otherwise also he is going to establish is supremacy through the beauty or health in some other way. So money is not responsible for his arrogance and misbehavior. Q: Yes Swamiji: So don't blame money. Now understand, money should not be hated for the habits and attitude of the people with money. Otherwise what? He is going to establish his supremacy in some other way. Otherwise he will become a politician. He will establish his supremacy through weapon and violence. So you understand the click? Q: Yes Swamiji: Money is not responsible for the attitudes and actions of the people with money. With that attitude even without money they are going to use something else to express that attitude. Q: But what should we do for that attitude? Swamiji: That, nothing can be done. That they have to suffer and eliminate that attitude. Q: No, not in them, in us.


Swamiji: Oh, in your case? Then you should be very clear, the attitude is disturbance, not the money. So stop hating money. Hate the right person who has to be hated. Hate the attitude, not the money. If you are hating the money you will not be creating money. Instead if you hate the attitude you will destroy that attitude. Q: Like I am scared. The particular incident I am talking about, there I have seen that love is lost for the sake of money. So I am scared as a child when this thing happened, I was scared that I will have to lose love in my life if I have to create money. Right? Swamiji: No, once somebody, somewhere... See, understand this is what last session also I was saying. Somebody who expects money from you, if you show, if you expect love from that person, it is going to be wrong relationship. Same way, somebody expects love from you, if you expect money from that person, it is going to be wrong relationship. Wrong relationship is like trying to paste wood and gold. Q: Yes Swamiji: But neither wood is wrong nor gold is wrong. Q: Yes Swamiji: But when you start hating because of money this problem, you are hating the wrong person. Q: Yes


Swamiji: So now understand, hating the wrong person will not solve the problem. It will create only more and more problem. Now catch the truth, at least I will not hate the wrong person understanding it. Bring more and more understanding, at least I will not hate the wrong person. So now you can start hating the right person. Who is supposed to be hated here? The attitude of trying to establish supremacy. That needs to be hated, not the money. You understand? Now catch. Attitude of trying to establish supremacy has to be hated. Q: One question I have. I have seen many people around me with whom there are people around them who support them through, you know, through a loss or anything Swamiji: Sorry? Q: There are people around me who have paid some loss or the other could be financial loss or you know, some loss of health. There are people who come forward for their support and on the other hand, there are some other people if they lose something, people move away from them. How does this happen and if I have to create a strong…you know, social experience where people come forward, how do I do that?


Swamiji: I can say, this coming forward or moving away, both depends on your attitude expressed when you had or not having money. For example, even while you have money, if you are not interested in establishing your supremacy, people will be around, attracted towards you but if you are trying to establish your supremacy while you have or not having, people are going to move out of you. It is the attitude of trying to establish supremacy. See, if you are not trying to establish supremacy, even if you don't have money, if you have problem, people will be there to support you. If you are trying to establish supremacy, even while you have, when you are not there, people are going to take revenge on you. It is trying to establish supremacy is the problem. Q: And one last thing, the thread that runs through this entire thing is that I do not have money and I cannot have money. Swamiji: That is the one big wrong setup, mental setup. Then? Q: I have written it many, many times after every third or fourth sentence. I have eventually written I do not have it and I just cannot have it.


Swamiji: You see, when this becomes your main thought trend, it becomes a magnet and it attracts only that kind of thinking, job opportunity or the ability to work, everything around you. Now decide, “No, I do not have money is fact but I can have money is reality.” I do not have money is fact but I can have money is reality. Move from fact to reality. Don't seal reality based on fact. Fact is not reality. It is half reality or one portion of reality. Fact is the reality read with your mind. For example, reality is this whole crowd sitting in front of Me. Fact is, I am attending only you. So in this whole crowd which is two hundred degree vision I am concentrating only on forty degree vision. Forty degree is fact but it is not reality. Reality is the huge possibility. So move from fact to reality. Reality is thousands of people sitting in front of Me but fact is, I am reading only one part of reality. If I am talking to five-six of you, I am attending fact which is one part of reality but this fact alone is not reality. Move from fact to reality. Q: Thank you


If you are hating money because of the actions done by people with money, wrong person is paying the bill or wrong person is suffering. I have a story for you guys: Walking up to a department store’s fabric counter, a pretty girl said, “I would like to buy this material for a new dress. How much does it cost?” The male clerk who was standing there said, “Only one kiss per yard,” with a smirk in the face. The girl said, “That is fine. I will take ten yards.” With expectation and anticipation written all over his face, the clerk quickly measured out the cloth, wrapped it up and then teasingly held it out. The girl snapped up the package, pointed to the old man standing beside her and smiled, “Grandpa will pay the bill.” Understand, if you are hating money because of the attitudes and actions of the people with money, wrong person will pay the bill.



The Science of Creating Wealth || Part 3 || Initiation into Powerful Cognitions || 9 Apr 2011


Name Of The Convention: Enlightened Wealth
Title: The Science of Creating Wealth Part 3
Session on: Question and Answer
Venue : Adi Kailasa, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
Date : 09 April 2011

In this video, The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism is step by step diligently leading the delegates of the Enlightened Wealth convention into a powerful process to break free from restricting engrams and expand their creativity to consistently manifest wealth as they want. Come experience the compassion and dedication of the Master, and witness a breakthrough.

The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism, Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam, His Divine Holiness #Nithyananda Paramashivam (HDH) is the reviver of #KAILASA - the ancient enlightened civilization and the great cosmic borderless Hindu nation. Revered as the incarnation of Paramashiva - the primordial Hindu Divinity, HDH has a following of 2 billion Hindus worldwide with de facto spiritual embassies in over 150 countries. He has worked untiringly for over 26 years for the revival of Kailasa, for global peace and to give super conscious breakthrough to humanity. He has survived the worst persecution of multiple assassination attempts on person and on character by anti-Hindu elements. He is collecting, organising, preserving, time capsuling, decoding, spreading and reviving 20 Million source books of Hinduism and the 64 sacred arts & sciences like Ayurveda, music, dance, sculpting, astrology, vastu and much more. Close to 20,000 hours of HDH’s timeless talks have been recorded till date (Sep 2020), which are a treasure trove of powerful cognitions to solve individual and global problems of any kind.

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Come on, next. Anybody wants to share? Q: I come from a teachers’ family. Swamiji: Ha, yes. Q: There has been a lot of importance that was given to knowledge and so I was very happy and proud and I get a lot of respect when my knowledge is exhibited. I have had a lot of money at a particular points of time and that time there was a lot of respect and when I didn't have money, some of the people, not everybody, some of the people were, you know, mistreated, rather mistreated my wife, not me because I said I don't care. Okay? So my thing to them was saying, “No, I don't care. If you are thinking me only I am as a that X amount of money, I don't care for you.” So I could move on. Now I am back again to make some part of money and I know more money is in…is coming in my way. So, this is what I was thinking. So I said money is important. Now the conflict that is going on is, knowledge is more important than money and money is important. So money is getting a second treatment. Hence that is why I am having the problems that I have had.


Swamiji: See understand, the separation of knowledge and money is sin. Separation of Saraswati and Lakshmi is sin. Saraswati and Lakshmi is one and the same. The moment you have the problem Lakshmi is bigger or Saraswati is bigger means knowledge is bigger or wealth is bigger, you caught into a big mess. Always knowledge comes where the wealth is; wealth comes where the knowledge is. It supports each other. See, the real knowledge happens when the wealth is there with you. Real wealth happens when knowledge is there with you. If you have the conflict, knowledge or wealth, it is not the conflict of reality. It is the conflict of your mind. It is a conflict of attending your life in parts.


Please understand, you cannot say, “I will today give bath to my hands. I will take bath tomorrow for the left hand. I will give bath day after tomorrow for the main body. I will give food to the main body after three days but I will give food to the right hand today.” No! Like right hand and left hand is part of your main body, knowledge and wealth is part of you. If you have conflict, you are missing complete understanding of the life. So this conflict I can say, one more wrong engram with which we are struggling. Money and wealth is you. Understand, money and knowledge both are you. Let Me put it in this way. Knowledge is the inner freedom. Money is the outer expression of inner freedom. So understand, if you have the conflict between the knowledge and money, you are coming to conclusion too soon before seeing the life. I have a story for you that also:


One afternoon a rich man was riding in the back of his Limousine. When he noticed a man was eating grass by the roadside, he ordered his driver to stop and he got out to investigate. He asked that man, poor man, “Why are you eating grass?” The poor man said, “I don't have money for food. So I am eating grass.” The rich man said, “Okay, come along with me then.” The poor man said, “Sir, I have a wife with two children.” Rich man said, “Bring them also.” So the poor man got into his car and expressed his gratitude, “Sir, you are too kind. Thank you for taking us with you.” The rich man replied, “No problem my friend. The grass in my house is about three feet tall. I could use your help.” Don't take decision in a very prematured way. Knowledge is money; money is knowledge. There is no difference. If it is not making money, it is not knowledge, junk. It is not creating knowledge, it is not money. Again, it is junk.


Q: So, Swami, and she put one question. Suppose if the being is content, is this poverty mentality, she was asking. Then I told... Swamiji: I wanted to make it very clear. Two thing: One, this question that being content, please understand, you cannot having the contentment of being till you are enlightened. Any contentment you experience before enlightenment is kind of a shield you create out of your fear or laziness to work. I tell you, that wall is like a enlightenment contentment, contentment you feel because of enlightenment. The fake wall you put inside, in front through the plywood, with the plywood is like a contentment you create out of fear. Please understand this example. The real ceiling and false ceiling. The contentment which you are having now is more like a moving out because of fear. That is responsible, that is the reason the contentment you are having.


Let Me make it very clear. You have right to have contentment when it comes to the possessing but you have no right to be contented when it comes to creation. Creation is your life. Don't be contented in that. When it comes to possessing, you see, for example, you have no right to stop creating wealth because of contentment. No. You have to go on creating. That is life but you have the right, you have the freedom to choose how much you want to hold in you, with you but you have no right to stop creating. By the nature, “Gahano Karmano Gatihi.” Life is work, flowing. There is a beautifully Krishna says: Karmanye Vadi ka Raste Ma Phaleshu Kadachana Means you don't have freedom to stop creating. You have freedom to stop possessing. So, you have no right to stop creating. If you say, “I am contented and is it a right mental setup?” No. It is poverty mental setup. You cannot have contentment as far as the creation is concerned till enlightenment. After enlightenment simply you will be creating, that's all. Q: Thank you, Swami.


Alright, anybody who feels contented? It is not contentment, it is just fear of working, laziness, not interested in being creative. Come on, that content person, let him come. If he knows if he just does a small cheating, he is going to get some billion dollar, you think you he will not do? Simply, they will all out to do that. Then what happens to your contentment? So it is just the laziness to work and inability to take risk, that's all. So understand, life is wealth. You have freedom not to possess but you don't have freedom not to create. Creation is your life.


Q: So I always have big conflict with spirituality and money because since I was a child I loved Jesus very much. He was a poor man born in.. Swamiji: But he is the richest man now in the world, do you know that? World's largest wealth organizations belong to him and run in his name. Q: Yes, and then there are so many sayings, you know, only poor goes to heaven and so on and so forth.


Swamiji: Who wants the heaven where are the poor fellows are there? Come on, it is time to go to Vaikunta where all the best things are available. Not the heaven where some old poor fellows are sitting in their... It is complete negative ideology. You see, I wanted to make it very clear. I am making a clear strategy even for My organization. Later on when our organization becomes a big religious organization, I am making very clear, teach our followers to create wealth. Give them the right mental setup to create and celebrate wealth. When they create and celebrate wealth, a little bit they share with our organization. We should live with it. Don't promote poverty and suck wealth from them. No! Do not teach poverty to them and suck wealth and you be rich. It is hypocrisy. No. I am telling you very clearly, stop promoting this idea poor go to heaven. I tell you, blessed are the rich, they live in heaven. They create heaven.


Arey, be like a Vishwamitra. Just create a heaven. Why should you go to heaven created by some other idiot? See, if you go to any heaven created by some other idiot, you will always be a second citizen, second class citizen. Don't be. Be a first grade citizen. Actually before I started this organization, one Swami, a very rich Swami, he called Me and said that, “I wanted a successor. You are a young Swami. Please be my successor and take over my organization.” He was very old. He was very old and said, “Anyhow in one or two years, I will die.” And huge wealth! He has at least thousand crore wealth and You be my successor. I said no. I very clearly said, “No. You may leave this money to Me but that will never make Me rich or wealthy and lot of troubles and other things associated with this wealth will bind Me. So I will never be able to do what I want to do.” So be very clear, only when you create it is yours, not otherwise.



En Wealth Manifest Your Possibility || Part 1 || En Wealth || 09 April 2011

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I welcome you all with My love and respects.


Let Me introduce the program - En Wealth…. Let Me introduce the exact process of the whole program. It is all about wealth, as the title says: money…. The first question: What an enlightened master has to do with wealth? Why should he talk about wealth? He is supposed to be talking about renunciation but he is talking about wealth…. Please understand, a beautiful survey, study done by Ohio University, Sociology department, I wanted to share some of their study. It is done national level in US…. by Lisa Kestar, Associate professor of Sociology at Ohio State University. Religion is an important factor in wealth accumulation, a factor that has not received lot of attention. The study suggests religious beliefs children learn in their families, translate into educational attainment, adult occupations, financial literacy, social connection and other factors that influence adult wealth ownership.


One more important thing the study says, it is not only the religious affiliation, people who attended the religious services regularly accumulated more wealth. God pays you and some of the very interesting informations I want to share with you so that you understand why I ventured into this program En Wealth teaching you about wealth. The study says, religious beliefs are directly connected to the wealth they create and accumulate. Conservative protestants don't accumulate too much in the… in this life. Jews encourage pursuits that lead to wealth accumulation, high income careers and investing and you will be shocked to know a median net worth of a jew is 150000 dollar. 150890, three times more than the networth of a entire sample and conservative protestants, baptists and seventh day adventists and Christian scientists only 26000.


Please understand, Jews 150000 and conservative protestants are just 26000. Half of the networth of the entire sample. Jews are three times more the entire sample and conservative protestants are half of the entire sample and statistics of the communities that remained asset poor, Jews are only 1% asset poor. Protestants are 15% asset poor. Catholics are 7%. Accumulation such as home stocks and bonds, Jews have 35% accumulated. Conservative protestants only 3%. Mainline protestants 22%. Catholics only 20%. Early life investment and high risk, high return assets such as stock and bonds to earn wealth. Jews, one third of the population do this. Conservative protestants 0% of the population does this. Main line protestants only 7% and Catholics only 4%.


Understand, the study says, religion keeps coming up in any model you run to explain wealth. It is something you can't ignore but there has been little effort to explain the connection between religion and wealth accumulation. And finally the study ends with a question mark. Still they are not able to clearly pinpoint the exact faith or the mental setup responsible for the accumulation of the wealth. So that job I am going to do in these two days. Understand, religion and wealth are very closely associated. That is the reason I ventured into teaching you how to accumulate wealth. First statement I wanted to make, the first statement of this program, wealth is not a thing to be accumulated or managed. Wealth is you. Please understand, wealth is not just a thing as you think to be accumulated or managed or created or celebrated. It is you. Wealth is nothing but extension of you.


In Sanskrit, we have a very beautiful word- ‘Lakshmi’ means intensified goal. When the Lakshya is intensified in you, it is Lakshmi. Intensified goal is Lakshmi. The right mental setup directly makes you create and celebrate wealth. I don't even want to use the word creating and sustaining. I wanted to use the word creation and celebration of wealth. The right mental setup is required to create wealth, to celebrate wealth. Only an enlightened person can teach you the mental setup, can create the right mental setup. That is the reason I took up the program on wealth. The usual question, “An enlightened being is supposed to read, teach renunciation.” Please understand, how will you renounce unless you lived?


I have seen wealthy man. I have seen poor man's renunciation. I have seen wealthy man’s renunciation. I have seen all these three. Please understand, I have seen poor man renouncing what he doesn't have and wealthy man enjoying and I have seen wealthy man renouncing- all these three mental setups I have seen. I wanted to let you know whether you will renounce or not, that is different but it is good to have wealth. I completely support creation and celebration of wealth. I will explain the detailed truths and the mental setups we carry about wealth. Somehow this concept, the very word wealth, if you don't have greed, if you have fear, if you are in between worry, too much, I can say the word wealth is too mysterious than God. Even about God, you can come to a conclusion and understanding very easily but the word wealth has become too mysterious because we did not look into it, the right mental setup is not achieved.


Look little deeply. The very word wealth creates so much of pain in everybody. Either you had too much of greed and did not have it or too much of fear of poverty or too much of failure ideas the moment the word wealth is uttered. Too many of your failures crops up in your system and too many broken relationships crops up in your system. Too many broken relationships, too much of disrespect, too much of the pain and sufferings which you went through from the young age gets awakened. That is why, a normal man can never think of wealth in a relaxed way. Just look in. Even if you want to think about creating wealth, secretly you sit and think. Even inside your own mind you create a secret chamber where you plan about wealth. Even your whole mind does not accept for planning about wealth. The moment one corner of your mind starts planning, the other corner wants warning you, “Hey, you are planning about wealth. You are going to get into suffering.” The other part is already teaching you renunciation but you need to understand it is not renunciation from understanding. It is renunciation based on the tendency of moving away from life, escaping from life. Wrong attitude.


You carry too many chaotic ideas, too much of confusion about wealth. As I said, wealth is not a thing, wealth is you. If you are confused about wealth you are completely confused about you. Who you are, what you are, why you are, who you are. Who you are, what you are, why you are, who you are. You are thoroughly confused about the whole thing. As a Sanskrit word Lakshmi means intensified goal is Lakshmi. Please understand, Lakshmi is not just wealth. Wealth is one idea. Lakshmi is intensified goal. When the goal is intensified in you, alive in you, awakened in you, wealth is inevitable. Wealth is not just money. The relationships, satisfaction, the power to convert dollars and rupees into the product which you wanted to have.


In Sanskrit, we have eight dimensions of wealth. In the next further sessions, I will talk about it. We call it Dhana, Dhanya, Virya, Vijaya-different dimensions of wealth. It is a thing. It is not a thing, it is your very being. Only when your being becomes proper, the wealth gathers around you, wealth happens around you and you celebrate it and wealth can be adding to your life. Without the right mental setup, even if you have inherited or grabbed….for example, legally if you are born to a rich person, you inherit and if you inherit illegally, it is called grabbing, that's all. Without the right mental setup, even if you inherit or grab, you will not be able to celebrate wealth. I have seen people. I have seen all kinds of people who celebrate wealth without having it, who celebrate wealth without creating it, who create wealth but don’t celebrate it, who create wealth but never use it, who grab wealth but does not celebrate it, who grab wealth but does not enjoy it. All kinds of mental setup I have seen.


A right mental setup, right understanding about wealth not only attracts wealth towards you, makes wealth happen in your life, it gives tremendous clarity even for your day-to-day life, normal life because wrong ideas about wealth becomes a self impediment for your very growth, for your very understanding, for your very living. As I said, wealth is not a thing. It is different dimensions of you. When you manage different dimensions of you, just wealth happens around you. As I said, wealth is not just dollars and rupees. It is relationships, contentment, the peace and job satisfaction, everything. All... each one of these items and health, each one of these items are your wealth and the mental setup continuously to have success, all these things are different dimensions of wealth. So I think now you are very clear why I am talking on wealth, I am going to work on wealth, I am going to teach about wealth to you.



En Wealth Manifest Your Possibility || Part 2 || En Wealth || 09 April 2011

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First thing I wanted to do in this program is make you understand all the pains you associated with wealth: your innate guilt about greed and the ideas put inside you in the young age, the wrong ideas put inside you in the young age about wealth. When your parents fight for wealth among themselves, not only you have wrong ideas about them, you have wrong ideas about wealth. You feel, “Oh, it is wealth separates people.” That one engram is enough for your whole life. You will not be able to create wealth peacefully. You will not be comfortable with wealth peacefully. Just see, how many of you are comfortable when you think about wealth inside you? When you just sit in a relaxed way, remember about wealth, see how much of pain comes out whether the failed efforts which you took or the failed relationships because of wealth.


When I say failed efforts, so many examples I can give. The efforts which you did not do properly or which you did properly and did not work out, did not click or somebody cheated you. Whether somebody cheated you or not, practically every person in the world feels they have been cheated. There is nobody who feels he is not cheated, he or she is not cheated. Then who is cheating? Everybody feels, whether it is a person who lives in slum or a middle class or billionaires. Everybody feels they are cheated, they are cheated. How can this be? Somehow wealth creates, the idea of wealth creates strong painful memories and engrams in you. That is the first reason why you are not comfortable about wealth, you get into wrong pseudo renunciation ideas.


First thing I want to do in this process is make you understand all the wrong engrams you carry about wealth, engraved memories, wrong ideas you are having about wealth in your brain, in your system, from the young age all the wrong ideas you imbibed in your system about the wealth. Please sit and go on writing whatever you remember about money in your life. Please understand, first time what you heard about wealth from your parents. First time what you heard about your wealth from your friends, from your relatives, from your teachers. When you started growing up, what all the ideas you imbibed about wealth.


I can remember, even now I can remember first incident of wealth in My life, maybe around the age of two or three. In Indian villages during the festivals, the uncles and parents will give few coins to kids. So, many of My relatives gave money to My elder brother, younger brother, for Me also. I got lot of coins for My share. All of them were counting. I was sitting and looking at that and I looked into My father and asked, “What shall I do with this?” He said, “Whatever You want You can buy.” I said, “I want one Ganesha to play with. You already gave it. It is there for Me. I don't want anything else.” Then he said, “You can give it away to whomever You want.” I said, “Oh, that's all, okay.”


Then I called some of My friends. My house is filled with My cousins and.... it is a joint family. I called two-three of these guys and said, “Hey, I don't want this. Whoever wants please take it.” I thought some four-five people will come and take. Forget about it, the one guy whom I said, he just picked up the whole thing, whole cloth on which the coins were there. I couldn't understand. Anyhow I just left it. “Okay, what I wanted is there. I don't want anything else. Leave it.” This is My first memory of wealth and still I tell you, this memory plays a major role in how I handle wealth. It is just utility. I have not created a single relationship because of wealth, I have not broken a single relationship because of wealth, I have not created any suffering for Me because of wealth, I have not created any joy for Me because of wealth. I am living. Wealth is living with Me…. Just wealth is living with Me.


Understand, wealth is your personality, nothing else. I can tell you, all dimensions of wealth is living with Me. I have a right to talk about wealth to you. Of course, I am a wealthy Guru! You can't equate My wealth to rupees or dollars. Medias tried their best saying thousand crore, hundred crore. Of course, all these numbers are lies. It is not that much if you equate it to number but one thing I want to tell all of you, you can't equate My wealth to number because I have such beautiful, intelligent, strong feeling connected sanyasis. Each one of them, how many million dollars you will equate them? You can't! That is one of the biggest asset I have and it is such a wealth, even when I say it is wealth, they don't feel it is pride. They feel only grateful for being around Me. For example, if you tell others, “My wife is my wealth,” naturally she will feel pride. She will say, “Yes, yes, I know I am your wealth.” But I am telling My sanyasis are My wealth, you won't see pride in them.


Not only dollars or rupees, in every dimension wealth is living around Me. So wealth is not a thing. It is just a mental setup. It is self management. That is what is wealth management. Creating self and celebrating self is what I call creating wealth and celebrating wealth. You need to know, if you are not having wealth, I wanted to make it very clear, I wanted to rewrite the word, “Blessed are those who are rich. They live in heaven.” I don't want to say they go to heaven. I don't want to use the word, “Blessed are those who are poor in spirit. Thy shall enter into the heaven.” No. Blessed are those who are rich. They live in heaven.


It is a wrong understanding given about wealth. Being poor is in no way connected to spirituality. I am making one more thing clear. Being poor is equally criminal like grabbing or robbing the wealth from others. Robbing the wealth, stealing the wealth and being poor, both are equally criminal. If you are poor, please understand, it is not that you are not working, you are working in wrong direction to create poverty. Krishna says very clearly in Gita, ‘Gahano karmano Gatihi.’ World is action. Whether you want it or not, you are in action. If you are not creating wealth, you are in action in wrong direction, that's all. You are in action but wrong direction. You are creating poverty. In these two days, all I am going to do is create a right mental setup for you so that you attract and celebrate wealth. You create and celebrate wealth.


First thing, the first process I want to do is sit and go on write all the ideas you received about wealth in the young age. Let Me first open you up. What you have let us dig it out. Then we will clear these past engrams, create the right mental setup for wealth. Then I will explain the right mental setup necessary for wealth and the wealth management techniques and ideas from ancient, age old vedic tradition. Please understand, vedic tradition is one of the richest, wealthiest tradition not just in the inner world, even in the outer world. Thousands of years before, whatever you call as outer world wealth, we are the richest tradition. Even after so many invasion for wealth, so much of swindling, still India holds so much richness, wealth. First the invasion by different groups like Kanishkas, Kushanas and Mauryas. Then Mughals, then British. So much of invasion. So, even after so much of robbing, stealing, still we are generating because the vedic tradition is life affirmative. It believes in creating wealth, not grabbing, creating.


I can say, India is the only country which never grabbed wealth from other countries, other civilizations. Every possible civilization and groups grabbed, robbed India but India never went out to grab wealth from others. Even after giving up so much, we still have. So if you look from the right angle, I can say, India is the richest country in the world even now because never grabbed, always gave. Never grabbed, always gave. Still we have. And the funny thing is still only 3% of Indian man hour is used. Please understand, for example, see, in India we call it working age as 25 to 58. 25 to 58 is the working age. If a person supposed to be working eight hours a day, 25 to 58 all the Indians X 8 hours. I am saying that Indians who are between 25 to 58 and 8 hours. If this is hundred hours, for example I am giving you, only three hours productivity happens in India. I want all of you to know, only three hours but still we are creating wealth. So I will share the ancient secrets of creating and celebrating wealth.



En Wealth Manifest Your Possibility || Part 3 || En Wealth || 09 April 2011

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Now let us enter into the process of creating the important wealth you need to create in your life, the right mental setup about wealth, right understanding about wealth. Sit now, pen down anything you remember about money. All the ideas you received about money in the young age or any major incidents happened in your life because of money and the ideas you carry about money- some relationships breaking, some relationships getting created and feeling uprooted and major drastic changes in your life because of wealth, wealth coming in or going out, anything you remember about money, pen down. Take time, pen down because I wanted you to understand all the wrong concepts you carry about wealth. It is like a literally surgery. I am opening up, opening your heart, taking out all the unnecessary things, engrams you have, clearing. It is like removing the blockages from the circulation flow. Please take paper and pen and start penning down all the ideas you carry about wealth.

(02:17) to (03:05)



Please pen down elaborately.

(03:09) to (04:01)



Please write without thinking much so that all the original engrams will come out as it is without getting edited by your logic. You will know exactly the engrams you carry inside.

(04:15) to (05:20)



Recollect first conversations you had about money in your life. Recollect first conversations you had with money in your life. How your relationship with money. Is it fight or is it love relationship or is it hatred relationship or is it feeling of loadedness. How your relationship with money started. Your conversations with money and your conversations about money. Pen everything down.

(06:09) to (06:34)



Think deeply, as deeply as possible. Go back to your past, your childhood. All the ideas you grabbed, imbibed from the friends and relatives about wealth. See how much of pain you carry about wealth.

(07:02) to (08:14)



Pen down in a detailed way the different ideas you received about wealth, your own conversations about money. With money or conversations about money.

(08:40) to (09:13)



When you dig out yourself, you will understand the sick and broke mental setup you create.

(09:22) to (11:15)



Please do the homework properly. Please write. Think, think, think. Unless you write, you will not catch the exact engram where you are caught…. Unless you dig out, you will not understand what I am saying. The intense pain, mixed emotions you carry about wealth, the mixed feelings, conversations you had with wealth and about wealth. How the hurt you felt by not having wealth interferes even while you want to create it.

(12:17) to (12:41)



Any of you don’t have paper and pen, please raise your hand. We will provide…. In Houston I am seeing two-three people are not writing…. Please dig out. Write, write, write. Go on writing. Only then you will hit the ideas, the mental set up which you are carrying.

(13:25) to (16:23)



Don’t close your eyes. That is why even I am going to take class by standing. Come on, Houston, still I am seeing two-three people are not writing. Pen down. See, only when you think you analyze, only when you write, you analyze properly.

(16:59) to (17:26)



Whatever comes to your mind about money, pen down. You can pen down point by point.

(17:34) to (18:03)



Keep on writing. This will help you to identify your conversations about money. What do you think is your basic root conversation, basic engrams about money. You will see how it runs in your relationship with money…. What were the first conversations you had about money, finance in your life.

(18:40) to (19:02)



Try to recollect your childhood incidents where you first had an experience about money. You see, My first experience about money has created a solid foundation for My relationship with money. So dig out your first experiences about money.

(19:39) to (20:09)



We will dig out everything you carry about money so that the right mental setup is created, right understanding is created to attract wealth and celebrate wealth.

(20:25) to (20:41)




En Wealth Manifest Your Possibility || Part 4 || En Wealth || 09 April 2011

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(0:15) to (01:37)

Process. (Mahavakya chant in background)


Yes, I can see Oklahoma now. Oklahoma, you guys are able to hear to Me? Yes, I can see you. Great!

(01:46) to (03:24)

Process. (Mahavakya chant in background)


Dallas, the first row is not writing. Done or what? There is so much to write. Write. Look in. Remember your childhood incidents related to money, the money conversations or your conversations with money, about money inside you. I have seen people, the moment they get into the bathroom to take bath, they start talking, “I will make two hundred crore. I will see that within next month I make two hundred crore.” Most of your bathroom conversations are about money. Look in. When you get into bathroom and do conversations with yourself, it will always be about money. Very rarely about relationships…. Write your childhood conversations about money and bathroom conversations about money, with money. Especially morning when you get up, your very inspiration to run the whole day will be about money. All your bathroom talks will be majority about money. If we connect a software to your brain and transcribe it, early morning it will always be about money. By evening, you will start feeling to rest.


Dig, dig, dig, dig as much as you can. Sepopon Mexico center, the violet T shirt is not writing. No, the front row, she is not writing. She is just sitting. In Sanskrit, we have a word called Prajnanam Brahma- Intelligence is God. When you get the right intelligence where you are stuck, you will evolve and that is God. The intelligence where you are stuck is liberation. Now you will have a clear idea where you are stuck. Typing in the iPad, come on, pen down. Typing in the iPad does not make you think. By the time you type, you will edit. Only if you pen down, you will write as you think. Actually these guys forget they are in My direct presence! They forget I am seeing them! They think, “Oh! Swamiji is there somewhere and we are here, We can do anything we want.”

(07:55) to (09:46)

Process (Mahavakya chant in background)


Alright, we will analyse few things. Come on, attention please. I will analyze now how your childhood conversations with money and about money is directly influencing your mental setup, your pattern about money. Then I will enlighten you exactly how the pattern about your money, your pattern about money is directly creating or not creating money, how it is directly responsible for your money and poverty. Come on, I will invite some of you guys. Whoever wants to share the ideas or your conversations with money, now what you penned down. I will give you one minute time. Everybody can have one minute time. Anybody wants to share so that I will give you exactly the click how you created your mental setup, pattern.


Please come. Come forward. You can use the podium. I will sit here and answer. Q: (speaks in telugu) Swamiji: Just a moment. He is talking in telugu but we will have a translation. You can understand. After he finishes we will have the translation. Please continue. I can follow. I am able to follow. For others’ sake… Q: (Speaks in telugu) Swamiji: Ma, translate Ma


Volunteer: Nithyanandam (translates what the participant said in telugu) So what he was sharing was that he grew up in utter poverty and very stiff financial conditions. So he used to, in fact he started his life as a daily laborer and worked very hard to come up and earned a decent job but while he was in his childhood days, lot of abuse the family has seen from relatives and others because of the financial state. With that, he started hating both money and people in his life. Then once he got a job, he started supporting his brothers, sisters, all of them. The responsibility became his but he continued having hatred towards money and towards people who abused them so much in the childhood. Then he later approached Amma Bhagavan, another master and he learnt few things there and he started earning and he realized that whatever money they earn if it is enough for the daily living, that is enough. I don’t think I need more than that and my kids will be taken care of God. That is the belief I have today and that is the belief with which I have come to Swamiji today.


Swamiji: First thing, you see, in this I wanted to point two things: One, because of the idea you have been illtreated because of less money and poverty, you developed a kind of a hatred towards money itself. Please understand, I want all of you to know, you are treated disrespectfully not because you don’t have money but because of somebody else’s greed for money. For example, you not having money is not a crime but others expect you to have money, that is responsible for the ill treatment you go through. So look deeply. It is somebody else’s greed responsible for your ill treatment not you having or not having money but when you associate you having or not having money is responsible, you attribute that ill treatment and that suffering to money. Please look deeply. This is one of the important thing you need to understand. For example, you are walking in the beach and somebody abused you. Then immediately your mind unconsciously associates the abusal and beach. So whenever you see any beach again, you have that feeling of getting abused again, fear of abusal again. Beach has nothing to do with abusal. It has to do with the person who abused you.


Same way, you having or not having wealth has nothing to do with the suffering you went through, suffering caused by your relatives and other social people. It is their greed for money made you disrespect, made them disrespect you because you don’t have money. So why should you suffer for their greed? Why don’t you understand? If you are suffering for your greed, I have no problem. You have… you are worthy of suffering but don’t suffer for their greed. Look in how you created a suffering engram about money. Now you are saying, “If I have money to run my day-to-day life, that is enough.” No, it is wrong. This is what I call poverty mental setup. Now because of this mental setup, till the death you will be running between your income and expense. You will be just getting your pay cheque and paying all your credits. No, break that mental setup.


Understand first thing that suffering you had in the young age from your relatives is not because you not having money, because their greed. You see, it is like they wanted to have rich relatives. They don’t have rich relative. Their relative, you, is a poor. So they are angry about it. So they are expressing their anger on you. It is their greed expects you to be rich and because of their greed that you should be rich, they abuse you and you incorporate, you imbibe that abusal into you and create hatred for money. See how you are caught and this hatred and not only that, when you create the words like, “I started my life as labor, I worked hard and got a decent job.” These are all the ideas, loads you again and again and again. It is almost like a ten ton is kept on top of your being. Everybody has to start their life as labor. Don’t bother, in any field.


I started My life as labor. When I started My first two-day workshop, two and half people attended. When I say two and half, one will be always sleeping. That’s why. Three people attended. One will always be always sleeping. That was the way attendance. See, those days I used to take classes in the day time. Even the daytime program, two day workshop, two and half people attended. So I can also say, I started My life as labor. Anybody has to start the life as labor. Except the 1% of people who are born with silver spoon, everybody else is born with teaspoon. Come on, 99% of us are born with teaspoon. Only 1% are born with silver spoon. So be very clear, when you say, “I have started my life as labor,” that is what is 99% of the people. That is what is the history of humanity. You don’t need to be too worried or thinking or even bragging about it. Sometime people brag about it. “You know, I started my life as a labor.” What is there in that? That is the way everybody starts their life. Starting your life as a labor is not wrong. Ending your life as a labor is something wrong.


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Nithyananda speaks on the Patanjali Yoga Sutra 141. The sutra gives the technique for walking on water, but also to walk on the air and sky (levitation) and to be able to decide when to leave the body, dying at will.

In India, mastery of this spiritual power is very common. Even watching others express supernatural powers, awakens the bio-memory for these same powers in you. Creating an energy field where different bio-memories of extraordinary powers are awakened in human beings is the job of an incarnation.

The siddha tradition defines 10 different flows of prana (air) in our system. Mastering these flows through pranayama gives the result of walking on water. In this discourse, Nithyananda gives the straight technique for walking on water, air, fire, swords or whatever you like, and being able to decide when to leave the body.

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Paramahamsa Nithyananda Press meet April 9th 2011

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Sadāshiva samārambām shankarācharya madhyamām Asmadācharya paryanthām vande guru paramparām

I welcome you all with love and respects. Sameway I welcome all devotees, disciples, satsang centers who are sitting with us at this moment in 369 places in 54 cities in 17 countries. And I welcome all the cities sitting in 2-way connection: Atlanta, Los Angeles, Van Couver, and Seattle. I welcome you all with My love and blessings.


Before starting the press meet, I just wanted to give one or two presentations. I have invited all of you for a very important revelation to share with you all. The press meet is mainly for… to release certain statements given by CID, Karnataka to the Ramanagara Court. We will give you the whole presentation. Come on, start the presentation. It is some of the videos and photographs came in many media when I was kept in CID custody in the prison and... Next slide It is the Bangalore Mirror news. Some of the news appeared with photographs of My interrogation by the CID officials in Bangalore CID Headquarters. Will I be able to read some of that?... Next.... Can you go to the next? Will I be able to read? Yes, here it says April 3rd 2010 Deccan Herald Publication says, According to CID sources, they have also gathered information from him about the one CD that is already in public domain and the two that remains secret.


Next...can you….next... I should be able to read. Yes February 2011, February 2nd Deccan Herald says According to CID sources, in his statement to the CID of which Deccan Herald has a copy, he has alluded to frequent sexual activity. Here when they say he they mean Me And he had also held his devotees responsible for demanding sex from him and he admitted inter alia to having sex… to having had sex with Ranjitha several times and with other fifteen other women. This is a publication from Deccan Herald, February 2nd 2011. Can you go next?


And this is again April 23rd, Bangalore Mirror. This says, According to the CID sources, the CID officials are examining the veracity of the video content obtained from hard disk seized during it's first raid. According to CID officials the hard disc carries some 30 clippings in which Nithyananda is seen with number of female followers in compromising situations. There are many girls in different clippings. Footages show Nithyananda with girls in different sexual positions, CID sources said. It is from April 23rd Bangalore Mirror. Next…


And 29th of April 2010 Bangalore Mirror. Can you.... I should be able to read. According to CID sources the sleuth said that after arresting Nithyananda, they raided his Ashram at Bidadi where they recovered many CDs and hard disks. They were sent to the Forensic Science Laboratory, FSL in Hyderabad. The FSL authorities had told them that CDs and hard disks contain footage of five more women in compromising positions with Nityananda. There is a need to know who these women are and what is their connection with the Swami, said the CID officials. Please go next.


And this is April 8 2010, DNA article. According to CID sources, a senior police officer who is part of the Criminal Investigation Department investigating the alleged sex scandal involving self styled godman Swami Paramhamsa Nityananda revealed on Wednesday that Lenin Karuppan, the Swami’s former driver had submitted thirty tapes containing videos of the godman in compromising positions with women. The officials also said that one of the thirty tapes was the one aired on a private news channel in which the Swami was seen with a woman suspected to be a Tamil actor. However the official added that the veracity of the tapes was still to be ascertained. Asked if the videos were of the thirty different women, the official said no. He added that six women featured in the videos. Please go to the next.


It is May 6th 2010 DNA Publication. According to CID sources, meanwhile investigators said that Nithyananda was normal man. He has confessed that he experiences sexual urges once in a while. During such times, he adopts a yoga posture to overcome the urge. Next...


It is January 5th, DNA article. Can you go to the..... According to CID sources, Nithyananda confessed that he had erectile dysfunction. He also confessed that he had a heightend urge of sex on amavasya and poornima nights when there is…… and on amavasya and poornima nights when there is the new moon or full moon. He said that the... that he was much like other man... other men when it came to the sex urge. He confessed that he had sex urge.... he had sex with as many as twenty disciples. He also said that in order to impart spiritual bliss to disciples he used to hug them. He made the allegation that his work had drawn a large number of non Hindus into the fold causing resentment, an officer said.


Next... This is 27th February 2010… 2011, DNA Publication which says According to CID sources, during his interrogation on April 27th 2010, Nithya said that he had sex with at least fifteen women at his Ashram, had sex with many other devotees. “I do not remember the name of anybody else. It is wrong to say that I would select a female devotee and ask her to come to my room and I have a sex. On the other hand, my devotees themselves were falling over each other to have sex with me,” he said. Two days before this frank admission, Nithya is alleged to have told the sleuths that he used to get an erection only on amavasya, no moon day and purnima, full moon day. “When it happens, I get tremendous pain in my body and feel miserable. Sometimes I get nocturnal emissions.” Nitya also said that he does not get aroused and many women who had slept next to him felt that they were sleeping with woman. He was quick to add however, “I did not say that I am impotent. I only said that I have an erection problem.” Nithya’s interrogation report can put a good old James Hadley chase to shame sample this. “I am neither a man nor a woman,” he told the Crime Investigation.


Next, it is 2010. It is again the date 2011, 3rd March. Mid Day Publication. According to CID sources, the interrogation report was recorded by the CID, a copy of which is with Mid Day. Please understand, I want to mark this line, is with Mid Day. The disgraced Swami admitted that he had sex with the actress. Initially Nityananda claimed that he does not get sexually aroused as he is neither man nor woman. But after the CID screened the controversial video for him, he told the Investigating officer that it was indeed him in the video. The self styled Swami said that he was not impotent but only had an erectile dysfunction swearing that whatever he told CID officials during the interrogation was only the truth and the whole truth and nothing but the truth. Elaboration on his sexual life at his ashram, he admitted that apart from the actress, he had sex with more than fifteen other women but did not remember the names. He admitted that what he did was wrong and that sometimes he chose female devotees to have sex with, sometime they were already willing to do so themselves. Justifying these misdeeds, the disgraced Swami said that he had done nothing illegal. Although his deeds might be socially and religiously wrong, he said that he might have had sex with many people but never did he force anyone and all the encounters were voluntary. He also said that he just wanted to come out of his present mess. Please, next.


And CID was quoted by media in Deccan Herald 105 times in all the articles which came after the rumors and scandals created around Me. Deccan Chronicle quoted CID sources 83 times. Bangalore Mirror quoted 73 times the CID sources. Now we have a huge bundle. We wanted to show it to all of you. The each big media is quoting CID sources. All the original copies are available here and I have a huge bundle of CDs where the television media, the electronic media quoting CID, CID sources and after all this, we requested the Ramanagara court. We filed a petition. Neither I did anything wrong nor I confessed anything wrong to the CID. So we wanted to bring this to the world. We requested the Ramanagar Court, please tell the CID to produce all the interrogation tapes.


Eight days they kept Me in the custody. In the eight days they interrogated Me several hours and I told, “We requested the Ramanagar Court, please let them produce all the video tapes in the court so that we will prove it to the world. Neither I did anything wrong nor I uttered the words which they have quoted Me saying in many media.” Especially just see how disgrace it is on My women disciples. I am still living with five hundred women in this campus. Average five hundred women stay in this campus a day including My ashramites and My rishis, My sanyasinis, My brahmacharinis and My devotees who come here for program everyday. Please understand, these devotees are not called for any press meet or any purpose. They are here just as a regular thing for some program here, for some Darshan or some meditation program. Today we have not organized for.... yesterday only you all received a invitation. We have not organized and called any devotees. They are all staying here. They may be brahmacharis, brahmacharinis, rishis or devotees from Bangalore who are attending some program or from around the world attending some program.


How disgrace it is on My devotees! How much of their emotion, faith, sentiments are deeply hurt. The grievance. After all this, we wanted to find a solution for this. They go on abusing. They go on continuously disturbing and destroying and we asked the court. Very funny thing you all should know. The CID has given a statement to the CJM, Chief Judicial Magistrate of Ramanagara. The present IO has given a report stating that CID is not having any audio or video recordings of the interrogation of Nithyananda while in CID custody and the fact is, I was interrogated for eight full days. This whole thing was recorded by fixed cameras in the wall and when they interrogated Me in another one room, they had handy camera and a voice recorder. So now, they are saying entire video recording and audio recording not in the custody of CID.


Of course, I wanted to make it clear, I am not accusing, disrespecting CID in any way. They are already angry with Me and I am making it very clear, I am only bringing it to the world. I am not accusing, disrespecting CID in any way. I am not damaging their name or credibility. Just I am bringing it to the world. I wanted answer from all of you and they are saying, I am quoting the exact words. I will be giving you the copy of whatever response they have given: “Sanjay Marketing company was entrusted with the work of installing audio CCTV system in the interrogation room and the said work was in progress when Nithyananda was being interrogated but the proprietor of the masstech by name Vijay, with the active assistance of his employees committed theft of the video and audio clippings and shared the same for wrongful gains with Udaya TV and other channels.” They have named it very clearly. “Apparently a case has been registered against the marketing company which itself was employed by the CID. How is it that the person who allegedly committed the theft has not been arrested yet? How is it that even after a year after the serious offense of stealing the absolutely confidential material?” It is almost a year, one year it is now. “Absolutely confidential information of police interrogation, it has not resulted in a chargesheet yet?” They have not filed charge sheet.


And on the other hand, all of you know, the record short time at least three instances, chargesheets have been filed on Me and My disciples. The first one against Me without even the so-called victim’s name or the false victim's name. Second, just for using few liter kerosene in the meditation, in the Pancha Tapas, because media projected that, showed it, they immediately rushed and not only filed FIR, they filed everything and filed even a charge sheet even though after the local villagers came and said, “We donated that kerosine.” Even after knowing very clearly they filed a chargesheet. That is one thing. Second, I think all of you know. Last time in the press meet itself we said that they said that police have been stopped when they came inside the Ashram. So with that false complaint they again, for that also they filed a charge sheet. Charge sheet is already filed for that false complaint also. So, next will be the.... see, first statement which I read now to you is shocking for both of us and next will be shocking equally, not only both of us, for the whole world.


The statement of COD says, secondly as per the report of IO, no materials and documents were provided to any visual or print media, magazines and internet publications. Only a press note was given after filing of charge sheet by the CID. Apart from this, nothing was given by the CID to anybody till today…. I wanted all the media to know. I will read out once more. “As per the report of IO, investigation officer, no materials and documents were provided to any visuals, visual or print media, magazines and internet publications. Only a press note was given after filing of charge sheet by the CID. Apart from this, nothing was given by the CID to anybody till today.” You can distribute the copy. The CID has cleanly washed its hands off the entire news reports that were published in various newspapers claiming those statements were confessions of Paramhamsa Nityananda during interrogation. So they wash their hands entirely during the interrogation. I can give you thousands of sample, press reports quoting CID sources. As I said, 105 times. Just these are few big press names we collected but we have the huge file. This whole file is that only, about each media where the CID sources and the huge bunch of CDs of all the television programs aired with the clear information CID sources in many… even the officials are talking. We have video clippings.


So, now I wanted to come back to open questions to all of you. Who is to take responsibility for the damage caused to Me, My mission and mainly My female disciples? Some media were reporting I was running prostitution here. Can you understand? Here all these people leaving their highly, their education, qualification, career, everything just to serve this country, the amount of service we provide to this country and to the whole human society. For that they all have left their life from various countries. I have lawyers, doctors, engineers, Phds, swamis here, brahmacharis, ashramites here. They all have come, men and women both side, leaving everything to serve this country. Average 10000 square meal per day we serve through all our ashrams. Please understand, per week 10000 people get medical care through all our Ashram medical camps and per month at least 10000 kids get education support in the form of uniform, school payments, books, notebooks and everything. Who is responsible? I cannot do it all by Myself. I am a single man. All these people who left their life for this service serving this country.


Now who is responsible for all the abusal, damage done, so much of suffering and grievances caused? Blatant lies have been spread about Me which has directly caused so much of hurt and grievance and injury to My devotees and disciples. How can the injustice done to them be explained? While the press was apparently was getting the various sensational news items from the CID, our voice was never heard. We conducted the press meet as early as March 6th of 2010, within few days of that rumors and scandals started being created around Me. Ashram conducted press meet and I was continuously talking in the YouTube. Anyhow all those things are one side but many ways we were never represented and so much of damage, irreparable damage is done in the name of CID sources but now suddenly they are washing off their hands and anyhow, now the truth has come out in front of the courts.


I request all the honest media please help Me to rebuild My mission. That's all I called you. Just this one request. Please help Me to rebuild My mission. I am not here to blame CID. I cannot stand their anger. I can't handle their anger. Please understand, so I am not accusing, abusing CID or I am not accusing any of you also. I am not accusing any media. I am just presenting the whole thing to all of you the fact. I am showing what has happened, what all has been done and now what they are saying in the court. See, truth is coming out continuously in the courts. Only in the court, truth can come out. They have given this in affidavit. Am I right? In affidavit they have given… and I have volumes, bundles, small and big medias, the print, print news media or in many languages collected quoting the CID sources. Now they have given in affidavit in the court. They have not given any information to any media and…. My only request. I called all of you to share this information. My only request is, please help Me to rebuild My mission, help Me to continue My services to the world, to spirituality and the social services.


I think all of you should now come up and answer. Can anyone of you can say who can be responsible for so much of abusal, harassment My devotees went through, My sanyasinis went through? In seventeen places in public, rowdies have pulled sarees of My sanyasinis and more than three hundred calls, harassment calls My brahmacharinis and sanyasinis have received in the welcome centre in our Ashram reception, enquiries for prostitution. The amount of abusal My sanyasinis, educated sanyasinis have to go through, who left their life just to serve this country... I wanted all of you to give Me the answer. I know there are many responsible media. So before somebody else leaks it, we wanted to give you the official copy. So I called you all. How can any justification be done for the damage done to Me and My disciples, mainly My disciples. They are not able to walk in the street. They are not able to go out to teach. You see, we are not a organization sitting inside a cave. We are an organization doing continuous spiritual researches, scientific researches and then taking it to the world.


Recently also I have done a small scientific research. As a side information I can share this note with you all and I think last time I shared with you all a important research on mitochondria and the same program we have done some more researches. The reports have come. 50% improvement on major diseases like blood pressure, back pain, chronic digestion problem, acidity, asthma and allergy and depression and insecurity, chronic fatigue, insomnia and mood swings, a different mental and physical disorders through certain meditation programs. And another one important thing, it is a very… it may be of very interesting to all of you. The state of the art research has started and one of the cutting edge technology being researched by the most advanced research institute in the USA- teleportation means moving a object from one place to another through energy and teleportation even in its infancy stages after research worth of billions of dollars, they are able to move only teleport lighter photons.


Please I wanted your attention. In US, the teleportation they are able to do only the lighter photons and replicate it only few feet. They are able to teleport only few feet, any photons. The original photons also after teleporting, the original photons get destroyed but we have successfully proved in the pilot study. We have conducted a pilot study of teleporting the vibhuti and kumkum. Successfully we have done it across the globe from India to USA, Oman, Malaysia, Singapore. This study is done successfully. Now after the April 14th, I am going to do here, a demonstration directly to all of you. I will be calling all of you. In front of your eyes, the object will be moved from one place to another place just by the mental power, meditation power. I will be calling you all to prove. Usually we teleport vibhuti and kumkum. It will be teleported in front of your eyes in front of scientists. Even this pilot study we have done is in controlled conditions we have done the pilot study. We are successful in teleporting the vibhuti and kumkum to Oman, Singapore, Malaysia, USA. to so many places.


Now this is the research on the physical and mental health through our meditation program. Actually this research we have done with Rajiv Gandhi University scientists, doctors belonging to Rajiv Gandhi University but now in the April 13th onwards, we are doing one more set of research with Ohio State University, American University and I am giving you open invitation. If you send two-three of your representative, I can make them meditate and even through them I can do the teleportation. You see, you may say that it is My disciples, there is some foul play or anything but you can send two-three representatives. April 13th I am starting the program. It is a twenty one day program. I will give you completely free entry. I welcome. You can send two-three representatives or even if you send, ten, five, okay, no problem. If you send representatives, they can also go through the program and once they start learning meditation, have the initiation, through them itself I can show.


It is not something like a mystery or hidden secret or anything. It is a science and not only that, I am going to make this science clearly available through the proper study to the whole world because American Universities are spending billions of dollars on this research and study. India we had all this ancient sciences available. It was, only thing, we never did it properly and we never presented it properly to the world. Now that's all I am doing. I have done it properly. Pilot study is successful. We have done actually fifteen, more than fifteen pilot study, teleporting vibhuti, kumkum on different places-on Malaysia and Singapore, to Ohio, to Los Angeles and many places. We will do it here April 13th. After April 13th I will call all of you. I will call all of you. In front of you, the demonstration will be done with scientists.


See, it is usually done, a group of people sit in some particular place and I sit here. We both meditate first and through video conferencing I give instruction. Then from here the material travels to their hand. This is the way it is done. Now in front of your eyes the April 13th we will be showing. After April 13th I will call you, call for a press meet. Any of you are interested, you can come and participate in the twenty one day program. We will train you. You can receive even in your hands. It is like a, just like a cell phone. How the cell phone works. A voice becomes a wave and it travels anywhere and there again the wave gets converted into voice. Same way, the matter becomes energy. Vibhuti becomes energy and it travels and gets converted. Again that energy converts into matter in the hands of a person who is able to receive through meditation. I think that's all.


Now I wanted you all to answer Me for My open question. You see, our people are.... we are not able to go out. You understand the practical problem. Understand, even though I am out of jail, out of prison, My people are not able to go out and teach, continue their classes. I am requesting, please help Me to rebuild My mission, repair the damage, abusal, injustice done to Me and to My disciples. Any of you have anything to say? Any question? Any answer? My lawyer has few words to say. Then I will answer your questions. Please.. you know... all of you know him. I don't need to introduce. Supreme Court lawyer, K.V, Dhananjay. Please...


Lawyer: I will request you to go through paragraphs five and six. So once you go through it yourself I would like to just briefly address you. So if you have finished reading paragraph five and six, you will see that you have to read paragraph one now. It is just two lines. That the application filed by the A1 is not sustainable in the eyes of the law and opposed to the law delivered by the honorable Apex court. So, the CID is saying that the application which we made is not maintainable at all. No, when they say it is not maintainable they really did not have any need to disclose all this. Why are they disclosing all this? Because they have realized that they have made a huge mistake. So they want to be the first one to blink. They know very well that we have been watching them and that we are not going to take everything lying down. So therefore they felt, “Okay, fine. Somebody has to admit to wrong doing. Before the media says something let us be the first ones.” Because if you were to go to any lawyer and ask them to take a look at this, they will say this is very surprising. If the CID is saying in paragraph one that it is not maintainable, there was no requirement for them to still state other things. Why are they stating those things? They are trying to wash off their hands because the application we have filed is unprecedented. Nobody has ever filed an application in court stating I want the interrogation tapes. What kind of an individual would do that?


You see, someone who has taken to the court will have some fear of being caught somewhere, if not for that offense, maybe for some other offense. So nobody would ever go to the court and say, “I have committed no wrong. I am a sincere person. I want the interrogation tapes.” Now therefore this application is very unprecedented because in this application what actually the accused number one said is that I have committed no such thing. I never confessed to anything. I never put myself in a bad light. I completely deny and by the way all of these clippings which Swamiji read out actually were given to the court. We specifically denied each one of those paragraphs. We said we never said any of these things. So we said, “My name has been destroyed, My reputation has been destroyed. The public believes all these media stories because the media is saying CID sources, CID sources.” So, therefore we said we want to clear our name. That is because unless and until we clear our name, we will never get fair justice. So therefore the CID basically realized that we are not going to leave them. So they have given this response and as you can see all the newspaper reports lying here.. Every...


Swamiji: They are free to see any of these. Lawyer: Yes of course, you are free to inspect this. What kind of a person would collect all of these papers? I just want you to basically ask yourself a question. If this man is really guilty the way and evil, the way the CID calls him to be, do you think he would really be collecting all these newspapers? Why would anybody do that? What kind of people actually. Yes and we have close to three hundred individuals basically who are doing the only job of actually culling out whatever is coming in the media and then preparing it. I am saying all of this because I have been handling this case for the last nine months. I did not know anything about Swamiji until the scandal broke out. So therefore I have seen nothing myself. I am supposed to basically to a conclusion based on my experience. My experience in the last nine months has been whatever you been seeing and when the CID comes forth with a report like this I would like to ask, “Can any reasonable person not think that he has been framed, not think that he has been maliciously targeted?”


You can see all those newspapers. Some three hundred different individuals are going through newspapers through media reports on a daily basis, culling out information and now by the way, I am not the only lawyer advising Him. There are several other lawyers and by the way, almost all the lawyers, leading lawyers have been telling Him that now is the time to basically hit back. Now is the time to go after the media. Now is the time to go after the CID on grounds of defamation. So I am supposed to basically tell Him whether to do that or not and what am I supposed to say? Any professional lawyer advising a client who has been so badly targeted and framed, he is duty bound to tell him, “Okay, you have no option but to go against the media now, to go against the CID.” And I am honestly asking you a question. I am due to advise Him in a couple of days. What am I supposed to tell Him? By the way, every other lawyer who has been advising Him has been telling Him that you know, we are foolish, nobody waits. The day you receive this kind of response from the CID, within 24 hours, you will go behind all of the newspapers and the CID. That is what all the lawyers have been telling.


Swamiji: Sorry, I am not interested in going after defamation, all these things. All I am interested, I am requesting you honest.... Many of you are very honest and just understand, honestly help Me to rebuild the mission, the injustice done to Me. That's all I am asking. Lawyer: And by the way, there are more revelations to come. Now you might think, “Okay, fine. This means that whatever came in the papers is false.” What about whatever is there in the charge sheet? I am sure all of you might be having some that kind of a question. What about the charge sheet? Someone has basically alleged rape over a period of five years and six years. What about those charges? Will not those charges stick? What I mean to say is with respect to those things the CID has actually given a far bigger revelation. They have made a certain application which will be disclosed in due course of time. Anyone who will look at that application will clearly know that the chargesheet is nothing but hearsay and that is all. I wouldn't like to comment anything more than to tell you at this point of time. You might all have seen that huge, fat book, chargesheet and the CID has now put in a separate application which will convince everyone that the charge sheet is nothing but hearsay. They have filed some application and that is all I would like to tell you.


Swamiji: Educated but soft, middle class people, silent people, when they come and beat, I don't have any security, you understand? They have tremendous rowdy power and don't you understand? You see, I am telling you simple question. I don't want to talk about it because you asked, I have to tell. I have to talk. Just that kerosene, few liter kerosene, because it is shown in the media, immediately the police, they filed FIR and charge sheet but on April 21st when they arrested Me and produced in front of the court magistrate and when I was coming out, the shoe was thrown on Me in front of hundreds of media. In front of hundreds of media, a drunkard threw a shoe on Me. Did they take any action? Still they have not even filed a complaint or arrested him. Second, the person who stolen these footage and released it to media, still no arrest or no charge sheet. Don't you understand the power they have and where I am. If I reveal the name now you think they will let Me rest? We will not have ashram for you to come tomorrow. Don't you understand? I will have to tell only in the court after I get the court protection.


You see, I have collected all the evidences, all the audio recording, everything is there. All the evidences are there and many other.... all the evidences are there. I don't even want to tell what evidences. Everything is there. I will produce it in the court. You just understand the practical side of us. I am a small, simple organization, spiritual group, you understand? Just see. No, just answer Me this two- three things. A small kerosene, immediately FIR gets filed in 24 hours and the chargesheet happens within few days but shoe has been thrown on Me in public, in front of media. All medias have shown that. Shoe was thrown on Me. The police was standing next to Me. Still there is no arrest and no charge sheet and same way, the person who stole the video and released it. So understand, in this situation, Me revealing the names, will it be intelligent? It will create sensational news for two days but I need My people to live safely, you understand?


I actually stepped back so much. I did not meet the press in the beginning just because of their threat. They said very clearly, “If You come out and try to justify Yourself in the press, You will not be alive.” I don't bother about My life but thousands of My disciples, just understand. Already in seventeen places in Tamilnadu and Karnataka, sarees have been pulled. So much abusal. In seven places, My brahmacharis have been attacked with the aim of killing them. I am not able to file a single FIR. Don't you understand? I am not able to file a single FIR, Me or My disciples. That is the power they have and how do you expect Me to reveal the name now? Let Me reveal it in the court. With all the evidence we will put it in the court. Let the court examine the evidences, the validity of the evidences. Just see the problem, see the practical side. You understand, it is not that easy to live in this country, please understand, when the whole establishment is against you.


Q: (translated from kannada to english) If You say that it is not easy, why is it necessary to tell it in front of media? Swamiji: Why did I tell? Because many were asking the source of conspiracy. I will have to tell the theory, na? I will have to tell what has exactly happened. I need to tell what has exactly happened. Why this and all that. Everybody... You see, even that I was not ready to say but everybody was asking Me, “No, tell,” because some media already got some news, some evidences they collected already. To answer them, I have to say. Name, it is not that, it is not that never going to be revealed at all. It will come in the court. Just like you see today, the court document has come out. In the court the truth is coming out. That's all.


Q: Hi sir, I have a lot of questions. In fact, my name is Raj. I am from Radio Mirchi Swamiji: Can you little slow and … Raj: Okay. My name is Raj. I am from Radio Mirchi 98.3 FM. Of course, you have not done anything like medias and TV or newspaper Swamiji: Ha, yes Raj: Okay, whatever I have heard or got to know about You is through media as in television and newspaper. So this is my first interaction and yesterday when the PR person called me, I was very happy to come over here because I wanted to, you know, understand everything cut and dry. So this is my first interaction. So it is nice that I am having a face to face interaction with You. Now whatever I have read in the newspaper or seen on television could be manipulated, could be reported, could not be right, could not be something that is true too. So here is my chance also to try and find out a couple of things. Now I have read like also in the beginning of our conversation today, You did say that there were couple of things that was misquoted by the media, especially about couple of things like the pics that they had in custody or also about confessional about erectile disfunction and all of these things where they say, you know, “”Mr. Nityananda said this and he has confessed to these things. Now would it be appropriate for You to tell us now that we are doing face to face.


Swamiji: I have answered this question directly and remaining things better I will reserve it for the Court. Raj: Okay, but anyway now… Swamiji: I have answered this question Raj: Yeah but… Swamiji: Now what I told the police and I have not said the police, those things I am analyzing. I am not analyzing the exact subject and exact subject in last press meet I analyzed. You understand? You also need to think that it is such an embarrassing subject continuously to analyze in front of thousands of people but in last press meet I analyzed thoroughly. I can give you that video. In last press meet this question I analyzed thoroughly and answered, what I said and everything. The remaining thing I am keeping it for the court. As this problem now in subjudice. My lawyer also felt last time itself he said, “Swamiji, now don't touch this anymore as it is subjudice in the court because this is now in the court discussing that point. It is a legal point. So I am not supposed to much discuss about it. That is the main reason.


Raj: Okay. I understand like if You want a support from the media in terms of, you know… Swamiji: Sorry, second question? Raj: If You would want the support from the media in terms of projecting You as a nice person, for us to… for me I am personality telling. I need to understand if it was true or it was not true so that I can go and tell, Yes, Mr. Nityananda is clear and clean because even when I go to college functions and all, there are a couple of characters which are based on Nithyananda. They keep mocking about it and all. I even surprisingly asked them, “How did you get to know all this information?” They say, “It is there everywhere on the net.” So I am sure that students are accessing information because they have got it reported from the internet. So they don't know whether it is true or not. Even I can send out a mail on You and tell these people that this is what is true and they might for example, think it is true and spread it around. Now my question is, there were couple of things where the newspaper said that Mr. Nityananda confessed that He had sex with twenty disciples and also He has....


Swamiji: One thing. Those questions, please you can carry on. I will answer. That is not subjudice. I can answer. Tell Me. Raj: My only question is like in the media it was said that You have confessed. Now did You actually confess or not or were You forced to confess? Was there any kind of.... Swamiji: First thing, I neither did any of those acts nor confessed. Raj: So first, you didn't do it at all and there is no point of question of confession at all if you have not done it Swamiji: Ha, yes. First, I did not do. Second, I did not confess. Because I did not confess only I asked the court, please let them produce all the video recordings because without leaving a second, they video recorded everything, whatever interrogation they did. Raj: No, whatever that was seen or shown on TV and video was not of Yours is what You have said. Do You ever confessed that it is not Me or it is Me because in one of the reports it said, yes, at times it could have been... Swamiji: No, no,no. I never said it is Me in the video. I never said. That is the first thing. It is neither Me nor I said that it is Me. You understand?


Raj: In eight days of custody were You ever under any pressure so that You could let go of very easily, so You had to confess certain things? Swamiji: No, I have not confessed anything. Raj: Okay, because in the report, like it says Mr. Nityananda has confessed that... Swamiji: No, I have not confessed anything. First of all, I have not done anything wrong and I have not confessed. Raj: Okay, thank you so much Sir. Swamiji: Thank you. And that is… you see, that is the courage with which we asked for all the tapes. That is the reason I said, “Please come on, if I have confessed, bring the tapes to the court. Let it be open. Let us analyze it and share with the world.” Raj: This is my single point thing of interacting with You because tomorrow when I go to my radio station, if I tell them that I did meet Mr. Nityananda and I ask them this question...


Swamiji: Any other question? You see, because of My courage only we asked for the tape to be brought to the court. Don't you all feel funny, that is supposed to be the most strongest and protected place in Karnataka? Raj: Sir, one more question. Of course, after all these you know, the name being tarnished, of course, there are a lot of women employees whom I do respect generally also as women. So is there a kind of an action that You have been taking or trying to protect them because there are a lot of women employees who still, you know, believe or trust in the Nithyananda Dhyanapeetam and they are all here, they are all serving. So what kind of protection or what kind of an action have You taken to safeguard them? Swamiji: To tell you honestly, I am not able to safeguard. That is why I am asking you. Now please help Me to safeguard them. Raj: I do know that there are.. Swamiji: I want all of you to know, please understand none of them are employees. They are all volunteers. Raj: Is there any kind of a scare or insecurity that you are facing after the attacks and all, mam?


Lady volunteer: A lot, because we don't know when who will come in, who will say that, you know, they are… they are kind of investigating. It is so very intimidating when people come and look, you know, in various angles and look suspiciously as if something really suspicious is happening here, where we know nothing and even despite we telling them that they don't believe it. Even despite we being respectful, the last incident itself that we were so respectfully telling them, “Sir, please give us in writing what you want.” That was the only one thing were requested and they just manhandled us. It is completely ridiculous and it is shocking and I speak on behalf of the entire volunteer team which stays here which includes nationals from all over the world. We have Malaysian nationals, we have the US nationals. I have PhD scholars. Here we have MS chemical engineers here, worked with so many MNCs across the world and we all have been leading such a respectable life. We have come here purely to save the world, to serve the world, to serve the country. We don't have any other intention of being here and it is so shocking that you don't want to receive service.


Swamiji: That's it. You can talk to anybody. I don't have any..... you see, in the whole Ashram there is one person who is not graduate- Me. Other than that there is nobody…. Raj: It is hard for me to believe because I have not come across another intelligent person who at least, you know, because I don't see a fear in Your face even when you have called many people, media people because you are subjected to any kind of a question and Your willingness to answer all this questions itself is appreciative, I feel. Swamiji: That's it. So, thank you. Thank you for being here. Thank you.


Photos Of The Day:


