April 05 2012

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Love Destroys Fear (How To Resolve Relationship Issues Concerning Money And Finance)


TALKS FROM MORNING SATSANGS ON 5TH APRIL 2012 AT BIDADI ASHRAM,INDIA In today’s morning satsang, Paramahamsa Nithyananda answers questions about relationships. When we experience insecurity because of disagreements over finances, we do not have a true love relationship. The love center has not fully opened and we have created instead an arrangement of convenience. Once we fall truly in love, the concept of money becomes irrelevant to us. Money loses its significance, because we feel fulfilled at so profound a depth in our lives. Before we can experience divine love, the highest love, we first need to open ourunderstanding of human love. Once we encounter the shift from security to fulfillment at the human level, we can expand to the awareness of divine love.

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Love Destroys Fear (How To Resolve Relationship Issues Concerning Money And Finance)

Video Audio



Swamiji reads Question: Money is becoming a huge problem in our relationship. I think my boyfriend spends too much. Meanwhile, I have been accused of being “stingy” and “unrealistic. “How can we resolve these conflicts and develop a “team strategy” in the area of finance? -Victoria, Oklahoma,


Swamiji answers: Victoria, first thing, I am surprised seeing the question. It used to be usually always the other way! Men are supposed to be stingy, and women are supposed to be spending and men usually complain women spend. I am very happy that the problem is the other way, first thing.

Second thing, understand, the whole question shows the shallowness you have in relationship. Understand Victoria, when you are really in love or relationship suddenly money will become useless. Please understand, this is the scale I am giving you to find out whether you are in love or not. Suddenly money will look fake and useless. Suddenly it will not matter to your life anymore. If you feel that, only then you are in love. Understand, I am not saying when you are in love you will throw away all the money, gold everything in the streets, no. Suddenly, your thought is not centred anymore on money. It is centred on the other person. I have seen all My ashramites going through that sweet space. That is one of the best thing can happen to a human being. You should experience that space at least once in your life, where money has, money just suddenly loses its power over you.


I am seeing hundreds of My ashramites donating their wealth, crores worth of wealth, without even thinking twice. You see, if they are struggling to donate I know, I will know very clearly, they don’t even think twice. When you are in love, I tell you, suddenly money loses its power over you.

Victoria, I don’t think you are in love or he is in love, maybe this is some convenient arrangement. I always used to tell a story of prostitute and taxi driver. One taxi driver in the middle of the night picks up a girl and drives her to the some remote area then does whatever he wants. Finally she says, end of everything ‘Eh come on, give me 200 dollar. I am a call girl.’ This fellow gives the 200 dollar, brings her back to the city and says, “Hey come on give me the 200 dollar. I am the taxi driver.” 😀


May be the relationship you have, you need to rethink, revisit, review. Somewhere is the arrangement of convenience, not love. There is no relationship. Because when you are in love, suddenly the concept of money will not be there for both. I think he is in love with you, but you are not in love with him. Victoria, you need to look little deep. Man has only two centric thinking; one - money centric, second - fulfillment centric. When you are in love, the fulfilment centre gets awakened. It wakes up and it does not let you think about money. It does not let you think about future security. I always tell people, even if you have one question about your future security, you are not in love, you have not experienced love. I have told many times to My own ashramites. Even though I don’t accept or take their properties, if they feel their property is their future security, I tell then the guru disciple relationship has not flowered. Forget about it. Still you need to go long way.


So casually they are able to give up everything. I have seen very funny things. They will give up crores of their property to Me without even thinking second time, saying, “This is for Swamiji.” Understand this one thing, when your love is awakened, suddenly you think fulfilment based and insecurity gives way. After that, you struggle with some other patterns that is different. But when you are in love, when the guru disciple relationship starts, this giving up happens. I tell you, even between the husband and wife, when a love flowers, even between boyfriend and girlfriend when real love flowers, suddenly the concept of future, insecurity, all that becomes meaningless. That is why there are thousands of decisions which you take when you are in love, you repent later on for that. Because, when the love disappears, you repent for all those decisions.


With the master when you are in love, whatever decisions you take, you feel happy about it, because continuously you break all other patterns. When you break more and more of your patterns, this love gets established into your system. That becomes part of your very system. With love your blood becomes milk. Understand, this is the exact simile used on Mahavira.


Today we should all remember and offer our respects to Mahavira, a great incarnation’s birthday, today Mahavira incarnated. Today, lot of wonderful things have happened. Sri Krishna’s Rasaleela. From today 42 days, Sri Krishna had the beautiful play of his Rasaleela done till the chaitra masa, amavasya. And Mahavira was born today.

[07:52 - 10:00] Program Promotion ads played

There is a beautiful description of Mahavira. When he became enlightened, his body, his blood became milk. Of course, it is a very poetic expression, means the amount of love, he just became extraordinary love. Mahavira is the master I can say lived in ultimate insecurity, not bothered about future or security. I tell you, when you don’t bother about your future or security, when that fear disappears from your inner space, even your sweat will not smell. That is the scale. There will be a beautiful ananda gandha around you, smell of love, smell of bliss which puts anybody who comes in your breathing space into that same state. It is not just only yogic quality, even ordinarily when you are in love suddenly the concept of insecurity will disappear. The concept of money will disappear. You will start thinking from fulfillment centre.


Victoria, when I read your question I am really afraid that you are not in love. So I wanted you to review the whole very relationship itself; because any team strategy in the area of finance will be a arrangement of convenience. At least, you see if you are doing this after spending 50 years together, in the old age, when you are about to retire, you wanted to sit and discuss the team strategy about money, finance, I’ll accept. But before even marrying, you are saying boyfriend, and before even marriage you want to develop a team strategy in the area of finance. Victoria, better forget about this marriage, better forget about this relationship. You are not in love.

So, wait. Go on. Continue your search. I bless you that you will fall in love really with himself, the same guy or with somebody else. But I wanted to tell you one thing, you are not tasting love. You have not tasted love. When you taste love, first thing happens is, you forget about money. You become fulfilment centred. The very insecurity about the future disappears. Even though the other person constantly shows the insecurity to you in front of your eyes, you fanatically does not think about insecurity.


That is what exactly happens when I find a right disciple. This is the way I will, I will constantly show insecurity to them, but the person fanatically, that’s the right word fanatically, will not think about any insecurity, go on feeling that tremendous security and fulfillment centred thinking. Then I will say, come on, this person is a disciple.


Somebody goes to a great incarnation, Ramanuja... Today Ramanuja had a darshan of Vishnu on Garuda. So that is also one more thing. Somebody goes to Ramanuja and says, “I want to get enlightened, please teach me the science.” Ramanuja says, “Have you experienced love in your life, even once?” That guy says, “No, I am a celibate. I never loved or allowed anybody to love me.” Ramanuja looks at him and says, “Get lost. Go. First learn ordinary human love, come back, I will teach you higher love, divine love”. When you can't even open your ordinary human love centre, how are you going to be open to the higher divine love centre?


Today so many things have happened. Ramanuja had the darshan of Vishnu in Garuda, Mahavira incarnated on the planet earth, and among the 3 recorded marriage of Shiva, two have happened on this day, today. Shiva had 3 marriages, with devi itself: one - in the Sati’s body, Dakshayani, Dakshayani’s body, another one - Himaputri, Parvati, Parvataraja’s daughter Parvati. Third - the Pandyaraja, Pandyaraja’s daughter, Meenakshi. Three marriages Shiva had. Two with Sati and with Parvataputri, Parvathi. Dakshaputri Daakshayani, Parvataputri Parvati. With both the bodies, Shiva married Devi on today - Phalguna month, poornima. Usually it comes on the uttara nakshatra. The marriage with Meenakshi happened on Chaitra month Poornima, means the next month Poornima. We will be celebrating next month. We celebrate everything based on Meenakshi. So, we will celebrate next month. But in Arunachala temple, today they observe the marriage festival, Shiva and Devi’s marriage festival. Not only in Arunachala, all the Shiva temples all over the world, other than Madurai, all Shiva temples they celebrate the marriage festival today, in Kapaleeshwara temple in Mylapore, all the… all over the world.


Whatever Ramanuja said is the truth. When you can’t even fall in ordinary human love, you can’t fall in ultimate divine love. You can’t open that channel. Only with ultimate divine love, the patterns can be broken. patterns melt, you enter into the patternless space. Patternless space, where you live from freedom to freedom, where you move from freedom to freedom, where your actions are from freedom to freedom, where your doing is from freedom to freedom and being is freedom! Victoria you only think you are in love. You are not in love. Wake up. Next question.

[18:02 - 20:20] Program Promotion ads played

Swamiji reads Question: We have been married only a short time, but I am already beginning to feel that I have made a mistake. As a matter of fact, I am afraid I ended up with a wrong person. What do I do now? Eric, Australia.


Swamiji answers: Eric, first thing. Changing the person is not going to work for you. If you ask this same question to Me before the marriage, My answer would have been different. I would have said, alright, this is not the right person for you, escape. But, now as you already committed, I will recommend you trying to change you, because all your patterns, concepts, idea, that only makes the other person look wrong. Your fantasies only makes the other person look wrong. It is time, you understand and alter your patterns. Look into the depths of your being and transform you. Eric, I feel the fear you are having now shows the love has come down, the love has reduced. Now it is time for you to work and develop that trust which is beyond love and transform you. Please understand, when you marry, first one year enjoy the romance. From the 2nd year, use that whole thing for enlightenment. Once the honeymoon is over, now start the process of enlightenment, transforming yourself.


When God understood, he cannot be continuously available to everybody in the form of Guru, he created the system for everybody to evolve, that is marriage. 😀 So Eric, I’ll only recommend transformation from your side, than changing the person. I might have suggested the change if you have asked before the marriage. But, marriage is such a sacred institution, when you commit, after that the only possibility should be your transformation. Other than that, all other doors should be closed. You should not even think of any other doors.


Photos From The Day:

http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/1_Nithyananda_5_Apr_2012.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2_Nithyananda_5_Apr_2012.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/3_Nithyananda_5_Apr_2012.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/5_Nithyananda_5_Apr_2012.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/7_Nithyananda_5_Apr_2012.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/8_Nithyananda_5_Apr_2012.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/9_Nithyananda_5_Apr_2012.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/10_Nithyananda_5_Apr_2012.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/11_Nithyananda_5_Apr_2012.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/12_Nithyananda_5_Apr_2012_0.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/13_Nithyananda_5_Apr_2012_0.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/14_Nithyananda_5_Apr_2012.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/1_Paramahamsa.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2_Paramahamsa.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/4_Paramahamsa.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/7_Paramahamsa_0.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/8_Paramahamsa_0.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/10_Paramahamsa_0.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/11_Paramahamsa.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/12_Paramahamsa.JPG

Enriching Materials


Sakshi Pramana:

Sharing from Inner Awakening

Paramashivoham Oneness Capsule 130 (Pratyaksha Pada Puja 5 APR 2012)


questions, relationship, experience, insecurity, finances, love, convenience, money, lives, experience, understanding, human, security, fulfillment, awareness, divine,God,Paramahamsa Nithyananda

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