NHU Courses - Health and Wellness

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Don't be Afraid of Change Don't be Afraid of Change Course
Science of Causing your Reality NHU Jnana 1603 Course
Charyapada - The Right Context to Approach Hindu Rituals Jnana Charyapada - The Right Context to Approach Hindu Rituals Course
Saami Onnuda! The Sweet Initiation into Oneness NHU Jnana 401 Course
Gurukul, The Education Centric Family Of Guru By Paramahamsa Nithyananda NHU Jnana 998 Course
Experience Sadashiva in Varanasi Inner Awakening NHU Jnana 1086 Course
Fear of Death NHU Jnana 3454 Course
Living enlightenment - eNEducation. eNVidyalaya, Nithyananda Gurukul NHU Jnana 4019 Course
On International Day for Persons with Disability Jnana-LifeSolutions-3Dec2018 Course
Happening of the Avatar Jnana-11Dec2018-WB- Happening of the Avatar Course
Be as Paramashiva, Cross the Last Delusion of Self-Doubt, Hatred, Denial Jnana-30 Oct 2018- NS Course
16 September 2019-The Foundation Book of Kailaasa - Samrajya Lakshmi Pitika 16 September 2019-The Foundation Book of Kailaasa - Samrajya Lakshmi Pitika Course
परमशांता स्वरूप Paramashanta Svarupa Jnana-29Dec2019-NS Course
???????, Sankalpa Jnana-NS-03Jan2020 Course
Bhagavad Gita-Everything is energy NHU Jnana 4715 Course
Life Solutions from Science of Completion Jnana-LifeSolutions Curricula
Causeless Relationship as a Technique for Enlightenment NHU Jnana 4460 Course
Master is a Promise NHU Jnana 4769 Course
??????? ?????? Cidambara Praj√±a Jnana-23Dec-NS Course
Tyaaga: Home Temple to a Nation CERT-4March2020-Tyaga Certification
Maha Sadashiva Mandala - Independent Intelligence that Represents the Cosmos NHU Jnana 311 Course
Non-duality is the Axis of Life NHU Jnana 1559 Course
Advaita the ultimate crisis management principle NHU Jnana 1563 Course
Are You Suffering From Psychological Impotence? NHU Jnana 1582 Course
Bhagavad Gita-Explode in all directions NHU Jnana 4739 Course
Genesis Of Identity - completion of self-doubt, self-hatred and self-denial (SDHD) PM-GI-Feb2019 Course
Bhagavad Gita - Three levels of surrender NHU Jnana 4731 Course
27Jan2019 - NS - By Nature You are Unclutched - Q&A with Bhagawan Jnana 27Jan2019 - NS - By Nature You are Unclutched Course
31JAN2019 - NS -You Do Not Have a Consistent identity, By Your Nature You Are Illogical! JNANA - 31JAN2019 - NS - You Do Not Have a Consistent identity Course
17FEB2019 - NS - You Are Just Bunch of Patterns - Patterns Are Yours But Not You JNANA - 17FEB2019 - NS - You Are Just Bunch of Patterns Course
Charity and it's Relevance to Currency NHU Jnana 227 Course
17 September 2019-Create The Conscious Life That You Want 17 September 2019-Create The Conscious Life That You Want Course
Having Stress Free Life Having Stress Free Life Course
Man Cannot Make it He has to be Given NHU Jnana 3161 Course
Want Amazing Body, Amazing Mind and Amazing Consciousness? Download the Vedic Inner Software! Want Amazing Body, Amazing Mind and Amazing Consciousness? Download the Vedic Inner Software! Course
Walk Around an Obstacle Walk Around an Obstacle Course
23JAN2019 MSS CEP- Power Manifestation - The Royal Way to Integrity & Oneness Jnana-23jan2019 -NS -Power Manifestation - The Royal Way to Integrity & Oneness Course
??? ?????? Living Paramashivatva Charya-NS-09Feb2020 Course
Life and career are not separate NHU Jnana 2269 Course
62 Q&A Session Nithyananda Morning Message 12 Jan 2011 Jnana-62 Q&A Session Nithyananda Morning Message 12 Jan 2011 Course
Paramahamsa Nithyananda Speaks on Orlando Nightclub Shooting NHU Jnana 640 Course
Sri Narendragiriji Maharaj, President Akhil Bharat Akhada Parishad honors Paramahamsa Nithyananda NHU Jnana 886 Course
Upanishads - Introduction to Science of LIVING ADVAITHA NHU Jnana 1340 Course
Kashi - Mahadeva's Own City! NHU Jnana 1569 Course
Message by Nithyananda to Singapore Life Bliss Foundation - 2010, August 15 NHU Jnana 4200 Course
Paramashivaratri LIVE 21 Feb Paramashivaratri LIVE 21 Feb Course
Message Directly From Paramashiva (Paramashivoham Level 2 - Day 1) Jnana-20 Mar2020-NS Course
AVATAR SHASTRA - CHAPTER 1 - An Introduction PMS-Feb1-AS-M1 Course
THE GREAT PAUSE- Paramashivoham Level 2 GP-PL 2 Course
Nithyananda Peetham Bengaluru Aadheenam Routine Peetham-Core-101 Curricula
Graduation in Living Nlightenment - Module 27 - Science of eternal youth - Health GLE-M27 Certification
Paramashivatva - Yogacharya - History & Development of Nithyananda Yoga PMS-Feb19-HAD Certification
Paramashivatva - Day 4 - Feb 2019 PMS-Feb19-Day4 Certification
Four Components of Reality DJP-FCR-002 Certification
Science of Anti-Aging DJP-SAA-001 Certification
Cherish What is Eternal DJP-TP-Eternal-002 Certification
Plan and Plant Your Future CERT-NS-15Jan2020 Certification
Paramashivaratri Deeksha into Power Manifestation Science, Introduction to Hinduism Paramashivaratri Deeksha into Power Manifestation Scie Certification
Nithyananda Yogam Nithyananda Yogam Certification
MSS Continued Education - Exclusive Sessions with the Avatar NU-MSS-501 Course
The grammar of devotion - Mahasagar PM - GE - 621 (Tamil) Course
Nithyananda Satsang - Daily Discourse by the Avatar Paramahamsa Nithyananda NU-Core-101 Course
The Medium of Transmission - Manifesting Powers PM-CORE-301 Course
Secrets of Attracting Wealth ENR-CORE-201 Course
Sadashiva Dhyana Mantra ENR-CORE-121 Course
Initiation in the Science of Manifestation YS-CORE-101 Course
Freedom HUM-CORE-101 Course
The Inner Space You carry is You Hum-Enr-You Course
Temple Are Cosmic Miniatures TEMPLE-INTRO Course
Aligning the frequency of Integrity by detoxification of Vaak Jnana_Tattvas_Integrity Course
Ayurveda & Its Benefits Jnana-PowerManifestation-Charya-Ayurveda-Haritaki Course
Kailash Yatra 2012 Jnana-Yatra-Kailash2012 Course
Jnana-Enriching-PeakPossibility Jnana-Enriching-PeakPossibility Course
The only purpose of life is having superconscious breakthrough Jnana_Humanities_SuperConsciousness Course
Flow & Law of Life, Yama Dharma Jnana-Flow & Law of Life, Yama Dharma Course
Live Simple and Become Shiva NHU-Jnana-Live Simple And Become Shiva Course
Let Your Head and Heart Go Hand in Hand Jnana-Let Your Head and Heart Go Hand in Hand Course
Science Of Accessing Different Dimensions Of The Universe – In Your Brain! Jnana-Science Of Accessing Different Dimensions Of The Universe – In Your Brain! Course
Patanjali Yoga Sutras: Being Absent-minded - Sleeping during waking state Jnana-Patanjali Yoga Sutras: Being Absent-minded - Sleeping during waking state Course
Patanjali Yoga Sutras: Three levels of knowledge - impact on society Jnana-Patanjali Yoga Sutras: Three levels of knowledge - impact on society Course
Deciding for Life Clears All Karma Jnana-Deciding for Life Clears All Karma Course
52 Ashtanga Yoga- Asteya (Non - Stealing)- Patanjali Sutras 88 - 21 Dec '10 Jnana-52 Ashtanga Yoga- Asteya (Non - Stealing)- Patanjali Sutras 88 - 21 Dec '10 Course
Pray from a powerful space of oneness - SOHAMASMI Jnana-Pray from a powerful space of oneness - SOHAMASMI Course
Cosmos is waiting to fulfil your dreams! Jnana-Cosmos is waiting to fulfil your dreams! Course
What is Good What is Bad Jnana-What is Good What is Bad Course
Kundalini is your Peak Possibility Jnana-Kundalini is your Peak Possibility Course
Live Your Enlightenment Jnana-Live Your Enlightenment: Short Nithyananda Videos Course
Our Biggest Delusion in Life Jnana-Our Biggest Delusion in Life Course
Just stop being Desperate Jnana-Just stop being Desperate Course
Space cannot be Destroyed - Short Nithyananda Videos Jnana-Space cannot be Destroyed - Short Nithyananda Videos Course
Jnana-Your mind creates your body Jnana-Your mind creates your body Course
Enriching - Powerful Space for Success Jnana-Enriching - Powerful Space for Success Course
Creating your own new body - an Introduction to eN-Health program Jnana-Creating your own new body - an Introduction to eN-Health program Course
Nithyananda versus Galileo: Short Nithyananda Videos Nithyananda versus Galileo: Short Nithyananda Videos Course
What is your Spiritual Frequency? Jnana-What is your Spiritual Frequency? Course
Overcoming Confusion and Doubt jnna-Overcoming Confusion and Doubt Course
Practicing spiritual counselling Practicing spiritual counselling Course
Easing yourself from internal suffocation Easing yourself from internal suffocation Course
How can I identify pseudo enlightenment? How can I identify pseudo enlightenment? Course
How can I get enlightened through knowledge How can I get enlightened through knowledge Course
How can I use depression to achieve enlightenment? How can I use depression to achieve enlightenment? Course
How can depression lead me to right direction? How can depression lead me to right direction? Course
Your Cognitions Define You Jnana-Your Cognitions Define You Course
How can I cope with unbearable physical pain? Handling unbearable physical pain Course
How can I be more healthy? Being more healthy Course
How can I overcome craving for certain food? Overcoming craving for certain food Course
How can I overcome the hopelessness feeling? Overcoming Hopelessness Feeling Course
How can I have freedom in life? Coming out of fear Course
How can I get rid of my unconscious patterns in life? Overcoming Unconscious Life Patterns Course
How can I come out of self pity? Overcoming self-pity Course
How can I be ageless? Being Ageless Course
How can I cope with physical pain? Coping with physical pain Course
What is the weight of the soul? Your Presence is Weightlessness - Short Nithyananda Videos Course
How can I know who I really am? Your Identity is a Big Lie - Short Nithyananda Videos Course
How can i come out of genetic disease? Can your Mind Heal your body Course
How can I come to terms with fear? Your Fear is Baseless - Short Nithyananda Videos Course
Why do I keep making the same mistakes over and over again? Lose to win and why we repeat our Mistakes Course
How can I stop collecting negativity? Stop Collecting Negativity Course
How can I solve my problems? Solving Problems Course
How can I radiate all auspicious patterns? Radiating all auspicious patterns Course
How can one plan his life? Planning life Course
How can I develop Intensity? Developing Intensity Course
How can i stay away from depression? Staying away from depression Course
What is the secret of anti-aging? Anti-Aging Secret Course
How should I perceive knowledge? How should I perceive knowledge Course
How can i expand my boundary and overcome suffocation? Expanding your boundary Course
How can I overcome mental pressure? Escaping Mind Pressure Course
How can I master my senses? Mastering your senses Course
How can I make my visualisation a reality? Making Visualization a Reality Course
How can I overcome Maya(illusion)? Overcoming Illusion (maya) Course
How to overcome fantasies? Overcoming Fantasies Course
How can i overcome the emotional reactions deeply rooted in me? Overcoming emotional reactions Course
How can I understand my past and unlock my future? Understand your past Unlock your future Nithyananda Short Video Course
How can I control my anger? Controlling anger Course
How can I get liberated from the pattern of birth and death? Liberating Birth and Death Course
How can my senses reflect consciousness? Your senses reflect consciousness Course
How can I come out of procrastination and laziness? Coming out of Procrastination & Laziness Course
Becoming Spiritual Becoming Spiritual Course
Being Ageless Being Ageless Course
Being more healthy Being more healthy Course
Can your Mind Heal your body Can your Mind Heal your body Course
Continuing to grow Continuing to grow Course
Coping with physical pain Coping with physical pain Course
Dissolving Emotions Dissolving Emotions Course
Getting Back To Contentment Getting Back To Contentment Course
Going beyond your identities Going beyond your identities Course
Handling unbearable physical pain Handling unbearable physical pain Course
Having relationship without expectations Having relationship without expectations Course
Healing chronic fatigue Healing chronic fatigue Course
How should I perceive knowledge How should I perceive knowledge Course
Knowing real love Knowing real love Course
Losing Weight Losing Weight Course
Mind Body Healing - Short Nithyananda Videos Mind Body Healing - Short Nithyananda Videos Course
Overcoming craving for certain food Overcoming craving for certain food Course
Siddha Tradition Sleeping your way to enlightenment Siddha Tradition Sleeping your way to enlightenment Course
Yoga for Inner Awakening: Brahma Sutras1: Short Clips by Nithyananda Yoga for Inner Awakening: Brahma Sutras1: Short Clips by Nithyananda Course
Eating Preserved Food Eating Preserved Food Course
How do I overcome pain and suffering? Pain & Suffering -The Powerful Master for non-possessiveness Course
How should I perceive knowledge? Perceiving Knowledge Course
Ajna - The Window to Cosmos Jnana_Ajna The Window to Cosmos: Nithyananda Bliss Bytes Course
Rule life by power, not Fear Jnana_Rule life by power, not fear! Course
Fulfillment Jnana_Fulfillment (A Discourse delivered at Inner Awakening & LBE) Course
Became a Creator Jnana_Became a Creator - Inner Awakening Sharings Course
The One Thing That Will Ruin Your Life Immediately Jnana_Your Path to Inner Awakening 6: The One Thing That Will Ruin Your Life Immediately Course
Body & Mind Under Your Consciousness Jnana_Body & Mind Under Your Consciousness Course
Why Depression is Good News Jnana_Why Depression is Good News Bhagavad Gita by Nithyananda Course
Karma is unfulfilled action Jnana_Karma is unfulfilled action Bhagavad Gita by Nithyananda Course
Walking Bare-feet on the Ground Jnana Walking Bare-feet on the Ground Course
Turn Inspiration Into Immediate Action Jnana Turn Inspiration Into Immediate Action Course
You Don't need Courage to Doubt Jnana You Don't need Courage to Doubt Course
Humanity has waited too long for Superconscious Breakthrough Jnana_Humanity has waited too long for Superconscious Breakthrough Course
The Food You Eat has an Effect on Your Mind Jnana_The Food You Eat has an Effect on Your Mind Course
Strengthen Powerful Cognitions with Causing Jnana_Strengthen Powerful Cognitions with Causing Course
The Expression of The Cosmos Jnana-The Expression of The Cosmos Course
Your Incompletions Don't Matter for Mahasadashivoham Jnana Your Incompletions Don't Matter for Mahasadashivoham Course
Perceive Everything that Exists Jnana Perceive Everything that Exists Course
What is a Conscious Breakthrough? Jnana What is a Conscious Breakthrough? Course
What is that which operates in my life Jnana Your consciousness gives life to your cognitions. Course
Just Be Alive For The Next 3 Years - Vijaya Dashami 2018 Message NHU Jnana 1 Course
Where You Park Your Inner Space Matters NHU Jnana 58 Course
Vishesha Deeksha - Initiation to Gain Direct Access to Sadashiva NHU Jnana 133 Course
Establish Your Ideas About Health, Wealth, Happiness, Relationships & Life on the Cosmic Reality NHU Jnana 142 Course
What is Yoga - Divine Entering Into Man NHU Jnana 159 Course
How Addictions Work - You Can Transform Your Addictions Into Powers! NHU Jnana 174 Course
Life Beyond Limits - Awaken Spiritual Powers for Extraordinary Success NHU Jnana 312 Course
Your Brain Can Access Different Dimensions of the Universe through Intense Breath NHU Jnana 388 Course
Integrity to Time is Fundamental for Enlightenment: Align to Time to Experience Superconsciousness NHU Jnana 400 Course
Happiness: The Secret Alchemy Process to Achieving Happiness in Life and Success in All Fields NHU Jnana 428 Course
Oneness and overcoming fear of death NHU Jnana 453 Course
Integrity, the Principal Force of Sadashiva, Advaita, Cosmic Oneness NHU Jnana 466 Course
Message to NRIs from Paramahamsa Nithyananda – on Decision Fatigue, Integrity NHU Jnana 471 Course
The Myth of DECISION FATIGUE - No Time, Feeling Overwhelmed, Complexity of Decisions NHU Jnana 476 Course
Sad?shiva Made You in His SEE NHU Jnana 513 Course
Sadashivoham 2016, Experience Sadashiva with Paramahamsa Nithyananda, 21 Day Retreat NHU Jnana 514 Course
Should I Open My Third Eye? NHU Jnana 516 Course
Technique to Detoxify Third Eye NHU Jnana 535 Course
How To Create What You Want - on Willpower, Will Persistence, and Will Arrogance NHU Jnana 564 Course
Take a U-Turn to Enlightenment NHU Jnana 588 Course
Yogis are Living Hindus NHU Jnana 616 Course
Identity completion: making your identity redundant NHU Jnana 647 Course
What is poverty? NHU Jnana 651 Course
Why do most artists face depression and alcohol addiction? NHU Jnana 659 Course
You can live 300 years and have 400 spiritual powers NHU Jnana 681 Course
Agama, the Spiritual Science to Manifest Your Reality NHU Jnana 701 Course
Your Path to Inner Awakening 4: What it Takes to Wake Up and Transform Permanently NHU Jnana 707 Course
Your Path to Inner Awakening 3: Why Have a Guru in Your Life? NHU Jnana 709 Course
Your path to Inner Awakening 2: A suprising solution to your problems NHU Jnana 710 Course
Your path to Inner Awakening 1: What personality type are you? NHU Jnana 714 Course
Completion process for health, wealth, relationships and enlightenment NHU Jnana 944 Course
Nithya Kriya Yoga - An Introduction NHU Jnana 960 Course
Don't Allow Free Fall From Your Authentic Identity by Swami Nithyananda NHU Jnana 988 Course
Experience Truth with Pure seeking NHU Jnana 1110 Course
What is Good? What is Bad? NHU Jnana 1276 Course
2014 - A Journey NHU Jnana 1323 Course
Light Your Inner Space With Shivoham NHU Jnana 1347 Course
Power of Subjective Truth NHU Jnana 1348 Course
Live Your Subjective Truth NHU Jnana 1352 Course
The Thread of Life is Shivoham NHU Jnana 1353 Course
Nithya Kirthan Nithyanadeswara Jai NHU Jnana 1355 Course
The Luxury of Simplicity NHU Jnana 1362 Course
Four Easy Steps to Shivoham NHU Jnana 1363 Course
Nithya Kirthan - Manmohan Nithya NHU Jnana 1367 Course
The Luxury of Kundalini NHU Jnana 1368 Course
Nithya Kirthan - Jai Ma Jai Ma NHU Jnana 1378 Course
Shivoham - Create the Ultimate Identity for Yourself NHU Jnana 1430 Course
You can never be violated NHU Jnana 1431 Course
Never Tolerate InTolerance NHU Jnana 1469 Course
Listening to yourself is completion NHU Jnana 1504 Course
Make Powerfulness Your Religion NHU Jnana 1514 Course
Technique to heal your past NHU Jnana 1526 Course
Self drive from the right context NHU Jnana 1549 Course
Nithyananda Purnima - Paramahamsa Nithyananda's 25th Enlightenment Day NHU Jnana 1551 Course
Completion Process for Self Drive NHU Jnana 1553 Course
Life Bliss Meditation (Nithya Dhyaan) - The Meditation Process NHU Jnana 1564 Course
What is the DNA of Enlightenment NHU Jnana 1567 Course
Be Responsible, not just Committed! NHU Jnana 1573 Course
Be in the space of Perpetual completion NHU Jnana 1575 Course
Varanasi - City of Inner Awakening NHU Jnana 1579 Course
Build the right identity NHU Jnana 1587 Course
What is Your Thought Trend? NHU Jnana 1599 Course
Unconsciousness Kills Creativity NHU Jnana 1601 Course
You Can Make Your Words Come True NHU Jnana 1606 Course
Strategy to Make Your Enemy Stupid and Powerless! NHU Jnana 1608 Course
What is Real Insanity? NHU Jnana 1614 Course
Friendliness Is The Essence Of Life NHU Jnana 1617 Course
Listening is Eternal Romance With Life NHU Jnana 1618 Course
You Don't Need to Suffer! NHU Jnana 1621 Course
Shivoham is Inner Awakening - Shivaratri Night Special Satsang NHU Jnana 1622 Course
You are Blackmailing Yourself! NHU Jnana 1625 Course
Experience the Power of Living at Inner Awakening NHU Jnana 1626 Course
Sadhana 20 mins for 2014 02feb 20th play NHU Jnana 1630 Course
Fall in love with your Higher Self - Combining the Science of Completion and Surrender NHU Jnana 1637 Course
Remember for the Right Reason NHU Jnana 1654 Course
You are the Master of Your Reality NHU Jnana 1685 Course
Mar Haridwar Inner Awakening - presentation 01 NHU Jnana 1688 Course
Reinvent Rediscover Recreate to Live the Great principle of Causing Enlightenment NHU Jnana 1697 Course
Provide Authentic Listening to Yourself NHU Jnana 1698 Course
Enriching is Life's Only Pleasure NHU Jnana 1778 Course
Technique For Graceful Ageing NHU Jnana 1784 Course
Your Incompletions Are Controlling You NHU Jnana 1787 Course
Nirahara -- Your body's alternate energy source NHU Jnana 1790 Course
Reflect Radio Talk (Los Angeles) by Paramahamsa Nithyananda (31-Jul-2013) NHU Jnana 1795 Course
Question all your answers! NHU Jnana 1796 Course
Completion destroys fear of Change NHU Jnana 1805 Course
What is Dharma? NHU Jnana 1810 Course
Life Begins with Listening NHU Jnana 1832 Course
Completion, Vivekananda and Hindu Revival - Nithyananda NHU Jnana 1843 Course
Completion-Science of Eternal Bliss NHU Jnana 1849 Course
Completion - Essence of all Spiritual Practices NHU Jnana 1866 Course
The Master can Destroy your Negative Patterns NHU Jnana 1902 Course
Essence of Inner Awakening NHU Jnana 1927 Course
Epi-165 Janasri-13Apr2013-Morning Satsang NHU Jnana 1979 Course
Epi-164 Janasri-12Apr2013-Morning Satsang NHU Jnana 1980 Course
Epi-140 Janasri-23 Jan 2013-Morning Satsang NHU Jnana 1981 Course
Epi-135 Janasri-31 Aug 2012-Morning Satsang NHU Jnana 1986 Course
Epi-134 Janasri-30 Aug 2012-Morning Satsang NHU Jnana 1987 Course
Epi-161 Janasri-10Apr2013 Morning Satsang NHU Jnana 1995 Course
Epi-160 Janasri-09Apr2013 Morning Satsang NHU Jnana 1996 Course
Epi-163 Janasri-12Apr2013-Morning Satsang NHU Jnana 1997 Course
Epi-162 Janasri-11Apr2013-Morning Satsang NHU Jnana 1998 Course
Epi-156 Janasri-4Apr2013 Morning Satsang NHU Jnana 2003 Course
Epi-152 Janasri-27Mar2013 Morning Satsang NHU Jnana 2004 Course
Epi-151 Janasri-30Mar2013-Morning Satsang NHU Jnana 2005 Course
Epi-158 Janasri-01Mar2013 Morning Satsang NHU Jnana 2007 Course
Fear is the Absence Of Consciousness NHU Jnana 2010 Course
Enriching others Heals Your Pain NHU Jnana 2014 Course
Your Idea of You Creates Your Reality NHU Jnana 2021 Course
Responsibility - BY Paramahamsa Nithyananda (Tamil) NHU Jnana 2036 Course
Life is for Enriching Consciousness - Part 2 of 3 - Nithyananda - 01st March, 2013 NHU Jnana 2055 Course
Why Do we Feel Hungry ? NHU Jnana 2063 Course
Get out of the worry pattern (Working on the Navel Chakra) NHU Jnana 2103 Course
Accept Everything about You (Working on the Heart Chakra) NHU Jnana 2104 Course
Living Enlightenment NHU Jnana 2124 Course
Time NHU Jnana 2125 Course
Experimenting with the Truths NHU Jnana 2127 Course
eN Effect NHU Jnana 2139 Course
Karma NHU Jnana 2141 Course
Intensity NHU Jnana 2142 Course
Awakening the Non mechanical Parts of the Brain NHU Jnana 2150 Course
Memory NHU Jnana 2151 Course
Fear NHU Jnana 2152 Course
Enlightenment NHU Jnana 2153 Course
Uniqueness of Inner Awakening December 2012 NHU Jnana 2164 Course
The Science of Nithya Kirya (Tamil) NHU Jnana 2206 Course
Laziness - Your Enemy NHU Jnana 2211 Course
Be Prepared for the Happening - Part 2 of 2 NHU Jnana 2213 Course
Be Prepared for the Happening - Part 1 of 2 NHU Jnana 2214 Course
Q and A with Paramahamsa nithyanandav3 NHU Jnana 2234 Course
A clean stomach is enough for enlightenment! NHU Jnana 2270 Course
Joy of sacrifice NHU Jnana 2280 Course
Feeling connection - the ultimate technique - Part 1 NHU Jnana 2290 Course
Stress is also healthy for you Jnana 2587 Course
Cured from Sugar and Pressure - Tamil NHU Jnana 2296 Course
Appendix Pain got healed - Tamil NHU Jnana 2300 Course
Religious Conversion Is Conscious Violence - Nithyananda Talks NHU Jnana 2331 Course
Intution is not Blind Faith NHU Jnana 2347 Course
Inaction in Action Is Enlightenment NHU Jnana 2395 Course
Tired and retired NHU Jnana 2438 Course
Vedic Rituals,Food & Spirituality NHU Jnana 2473 Course
Open your Heart! NHU Jnana 2502 Course
I realized the problem is inside me NHU Jnana 2564 Course
Suffering and pain have left me NHU Jnana 2566 Course
I am sleeping only 4 hours! NHU Jnana 2569 Course
Your Future is Your Choice NHU Jnana 2588 Course
Make life a game not a war NHU Jnana 2710 Course
Addiction is Escape from Life NHU Jnana 2718 Course
Sense Organs and Tools of Life and Who Controls your Life NHU Jnana 2769 Course
Sense Organs & Tools Of Life NHU Jnana 2770 Course
Life is a Psychodrama NHU Jnana 2772 Course
Sense Organs and Tools Of Life NHU Jnana 2774 Course
Sense Organs and Tools Of Life NHU Jnana 2785 Course
Sense Organs And Tools of Life & Who Controls yours Life NHU Jnana 2786 Course
Sense Organs & Tools Of Life NHU Jnana 2787 Course
Addiction is just an escape from life NHU Jnana 2797 Course
Patience for Chaos and Passion in Action NHU Jnana 2798 Course
why do you want choice? & tune in to your highest selfn YouTube NHU Jnana 2803 Course
science of life and death & laziness is poison NHU Jnana 2806 Course
Open your Heart! NHU Jnana 2807 Course
emotion is pure energy & don't give up NHU Jnana 2810 Course
Depression your key to Enlightement NHU Jnana 2811 Course
why do you want choice? & tune in to your highest self NHU Jnana 2821 Course
Who controlos your life & Is Enlightenment beyond karma NHU Jnana 2822 Course
Emotion is pure energy & don't give up NHU Jnana 2828 Course
Depression your key to Enlightement NHU Jnana 2830 Course
What's Your Happiness Quotient NHU Jnana 2890 Course
It's all in the game NHU Jnana 2891 Course
Inner Awakening The Science of Enlightenment NHU Jnana 2904 Course
2012: Transform Now - Live Webinar by Paramahamsa Nithyananda NHU Jnana 2905 Course
LBP Life Bliss Program short Intro in English NHU Jnana 2912 Course
Live Webinar with Paramahamsa Nithyananda on 02nd October 2011 NHU Jnana 2981 Course
Success in Society NHU Jnana 3017 Course
Basics of Healthy relationships NHU Jnana 3021 Course
Life is not an accident NHU Jnana 3038 Course
Take complete control of your life NHU Jnana 3039 Course
Consciousness is Beyond Time 6th July 2011 NHU Jnana 3072 Course
Perfect Health 26th june Morning Message NHU Jnana 3110 Course
Understand your past Unlock your future Short Nithyananda Videos NHU Jnana 3111 Course
scientific research on Levitation NHU Jnana 3122 Course
Enjoy your Desires Short Nithyananda Videos NHU Jnana 3126 Course
Science of eNKriya NHU Jnana 3132 Course
Can your Mind Heal your body NHU Jnana 3135 Course
Is Enlightenment Beyond Karma Nithyananda Short Videos NHU Jnana 3139 Course
Body is Green house NHU Jnana 3151 Course
Responsibility and Tapas NHU Jnana 3152 Course
Life Bliss NHU Jnana 3153 Course
Transform Your Self and take on the world May 15 2011 NHU Jnana 3155 Course
Life is Passive NHU Jnana 3162 Course
Phobia is Vasana NHU Jnana 3170 Course
WHAT IS DHARMA: Short Nithyananda Videos NHU Jnana 3267 Course
LIFE IS THE PLAY OF CONSCIOUSNESS: Short Nithyananda videos NHU Jnana 3278 Course
Importance Of Living In Enlightened Community NHU Jnana 3280 Course
GET BACK TO WITNESSING CONSCIOUSNESS: Short Nithyananda Videos NHU Jnana 3284 Course
Kundalini & Health through eN-Kriya Initiation NHU Jnana 3311 Course
You Never Feel Sick of Your Identity - Short Nithyananda Videos NHU Jnana 3329 Course
You Live Through Your Head. - Short Nithyananda Videos NHU Jnana 3330 Course
Wrong Direction - Short Nithyananda Videos NHU Jnana 3342 Course
The Indian Lifestyle - Short Nithyananda Videos NHU Jnana 3380 Course
Sitting in Silence - Short Nithyananda Videos NHU Jnana 3395 Course
Prana The Life Force - Short Nithyananda Videos NHU Jnana 3418 Course
Mind Body Healing - Short Nithyananda Videos NHU Jnana 3440 Course
One Thought at a Time - Short Nithyananda Videos NHU Jnana 3441 Course
Living a Liberated Life - Short Nithyananda Videos NHU Jnana 3445 Course
Dealing With Pain NHU Jnana 3455 Course
Dealing with Mental Problems NHU Jnana 3456 Course
Blue Print of Our Life NHU Jnana 3459 Course
Break Logic With Logic NHU Jnana 3487 Course
Surrender to Consciousness: Brahma Sutra 5: Short Nithyananda Videos NHU Jnana 3509 Course
Breathe right to live NHU Jnana 3515 Course
Addiction - How to get out of it: Nithyananda Bliss Bytes NHU Jnana 3537 Course
Maya NHU Jnana 3571 Course
Life is Not Under Your Control NHU Jnana 3578 Course
Life is Beyond Your Plans NHU Jnana 3579 Course
Life is a River NHU Jnana 3580 Course
Life The Longest Dream NHU Jnana 3581 Course
Levels of Mukthi NHU Jnana 3583 Course
Learn to Love NHU Jnana 3585 Course
Learn from the Master or Life will Teach You NHU Jnana 3586 Course
From Sub Consciousness to Super Consciousness Nithyananda NHU Jnana 3588 Course
Japa Leads to Depression NHU Jnana 3589 Course
Inner Awakening 21 day meditation program NHU Jnana 3591 Course
Initiation NHU Jnana 3592 Course
Initiation Liberates NHU Jnana 3594 Course
Idea About Yourself Creates Your Body NHU Jnana 3597 Course
Fear The Quality of Life NHU Jnana 3608 Course
Courage NHU Jnana 3629 Course
Become Aware of Life: Nithyananda Bliss Bytes NHU Jnana 3642 Course
A Shocking Revelation NHU Jnana 3652 Course
Lifestyle is not life Nithyananda NHU Jnana 3662 Course
Inner Awakening Glimpses Nithyananda NHU Jnana 3670 Course
Escape into Life-Nithyananda NHU Jnana 3687 Course
eN Kriya - Deeper Insights NHU Jnana 3717 Course
Uncover Your Inner Light Patanjali Yoga Sutras 103 Nithyananda Satsang 26 Jan 2011 NHU Jnana 3741 Course
Escape into Life - Nithyananda.mp4 NHU Jnana 3747 Course
E=mc^2: Einstein's Equation versus Ancient Vedic Truth: Nithyananda Elaborates NHU Jnana 4016 Course
Anandeshwara Brahmotsav - Introduction NHU Jnana 4026 Course
Rewiring Your Brain: Nithyananda Morning Message NHU Jnana 4048 Course
Unlock Your Brain Potential Nithyananda: Morning Message Oct 07, 2010 NHU Jnana 4077 Course
The best thing I have ever done - IA Inner Awakening experiences NHU Jnana 4084 Course
My Blood Cholesterol dropped - IA Inner Awakening experiences NHU Jnana 4086 Course
Five Techniques for stress free living NHU Jnana 4110 Course
Sleep your way to health - Meditation Technique: Nithyananda NHU Jnana 4113 Course
The Ideal conflict free idol The Ideal conflict free idol Course
Conflict Free Living and Decision Making - Nithyananda Speaks NHU Jnana 4123 Course
Depression and Conflict Free Living NHU Jnana 4127 Course
Practicing Conflict-free living NHU Jnana 4130 Course
Conflict free life NHU Jnana 4146 Course
Eat Pray Love: Nithyananda NHU Jnana 4169 Course
Nithyananda: Handling Crisis in Life NHU Jnana 4235 Course
Nithyananda on Yoga Sutras: Practice, Psychological & Physiological Mutation, Surrender and More NHU Jnana 4239 Course
Nithyananda on Yoga Sutras: Patanjali Gives Immediate Solutions first, then Ultimate Enlightenment NHU Jnana 4240 Course
Nithyananda on Yoga Sutras: What is Mind? A New Revelation NHU Jnana 4241 Course
Nithyananda on Yoga Sutras: Importance of Enlightened Master in Correct Understanding NHU Jnana 4242 Course
Nithyananda on Intuition (Part 1 of 2): Ultimate Trust in Yourself NHU Jnana 4244 Course
Nithyananda speaks on Freedom (Part 2 of 2) NHU Jnana 4245 Course
Nithyananda speaks on Freedom (Part 1 of 2) NHU Jnana 4246 Course
Remembering to be centered in consciousness NHU Jnana 4256 Course
Positive Practices for Integrated Living NHU Jnana 4257 Course
Living Enlightenment Series: Deeper Understanding of Love by Nithyananda NHU Jnana 4263 Course
Living Enlightenment: An Introduction by Paramahamsa Nithyananda NHU Jnana 4264 Course
Launching the 'Living Enlightenment' Series by Paramahamsa Nithyananda NHU Jnana 4265 Course
Nithyananda Discourse Series: Q&A on the Secret of Birth - Karma and Cosmic Airport NHU Jnana 4266 Course
Nithyananda Discourse Series: Q&A on the Secret of Birth - Part 4 NHU Jnana 4267 Course
Patanjali Yoga Sutras: Removing Wrong Knowledge leads to Individual Transformation & Global Peace NHU Jnana 4291 Course
Patanjali Yoga Sutras: Meditation Technique for Deep Sleep NHU Jnana 4293 Course
Patanjali Yoga Sutras: Kindling Right Imagination NHU Jnana 4294 Course
Patanjali Yoga Sutras: Five modifications of mind NHU Jnana 4295 Course
Deeper Insights into Life NHU Jnana 4304 Course
Q&A on Thoughts, Actions and Choicelessness (Dec 2009 Inner Awakening Program) NHU Jnana 4307 Course
Q&A at Inner Awakening Program - Thoughts, Action & Freedom from Memories NHU Jnana 4308 Course
Table memory - an important component of Jivan Mukthi (Inner Awakening/LBE Discourses Dec 2009) NHU Jnana 4309 Course
Nithyananda Spurana Program Introduction NHU Jnana 4310 Course
Experiencing all components of Living Enlightenment - Inner Awakening, Dec 2009 NHU Jnana 4312 Course
Experiencing All Dimensions of Living Enlightenment NHU Jnana 4314 Course
Mind is not an object, it is not a thing, it is an action NHU Jnana 4317 Course
Establishing in the Non-Return Zone of Living Enlightenment NHU Jnana 4318 Course
Practical Teachings NHU Jnana 4319 Course
Imagination NHU Jnana 4320 Course
Memory - Newer Insights NHU Jnana 4323 Course
Memory (A Discourse delivered at Inner Awakening & LBE) NHU Jnana 4328 Course
Duality and Non-Duality (Dvaitha and Advaitha) (A Discourse delivered at Inner Awakening & LBE) NHU Jnana 4331 Course
Acceptance, Responsibility and Surrender NHU Jnana 4332 Course
Acceptance NHU Jnana 4333 Course
Qualification to be a Yogi NHU Jnana 4335 Course
Living Without Mind Is Living Enlightenment NHU Jnana 4336 Course
Mind Is An Action NHU Jnana 4337 Course
Enlightenment Experience NHU Jnana 4344 Course
Intensity - The Secret Revealed NHU Jnana 4345 Course
Practising Living Enlightenment NHU Jnana 4348 Course
Intensity is much more important than enlightenment itself NHU Jnana 4350 Course
Patanjali Yoga Sutras - Intensity Never Fails: Experience yourself NHU Jnana 4353 Course
Patanjali Yoga Sutras: You Are Unique & Infinite NHU Jnana 4355 Course
Yoga Sutras Discourse: Decide to Unclutch® & Drop Your Mind Now NHU Jnana 4359 Course
Yoga Sutras: Danger of Practicing Techniques without Understanding NHU Jnana 4360 Course
Yoga Sutras Discourse: Do Not Let Your Mind Cheat You NHU Jnana 4361 Course
Patanjali Yoga Sutras - Mind is an Action NHU Jnana 4363 Course
Yoga Sutras - Problems Can Dissolve Problems NHU Jnana 4364 Course
Whole Universe is Reflection of the Mind NHU Jnana 4370 Course
Discipline that arises out of your understanding is transformational NHU Jnana 4377 Course
Drop Goals to experience the beauty of purposelessness NHU Jnana 4380 Course
Awakening of Understanding Results in Psychological Revolution NHU Jnana 4381 Course
Add Life to your years NHU Jnana 4382 Course
Live Without Samskaras (engraved memories) and Be Liberated NHU Jnana 4383 Course
Devotion cannot be expressed through words NHU Jnana 4385 Course
Connect with Your Weightlessness NHU Jnana 4386 Course
Spontaneity NHU Jnana 4387 Course
Your Presence is Weightlessness NHU Jnana 4388 Course
Give Awareness to That Part That Hurts & Heal Yourself NHU Jnana 4389 Course
Inner Awakening Program for Living Enlightenment - June 2009 NHU Jnana 4391 Course
2009 Jayanthi Message - Live Enlightenment NHU Jnana 4392 Course
Learning through Experience or Learning through Intelligence NHU Jnana 4396 Course
How do I free myself of Opposite Emotions NHU Jnana 4398 Course
Loss of Loved Ones Prematurely - Deeper Truths NHU Jnana 4401 Course
Is Guru a precondition for Self Realization NHU Jnana 4402 Course
Enlightenment The Dimension of Miracles NHU Jnana 4406 Course
What Exactly is Living Enlightenment NHU Jnana 4408 Course
Yoga is Much More Than Body Postures NHU Jnana 4409 Course
Five Layers of Conditioning NHU Jnana 4412 Course
Self Remembrance is the Master Key NHU Jnana 4413 Course
Be Aware Continuously NHU Jnana 4414 Course
Whatever That is Happening is Auspicious NHU Jnana 4420 Course
Enter the Space that can never Die Technique & Meditation NHU Jnana 4421 Course
Completely Tune to Surrender or to Will NHU Jnana 4423 Course
Integrate Yourself for Superconscious Experience to happen NHU Jnana 4429 Course
Experience the Cosmic Space - Technique & Meditation NHU Jnana 4433 Course
Identify Your Inner Space NHU Jnana 4434 Course
Bring Energy Of Self To Body NHU Jnana 4435 Course
Experience The Wholeness NHU Jnana 4436 Course
Man Is Only a Potentiality and Not Actuality NHU Jnana 4438 Course
Technique to operate our body from Prana (life force) Technique to operate our body from Prana (life force) Course
Do not plan everything in your life NHU Jnana 4443 Course
The more we use the body the more productive we will be NHU Jnana 4445 Course
Myth of Hardwork NHU Jnana 4446 Course
Flowing with Your Body NHU Jnana 4447 Course
You Are More than Just the Body NHU Jnana 4448 Course
Depression of Success is a Divine Ambassador NHU Jnana 4449 Course
Leaving the Body NHU Jnana 4452 Course
The Power of Blessings NHU Jnana 4474 Course
Shake the Roots of Negativity of Mind NHU Jnana 4478 Course
Transform by looking at ourself through others eyes NHU Jnana 4483 Course
Science of Life and Seeking NHU Jnana 4487 Course
Accept others can be transformed & be transformed NHU Jnana 4488 Course
Technique for Sudden Enlightenment by being Uninterruptedly Aware NHU Jnana 4489 Course
Secrets of Spontaneity and Oratory Skills NHU Jnana 4490 Course
Carry Your Bucket in Your Hand! NHU Jnana 4492 Course
Be Uninterruptedly Aware & Realize the truth NHU Jnana 4494 Course
Internal & External Wandering and True Seeking NHU Jnana 4495 Course
Q&A -- Views on Organ Donation NHU Jnana 4498 Course
Gurum Bhaje 2008 on July 17, 2008 - Participate in Gurupoornima Celebrations NHU Jnana 4503 Course
Balancing between I & Mine - Discourse & Meditation NHU Jnana 4504 Course
Sensitivity - Deeper Truths Revealed NHU Jnana 4505 Course
Wake Up! & Be Intense NHU Jnana 4506 Course
Impracticality of Intellect NHU Jnana 4507 Course
Q&A on Thoughtlessness, Ego, Anxiety & Surrender NHU Jnana 4510 Course
From Thinking to Feeling - Discourse & Meditation NHU Jnana 4511 Course
Dissolution of Questions NHU Jnana 4513 Course
Enlightenment is Choicelessness NHU Jnana 4514 Course
Contemplate Beyond Perception NHU Jnana 4515 Course
Become an Atom in an Atom NHU Jnana 4516 Course
Science of Enlightenment NHU Jnana 4518 Course
You are either Enlightened or not Enlightened, Thats all! NHU Jnana 4519 Course
Q&A on Internal Wandering Part 1 NHU Jnana 4520 Course
There is neither you nor me NHU Jnana 4523 Course
Living in the moment with intense passion NHU Jnana 4525 Course
Experiencing ever living cosmos continuously NHU Jnana 4527 Course
Light' As Life Energy NHU Jnana 4528 Course
Light' As Life Energy Question & Answers NHU Jnana 4529 Course
Right Listening NHU Jnana 4532 Course
Incidents of Aakashik records NHU Jnana 4535 Course
Understanding Reality NHU Jnana 4536 Course
What are you going to change, change is constantly changing NHU Jnana 4537 Course
Paramahamsa's Inner Exploration NHU Jnana 4542 Course
Dream State and Reality State -- What is real? NHU Jnana 4546 Course
Pearls of Wisdom, Vol 2: All Your Questions Answered! NHU Jnana 4547 Course
Pearls of Wisdom, Vol 1: All Your Questions Answered! NHU Jnana 4548 Course
How, What, When, Where and How of Meditation NHU Jnana 4551 Course
Care about your inner space NHU Jnana 4560 Course
What is Initiation? NHU Jnana 4563 Course
Staying Inspired NHU Jnana 4566 Course
Shift your Awareness to Nothingness & Become Unlimited Self NHU Jnana 4571 Course
When Attachment Dies All Pervading Awareness Grows.. NHU Jnana 4572 Course
Q&A About Enlightenment NHU Jnana 4575 Course
You are a Chaos since you are not centered! NHU Jnana 4576 Course
Form to Formlessness NHU Jnana 4577 Course
Deep Truths about I and Mine NHU Jnana 4580 Course
Relax from the idea of Enlightenment and become Enlightened! NHU Jnana 4581 Course
Darkness - Deeper Truths Revealed NHU Jnana 4587 Course
2008 Jayanthi Message - Celebrate Jeva, Jagat, Eshwara NHU Jnana 4589 Course
Living with Senses versus Living with the mind NHU Jnana 4597 Course
If you cannot experience love you cannot experience god NHU Jnana 4603 Course
Devotion, Doubt and Trust NHU Jnana 4609 Course
Hamsa Mantra - Meditation Technique NHU Jnana 4610 Course
Come experience Nithyananda NHU Jnana 4616 Course
Be Authentic with Your Emotions NHU Jnana 4617 Course
From Sounds to Silence - Technique & Meditation NHU Jnana 4624 Course
Truths about Inner Chattering NHU Jnana 4626 Course
Take Quantum Jump into Ultimate Consciousness NHU Jnana 4628 Course
Dissolution of the Mind NHU Jnana 4629 Course
Does Enlightenment Require any Qualifications? NHU Jnana 4636 Course
Expansion of Awareness NHU Jnana 4644 Course
Fear, Courage & Identity NHU Jnana 4647 Course
Breath & Mind - Deeper Connections NHU Jnana 4648 Course
Churning of the Milky Ocean NHU Jnana 4654 Course
Meditation - Idagala, Pingala and Sushumna Nadis NHU Jnana 4659 Course
Workings of the mind and Q&A NHU Jnana 4670 Course
Present Moment - Key to Enlightenment - Part 2 NHU Jnana 4674 Course
Present Moment - Keys to Enlightenment Part 1 NHU Jnana 4675 Course
Love - The Gateway to Enlightenment NHU Jnana 4688 Course
Lift your self by your self NHU Jnana 4718 Course
Aspire For The State, Not The Status NHU Jnana 4721 Course
Act from your being NHU Jnana 4733 Course
Idea About I And Mine NHU Jnana 4737 Course
Global Peace NHU Jnana 4753 Course
Mind is a Myth NHU Jnana 4755 Course
Space for Divine NHU Jnana 4756 Course
Maya - The illusory shaft NHU Jnana 4757 Course
Enlightenment in a second if you are ready NHU Jnana 4767 Course
The Greatest Mystery on Planet Earth NHU Jnana 4787 Course
Nithya Yoga - Yoga of Eternity NHU Jnana 4852 Course
Workings of the Mind NHU Jnana 4878 Course
10Dec2018 - WB - Intelligence to Realize Life is a Dream Jnana-10Dec2018 - WB - Intelligence to Realize Life is a Dream Course
17Dec2018 - NS - Sarvajnatva Opening Many Doors To Life Jnana-17Dec2018 - NS - Sarvajnatva Opening Many Doors To Life Course
18Dec2018-Enlightenment is Key for Economic Legitimacy Jnana-18Dec2018-Enlightenment is Key for Economic Legitimacy Course
True Meaning Of Health Jnana 2291 Course
Introduction to Nithyananda Yoga YOGA_101 Course
Paramashivatva - Sarvajnapeetha - Responsibilism PMS-Feb1-SJP-Resp Course
Paramashivatva - Art of Causing PMS-Feb19-Causing Course
Cosmos - Standing Up in the Milky Way - Episode 1 - Paramashivatva PMS-Feb19-Cos-1 Course
PM_P18_Paramashivatva_Feb19 - Ability to give break through thought currents PMS-Feb19-D18 Course
Chaos is order, Order is choas Chaos is order, Order is choas Course
My master - Raghupati Yogi JNANA-108NithyanandaVideos Course
Meditation - The Ultimate Stress Buster Part 1, Oklahoma City, 7 APR 2005 The_Ultimate_Stress_Buster Course
Responsibility Makes Shava Into Shiva V2 Responsibility Makes Shava Into Shiva V2 Course
Drop Your Past Own Your Future Drop Your Past Own Your Future Course
Technique for Instant Completion V2 Technique for Instant Completion V2 Course
Let Your Head and Heart Go Hand in Hand V2 Let Your Head and Heart Go Hand in Hand V2 Course
Purpose of Life is to Evolve Purpose of Life is to Evolve Course
Life is Here to Celebrate Through You Life is Here to Celebrate Through You Course
Live Forever Blissfully Live Forever Blissfully Course
Manual for Living - Say Yes to Life Manual for Living - Say Yes to Life Course
Deciding for Life Clears All Karma V2 Deciding for Life Clears All Karma V2 Course
Life Runs by Inspiration Life Runs by Inspiration Course
Offer Simple Remedies Offer Simple Remedies Course
Cognition Change for Healing Health Issue Cognition Change for Healing Health Issue Course
Niraahara Niraahara Course
Perform Non-Invasive Surgery Perform Non-Invasive Surgery Course
Gender Completion Gender Completion Course
Reading 360 Degree Reading 360 Degree Course
Sharing a Past Happening Sharing a Past Happening Course
Make a Relative Call You Make a Relative Call You Course
Finding a Missing Object Finding a Missing Object Course
Seek For What Am I? Seek For What Am I? Course
Seeking Awakens the Super Human in You Seeking Awakens the Super Human in You Course
Practice- The Ultimate Technique Practice- The Ultimate Technique Course
Natural selection process Natural selection process Course
Manifest Powerful Cognitions Be Your Own Boss, Build Your Boat While Swimming Manifest Powerful Cognitions Be Your Own Boss, Build Your Boat While Swimming Course
Live stream - Guru Purnima 2017 Live stream - Guru Purnima 2017 Course
Genesis of Identity - Psychology as Explained by Mahadeva Genesis of Identity - Psychology as Explained by Mahadeva Course
Guru Deeksha NHU-DJP-GP2019 Course
Video : Hinduism's Third Eye Science is Proven To Heal The Blind NHU-DJP-TEB-1 Course
Hinduism's Third Eye Science is Proven To Heal The Blind - Transcript and Assessments NHU-DJP-TEB-2 Course
Slides - Science of Anti-Aging DJP-SAA-002 Course
Slides : Nithya Dhyan Meditation DJP-NDM-001 Course
Powerful Cognition Worksheet : You are Eternal NHU-PC-WS-06092019 Course
Webinar Worksheet : 08 September 2019 NHU-SW-07092019 Course
Slides : Super-Science of Time DJP-SST-001 Course
Preparation for Paramashivoham 2019 NHU-PFP-2019-001 Course
Paramashiva is Available And By Remembrance, Paramashiva Liberates Paramashiva is Available And By Remembrance, Paramashiva Liberates Course
Video : Your Thought and Emotions Affect DNA DJP-TEE-001 Course
Slides : Thoughts and Emotions affect Your DNA - Introduction DJP-TEE-002 Course
Slides : Role of Thoughts and Emotions - Key Quotes and Assessments DJP-TEE-003 Course
Nirvana Deeksha - Initiation to Infuse Turiyatita in the Body & Mind Nirvana Deeksha - Initiation to Infuse Turiyatita in the Body & Mind Course
Daily Satsang Assignment NHU-DS-001 Course
Webinar - Conscious Awakening NHU-WEB-CNA-001 Course
Nithya Satsang - 23rd September 2019 NS-2019-09-23 Course
Nithya Satsang - 24th September 2019 NS-20190923 Course
Keep Your Thought Currents Pure, Build An Enlightened Body, Mind And Life - LIVE Keep Your Thought Currents Pure, Build An Enlightened Body, Mind And Life - LIVE Course
Nithya Satsang - 25th September 2019 NS-20190925 Course
Nithya Satsang - 26th September 2019 NS-20190926 Course
Purify The Connection Between Your Consciousness And Your DNA - LIVE Purify The Connection Between Your Consciousness And Your DNA - LIVE Course
Nithya Satsang - 27th September 2019 NS-20190927 Course
Nithya Satsang - 28th September 2019 NS-28092019 Course
Nithya Satsang - 29th September 2019 NS-20190929 Course
Nithya Satsang - 30th September 2019 NS-20190930 Course
Nithya Satsang - 1st October 2019 NS-20191001 Course
Nithya Satsang - 2nd October 2019 NS-20191002 Course
Nithya Satsang - 3rd October 2019 NS-20191003 Course
Nithya Satsang - 4th October 2019 NS-20191004 Course
Nithya Satsang - 5th October 2019 NS-2019-10-05 Course
Nithya Satsang Assignment - 7th October 2019 NS-2019-10-07 Course
Nithya Satsang Assignment - 8th October 2019 NS-2019-10-08 Course
Nithya Satsang Assignment - 9th October 2019 NS-2019-10-09 Course
You Manifest The Cosmic You Through Me! - LIVE You Manifest The Cosmic You Through Me! - LIVE Course
Nithya Satsang Assignment - 10th October 2019 NS-2019-10-10 Course
Eternity Is Dimension Of You - LIVE Eternity Is Dimension Of You - LIVE Course
Nithya Satsang Assignment - 11th October 2019 NS-20191011 Course
Smaranath Mukthi - Right Remembrance Liberates - LIVE Smaranat MukSmaranath Mukthi - Right Remembrance Liberates - ti - Right Remembrance Liberates - LIVE Course
Nithya Satsang Assignment - 12th October 2019 NS-20191012 Course
Nithya Satsang Assignment - 13th October 2019 NS-20191013 Course
Nithya Satsang Assignment - 14th October 2019 NS20191013 Course
Nithya Satsang Assignment - 15th October 2019 NS-20191015 Course
Nithya Satsang Assignment - 16th October 2019 NS-20191016 Course
Universe is running in intense order- Live Universe is running in intense order- Live Course
Nithyatva = space of eternity/Kailaasa - Live Nithyatva = space of eternity/Kailaasa - Live Course
Nithya Satsang Assignment-17th October 2019 NS-20191017 Course
Laziness – The Biggest Destruction in Enlightenment Laziness – The Biggest Destruction in Enlightenment Course
Keep yourself pure and powerful! Keep yourself pure and powerful! Course
Nithya Satsang Assignment-18th October 2019 NS-20191018 Course
Nithyatva is the Space of Eternity Nithyatva is the Space of Eternity Course
Power of Initiation Guarantees Miracles Power of Initiation Guarantees Miracles Course
Nithya Satsang Assignment-19th October 2019 NS-20191019 Course
Nithya Satsang Assignment- 20th October 2019 NS-20191020 Course
Nithya Satsang Assignment- 21st October 2019 NS-20191021 Course
Nithya Satsang Assignment- 22nd October 2019 NS-20191022 Course
Nithya Satsang Assignment- 23rd October 2019 NS-20191023 Course
Nithya Satsang Assignment- 24th October 2019 NS-20191024 Course
Nithya Satsang Assignment- 25th October 2019 NS-20191025 Course
Nithya Satsang Assignment- 26th October 2019 NS-20191026 Course
Nithya Satsang Assignment - 27th October 2019 NS-20191027 Course
Nithya Satsang Assignment - 28th October 2019 NS-20191028 Course
Nithya Satsang Assignment - 29th October 2019 NS-20191029 Course
Cherish What is Eternal DJP-Eternal-005 Course
Introduction - Cherish What is Eternal DJP-Eternal-006 Course
Key Quotes and Transcript - Cherish What is Eternal DJP-Eternal-007 Course
Universe Is Not Obligated To Make Sense to Us! Universe Is Not Obligated To Make Sense to Us! Course
Paramashiva is in You! Paramashiva is in You! Course
Nithya Satsang Assignment - 31st October 2019 NS-20191031 Course
Nithya Satsang Assignment - 1st November 2019 NS-2019111 Course
Nithya Satsang Assignment - 2nd November 2019 NS-2019112 Course
Nithya Satsang Assignment - 3rd November 2019 NS-2019113 Course
Nithya Satsang Assignment - 4th November 2019 NS-2019114 Course
Meditate On The Form of Paramashiva And Get Enlightened! Meditate On The Form of Paramashiva And Get Enlightened! Course
Nithya Satsang Assignment - 7th November 2019 NS-2019117 Course
Nithya Satsang Assignment - 8th November 2019 NS-2019118 Course
Nithya Satsang Assignment - 9th November 2019 NS-2019119 Course
Nithya Satsang Assignment - 10th November 2019 NS-20191110 Course
Nithya Satsang Assignment - 11th November 2019 NS-20191111 Course
Nithya Satsang Assignment - 12th November 2019 NS-20191112 Course
Nithya Satsang Assignment - 13th November 2019 NS-20191113 Course
Everything Happening Is Auspicious - Nothing Is Falling Apart, Everything Is Only Falling In Place Everything Happening Is Auspicious - Nothing Is Falling Apart, Everything Is Only Falling In Place Course
Nithya Satsang Assignment - 14th November 2019 NS-20191114 Course
Nithya Satsang Assignment - 15th November 2019 NS-20191115 Course
Nithya Satsang Assignment - 16th November 2019 NS-20191116 Course
Nithya Satsang Assignment - 17th November 2019 NS-20191117 Course
Nithya Satsang Assignment - 18th November 2019 NS-20191118 Course
Nithya Satsang Assignment - 19th November 2019 NS-20191119 Course
Nithya Satsang Assignment - 20th November 2019 NS-20191120 Course
Nithya Satsang Assignment - 21st November 2019 NS-20191121 Course
Nithya Satsang Assignment - 22nd November 2019 NS-20191122 Course
Nithya Satsang Assignment - 23rd November 2019 NS-20191123 Course
Nithya Satsang Assignment - 24th November 2019 NS-20191124 Course
Nithya Satsang Assignment - 25th November 2019 NS-20191125 Course
Nithya Satsang Assignment - 26th November 2019 NS-20191126 Course
Nithya Satsang Assignment - 27th November 2019 NS-20191127 Course
Nithya Satsang Assignment - 30th November 2019 NS-20191130 Course
Nithya Satsang Assignment - 1st December 2019 NS-2019121 Course
Nithya Satsang Assignment - 2nd December 2019 NS-2019122 Course
Nithya Satsang Assignment - 4th December 2019 NS-2019124 Course
Nithya Satsang Assignment - 5th December 2019 NS-2019125 Course
May The Force Be With You! May The Force Be With You! Course
Mastering the Four Fundamental Forces Mastering the Four Fundamental Forces Course
Keep Your Inner Space (Hiranya Garbha) Joyful And Celebrating Keep Your Inner Space (Hiranya Garbha) Joyful And Celebrating Course
???? Shivam Jnana-27Dec-NS Course
???, Ahara Jnana-NS-04Jan2020 Course
???????????, Ananda Tandava. Bliss Dance Jnana-22 jan2020-NS Course
Prajnana, individual consciousness Jnana-27 jan2020-NS Course
Ananda Spurana Online JNANA-MANUAL-PGM-14 Course
Eerppu Nilai- Power of Sarvajnatva Eerppu Nilai- Power of Sarvajnatva Course
Nithyatva Nithyatva Course
Purvajanma Karma Vinasa Purvajanma Karma Vinasa Course
Power to create or destroy the Creation Power to create or destroy the Creation Course
Purpose of Human Life Purpose of Human Life Course
What to Eat? Charya-Food Course
Atmatattva is the core principle, core truth, core reality of any living being Jnana-05 Mar 2020-NS Course
Liberate from Pasa or Maya Jnana-10Mar2020-NS Course
Vratham, Fasting Jnana-14 Mar2020-NS Course
Introduction to Science of Health & Wellness - Paramashivam Season 3 PMS-Season4-Day4-11May2020 Course
Convert Your Obsessive Compulsive Disorders To Ishtadevata Inspired Decisions! Jnana-30 Apr 2020-NS Course
Happiness Versus Bliss - Which Is Real? Jnana- 09 May 2020-NS Course
What Fuels You? And What Is The Best Fuel For Your Life? Jnana-13 May 2020-NS Course
How Cosmic Logic Relates To Binary Logic (WARNING: This Understanding Could Liberate You!) Jnana-26 May 2020-NS Course
Laws of Karma Jnana Laws of Karma Course
Experiential Logic Vs Exponential Logic NHU Jnana 1361 Course
Be Complete with Principles of Advaita NHU Jnana 1424 Course
Be in Completion with Advaita NHU Jnana 1425 Course
The Three Akashas - Kataakasha, Chitaakasha, Mahaakasha NHU Jnana 4437 Course
Deep truths about Physical, Pranic, Mental & Etheric Layers NHU Jnana 4497 Course
Four States of Consciousness NHU Jnana 4550 Course
Seven Layers of Our Being NHU Jnana 4558 Course
Cosmos - Some of the Things That Molecules Do - Episode 2 PMS-Cosmos-EP2 Course
Universe is Eternal Expansion, Gods Exist Independently in the Oneness Dimension Universe is Eternal Expansion, Gods Exist Independently in the Oneness Dimension Course
Quantum Memory Quantum Memory Course
States of Consciousness States of Consciousness Course
19Dec2018-NS-Ultimate Collective Consciousness Jnana-19Dec2018-NS-Ultimate Collective Consciousness Course
23Dec2018-Hinduism Is A Contributing, Non-Invading Tradition Jnana-Hinduism Is A Contributing, Non-Invading Tradition Course
???????????, Sivajñanabodha; State of Supernal Effulgence Jnana-14 jan2020-NS Course
Nyaya and Vaisheshika, Ontology of being as per Hinduism Jnana-20 jan2020-NS Course
How Ahmisa (Non-Violence) Can Be The Strategy To Stop The Hindu Holocaust! Jnana-14 May 2020-NS Course
Integrity to Time Helps You Mirror Superconsciousness Jnana Integrity to Time Helps You Mirror Superconsciousness Course
Guru Gita - The Glory of the Guru Tattva Guru Gita - The Glory of the Guru Tattva Curricula
Is it possible to go beyond sleep? Siddha Tradition Sleeping your way to enlightenment Course
Was Mahabharata A Dharmic War? NHU Jnana 1668 Course
Siddha tradition 14-Alter Your State Of Consciousness NHU Jnana 3965 Course
Siddha Tradition: Meditation technique to be in Wakeful waking state of consciousness (23 Nov 2010) NHU Jnana 3971 Course
Samskaras and Prana Flow NHU Jnana 4653 Course
Akashic Records Jnana-AR-NS Course
The Science of The Intangible But Definitive Part of Existence is Dharma, Applied Science Is Agama Jnana-15 Mar 2020-NS Course
Siddha Tradition Sleeping Your Way to Enlightenment NHU Jnana 2407 Course
?????????, Atmesvara, Atmeshvara Jnana-11 Feb 2020-NS Course
Food And Medicine Should Come From Land - Not Labs! Jnana- 2May 2020-NS Course
Worship Through Idols versus Idol Worship NHU Jnana 4579 Course
Science of Horoscopes and Astrology NHU Jnana 4501 Course
#AuthenticHinduism HINDUISM-101 Course
How can I discover my life's purpose and mission? How can I discover my life?s purpose and mission? Course
History of an Episode History of an Episode Course
Hinduism Empowers and Enlightens - LIVE Hinduism Empowers and Enlightens - LIVE Course
Hinduism Is All About Being Life Positive! Hinduism Is All About Being Life Positive! Course
Introduction to Superconscious Breakthrough Introduction to Superconscious Breakthrough Course
How can I distinguish between faith and intuition? How can I distinguish between faith and intuition? Course
Q:What is the result of spending your time, enegy, life ect on the perishable? A: The more and more you are working towards suffering, mrtyu, death. Jnana-Q:What is the result of spending your time, enegy, life ect on the perishable? A: The more and Course
How can I understand when I am nearing death? Predicting death Course
Let Shiva Sculpt You From Death To Divine NHU Jnana 1043 Course
Mystical Experience During Death Process NHU Jnana 1665 Course
Epi-139 Janasri-20 Jan 2013-Morning Satsang NHU Jnana 1982 Course
Epi-138 Janasri-20 Jan 2013 -Morning Satsang NHU Jnana 1983 Course
Science of life and death NHU Jnana 2267 Course
Past Life webinar - Part 2 NHU Jnana 2507 Course
Past Life Webinar - Part 1 NHU Jnana 2508 Course
science of life and death & laziness is poison NHU Jnana 2824 Course
Birth and Death are your worst habits Bhagavad Gita by Nithyananda NHU Jnana 2950 Course
WAY TO FACE DEATH NHU Jnana 3534 Course
Birth & Death - Question & Answers (A Discourse delivered at Inner Awakening & LBE) NHU Jnana 4327 Course
Secrets of Birth Life Death and Masters Identification with I and God NHU Jnana 4342 Course
Basic Principles of Morality, Immorality & Life NHU Jnana 4499 Course
Death Experience & Conquering the fear of Death at Manikarnika Ghat NHU Jnana 4502 Course
Life and death- two sides of the same coin Life and death- two sides of the same coin Course
Sacred Secrets of Death Part 1_Akashic Records Read by Paramahamsa Nithyananda Sacred Secrets of Death Part 1_Akashic Records Read by Paramahamsa Nithyananda Course
Sacred Secrets of Death Part 2_Akashic Records Read by Paramahamsa Nithyananda Sacred Secrets of Death Part 2_Akashic Records Read by Paramahamsa Nithyananda Course
Sacred Secrets of Death Part 4_Akashic Records Read by Paramahamsa Nithyananda Sacred Secrets of Death Part 4_Akashic Records Read by Paramahamsa Nithyananda Course
Sacred Secrets of Death part 5_Akashic Records Read by Paramahamsa Nithyananda Sacred Secrets of Death part 5_Akashic Records Read by Paramahamsa Nithyananda Course
Sacred Secrets of Death part 6_Akashic Records Read by Paramahamsa Nithyananda Sacred Secrets of Death part 6_Akashic Records Read by Paramahamsa Nithyananda Course
Slides : Super-Science of Death DJP-SSD-001 Course
??????, Svaraga Jnana-NS-08Jan2020 Course
Death, Karma and Mytsical Powers Death, Karma and Mytsical Powers Course
Mystical Techniques & Importance of Master and Ashrams NHU Jnana 4565 Course
02FEB2019 - NS - Chastity is Not About Body, it is about Your Core Cognition JNANA - 02FEB2019 - NS - Chastity is Not About Body Course
The Life and Beings in Kailaasa, Sadashiva's Abode NHU JNANA 19MAR2019 Course
28Jan2019 - NS - Take the Jump into Paramashivattva, Be a Kailaasavasi! Jnana - 28Jan2019 - NS - Take the Jump Course
Advaitic Activism NHU Jnana 1558 Course
Don't Run Away from Love NHU Jnana 1619 Course
Importance of Intensity NHU Jnana 4347 Course
Leave your pain alone Stare death in the Face PYS 59 Nithyananda on Patanjali Yoga Sutra NHU Jnana 4087 Course
Bhagavad Gita- I and Mine are pure lies NHU Jnana 4735 Course
12FEB2019 - NS - Have eternal romance with the Cosmos JNANA - 12FEB2019 - NS - Have eternal romance Course
13FEB2019 - NS - Cosmos is Waiting to fulfill your dreams! JNANA - 13FEB2019 - NS - Cosmos is Waiting to fulfill your dreams! Course
?????????, Puru?artha, Goal of Human Life JNANA-21Dec-NS Course
Enlightenment Comes with Responsibility NHU Jnana 4485 Course
Bhagavad Gita- Should knowledge be free? NHU Jnana 4711 Course
14Jan2019 - NS - State of Paramashiva is the Lifestyle of Living Enlightenment - LIVE Jnana-14Jan2019-NS-State of Paramashiva Course
11FEB2019 - NS - Master Your Thought Current JNANA - 11FEB2019 - NS - Master Your Thought Current Course
21FEB2019 - NS - The Secret and Truth Revealed About Ashtakanma Siddhi JNANA - 21FEB2019 - NS - The Secret and Truth Course
27FEB2019 - NS - Truth of Superscience - Pratyaksha Pramanas as revealed by Paramashiva JNANA - 27FEB2019 - NS - Truth of Superscience Course
Hinduism’s Third Eye Science is Proven to Heal the Blind JNANA - 26FEB2019 - NS - Hinduism’s Third Eye Course
Super Science of Paramashiva - Physics, Chemistry and Biology of the Cosmos JNANA 12MAR2019 NS Course
Physics of the Guru-Disciple Relationship JNANA 13MAR2019 NS Course
Super Science of Paramashiva - Physics, Chemistry and Biology of the Cosmos JNANA 17MAR2019 NS Course
????????, Ku??alini, Kundalini Jnana-25Dec-NS Course
Awakening Wealth Consciousness - Dhanakarshana Bhairava Homa NHU Jnana 263 Course
You are Sadashiva - The Ultimate - Embodiment of Anant Kalyana Gunas (All Auspiciousness) Jnana You are Sadashiva - The Ultimate - Embodiment of Anant Kalyana Gunas (All Auspiciousness) Course
Jeevan Mukthi - 2009 NHU Jnana 2694 Course
Jeevan Mukthi NHU Jnana 2715 Course
Overcoming the Fear of Death NHU Jnana 3542 Course
Shiva Sutras- Drop intellect and materialism NHU Jnana 4817 Course
You are Totality of Evolved Body and Descended Consciousness NHU JNANA 18MAR2019 Course
Change Your DNA with A Decision Jnana-Change your DNA with a Decision Course
Mahasadashivoham - Why Do it Now? Jnana-Mahasadashivoham - Why Do it Now? Course
Why Mahasadashivoham? Jnana-Why Mahasadashivoham? Course
Finding root cause of your birth Finding root cause of your birth Course
How can I remain tireless even when handling responsibilities How can I remain tireless even when handling responsibilities Course
How can I perfortm to my maximum capacity? How can I perfortm to my maximum capacity? Course
How can I stay relaxed without bursting with stress? How can I stay relaxed without bursting with stress? Course
How can I relate with the world deeply? How can I relate with the world deeply? Course
How can I understand the base of my life? Creating a positive belief system Course
How can I go beyond mind and experience the state of enlightenment? Going beyond mind Course
How can I be caught in Maya (Illusion) if God is the one who created it? Being caught in illusion(Maya) Course
How can I discover my life's purpose? Discovering my life's purpose Course
How can I have a breakthrough in my life? Don't Believe, Just Experience! Bhagavad Gita by Nithyananda Course
How can I go beyond societal beliefs? Going Beyond Societal Beliefs Course
How to stop procrastination? Getting control over mind Course
How can I remain tireless even by handling responsibilities? Handling responsibilities tirelessly Course
How can I have courage, confidence, hope and energy to live? Indentify your inner space Course
How do I take up conscious responsibility? Taking up Conscious Responsibility Course
How can I get enlightened through my knowledge? Getting enlightened through knowledge Course
How do I lead my life authentically? Leading life authentically Course
How to take stress-free decisions? Taking stress free decisions Course
How to get back to contentment? Getting Back To Contentment Course
Is there a difference between the achiever and achieved? GET BACK TO WITNESSING CONSCIOUSNESS: Short Nithyananda Videos Course
Science of space creation NHU Jnana 1556 Course
Move from Probability to Possibility NHU Jnana 1568 Course
Create a new identity NHU Jnana 1585 Course
Coming to terms with reality NHU Jnana 1648 Course
Get in Touch with Your Soul NHU Jnana 1669 Course
Are you suffering from SDHD? NHU Jnana 1696 Course
Move from words to experience NHU Jnana 1708 Course
IS Incompletion running your Life? NHU Jnana 1717 Course
Excitement in executing the Four principles NHU Jnana 1924 Course
Live a Pattern Free Life NHU Jnana 2011 Course
Power of 'LISTENING' - by Paramahamsa Nithyananda NHU Jnana 2034 Course
Patterns NHU Jnana 2146 Course
Suffering NHU Jnana 2147 Course
Who is controlling your mind? NHU Jnana 2272 Course
Decide To Vibrate You To The Thought Current You Cherish V2 Decide To Vibrate You To The Thought Current You Cherish V2 Course
Going Beyond Pain Going Beyond Pain Course
Let Seeking Be Your First Instinct Response Let Seeking Be Your First Instinct Response Course
Decide To Vibrate You To The Thought Current You Cherish - MSS Decide To Vibrate You To The Thought Current You Cherish - MSS Course
Four Components of Reality Four Components of Reality Course
How should I respond when someone is hurting me? How should I respond when someone is hurting me? Course
Why do I stop enjoying something and get bored with it? Ways of Expressing Inner Chatter - Short Nithyananda Videos Course
Getting enlightenment experience instantly Getting enlightenment experience instantly Course
How can I transform now? How can I transform now? Course
How can I understand the base of my life? How can I understand the base of my life? Course
Catch Silent Blind Spots Using Suble Lessons of the Master Catch Silent Blind Spots Using Suble Lessons of the Master Course
I have so many desires, how can I ever get enlightened? Enjoy your Desires Short Nithyananda Videos Course
How can I enjoy my desires? Enjoying your desires Course
How can I enjoy the world? Enjoying the World Course
You Are Capable Of Manifesting Anything You Will - Sadashivoham NHU Jnana 127 Course
Jnana-Initiation - Deeper Truths Jnana-Initiation - Deeper Truths Course
Jnana-Inspiration Capsule NHU Jnana 137 Course
Aushadha for Immortality & Anti Aging - Downloaded for Humanity NHU Jnana 288 Course
Kundalini Awakening NHU Jnana 1674 Course
Two Steps to Awaken Kundalini NHU Jnana 2016 Course
Awakening DNA NHU Jnana 2136 Course
science to decode pain and pleasure NHU Jnana 2768 Course
Is there life on other planets NHU Jnana 3314 Course
Consciousness Pervades Everything V2 Consciousness Pervades Everything V2 Course
Consciousness Over Matter - Basic Consciousness Over Matter - Basic Course
Consciousness Over Matter - Advance Consciousness Over Matter - Advance Course
Consciousness Over Matter - Expert Consciousness Over Matter - Expert Course
Secrets to Open Your Heart and Experience the Breadth Dimension of the Universe Secrets to Open Your Heart and Experience the Breadth Dimension of the Universe Course
Conscious Awakening - LIVE Conscious Awakening - LIVE Course
How To Play With All The Forces - Using Consciousness! How To Play With All The Forces - Using Consciousness! Course
??? ????, Nada Tattva ??? ??, Nada Kala Jnana-26 jan2020-NS Course
Authenticity is your Vitamin A NHU Jnana 1961 Course
Power of gayatri mantra NHU Jnana 2532 Course
Mahavakyas Jnana-NS-11Jan2020 Course
?????, Nyaya, Nyaya Jnana-22Dec-NS Course
Be Ferocious With Your Boredom & Tiredness NHU Jnana 187 Course
Jnana-Completion-Love Jnana-Completion-Love Course
75 Love, Sex And Kundalini Awakening Nithyananda - Q&A 28 Jan 2011 Jnana-75 Love, Sex And Kundalini Awakening Nithyananda - Q&A 28 Jan 2011 Course
Needs of the body vs perversions. Technique to Transcend Lust Course
How can I understand the science of relationships? How can I understand the science of relationships? Course
How can I understand how my thoughts can affect my life? Understanding effects of thoughts Course
How can I have relationships without expectations? Having relationship without expectations Course
Seek The Truth With Love And Patience NHU Jnana 1103 Course
Completion with Ancestors Jnana-24Sep2014-NS Course
Secret of successful relationships NHU Jnana 1596 Course
Be a catalyst for others NHU Jnana 1709 Course
Is Marriage Sacred? - Q & A with Nithyananda NHU Jnana 1722 Course
Make Peace with Departed Ones NHU Jnana 1776 Course
Pleasure Is a Superstition NHU Jnana 1786 Course
Epi-130 Janasri-20 Dec 2012-Morning Satsang NHU Jnana 1991 Course
Epi-129 Janasri-20 Dec 2012-Morning Satsang NHU Jnana 1992 Course
Epi-128 Janasri-19Dec 2012-Morning Satsang NHU Jnana 1993 Course
Epi-127 Janasri-15Dec2012-Morning Satsang NHU Jnana 1994 Course
Do your really love yourself NHU Jnana 2896 Course
Love for the Human Beings to raise the Conciousness level 06th June 2011 Morning Message NHU Jnana 3130 Course
The Scale for Love - Short Nithyananda Videos NHU Jnana 3372 Course
Love to survive Nithyananda NHU Jnana 3682 Course
Love, Sex and Kundalini Awakening NHU Jnana 3737 Course
love the ultimate healing energy nithyananda morning message 2010SEP20 NHU Jnana 4079 Course
Nithyananda Discourse Series: Love as Meditation NHU Jnana 4252 Course
Love The Ultimate Bridge to Enlightenment NHU Jnana 4459 Course
Using Love as a Gateway to Higher Consciousness NHU Jnana 4578 Course
Love Is The Pure Strategy To Receive Ultimate Power And Manifest As Ultimate Force Love Is The Pure Strategy To Receive Ultimate Power And Manifest As Ultimate Force Course
Lust to Love NHU Jnana 2133 Course
How can I transform now? Transforming now Course
The Secret Key to Make it to Mahasadashivoham The Secret Key to Make it to Mahasadashivoham Course
Secret of Stable Family Jnana-Secret of Stable Family Course
How can I understand my duties towards my parents, teachers, priests and Master? Understanding Your Duties Course
Feeling Connection NHU Jnana 2126 Course
Living Together vs Living To Gather NHU Jnana 4371 Course
Seek The Truth With Love And Patience Seek The Truth With Love And Patience Course
?????? ???????? ??; AKHANDA MAHAVAKYA JAPA CERT-NS-07Feb2020 Course
Yama - Ferocious Response from the Space of Oneness NHU Jnana 146 Course
Yoga For Body Jnana-Yoga For Body Course
Aushadha Versus Spiritual Alchemy NHU Jnana 222 Course
16Jan2019 - NS - Take the Jump into Paramashivattva, Be a Kailaasavasi! Jnana-16Jan2019 - NS - Take the Jump into Paramashivattva Course
26Jan2019 - NS - Third Eye Power of Paramashiva Program, Indrajala and Rasasvada Sciences - LIVE Jnana 26Jan2019 - NS - Third Eye Power Course
Super Science of Paramashiva - Physics, Chemistry and Biology of the Cosmos Jnana - 06MAR2019 - NS Course
Introduction to Nithyananda Yoga Yoga_PVK_101 Course
Guru Puja and Shiva Puja Guru Puja and Shiva Puja Curricula
Great Truths Seeking, HIN-SRUTI-UPN-ISA Great Truths Seeking, HIN-SRUTI-UPN-ISA-Class 1 Course
Pray from the Powerful Space of Oneness - SOHAMASMI Pray from the Powerful Space of Oneness - SOHAMASMI Course
Ferocious Seeking - The Essence and Only Priority of Life Jnana-Ferocious Seeking - The Essence and Only Priority of Life Course
Even I pray I am You Jnana-20Oct2015-NS Course
Let Shiva Sculpt You From Death To Divine Jnana-Let Shiva Sculpt You From Death To Divine Course
How to Breathe With Sadashiva Jnana-How to Breathe With Sadashiva Course
Is Guru a precondition for Self Realization Jnana-Is Guru a precondition for Self Realization Course
How can I know I am growing spiritually? How can I know I am growing spiritually? Course
How being honest helps my spiritual growth? How being honest helps my spiritual growth? Course
How to have stress free life? Having Stress Free Life Course
How do I overcome the fear of dropping from the Guru? Overcoming fear of turning back from spiritual path Course
How can I experience ultimate joy as a disciple? Experiencing ultimate joy as a disciple Course
Discover the Joy of Oneness NHU Jnana 1598 Course
Master Loves You But Not Your Patterns NHU Jnana 1628 Course
Shiva's Divine Play -- Darshan For a Devotee NHU Jnana 1774 Course
Shiva's Divine Play -- Creation of River Vaigai NHU Jnana 1779 Course
Shiva's Divine Play -- Destroying The Evil Serpent NHU Jnana 1781 Course
Shiva's Divine Play -- Drying The Ocean NHU Jnana 1788 Course
Shiva's Divine Play -- The Powerful Siddha NHU Jnana 1791 Course
Shiva's Divine play -- protecting from rain NHU Jnana 1792 Course
Shiva's Divine Play Saving the Moon NHU Jnana 1830 Course
Epi-144 Janasri-10Mar 2013-Morning Satsang NHU Jnana 2006 Course
Spiritual Healing NHU Jnana 2134 Course
Birth Death NHU Jnana 2137 Course
Surrender NHU Jnana 2145 Course
Shiva's Concept of Purity - Short Nithyananda Videos NHU Jnana 3399 Course
Living Around the Master (Discourse delivered at Inner Awakening & LBE Programs) NHU Jnana 4325 Course
Devotion is a prerequisite to receive the Truth NHU Jnana 4368 Course
Role of living enlightened Masters to restore Truth NHU Jnana 4369 Course
State of Enlightenment or Jivan Mukthi NHU Jnana 4405 Course
Q & A on Enlightened Beings NHU Jnana 4472 Course
Recognizing & accepting the master at home NHU Jnana 4524 Course
Story of Saint Dakshinamurthy Swami NHU Jnana 4531 Course
How do we progress without a Guru? NHU Jnana 4543 Course
Q&A on Master, Surrender, Service, Suffering & Guru NHU Jnana 4552 Course
Judging the Masters NHU Jnana 4554 Course
Gratitude NHU Jnana 4588 Course
Deeper Understandings from teachings of Shiva NHU Jnana 4601 Course
Prayers Become Reality NHU Jnana 4635 Course
Enlightenment Within You NHU Jnana 4736 Course
9Dec2018-WB-LivingEnlightenment-Day 2 9Dec2018-WB-LivingEnlightenment-Day 2 Course
21Dec2018-PS-Introduction to Paramashivoham (Day 2) Jnana-21Dec2018-PS-Introduction to Paramashivoham (Day 2) Course
18Jan2019 - NS - Will Persistence - Paving The Path to Living Enlightenment - LIVE Jnana-18Jan2019-NS-Will persistence Course
The Realization of an Avatar V2 The Realization of an Avatar V2 Course
Way out of all Negativity V2 Way out of all Negativity V2 Course
Mahadeva Rahasyam Mahadeva Rahasyam Course
Sadashiva Rahasya - The Sacred Secret of Sadashiva Sadashiva Rahasya - The Sacred Secret of Sadashiva Course
State of Paramashiva is Lifestyle of Living Enlightenment State of Paramashiva is Lifestyle of Living Enlightenment Course
Intimacy Vs. Intimate, The Ultimate is Heard Through the Guru Intimacy Vs. Intimate, The Ultimate is Heard Through the Guru Course
Slides : Super-Science of Bliss - Introduction DJP-SSB-001 Course
Put All Internal And Externally Dependencies On Paramashiva, You Will Manifest Your Reality - LIVE Put All Internal And Externally Dependencies On Paramashiva, You Will Manifest Your Reality - LIVE Course
Gratitude Awakens Your Consciousness! Gratitude Awakens Your Consciousness! Course
Sacrificing For People Who Don't Even Appreciate It Is Quality of Tyagaraja, Paramashiva Sacrificing For People Who Don't Even Appreciate It Is Quality of Tyagaraja, Paramashiva Course
Mrtyu Mukta Mrtyu Mukta Course
Mahadeva Jnana- 27 Feb 2020-NS Course
Manifest The Being of Paramashiva - Paramashivoham 2.0 Jnana-17 Mar2020-NS Course
Manifesting The Supreme Power Is Only A Simple Request Away! Jnana-12 May 2020-NS Course
Madurai Adheenam_Leela -- Play of Divine Consciousness NHU Jnana 2447 Course
Sound of Prana - The subtlest mantra versus Mantra Chanting NHU Jnana 4486 Course
How can I maintain intensity in life? How can I maintain intensity in life? Course
How can I come out of Chronic fatigue? Healing chronic fatigue Course
Zone of no inner chattering NHU Jnana 4607 Course
How can i live with physical pain? Nlighten-How can i live with physical pain? Course
Yoga for Mind Jnana-Yoga for Mind Course
Change the World with Chanting NHU Jnana 1359 Course
Concept of God in Hinduism -- Revolutionary talk by Nithyananda NHU Jnana 1713 Course
Shanti Mantra - Peace Declaration NHU Jnana 624 Course
Techniques, Techniqueless Techniques & Upanishads NHU Jnana 4632 Course
What is Real freedom in life? Having Freedom In Life Course
How can I use my imagination in the right way? Using imagination Course
Is Fear Holding You Back? NHU Jnana 945 Course
Are Your Enemies Controlling Your Life? NHU Jnana 1460 Course
Advaita makes your enemy powerless NHU Jnana 1561 Course
One decision can change Your life NHU Jnana 1583 Course
Advaita makes you Powerful NHU Jnana 1584 Course
Align to Your Highest Identity NHU Jnana 1586 Course
Advaita Is The Cure-All NHU Jnana 1588 Course
Don't act out of powerlessness NHU Jnana 1848 Course
Epi-157 Janasri-23Mar2013 Morning Satsang. NHU Jnana 2002 Course
Always Choose Long Term Rewards NHU Jnana 2025 Course
Conflict Free Living NHU Jnana 2138 Course
Manifesting powerful cognitions to be your own boss . Building your Boat—— Manifesting powerful cognitions to be your own boss . Building your Boat—— Course
Pacchai Pattini Viratham Jnana-13 Mar2020-NS Course
Jnana-eN-Kriya: Seven Steps for Kundalini Awakening by Nithyananda 29-Jan-2011 Jnana-eN-Kriya: Seven Steps for Kundalini Awakening by Nithyananda 29-Jan-2011 Course
How can I control chemical imbalances in my body? How can I control chemical imbalances in my body? Course
How can I lose weight? Losing Weight Course
How can i heal insomnia? Healing insomnia Course
How do i like the way I look physically? How do I like the way I look physically? Course
How can I be refreshed and feel rejuvenated daily? How can I be refreshed and feel rejuvenated daily? Course
How can I live without physical pain? How can I live without physical pain? Course
What to do if years of Yogic practice isn't leading to Enlightenment? Jnana What to do if years of Yogic practice isn't leading to Enlightenment? Course
Yogic Body Guaranteed at Sadashivoham 2016 – Malakamba, Rope Yoga NHU Jnana 488 Course
Make friends with your body and mind NHU Jnana 1589 Course
Excruciating knee pain dissolved in 10 seconds NHU Jnana 1683 Course
Epi-136 Janasri-23 Dec 2012-Morning Satsang NHU Jnana 1985 Course
Epi-133 Janasri-24 Dec 2012-Morning Satsang NHU Jnana 1988 Course
Epi-132 Janasri-24 Dec 2012-Morning Satsang NHU Jnana 1989 Course
Epi-131 Janasri-24 Dec 2012-Morning Satsang NHU Jnana 1990 Course
Creating your own new body NHU Jnana 2371 Course
Secrets of weight loss and anti aging 3rd July 2011 Morning Message NHU Jnana 3101 Course
Eight Parts of Yoga & Changing Dreams to Reality NHU Jnana 4404 Course
How can I heal depression? Healing depression Course
Growing consciously with time Growing consciously with time Course
Divya Shariri Jnana-NS-02Jan2020 Course

Health and Wellness