August 04 2013

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In today’s morning Satsang, Paramahamsa Nithyananda expands on Mahadeva’s sacred completion process. When we make completions as part of our lifestyle, like brushing our teeth, we develop adequate reasons for the actions we perform, destroying our self-doubting patterns. Our consciousness becomes unwound; then we are living enlightenment! Completion becomes part of our being making us authentic, integrated, responsible, and an enricher of lives. Let us be in completion and enrich others, because the biggest gift you can give another person is a reason to live. Share the science of completion with everyone you know!


Paramahamsa Nithyananda, Mahadeva, lifestyle, consciousness, living, enlightenment, being, authentic, integrated, responsible, completion, gift, share, science.


Nithyanandeshwara Samaarambhaam Nithyanandeshwari Madhyamaam |
Asmadaachaarya Paryanthaam Vande Guru Paramparaam ||

I welcome all the devotees, disciples, samajis, satsangis sitting with us around the world through Nithyananda TV, Sadhana TV, Lotus TV, and two-way video-conference all over the world.

I welcome you all with my love and blessings.

In today’s Nithya Satsang, I will continue to expand on the “COMPLETION’S DEFINITION BY MAHADEVA”.

Yesterday, I expanded the definition of Completion by Mahadeva. So, from today again, I’ll continue to expand on the definition of Completion by Mahadeva. Now I will expand on what Mahadeva defines as Completion.

First understand, I wanted all my followers and disciples to take a vow that whoever you relate with in your life, make them all complete beings! If they are not complete, do not relate with them. Listen! If they are not complete, even if you think they are great friends, they sacrifice anything for you, even if they do puja to you, don’t accept! I tell you, if you receive puja from incomplete beings, you will suffer like me! I have allowed incomplete beings to worship me. The incomplete fellows are demons. They will take revenge on the same person whom they worshipped because their reason for worshipping is wrong! When the reason for worship is wrong, they will be bound to get frustrated. When they are frustrated, they will pull the same leg which they were touching and worshipping.

Don’t allow incompletion as part of your life. Do not allow incompletion as part of your life. Do not allow incompletion in any form. Whether it is your brother, or father, or mother, or spouse, or friend, or employee, or boss, don’t allow incompletion. Don’t relate with incomplete people. Incomplete people are dangerous in the long run. They may look good, positive in the beginning, but they are dangerous in the long run. So, don’t, don’t relate with them.

Incomplete fellows, first symptom of incomplete fellows, they will have wrong reasons for their actions, constant doubt about their actions. Wrong reasons are insufficient reasons. Listen! Wrong reasons and insufficient reasons, wrong reasons and insufficient reasons, when you function with wrong reasons or insufficient reasons, you will always have self-doubt. Listen! Listen to this definition! When there is a fire, you take your hands off. You don’t touch the fire. Even if your hand touches the fire by mistake, you take your hands off. Do you have self-doubt about that action? Because you have enough reasons to remove your hands from the fire! If you have the right reason and enough reason, you will not have self-doubt. All self-doubt is “not having right reason or adequate reasons”. People who don’t have right reason or adequate reasons for their actions will carry constantly self-doubt and doubting others. They go on doubting others. I tell you, the fellow who doubts himself and doubts others is already in Hell! Hell is sponsored by people who doubt themselves and others.

Humanity is made out of the material called “Trust”. Enmity is made out of the material called “Doubting the self and others”.

Listen! Humanity is made out of “Trust”. Enmity is made out of “Doubting others and the Self”.

I have a story:

One guy comes to Australia and goes to a grocery store in Australia. He finds cat food sold at a very special price, cheap. He picks a dozen cans of cat food and goes to check out.

The manager of the shop gets suspicious. He thinks that this guy cannot have so many cats; may be, probably, he is feeding the cat food to his kids. So, he asks the guy, ‘bring your cat, show me your cat, only then I will give you the cat food!’

This guy goes to his house and returns with the cat. Then he was allowed to buy the cat food. He gets to buy the cat food.

Next week, again the customer comes back, and finds dog food at a special price. He picks up a dozen cans of dog food and goes to check out

The manager again doubts him, gets suspicious, he thinks that, ‘this guy has a cat, no, no, no, no, this guy may have cats but not dog! He may be, probably, feeding the dog food to his kids!’ So, the manager again asks the customer, ‘bring and show your dog to me before I give you the dog food.’

So, the customer, that guy goes to the house, comes back with the dog. He gets to buy the dog food.

Next week, the customer comes to the shop and Swamiji laughs:

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH: D: D: D: D!!!! The guy comes with a big bag and tells the manager, ‘Put your hand in this bag.’

The manager puts his hand in the bag……..and immediately takes it out and shouts at the guy, ‘What the shit is this? This is SHIT!’

And, the customer calmly replies, ‘Yes, because I want toilet paper!’

If you are always doubting yourself and constantly doubting others, I think this is the answer! This is where you land!

I tell you, living with incomplete people is Hell! One incomplete fellow is enough to create hell for everyone, because they do not have the right reason or adequate reason for their actions. When they do not find the right reason or adequate reasons for their actions, they create hell for themselves and others. They create hell for themselves and others!

Understand, just like every morning you wake up, clean yourself, wash yourself – if you are not going to that same shop, brush your teeth, take bath, same way, every night you should do completion. Every night completion should be part of your being, part of your life, because completion integrates you, completion makes you authentic, completion makes you responsible, completion makes you enriching!

Continuously do completion, because completion leads you to the unwinding of your consciousness. When your consciousness is unwound, it becomes super-consciousness! If the water is heated, it becomes steam; if it is allowed to become cool, it becomes ice. Same way, if your consciousness is allowed to get winded…..wound, wound, wound… becomes unconscious. If your consciousness is unwound, it becomes super-consciousness.

Completion! Completion! Understand, the impact of the past enters as a perverted, inadequate in your present and destroys your future. Listen! The impact of the past, inadequate cognition of the past, enters your present, perverts your present, destroys your future! That is why Mahadeva is so clear. All the forms, the memories of your forms you carry about your past should be dissolved. Once they are dissolved; once they are dissolved, I tell you, you become enlightened! You get enlightened! Once they are dissolved, you live this life. Once they are dissolved, you are transformed, you live the life of Jeevan Mukthi!

Understand, no other technique is so immediately powerful like completion. No other process leaves you with such a long time permanent effect and impact and transformed consciousness like completion!

Completion, the completion process, completion energy, completion experience, is life. I tell you, completion makes you Integrated, completion makes you Authentic, completion makes you Responsible completion makes you Enriching. Completion makes you enrich yourself and others.

Bhagawan is clearly describing completion, defining completion. The twenty-second sutra of Shiva Sutras, Vijnana Bhairava Tantra, Chapter twenty-two:

“Allow the reliving of the past happen with attention, but be unclutched. Look at your past, disidentified; let your attention be at a place where you are seeing some past happening; and even your form, having lost its present characteristics, is transformed!”

“Look at your past unclutched; let your attention be at a place where you are seeing some past happening and even your form, having lost its present characteristics, is transformed!”

Listen! If you want to know whether you are complete or not, Bhagawan is giving you the scale: If you relive some incident, your old form will not have impact on you; it would have melted down. The fundamental foundation of the four tattvas is Completion!

Integrity is established in completion. Authenticity starts with completion. Responsibility grows in completion. Only when you are complete, only when you are in completion, you will Enrich you and others.

Continuously, continuously allow completion to be with you, to be in you. Continuously allow completion as your life, completion as your form, completion as your lifestyle. Sit every night in front of the mirror. Let attention be in your inner space where you are seeing the past happening, unclutched. Even your form, having lost its present characteristics, is transformed!

The science of Completion! Life cannot be lived with inadequate reasons. Life cannot be lived with not having enough or inadequate reasons. Please understand, man with adequate reasons lives life. Person with inadequate reasons completely destroys his life and others’ life. So, come to the space of adequate reasons. Don’t be stuck with inadequate reasons. Inadequate reasons is, unfortunately, a huge suffering. Inadequate reasons is, unfortunately, stagnation.

I have a story for you guys:

Once, three friends decided to go on a picnic. They got to the picnic spot. Then they realized that they have forgotten the soda. So, the youngest friend said he would go home and get the soda if the others promised not to eat the food until he got back. All of them agreed. One hour passed. Two hours over. Whole day went by. Now the friends were very hungry. Finally, one of the friends said, ‘oh, come on, he’s not going to come back, let us eat the food’. The moment they opened the food, suddenly, the youngest friend jumped out from behind a rock and said, ‘If you do, I will not go! If you do this, I won’t go!’

Understand, with inadequate reasons or wrong reasons you can’t live life. Completion will show you the right reasons. The biggest gift you can give to a man is giving them the reason to live! I tell you, the most violent terrorist activity on Planet Earth is taking away the person’s reason to live! I tell you, the consumeristic society, this consumeristic lifestyle, the westernization consumerism is doing that to people; it is taking away their reason to live! Atheism takes away the reason for people to live. I tell you, atheism is the worst terrorism! If you see an atheist and a snake, I’ll say, the atheist is more dangerous than the snake! Because, the fellows who preach atheism, they take away the reason to live from people, which is most dangerous!

People are left as orphans not when the families die, or friends die, or the parents die; even if your parents are dead, you can go to some place, create an ideological family; you can develop a new family, new father, new mother; you can develop new relationships. Man is an orphan, when the reason to live is taken away from him!

I tell you, all incompletions takes away the reason to live, because it puts so much of self-doubt in you, you live with the wrong reason or inadequate reason. Giving you the right reason and adequate reason to live is giving life! I sincerely request all my followers, visitors, television viewers, at least for the next two months, every night before going to sleep, spend half-an-hour to forty minutes doing completion.

Learn the process of completion. Do completion! Learn the process of completion and do completion. I tell you, you will learn, you will experience the right reason and adequate reason to live! Have the right reason to live, adequate reason to live! You will live enlightenment!

So, the essence of today’s satsang is:

Do completion and develop the right reason and adequate reasons for your every action. In your life, you will be living enlightenment!

With this, I will move to the next segment – Nirahara Samyama.

All the people who already have problems with their BMI ratio (Body Mass Index ratio), who are underweight, malnourished, you should not be doing this Samyama. Others can do this Samyama.

This Samyama mainly aims at reducing the food which you eat due to psychological reasons, not physiological reasons.

So, thousands of people have joined from all over the world to do this Nirahara Samyama!

Understand, Nirahara Samyama is mainly to awaken your intelligence.

The first effect will be, you will stop eating psychologically. You will eat only what is required for the body. You have two types of eating: physiological eating and psychological eating. Just because of the psychological reasons you start eating. That will be stopped. That is the first effect.

The second effect is, your bio-memory will be awakened to the extreme and extent where, please listen, you will start producing food directly from space! It is possible!

I bless you all with my Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility and Enriching! Let you all experience Kundalini awakening and create energy directly from space, live enlightenment, health and bliss!

Namah Shivaya!

I bless you all! Let you all radiate with Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility and Enriching, with eternal bliss, Nithyananda! Thank you!


Nithyanandeswara Utsava Murthy Purna Kumbha to recieve Swamiji in temple. Swamiji is welcomed in temple with Purna Kumba. Swamiji towards Gharba Mandir. Sri Nithyanandeswara and Nithyanandeswari Offering Padhapuja to the Master Morning Satsang on Completion Sarva Darshan Final Blessings - IMG_2674.JPG Final Blessings - IMG_2673.JPG Nithyasatsang - IMG_2649.JPG Nithyasatsang - IMG_2648.JPG Nithyasatsang - IMG_2647.JPG Nithyasatsang - IMG_2646.JPG Nithyasatsang - IMG_2645.JPG Nithyasatsang - IMG_2644.JPG Nithyasatsang - IMG_2642.JPG Nithyasatsang - IMG_2641.JPG Nithyasatsang - IMG_2640.JPG Nithyasatsang - IMG_2639.JPG Nithyasatsang - IMG_2637.JPG Nithyasatsang - IMG_2636.JPG Nithyasatsang - IMG_2635.JPG Nithyasatsang - IMG_2634.JPG Nithyasatsang - IMG_2633.JPG Nithyasatsang - IMG_2609.JPG Nithyasatsang - IMG_2608.JPG Nithyasatsang - IMG_2598.JPG Nithyasatsang - IMG_2594.JPG Nithyasatsang - IMG_2593.JPG Nithyasatsang - IMG_2592.JPG Nithyasatsang - IMG_2590.JPG Nithyasatsang - IMG_2589.JPG Nithyasatsang - IMG_2587.JPG Nithyasatsang - IMG_2586.JPG Nithyasatsang - IMG_2585.JPG Nithyasatsang - IMG_2584.JPG Nithyasatsang - IMG_2582.JPG Nithyasatsang - IMG_2581.JPG Nithyasatsang - IMG_2580.JPG Nithyasatsang - IMG_2579.JPG Nithyasatsang - IMG_2631.JPG Nithyasatsang - IMG_2627.JPG Nithyasatsang - IMG_2630.JPG Nithyasatsang - IMG_2628.JPG Nithyasatsang - IMG_2623.JPG Nithyasatsang - IMG_2621.JPG Nithyasatsang - IMG_2620.JPG Nithyasatsang - IMG_2611.JPG Pratyakshapadapuja - IMG_9924.JPG Pratyakshapadapuja - IMG_9923.JPG Pratyakshapadapuja - IMG_9921.JPG Pratyakshapadapuja - IMG_9919.JPG Pratyakshapadapuja - IMG_9917.JPG Pratyakshapadapuja - IMG_9916.JPG Pratyakshapadapuja - IMG_2566.JPG Pratyakshapadapuja - IMG_2557.JPG Pratyakshapadapuja - IMG_2556.JPG Pratyakshapadapuja - IMG_2563.JPG Temple Swamiji - IMG_2544.JPG Temple Swamiji - IMG_2543.JPG Temple Swamiji - IMG_2542.JPG Temple Swamiji - IMG_2541.JPG Temple Swamiji - IMG_2540.JPG Temple Swamiji - IMG_2553.JPG Temple Swamiji - IMG_2534.JPG