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Apanasana: Asana

Asana Type: Seated


Śāstra Pramāṇa - शास्त्र प्रमाण

Rudrayamala Tantra (23.68-70)

"केवलं पादमेकञ्च स्कन्धे चारोप्य यत्नतः। एकपादेन गगने तिष्ठेत् द डवत् प्रभो॥२३.६८॥ अपानासनमेतद्धि सर्वेषां पूरकाश्रयम्। कृत्वा सूक्ष्मे शीर्षपद्मे समारोप्य च वायुभिः॥२३.६९॥"

"kevalaṃ pādamekañca skandhe cāropya yatnataḥ। ekapādena gagane tiṣṭhet da ḍavat prabho॥23.68॥ apānāsanametaddhi sarveṣāṃ pūrakāśrayam। kṛtvā sūkṣme śīrṣapadme samāropya ca vāyubhiḥ॥23.69॥

  • for extended verse see end of chapter"


(If you) Place just one foot on the shoulder with effort and (raise) the second foot like a rod towards the sky it surely becomes apānāsana, (and if) by doing pūraka in śirşpadmāsana by the subtle breath then person (who is bound to die one day, anybody who is born will surely die one day) becomes a siddha. This way prāņa and apāna become one, and by doing this apānāsana one becomes yogeśwara (supreme among Yogis). (23.68, 69, 70)


1. Sit and bring one leg on top of the shoulder.

2. Keep the hands on the ground.

3. Raise the other leg straight towards the sky.