December 17 2017

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1)Mahasadashivoham - Introduction to Superconcious Breakthrough

2)Right Approach & Methodology to Manifest Powers

Link to Video:

Mahasadashivoham - Introduction to Superconcious Breakthrough

Right Approach & Methodology to Manifest Powers


Mahasadashivoham - Introduction to Superconcious Breakthrough

In this video (17 December, 2017), Supreme Pontiff HDH Nithyananda Paramashivam introduces Mahasadashivoham to the world. The essence of the introduction to Mahasadashivoham - You Made It!

Right Approach & Methodology to Manifest Powers

In this video (17 December 2016), Supreme Pontiff HDH Nithyananda Paramashivam reveals a breakthrough methodology on how to manifest powers. The right attitude with which to approach manifesting powers is explained by the example of Maha Vishnu and His great devotee Prahlada - Maha Vishnu cannot afford to let His devotee down. In the same way, we just need to shift the pressures of success and failure on to His Holiness Paramahamsa Nithyananda, and effortlessly manifest powers.

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Sri Nithyananda Swami, Paramahamsa Nithyananda, Nithyananda, Swamiji, Sadāshiva, Sadāshivatva, Mahāsadāshiva, Mahāsadāshivoham,


aum nithyānandeśvara sadāśiva samārambhām nithyānandeśvari ādiśakti madhyamām | asmat āchārya paryantām vande guru paramparām ||


I welcome you all with My love and blessings.

YOU ALL HAVE MADE IT. That’s the first statement I want to make. That’s the last statement you all will make – “we made it”. I was also waiting for the first statement! J

Understand I am the expression of the need of the hour for humanity. As the living representative of Mahasadashiva, Mahadeva, I commit with you all… I will make every one of you here manifest the powers of Mahasadashiva. It is actually not introduction to the program. It is my commitment to you. Understand, all of us have to make it, for humanity to be alive continuously. Quite a long time we are stuck in status quo.

See, the time we took from one single cell amoeba to fish – physical growth; you may think why I am always talking amoeba to fish. Fish has developed all the internal organs we all have. There is no internal organs we all have which fish does not have. From fish to monkey - physical and psychological growth… physical and psychological growth. You may think why I always say fish to monkey is physical and psychological growth - because by the time you become monkey you develop all not only internal, intra organs also. Understand the difference between internal organ, intra organ. Internal organ is like - kidney, heart, intestine, lungs, liver; this is internal organ. Intra organ means vaak-vishuddhi chakra, heart center-anahata chakra, third eye.

You need to know monkeys have third eye; monkeys developed third eye. By the time they evolve as monkeys they develop third eye. Monkeys can be initiated into third eye they can manifest powers of third eye. They have the intra organ third eye. I don’t know how many of you know today morning for darshan few monkeys came. Today is Hanuman Jayanthi. They came for darshan. If they have come for food they should have come when we are all not here; and such heavy music. And they came, after I left they left. Nobody came back after I left. So from fish to monkey you develop internal and intra organs both. From monkey to human you develop unique thing called Consciousness - which is independently intelligent; not the totality of your body, internal organ and intra organ…something more.


Listen, there is something in you which separates you from robots. Robots can never take over the world, don’t worry. It’s a myth. They can’t. They can’t. As long as the independent intelligence in you is functioning, no robot can take over the planet earth. Even if one human being is there he will be the boss. If he is married, his wife will be the boss. J J J Unique thing we developed - the independent intelligence which is unique to human beings - ability to take decisions.

As long as you make decisions you are Pati.

When… things around you makes you make decision you are Pasu.

Things which make you make decision is Paasa.

If you have read any Shuddhadvaita or Shaiva Siddhanta scriptures you will understand. You may have to spend at least 3-4 years and read 2-3 hundred books to understand these three word – pasu pati paasa. I am repeating.

The independent intelligence which makes decisions – Pati.

Anything other than you which pushes you to make decisions is Psasa.

If you are pushed to make decisions and you decide because you are pushed you are Pasu.

That’s all. That’s all. Whole saiva siddhanta is just this three line. Robot can never take over us; no artificial intelligence. Artificial intelligence is artificial. Understand it is artificial. It may be able to do something more than us; but it cannot do something which only we can do - is conscious response. Conscious response.

The good news is - best thing happened to the universe is human consciousness.

The great news is it is time we have to move to the next level.


Understand, now I am coming to Integrity. I need to give you My commitment once more. I commit with you… whatever words I utter now, is completely with My Integrity because I am talking to Consciousness. You are not customer for Me, client for Me. I don’t even look at you as My devotee or disciple. You are all Consciousness. We all have to make it together. We are all in a ship. We have to make it. Fortunately it is neither Noah’s Ark nor Titanic, it is Manu’s ship. You are all Consciousness for Me. Understand, somebody looks at you as their boss, somebody looks at you as their subordinate, somebody looks at you as father, somebody looks at you as mother, somebody looks at you as brother, somebody looks at you as friend, somebody looks at you as enemy. Each one looks at you in one, one way. I tell you with all My Integrity I look at all of you as Consciousness. We are all in a ship. We have to make it.

It is time, we need to go through this super conscious breakthrough. It is time for human beings to become the next…you can give any name; because we are going to make it we are only going to give name. You give - super human, super conscious human…whatever name you want to give, you can; even superman. You can give any name… because we are going to make it we can name it. The good news I have for you, you are with the best GPS – Guru Positioning system. Just don’t leave the ship. Understand, only rats jump out of the ship; no really. They think, “Oh!! Something is going to happen.” Even a small wind they think jumping out of the ship is the best and they jump out of the ship; where they land? J No, I am not saying there is no small winds. There are few winds. Manage, just don’t jump out of the ship.


Understand, I am not looking at giving some feel good feeling for you this time. Let Me be very integrated. I am not even looking just power manifestation... see, I am going to make you manifest powers. I am really looking at super conscious breakthrough. And I tell you good news is really the whole software is successfully downloaded and it’s available. It just need to be transmitted, that’s all. The whole methodology is ready, technology is ready.

Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, one of the greatest contributors for this whole thing. I will say all the people successfully did the ground work – Ramakrishna, Vivekananda, Ramana Maharishi, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, Osho, Paramahamsa Yogananda, Prabhupada; not only Aurobindo, one of his great followers Swami Chinmoy, not Chinmayananda Swami I am not talking about…no I am not judging Chinmayananda Swami; forget about that. I am talking about Sri Chinmoy. I don’t know how many of you know about him - Sri Chinmoy. Very silently, but he has done lot of hard work… ground work. Some of the people worked, strived for it in the west - George Gurdjieff. I should say roughly last 200 years the ground work was done. Fortunately in a verifiable way where the results are not only able to withstand the scrutiny of the logic and any logic based science, it can stand any form of scrutiny by any human beings. With that kind of a definite proof first time Sadashiva made it. With grace of Mahasadashiva we made it.


You need to establish the proof and credibility only then you are going to help humanity. If there is a big gap between what you talk and the person who listens, you can go on be speaking any Vedanta, you may be really integrated person but you are useless, useless integrated person. Every village has two three integrated persons, you can see. They will be highly integrated to the local temple. They will go and do the rituals properly everything. But he is not going to be useful for the whole humanity. Some of the fundamental things needed for being useful for the whole humanity is ability to establish the credibility and ability to handle all forms of scrutiny. You make a product and do acid wash to find the purity. I made this product from acid!! J While I made this product I was going through acid wash, understand!! Now it is time we all make it. We will make it. We have to make it.

I will give you the essence. Most of you would have heard many of my introductions in last few days, in various weekend programs. I will give you the gist. If you have not heard let me formally introduce. See, the state of MahaSadashiva, the super conscious state, complete unclutched nirvikalpa samadhi, pure space… alive… pure life. The state and the space in which He operates - intense activity… Happening, and the powers He manifests, understand, with all My integrity, not just to give you courage, confidence, no. With all My integrity I commit with you all I will reproduce these three states in you all.


The good news is, this land people put all their efforts internally, all their energies were concentrated to produce personality like Me. Understand. Please understand this word, last word is not My pride. I am just a mere village boy from this country. If you are born and brought up in an orthodox south Indian traditional Hindu family you will understand I am nothing new. I am only translating and mapping it in English and telling the world what is supposed to be our lifestyle; nothing else. I am not discovering. I am rediscovering. Because they have put all their efforts here [Swamiji gestures inwards], this becomes second priority for us. The infrastructure understanding has become second priority. It is our innate tendency.

How many of you know about it? Like a, trillions and trillions of years before the lunar eclipse and solar eclipse we can guess and tell, we can predict, not guess or predict, we can precisely tell you. We can precisely tell you 20 trillion years before what day lunar eclipse was, solar eclipse was. We can tell you. No, it is internationally accepted truth. No other system, no other time calculation mechanism is capable of that. How many of you are aware of that? The life of Brahma is 311 trillion years, 311.4 trillion years. And we can very clearly tell you… the solar eclipse, lunar eclipse how many times it has happened from the time sun and the moon has started functioning.

And the next December 17 2017