June 21 2020

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Glimpses from International Yoga Day 2020 and special Surya Grahanam (solar eclipse) power manifestation Deeksha with The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism HDH Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam


Glimpses from International Yoga Day 2020 and special Surya Grahanam (solar eclipse) power manifestation Deeksha with The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism HDH Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam

21 June 2020


During the time of eclipse, below are the graha positions as per Drig Ganitha Panchangam: Shukra - in Swakshtera in Rishabha rashi - powerful Budha - in Swakshtera in Mithuna rashi - powerful Shani - in Swakshtera in Makara rashi - powerful

Rahu and Ketu powerful in Mithuna and Dhanus respectively. (Rahu and ketu do not have swakshetra, ucha neecha sthana. Because they do not have any swakshtera. However many consider Rahu and ketu to be powerful in Mithuna and Dhanus respectively.) Surya and Kuja in their enemies' house (Surya is in Mithuna. Mithunas adhipati is budha. Budha and surya are enemies. Kuja is in meena. Meena's adhipati is guru. Guru and kuja are enemies. Kuja and surya are sitting in their enemy's house.) Guru - is Neecha in Makara rashi ; BUT due to presence of Shani in Makara and Shukra in Rishabha, it is transformed into Neecha Bhanga Raja Yoga. ie Guru's Debilitation is cancelled and Guru becomes doubly powerful and exalted creating Neecha Bhanga Raja Yoga.

All grahas are locked between Rahu and ketu forming Kala Sarpa Yogam (Dosham). Since it is Amavasya and Grahanam-- Surya, Chandra are together with Rahu in Mithuna rashi, which represents Upper chest, shoulders, arms and hands. Hence this eclipse will at large affect those body parts globally Pramanas for the above facts and derivation: Pramana for Mithuna rashi to represent upper chest, upper limbs ie shoulder, arm, hands.

Apta Pramana Laghu jatakam 1st chapter Sloka 4

शीर्षमुखबाहुहृदयोदराणि कटिवस्तिगुह्यसंज्ञानि । उरू जानू जङ्घे चरणाविति राश्योऽजाद्याः ।।

ஶீர்ஷமுகபாஹுஹ்ருதயோதராணி கடிவஸ்திகுஹ்யஸம்ஜ்ஞாநி । உரூ ஜாநூ ஜங்கே சரணாவிதி ராஶ்யோ(அ)ஜாத்யா꞉ ॥

TRANSLATION The rashis from. Mesha etc are the head, mouth/face, upper limbs, heart, upper abdomen, waist, lower abdomen/pelvis, genitals, thighs, knees, legs and feet ( of kala purusha)

Pramana for Mithuna rashi to represent upper chest, upper limbs ie shoulder, arm, hands. APTA PRAMANA Brihajjatakam 1st chapter Sloka 4

कालाङ्गानि वराङ्गमाननमुरो हृत्क्रोडवासोभृतो- बस्तिर्व्यञ्जनमूरुजानुयुगले जङ्घे ततोऽङ्घ्रिद्वयम् । मेषाश्विप्रथमा नवर्क्षचरणाश्चक्रस्थिता राशयो- राशिक्षेत्रगृहर्क्षभानि भवनं चैकार्थसंप्रत्ययाः।।

காலாங்காநி வராங்கமாநநமுரோ ஹ்ருத்க்ரோடவாஸோப்ருதோ- பஸ்திர்வ்யஞ்ஜநமூருஜாநுயுகலே ஜங்கே ததோ(அ)ங்க்ரித்வயம் । மேஷாஶ்விப்ரதமா நவர்க்ஷசரணாஶ்சக்ரஸ்திதா ராஶயோ- ராஶிக்ஷேத்ரக்ருஹர்க்ஷபாநி பவநம் சைகார்தஸம்ப்ரத்யயா꞉॥

TRANSLATION The rashis Mesha etc, are represented successively by the nine padas of the nakshatras starting with Ashvini. These rashis are the body of the kala purusha, such that Mesha etc are respectively and successively represented as the head, face, chest, heart, belly, waist, pelvis, genitals, thighs, knees, legs, and feet. Kshetra, griham, riskha, bham and bhavanam are synonymous with rashi.

Pramana for the health of that body part based on the graha in that rashi APTA PRAMANA Laghu jatakam 1st chapter Sloka 5

कालनरस्यावयवान् पुरुषाणां चिन्तयेत् प्रसवकाले। सदसद्ग्रहसंयोयात् पुष्टाः सोपद्रवास्ते च।।

காலநரஸ்யாவயவாந் புருஷாணாம் சிந்தயேத் ப்ரஸவகாலே। ஸதஸத்க்ரஹஸம்யோயாத் புஷ்டா꞉ ஸோபத்ரவாஸ்தே ச॥

TRANSLATION One should take into consideration the body parts of the kala purusha at the time of the birth of the person. The body parts represented by the rashis associated with punya grahas are healthy while those represented by rashis associated with papa grahas are unhealthy and diseased.

Pramana for which graha is adhipati for which rashi APTA PRAMANA Brihajjatakam 1st chapter Sloka 6

क्षितिजसितज्ञचन्द्ररविसौम्यसितावनिजाः सुरगुरुमन्दसौरिगुरवश्चगृहांशकाः। अजमृगतौलिचन्द्रभवनादिनवांशविधि- भवनसमांशकाधिपतयः स्वगृहात् क्रमशः।।

க்ஷிதிஜஸிதஜ்ஞசந்த்ரரவிஸௌம்யஸிதாவநிஜா꞉ ஸுரகுருமந்தஸௌரிகுரவஶ்சக்ருஹாம்ஶகா꞉। அஜம்ருகதௌலிசந்த்ரபவநாதிநவாம்ஶவிதி- பவநஸமாம்ஶகாதிபதய꞉ ஸ்வக்ருஹாத் க்ரமஶ꞉॥

TRANSLATION Kuja, shukra, budha, chandra, surya, budha, shukra, kuja, guru, shani , shani and guru are respectively the adhipati of the twelve rashis Mesha etc sequentially, as well as the navamsha and dvadashamsha grihas. The adhipatis of nine navamshas of Mesha, makara, tula and Kataka, are the same who rule the nine grihas beginning with Mesha, makara, tula, and Kataka respectively. This is the rule wrt to navamsha. The adhipatis of each griha of dvadashamsha are the adhipatis of the twelve grihas starting with that griha.

Pramana for Neecha Bhanga Raja Yoga Apta Pramana Phaladeepika 7th chapter Maharajayoga Neecha bhanga raja yoga 26th sloka नीचस्थितो जन्मनि यो ग्रहः स्यात्तद्राशिनाथोऽपि तदुच्चनाथः । स चन्द्रलग्नाद्यदि केन्द्रवर्ती राजा भवेद्धार्मिकचक्रवर्ती।। நீசஸ்திதோ ஜந்மநி யோ க்ரஹ꞉ ஸ்யாத்தத்ராஶிநாதோ(அ)பி ததுச்சநாத꞉ । ஸ சந்த்ரலக்நாத்யதி கேந்த்ரவர்தீ ராஜா பவேத்தார்மிகசக்ரவர்தீ॥

TRANSLATION If at birth, a graha is neecha, and the rashi adhipati where the graha has become neecha or the rashi adhipati where the graha would be uchcha, is in kendra sthana wrt Chandra or lagna, the person will become a King and be a righteous ruler. However, some Vyakhyanas differently decide the word तदुच्चनाथः ததுச்சநாத: and say - If at birth, a graha is neecha, and the adhipati of the rashi which is the ucha sthana of the graha which is the adhipati of the rashi where the former graha is neecha is in kendra sthana wrt Chandra or lagna, the person will become a King and be a righteous ruler. Here in this case on the above chart- guru is neecha in makara. Makara adhipati is shani. Shani is uchcha in tula. Tula adhipati is shukra. Shukra is in kendra sthana at the time of start of grahanam. Hence neecha bhanga raja yogam OR guru is neecha in makara Shani is powerful in swakshtera ie as adhipati of makara residing in Makara itself. This powerful position of the rashi adhipati shani cancels the Neechatva of Guru and brings forth raja yoga. Hence neecha bhanga raja yoga.

Kala Sarpa Dosha Even though Kala sarpa yoga's mention is not found in the ancient scriptures available nowadays, the usage of this term kala sarpa yoga and it's mention are widely found across India from our ancestors. Our ancestors have described the kala sarpa yoga as - अग्रे राहुः अन्ते केतुः सर्वे मध्यगता ग्रहाः। योगं कालसर्पाख्यं नृपसस्य विनाशनम्।। அக்ரே ராஹு꞉ அந்தே கேது꞉ ஸர்வே மத்யகதா க்ரஹா꞉। யோகம் காலஸர்பாக்யம் ந்ருபஸஸ்ய விநாஶநம்॥ TRANSLATION If rahu is at front & ketu is at last while all other planets are in between, then this combination is called Kal Sarpa Yoga & results in death of the king and destruction of grains.



SHASTRA PRAMANA ON GRAHANAM - ECLIPSE Srimad Karana Agama Purva bhaga Patala 132 Grahana Puja Vidhi Patalam Slokas 3 to 6.5

सर्व एव फलं चैव राजराष्ट्रस्य दोषकृत्। प्राणपीडं च कुरुते जन्मनक्षत्रके सति।। ३।। तस्मात् सर्वप्रयत्नेन शिवपूजां समाचरेत्। सर्वोच्छिष्टं समारभ्य सूर्यग्रहणकं पुरा।। ४।। सर्वोच्छिष्टान्तकं कृत्वा सोमग्रहणमारभेत्। स्नानदानजपं होमं यजनं चैव कथ्यते।। ५।। ग्रहणस्यैव तत्काले पाकं नैवाशनं च न। तत्काले औषधं ग्राह्यं सफलं बलवर्धनं।। ६।। मन्त्रविद्याजपो ग्राह्यः काम्यार्थं च फलप्रदम्। ७।

sarva eva phalaṃ caiva rājarāṣṭrasya doṣakṛt. prāṇapīḍaṃ ca kurute janmanakṣatrake sati.. 3.. tasmāt sarvaprayatnena śivapūjāṃ samācaret. sarvocchiṣṭaṃ samārabhya sūryagrahaṇakaṃ purā.. 4.. sarvocchiṣṭāntakaṃ kṛtvā somagrahaṇamārabhet. snānadānajapaṃ homaṃ yajanaṃ caiva kathyate.. 5.. grahaṇasyaiva tatkāle pākaṃ naivāśanaṃ ca na. tatkāle auṣadhaṃ grāhyaṃ saphalaṃ balavardhanaṃ.. 6.. mantravidyājapo grāhyaḥ kāmyārthaṃ ca phalapradam. 7.

ஸர்வ ஏவ பலம் சைவ ராஜராஷ்ட்ரஸ்ய தோஷக்ருத்। ப்ராணபீடம் ச குருதே ஜந்மநக்ஷத்ரகே ஸதி॥ 3॥ தஸ்மாத் ஸர்வப்ரயத்நேந ஶிவபூஜாம் ஸமாசரேத்। ஸர்வோச்சிஷ்டம் ஸமாரப்ய ஸூர்யக்ரஹணகம் புரா॥ 4॥ ஸர்வோச்சிஷ்டாந்தகம் க்ருத்வா ஸோமக்ரஹணமாரபேத்। ஸ்நாநதாநஜபம் ஹோமம் யஜநம் சைவ கத்யதே॥ 5॥ க்ரஹணஸ்யைவ தத்காலே பாகம் நைவாஶநம் ச ந। தத்காலே ஔஷதம் க்ராஹ்யம் ஸபலம் பலவர்தநம்॥ 6॥ மந்த்ரவித்யாஜபோ க்ராஹ்ய꞉ காம்யார்தம் ச பலப்ரதம்। 7।

TRANSLATION: 3. The effect eclipse is that it will bring bad results to the country and the king. It will severely affect the life energy if the eclipse falls in one's janma nakshatra. 4. Therefore, with all effort, perform Shiva puja. The rituals related to solar eclipse should be done after the peak of the eclipse is over and when the eclipse starts to recede. 5. The rituals related to Lunar eclipse should be done such that the rituals get over when the eclipse is at its peak and before the eclipse starts to recede. The rituals to be done are ritualistic bath(Snanam) , Danam, Japa, homa and other worship methods(yajana). 6. During the eclipse, cooking of food and intake of food should not be done. During that (eclipse) time, aushadha should be received/taken/held . Taking/Receiving/Holding aushadha will be effective and will increase the strength. 7. Mantra (Mantra Deeksha) , Vidya (Initiation - Jnana Deeksha/Upadesha-Receiving of knowledge/powerful cognitions), Japa (Japa Deeksha) should be received for the fulfillment of the wishes. Doing so will be effective.

All varnas get impure (தீட்டு) due to eclipse. Apta Pramana Nirnaya sindhu Grahane Snana niranaya Quoting Vriddha Vasishtokti सर्वेषामेव वर्णानां सूतकं राहुदर्शने। ஸர்வேஷாமேவ வர்ணாநாம் ஸூதகம் ராஹுதர்ஶநே। TRNSLATION: All varnas get sutaka (impurity) due to eclipse

TRADITIONAL WAY OF VIEWING THE ECLIPSE Seeing solar and lunar eclipse directly is forbidden esp by pregnant women Then how to see eclipse? Apta Pramana Nirnaya sindhu Grahana nirnaya Quoting Brahma siddhanta of Bhargavarchana Deepika सर्वैः पटस्थितं वीक्ष्यं खस्थं तैलाम्बुदर्पणैः । ग्रहणं गुर्विणी जातु न पश्येत पटं विना।। ஸர்வை꞉ படஸ்திதம் வீக்ஷ்யம் கஸ்தம் தைலாம்புதர்பணை꞉ । க்ரஹணம் குர்விணீ ஜாது ந பஶ்யேத படம் விநா॥ TRANSLATION Everyone should see the eclipse happening in the sky by making it reflect through water or oil or mirror and fallen on a cloth. (Especially) a pregnant woman should not see the eclipse in the sky with naked eyes directly, without using the cloth as told above.

Mantra Deeksha can be taken for 7 days from eclipse Apta Pramana Nirnaya sindhu Grahana nirnaya Quoting Shivarchana Chandrika मन्त्राद्यारम्भणं कुर्यात् ग्रहणे चन्द्रसूर्ययोः। ग्रहणाद्वापि देवेशि कालः सप्तदिनावधि।। மந்த்ராத்யாரம்பணம் குர்யாத் க்ரஹணே சந்த்ரஸூர்யயோ꞉। க்ரஹணாத்வாபி தேவேஶி கால꞉ ஸப்ததிநாவதி॥ TRANSLATION Oh Devi! Initiation into a mantra should be done during the solar and lunar eclipses. Or one can take the deeksha in seven days from the eclipse.

Mantra Deeksha during solar eclipse is most auspicious Apta Pramana Nirnaya sindhu Grahana nirnaya Quoting Ratnasagara सतीर्थेऽर्कविधुग्रासे तन्तुदामनपर्वणि। मन्त्रदीक्षां प्रकुर्वाणः मासर्क्षादीन्न शोधयेत्।। ஸதீர்தே(அ)ர்கவிதுக்ராஸே தந்துதாமநபர்வணி। மந்த்ரதீக்ஷாம் ப்ரகுர்வாண꞉ மாஸர்க்ஷாதீந்ந ஶோதயேத்॥ TRANSLATION During the solar eclipse, to receive mantra Deeksha, auspicious month, rashi, etc need not be calculated.

Apta Pramana Nirnaya sindhu Grahana nirnaya Quoting Kalottara vachanam सूर्यग्रहणकाले तु नान्यदन्वेषितं भवेत्। सूर्यग्रहणकालेन समो नान्यः कदाचन।। न मासतिथिवारादिशोधनं सूर्यपर्वणि।। ஸூர்யக்ரஹணகாலே து நாந்யதந்வேஷிதம் பவேத்। ஸூர்யக்ரஹணகாலேந ஸமோ நாந்ய꞉ கதாசந॥ ந மாஸதிதிவாராதிஶோதநம் ஸூர்யபர்வணி॥ TRANSLATION: During the solar eclipse nothing needs to be calculated. There is no great time equal to solar eclipse. During solar eclipse, month, tithi, day, etc need not be calculated.

CHOODAMANI YOGA DURING GARAHANAM Apta Pramana Nirnaya sindhu Grahana nirnaya Quotes Vyasa saying रविग्रहः सूर्यवारे सोमे सोमग्रहस्तथा। चूडामणिरिति ख्यातस्तत्र दत्तमनन्तकम्।। वारेष्वन्येषु यत्पुण्यं ग्रहणे चन्द्रसूर्ययोः। तत्पुण्यं कोटिगुणितं योगे चूडामणौ स्मृतम्।। ரவிக்ரஹ꞉ ஸூர்யவாரே ஸோமே ஸோமக்ரஹஸ்ததா। சூடாமணிரிதி க்யாதஸ்தத்ர தத்தமநந்தகம்॥ வாரேஷ்வந்யேஷு யத்புண்யம் க்ரஹணே சந்த்ரஸூர்யயோ꞉। தத்புண்யம் கோடிகுணிதம் யோகே சூடாமணௌ ஸ்ம்ருதம்॥ MEANING Solar eclipse happening on Sunday is called Choodamani yoga. The punya done in a Sunday solar eclipse is one crore times more than if the same is done on eclipse without that Choodamani yoga.

Amrita Mrityunjaya Mrita Sanjeevini Mantra - chant 108 or 1008 times Can be infused into Vibhuti or water or medicine and applied/swallowed or just mantra is chanted. ।। अमृतमृत्युञ्जय-मृतसञ्जीविनी-मन्त्रः।। ॐ जुं सः ईं सौः हंसः सञ्जीविनि सञ्जीविनि मम हृदय-ग्रन्थिस्थं प्राणं कुरु कुरु सोहं सौः ईं सः जुं अमृष्टों नमश्शिवाय स्वाहा ।। .. amṛtamṛtyuñjaya-mṛtasañjīvinī-mantraḥ.. oṃ juṃ saḥ īṃ sauḥ haṃsaḥ sañjīvini sañjīvini mama hṛdaya-granthisthaṃ prāṇaṃ kuru kuru sohaṃ sauḥ īṃ saḥ juṃ amṛṣṭoṃ namaśśivāya svāhā .. ॥ அம்ருதம்ருத்யுஞ்ஜய-ம்ருதஸஞ்ஜீவிநீ-மந்த்ர꞉॥ ஓம் ஜும் ஸ꞉ ஈம் ஸௌ꞉ ஹம்ஸ꞉ ஸஞ்ஜீவிநி ஸஞ்ஜீவிநி மம/ஸர்வேஷாம் ஹ்ருதய-க்ரந்திஸ்தம் ப்ராணம் குரு குரு ஸோஹம் ஸௌ꞉ ஈம் ஸ꞉ ஜும் அம்ருஷ்டோம் நமஶ்ஶிவாய ஸ்வாஹா ॥


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