July 21 2013

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In today’s morning Satsang, Paramahamsa Nithyananda declares that we can keep ourselves at the peak of our existence only by committing to enrich others and life! However, He emphasizes that only after completion, will our commitments become reality. The way to complete with the deep karmic patterns we are suffering from is to consciously relive and relieve those moments. Are we constantly enriching others? We can use the scale of enriching to measure our level of completion. Once we are filled with completion, we will feel the authentic, selfless enriching happening through us.

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Paramahamsa Nithyananda, enrich, life, commitments, reality, karmic, patterns, consciously, relive, relieve, completion, authentic, enriching.


I welcome all of you with my love and respects

I will continue to expand on some of the truths about COMPLETION.

I was expanding the story of Vivekananda. Still I have not completed.

Any pattern, whether it is an individual who is stuck in some pattern, or the society, collective consciousness, stuck in some pattern, only by reliving you can relieve yourself. The West Bengal was suffering with a strong pattern of mass deaths. The morale of the whole West Bengal completely broken, beaten to pieces by the large artificial famines, man-made famines, the forced by British Government. Please understand, the famines did not happen because of mis-governance of British; they properly governed it and made the famine happen! The catastrophic famine in 1770 by the British Raj, ten million people died. Means, one crore people died! Please understand, I am giving you reference research book, “Revenue and Reform: The Indian Problem in British Politics”. The book is written by Bowen H.V., published by Cambridge University Press. There is another one book, James Lawrence, “Raj: The Making and Unmaking of British in India”.

The further famines of Bengal up to as recent as 1943, Bengal suffered famine in 1783, 1866, 1873, 1892, 1897 and 1943. Please understand, The Forgotten Holocaust, Dr. Gideon Polya calls the famine of 1943 as Forgotten Holocaust, because five million people dead! Means, fifty lakh people were dead! The evidences and references for this is “GlobalAvoidableMortality.blog”, and “Forgotten Holocaust”. Joseph Lazzaro calls it as man-made holocaust. And, you also need to know, please understand, during this whole time, British which forced famine on India using the media spreading all over the world, saying that uncultured, uncivilized the Indians are being saved by British. That is the worst thing! That is the worst thing! Those fellows, apart from destroying millions of lives, I can say crores, crores of people, apart from killing crores of people, to the whole world they were projecting as if uncivilized, uncultured, uneducated, people who are not worthy of living, they are all dying due to their poverty, and British is protecting them and saving them! Outside world, they painted a picture of dying, starving India, which the British is trying to civilize and save! See, this has broken! And, unfortunately – in a way, fortunately – no other part of India has suffered so much by the famine than the Bengal, because the Bengalis were the most strong, culturally rich part of the country. So, the British want to break the morale of the Bengal first. It was very difficult to convert Bengalis, because they are rooted in Mother worship. I tell you, people who are rooted in Mother worship can never be shaken. The Mother worship strengthens your whole bio-memory. That is the reason, that is the reason, I added Mother in our Sampradhaya. Otherwise, as per the tradition, Dakshinamurthy is the deity for us. Devi is my addition. I added Devi into our tradition and made as Nithyanandeshwara and NIthyanandeshwari.

Today, Mahadeva is gracing us with Devi in the Leela called “Nari Pari Aakiya Leelai”. Means, converting all the wolves into horses. You can see. The leela is, basically to protect a devotee, he converted all the wolves into horse. Later on, I will expand about this whole leela. Let me end with this now.

Our tradition is supposed to be worshipping only Shiva. I added Devi, because the Mother worship strengthens your bio-memory and heals the gap between your Ahankaara and Mamakaara. So it was very difficult to break Bengalis other than the worst thing of killing them without food. You see, it is worse than holocaust. In holocaust, at least, people die in few minutes. This is the holocaust suffered by Hindus. I commit with Kali, the goddess of Bengal, I will make a museum to tell the world how our strong children were destroyed. I will make a Hindu Holocaust Museum in Kolkatta. Literally, it was breaking the strength of human-beings. You can’t relieve such a strong patterns unless you relive. So, consciously you have to relive those patterns. And you can’t kill again few crore people for our reliving sake! It is not possible. So, what is the best way? What is the only way? Vivekananda decided this is the only way to make people go through the whole drama consciously and relieve, complete with that, with the deep suffering, complete with that pattern which broke the morale strength and bio-memory of Bengalis. It is a collective conscious completion process. Collective conscious completion process is the reason Vivekananda wanted the animal sacrifice. I stopped in my family temple, because now I did not feel it is necessary for the family in which I was born and brought up to go through this ritual because they don’t have any big impact of that in their mind now. First of all, they are not even informed about it. And at that time, the whole India did not feel consciously as one country. So, these guys neither had the impact of that at that time nor having it now. That is the reason I stopped. Vivekananda says very beautifully, ‘First of all the beaten, broken consciousness which has fallen into tamas, inertia, let it come to the awakening state of rajas, Activism. Then it can be guided into sattvic, spiritual balance.

I tell you, completion is really, really, really important. Whatever may be your problem, completion can solve it. Completion can completely relieve you. Please understand, I have suffered all types of problem. I went through everything. But just like that I came out! I can’t even use the word “I suffered”. People try to give me suffering. Whatever may be your problem, it may be health, wrong relationships, wealth, economical problem, or some karmic doshas - Rahu or Kethu or Naga Dosha - it may be legal harassments, it may be anything, I tell you, completion can completely relieve you. Completion will liberate you from anything. I tell you from my experience. During the whole persecution which was happening around me, the peak, literally everyone thought, I am gone, my life is over, my public life is over, personal life is over, everything is over! I made only one statement: ‘If I am an incarnation, if I have a mission which is spiritual, I will come out of all this!’ I tell you, completion, completion is the only thing liberated me from everything mounted on me, everything dumped on my head, whether it is the abusal, destruction of our ashrams, properties, litigations, everything, just through the completion, completion, completion, I came out. Decision to complete, and my commitment to enrich the world, not to give up on the world, that is what made me rise and stand up high like a phoenix.

I tell you, I know today many of the friends and relatives of the Inner Awakening participants have gathered here. To all of you, this is my message: Complete with yourself. Learn the science of completion. Complete with yourself and complete with others. Complete with the deep karmic patterns with which you are suffering by reliving and relieving. Only after completion, your commitment to enrich others and life will become reality. I can tell you in the other way, your commitment to enrich others and life is the only thing that will keep you in the peak of your existence after completion. Please listen! Now, for all the Inner Awakening participants I have only one message: Your commitment to enrich others and life is the only thing that will keep you at the peak of your existence. And for all the friends and relatives of the Inner Awakening participants who are here, my message: Commit to learn the science of completion.

Commit to complete with yourself and others. When I say “others”, I don’t mean only the friends and family and relatives who are there in your life. Complete with your Kula Devatha (family deity), complete with your Kula Guru (family Guru), complete with your house, complete with the plants with which you are living, complete with your pet, complete with the different energies of the cosmos, complete with everything! Continuously complete and continuously enrich others! The real scale and measure of your completion is whether you are able to move the others’ space and enrich others and life continuously. If you are not enriching constantly, be very clear, the completion is not yet happened in you. I tell you, when completion happened in me, I just realized the authentic selflessness. All your selflessness is also packed in your selfishness. All your selflessness is packed in your selfishness. I tell you, when I completed, I discovered the authentic selflessness and enriching which never tires me. If you are getting tired, please be very clear, still you have incompletions in you. You have to complete. You have to complete. This is the scale. Tireless mind, the being happened in me, just because my enriching, my enriching is out of pure selflessness. I tell you, once you complete, you will suddenly realize, ‘Why should I live now? For enriching! Nothing else! ……..Nothing else!’ Complete! Complete! Complete! Remember, remember, remember, complete!

So, all the Inner Awakening participants, tomorrow is Guru Purnima. From tomorrow till Vijaya Dashami-Navarathri, your completion season! From tomorrow to Vijaya Dashami, for all the IA participants of July, for all of you, Poornathwa Rithu, Season of Completion starts from tomorrow till Vijaya Dashami and Navarathri. Completion! Completion! Completion! October 13th is Vijaya Dashami. From tomorrow to October 13th is the Season of Completion for all the Inner Awakening participants of July, July 2013. Understand, complete, complete, complete! Learn the science of completion. All the viewers, visitors, whoever is sitting with us, I request all of you, learn the science of completion. I opened my gates to all of you to learn the science of completion in just four days! There are people who say, ‘I can’t spend four-five days!’ I tell you, give me four days, I will give you your life back, which you lost it for your root-patterns. Root-pattern is the demon who has swindled your life. Root-pattern is the demon who is sitting inside you and sucking all the energy, life, out of you. Learn the science of completion.


And, I also decided, for the people who cannot even come here for four days, I am making the whole science of completion in the form of book, available to you all. Very soon it will be available in a very detailed, expanded, clear techniques, procedures, methodology. And the science of completion, science of completion, process of completion, experience of completion, all the three major chapters, soon I will release to the world.


Completion is such an important and powerful process. Constantly complete and enrich yourself and others. Complete with yourself and others. Enrich yourself and others. If you are not enriching yourself and others constantly, be very clear, completion is not yet happening in you. You may think you are completing, but, no, you are not! Only when enriching others and life is happening through you, real completion is happening in you. So, each day, before you go to bed, ask yourself, ‘With how many lives I completed, and how many lives I enriched today?’ I know I am complete with the religious persecution. Just because I decided and stood, I am enriching the world and humanity even more after the religious persecution. After this religious persecution, my mission has raised to greater heights, whether it is healing, or my contribution to people through programs, or my satsangs, or my books, or my enriching the world, has expanded and exploded multifold. Because I am complete with the whole religious persecution happened. Of late, I don’t even remember sometimes this happened! No, really! Of late, thanks to some of the strong, evolved, my sannyasis. There are some who lived around me failed themselves and me; that is different. But there are some who are living around me, have just stood up and raised themselves. Thanks to them, nowadays we don’t even remember. Only for the sake of speaking or educating people, I remember. Otherwise, I don’t even remember! It is already history for us! Just in three years we are enriching the human-beings, contributing to humanity, which takes for some organizations thirty or a few hundred years! I sincerely request everyone of you, completion is the ultimate solution for any problem you carry. With all my Integrity and Authenticity and Responsibility, I am talking to you. I sincerely request everyone of you, spend at least forty-two minutes every night in completion before going to bed. Sit in your bed and do this process of completion. Completing with all the wounds you are carrying. It may be from the age of three, or from the age of thirty, or it may have happened three hours before, or it may be happening even now. Complete! Complete! Complete! Complete! I tell you, I tell you, Completion will make you realize Advaitha is not philosophy, it is practicality. It is most practical tips for your life. That is the right word I will use. How the magazines, or in the media, or the books, you have tips: “If you have cold, have tulsi leaf in the throat; cold will be healed.” Like a tips, which is very practical, straight, quick, immediately useful. I tell you, Advaitha is not a philosophy; it is a “tips”. The great principle of Advaitha is not a philosophy which you need to study, then understand, grasp, start practicing, remove problems, face obstacles, and get rid of it; then slowly, when you are about to die, you will understand! No! It is a tips for life, which is quick and profound, immediate and eternal. Completion will make you realize Advaitha is a straight living philosophy.


If you do completion, you will realize the great Advaitha of Thiru Jnana Sambandhar, Kapila and Laghuleesha. Laghuleesha is a incarnation of Mahadeva, lived in Gujarat, western part of India, a great Mahapurusha, an incarnation. When I read Sankhya of Kapila, the teachings of Laghuleesha, and the verses of Thiru Jnana Sambandhar, I see very clearly the eternal Sanatana Dharma again and again experienced by human-beings who complete, complete with themselves and others. And I commit with you all, I will bring all three of them back as a lifestyle – Laghuleesha, Kapila and Thiru Jnana Sambandhar. Of course, Shankara.

Completion and Enriching, both are two sides of the same coin. When you complete, enriching will be your natural self-expression. When you enrich, completion will become your very natural self. Some of the very powerful enriching philosophies of Sanatana Dharma like Aghori, Yoga, Tantra, this Laghuleesha’s Shiva Advaitha, Jnana Sambandhar’s Shaiva Siddantha, Kapila’s Sankhya, Adi Shankara’s Shuddha Advaitha, all these are very powerful, enriching philosophies. All of them become reality in your life the moment you start completion with you and others. I tell you, you may complete with the vendor who supplies rice for you. Suddenly, the long-time headache with which you were suffering in your head will disappear. You may think, what is the logical connection? You do not know and you will not know the logical conclusion. You may complete with the guy whom you have never met, but you develop hatred like Osama Bin Laden, Hitler. You guys never met them; but you developed hatred towards them. When you complete with them, suddenly the TV in your house will start working properly! You may think, ‘What is this? What is the connection for this and that?’

There is a letter from a ex-boyfriend to girlfriend.

‘My dearest Susan, sweetie of my heart,

I have been so desolate ever since I broke off our engagement and I am not able to sleep. Won’t you please consider coming back to me? I am simply devastated! You hold a place in my heart no other woman can fill. I can never marry another woman quite like you. I can never even think of marrying another woman. I need you so much. Won’t you forgive me? And let us make a new beginning. I love you so much.

Yours always truly,


The footnote: P.S. – Congratulations on you winning the State lottery!’

Understand, suddenly your boyfriend will come back. Life will come back. You will become healthy. Without even winning a State lottery! Completion is winning a Cosmic lottery! Understand! Legal problems will disappear. So many things will happen, because completion is Cosmic lottery!


I can’t even call Jnana Sambandhar’s is a Shaiva Siddhanta. It is a Shiva Advaitha! Because “Meenakshi Sundareshwara Aabhinna Swaroopa……!” He is in the space of Abhinna Swaroopa of Meenakshi Sundareshwara! In Siddhanta there is no Abhinna. Or Abhinna is not given that prominence.

So, the essence of today’s satsangh:

Start bringing completion in your life. Anything you do will be successful. Anything you do, you know you are enriching. If you are a doctor, you know you are enriching people. If you are an engineer, you know you are enriching people. Even if you are a lawyer, you know you are enriching people.

I tell you, whatever you do, you will continue to do, you will excel and you will feel literally you are enriching. You don’t know! This is heaven! It is not that wealth does not gather around me. It gathers. But my life is not for that. That is why I never become tired. I tell you, I am not against you practicing any profession. I am All for it. Just have the context and understanding you are enriching. That is it! You will be enriched! Tomorrow I request all of you to be tuned to Nithyananda TV from morning 5:45 for Guru Purnima celebrations.

If you are in India, Malaysia, Singapore, the countries from which you can fly down within a day, I sincerely request, be here tomorrow morning in Bidadi, Nithyananda Nagar, Bangalore, to be part of the amazing celebration. And, very important thing, tomorrow morning the Dwajarohana, flag hoisting, and Rudrabhishekha, as tomorrow is Monday, and after Rudrabhishekha, Pada Puja, and Satsang, then I will be accepting the bhiksha from all the people to receive their karmas, to wipe out their karmas, and tomorrow is the only day I will be accepting directly from the hand. And then an important thing – ascending on Sarvajna Peetha and initiating sannyasis – Naishitika Brahmacharis and Krama Brahmacharis – second batch of sannyas initiation of Nithyananda Order. Second batch of sannyas initiation of Nithyanana Order! You can see a beautiful initiation happening. Great!

So I will move to Nirahara Samyama.


And I request all the Nirahara Samyama participants, Sit straight. Cognize you have become Bidadi Kalpavruksha. Inhale through both the nostrils and the mouth. Hold as long as you can comfortably. Exhale through both the nostrils, closing the mouth. Do this for next twenty-one minutes. And, I bless you all with my Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility and Enriching, let you all experience highest Kundalini awakening and live health, bliss and enlightenment. Namah Shivaya!


I bless you all! Let you all Achieve, Experience, Live, Express, radiate, Share, and Explode in eternal bliss, Nithyanandam.

Photos From The Day:

Swamiji Comming to temple early morning Dakshinamurthy Krama brahamacharis doing Gurupuja Morning Satsang on Completion http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/Nithyananda_Swami_21-7-13%20%283%29.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/Nithyananda_Swami_21-7-13%20%284%29.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/Nithyananda_Swami_21-7-13%20%286%29.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/Nithyananda_Swami_21-7-13%20%287%29.JPG Devotees and Inner Awakening Participants Listening to Morning Satsang Completion of Collective Consciousness. http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/Nithyananda_Swami_21-7-13%20%2810%29.JPG Sarvadarshan http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/Nithyananda_Swami_21-7-13%20%2812%29.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/Nithyananda_Swami_21-7-13%20%2813%29.JPG Brahmacharis Getting Aparigraha Blessings from Swamiji http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/Nithyananda_Swami_21-7-13%20%2815%29.JPG Swamiji Blessing With Meenakshi and Sundereswara in Turning Wolf in to Horse Leela.