July 24 2013

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In today’s morning Satsang, Paramahamsa Nithyananda shares with us the deeper sacred secrets of completion. If our intention for performing completions is purely because we want to be in a space of completion, then we will be moving towards enlightenment. Any other reasons we conjure up for working on completions, will only lead us to more incompletions. Problems we never thought we could solve will simply melt in the fire of completion. We will be free of powerlessness and the insecurities that stop us from reaching the Ultimate!

Link to Video:


Paramahamsa Nithyananda, sacred secrets, space, enlightenment, problems, completion, powerlessness, insecurities, ultimate.


Nithyanandeshwara Samaarambhaam Nithyanandeshwara Madhyamaam |
Asmadaachaarya Paryanthaam Vande Guru Paramparaam ||

I welcome all of you with my love and respects. I welcome all the devotees, disciples, samajis, satsanghis sitting with us all over the world through Nithyananda TV, Sadhna TV, Lotus News Channel, Eshwar TV and people sitting with us on two-way video-conferencing. I welcome all of you with my love and blessings!

Please come to the space of listening!


First, first truth you need to know about Completion; do completion just to be in the space of completion. All the other reasons will only lead you to more incompletions. Please listen! Do completion just to be in the space of completion. All the other reasons only lead to more and more incompletions!

First thing you need to do and you need to know, completion done to be in the space of completion transforms your personality, transforms your being, heals the intense, constant, agitated violence you carry towards you and others.

Please listen!

When you drop a stone in the water how the ripples are created, the moment incompletion is dropped in your consciousness, the ripples of violence towards you and others starts in your being. Worrying becomes your lifestyle. Worrying becomes compulsive pattern in you. Not only worrying, because of worrying, inability to handle life. At the most, you only push your life under the carpet. Pushing the life under the carpet is not going to be the solution. That is not going to be life.

I have a story:

One guy had a compulsive worrying pattern for years. He had been a compulsive worrier for years to the point it started ruining his life. Of course, the worrying pattern really ruins the life. It starts destroying your existence.

He went to a psychologist, who recommended a specialist who could help him.

And, suddenly, his friend noticed a dramatic change in the behavior of this guy and asked, ‘What happened? Nothing seems to worry you anymore!’

This guy says, ‘I hired a professional worrier for me, and I have not had a worry since. Now he worries for my sake.’

‘That must be expensive!’ the friend asked.

This guy said, ‘Yes, he charges five-thousand dollars a month.’

The friend said, ‘What are you doing? How are you paying?’

This guy replies, ‘Yes, five-thousand dollars how can I pay! But, I don’t worry about it. He has to worry, that is his problem!’

You may have professional worriers in your life. You may try to push that away!

Please understand, all your entertainment is nothing but professional worriers with whom or through whom, you try to hide your worries under the carpet. You think by pushing the worries down, you can live the life!

See, there are only three ways to handle incompletion:

· One, pushing it under the carpet.

· Second, trying to forget it either by alcohol or by other entertainments.

· Third, completing it and liberating yourself.

I tell you, complete all the incompletions just to be in the space of completion. Complete all the incompletions just to be in the space of completion!

Understand, living in incompletion, living, I tell you, living in incompletion does not even let you know what you want in life. I know people who lived as engineers for twenty-five years, then planning to become doctors! I know women who lived twenty-five years as housewives and planning to become lawyers! Maybe the training in the house will help them to argue in the court! But, argument in the court needs to be very logical, not just love. It is so unfortunate, most of us do not know what we want to be!

Come to the space of listening!

Even when you start taking up spiritual life, you should know why you are taking what you want through the spiritual life, what is your life, and what you expect from life, what way you want to experience life?

Continuously completing for the sake of completion leads you to the experience of enlightenment! I

tell you, nothing can be done. You cannot cover the whole thing under the carpet and live. It cannot go for a long time. Anything pushed under the carpet, one day explodes like a volcano. Understand, even if it is a small thing pushed under the carpet explodes like a volcano, because, when you are trying to push it into your mind, unfortunately, it reaches deeper and goes closer to your consciousness. Anything goes closer to consciousness becomes powerful. That is why, a small incompletion happened in your life when you are young, or a small incompletion which you are suppressing without completing it, explodes in

you as a dangerous imbalance! As a dangerous imbalance! And many a time, your imbalance is such you do not care about your own destruction, and you go on waiting and expecting the other guy’s destruction, and many a time you think by your anger you can destroy the other person, your anger can destroy the other person. No! If you drink poison, how can the other person die? It is not possible. Your poison cannot kill the other person. That is the biggest foolishness human-beings get into. They drink the poison thinking the other person is dying.

No! I tell you, all vengeance is rooted in incompletion.

Complete it. Trust, trust the Cosmos and complete it! People who have abused, will not be left scot free! Don’t worry! When they give you suffering, be very clear, they have enough suffering! When they give you suffering, please be very clear they have enough suffering! A person who does not have suffering cannot give it to you. So, whenever somebody gives you suffering, have sympathy towards the person who gives you suffering. Anger or vengeance is not the right attitude towards the person who gives you suffering. Sympathy is what you need to carry towards the person who gives you suffering.

Two shopkeepers were bitter rivals. Their stores were directly across the street from each other and they would spend each day keeping track of each other’s business. If one got a customer, he would smile in triumph at his rival. They didn’t care much about even the customers. It was all about “I won over the other fellow”. And that fellow would try to get this fellow’s customer, and this fellow would try to get that fellow’s customer. This goes on and on and on.

One night, an angel appeared to one of the shopkeepers in a dream and said, ‘I will give you anything you want. I will give you anything you ask. But whatever you receive, the other shop guy, your competitor, will receive twice as much! If you ask for riches, you can be very rich; but he will be twice richer than you! If you wish to have a long life, you can have; but he will live twice longer and healthier!’ The man seeing the dream, starts screaming, ‘O, angel! This is my request. Strike me blind in one eye! Take away my one eye!’

See, many times, human-beings are ready to give up, to give suffering for others!

All religious terrorism is just this unconsciousness. You are ready to die just to kill others! See, just banning some terrorist organization is not the solution. Ban the books which preaches terrorism. Don’t call something is holy, sacred, right, this, that! Call spade a spade, straight! Don’t bring sanctity, don’t bring sanctity to terror manuals. Just here and there banning some organizations or declaring some organizations as terrorist organizations that is not going to bring peace on the Planet Earth. You ban one organization, but you are not stopping. Like that millions of organizations are getting created! The Western countries need to know, if you want to live in peace, ban terror manuals! I am not pointing at one religion, one group, one society. In any society, in any religion, in any community, if the terror manuals are given sacredness, sanctity…..No! Don’t allow! Ban the terror manuals. Till the terror manuals are banned, you can’t rest in peace! The West needs to know, ‘till terror manuals are banned, you can’t rest in peace!’

Please listen! Please listen!

Understand, completion when it is done for the sake of completion, melts many problems which you think you can’t even solve. Please understand, one of the biggest gifts completion can give you is your own fantasy behavior about you that you always believe you can never become that. Every one of you have fantasy behavior about you, the way how you should be. You have a deep expectation and at the, same time, you have a strong feeling you can never become that, you can never be transformed to that level. Completion just like that makes you live exactly the way you wanted. Completion makes you experience exactly the way you expect. I tell you, living as per the expectations of you, behaving as you expected about you, is the greatest joy you can experience in life. Completion does that to you! I tell you, nothing else can do that to you. Completion melts away all the stopping patterns, all the restraining patterns, all the restraining behavioral patterns, all the restricting thinking setup, all the confining behavioral patterns, all the inadequate cognitions melt down!

I tell you from my experience; Buddha before his leaving the body, he recollected all his past lives. It is called “Jataka Tales”. 64 past lives, He recollected his past lives and narrated. It’s beautifully recorded in his own words in Buddhist literatures. See, before his enlightenment, he saw the whole of his past, from the moment he became embodied till this moment, he saw the whole thing in a flash, like running, like one rewinding!

Please understand, when you become enlightened, your whole past loses its power over you, influence over you, and because of that you can remember anything, anything of your past! So, Buddha remembers them clearly and repeats, that only is called Buddha’s “Jataka Tales”. Those tales give a very beautiful solutions for various situations you will face in the life, solutions for various patterns you may face in the life, solutions and techniques and methods for various problems you may face in the life.

Listen! Now you need to listen carefully, give your listening please! I also looked into my Jataka Tales and, I tell you, from my experience, completion is the best process to melt down all the impurities you have, anything which stops you from highest consciousness.

Completion is far more powerful than unclutching itself. Completion is far more powerful than unclutching itself. Please understand, because even unclutching won’t happen if you have not done completion!

I can see, from my Jataka Tales……

Actually, one good thing is when you download these Jataka Tales, you have a beautiful, clear method; whoever, from wherever, you can guide them to the highest consciousness, because an enlightened being or incarnation has to go through all possible experiences of the world. Only then, his consciousness gets matured, ripened. Everyone can be helped. And one drawback is, all that past life information and information which happened in this life, will get mixed. So, when Buddha narrates his autobiography, it will not be factually factual, because, many times, the files start overlapping. That is why when I’m writing autobiography, I depend on other persons’ evidences, witnesses, the external facts available; with that more I depend than my internal memory, because many times, the files get overlapped. Because, after enlightenment, the whole past is past. There is no such thing as what is happening in this body and what has happened in earlier bodies.

I am spending a little time on compiling my autobiography. But, I am constantly depending on family, friends, relatives, teachers, people who lived around me for more information, and what happened in particular situations, than my own inner internal memory. I can say that our internal cognition itself becomes so different. Many a time, what you didn’t go through, you will not record it even if it happened around you. For example, some death happens around you. If you are not affected by it and you did not go through it, you will not record it. And, same way, the other way round. A small ant dying; if you went through it, you will record that as huge, which others may not even notice! Sometimes when your pets die, you go through it literally as if you lost a family member. But, for the other person, ‘hey, in the streets so many dogs die’; nobody cares! So, it is what you go through, only that gets recorded.

In my biography, many things which I went through physically, never I went through as me, so it did not get registered. So, to bring factuality, I have to take the help of others. I tell you, from my Jataka Tales, I can tell you very clearly, completion, only completion even makes you understand unclutching. Till the completion happens, even unclutching does not become reality, experience in you.

I have a story:

Mulla Nasruddin’s servant rushed into the room and cried to Mulla Nasruddin’s wife, ‘Hurry! Hurry! Hurry! Your husband is lying unconscious in the hall! And beside a large round box, with a piece of paper clutched in his hand!’

Mulla Nasruddin’s wife reaches the place where Mulla Nasruddin is lying unconscious and exclaims, ‘Oh, how exciting! My fur coat has come!’

Understand, sometimes you live the fur coat, forget the husband! So, what you live only gets recorded in you. And, the poor fellow seeing the bill, fainted!

No, really! So what you live, what you go through, gets recorded in your system; not everything.

Listen! Learn the science of completion! Learn the principle of completion! I really tell you, you can heal your body, mind, relationships, patterns which keep you in poverty, patterns which keep you in discontentment, patterns which keep you in constant fear, not letting you to see the whole life, and not letting you to take a quantum jump about the life. I tell you, many of us don’t take a quantum jump about life. When I say “quantum jump”, I don’t preach fantasies. I tell you, in reality the quantum jump is possible! When you think strongly the quantum jump is not possible, you start compromising your life with fantasies. Fantasies are nothing but alternative compensating lifestyle you pick up, because you think quantum jump is not possible!

In a motivational seminar, three men are asked to come up on to the stage. They are all asked, ‘When you are in your casket, what your friends and family should talk about you? Please listen! ‘When you are in your casket, what your friends and family should talk about you? When your friends and family are mourning you, what would you like to hear them say about you?’

The first guy comes up and says, ‘I would like to hear them say that I was a great doctor of my time, and a great family man.’

The second guy says, ‘I would like to hear that I was a wonderful husband and a school teacher who made a huge difference in our children of tomorrow.’

The last guy replies, ‘I would like to hear them say, “Look, look! He is moving!”.’

Understand, I tell you, it is possible! Because you think strongly it is not possible, you go on feeling and living with these fantasies. Forget about moving while you are in your casket; you never need to stop moving! You will continue to exist and live!

Listen! Life with completion, for the sake of completion, takes you to the deeper space, deeper understanding, deeper intelligence. Above all, it gives you tremendous courage to do powerful things in the life. Why in front of us we see somebody as a leader, whether he’s a political leader, or a social leader, or a celebrity or a religious leader? Why, even if the opportunity comes to our hand, we do not take that jump? Deep incompletions keeps you in utter powerlessness every moment. Your thinking has become powerless. Your words have become powerless. Your thoughts have become powerless. Your actions have become powerless. So you become powerless!

I tell you, completion should be lived just to teach the science of completion. I commit with you guys and humanity, I will establish monasteries in every country! In every country I’ll establish monasteries just to teach completion, science of completion! That is the only way we can counter the terror manuals being spread on the Planet Earth. Terror manuals cannot be tackled with some other terror manuals. Somebody takes the weapon, somebody takes money. Capitalism also is equally a terrorism! Capitalism kills people out of poverty. Terrorism kills them at once. Terrorism kills immediately. Capitalism kills a little slowly.

I bless you all! Let you all radiate with Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility and Enriching, with eternal bliss, Nithyananda! Thank you!

Photos From The Day:

Morning Padhapuja http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/Nithyananda_Swami-24-7-13%20%282%29.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/Nithyananda_Swami-24-7-13%20%283%29.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/Nithyananda_Swami-24-7-13%20%284%29.JPG Morning Satsang on Completion http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/Nithyananda_Swami-24-7-13%20%286%29.JPG Sarvadarshan http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/Nithyananda_Swami-24-7-13%20%288%29.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/Nithyananda_Swami-24-7-13%20%289%29.JPG Blessings http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/IMG_9898_0.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/IMG_9906_0.JPG Dwajarohanam Arathi to Temple Flag