September 04 2013

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Today Swamiji spoke about Enriching. He explained how our inner Space has 2 parts. One part is filled with struggles, patterns and Incompletions. the other part is Free Space, the source of all solutions to the happenings and situations of our lives. Swamiji went on to explain that Self-doubt is like a balloon starting from the incomplete part of our inner space and extending into the Free Space. the more the balloon is blown up...the bigger it gets the less Free Space we have. the Free Space Should be always expanding but Self-doubt takes away more and more space .With Self Doubt you become a traitor to yourself. It is Swayam Droha. Self Destruction.When we have self doubt we are not useful to ourself or others. it is a waste of life, of existence. When you Enrich others it destroys self-doubt. In fact Enriching others is the only and best way to clear self doubt. Enriching others is something each of us should do every day to clear the self doubt and free up the Free Space in our Inner Space and keep it expanding.

Link to Video:


Paramahamsa Nithyananda, enriching, incompletion, pattern, solution, self-doubt


Nithyanandeshwara Samaarambhaam Nithyanandeshwari Madhyamaam |
Asmath Aachaarya Paryanthaam Vandhey Guru Paramparaam ||

I welcome all of you with my love and blessings.

Today, Mahadeva is gracing us in the beautiful Leela “INDRANUKKU SHAAPAM THEERTHA PADALAM”.

Means the, removing the curse on Indra after accepting the worship of Indra, is the Leela.

Indra once got the sin, curse of killing a Brahmin.

This Indra has no brain this fellow will go around and do all nuisance and come back. These fools will go around and do all nuisance and Mahadeva has to bear with that and clear all the nuisance they create and Indra could not get out of his “Brahma Hathya Dosha”. He was roaming around all over Planet Earth.

Suddenly when he entered Kadamba Vana, Madurai, he could experience that dosha, that curse, has lost its power. He started recovering.

Then he finds a Shiva Linga in that area, a Swayambhu, starts worshipping that Shiva Linga.

Immediately after that worship, Shiva appears and removes the curse of Indra. Indra becomes complete and his curse is cleared.

Then Indra leaves his Indra Vimana , the flight, as a protection for that Shiva Linga. That is why, still Madurai Sundareshwara, Garbha mandir of Sundareshwara is Indra Vimana. It is held by eight elephants and it is exactly in the form of Indra Vimana.

So today Mahadeva is gracing us removing all our incompletions and all our curses.

And Ganesha part of the sixth day of Brahmotsava, is gracing us on the Peacock Vahana, “Mayil Vahana”.

I’ll enter into Nithya Satsang.

Today I’ll expand on “Enriching, the Science of Enriching”.

Please understand, as you all may be aware, we are in the Aapyaayana Rithu. The ability you are able to enrich other only is the free space available to you for your victory. Please listen, your inner space is divided into two parts. One part is filled with all your patterns and internal struggles, your childish struggles – whether I should wash my body with right hand or left hand. I have not said what all of you understand. Many a time, many things can be made to understand without uttering a word.

Listen, one part of you is occupied by all your incompletions, patterns, with useless struggles. Listen, the other part is available as a complete space, free space, free energy for you to handle life spontaneously, continuously. Whenever you handle, you look at the life from that free space, you find more and more solution. When you look at life from that patterned space, you find more and more complication. That is why, whatever may be others’ problem, huge like mountain, you will give a solution just like that, because you are looking at that problem from the free inner space, not from the patterned space.

Listen, one part of you, your inner space, is divided as two, but not equally, not equally. For some people, the patterned space is 2%. For some people, the patterned space is 98%. I know, everyone thinks ‘My patterned space must be 99.9%.’ How many of you think? So, all of you have self-doubt pattern. Work on it. Nobody’s patterned space can be 99.9%, because if that is the way, you will have wheezing and die. You cannot even breathe. You will just have wheezing and die! So, the moment you know you don’t have wheezing and you are not dead already, your inner space does not have 99.99%. So, don’t worry.

Listen your inner space is divided into two. One, the space pattern, full of patterns. The other, space freely available for you to move around, go around in the life, see things spontaneously and make decisions. The gurukul is nothing but my effort to create the beings with 100% free space with no patterns.

Understand there is one more important thing you need to know. There is a part of you which has no patterns, free space, but pushed into the territory of patterns due to the self-doubt you carry. It is like you own twenty-five acre, your enemy owns twenty-five acre; but in your twenty-five acre, because you have not built your building, you are not going and claiming your ownership, your enemy has swallowed twenty more acre. Then how many acres are you owning? Only five! That twenty more acre which he is owning because you don’t own, is “self-doubt” part, understand? Because you have not exerted power over it, you have not asserted, the self-doubt declares that part as dispute land, dispute property, disputed zone. I tell you, whoever reclaims that self-doubt zone to their side, they win the war. They win the war. How to reclaim that self-doubt zone into your side? The area which you already have in your control, use it powerfully. Use it powerfully.

I have a story:

A local charity organization realized that their organization had never received a single donation, single penny from the town’s most successful lawyer-cum-politician. The charity organization representative, the person in charge of contributions called that lawyer-cum-politician to persuade him to contribute.

This guy goes to his house and the guy asks, ‘Sir, our research shows that out of a yearly income of at least one million dollar, you have not given a penny to charity. Would not you like to give back to the community in some way?’

The lawyer mulled over this for a moment and replied, ‘Tell me, ‘He is talking that guy back. ‘Tell me your research showed I have one million dollar income. Did your research show that my mother is dying of a long illness and has a medical bill several times her annual income?’

The charitable organization guy, he was really embarrassed and he started mumbling, ‘Umm no.’

The lawyer interrupts, ‘Did your research show that my brother, a disabled veteran, is blind and confined to a wheelchair?’

The charity organization representative was shocked. He was really shaken. He was about to stammer an apology.

Again the lawyer says, ‘Do you know, did your research show you my sister’s husband died in an traffic accident leaving her penniless with three children?’

By now, the charity organization guy who came, he said in a very apologetic tone, ‘Sorry, Sir, I did not know all this…’

Immediately the lawyer stood up and cut him off once again, ‘So, if I don’t give any money to any of them, why should I give to you?’

Understand person infected with self-doubt will neither be useful to himself nor to others.

So, I tell you, completing with the self-doubt should be the top priority and completing with the self-doubt, please listen, the spiritual practice for completing with the self-doubt is enriching others. Spiritual practice for completing with self-doubt is enriching others. Start enriching others; you will see, the self-doubt gets destroyed. Self-doubt can never be destroyed by anything else, anybody else, any other practice. The only practice which can destroy self-doubt is enriching others. Please understand, the only practice which can destroy self-doubting pattern is enriching others. You cannot complete with your self-doubt, you need to understand. How much ever completion you try to do, you will suspect, you will have doubt even about that completion. How will you clear?

Ramakrishna says beautifully, ‘If somebody is possessed by ghost, you can throw sesame seed on him and throw the ghost away. But if the ghost enters inside the sesame seed, how will you drive the ghost using the sesame seed? He is sitting inside the sesame seed!’

So, if you have any incompletion, you can do the completion process and complete it, get rid of it, get rid of the incompletion, but self-doubt is such, the doubt in the very completion process itself. So, the incompletion has entered into your completion! Then how that completion is going to remove the incompletion?

I tell you, the one and only way to get rid of the self-doubt is enrich, enrich others. Enriching is not marketing. Enriching is not converting. Because, converting others, the result is external. Marketing is, the result is external. For the sake of the results outside, you do marketing or converting but here, with enriching, the results are inside. Whether the one person attends, one person you enrich for Inner Awakening, or two persons you enrich for Inner Awakening, or three persons you enrich for Inner Awakening is not the thing, the number. It is the intensity you carry and enrich others. Understand, if you can enrich your spouse for Inner Awakening, it is equal to 108 people being enriched for Inner Awakening, because amount of effort you need to put. The amount of effort you need to put. I don’t know why Mokshapriyan is laughing. He’s giving a primal scream from.

Enriching is not old wine in the new bottle – the old pattern of marketing or converting with new title. No. I tell you, if you think it is old wine in a new bottle, you are wrong. It is a new Ganga Jal with an old bottle. May be, the outside bottle may look different but inside it is Ganga Jal, the water of the Ganges. Enriching is actually aiming at the space you live. Whether you are able to enrich the other person or not it’s only a verification of the power of the space you carry, strength of the space you carry. But the actual enriching itself happens in your inner space. It is not related to something external. Its results may be in the external. See, the external results are only a scale to verify whether you really carry the space of enriching or you are continuously cheating yourself. Just for that only the outward, external results are used. External results are used more like a scale but, but the result of enriching is clearing the self-doubt in you.

I tell you from my own experience, I would have realized my avataric mission; I would have become enlightened more quickly, much more early, if I would have listened to both my mentors. How much it took for both of them to convince me and start sharing this energy with others. I tell you, in the young age, I used to do a lot of these miracles. Whenever I was initiated by my mentors, teachers, into a new spiritual power, I’ll go around, do left and right like a magic, circus. I’ll do all sorts of things using these miracle powers. Still many people associated with my young age are there in Tiruvannamalai. If you see them and ask them, they will tell you tons and tons of stories of me demonstrating extraordinary powers but everything was not from the context of enriching. It was in the context of just playfulness, playfulness, or I got something new, trying to test it out of curiosity. They used to tell me again and again, ‘Share this knowledge, share this science, now you have a clear understanding. Do this for enriching people.’ I never listened. Either I’ll use those powers to test it, whether it really existed or not, out of curiosity. It took a long time for me to understand the concept of enriching. I tell you from my experience, when you start enriching others, all the auspicious qualities start happening in you, including the knowledge, understanding, everything.

Enriching, enriching is the spiritual practice to conquer the self-doubting pattern and self-doubting pattern is the most powerful demon sitting inside you. I tell you, self-doubting is Maya; self-doubting is Mara, self-doubting is devil, self-doubting is demon; self-doubting is Ravana; self-doubting is Hiranyaksha; self-doubting is Hiranyakashipu; self-doubting is Kumbhakarna. Enriching is the only and best way, enriching is the only and best way to clear the self-doubting patterns, to clear self-doubts.

25:10 Hindi -27:09

I wanted the whole Sangha, all my disciples, all my followers to learn this one lesson today. Please understand, start enriching. Only then you will come out of self-doubt. You will complete with self-doubt only BY enriching. In the whole Sangha, the most fortunate Ashramites, Sannyasis in my whole Sangha, are the people in the Enriching Temple. Their whole day activities become the spiritual practice, if they do it, that’s the punch line.

I tell you, Enrich, Enrich, Enrich!

Beautiful possibility to get out of your self-doubt is presented in front of you. Walk this path and save yourself and achieve Completion and Enlightenment.

Live health, bliss and enlightenment Nama Shivaya!

Let you all achieve, experience, live express radiate share and explode in eternal bliss , Nithyananda

Photos From The Day:

Today's Leela: Indiranukku Sapam neeki Arul Purinda leelai Ganesha in Pecock Vahana. Morning Satsang on Enriching. Blessings