December 20 2011

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Avatar Dinotsava 2011 - HDH pays respects at Arunachaleswarar Temple (Jayanthi 2011 Tiruvannamalai)


There are some instances which cannot be described. The moments when you experience the beauty of life. The moments when you know you are protected. The moments when you know you are not alone. Jayanthi celebration of the Avatar Paramahamsa Nithyananda in his hometown is the best of those moments. When you feel what have I done to be so blessed - blessed to have someone who understands me, grants me boons and takes care. Jayanthi is celebrated as per the Vedic calendar - when the very DNA of Paramashiva, Direct descendent of Paramashiva - His Divine Holiness Paramahamsa Nithyananda appeared on this planet. And none other than Tiruvannamali - a place that Sadāshiva called Vishwakarma and asked him to make it. ‘Tiru Anna Malai’ means‘Revered Inaccessible Mountain’. This name was given to this town not because it was the location of a tall and mighty mountain, being more a medium-sized hillock, but because of the spiritual connotation that the place had for believers and spiritual seekers. The entire township has evolved around the mountain and ‘girivalam’ or walking around the mountain on foot, is considered to be holy and spiritually value enhancing.In Sanskrit, this mountain is termed ‘Arunachala’, literally meaning the ‘Unmoving Morning Star’, simplified to the ‘Red Mountain’, possibly with reference to its reddish hue. Aruna, the morning star, is the charioteer of the Sun god Surya. Aruna drives Surya’s magnificent chariot that is yoked to seven white horses.

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Paramashivoham: 22-day Ultimate Spiritual Journey with the Avatar HDH Nithyananda Paramashivam Learn more:

Full footage of the auspicious happening of Avatar Dinotsava Jayanthi Celebration 2011 Avatar Dinotsava Jayanthi Celebration 2011 - His Divine Holiness Paramahamsa Nithyananda on the auspicious day of His happening - Jayanthi 2011 starts the day with a visit to His beloved Arunachaleswarar Temple in Tiruvannamalai, Tamil Nadu. This is the largest temple in the world dedicated to Shiva, and dates back to thousand years, with mentions in the great Tamil works Thevaram and Thiruvasagam.

Tiruvannamalai is known for its unbroken lineage of enlightened masters, the capital of Shaivism, and it Is in this holy land that the Avatar chose to land in human form. Swamiji shares the leelas of His many experiences here - His birth, His schooling, His first enlightenment experience, His experiences with His gurus and more. It was in this temple that He met and spent time with Arunagiri Yogeeshwara, Paramashiva Himself, who manifested to awaken Swamiji to the final realization of His identity as Paramashiva.

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