June 04 2013

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In today’s morning satsang, Paramahamsa Nithyananda delivers an exciting directive to his followers: to be spiritual activists. The core message of Vedic tradition is spiritual knowledge, represented in the Four Life Principles of integrity, authenticity, responsibility and enriching others. It is time for all those inspired by Nithyananda to share this divine wisdom with the world. Spirituality is the key to healing for Planet Earth: there is no need to wait for formal teacher training. We can share our understanding with everyone informally wherever we are. This is jeevan mukti, living enlightenment.

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Paramahamsa Nithyananda, exciting, spiritual, activist, Vedic tradition, knowledge, responsibility, inspired, share, divine, wisdom, world, healing, Planet Earth, understanding, living enlightenment



Nithyanandeshwara Samaarambhaam Nithyanandeshwari Madhyamaam |
Asmath Aachaarya Paryanthaam Vandhey Guru Paramparaam ||

I welcome you all with my love and respects.

Today I will expand on the subject of ACTIVISM IN SPIRITUAL PRACTICE.

Please understand. World has seen enough of different types of activisms: Economical activism, industrial activism, religious activism, ideological activism. Communism is nothing but ideological activism. When they take up that ideology, they become so active. Same way, Christianity and Islam; when they take up that ideology, they become so active. Capitalism is a economical activism. When they start seeing the money, the money drives them crazy. They might have started with their business with ten crore; now they will be making ten-thousand crore per year turnover. But still they go crazy - Economical activism. There are many types of activism.

I tell you, Vedic tradition, Hindu tradition stands for spiritual activism. When you are inspired, impressed by the Vedic tradition, what actually happens - you turn into a spiritual activist. You turn inside towards your depth, towards the being - the spiritual activism. Today, I wanted to expand about this spiritual activism. We were brainstorming for last few days. All my sannyasis, we were trying to create a think-tank for Hinduism, what is exactly the unique point, unique contribution of Hinduism. After a thorough research, I am very clear, this is the unique contribution. Spiritual knowledge, spirituality, spiritual knowledge, spiritual experience, spiritual strength; I think spirituality is the core message of Hinduism, the Vedic tradition. The spiritual activism which makes you internalize these principles, makes you go around and share with the world these great principles. Understand, it is spiritual activism that is the essence of life.



I tell you, me and my Sangha should be known to the world with this one truth of spirituality, spiritual knowledge and experience. Spirituality should be the truth with which, through which me and my Sangha should be known to the world, because I stand for Spiritual Activism.

Let me enter into this concept, the truth, Spiritual Activism. Listen! Please move to the space of sitting with completion in listening. Understand, sitting in completion with listening is Upanishad. Sitting in completion in the space of listening is Upanishad. So, please move to the space of Upanishad. (HINDI) Listen! Sit in Upanishad, in the space of listening, in completion. When you are in completion, you can sit even facing wall for twelve years which Bodhidharma did! He was facing the wall of the cave sitting twelve years, because he was in completion! When you are in incompletion, even watching a movie, TV, you can’t sit more than ten minutes; you go on changing channels. Sit in Upanishad space, pure listening space to internalize Spiritual Activism.


First law, in any field when you become active, you reach the peak result of that field. The peak of that field is achieved.

If you become economically active, you get money.

You become politically active, you get power.

If you are religiously active, you become religious leader.

Please listen, every human being is always active in some field.

If you say, ‘No, no, Swamiji, I don’t think I am active in any field because I have not achieved anything.’

You are active in confusionism. Getting caught in conflicts, contradictions, confusions, you are active. That’s all. But there is nobody who is not active.

I tell you, consciously diverting your energy which is active - is Spiritual Activism. Whatever may be the field, if you are active, you will reach the peak of it. I tell you, if you become spiritually active, you reach the peak of all the fields; whether it is money, energy, intelligence, you become active in everything.

Spiritual Activism means, continuously, tirelessly enriching you and enriching everyone around you. Sometime I feel this Mala, means Rudraksha, this Tilak - Kumkum, all this not only enriches you, it enriches even the people who see! When they see, they ask, ‘What is this, this necklace around your neck?’ Then immediately introduction starts. ‘This is energized by my spiritual master, my Guru.’ Nowadays the whole world knows the word ‘Guru’. Guru has becomeEnglish word. So, the enriching starts.

I tell you, become a Spiritual Activist. I tell you, you will have a new life! Go round, continuously talk to people, enrich them, help them to solve their conflicts, find solution from conflicts.



I wanted each one of my disciple to be Spiritually Activist. (HINDI) Understand, if you think you are my disciple, you are my follower, you have to be a Spiritual Activist - means, living spiritual truths actively and teaching spiritual truths actively to as many people as possible. So, ‘Spiritual Activism’, that’s a right word I will use for describing me and my people. Spiritual Activist! Continuously, continuously enrich yourself and enrich others with these great spiritual principles.

I tell you, most difficult job in the Planet Earth is balancing a teenager. That is the most difficult job in the Planet Earth. You can do anything other than balancing a teenager; because the body is going through a great transformation. A child is becoming adult. That is the age between 13 and 19. A child is becoming adult.

The best way to balance a teenager’s energy is help them to be Spiritual Activists. Means, before 13 they should know all the ideas to apply within them.

I have seen eN-Genius kids, even if they are confused, they try to find solution only with four tattvas. I have seen even my Gurukul kids. Running a Gurukul is not a joke and especially with a new ideology. My Gurukul is the only school, hostel, where no actor’s photo or photograph is there. And I can challenge, none of my kids are fan of any actor. (Gurukul kids start blowing conches)! HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA…! HAHAHAHAHAHA! I think they are so happy about what I said!!!

No, I tell you, the Spiritual Activism means constantly drilling yourself with the spiritual truths and finding solution for any problem with the spiritual truths. And, I tell you, at the age of 13, you should start analyzing, enriching yourself with the spiritual truths and enriching others with the spiritual truths. If you have a teenage kid and you don’t know how to handle the kid, make him a Spiritual Activist. You will be free. You will be liberated. One, the child will do best thing for himself or herself and for others. Whenever you become a Spiritual Activist, all the childhood tendencies in you gets matured and you become adult. Understand, when a child is turning, becoming adult, you should teach the kid to be Spiritual Activist and I want to make one more statement: Only when you become Spiritual Activist, you turn as adult.



Understand, Spiritual Activism will help you to be aware of your whole life. There won’t be a single dark corners in your inner space left unattended. Clearing the conflicts, contradictions in you and in others; especially when you help others to clear their conflicts, contradictions through the spiritual strength, you will have so much of clarity in you.

I tell you, constantly help others to resolve their conflict. You can help others only if you listen to others, not just by talking, talking, talking. Helping others starts by listening. It is by listening, helping starts. When you really listen, you will radiate so much of humbleness, you will help so many people. I tell you, when you continuously help others, even in the dream you will be contemplating only about all these solutions. Enriching others, you will enrich you also. You will break thousands and thousands of conflicting patterns in you. If you help others to break laziness and boredom, you will break laziness and boredom. If you help others to break confusion, conflicts, you will break your confusion and conflicts.

I want all my disciples to be Spiritual Activist. Just like Healer’s Initiation, I wanted to create one more category of people – Spiritual Activists. I will empower them with Vaak Siddhi. I will really do it. I will do it. I will empower them with Vaak Siddhi.



I tell you, being a Spiritual Activist is what I, this is my Anyakaara to all my disciples. Anybody think they are my follower or disciple, be a Spiritual Activist. Being a Spiritual Activist is my Anyakaara for all you guys. This is what exactly I expect from every one of you. Be a Spiritual Activist. In your cognition continuously think about these four tattvas. When you relate with others radiate these four tattvas.


Wherever you are, whoever is working with you, around you, under you, help them with these spiritual principles. Help them to find their incompletions, root-patterns and complete with it.

When you complete with you and others, you become a different being. I tell you, before you do the completion I can’t even tell you after completion what kind of a space you will be in. I can’t even tell you that, because after completion the space you will experience will be so totally different, it can’t be described or you can’t be made to understand it before you do the completion. With completion, you become such complete being, neither you will have a conflict, nor people around you will have a conflict.

My Gurukul will be embodiment of Spiritual Activism. Understand, my Gurukul will be embodiment of Spiritual Activism.


I always wanted the Spiritual Activism to happen. Please understand, I always wanted that Spiritual Activism should get solidified as my Sangha. My purpose and the advent on the Planet Earth is to make people Spiritual Activists. Understand, now I am seeing it is happening. Especially when people help others to find the root-patterns, I can see it happening. It is happening. Nowadays, hundreds and hundreds of spontaneous classes are happening all over the world by my disciples. There is no organized NDY, NKY, organized Nithya Dhyan Yoga or Nithya Kriya Yoga. Spontaneous classes - in every Reception Room, Welcome Rooms, in every home or even in the buses, trains, cars, taxis, when you get somebody, that’s it! Either he finds root-pattern; there is no ‘or’; only he finds root-pattern! That’s all! No, I can see so much of Spiritual Activism. But I wanted this to become like a fire, wildfire, spreading all over the world, the Spiritual Activism!


I tell you, organized classes, organized religions, churches, sermons, seminars, programs cannot really be Activism. Nothing organized can be Activism. It is only ‘organized’. But these principles which I am teaching are so powerful, now people don’t wait for organizing a class and all that. And no need to wait also. Even when they go in the taxi, the cab driver, they find the root-pattern for the cab driver. When the journey is over, the driver is liberated from his root-pattern.


What I wanted is really starting, but I tell you, I wanted it to become more and more active. Each one of you, each one of my disciple should take a vow that from today he declares himself as a Spiritual Activist. Means, in every possible way, he will go on helping people to live four tattvas. He will go on supporting people to live four tattvas. He will help everyone to find their root-pattern and complete it.

I tell you, if you have ten root-pattern, you might have found only one and completed. But start helping others to find their root-patterns and complete. You will see simply you will find your remaining root-patterns and complete it. When you help somebody to find their root-pattern of suffering and complete it, get rid of it, you literally give life to that person, new energy to that person, new intelligence to that person, new leaf of life to that person.

Understand, I want every one of you, every one of you, don’t keep me in your cupboard. No. Keep me in your cognition. Don’t keep me in your cupboard; keep me in your cognition. If you keep me in your cupboard, you may just hide me just for you. Only when you radiate me, keep me in your cognition and radiate me, you will be a Spiritual Activist.



Commit you will help at least 1,008 people to find root-pattern in next three months; Means, per day 30 persons. Go around and catch people. Listen to them. Help them to find their root-pattern and complete their root-pattern. Let us help humanity to be free from sufferings. This is the purpose of my advent on the Planet Earth. I need at least million Spiritual Activists. Become Spiritual Activists.

Spiritual Activism is Jeevan Mukthi, Living Enlightenment. Spiritual Activists are the real beings. Live this Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility and Enriching. Go on helping people to live this Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility and Enriching. Continuously find your root-patterns and complete and help people to find their root-patterns and complete.


I want every one of you to become Spiritual Activists. Spontaneous classes should happen in every devotee’s house, in your Reception Hall, in your Welcome Room, in your office chairs, in your business office. Everywhere the spontaneous sessions should start. Don’t think, ‘Oh, I can’t do. I am not that intelligent to help people find their root-pattern.’ No. Then this is the root-pattern for you. Complete it. If you become a Spiritual Activist, that is the only way to save the Planet Earth.

Understand, becoming a Spiritual Activist is the only way you will save Planet Earth. It is time we save Planet Earth. Nothing else can save Planet Earth. All my disciples should introduce themself to others as Spiritual Activists: ‘I am so and so. I am a Spiritual Activist.’ Spiritual Activism should infiltrate in every field. World has suffered with enough of media activism, judiciary activism, police excess, economical activism. It is time we heal the world through Spiritual Activism. Spiritual Activism should be our life breath.

This is the today’s essence, today’s Satsang’s essence. This is my message. Not only today’s Satsang’s essence, I tell you, this is the essence of all my teachings. This is the essence of all my teachings.


Find your root thought pattern, complete it. Complete with yourself and complete with others. Help everyone to find their root thought pattern, complete with themself and complete with others. Bring Spiritual Activism. Whatever you are doing, bring Spiritual Activism into it. I tell you, being a Spiritual Activist you will continuously, continuously expand in your life in every dimension. ‘Spiritual Seeker’ is not a complete word or right word. For my disciples I give a clear title – ‘SPIRITUAL ACTIVIST’! Don’t use the word ‘Spiritual Seeker’. It is a dirty word. ‘Spiritual Seeker’ is the word used by many Gurujis, Gurus to keep you constantly bound as a slave. When I say ‘Spiritual Activist’, living as Gurus. I want each one of you to be Gurus.


All my Gurukul kids should be Spiritual Activists. All my sannyasis should be Spiritual Activists. All my disciples should be Spiritual Activists. All my followers should be Spiritual Activists.

People ask me, ‘Tell me Swamiji, what should I do?’

Now I am telling you, this is what I want you to do: Be a Spiritual Activist. Infiltrate into media, politics, judiciary, officials, executive. Into every field fill Spiritual Activism. Let this energy of Spiritual Activism be filled in every field. This is what is my message. Bringing Spiritual Activism in everyone’s life; bringing Spiritual Activism in everyone’s life is Enlightenment!

Jnana Sambandhar is one of the greatest Spiritual Activists. Adi Shankara, Jnana Sambandhar, Vivekananda, all of them are Spiritual Activists.

I bless you all to become Spiritual Activists!

Sit straight and declare for yourself and to the world, with Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility and Enriching you will live as Spiritual Activists. Sit straight close your eyes.



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