December 21 2016

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Essence of Sadashivoham - Manifest Powers and Be Ferocious with Self-Doubt, Hatred & Denial

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Go on manifesting Sadāshivatva. Practice only manifesting powers. That is enough, be ferocious with your incompletions. Don’t waste your time on completion technique; just be ferocious with your incompletions. The moment you know something is incomplete, be ferocious with it. For years I tried completion, but only when I decided to be ferocious with My incompletions, means when I decided even to let go this body so I’ll be in My Sadāshivatva; in Omkareshwar, in Narmada, that is what I decided - “I am ready to let go everything to be in the Sadāshivatva.” When I became ferocious to My incompletions, only then they died, they became irrelevant, they became redundant.

Any technique, will only give you temporary relaxation, not permanent solution. Remember, being ferocious with all the incompletions is THE completion. Bring more and more integrity to the Guru. Understand. I am not using integrity to control you. I am using integrity to empower you; the more and more integrity, more and more manifestation; that’s all. Manifesting Sadāshivatva is not limited to just few powers. These are just the taste I gave you. Literally, in every moment, manifesting the reality as you want, understanding anything, manifesting any experience or anything you wanted in your life - go on manifesting what you want. And I tell you, it will never be in conflict with the Cosmos and the Whole; you are all favorite inheritors. Understand. The moment you are allowed physically to sit and complete the program - be informed clearly - you are favorite inheritors of the Cosmos. Understand. Be more and more ferocious with your incompletions; not with others or not some external reason as incompletion, external reason for incompletion - No! Be ferocious with your incompletions; that is the technique. That is THE technique. That is THE completion.

You can practice whatever you want like a medicine, like if you have a headache, you can do headache curing kriya. So pick and choose your practices like a medicine whenever you want; the wide range of practices I have offered, I have shared with you all. If you ask Me generally, what should be your practice, I will say only one thing - Go on practicing manifesting powers because that one method, that simple few understandings, where you remember Me, invoke My presence, understand that is complete method by itself. It is like ultimate password for Cosmos. The more you remember, more integrated you will become, more energetic you will become. The more energetic and integrated, the remembrance will be more deeper; even if it is a thinking level remembrance in the initial level - length level. You see, if you have watched only My Youtube videos, your remembrance of Me will be only length level. If you sat around in the Mandala and visually drank Me, it will be in the breadth level. Once you are initiated and I am committing with you - your remembrance will be depth, time, space level.


All the alchemy products are literally Me. I am with you. I am coming with you. You came to Sadāshivoham, Sadāshiva is coming to your Aham. Carry them, MahaSadāshiva Mandala. As I said, I am happy I gave all the other spiritual alchemy products. About Sadāshiva Mandala I feel, job satisfaction, MahaSadāshiva Mandala, I really feel job satisfaction. I feel, I have really done a job. So, please have MahaSadāshiva Mandala where you sleep or where you do puja, anywhere it’s okay. That’s literally MahaSadāshiva Himself; in all His kalas. Don’t treat it like a object. It is living, it is living, it will go on be manifesting, manifesting, manifesting, radiating everything in you.

And also understand, these mandalas everyday give you the breakthrough for further manifestation of powers. Understand. I only initiated into manifesting powers, I have not finished training. Your whole life is a training for manifesting powers. These spiritual alchemy products will be manifesting powers. If you ask Me only one practice, I will say - Manifest powers. You can use the words ‘Sadāshivoham’…. form - this form [gestures towards His own body/form]. These two is enough, enough powerful password for the Cosmos to open up in you. These two are the Mahavakyas to open up the Cosmos in you. I’ll go on be manifesting Sadāshivatva in all of you. In every way, celebrate life, enjoy life, manifest Sadāshivatva everywhere. Don’t hold, be bold, you will be showered. Go round wildly with lot of boldness and pride. I am supporting you, manifest everywhere.

Don’t have self-doubt, self-hatred, self-denial. Antidote for self-doubt, self-hatred, self-denial is I want all you guys to be spoiled brat. It’s okay if you are a spoiled brat with powers; that is perfect. Enjoy the powers, manifest powers, so that the SDHD dies once for all. Don’t worry, “When I manifest powers, will I interfere in some karma, something and disturb?” All that I will correct, you go on manifesting, enjoy. When I empower you, I am responsible. Drop this SDHD. Drop this self-doubt, self-hatred, self-denial. Go on, celebrate life, celebrate life. Build your life as you want. That is what is building My Sangha. Build your life as you want; whether it is health or wealth or relationships, administrative abilities, skill sets, all the resources are at your service. When I say I mean. I really mean. All the resources of the human society and the Cosmos are at your disposal; enjoy them, celebrate your life, build your life as you want. When you live - when you celebrate, when you radiate Sadāshivatva, that is what is really standing up for My mission. My mission is ultimately making you radiate Sadāshivatva.


I am building temples just to give a statement to the future, next generation, about this great lifestyle. Understand. Like World Trade Centers give a statement about the capitalism. White House or the Capitol Hill gives a statement about the political ideology, these temples and ashrams I am building just to give a statement about the lifestyle of Sadāshivoham to the future generation. My real mission is making you all radiate Sadāshivatva; enjoy, celebrate your existence and life. When you enjoy, celebrate, manifest powers of Sadāshivatva, wherever you live - your house is My temple. Your body is My garbha mandir, your heart is where I reside. Only thing, do not worry, you will become a spoil brat - its okay! I am okay about it. Drop SDHD and enjoy, it’s okay.

I am having lot of these questions in the Facebook and in the Feedback forms, people having that withdrawal thing, “Oh, if I manifest powers, will I misuse, will I do something wrong?” Nothing is wrong, that part I will manage, don’t worry. That part I will manage. Even if you misuse and do something wrong, with all My love and care, I’ll appear and explain and make you understand - will not punish you. I give you this commitment. In Agama, there is no hell. Understand. Only in Garuda Purana, there is hell, in Hinduism. In Shaivism, there is no hell. That is why in Kailasa, whether you are a Rakshasa or a Ghost or a God or a Rishi, all of them have place in Kailasa. In Kailash, we don’t have hell or heaven. So don’t worry. With all My integrity I tell you - Play with it, play with all the powers, manifest all the powers, enjoy, celebrate. If you are doing something wrong, it’s My responsibility, I’ll correct you and give you understanding, will not punish you, you will not suffer. Be very clear about it.

Neither technical mistakes, procedural mistakes or understanding mistakes, will lead to any sin because whether it is technical mistakes, understanding mistakes or procedural mistakes, I take the responsibility. It’s My responsibility to continue to guide you. I am very clear. Understand. All these are supposed to be your clear strategy. It is not just I am giving you any consolation. Plant all these as a strategy in your depth. This is what is My official stand. Understand. You may have 10000 ideas in front of you, but what I am explaining is Initiation. So this is what your official stand. So whenever you have SDHD, “Swamiji told me, I can even be spoiled brat, no problem”, there ends everything. “Oh, I may be misusing… that is okay. Swamiji said, if needed He will take care.” So this should be your official strategy whenever you are stopped, whenever you are coming up with a blocks, blockages; whether it is physical or mental or psychological or neurological. So these are your official strategies - official in-depth cognitions.


I tell you, you will all be new species; really, really, I mean. Maybe in few years, we will establish it with enough of medical, scientific, neurological studies, psychological, all the studies. If you are going to wait for the studies and then believe what I say - you can wait and waste 2 years. If you are ready to take it up when I am saying now - take it up, that’s all. Because I have….every statement I made, I proved it by enough of studies. Only thing you need to face now in this whole journey - your tantrum throwing SDHD child - your illegitimate child. Sorry for the word, it is too strong. Self-doubt, self-denial, self-hatred, is your illegitimate child, which is throwing tantrum towards you. You need to only kill that fellow, as brutally as possible as early as possible; that’s all. It should be so brutal, you killing that fellow… he should not even plan for rebirth and coming back to you. That is why I am saying, I am giving you complete abhaya hastha. Don’t worry about your SDHD, go on living, manifesting, go wild, I’ll take care of you.

In this whole initiation, entanglement software itself, I have built enough of intelligence, protection, all security measures needed. I have put enough firewalls, you don’t need any fear and I have also made enough of feedback mechanism, if at all you do something, immediately, automatically information will reach and it will be responded, you will be supported, you will be groomed, with all love and care, so you do not torture yourself, by your illegitimate child SDHD. Be ferocious with him, kill him as brutally as possible, as early as possible. Don’t believe he is your part. No! Actually, he is not even your child. Somebody is blackmailing you saying he is your child; because you have a doubt about yourself, you started believing he is your child. He is not; if you do the DNA test, you will find it, he is not.

Other than being ferocious with your incompletions and being brutal with your SDHD, nothing else is required. Go on manifesting powers. Go on manifesting powers. I am with you and you are all really new species. Formally, officially, I declare everyone here as ‘New Species’ - pioneers of new beings. Planet Earth is having a very big positive breakthrough, a positive push. We are not over imagining. We are actually under imagining.

I bless everyone here… radiate Sadāshivoham. As Sadāshiva, living energy, living representative and living Sadāshiva, I bless you all to radiate Sadāshivatva in all its manifestations, powers, state, experience - in everything. In everything, let everyone here radiate Sadāshivoham, Sadāshivoham, Sadāshivoham. This not only My blessings, it’s My commitment. I’ll make everyone of you manifest Sadāshivatva.

Let’s all radiate with Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility, Enriching, Causing, Living Shuddhadvaita Saivam, Sadāshivoham.

Experienceing Nithyananda Yogam Program

Hello, my name is Chico Pfeifer, I am from Holland, but live in Spain. Before I wanted to say the experience of my Yoga, the first moment I came into this community, I saw some Kundalini experiences, I believed it, I saw it was true, but still there was some part of me that though, “I don’t know, if I have to believe this or it is a little bit...”, I was criticizing myself. Anyway, the first day when we had this Nithyananda Yogam, and Swamiji came into the room, there was this moment, when I kept staring at Him, and I kept staring and staring, in that moment, I don’t know what happened but, on the moment my body started to move, and again, and again, and then I realized, Oh my God. So then I knew like, this is true. Yes, it was, a huge experience, it made me even cry that I go like, Oh My God, it was such an overwhelming experience. And then Swamiji says, “Okay, do all the Asanas which you normally cannot do, which you have problems with.” I am not so into yoga, I am honest, but I knew my limits of my body. But on that moment, I could stretch my body; I could do anything I wanted. It was my body, but it also felt like it was not my body because it was too flexible. So that was greatest experience since I am here. And I want to say to Swamiji, “Thank you for having me here, and thank you for all the presents and all the process work”, and thank you for let me believe that I am a special Being.

Inner Awakening is like a 21-Day Wedding Celebration

My name is Vasu Brown, I practice orthomolecular medicine, which is Holistic physician practice in US. When I left India in 93”, my mom died five years later. This is last gift she gave me, Annapurni, from Kashi. And I felt I lost my home, I felt homeless since then, because I felt like my in-laws are in America, I am married to American, I felt I could not come home, and when Swamiji send invite; “Welcome home,” I felt so healed, to just hear that word. I know destination Bangalore is permanent for me. So I heard him say that he is preparing for grooms family, and I feel I attended a 21-day wedding celebrations, and he treated us, literally like God, and Goddesses. He fed us personally; each one got a spoon from Him, and the items were, 40 different items, prepared according to Bhaga Shastra, Agamas. I never knew God would make such delicious meals. And this was going three times a day, plus snacks, plus tea, coffee and whatever you want to eat, in addition. My mom used to always make. And, I used to go around tree in my yard, so, it almost felt like I came home, I loved that feeling. So, on the third day of Mandala, when they needed to do the Mandala, I stayed back, I did the Mandala. I did not realize I was accountable to get on my bus, I didn’t realize it, so I missed my bus so to speak. But then I said you know, “Swamiji will take care of me, do let me finish my job.” So, I finished around 3 o'clock, and the girl from Hong Kong, who is a volunteer, she allowed me to bring me to the dorm, and that's when, I met the bride’s side. So, I could see the groom side of the hotel. So I could see the bride’s side. And the bride’s side was beautiful They, they were always eager to hear, “What did Swamiji say today?,” “What did they give gift today?” So, they always, you know, tune in. So I always went on my bathroom break, on the bride’s side, and I stayed at night on the groom's side so to speak. And then, the next thing that happened, magic, my mom actually, I am not clear why, actually, my mom after she died, she showed me, she was under the Banyan tree, with lots of souls meditating together in silence. So, I saw the Banyan tree, and my soul felt so fulfilled.

And when He did the Maheshwara puja, it was amazing. He did, that's what I called it, and He scooped out, and he gave, literally we were eating out of his hand. And, he scooped out one handful, and I could not hold it with two hands. And the most magical piece was, his mom, who was the first Saint, and all the other Saints fed each other. And I was thinking, “What a beautiful thing. “They say in heaven, the forks are long, so they feed each other. In hell it’s short, I mean, in hell they try to feed hey never get fulfilled, and I could literally see how it is in heaven, feeding each other, themselves, and they never get fulfilled, and I could literally see ow it was in heaven, feeding each other, and that was a beautiful moment. And how Swamiji was like, making everyone sing, and making fun of them, and that was the most precious thing I witnessed, and like they say he fed my mind body soul, anything I wanted, like the prayer, that goes, He fed every aspect of my Being, and I am so blessed, and finally I can say to Swamiji, “Mom I am home. “

Oneness Experience During Pada Puja

Nithyanandam, I am a Hindu but I had no idea about the puja rituals, and the sacred Rudra Abhishekam, rituals, that we were, asked, requested to do in the morning. A rebel in me had to be overcome —by total will persistence — and it helped, because I did not manage to miss a single puja to day. However, what I noticed was, this is not a routine puja even while you are doing the puja, there are little occurrences — ether around you or with you — that can really annoy you, nag you and does not help you to have an enjoyable, wonderful experience. And with Swamiji’s grace; I had a breakthrough two days ago. And managed to create a space within me of Sadashivatvam where I said to myself, “No matter what I am going to have a wonderful puja experience every single day. With integrity, deep reference, devotion, with Swamiji, our Guru, and Sadashiva himself. “ It has been two days, everything has unfolded so beautifully, and I would love to continue this magical entangle of puja every single day.

Experiencing Kundalini Awakening and Levitation

Nithyanandam, My name is Irena, I am from Ukraine, but right now I live in New Jersey. I ran my own little business —I work with little children. I came to found out about Swamiji this August, and actually when my friend told me, “You have to go where they teach kids, to read with blindfold.” I was like; it’s impossible, it does not happen.” Within 10 days I was talking directly to Swamiji, 10 days, I was talking directly to Swamiji, on two-way conference, 10 days. So, I knew I have to come here. So when there was one, the first day, then we had the process, Sadāshivoham, I started feeling, tremendous amount of energy, my body started, moving all around — first I started to control it, because I did not know it was Kundalini, at that time, I had no idea what was is that. And, I just started giving up controlling it, and I started feeling all this joy, happiness — first my body started moving all the way around, than my head, then I was like, lifting up, and then, some kind of jumping, and then it happened, that I was just levitating.

I did not know that it was levitation, but I flew all the way from the back of the hall, all the way to the stage, where Mahayoga, she came up to me, she took off my eye band, and she was like; everything is okay, you have to go back to my spot. So she brought me back to my spot, and I flew all the way back again. It was amazing experience. After that I felt so much joy and happiness, I cannot even describe it, it's like going to a first date, like, you waiting, like, it is... Tremendous amount of joy, happiness, and I wish, I feel blessed, that I could feel it. Thank you Swamiji that you gave me that experience. And then I was crying all the way, and when I had a chance later, to talk to Swamiji, and say, “Why am I always crying every time I see you?” And he said; “You just remembered, that you get back home.“ Thank you Swamiji.

Celebration is Non-Stop!

Nithyanandam everyone, I am Jana Tang, I am from Singapore. I would like to share about celebrations and kitten dance. We have many Darshan initiation, and kitten dance, and all the celebration. I felt you feel the energy building up, so for me, as a freelance dance teacher, I am always inspired to dance, to dance of Bliss, without any aches and pain in my body. So it is almost impossible, every time after workshop in dance, I feel a lot aches. But when I come to Sadāshivoham, I have been dancing non-stop, in between the whole 21 days, during the Sadāshivoham program. I never felt aches and pain. I want to say that this is something I never have experienced before, this is one of the Sadāshivoham Shakti that is working on me. I can almost dancing and jumping, above ground, almost two feel high, like a grasshopper. I feel like you have experienced it, especially, I feel like I am wearing Cosmic DJ Disco tech. Swamiji is our DJ, our Cosmic DJ, and especially Mandala. He was in the middle, playing music. Changing all the time, and we were dancing, and all of that was so amazing, I was really in Bliss. And then I want to say, — because I feel so integrated, with the energy, when I'm dancing —I remember what Swamiji said;

Day's Event

Sadashivoham Day 21 – Graduation Day!

Glimpses of Sadashivoahm 2016

This comprehensive look at the past 21 days, touches on all the highlights of the Sadashivoham Experience – Amazing Sharings from the Participants, Manifesting Shaktis demos in Third Eye reading, Body Scanning, House Scanning and group Distance reading, Malakamba and Rope Yoga demos, review of all the Spiritual Alchemy Products and the honor guests, the Mahamandaleshwaras of Mahanirvani Akhada address the participants.

21 Temple Naivadyams

Participants got a taste of Temples around India who share their specialty naivedyam offerings specially for the program participants. The meal served traditionally on banana leaves and seated on the ground, both connecting the person to the earth and her healing benfits.

DARSHAN! Sadashiva blessed all the participants one by one in the final Energy Darshan of the program!

Nithyanandam! In this amazing closing ceremony for the Sadashivoham 2016 program, participants share some of the amazing experiences Swamiji gave them, including yogic flight during the first darshan, seeing through the third eye, experiencing authentic ritual pooja and homa, connecting in Oneness to the deities, developing the body and having physical breakthroughs in yoga, connecting with Annapurna Devi in the dining hall over delicious satvic vegetarian food and much, much more. The best news is, throughout 2017, Swamiji will be offering Sadashivoham as a part of each and every Inner Awakening, (including all the spiritual alchemy products!) starting on Shivaratri. Don't miss out!


Paramahamsa Nithyananda, Nithyananda, Bhagavan Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam, Glimpses Of Sadashivoham, Sharings, Sadashiva, Manifesting Powers, Nithyananda Yoga

Photos From The Day

Sakshi Pramana

His Holiness welcomes the Mahamandaleshwaras - The Panch or governing bodies of the Akhadas. These Mahamandaleshwaras have been initiated into the life of Sannyas (Hindu monkhood) as Balasannyasis (in childhood) and are strong upholders of Sanatana Hindu Dharma. The watch the events with great interest, especially the Manifesting Shaktis demonstrations. In this mass remote viewing demo, participants use their Kristha sila and jnananjana to project the picture using their Third Eye. Rajiv Malhotra gives his insights and is clearly blown away by what he has experienced in this program. These brothers claim they are "militant Hindus" since childhood and are completely reverent and in awe speaking about His Holiness and thier experiences during Sadashivoham. In His usual blissful mood, The Avatar watches the demonstrations, thrilled that the great spiritual powers of Sadashiva are once again being expressed through His disciples.

Nithyananda Yoga

Strength, control of the mind and will persistence are needed for such extraordinary feats on the Malakamba pole. Participants are demonstrating Rope Yoga which takes fearlessness and flexibility. The Mahamandaleshwaras address the participants.


21 Temple Naivedyams - A taste of the sacred temple naivedyams from around India.