September 18 2018

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Conflict between ‘Sat’ and ‘Chit’ prevents pure Consciousness || Uttamotama seva,Ashtottara Shata Namavali Archana for Valli Devasena Sameta Subramanya Swami, Paramashiva Shakti Avishkara Power Manifestation of Third Eye Vision took place in aadheenam, Bidadi ||


The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism, Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam, His Divine Holiness, Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam, expounded on the Cosmic Principle Contamination of Consciousness By Conflicts, Confusions, Convolutions during the everyday live public address - Nithyananda Satsang. His Divine Holiness (HDH) shared that conflict means that our Consciousness feels something as Sat and something else as Chit. If there is a conflict, then every action we do results in a deep wound.

On this day, Uttamotama Seva took place at Nithyananda Peetham, Bengaluru Aadheenam, including Paramashiva Shakthi Avishkarana and Manifesting Powers of Third Eye Vision.

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Power Manifestation

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Onemess Capsule 18

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Onemess Capsule 19

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Onemess Capsule 20

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Onemess Capsule 21

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Onemess Capsule 23

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Kumbha Mela

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| nithyānandeśvara paramashiva samārambhām nithyānandeśvari parashakti madhyamām | asmat āchārya paryantām vande guru paramparām ||

I welcome you all with My love and respects. I welcome all the devotees, disciples, Samajis, Satsangis, Sri Mahants, Mahants, Thanedar, Kothari, visitors, viewers, Sarvajnapeetha Yajamans, Sarvajnapeetha kartas, everyone sitting with us all over the world through Nithyananda TV in Adi Kailaash Bengaluru Aadheenam in Paschima Kailaasha, Los Angeles Aadheenam, everywhere, all the devotees who are with us at this time through various channels like YouTube, Facebook, everyone, I welcome every one of you with my love and respects.


I will continue to expand on content of Consciousness. Understand, yesterday I was explaining Sat, Chit, Ananda and Content, Context, Contamination of Consciousness, I have few more words to explain - conflicts, confusions, convolutions.

Conflict means - your Consciousness feels something as Sat and something else as Chit; means, your Consciousness feels you are this body and you need comforts and luxuries for your survival and pleasure but you try to act with tremendous laziness and life negative ideas. This what I call conflict. Understand. You are life positive but you try to multiply life negative. Sometimes your Consciousness associates itself with some ideas, but you try to reproduce some other idea. Your Consciousness feels you are more businessman but you are trying to be in politics. Your Consciousness feels you are more politician, Kshatriya, but you try to be Vaishya.

Understand, feeling what is your Being and actions of your life - Sat and Chit - truth and expression of the truth, if there is a conflict, every action you do results in a deep wound. Listen very carefully, no wound, no pain, no suffering, no torcher can collapse you unless you give permission. Understand, unless there is some part of you which is ready to accept the sufferings, pains gifted to you, you can’t have suffering.

Multiple stories, examples I can give from the great Aptas. If somebody goes and accuses them and they are not bothered, people ask “why you are not bothered?” They say, “all right if you give me something, if I don’t accept then to whom it belongs? It belongs to the person who gave... because I have not accepted.The same thing, when I gave some word and I don’t accept it belongs to you not me.” (13:33)

....break in transmission....long gap...


Continue. Last few days maybe I should say one or two days I am being trolled in Twitterati and even the main stream media. First of all I wanted to make few things clear I not competing or hating science; I am fundamentally Hindu Guru with Vedagamic background. Hindu Gurus or Hindu thought currents are fundamentally trying to constantly complete. Constantly we try to complete and lead things to the further. How we can proceed further, doors are opened for higher realms. Doors are opened to higher dimensions; that is all is my purpose.

And I also want to tell you somebody put this satsang into the social media and made it viral. See making it viral does not mean we spammed you. We did not enter into your house. I was sitting in My house and talking and somebody recorded and shared it; even they did not spam it, they only made it viral. So, if you have seen if you want to know more, deeper then listen and learn from more satsangs. I will classify this whole trolling group as three. 

One - who are very curious - seekers - very sincere, rational, logical, scientific, curious, interested, integrated seekers. For you I tell you, first thing I want to tell you, I love you and I will not interested in telling some lies to you because telling a lie to somebody is equivalent to not respecting his intelligence. I respect all the seeker’s intelligence on the planet earth.

Understand, it is the intelligence of the seeker’s and My respect and commitment to your intelligence and integrity for seeking has made Me decide assume this body. Understand, lying is equivalent nothing but not respecting. So, to all seekers I tell you - I love you and I respect you, I will never lie to you.

If you don’t grasp what I am saying, watch few more satsangs I have given on 11 dimensions of the Universe, 25 states of Consciousness and 5 aspects of Mahasadashiva or send Me your question (22:11 break in transmission 22:22) Go to Paramahamsa Nithyananda page and put your questions I will answer in the further satsangs. This is one group.


There is a second group which are more like a “Hmmmmm... He mayyyy be right or may be wrong, it’s ok. All right. Mhccc, let me do my work”. A kind of a neutral and I tell you My blessings and support and love and respect whatever you are searching in your life or you are looking in your life let you be happy, blissful, achieve everything, you live your life, l live my life, Over!

This third group, brsss... constipated, convoluted and the gas from the constipation has not just gone to the upper intestine, it has gone to the brain. And thoroughly confuse the whole thing. This gang, this goes on using all the vulgar words, abusive words and trying to hit.

First thing understand, Einstein is not a religious leader, he is a scientist. What is the fundamental claim of the science? You can continue to seek update, develop, evolve and do research. That is all I am doing. I am opening further doors, first thing you need to understand, when Einstein was alive, there were so many people trolling him, attacking him. So, with this I am making two points.

One - all big guys are trolled when they are alive and making a breakthrough statements. Second, be very clear he is a scientist. So, naturally his theories have to be questioned. All questioning all attempt to complete and evolve should be encouraged.

This jambo, mumbo, jingo, janko, ambo, ambo, irrational, so called anti-Hindu narrative gang, anti-Hindu spiritual narrative gang who neither want to understand what I am saying, nor want to understand what I am saying, neither understood nor want to understand what I am saying and they go on baa baabaa...First of all you need to understand I have not even opened that whole E=mc2 step by step, which I am going to do now.... in next few days satsangs.


I have enough of Vedagamic references to take you further. I am not interested in competing, jealousy. No! I am interested in completing and giving you more understanding. Understand, science does not claim infallibility. And these fellows, this whole science gang, they attract followers in the name of that “we don’t claim infallibility, we are seekers, we are searching”; with that openness they attract the huge following. Then, these so called followers become such a science fanatics, they are worse than religious terrorists and religious fanatics. Sometimes they become much dangerous than religious fanatics and religious terrorists. Because this large gang has a legitimacy. See the... when you are a science religion fanatic and science religion terrorist, science religion fundamentalist you have a legitimacy also which is a dangerous.

See, we religious leaders we claim infallibility. Yes! I claim... As 293rd Guru Maha Sannidhanam of Madurai Aadheenam and... which is the oldest Aadheenam, and head of the Bengaluru Aadheenam which is largest Saiva Aadheenam in all ways; in every aspect Bengaluru Aadheenam is the largest Saiva Aadheenam. Head of the largest Saiva Aadheenam and Spiritual head of the oldest apex body of the Hinduism Mahanirvani peetha I declare infallibility of Vedas and Agamas. Vedas and Agamas are infallible they cannot be upgraded, they cannot be updated, they are Eternal, Ultimate, infallible declared truths... revealed scriptures. You can only map them to a modern day man’s needs and greed’s... and make it user friendly but fundamentally the Vedas and Agamas are infallible. We declare the infallibility, so naturally we have very less followers. And we are not legitimate, we may be treated with respect by all the governments, judiciary, legislature, court... but we are not legitimate. We suffer not having not having legitimacy because we claim infallibility. But you claim that infallibility is not possible and you are a seeker, rational and have a whole following and legitimacy then you try to show yourself infallible. When you say science, everyone has a right to question, right to debate, right to discuss.

10000 people trying to prove Einstein is wrong is not wrong. And you guys saying no one should try to prove Einstein is wrong, is what is completely wrong. And you are fundamentalist terrorist. All the fellows who trolled me, abused me, I tell you, you are a terrorist, you are a science terrorist, I should say irrational terrorist... anti-spiritual Hindu narrative terrorist.

So, be very clear infallibility is our claim not your claim. Then why should we not debate, why should we not argue, why should we not think? So, I am not talking about any other religious scriptures which is innate fundamental declaration of infallible. See there are religious scriptures of other religions, other traditions, other sampradayas, which have declared them self as an infallible. I don’t disrespect them or I don’t talk about them. I don’t question about them. I am only questioning about the scientist, scientist... who need to be analysed, who need to questioned, who need to be evolved, who need to be completed further. So understand, I am going to give a very detailed analysis and understandings on these whole E≠ mc2, be very clear E≠ mc2.


One more thing, fundamentally science is supposed to listen to all sides arguments with a tremendous patience and curiousness to get intra analysing, analysing to internalize, not analysing to reject. Understand if you are stupid atheist don’t call yourself rationalist. Rationalism is separate, atheism is separate. Do not hide your anti-spiritual Hindu narrative with multiple stupid shields like a rationalist, jinganak, jankupuk, kampubok, jinkujack all that, be straight.

Understand, you live your life - either you try to grasp or keep quite. There is beautiful sloka

Sakthena anena sakalo vijneya nishkala shivaha

I am going to explain this sutra and make everyone understand E≠ mc2 I will... Because it needs lot of explanation I will continue to give explanations in few more satsangs.

Understand, some more things need to be analysed in this. When you create judgments you don’t allow knowledge; if you want knowledge you should not create judgements. And as per the international science standards, at least I should be allowed to present My hypothesis, and it should be treated as hypothesis; no hypothesis should be abused. It can be analysed, not abused.

I don’t see this Twitterati doing that. This gang of abusers first of all they don’t understand, they neither understand energy nor understand matter. I don’t know what they are going to... Even whether they are interested in understanding or not. If you are interested in understanding, you will not be wasting your time in abusive comments and passing judgements and trolling. Get into more satsangs see more satsangs, I have spoken elaborately on this multiple dimensions, aspects, states of Consciousness and elements of Universe, God and Self. Understand little more if you have patience and passion, if not interested you live your life and okay. But be very clear, you have no right to become the rational terrorist, so called scientific terrorist and because the legitimacy you have is because you can be questioned, updated, upgraded, analysed. So, when you have legitimacy... because you can be analysed don’t try to curtail or stop us analysing you, arguing, debating.


Actually, what I did with Einstein is not wrong, what you are doing with me is only wrong. Because I claim infallibility; you have no right to argue, debate on the Shastras which I am describing, revealing from the Vedagamas. What you are doing is wrong and what I am doing is no way wrong. It’s completely right.

I think these people who have lots of conflicts and confusion about the understanding of energy, matter, the details and nitty-gritty’s. Understand... when you can’t grasp something, when you feel you may not achieve something, then you declare it’s a sour grape and start cursing it. First thing you need to know cursing is going to keep you in darkness, it’s going to become your blind spot. That’s no way going to help, no way going to help. Look with curiosity, love, joy, passion you will see everything in the Universe reveals its secrets to you. In Hindu tradition, there were beautiful sampradaya - the Rudrakanya sampradaya - the sacred strong women, sacred powerful women who dedicate their whole life for all this research and analysis of every field.

Whether medicine, health, cosmology, astrology, architecture - the conscious architecture that’s what I call Vaasthu... understand, in Hindu tradition architecture was Consciousness based. It’s just expansion of the body you are living in. Because in tradition we feel body itself is one house you’re staying. So, the house which you are living, the house will be the extension of this house [body]

House and body both are called in the same, using the same word ‘Aham’ in Sanskrit. Body and house both have same name, same tittle. Because we treat body itself as one of the house. So, it’s a house for house, housing for house. So, even our houses are built conscious architecture based principles - we call Vaasthu.

So, whether it’s a Vaasthu, gemmology, astrology, cosmology, biology, physics or geography, this women who are dispassionate, who have no strings attached, who are completely in the space of vairagya - most sacred, most powerful space. This whole generation, the sampradaya of Rudrakanyas, dedicated their life for keeping this sacred science of Vedagamic tradition alive as a back bone structure.

Please understand, somebody destroyed our back office does not mean we never had a back office. The back office of the whole Sanatana Hindu Dharma, Vedagamic tradition is Rudrakanya sampradaya. That is why all the anti-Hindu powers, social, political, economical, anti-Hindu powers first attack the Rudrakanya sampradaya and destroyed their confidence and livelihood, pushed them into prostitution, and then blamed them as prostitutes, finally ultimately they are successful in eliminating the whole Rudrakanya Sampradaya from the planet earth. If we had a back office, back end office, even if everything was destroyed about Sanatana Hindu Dharma, Vedagamic tradition, we would have just revived it back. But unfortunately our back office was hit first, so we did not have back up, we were not able to revive it. Now the first thing I am doing - empowering women to become again sacred powerful women - Who are the real back office, back up office, backend office, which is the powerful spine Vedagamic tradition needs.

Understand, this whole analysis, explanations, expansions, debate everything need to be done with one goal of furthering our knowledge, furthering our possibilities, opening better spaces, opening the access to the more dimensions of the cosmos and Universe to human beings. And that will be done I tell you only by the sacred powerful women sampradaya, the Rudrakanya Sampradaya.


Even this E≠mc2 I am going to explain why these great truths from Vedagamic traditions did not lived as a current life style. Understand, all the great truths I am talking it’s not that something newly discovered, no! This was our life style. I am a small boy from a remote village of the Bharat. I am just talking whatever was a life style in those days in the country I was born and brought up. Understand, it is so unfortunate; the anti-spiritual Hindu narrative forces have literally taken over India like octopus. Demonically whether the media or every aspects, every aspect of India is demonically over powered by the anti-spiritual Hindu narrative, anti-Hindu spiritual narrative gangs. And systematically our sacred powerful women tradition was destroyed. We need to revive it back. If we revived, if we have not allowed this tradition to die, we would not have lost all the values we had in our homes, all these great truths were everyday chai shop talk for us. Understand. When we sit with chai we discuss these great truths. This was such life style. When we work in the land, when we are doing agriculture we discuss these great truths. We don’t sow just seed, we sow Shaivism.


We have done agriculture not just with seeds and grains; we have done agriculture of Saivaite concepts and great truths. Understand, by the destruction of this sacred powerful women’s tradition, even Hindus doubt whether all these exist in Vedagamic tradition. They think I am talking something and attributing it to the Vedagamic tradition. No! I am reviver of Vedagamic tradition.


I can give you line by line exact precise quotes. Whether the Yoga I teach, Kriya I teach, ideas I am sharing with you, the cosmic powers I am sharing with you or the powerful cognitions I am sharing with you or the food - the way we cook, the dress - the way we dress, the housing - the way we build our homes and places - the cosmic conscious architecture, everything, everything, everything, I can give you reference from original Vedagamic tradition Sastra Pramana and Apta Pramana the scriptures.

So with this... I will surely to continue to expand and explain in depth and try to bring completion, further expansion to the Einstein’s theory. When I say E≠mc2 I am trying to complete Einstein not compete or hate or try to prove he is wrong. I am only trying to say he is right in one level, now it is time to go to the next level of right. He is great, now it is time to the greatest, that’s all.

So, with this I bless you all, let’s all radiate with Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility, Enriching, Causing, Shuddhadvaita Saivam, Paramashivoham, the Eternal Bliss – Nithyananda

Thank you. Be Blissful.

Photos From The Day:

Uttamotama Seva

Sakshi Pramana:

Sharing from blindfolded reading
