February 19 2012

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God is Your Mirror.

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Date: Sun, 2012-02-19 21:15

Transcript Status: Rough transcript Transcript in English:

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Today is 150th day of Bhagavad Gita discourse!

In Bhagavad G, 4th chapter, Jnana Karma Sanyasa Yoga, 11th verse –

Ye yathaa maam prapadyante taan tatha eva bhajaami aham | mama vartma anuvartante manushayaaha Paartha sarvashaha ||

Translation “O Paartha- son of Kunthi I cherish the people in the manner in which they approach me, for, human beings are guided completely by my course of action”

You cannot be more in sync. Whatever is happening here, almost he is talking the same thing! this word needs to be understood this sutra I cherish the people in the manner in which they approach me for human beings are completely guided by my course of action. This has many meaning – one whatever form you approach him he appears to you. If you approach him as father, he is there as father – mother, shiva, krishna ….whatever form you approach him he is there for you. That is one understanding. Second, whatever attitude with which you feel him, he will be there. He will be there.

Ye yathaa maam prapadyante taan tatha eva bhajaami aham | mama vartma anuvartante manushayaaha Paartha sarvashaha ||

Translation “O Paartha- son of Kunthi I cherish the people in the manner in which they approach h me, for, human beings are guided completely by my course of action”

Bhagavan is actually opening a new door. He says very clearly in whatever way you approach me, I am there. If you approach him as enemy he is there as enemy like Sisupala approached, Sakhuni approached. This is also called one bhaava virodha bhaava. …otherwise by blessing all of them I can prove to them that I am an incarnation. Now because they approached me with enmity, I have to destroy them to prove I am an incarnation. It is the same energy. It is just a word this way or that way. It is unfortunate this fellow approach with the krodha bhaava.

Ye yathaa maam prapadyante – Bhagavan is like a pure shining sun, with any prison you see that is the way you will see. So you need to understand if you see him with tremendous love he will be there responding as rasalila krishna. if you see him with tremendous insecurity he will be there as krishna approaching Sisupala. If you look at him with tremendous surrender he will be there like Krishna for Arjuna. If you see him as Guru, he will be there as Shiva teaching the Shiva sutras. Whatever way you approach him, he is there. Whatever way you look at him, he is there. I can say the whole world appears to you as you approach it. In this verse the technical terms the first term – I – maam – when Krishna says I, it means “I – the universe” I – the planet earth, I – the Krishna, I – the God, I – the ultimate self. I the Ishwara whatever meaning you can give it will match. I the ultimate self – maam prapadyante – whatever way you approach the ultimate. He says ye yathaa maam prapadyante – ye means who ever, yathaa - means whatever. Whoever approaches in whatever way, in the same way I approach them. He is giving tremendous assurance to prove. You cannot say only one path is right. God is too big to be branded and marketed in one religion, to be contained in one religion…so in whatever form, name, you approach him, he is there. I can say it is really a powerful assurance. It liberates you from millions of bondages and disturbances.

This verse is theological lesson. This verse can relieve you from so many psychological pains. Even the universe whatever way you approach, suppose I am failing, you are waiting for failure to happen. …Whatever climax you are expecting is bound to happen today or tomorrow. I am very clear Akshardham is my climax where millions of people sit and mediate and raise the consciousness of the planet.

So let your new vision be you. create. You always see the world the way you are, not the way the world is. So now, create the new world and new you. see it the way you are. If you are constantly seeing the new world, I tell you the climax will always be the way you expect. See what is climax – when you feel your life ends. If you are expecting the wrong things, your life has ended that moment. The climax is over. With right things, you reach fulfillment. Even with the world exactly what you expect that only becomes reality.

Ye yathaa maam prapadyante taan tatha eva bhajaami aham | mama vartma anuvartante manushayaaha Paartha sarvashaha ||

Translation “O Paartha- son of Kunthi I cherish the people in the manner in which they approach h me, for, human beings are guided completely by my course of action”

Bhagavan is very beautifully describing whatever form in which you approach me, I appear to you in that form. There is a very beautiful story in Ramadas’s life. In Varanasi a great Sadhu one Ramadas lived. Maybe 400 or 500 years before. He is from the suppressed class. He wants to take spiritual initiation and practice spirituality. But in the local area that Guru who was supposed to initiate said no I will not initiate you because then all the low class people will want it and will make it impure. Any how this Sadhu goes to another person to initiate him. He says I am not capable of initiating you. but I will give you one trick. This Guru early morning every day he goes to the Ganga. If you lie down on the steps in the dark in the early morning, he will step on you by mistake and when he slips and says Rama, rama, that is the mantra and his touch on your head is the initiation. So this guy goes and the plan is executed exactly as planned. But that fool is not filled with God’s name. see to chant God’s name especially when you suddenly slip you should be filled with God’s name. this fellow was not filled with Rama. So the moment he slipped and saw this fellow he said you buffalo you are here! But this guy was very sincere and said the word he said is the mantra. He took buffalo as the mantra. He sat in one corner and started meditating on buffalo! His sincerity and honesty, Shiva appeared in front of him in the form of huge golden buffalo and blessed him. it was such ecstatic powerful Darshan that Shiva wanted the whole world to know. When the devotion and formality criss-cross each other, then choose devotion. Not like the Gayathri initiation mistake – the spelling mistake we had yesterday. …

Finally the Shiva decided to tell the whole world he appreciates this guy and Shiva can be moved only by Bhakti not by Shakti. So on a festival day, in the temple, the main deity has to come out of the door. Suddenly the deity is stuck inside the door. This guy is sitting and watching and saw that in the form of buffalo the deity is there and it is stuck in the door because the horns are coming in the way. So he tells people just bend the deity, it will come out. They don’t understand what he is saying. Then he goes and bends the deity and it comes out. They ask him how he did it and he tells he saw the deity as buffalo and the horns were coming in the way. Then Shiva appeared and said it is not in formality but in intensity. Means in whatever form you approach, I am there for you. even the world, in whatever way you approach the world is there for you. understand this one truth God himself says whatever way you approach him, he also approaches in the same way to complete you. world also approaches you in the same way to complete you.

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Photos From The Day:

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