February 10 2011

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No Mind State Deeper Insight Nithyananda Patanjali Yoga Sutra 10 Feb 2011


A discourse by Paramahamsa Nithyananda on Patanjali Yoga Sutras

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Prayer. Welcome. Today’s subject I will continue to expand on the same sutra – no mind state. Hope you all did that 3 vratas – liquid diet, neem juice & meditating on this subject – nirodha parinamaha! Sometime your body & mind needs to be prepared to receive the truth. If they are not prepared, the truth can lead you to atheism, naastikya. Please understand, 3 persons go to a rishi & ask the truth from the rishi. Rishi says to the 1st person – you are that – this is the truth. That guy thinks, oh if that is so, let me drink and make merry of my life – he is raakshasa. The 2nd guy when he heard had doubt – how can me be the ultimate, I should contemplate & think – he is a seeker. 3rd guy when he heard this, sits and analyzes my body cannot be the ultimate, my mind cannot be the ultimate, I think the consciousness which I experience is the ultimate – he becomes enlightened. Same word can create diff effects on diff persons. So b ody & mind needs to be prepared sometime to receive higher truth. I have seen, if you are not prepared for initiation even if I utter higher truths, the click does not happen, initiation does not happen, the exp of the initiation does not happen. Experience of Samadhi can happen just by listening to the word if your body & mind is prepared. If not, impossible! In Patanjali Yoga Sutras, 115th sutra, 3rd chapter 9th verse Vyuddhana nirodhaha samskara yo abhi bhava praatur bhavau nirodha kshana chitta anvayo nirodha parinaamaha! You can use this sutra immd because Patanjali reveals his very experience the greatest truth. The gap between one thought & the other thought, in that gap, yourself atman shines automatically! Please understand, all western philosophers & philosophies missed this one point. That is why they are straight cut to depression & never to come back! It is a very important truth or a major difference between the western philosophies & the Indian spirituality. Western philosophy thinks man is nothing but words, words, words. Whether the truth about the world or lies about the world or the truth about the self or the lies about the self everything boils down finally to words. Western philosophy is not able to step beyond words because they have never experienced a zone where the words do not exist. That is why so many idiotic intellectual philosophies & philosophers go on talking, preaching, promoting words are everything. NO. That is the reason I am telling you, never ever learn about truth or life from unenlightened beings. In the western world, 2 kind of theology evolved. Everything is money – you can do anything with money. Two another group which says everything is word, you can do anything with knowledge. This materialistic people can only make Lakshmi & Saraswati. They do not know the 3rd dimension of Lakshmi & Saraswati coming from Durga – Consciousness! Western philosophers do not retain the purity of seeking. There is a question: is there any difference between Hinduism & spirituality? No. Not only there is no difference between Hinduism & spirituality, also whatever is added as unnecessary aspect in Hinduism like taking bath in Ganges, wearing fresh clothes, not doing anything in particular times, whatever you call as superstition in Hinduism, I tell you That is Spirituality!! Our deity worship, taking bath in Ganges, wearing fresh clothes, wearing forehead marks, wearing energy beads is Spirituality! When you are stuck with words, you have not experienced the richness of the wordlessness! Patanjali is addressing exactly this point. All western philosophers and theologians say beyond words nothing else exists. I tell you NO. beyond words, something solid exists. That is what is enlightnemnt. That is what Patanjali calls nirodha parinaamaha. You are not a chain of thoughts and train of thoughts. No. you are a sky where clouds of thoughts come & go! You can use some words to kill negative words – like if you n eed to kill the words – I am body use instead I am atman. That is okay. There were 4 fools in a village. They went to Guru & asked for blessing. Guru said be grateful for everything. All 4 used a boat to cross the river. After they crossed, they wanted to be grateful to the boat and started carrying it with them! Same way, don’t carry anything beyond a certain limit even if it is gratitude. You are not just train of words. You are a sky where the cloud of words passes through! I tell you this is the basic scale. I have another question here – Q: who is an avatar? Person who can radiate grace, joy, ecstasy, experience without words is an avatar. Learn only from a person who can radiate grace without using words – whose silence is an intense energy experience. Don’t learn from people whose silence is depressive. It is dangerous. It means that person is just a train of thoughts. Learn only from people who experience they are sky & the thoughts & words they use are just clouds which come & go! Major difference between Vedic tradition & western philosophy – you are not train of thoughts. You are sky where cloud of thoughts come & go once in a while. Then you can experience the zone sky beyond the thoughts, the pure sky! The ultimate truth is the gap between the thoughts is a space where your self shines! Please understand – this whole nirodha parinaama means where the nirodha happens, your self shines. Please understand, today I wanted to give you one more exercise. Whole day contemplate about the gap between the thoughts – is there really a gap between the thoughts in me. tomorrow I will give you the experience of gap between the thoughts. If you start believing thoughts are everything, what will happen to you? you will disappear into depression. Consciousness is only thoughts. Thoughts are only clouds. In the sky, thoughts are like clouds, emotions are like Raman effect – the blue layer. Stars are like few clicks and the satori experiences which you have in your life. And beyond that the undescribable is you! clouds, emotions are like Raman effect – the blue layer. Stars are like few clicks and spiritual experiences which happen in master’s presence and beyond stars, it is You! There is something beyond thoughts, there is something beyond emotions. There is something the glimpses of great truths that you experience like stars once in a while. There is something beyond the Raman effect – blue layer and the stars. That which is beyond all these 3 is You – consciousness! Today’s lesson for you – contemplate is there anything beyond body & mind, beyond thoughts? Do I really have a gap between my thoughts? Is there any gap between thoughts. This is the question I want you to contemplate today. Today you can have solid food. But just have neem juice and come back with this question tomorrow and I will give you the experience not just the answer. Blessings!