December 14 2010

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Ashtanga Yoga - Yama 3: Patanjali Yoga Sutras 82 - Nithyananda Morning Satsang 14 Dec 2010


"Why are laws made?", enquires Paramahamsa Nithyananda and begins today's Patanjali Yoga Sutra 82, chapter 2, verse 31 - "Jaati Desha Kaala Samaya Anavacchinnah Saarvabhaumah Mahavratam". This translates to "these great vows - ahimsa (non-violence), Satya (truth), astheya (non-stealing), brahmacharya (living like God) and aparigraha (living with minimal) are universal truths; not conditioned, not restricted by birth or species, place or time, circumstances or situations - beyond all these, these 5 vows are universal."

Glorifying Patanjali's infinite qualities, Rare Avatar, and Enlightened Master, Nithyananda shared, "This one sutra puts Patanjali beyond comprehension because he is normally represented always as a person who taught us how to stretch the body, blow the nose and reach enlightenment. But, in this sutra, he proves that he is not just spiritual, but he also brought understanding into the social life." Continuing to reveal Patanjali, the father of Yoga more deeply, Swamiji added that "Patanjali has done amazing research and made the world's largest grammar book. His maha bhaashya on Sanskrit on 'Paanini Sutras' is not just for Sanskrit, but for all languages. For the body, he created Ayurveda, for the vaak (energy that converts to speech), he created maha bhaashya, and for the body, he created Patanjali Yoga Sutras."

In this sutra, Patanjali explained - "The How, Why and What of Laws" - The Law of Making Laws. Swamiji said, " This one sutra is enough to give a base for all the country lawmakers. If they can understand this one sutra, they may not even use the law -- their whole country will become enlightened!"

The essence of this sutra as dealt in-depth by Nithyananda, "All the conditionings of human beings from which they suffer, are of 4 categories - Jaati (birth), Desha (place), Kaala (time), Samaya (situation). And whenever you go to the source of the law - analyzing it with the 4 conditionings, you are liberated by the law and from the law. Each law that tortures you, take that and analyze with these 4 -- you will be liberated from that law!

That is why Patanjali says "Sarva bhoumya". These principals exist universally beyond the 4 conditionings -- which jaati you are born, what is your parental conditioning, what is the time, the situation -- no bar -- these 5 still has to be lived. Not as a law or rule. These 5 can be lived only when you realize this 5 is wealth to you. To realize this, you need to be awakened, conscious and enlightened. Patanjali says all these 5 are not a law. It is the law and energy that enforces the law -- both are called the yama. Go to the source of law from where it comes you will experience the energy from where it comes. Whenever you go to source of law you are liberated by the law and from the law.

If these 4 conditions are removed from you -- the birth, place, time and situation are removed from you only pure consciousness remains in you. So these 5 -- ahimsa, asteya, satya, aparigraha, brahmacharya are wealth stored in your consciousness. When you live Yama (law) then you don't have Yama -- death!"

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December 14, 2010 Prayer. Welcome. Today’s subject is The Law Of Making Laws! Let us understand why laws are made. When more than one persons have started living together in the planet earth and the logic of what you can have, why not me have has started happening in human body, the system of law got created. Please understand, when more than one human being has started living together. Even if 2 people have started living together and started thinking what you have why not me also, then law happened. first thing when humans started living together they understood the comfort and positive points it brings – protection from animals, support in natural calamity – 1000s of things. Even life became less hard and sophisticated. So human beings realized yes it brings lot of good things – living together. Then the problem why not me came. So to come to a basic understanding, laws were creates. Responsibility of a person, duty of a person, restriction given to the person, power given to the person, punishment of mis use of power all that was given. Basically when humans started living together the understanding they created to live together evolved as laws. For example, you will not kill m e and I will not kill. First this was an understanding then it evolved as a law. In this sutra, patanjali is trying to reveal one of the greatest secrets – how the laws are created, evolved and reached its purpose or fulfillment of its purpose. Let us enter into the sutra. 82nd sutra in PYS and 31st verse in 2nd chapter - Ethe jaati desha kaala samaya anavaschinnaha saarvabhouma maha pratham This one sutra puts my understanding about Patanjali beyond comprehension. Because he is represented always as a person who taught you how to stretch your body, blow your nose and reach enlightenment. NO. he is something far beyond. He is just not spiritual. He brought that understanding into social life. This one sutra is enough to give base for all the country law makers. If they can understand this one sutra, they may not even use the law – their whole country will become enlightened! Human beings need to be handled with lot of love, care and compassion. When you create a law and when you execute a law. Basically you need to know the need of the law. Very beautifully patanjali describes in this one sutra how, why, when, what for laws are. Vivekananda – this unbroken by time, place, purpose and caste rules are universal great vows Prbaha – these forms of obstension are basic rules of conduct and have to be practiced These vows are universal not based on class…

A simple literal translation is – these great vows – which is ahimsa, asteya, brahmacharya, satya They are universal, not conditioned, not restricted by birth or species, place, time, circumstatnces or situations – beyond all these things these 5 vows are universal. In this one sutra Patanjali reveals some of the major conditionings of human beings. All your conditionings are of only 4 categories – Jaati, desha, kaala, samaya. Jaati means birth – in which family you are born and more than that in which family you are bought up – the n umber of DNA strands awakened during your birth depends upon the parents you choose. The whole vedic civilization was an experiment done with the great understanding providing space for human souls to come down again & again till they get enlightened. The lowest level souls when evolved, we provide place and opportunity for them to come back and evolve more. Then the next level. Like this he is supposed to go to 7 levels. Suppose in 5th level if he is confused and goes back to 2nd level, his whole life will be wasted. So our masters are very clever – they created a separate place for each state. Even for the souls which have fallen from 5th or 6th level to the 1st or 2nd level – even for them they created a separate place so that they don’t contaminate others. They know desire and life style of human being is more contagious than chicken pox or STD! at least with disease you can prevent, but the desire and lifestyle just thinking about desire is enough – you are caught! But our masters do not want you to suffer with that. That is the reason they created separation for diff group and mental set up people to exist in a diff way. I tell you surely the place where you were born and bought up plays a major role in your life. Modern day psychologists are saying you finish learning everything in your life by the age of 7. The core is formed. After that you are merely adding or deleting something in your knowledge. Whatever said and done, the parental conditioning does not leave the body till the body is burnt and reduced to ashes. Like Bheeshma in Mahabharatha war does not die till Dharmaraja’s coronation. Bheeshma represents parental conditioning. Dharmaraja represents the expression of enlightenment and cosmic expression in human body. So only after enlightenment parental conditioning dies. Not before that. Jaati is one reason of conditioning. There are some laws which need to be created based on your birth, on the ideas on which you are bought up.

For example when my father died, one of my devotees asked me will your mother remarry? I was shocked! This is what jaati does – the ideas put into you. I know 100s of widows whose husband die when they are in their 30s and they don’t get married.

Ramakrishna says if he is given another opportunity to take another birth he says he wants to born as a woman, get married very young and become widow when I am still young. Then I must live in my only small place, and live the rest of my life with Krishna! This says that young widows were so protected in Indian society.

Place where you are born and bought up play a major role in the laws created around you, for you and necessary for you. that plays a major role!

Patanjali has done a amazing research. He has written world’s largest grammar book. He has written a book on grammar – how to create grammar on all languages. His maha bhashya on Paanini sutras is not just for Sanskrit, NO. it is for all languages. For body he created Ayurveda, for vaak he created maha bhaashya and for body he created PYS.

In that time when there was no communication technology existing, in that time he studied 300 diff types of Sanskrit that was spoken all over India. For each word, he gave 300 different understanding! Patanjali studies all the 300 communities and compiles words from all the 300, brings them to a common understanding and presents it to us! Unimaginable. I can say if all non-mechanical parts of his brain which science says 100 trillion parts are there in your brain - alive independent intelligent parts which can perceive process and deliver information. I think they said 100s of trillions. Anyhow even in all of it is awakened in Patanjali, I cannot comprehend how he managed to travel and stay in all 300 communities and studied it, or if he called 300 people from each community and studied it. Even then, he has to sit with EACH person and understand each word. Not only that, he bought all of them to a common understanding.

After reading this sutra, I feel he personally went to each community. Because this sutra tells clears how, when, what for laws need to be evolved. Jaati – birth is one of the imp things to evolve a law. Then desha – place where you live – in some countries taking bath is crime, in some not taking bath is crime, in some taking bath at a different time is crime. Just desha – the place is another imp thing. if you understand these conditions you will be liberated from the laws. If you are liberated from the law you are free forever but if you are liberated by the law not only you are free by the law you will be able to use it anyway. You should not only be liberated from the law but by the law also. Then you will have intelligence and energy to create law.

Law of cosmos naturally leads to law of country. Here that is what he is saying. Desha – based on the place the conditionings given to you by the country you live in. then comes kaala – even in the same desha, based on the time laws differ, understandings differ. Time is another one important conditioning – samaya – condition, situation, occasion. Circumstance – this conditionings – jaati, Kaala, desha, samaya – these 4 are the major conditionings from which you suffer. Each law that tortures you, take that and analyze with these 4 – you will be liberated from that law!

In your own life, whichever community you are analyze depending upon these 4 – jaati, kaala, desha, samaya – liberation from the law and by the law – both happens when you understand these 4 conditionings and how law happens accordingly.

Patanjali says these 5 vows – ahimsa, asteya, satya, aparigraha, Brahmacharya, these 5 great vows are beyond all these 4 conditionings. Each layer of your conditioning needs to add more laws to you. but even without these, the 5 vows will still apply to you. that is why I say these 5 are not just vows, but is wealth. Ability to live with minimal things is a freedom, ability to live the complete truth about life, a complete fulfilled integrity on truth leaves you with a settled inner peace and conflict free space with no suffering! And non-stealing means non-desire to other’s wealth is a big freedom. Living like God – independently ecstatic is a wealth! That is why Patanjali says Sarva bhoumya Universal these principals exist beyond the 4 conditionings – which jaati you are born, what is your parental conditioning, what is the time, the situation – no bar – these 5 still has to be lived. Not as a law or rule. These 5 can be lived only when you realize this 5 is wealth to you. to realize this, you need to be awakened, conscious and enlightened. Patanjali says all these 5 is not a law. It is the law and energy which enforces the law – both are called the yama. Got to the source of law from where it comes you will experience the energy from where it comes. Whenever you go to source of law you are liberated by the law and from the law.

If these 4 conditions are removed from you – the brith, place, time and are removed from you only pure consciousness remains in you. so these 5 – ahimsa, asteya, satya, aparigraha, brahmacharya are wealth stored in your consciousness. This when you live Yama then you don’t have Yama – death!



Voices The Aftermath of Mar 2, 2010


Ashramites and Devotees speak out on the aftermath of March 02, 2010 and the beginning of the persecution.

Link to Video:


eN-News 14 December 2010 Nithyananda

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