January 30 2011

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Title: Master Your Senses, Patanjali Yoga Sutras 106

Master Your Senses Patanjali Yoga Sutras 106 Nithyananda Morning Satsang 30 Jan 2011


In this morning's discourse, Avatar and Enlightened Master Paramahamsa Nithyananda explained this sutra from Patanjali Yoga Sutras on Ashtanga Yoga that your senses are the door through which you experience not only the world but even your identity.

Through this translation, Paramahamsa Nithyananda gave the intention of Patanjali, what Patanjali intended to express through this sutra, "I want all of you to understand this-whatever you think as you, not only in the outer world, even what you think like you in the inner world; even that, you experience only through the senses. For example, Rajasic food, junk food consumed because you are restlessness, if you have mastered your tongue, you will reduce the quantity of the food and increase the quality of your food.

If you have mastered even one sense, your very understanding of yourself will change. This is the sacred secret of this sutra. When you master one sense, your own understanding about your own identity changes. Parama, when the ultimate opens up in you when the inner light opens in you when the Kundalini is awakened in you, all the senses just relax into the sweetness of Parama. Vashyata doesn't mean you going and mastering, it means relaxing and surrendering.

Paramahamsa Nithyananda didn't follow the traditional interpretation of the sutra as "mastery of the senses". "The word mastery has underlying violence and arrogance. I will use the word, sweet dissolving. The senses are to dissolve sweetly into your inner space. It's not like you'll control your senses, with difficulty, will, etc. It's not that you'll fight with your senses, if you don't want to remember the monkey, you will remember only the money. Suddenly by the simple flow of your mind allows it to dissolve into the sweetness."

Continuously unclutch, try to master even one or two senses, the idea you carry about your will, will change, the identity will change. Mastery of the senses has got nothing to do with the outer world, it has to do with the inner world. Suddenly you will realize you were always enlightened. Somehow by mistake, you have taken the wrong identity. The vashyata indriyanam-the senses dissolving into the sweetness will happen in you. All you need to do is intense unclutching.

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I welcome you all with my love and respects! I welcome all the devotees and disciples who are sitting around the world at this moment. Los Angeles, San Jose, Dallas, Miami, Seattle, Houston and few more cities and countries are online with us live. I welcome all of you for today’s satsang. So before entering into the satsang, I remind all the devotees and disciples, sit in padmasana or vajrasana and samana mudra and unclutched mind. Lower body should be in padmasana or vajrasana. Hands should be in samana mudra. Mind should in unclutched mood so that now you can experience the eN experience, eN-effect! The kundalini awakening. 02:26 Today, 106th Patanajili's sutra in 2nd chapter, 55th verse. Subject: Master Your Senses.  Senses are the door through which you experience not only the world, even the identity you carry about you. You taste your own identity only through the senses. Please understand even the identity you carry about you, you taste only through senses. Mastering your senses means mastering the identity you carry.  4:12 Let’s enter into the sutra.  'tatah parama vasyata indriyanam' Swami Vivekananda translates this sutra as: ‘thence arises supreme control of the organs’. Swami Prabavananda translates as: ‘thence arises complete mastery over the senses’ Swami Satchidananda translates as: ‘then follows supreme mastery over the senses’. Osho translates as: ‘then comes the complete mastery over all the senses’. tatha paramavashyate indriyanam 05:02 I'll translate as: ‘then comes the senses being attracted, digested, dissolved or absorbed into the supreme’.  I have my own way of translating. Through my translation I give the intention of Patanjali, what Patanjali intends to express through this sutra.  Let me now give the exact truth. By the pratyahara, yesterday Patanjali was talking. The last sutra Patanjali was talking about pratyahara, withdrawing the senses. Now he is talking about of the power of mastering the senses. Complete mastery over the senses. Please understand. First truth I wanted all of you to understand is as you think you do not experience only outer world through your senses. This is one of the important revelation. In this sutra I wanted you to understand not only the outer world, even what you think as ‘you’ in the inner world you experience through your senses.  07:18 Please understand. You can see in your life. If you suddenly master one sense for example tongue, suddenly due to some reason you mastered your tongue by mistake. And you reduce the quantity of the food and increased the proper quality of the food. Please understand. Our main problem is reduced quality, increased quantity. There will not be any quality food; left and right snacks. It will not have any quality. It may have taste but it will not have any quality. And you don’t even know the ingredients of that food. The quality is compromised but the quantity; you don’t know the quantity which goes inside. Oh God! The plates are too small. They carry bags; huge quantity but no quality. That is what I call rajasic food. Food consumed because of your restlessness. When you don’t have any other work, come on let’s eat. 09:06 If you have mastered even your one sense, now I am seeing the whole ashram, I am seeing when I changed the understanding about food and everybody has fallen into the routine of that two meal a day, immediately you will see not only you are mastering your senses, your understanding about ‘you’ suddenly changes.  Please understand. If you master even one sense, your understanding about ‘you’ will change. Oh God! This is the sacred secret behind this sutra. Understand I am not commenting on these sutras. NO. I am revealing the sacred secrets behind each sutra. The sacred secret! The moment you understand, you start living that sutra. Please understand that is the main thing. The sacred secret is the key. The moment you understand you start living. Always you thought mastery over senses is required for the peaceful life in the outer world. That is why at some time oh! This sense even if I don’t mastery its okay, I'll have peaceful life; and you are caught. Mastery over the senses is not required to have peace in the outer world; it is required to experience ‘you’ as new you.   10:55 I have seen in thousand of seekers life when they master one sense or one habit; I have seen in our own ashramites and bramachairis life, earlier the amount of food they consumed and the worst quality. Anything available in the street, any colour, any ingredient, car will stop. And you know why? Whenever I used to travel, I'll see except my car, all cars will suddenly disappear. And after few minutes suddenly in my car also the backside doors windows will come down and some cars will be coming very closely parallelly; from that car to this car some packets will be thrown. And I'll be in aananda shayana and still making these guys believe I am sleeping. And from behind some gada-muda, gada-muda, gada-muda sound will start; gaap, baak, baak; and will go on for 6, 7 hours. If I slowly open my eyes hey what happened the follow up cars are not there? "They stopped for fuel Swamiji". Fuel for who??? Nobody knows. And then these crew travels with me suddenly they wanted caravan. I asked why? Because we need bathroom inside. See when you consume too much you need to stop. Because I don’t eat anything in between I don’t stop. So the fellows in my car........And different, different smells will come from behind. First it will be some snacks, then it will be some juice, after that some bottle opening sound, some covered seal opening sound, then different opening sound. That is the time I'll wake up and lower the glass for the fresh air.  14:14 Suddenly one day I announced come on lets all follow the diet of the siddha tradition. Only two meal a day. No question of eating outside. No food other than what you eat during the two meal and that also only in the mud plate, the mud plate made out of Ganga mud. When I made all these rule, I saw from that day these guys have become healthy. And I want all of you to know whole ashram was suffering with anaemia. That’s the reason I gave this new diet. Whole ashram was suffering with anaemia and our official doctor wanted bypass surgery for everybody. She wanted everybody to be hospitalised. Admit all the people in the ashram in the hospital. And start bypass surgery within half an hour. I asked ‘what do you mean?’ No, if you don’t start within 30 min bypass surgery, I don’t know what will happen. And you need to infuse iron. I thought ‘iron infusing into the body!’ 15:36 Anyhow, and already she has taken few bramacharini, bramhacharis and bramahacharinis to the hospital. And they are all coming with some big bandage this side, that side; some infusion, so many things already started. All I did is just stop this snacking habit and made it into two meal; reduced quantity increased the quality of the food; then neem juice in the morning; night 250 ml milk with little camphor. The traditional camphor, unprocessed camphor, that’s it.  Forty eight days the whole ashram is out of anaemia. Everybody has become alright.  16:46 Please understand. It is not that only the outer world conditions or outer world understandings about the senses has changed. I can see they started having new respect about them self. The identity, the idea they have about them self has suddenly changed. Wow!! We can master our senses; then unconscious strength, confidence on their own will. Everything has drastically changed. Please understand, unconscious strength, confidence over their will. I am really happy that I made this understanding of two meal a day because I know some of the monasteries suffer just because of food.  17:53 Please understand, having loose manipuraka is much worse than loose muladhara. I think you understand. At least loose muladhara gives you some suffering in turn. And your body and mind understands; No, I need to control. But this loose manipuraka you never understand. I have seen in some of the monasteries so much of perversion just because of the food. Food is a alternate for sex. And the sex is suppressed come on eat left and right. From morning till night their mouth will be open either for talking or for eating. That’s it. If you are not talking then eat. It is very, very big torture that’s the right word I can say.  Understand, Siddhas are shown with big tummy that is not because of food. It’s because of prana. When you just live on prana also you will have big, little bigger belly.  19:21 When you master even one senses, one sense like I saw our bramahacharis and brmahacharinis and devotees when they mastered that one sense, eating two meal a day, and no question of snacking here and there, suddenly I saw they their own understanding and idea about their own identity has drastically changed. I tell you even the great vows like a bramhacharya or controlling particular senses is not just mastery over the outer world or mastery over the senses. The very idea and identity which you carry about you will be transformed. That is why I do not want to translate that word vashyata: the technical term in this, key word in this sutra as mastery or obedience. I can say vashyata means just getting dissolved, absorbed. Vasiya means.... vasiya does not mean some body masters you. No. You just surrender into that sweetness.  20:43 Parama, when the ultimate opens up in you, when the inner light awakens in you, when the peace and joy of unclutching is experienced in you, when the kundalini is awakened in you; all the senses just relax them self into the sweetness of parama. Parama vashyata. Vashyata does not mean you going and mastering it; they just relaxing and surrendering it.  21: 32 Here Patanjali says the senses are supposed to relax and surrender into your inner space. The word mastery has underline of violence and arrogance. So I do not want to use that word mastery, No. I’ll better use the word, 'a sweet dissolving'. The senses are supposed to sweetly dissolve into your inner space. That is what I call complete mastery over the senses. Viragaha! Raga means attachment. Araga means detachment. Viraga means beyond attachment and detachment. 22:42 It is not like you will control your senses with difficulty.....will. No. It is not that you will fight with your senses. It is like trying not to remember the monkey but whole day except monkey you will be remembering...If you try not to remember the monkey, you will not remember anything except monkey. That is not vashyata. Suddenly just by the simple flow, your mind dissolves into that sweetness, into the sweet energy. Understand. Continuously unclutch unclutch unclutch.  23:46 Try to master even one or two senses. When you master even one or two senses the idea you carry about you will change; the identity which you carry about you will change. Mastery over senses is nothing to do with the outer world. It is something to do with the inner world. When your idea about your senses change, suddenly you realise you were always enlightened! The idea you carry about you, need to be changed. That is the essence of the whole life. Somehow by mistake you have taken the mis-identity, wrong identity. You missed and messed. 24:51 I can say when you are taking things if you mess it, it is mess taking. The mess taking, the mess committed in taking in mistaking. When you miss the right thing and take the wrong thing, you created the wrong identity; idea about you.  I have seen when you do yoga or intense samana yoga, weightlifting and all that; first few days it will be very difficult but once you start doing a month or two; once you master your senses suddenly you will see that idea which you carry about you completely changes. It is just totally different.  26:02 Mastery your senses; Abide more and more into the parama means the kundalini experience; unclutching experience; the vashyata indriyanam; the senses dissolving into the ecstasy of that inner space will happen. So all you need to do, reside more and more in the unclutced space. Your senses will get dissolved into that sweetness. So the supreme mastery over the senses happen in you.  26:52 Let you all Experience the kundalini awakening; the eN-effect.  Please close your eyes and sit in a unclutched mood. Now the experience of kundalini which happens in you, will make your senses surrender into your inner space. Let the kundalini shakti intensely be awakened in you all. Ommmmm Ommmmm Ommmmm Ommmmm Ommmmm Ommmmm Ommmmmm Om Hreem  Om shanti shanti shantihi! 34:59 I bless you all!! Let you all achieve, experience, live, express, radiate and share the eternal bliss, Nithyananda.  Thank you. ==='Description: Master your senses by HDH Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam on 30 jan 2011'===